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生物多様性 - Wikipedia


出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』

生物多様性 (せいぶつたようせい、英語では 'biodiversity' あるいは 'biological diversity') とは、多様な生物が存在しているさま、またはその度合いのことである。

英語の biodiversity という語は、 1986年、国立研究協議会 (National Research Council, NRC) が開催した最初のアメリカ生物多様性フォーラムのための報告の中で、 昆虫学者E.O. ウィルソンによって作られた。

また、biological diversity という語は、1980年、トマス・ラヴジョイにより作られた。

1986年以来、生物多様性という用語とその概念は、生物学者、環境保護活動家、政治指導者、関心をもつ市民らにより、世界中で広く用いられることになった。 これは20世紀最後の10年間に見られた絶滅種に対する関心の広まりとよく一致している。


[編集] 生物多様性の定義

[編集] 生物多様性の3つのレベル




  • 遺伝的多様性 - ある1種の中での遺伝子の多様性。同じ種の中での個体間の違いと、個体群間の違いがある(→集団遺伝学も参照されたい)。
  • 種多様性 - 種間の多様性(簡単に言えば、多くの種が存在すること)。
  • 生態系多様性 - より高次の水準、すなわち生態系(遺伝子が究極的に寄与する、異なった諸過程の豊富さ)における多様性。






  • 遺伝学者にとって、生物多様性とは、遺伝子や個体の多様性のことである。遺伝学者たちは、突然変異や種間交雑、遺伝子の動態といった、DNAレベルで起こって進化を発生させる諸過程について研究する。
  • 生物学者にとって、生物多様性とは、生物の個体群や種の多様性のことであり、さらにはそれらの生物が果たす役割のことでもある。生物は現れては姿を消す。すなわち、ある場所は、同種の生物によって占められたり、別種のものにとってかわられたりする。生殖のために社会組織を形成したり、その群集で暮らすの他の種を利用したりする種もある。個体はその置かれた環境に依存しており、同じ生殖戦略を変わることなく用い続けるということはしない。
  • 生態学者にとって、生物多様性とは、種間の持続的な相互作用の多様性のことでもある。このことは、'種'についてだけでなく、生物の直接接する環境 (ビオトープ; biotope) および生物が生きている生態地域 (エコロジオン; ecorogion) についても当てはまる。各々の生態系の中で、生きている生物は全体を構成する一部分であり、個体同士のみならず、空気、水、土壌など彼らをつつむ全てと相互に影響しあっている。

[編集] 生物多様性の役割



Ecosystems also provide us various supports of production (soil fertility, pollinators, predators, decomposition of wastes...) and services such as purification of the air and water, stabilisation and moderation of the climate, decrease of flooding, drought and other environmental disasters.

If biological resources represent an ecological interest for the community, their economic value is also increasing. New products are developed thanks to biotechnologies, and new markets created. For society, biodiversity also is a field of activity and profit. It requires a proper management setup to determine how these resources are to be used.

Finally, the role of biodiversity is to be a mirror of our relationships with the other living species, an ethical view with rights, duties, and education.

See also: ecotourism, cultural diversity, local food.

[編集] 生物多様性の評価

[編集] 生物多様性をどう測定するか

生物多様性を一義的に定量化することはできず、 特定の方法で定量化した場合は適切な意味付けが必要である。

For practical conservationists, this measure should quantify a value that is at the same time broadly shared among locally-affected people.

For others, a broader and more economically defensible definition is that measures should allow to ensure continued possibilities both for adaptation and future use by people, assuring environmental sustainability. As a consequence, biologists argued that this measure is likely to be associated with the variety of genes. Since it cannot always be said which genes are more likely to prove beneficial, the best choice for conservation is to assure the persistence of as many genes as possible.

For ecologists, this approach is sometimes considered inadequate and too restricted.

[編集] 生物多様性: 時間と空間

生物多様性は静的なものではなく、種の進化の一断面である。 地球上にかつて存在した生物種の99%はすでに絶滅している。

Biodiversity is not distributed evenly on earth. It is consistently richer in the tropics. As one approaches polar regions one finds larger and larger populations of fewer and fewer species. Flora and fauna vary depending on climate, altitude, soils and the presence of other species. For a listing of distinct ecoregions based on these distributions, see the WikiProject Ecoregions.

[編集] 種の一覧

分類学は種を区別することによって単純に生物多様性を評価する。 現在までに 1,750,000種が記載されてきており、 現存する実際の種数は 3,600,000~100,000,000種と推定されている。

Some also say that the knowledge of the species and the families became insufficient and must be supplemented by a greater comprehension of the functions, interactions and communities. Moreover, exchanges of genes occurring between the species tend to add complexity to the inventory.

[編集] 生物多様性の'ホットスポット'

  • Brazil is said to represent 1/5 of the world biodiversity, with 50,000 plant species, 5,000 vertebrates, 10-15 million insects, millions of microorganisms, etc.
  • India is said to represent 8% of the recorded species, with 47,000 plants species and 81,000 animals.

関連記事: 生物地理学, 熱帯雨林, 生物の分類, 絶滅.

[編集] 生物多様性の経済的な価値

生態学者と環境保護主義者は、生物多様性の保護に関して、まずはじめに経済的な側面から主張を行った。 それ故、E. O. ウィルソンは1992年に 「la biodiversite est l'une des plus grandes richesses de la planete, et pourtant la moins reconnue comme telle.」と記している。


生物多様性から得られる利益の配分について議論する場合、その前提条件として生物多様性が持つ経済的な価値の推定が必要になる。このゴールはまた、保護に対して財政的な手段をこうじる決定を可能にしなければならない。この、新しい研究領域はeconomic value of biodiversityと呼ばれている。

[編集] 生物多様性は危険にさらされているか

ここ数十年間を通して、生物多様性の低下が観察されており、 生物学者の多くは、「大量絶滅」が進行していると考えている。 その実数については意見が分かれるものの、多くの科学者は、現在の絶滅の割合は、 史上かつてなかったほど大きなものであると見ている。

Some studies show that about one of eight known plant species is threatened with extinction. Every year, between 17,000 and 100,000 species vanish from our planet. Some people say that up to 1/5 of all living species could disappear within 30 years. Nearly all say that the losses are due to human activities, in particular destruction of plant and animal habitats.

Some justify this situation not so much by a species overuse or ecosystem degradation than by their conversion in very standardized ecosystems (e.g., monoculture following deforestation). Before 1992, others pointed out that no property rights or no access regulation of resources necessarily lead to their decrease (degrading costs having to be supported by the community).

Among the dissenters, some argue that there are not enough data to support the view of mass extinction, and say abusive extrapolations are being made on the global destruction of rainforests, coral reefs, mangrove swamps, and other rich habitats.

[編集] 生物多様性の経営: 保全、維持、保護

The conservation of biological diversity has become a global concern. Although not everybody agrees on extent and significance of current extinction, most consider biodiversity essential. There are basically two main types of conservation options, in-situ and ex-situ conservation. In-situ conservation. In-situ is usually seen as the ultimate conservation strategy. However, its implementation is sometimes unfeasible. For example, destruction of rare or endangered species' habitats sometimes requires ex-situ conservation efforts. Furthermore, ex-situ conservation can provide a backup solution to in-situ conservation projects. Some believe both types of conservation are required to ensure proper preservation. An example of an in-situ conservation effort is the setting-up of protection areas. An example of an ex-situ conservation effort, by contrast, would be planting germplasts in seedbanks. Such efforts allow the preservation of large populations of plants with minimal genetic erosion.

The threat to biological diversity was among the hot topics discussed at the UN World Summit for Sustainable Development, in hope of seeing the foundation of a Global Conservation Trust to help maintain plant collections.

See also: conservation, seedbank, IUCN, Global 200.

[編集] 生物多様性の法律における位置づけ

Biodiversity must be evaluated and its evolution analysed (through observations, inventories, conservation...) then it must be taken into account in political decisions. It is beginning to receive a juridical setting.

  • "Law and ecosystems" relationship is very ancient and has consequences on biodiversity. It is related to properties rights, private and public. It can define protection for threatened ecosystems, but also some rights and duties (for example, fishing rights, hunting rights).
  • "Laws and species" is a more recent issue. It defines species that must be protected because threatened by extinction. Some people question application of these laws.
  • "Laws and genes" is only about a century old. While the genetic approach is not new (domestication, plant traditional selection methods), progress made in the genetic field in the past 20 years lead to the obligation to tighten laws. With the new technologies of genetic and genetic engineering, people are going through gene patenting, processes patenting, and a totally new concept of genetic resource. A very hot debate today seeks to define whether the resource is the gene, the organism, the DNA or the processes.

The 1972 UNESCO convention established that biological resources, such as plants, were common heritage of mankind. These rules probably inspired the creation of great public banks of genetic resources, located outside the source-countries.

New global agreements (Convention on Biological Diversity), now gives sovereign national rights over biological resources (not property). The idea of static conservation of biodiversity is disappearing and being replaced by the idea of a dynamic conservation, through the notion of resource and innovation.

The new agreements commit countries to conserve the biodiversity, develop resources for sustainability and share the benefits resulting from their use. Under these new rules, it is expected that bioprospecting or collection of natural products has to be allowed by the biodiversity-rich country, in exchange for a share of the benefits.

Sovereignety principles can rely upon what is better known as Access and Benefit Sharing Agreements (ABAs). The Convention on Biodiversity spirit implies a prior informed consent between the source country and the collector, to establish which resource will be used and for what, and to settle on a fair agreement on benefit sharing. Bioprospecting can become a type of biopiracy when those principles are not respected.

[編集] 関連項目

[編集] 外部リンク

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