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副王 - Wikipedia


出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』


副王(ふくおう)は君主の代理人として、君主の名を以て植民地や属州を統治する官職名である。「viceroy(英)」の語はラテン語接頭辞 vice- (代理の意)とフランス語で王を意味する roi から来ている。副王の領土は「副王領」(viceroyalty)と呼ばれる。女性の場合は「副女王」(ヴァイスレイン vicereine)と呼ばれ、まれにではあるが軍事指揮権をも保有する場合があった。また、副王夫人に対してもヴァイスレインの呼称が用いられた。副王の子息(令嬢)は"Viceigel"と呼ばれた。





[編集] スペインの統治

“日の沈まぬ帝国" スペイン絶対王制下では、欧州や海外植民地を統治するために、多数の副王が任命された。欧州では18世紀まで、アラゴンバレンシアカタルーニャサルデーニャシチリアナポリおよびポルトガル (1580-1640間)の副王は、スペイン王によって任命されていた。


新大陸でのスペイン植民地の拡大に従い、1717年には新たにヌエバグラナダ(首都ボゴタ)、1776年にはリオ・デ・ラプラタ(首都ブエノスアイレス)に副王が置かれた。アメリカのスペイン領を治める副王の権限はより小さな単位──アウディエンシア(Audiencia 行政立法院)や総督府 (Captaincy General)──に細分化されていった。それらは現在のスペイン系の南米独立諸国につながっていく。

  • ニュー・スペイン副王府 - メキシコのメキシコシティ
  • ペルー副王府 - ペルーのリマ
  • リオ・デ・ラプラタ副王府 - ブエノスアイレス
  • ヌエバグラナダ副王府 - ボゴタ

[編集] 大英帝国と英連邦

1858年(この年、英王室は東インド会社が1774年10月20日から持っていた総督任命権を継承し、総督は王室の管理下に入ることになった)から1947年まで、「ハイ・ラジャ」(インド最高主権者の意)である英国インド植民地総督も、公式名称ではなかったものの「インド副王」として知られている。(最後の副王はそれ以前と異なり王室出身で、ルイ・フランシス・マウントバッテン伯〈任期1947年2月21日 - 8月15日〉であった)


副王の称号およびそこから派生した「副王の」を意味する形容詞 "vice-regal" は、大英帝国英連邦)の総督、もしくはそれ相応の権限を持つもの(カナダ州副知事 "provincial Lieutenant-governor" 、オーストラリア総督 "state Governors" など)に対して、王室の代表であるという意味を含んで使用されることがある(英国領インドを大英帝国や英連邦に含むことは不正確で手続き上は誤っているが)。

[編集] その他の副王制

  • New France, in present Canada, after a single Governor (24 July 1534 – 15 January 1541 Jacques Cartier) had Lieutenants-general and Viceroys 15 January 1541 – September 1543 Jean François de la Rocquet, sieur de Robervalle (b. c.1500 – d. 1560), after September 1543 – 3 January 1578 Abandonment again 3 January 1578 – February 1606 Troilus de Mesgouez, marquis de la Roche-Mesgouez (d. 1606) (viceroy and from 12 January 1598, lieutenant-general), February 1606 – 1614 Jean de Biencourt, sieur de Poutrincourt, baron de St. Just (b. 1557 – d. 1615); next a series of Viceroys (resident in France) 8 October 1611 – 1672, later Governors and Governors-general
  • in Italian Viceré: The highest colonial representatives in the 'federation' of Italian East Africa (six provinces, each under a governor; together Ethiopia, Eritrea and Italian Somaliland) were no longer styled "High Commissioner", but "Viceroy and Governor-general" from 5 May 1936, when fascist forces temporarily occupied Ethiopia, until 27 November 1941, when the last Italian administrator surrendered to the Allies. The Italian King Victor Emmanuel claimed the title of "Emperor of Ethiopia" (Nəgusä nägäst, "King of Kings") and declared himself to be a successor to the Nəgusä nägäst[要出典], even though Emperor Haile Selassie I continued to hold this title while in exile, and resumed his actual, physical throne on 5 May 1941.
  • in Portuguese Vice-Rei:
    • Portuguese India, with its seat in Goa, started (1505 – 1509) under Viceroy Francisco de Almeida (b. 1450 – d. 1510), then had mostly governors(-general) or governing commissions, but some viceroys (1524 Vasco da Gama, conde de Vidigueira (b. 1460 – d. 1524), 1538 – 1540 Garcia de Noronha, a series of viceroys 1550 – 1773 and after two governors – general again 1578 – 1768 (but interrupted by some Governors and commissions) and after more Governors again 1807 – 1835
    • in Brazil 13 July 1714 – 16 December 1815; from that date, the giant colony was the seat of the Portuguese royal Bragança dynasty in exile, until on 7 September 1822 the royal Regent declared the independence of the now separated Kingdom of Brazil, proclaiming himself on 12 October 1822 Emperor of Brazil (13 May 1825 recognized by Portugal). Allegedly there were once two viceroyalties in Brazil, including Grão Para

[編集] Other Domestic Viceroys, including personal unions

  • Corsica had one, 1406 – c.1420: Vincentello d'Istria, Count and Viceroy (nominally for Aragon)
  • Napoleon I Bonaparte created his adoptive stepson, Eugène de Beauharnais, Viceroi d'Italie in his kingdom of Italy (in personal union with his French Empire), and the same Prince later Prince of Venice, i.e. Heir apparent to that royal crown, while excluded from the French imperial throne which was reserved for his son by the empress, a born Habsburg archduchess)
  • Viceroy of Norway, for the King of Denmark, an example where the title is reserved for Princes of the Blood
  • List of Spanish Viceroys of Naples
  • under the Romanov Emperors of Russia:
    • Poland, while in personal union under the Emperors of Russia as Kings (styled Tsar; 20 June 1815 – 5 November 1916), had only one Viceroy, 9 December 1815 – 1 December 1830: Grand Duke Konstantin Pavlovich Romanov (b. 1779 – d. 1831)
    • Transcaucasia (Armenia, Azerbaidjan & Georgia; first under Governors in Tiblisi 1802 – 1844) had Viceroys of Transcaucasia:
      • 1845 – 1853 Mikhail Semyonovich Prince Vorontsov (b. 1782 – d. 1856)
      • 1853 – 1854 Nikolay Andreyevich Read (acting) (b. 1792 – d. 1855)
      • 1854 – 1856 Nikolay Nikolayevich Muravyev (b. 1794 – d. 1866)
      • 1856 – 1862 Prince Aleksandr Ivanovich Baryatinsky (b. 1814 – d. 1879)
      • 1862 – 1881 Grand Duke Mikhail Nikolayevich Romanov (b. 1832 – d. 1909); next a series of Chief Heads of the Civil Administration of the Caucasus, including several imperial princes, 1882 – 1905, then again Viceroys:
      • 1905 – 1915 Count Illaryon Ivanovich, Vorontsov-Dashkov (b. 1837 – d. 1916)
      • 1915 – February 1917 Grand Duke Nikolay Nikolayevich Romanov (b. 1837 – d. 1929)

[編集] フィクションにおける副王

[編集] Exotic counterparts

As many princely and administrative titles, viceroy is often used, generally unofficially, to render somewhat equivalent titles and offices in non-western cultures.

[編集] Ottoman empire

  • The khedive of Egypt, especially with the dynasty initiated by Muhammad Ali Pasha (1805-1848). This officer established an almost autonomous regime in Egypt, which officially still was under Ottoman rule. Although Mehemet Ali/Muhammad Ali used different symbols to mark his independence from the Sublime Porte, he never openly declared himself independent. Adopting the title of viceroy was yet another way to walk the thin line between challenging the Sultan's power explicitly and respecting his jurisdiction. Muhammad Ali Pasha's son, Ismail Pasha, subsequently received the title of Khedive which was almost an equivalent to viceroy.

[編集] China

In imperial China, viceroy was the English translation of the title "general supervisor-protector" (Zǒngdū 總督), otherwise translated as the Governor General, who were heading large administrative divisions, directly under the imperial court. These divisions are usually two or three provinces. The regions included Zhili, Huguang, Liangjiang, Liangguang, Shangan, Minzhe, Yungui and Sichuan. Li Hongzhang was viceroy of Huguang from 1867 to 1870, and Yuan Shikai was once Viceroy of Chihli.

[編集] Sri Lankan and Southeast Asian tradition

  • Uparaja, variations and compounds such as Maha Uparaja

[編集] 公的でない使用例

  • US Administrator Paul Bremer, the American civilian in-charge of the Iraqi reconstruction prior to return of sovereignty has, on occasion, been referred to in the media as the "American Viceroy" to Iraq. The use of the term in this context is often pejorative and linked to Iraq War criticism. No U.S. official could ever truly be considered a Viceroy because the American constitution (in an original republic's tradition) forbids bestowing titles of nobility upon American government officials.
  • An elite motoring club based out of the United States, centered around lavish lifestyles and a constant pursuit of automotive perfection. [[1]]

[編集] 関連項目

[編集] 外部リンク

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