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[编辑] 國際陣營

第二次世界大戰參戰國地圖綠色是同盟國 (淺綠色為珍珠港事件後加入),橙色是軸心國,灰色是中立國
綠色是同盟國 (淺綠色為珍珠港事件後加入),橙色是軸心國,灰色是中立國



[编辑] 軸心國

Originally founded on the concept of the Rome-Berlin-axis (the Pact of Steel), later the Tripartite Pact, the Axis was not primarily a formal alliance. Each of the major countries went to war on their own initiative (Nazi Germany in 1939, Italy in 1940, and Japan in 1937 against China and 1941 against USA), and not necessarily to assist each other. There was little sharing of technology or resources, and also little in the way of cooperative strategic planning between the major Axis Powers.

With the demise of Italy, Germany and Japan each functioned as wholly separate powers, each conducting the war in their theatre (Germany in Europe and Japan in the Pacific). There were a number of smaller powers on the side of the Axis, although for the most part the war effort was directed and powered by Germany and Japan.

[编辑] 同盟國

The original Allied countries, bound by their commitment to the security of Poland, were led by the United Kingdom and France. The fall of France left the United Kingdom as the sole remaining major country of the Allies. Most of the remainder consisted of the British Commonwealth and forces commanded by various governments-in-exile.

While the European war did not officially start until the 1939 invasion of Poland by Germany and the Soviet Union, the war began much earlier in Asia and Africa with the Italian invasion of Ethiopia in 1936 and the Japanese invasion of China in 1937. Subsequently, with the war spreading to Europe and the Pacific Ocean, China, with one-third of the country under occupation, dispatched its forces to help the British defend India against Japan and recapture Burma (now Myanmar) in 1944.

In 1941, with Nazi Germany's attack on the Soviet Union, the British accepted the Communist Soviet Union into their alliance. Previous to the attack, the United Kingdom was unsure of how to deal with the Soviet leadership, as it had been viewed as an aggressor against Britain's ally Poland, though Winston Churchill in 1939 said that the new Soviet-German border formed an anti-Nazi front, which Hitler could never break. This passage many consider as an attempt to provoke Hitler against the USSR. However, once the Soviet Union joined the Allies, it mounted the major effort to eliminate the main forces of German Wehrmacht.

Following the Japanese Pearl Harbor attack in 1941, the United States formally entered the war, committing itself to assisting the Allies in both theatres of war. The United States had been a major contributor of resources and production for the war effort prior to the attack on Pearl Harbor (see Lend-Lease), shipping material to most of the Allies to assist their forces, but after the Japanese attack, the United States began contributing its own forces to combat.

A much larger number of countries joined the Allies during the war than joined the Axis. Not only did the countries attacked by the Axis join, but later in the war, many smaller countries not directly involved in the war joined the Allies to ensure their own security as well as to gain the support of the Allies economically and militarily during and after the war.

[编辑] 西歐

[编辑] 比利時


[编辑] 安道爾

安道尔在二战期间保持官方中立。在战争开始,由于西班牙内战的缘故,国内驻扎有法军小分队,但是这些军队在1940年撤离安道尔。法国沦陷后,维希政府的首脑菲利普·贝当(Philippe Pétain)被宣布为安道尔新的法方统治者。在德国入侵维希法国后,1942年,一支德军在靠近安道尔边界的卡萨隘口(Pas de la Casa)附近移动,但是没有越过边界。作为反制措施,一支西班牙军队在乌赫尔(La Seu d'Urgell)集结,但也一直保持在安道尔国界外。1944年,夏尔·戴高乐(Charles de Gaulle)建立新的法国临时政府,并宣布重新拥有对安道尔的宗主权。他命令法国军队占领安道尔,以作为维持秩序的“预防性措施”。在整个战争期间,安道尔一直被作为西班牙和维希法国之间的“走私”通道,也是难民逃离德占区的途径之一。

[编辑] 摩納哥

尽管摩纳哥国王路易二世强烈同情法国,但是他在二战期间一直尽力保持摩纳哥中立地位, 并且支持他在军队中的老同事——维希法国政府的贝当。然而,他的王权受到国内冲突的严重挑战,这部分上来自于他的犹豫不决,也由于国民的大多数都有意大利血统,因而他们支持意大利墨索里尼法西斯政权。 1943年,意大利军队侵入并且占领摩纳哥,随之建立了法西斯政权。此后不久,在墨索里尼在意大利垮台后,德国军队占领摩纳哥,并开始驱逐犹太人。被驱逐的犹太人中包括René Blum——Opera的发现者,后者死于纳粹集中营。在路易二世的密令下,自身也经常处于危险境地的摩纳哥警察会在德国秘密警察出发逮捕某人前提前警告他。

[编辑] 荷蘭

與鄰國比利時一样,荷兰於1939年宣布中立。1940年5月挪威陷落后,荷兰在激烈頑抗后亦落入德国之手中。 荷蘭第二大城市鹿特丹米德爾堡遭受德軍严重的轟炸。荷兰加入同盟國後在防卫东亚地区中贡献了自己幸存的海陆军力量,特别在荷属东印度尼西亞地区。直到1945年荷兰本土被盟军解放,从太平洋战事到不列颠之战,荷兰一直在全球范围内与其他盟国并肩作战。荷属西印尼的阿鲁巴岛上的大型炼油设施对于欧洲战事的进展起了重要的作用,特别是盟军在诺曼底登陆后。作为保护措施,一支数目可观的美军驻扎在该岛。

[编辑] 丹麥

丹麥在二戰爆發初期宣佈保持中立,可是希特拉並沒有因此而放棄侵略丹麥。1940年4月9日,德國展開「威塞爾演習」(Weserubung)計劃,取道丹麥以進攻挪威德國聲稱這是為了防止首先佔領挪威這個原本中立的國家,從而切斷德國從瑞典進口礦產的聯繫。弱小的丹麥在未趕及向德國宣戰下已經迅速戰敗及投降。丹麥政府在德國的支配下繼續在哥本哈根 維持運作並加入《反共協定》。直到1943年,丹麥政府被迫終止運作並直接由德國的外交部接管丹麥的管治。另一方面,丹麥的附屬國─冰島則於1940年5月10日英國佔領,直到1944年宣佈獨立。1945年,隨著德國的戰敗,丹麥才得到解放。

[编辑] 列支敦士登

一戰的結束不久,列支敦斯登便與鄰國瑞士簽訂有關共同貨幣關稅條約。隨著列支敦斯登於1919年將外交事務委託瑞士代為執行,兩國之間的關係更見親密。二戰爆發後,剛繼承王位的 Prince Franz Josef II 決定保持公國於二戰中的中立地位,並且在軍事外交上依賴友好鄰國瑞士的保護。

Attempts to sway the government did occur. After an attempted coup in March 1939, the National Socialist "German National Movement in Liechtenstein" was active but small. The organization, as well as any Nazi sympathies, virtually disappeared following the eruption of war.

It is interesting to note that many of the theories that exist concerning the Papacy, Pope Pius XII, and Nazi Germany include Liechtenstein as a component. One such theory talks of a planned German invasion of the Vatican and establishing a "puppet-papacy" in neutral Liechtenstein.

[编辑] 冰島


[编辑] 愛爾蘭


[编辑] 愛爾蘭共和國

At the outbreak of war, Éire was still a member of the British Commonwealth but remained neutral, the only such member to do so. Although this caused some bitterness in the United Kingdom towards Éire (which lasted until quite recently), Éire could be described as a friendly or sympathetic neutral. Irish citizens were free to fill manpower shortages in Britain and join the British armed forces. A total of 38,554 Irish citizens living in the Republic volunteered to join the British Army, enlistment figures for Irish citizens living in Britain are unknown but likely to have been large. Éire exported desperately needed food to Britain and allowed some over-flying by British warplanes (the Catalina flying-boat that located the Bismarck was based inland at Lough Erne in County Fermanagh and would have used Irish airspace en route to the Atlantic) and "hot-pursuit" into its territorial waters of German U-boats by Royal Naval warships.

If Éire had declared war on Germany, the United Kingdom would have gained access to sea and air bases that would undoubtedly helped to protect its shipping. On the other hand, it is doubtful whether either the United Kingdom or Éire would have had the resources to protect Irish cities from air attack in the early years of the war. Antipathy towards the United Kingdom from some or many Irish people would also have had an effect upon Éire's commitment to the war. Even as a neutral, Éire suffered. Certain strategic materials, such as coal, were limited and a state of emergency was declared.

Dublin was bombed by the Luftwaffe — to persuade Éire to remain neutral, according to some accounts. When Belfast, in Northern Ireland was heavily bombed (Belfast blitz), several fire brigades from Éire assisted in the rescue work. There were claims that the Irish Republican Army aided the Luftwaffe with information and directional flares, but these are not supported by German evidence.[來源請求]

Germany drafted plans for a diversionary invasion of Ireland (Operation Green) as part of Operation Sealion and had been sent a plan by the IRA for an invasion of Northern Ireland later dubbed Plan Kathleen. There also existed plans for a joint military response between the United Kingdom and Éire in the event of a German invasion- this was known as Plan W.

Belligerent personnel, Allied and Axis, were interned by the government of Éire. Although a policy of subtle assistance existed towards the allies in general. For example, allied personnel were frequently allowed to 'escape' and the Allies benefitted from daily weather reports taken in Ireland.

In 1945, the Taoiseach (Prime Minister) of Éire, Eamon de Valera, paid a visit to the German Minister in Dublin to express sympathy over the death of the Führer, Adolf Hitler.

[编辑] 北愛爾蘭

北愛爾蘭作為大英帝國的一部份,北愛爾蘭充分地參與戰爭並成為同盟國集團的一部份。北愛爾蘭在對抗軸心國的貢獻包括提供人力(約37,000 北愛爾蘭公民自願成為英國軍人並投入二戰)、食物, 工業製品及開放軍事基地。Despite urgings from the Stormont government, conscription was never implemented in the region. The British Government had decided not to conscript in Northern Ireland following mass protests in 1941.[1] As part of fears over the invasion of Northern Ireland via Plan Kathleen, or the invasion of Eire via Plan Green, the British and Irish conducted joint planning to repel a German invasion under the guise of Plan W.

[编辑] 意大利


Italy had completed two conquests (Ethiopia and Albania) prior to its entry into World War II. Despite the Pact of Steel with Nazi Germany, Italy did not join in the war until June 1940, planning to get a share of Allied territory with the defeat of France. Italy's war effort went poorly, resulting in defeats in Greece, North Africa, and the Mediterranean Sea. Italy was invaded by the Allies in 1943 and Mussolini's government collapsed. The new royal government of Marshal Pietro Badoglio signed an armistice with the allies, but most of the country was quickly occupied by the Germans, who established a puppet government under Mussolini in the north, the Italian Social Republic (also known as the Salò Republic, from its headquarters). The Italian army surrendered to the Germans without putting up a fight. The royal government remained in control of the south, and was eventually re-established as the government of all of Italy shortly before the end of the war in the spring of 1943. Italy would become a member of NATO after the war, but lost Istria peninsula to Yugoslavia.

[编辑] 德國



[编辑] 西班牙

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The Franco government of Spain had risen to power as a result to a significant degree of Italian and German intervention and support. Spain, which was suffering the aftermath of the recently-finished Spanish Civil War, did not have the resources to join the war on its own and Franco and Hitler did not achieve an agreement about the terms of the Spanish participation. Spain however did send volunteers to fight alongside Germans against the Soviet Union in the form of the División Azul. However, Spain was considered a non-belligerent country. As the Allies emerged as possible victors, the regime became more neutral, finally declaring its neutrality on July 1943.

[编辑] 馬爾他


Between June 1940 and December 1942 Malta was one of the most bombed places on earth. Malta became the besieged and battered arena for one of the most decisive struggles of World War II, with some historians calling this battle The Mediterranean Stalingrad. The George Cross was awarded to the island of Malta in a letter dated 15 April 1942 from King George VI to the island's Governor William Dobbie: "To honour her brave people, I award the George Cross to the Island Fortress of Malta to bear witness to a heroism and devotion that will long be famous in history".

The fortitude of the population under sustained enemy air raids and a naval blockade which almost saw them starved into submission, won widespread admiration in Britain and other allied nations. The George Cross is woven into the Flag of Malta and can been seen wherever the flag is flown, for example at the United Nations and more recently at the European Parliament

[编辑] 瑞士

主條目:Switzerland during the World Wars

Switzerland intended to be a neutral power during the war, but German threats and military mobilizations towards its borders prompted the Swiss military to prepare for war. Following the German invasion of Poland on September 1 1939, the country was completely mobilized within three days. Though a Nazi invasion of Switzerland, codenamed Operation Tannenbaum was planned for 1940, the event never ultimately occurred as Hitler decided such a conflict would be a waste of resources at a time when he preferred to concentrate on the invasion of Britain. Unlike the Netherlands, Belgium and other western European nations which had easily fallen under Nazi invasion, Switzerland had a strong military and a mountainous geographic terrain that would have likely made an invasion long and difficult.

Despite its neutrality, Switzerland was not free of hosilites. Early in the war, several German aircraft were shot down by Swiss fighters for violating Swiss airspace. Hundreds of aircraft on both sides, which were forced to land in Switzerland, were entered at Swiss airports and their crews held until the end of the war. Several Swiss cities were accidentally bombed by the Allies.

Although the Swiss government was anti-Nazi, Swiss troops did not directly intervene into the European conflict. Switzerland is thus usually regarded as the only Western European country that was able to maintain some semblance of uncontested neutrality during the entire conflict. It became embroiled in post-war controversies regarding the appropriation of assets belonging to Holocaust victims and Nazi Officials use of Swiss banks to keep their money safe.

[编辑] 英國



[编辑] 英倫海峽群島

主條目:Occupation of the Channel Islands

These islands are self-governing British dependencies, off the French coast and were the only British territory occupied by Germany. Although, legally, the Channel Islands are not a part of the United Kingdom, it's convenient to consider them here.

hey were occupied by German forces after the fall of France and after British forces had been withdrawn. They played little active part in the war. Strong German defences were set up, but the islands were not assaulted, except by occasional hit-and-run commando raids. German forces surrendered at the end of the war.

Almost all Jewish people managed to flee the islands before the German occupation, but those who remained were deported to Aushwitz.

[编辑] 法國

[编辑] 法國 (1939-1940)

縱使二戰爆發之前,法國已經保證會確保波蘭的安全,並且於1939年9月3日,即波蘭遭到德國入侵後48小時向 納粹德國宣戰,可是波蘭的抗戰並沒有得到法國任何有效的軍事支援。相反,法國反而躲在馬奇諾防線後面。1940年5月,德國取道比利時荷蘭盧森堡等低地國,繞過馬其諾防線進入了法國的北部,並於1940年6月17日迅速佔領 法國首都巴黎6月25日,法國簽署停戰條約,宣佈投降。根據此項條款,法國中部和北部三分之二的領土疆域由德國武裝部隊來進行實質佔領,而南部地區則成立由貝當執政的附庸政權──維希政府。而戴高樂將軍則往英國倫敦建立流亡政府,繼續抵抗德國


[编辑] 自由法國


[编辑] 維希法國


[编辑] 盧森堡

盧森堡雖然與比利時荷蘭一樣,在二戰期間宣佈中立,力圖避免捲入德國 之間的戰爭。然而,德國卻無視低地國的中立原則及立場,並於1940年5月派遣軍隊取道 進入法國,以圖繞過馬奇諾防線。由於盧森堡國境狹小,故此德軍並沒有遭到任何強烈的反抗下得而輕易佔領盧森堡。由於盧森堡迅速被擊敗,故此盧森堡由戰爭開始到結束也從未向德國宣戰。希特拉在佔領盧森堡後將它劃入納粹德國的版圖內,直至同盟國軍隊於1944年解放盧森堡為止。

[编辑] 挪威

挪威 在第二次世界大戰爆發初期保持中立。但是,希特拉為了防止德國被強大的英國海軍力量切斷原材料及石油的供應,以及拉攏這些中立的國家對抗德國,故此決定先發制人。除此之外,希特拉更希望透過控制挪威,利用挪威西岸的海港來擊敗英國海軍。1940年 4月9日,德國展開「威塞爾演習」(Weserubung)計劃,進攻丹麥挪威。英國海軍最初成功地封鎖了挪威港口,並且在挪威登陸。但是德軍撤退到挪威腹部山地並據此堅守。英國軍隊無法肅清德軍,於是在破壞了挪威港口設施後撤退。挪威隨後迅速被德國佔領,挪威政府被迫離開首都奧斯陸,並於英國建立流亡政府,繼續抵抗納粹德國



[编辑] 聖馬力諾


[编辑] 東歐

[编辑] 拉脫維亞

1939年末,蘇聯根據蘇德互不侵犯條約的內容而強行兼併拉脫維亞,引起拉脫維亞人的不滿。1941年,拉脫維亞憤然與納粹德國於「巴巴羅薩作戰」中共同侵略蘇聯。Several SS and anti-partisan units from Latvian volunteers were formed and participated in the Holocaust and other atrocities against civilians. Some Latvian units formed in the Red Army notably participated in the defense of Moscow, and experienced heavy casualities.

[编辑] 立陶宛

Lithuania had at first been hostile toward Nazi Germany over Memelland, which was part of Prussia for centuries before being occupied by Lithuania in 1923. It was returned to Germany peacefully in spring of 1939 before the war broke out, and re-integrated into East Prussia.

Lithuania then was annexed into the Soviet Union along with Latvia and Estonia, without giving any military resistance. This made the Lithuanians side with the Germans when Hitler eventually invaded the Soviet Union.

Lithuania largely contributed to the Nazi cause, participating in the holocaust and supplying troops but after finally seeing that the Nazi's would treat them as "Untermenschen" or "lower people" they switched sides when Soviet forces pushed back the Germans.

[编辑] 羅馬尼亞

主條目:Romania during World War II

Romania had its first involvement in the war in providing transit rights for members of the Polish government, its treasury, and many Polish troops in 1939. During 1940, threatened with Soviet invasion, Romania ceded territory to the Soviet Union, Hungary, and Bulgaria, and following an internal political upheaval, Romania joined the Axis. As a member of the Axis, the Romanian war effort was almost entirely spent on the Eastern Front, for instance its forces took part in capture of Odessa. With the entry of Soviet troops into Romania near the end of the war, the government was replaced by a pro-Soviet one and joined the Allies as a co-belligerent for the remainder of the war. Romania became a key member of the Warsaw Pact after the war.

[编辑] 芬蘭

主條目:Military history of Finland during World War II

Finland was left to the Soviet sphere of interest in Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, and when it refused to allow the Soviet Union to build bases on its territory, was attacked by Soviet forces on the Winter War (November 30, 1939 - March 13, 1940). After the war Finland sought security from the United Kingdom and Sweden but was thwarted by Soviet threats and German actions. Then Finland pursued better relations with Nazi Germany to counter the continued Soviet pressure. This produced cooperation between the countries, which led to a Soviet pre-emptive air attack on Finland after the start of Operation Barbarossa, thus beginning the Continuation War (June 25 1941 - September 4 1944), where Finland was a co-belligerent of the Nazi Germany. The United Kingdom declared war on Finland in December 6 1941, but the United States never did. To secure military support needed to stop Soviet offensive coordinated with D-day, the Ryti-Ribbentrop Agreement was signed on June 26, 1944, in which Finland and Nazi Germany became active allies. An armistice was signed after the Soviet offensive was stopped and Wehrmacht was retreating from the Baltic States. The treaty required Finland to expel all German troops, which led to Lapland War (September 15 1944 - April 25 1945). Peace with the United Kingdom and the Soviet Union was concluded in the Paris Peace Treaties, 1947.

[编辑] 希臘


[编辑] 蘇聯


Soviet participation in World War II began with a short border war with Japan in Mongolia in 1939. Later that year, protected with the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, it invaded eastern Poland about three weeks after the Germans invaded the west of the country. During the next eleven months the Soviets occupied and annexed the Baltic states (Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania).

Following Finland's refusal of Soviet demands for military bases and a territorial swap, the Soviet Union attacked on November 30 1939, in the Winter War. The Soviet Union also annexed Bessarabia (a Romanian province), leading Romania to ally with Germany. Germany launched a surprise attack on the Soviet Union in 1941. Thereafter, most of the German forces were concentrated on the Eastern Front. The USSR played a crucial role in the defeat of Nazi Germany, where 90% of all German resources and manpower were concentrated and depleted on the Eastern Fronts.

The Soviet Red Army mounted a successful counter-offensive during the winter, and gained the initiative with a series of major victories in 1943, culminating in the ultimate advance of Soviet forces into Eastern Europe and Germany itself in 1945, concluded with the Battle of Berlin. The Soviet Union suffered greater losses, both among civilians and military forces, than any of the other participants in the war. Following the end of the war in Europe and the American atomic bombing of Hiroshima, the USSR declared war on Japan in 1945. The Soviet Union became one of the main victors and gained one of the permanent seats in the United Nations Security Council. After the war, the Soviet sphere of influence was widened to cover most of Eastern Europe, formalized in the Warsaw Pact, to counter the western Allies and NATO. The Soviet Union came to be considered one of the two superpowers of the 冷戰.

[编辑] 瑞典


[编辑] 愛沙尼亞

The Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact between 德國 and the 蘇聯 left Estonia in the Soviet sphere of interest. After the war broke out between Germany and Poland, Polish submarine ORP Orzeł escaped to Tallinn which lead to the Orzeł incident. The Soviet Union, who at the time was in war with Poland, accused Estonia of harboring Orzeł and not disarming it. The Soviet Union threatened Estonia with war, if Estonia did not agree with the mutual assistance pact against Nazi Germany, which required allowing the Soivet Union to build military bases into Estonia. Estonian government, convinced that winning a war against the Soviet Union was impossible agreed on September 28 1939.

The Soviets conducted a coup with support of the Red Army in June 1940, and an election was held with great Soviet political influence. The new government took command and the Estonian Socialist Republic (ESR) was proclaimed on July 2 1940. The ESR was formally accepted into the Soviet Union on August 6 after a referendum and the official name of the country became the "Estonian Soviet Socialist Republic". Estonia was occupied by Germany in 1941 after war broke out between Germany and the Soivet Union. Many Estonians took part in anti-Soviet resistance on the side of Nazi Germany and participated in the Holocaust and atrocities against Russian and Belorussian population. Soviet control of Estonia was restored in 1944. The Soviet Union restored the Estonian Socialist Republic and Estonia remained a part of the USSR until 1991.

[编辑] 捷克斯洛伐克

捷克第二次世界大戰中遭到納粹德國的肢解 ,starting with Neville Chamberlain's Munich Agreement with Hitler in 1938 and the German–Italian Vienna Awards. A Nazi-dependent puppet regime led by Jozef Tiso was ultimately inserted in Slovakia. Part of southern Slovakia was annexed by Hungary. From 1940, a government-in-exile in London under former Czechoslovak president Edvard Beneš was recognized as an allied power. The Slovak National Uprising, commenced in August 1944, was put down by German forces at the end of October, however partisans continue fighting in the hills till the end of the war. In April, 1945, the Red Army defeated the Germans and ousted Tiso's government, annexing part of eastern Slovakia to the USSR.

[编辑] 匈牙利


二戰期間,匈牙利德國在歐洲的重要盟友之一。匈牙利為了占領捷克斯洛伐克羅馬尼亞兩國匈牙利人的居住地區而選擇加入軸心國1940年11月20日,匈牙利簽署三國公約。故此,匈牙利領土在二戰期間得而擴大了。 1941年,匈牙利聯同德國參與侵略蘇聯的戰爭。直到1944年,當霍爾西有意退出戰爭並打算與同盟國簽署停戰協定時,霍爾西政權便被德國推翻,扶植了以箭十字黨為首的政權。而霍爾西本人更被德軍挾持至柏林。戰後的霍爾西被南斯拉夫以戰爭罪要求引渡,但是被聯合國阻止。


[编辑] 保加利亞

Bulgaria was a minor German ally, signing the Tripartite Pact in March 1, 1941, their main contribution being transit rights for German units involved against Yugoslavia and Greece. Bulgaria occupied portions of Greece and Yugoslavia, but didn't participate in the Invasion of the Soviet Union

In the beginning of September 1944, the Bulgarian government declared war on Germany. After the Communist-dominated coup d'etat of September 9 and the simultaneous arrival of Soviet troops in the country, four Bulgarian armies attacked the German positions in Yugoslavia. An armistice was signed with the Allies in Moscow on Oct. 28, 1944. After the Nazis fled Yugoslav territory, the 1st Bulgarian army continued its offensive in Hungary and Austria. It managed to withstand the Nazi offensive on the Drava.

Bulgaria's participation in WW2 ended when its soldiers met their British comrades-in-arms in Klagenfurt in May 1945. More than 10 000 Bulgarian troops died in the battles against the Nazis; about 30 000 were wounded.

[编辑] 波蘭


波蘭是反法西斯同盟國集團中第一個投降戰敗的國家。1939年9月1日,it suffered an attack by Nazi Germany and later by the USSR. Many Polish troops and servicemen escaped the country and were integrated into the forces of the British with Polish pilots serving with distinction in the Battle of Britain. The Polish resistance was also established and along with the Greek and Yugoslavian resistance movements is remembered for its daring and brave methods of resisting occupation, often facing German forces in pitched battle. Also an army of Poles had been formed on the Soviet territory. Poles were considered to be a threat to "the master race", and thus millions of Poles were sent to concentration camps. Poland was the 4th largest contributor to the Allied cause after the U.S., Britain and Soviet Union.

[编辑] 南斯拉夫

1941年4月6日早上05:15,德國, 意大利, 匈牙利保加利亞的軍隊開始襲擊南斯拉夫。 貝爾格萊德及其他主要的南斯拉夫城市遭到軸心國的空軍轟炸。4月17日, 南斯拉夫派出代表與德國簽署停戰協定,以結束十七天以來的抵抗德國防衛軍的戰事。事後有超過三十萬的南斯拉夫官員及士兵被囚禁起來。

In the Independent State of Croatia, Serbs, Jews and Gypsies were marched to the Jasenovac concentration camp

The Axis Powers occupied Yugoslavia and split it up. The Independent State of Croatia was established as a Nazi puppet-state, ruled by the Catholic fascist militia known as the Ustaše that came into existence in 1929, but was relatively limited in its activities until 1941. German troops occupied Bosnia and Herzegovina as well as part of Serbia and Slovenia, while other parts of the country were occupied by Bulgaria, Hungary and 意大利.

Yugoslavs opposing the Nazis organized resistance movements. Those inclined towards supporting the old Kingdom of Yugoslavia joined the Chetniks, a mostly Serb-composed nationalistic royalist guerilla army led by Colonel Draža Mihajlović. Those inclined towards supporting the Communist Party (and against the King) joined the Yugoslav National Liberation Army, led by Josip Broz Tito, a Croat-Slovenian member of the Communist Party of Yugoslavia.

The NLA initiated a guerrilla campaign which was developed into the largest resistance army in occupied Western and Central Europe. The Chetniks initially made notable incursions and were supported by the exiled royal government as well as the Allies, but were soon restrained from taking wider actions due to German reprisals against the Serb civilian population. For every killed soldier, the Germans executed 100 civilians, and for each wounded, they killed 50. Following Chetniks' termination of war activities against the Germans, reported atrocities against non-Serb population and frequent collaboration with Italians and (less frequently) Germans against the NLA, the Allies eventually switched to support the NLA.

However, NLA carried on its guerrilla warfare. This led to great civilian loss of life in most regions of Yugoslavia. The demographic loss is estimated at 1,027,000 individuals by Vladimir Žerjavić and Bogoljub Kočović, an estimate accepted by the UN, while the official Yugoslav authorities claimed 1,700,000 casualties. Very high losses were among Serbs of Bosnia and Croatia, and members of non-aryan (according to the German racist theory: Jews, Gypsies) minorities, high also among all other non-collaborating population.

During the war, the communist-led partisans were de facto rulers on the liberated territories, and the NLA organized people's committees to act as civilian government. In Autumn of 1941, the partisans established the Republic of Užice in the liberated territory of western Serbia. In November 1941, the German troops occupied this territory again, while the majority of partisan forces escaped towards Bosnia.

On November 25, 1942, the Anti-Fascist Council of National Liberation of Yugoslavia was convened in Bihać. The council reconvened on November 29, 1943 in Jajce and established the basis for post-war organisation of the country, establishing a federation (this date was celebrated as Republic Day after the war).

The NLA was able to expel the Axis from Serbia in 1944 and the rest of Yugoslavia in 1945. The Red Army aided in liberating Belgrade as well as some other territories, but withdrew after the war was over. In May 1945, NLA met with allied forces outside former Yugoslav borders, after taking over also Trieste and parts of Austrian southern provinces Styria and Carinthia. This was the territory populated predominantly by Slovenians (and Croats in Istria). However, the NLA withdrew from Trieste in June of the same year.

Westerner attempts to reunite the partisans, who denied supremacy of the old government of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, and the emigration loyal to the king, led to the Tito-Šubašić Agreement in June 1944, however Tito was seen as a national hero by the citizens and so he gained the power in post-war independent communist state, starting as a prime minister.

[编辑] 阿爾巴尼亞

德國攻佔捷克一個月後,意大利亦於1939年4月7日佔領位於巴爾幹半島的阿爾巴尼亞。阿爾巴尼亞因無力抵抗意大利的侵占而最終淪為意大利入侵希臘的踏腳石。When this failed, Greek troops launched a counter-offensive and sought to capture some Albanian territory from Italy. Once the German Balkan Campaign was completed in 1941, Albania served as the base for the Italian garrison in the Balkans, which was replaced by German forces when Italy switched sides in 1943.

[编辑] 非洲

[编辑] 埃及

Egypt had become fully independent in 1936, but British troops remained to protect the Suez Canal, and a treaty provision allowed British troops to use the country as a military base in time of war. Egypt was seen by both the Axis and the Allies as a vital strategic point, because of access to the Suez Canal. The Egyptian government remained officially neutral during the war, but King Farouk allowed British troops to use Egypt as a base of operations, and placed his Navy at the disposal of the British. Initially Egypt was targeted by Italy, but after a heavy defeat by the British forces under the command of General Wavell, the Germans were compelled to enter the fray with a division under the command of General Erwin Rommel.

Rommel's successes in the deserts of Libya and west Egypt, and the fact that they came to within 100 miles of Cairo, gave the Allied forces (in particular the British) a major fright. The revolutionary officers that eventually came to power in 1952 (led by Colonel Abdel Nasser) plotted to support the Germans in their push for Cairo, seeing a German victory as an opportunity to liberate Egypt from the British colonial occupation.

[编辑] 南非


[编辑] 埃塞俄比亞


[编辑] 摩洛哥

Most of Morocco was a protectorate of France during World War II. When France was defeated, Morocco came under the control of the Vichy regime, and therefore was nominally on the side of the Axis powers, although an active resistance movement operated. In November 1942, it was invaded by the Allies as part of Operation Torch. From that point, Moroccan volunteers (the Goumiere) fought on the side of the Allies.

A small area in northern Morocco, Spanish Morocco, was a Spanish protectorate, and remained neutral throughout the war, as did the international city of Tangier.

[编辑] 利比里亞

Liberia granted Allied forces access to its territory early in the war. It was used as a transit point for troops and resources bound for North Africa, particularly war supplies flown from Parnamirim (near Natal) in Brazil. Perhaps more importantly, it served as one of the Allies' only sources of rubber during the war, as the plantations of Southeast Asia had been taken over by the Japanese. The importance of this resource led to significant improvement of Liberia's transport infrastructure, and a modernisation of its economy. Liberia's strategic significance was emphasised when Franklin Roosevelt, after attending the Casablanca Conference, visited Liberia and met its President, Edwin Barclay.

Despite its assistance to the Allies, however, Liberia was reluctant to end its official neutrality and declare war on Germany. This did not occur until 27 January 1944.

[编辑] 中東

[编辑] 黎巴嫩


[编辑] 伊朗

During the start of the war the Allies demanded that Iran remove German nationals from Iran fearing they might be Nazi spies or harm the British owned oil but, Reza Shah refused stating that they had nothing to do with the Nazis. The Iranians by now hated the British for control of their oil and their sphere of influence on the country and the Iranians, therefore had sympathy with Germany. Iran however, like most countries did not know of the extermination of the Jews until after the war.

German demand for oil rose and the Allies worried that Germany would look to neutral Iran for help. Soon the Allies questioned themselves about Iran neutrality and they gave Reza Shah a final warning to remove the German workers. He refused once again. In August 1941, the British and Soviet troops invaded Iran (Operation Countenance) and, in September 1941, forced Reza Shah Pahlavi to abdicate his throne. He was replaced by his son Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi, who was willing to fight the Axis Powers. Within months Iran entered the war on the side of the Allies and became known as "The Bridge of Victory".

Iran's geographical position was also important to the Allies. It provided a 'blue water' supply route to the Soviet Union via the port of Bandar Abbas and a specially constructed railway route. The supply routes were known collectively as the Persian Corridor. Soviet political operatives known "agitprops" infiltrated Iran and helped establish the Comintern affiliate Tudeh Party in early in 1942.

By January of 1942, the United Kingdom and the Soviet Union agreed to end their occupation six months after the end of the war.

The Soviet Union fomented revolts among Azeris and Kurds in Iran and soon formed the People's Republic of Azerbaijan (December, 1945) and the Kurdish People's Republic not long after, both being run by Soviet-controlled leaders. However, Soviet troops remained in Iran following the January 1946 expiration of a wartime treaty providing for the presence of American, British, and Soviet troops in Iran during the war. [1]

[编辑] 伊拉克

Iraq was important to Britain through its position on a route to India and the strategic oil supplies that it provided. After the ejection of the Ottoman Turks at the end of the First World War, these were protected by a significant Royal Air Force base at Habbaniya and the maintenance of sympathetic governments.

Due to the United Kingdom's weakness early in the war, Iraq backed away from its Anglo-Iraqi Alliance with the country. When the British High Command requested to send reinforcements to Iraq, the country's Prime Minister, Nuri-es Said, allowed a small British force to land. Consequently he was forced to resign after a pro-German coup under Rashid Ali in April 1941. Later British requests to reinforce Iraq were denied by the new leadership.

The new regime secretly began negotiations with the Axis Powers. The Germans quickly responded and sent military aid by Luftwaffe aircraft to Baghdad via Syria.

Indian troops consequently invaded in mid-April 1941 and reached Baghdad and RAF Habbaniyah in May. The Iraqi army attacked Habbaniyah but quickly capitulated and Rashid Ali fled the country. The United Kingdom forced Iraq to declare war on the Axis in 1942. British forces remained to protect the vital oil supplies.

British and Indian operations in Iraq should be viewed in conjunction with events in neighbouring Syria and Persia (Iran).

[编辑] 沙地阿拉伯

儘管沙地阿拉伯在戰事之中宣佈中立,但憑著它豐富的資源,沙地阿拉伯仍能在二戰中向同盟國提供大量的石油。 當時國王阿卜杜勒·阿齊茲·沙特儘管不滿英國法國中東的政治活動,但由於他與美國總統羅斯福是私下的好友(事實上羅斯福曾在1945年的國事訪問中向國王送上輪椅作為禮物),故此他所領導的沙地阿拉伯立場親向同盟國

[编辑] 敘利亞


[编辑] 約旦


[编辑] 土耳其


[编辑] 阿曼


[编辑] 也門

當時的也門分裂為北也門南也門。北也門在二戰期間維持了中立政策,並沒有捲入戰爭。 而南也門則在英國的控制下加入了同盟國,對抗軸心國軍隊

[编辑] 阿富汗


[编辑] 巴林


[编辑] 遠東

[编辑] 中國


中国早在1937年就已经开始抗日战争。当时,中国国民党中国共产党之间进行的内战还没结束。太平洋战争爆发后 ,蒋介石在1942年初派遣军队去缅甸,帮助英国抗击日本军队。中华民国在远东战场起了相当重要的作用,牵制了超过100万日本军队在中国战场上。日本军队在中国的伤亡据估计超过110万。





[编辑] 台灣


[编辑] 香港


日本九一八事變後即展開對中國的侵略。1937年7月7日,中國抗日戰爭全面開展,日軍迅速佔領 華北華東大部份地區。由於中國東部沿海一帶落入日軍的控制範圍內,廣東省一帶的華南沿岸地區成為了中國從外地輸入各種物資的重要補給點。為了切斷這條補給線,日軍於1938年10月1日在廣東大亞灣登陸,並迅速攻佔鄰近地區。當時部份日軍駐守於 深圳河以北,與英軍為界。英國明白最終會與日本一戰,遂於1937年後逐步加強香港的防衛。




[编辑] 澳門


[编辑] 日本




[编辑] 朝鮮半島


[编辑] 蒙古




[编辑] 滿洲國


[编辑] 圖瓦人民共和國


[编辑] 新加坡


[编辑] 菲律賓

1941年,菲律宾列岛处于半独立状态,菲律宾军队被美国将军道格拉斯·麦克阿瑟所指挥。 该国是最先被日本入侵的国家之一,菲律宾军队和美军坚持了顽强的抵抗[参见:菲律宾之战1941-42]。麦克阿瑟后来将总部撤往澳洲,并在那里做了他著名的声明「我离开了bataan,但我会回来的」。在菲盟军于1942年5月8日在Corregidor正式投降。 1944年10月,在麦克阿瑟指挥下,盟军重返菲律宾,并进行了Leyte之战。 1946年7月4日,美国准许菲律宾的完全独立地位。

[编辑] 斯里蘭卡


[编辑] 尼泊爾


[编辑] 東帝汶

1942年早期,雖然澳洲荷屬東印度群島警告日本將入侵東帝汶,但宗主國葡萄牙對二戰仍保持中立。為維護荷屬西帝汶的利益,澳洲及荷蘭在東帝汶登陸和佔領該地,但葡軍及東帝汶人民都沒有反抗。數星期後,日軍登陸東帝汶,但不能鎮壓盟軍和當地人民頑強的反抗。在東帝汶戰役中,估計有40,000-70,000東帝汶人民被日軍所殺。 [2]

[编辑] 荷屬東印度群島 (印度尼西亞)


[编辑] 泰國


[编辑] 斐濟


[编辑] 印度

Over two and a half million Indian citizens fought during the war, forming the largest army raised by voluntary enlistment.

On September 12 1939 the Upper House of the Central Legislature of India sent a message of admiration to Poland. On the same day the Aga Khan placed his services at the disposal of the Government of India.

The Fifth Indian Division fought in the Sudan against the Italians before being moved to defend Libya against the Germans. The Division was then moved to Iraq to protect the oilfields. After this the division was moved to the Burma front, together with eight other Indian Divisions, and then occupied Malaya. It was finally moved to Java to disarm the occupying Japanese garrison.

The Fourth Indian Division fought in North Africa, Syria, Palestine and Cyprus before being sent into Italy. Together with the 8th and 10th Divisions it participated in the taking of Monte Cassino, after which it was moved to Greece.

Over 36,000 Indian members of the armed forces were killed or went missing in action, and 64,354 were wounded during the war. Indian personnel received 4,000 awards for gallantry, and 31 Victoria Crosses.

India also provided the Allies with assault and training bases, and provided huge quantities of food and other materials to British and Commonwealth forces, and to people on the British home front.

About 40,000 Indians fought on the side of the Japanese in the Indian National Army, about 2,000 were recruited by Nazi Germany for the Tiger Legion.

[编辑] 安達曼群島/尼科巴群島


[编辑] 新西蘭


[编辑] 馬來西亞


[编辑] 湯加


[编辑] 澳洲

Australia was among the first countries to declare war on Germany, on September 3 1939. More than one million Australians, both men and women served in the war. Although it was ill-prepared for war, the Australian government had soon dispatched Royal Australian Air Force squadrons and personnel to serve with the Royal Air Force. The Royal Australian Navy (RAN) commenced operations against Italy after its entry into the war in June 1940. Later that year the Australian Army entered campaigns against Italy and Germany in North Africa and Europe. German submarines and raiding ships operated in Australian waters throughout the war. The most intensive and numerically largest part of Australia's war effort came after the outbreak of hostilities with Japan in late 1941. The Australian mainland came under direct attack for the first time in 1942, when Japanese aircraft made a major bombing attack on Darwin. They also attacked many other towns in northern Australia, and Axis covert raiding ships and submarines struck at shipping and shore targets around Australia, including a major submarine attack on Sydney Harbour.

For the remainder of the war, the Australian war effort was concentrated in south-east Asia and the South West Pacific Area: they were involved from January 1942 in Malaya, the Dutch East Indies and the Australian territory of New Guinea. Before the bulk of the Australian Army had returned from overseas, from July onwards a small number of Militia troops fought a stubborn rearguard action in the trying conditions of the Kokoda Track. In August 1942, at the Battle of Milne Bay, Australian infantry became the first Allied soldiers to defeat Japanese ground forces during the war. The bitter and deadly New Guinea campaign came to occupy the attention of most of the Australian armed forces until 1945. Later that year, as the war drew to a close, Australian forces led the campaign to retake Borneo.

[编辑] 美洲及加勒比海地區

[编辑] 美國


[编辑] 加拿大

(At the time of World War II, Newfoundland, including Labrador, was not part of Canada. See separate section (#Newfoundland).)

Canada declared war on Germany within days of the invasion of Poland (on September 10, 1939). As in World War I, Canadian formations fought under British theatre command, and played an important role in the Allied campaigns in Europe. Canadian forces contributed heavily in the air raids against Germany, the Battles of Britain, the Battle of the Atlantic, the Italian campaign and Normandy, the Scheldt and the fighting before and after the Rhine crossings. In Italy, an army corps was fielded beginning in January 1944, and forces in Normandy built up from a single division in June 1944 to a full corps in July 1944, and the activation of an Army in the field in August 1944, under which several foreign national formations were under command, including at various times British, Polish, Dutch and American forces.

In March 1945, both I and II Canadian Corps came under command of First Canadian Army in The Netherlands after the former was repatriated from Italy in February. From 1941, Canadian forces also participated in the defense of British territories against Japanese forces, especially Hong Kong where an understrength brigade was deployed and ultimately destroyed. As the war in Europe wound down, from late 1944, many Royal Canadian Navy ships and personnel were transferred from the Atlantic to join the British Pacific Fleet. About one million Canadians served in uniform during WWII.

[编辑] 紐芬蘭

During World War II, the Dominion of Newfoundland was a separate country and not a part of Canada. It joined the war on September 4 1939, declaring war on Germany. Fearing that a German invasion of Newfoundland could be used as a prelude to an attack on Canada, in 1940 Canadian Prime Minister William Lyon Mackenzie King and Newfoundland Governor Sir Humphrey T. Walwyn entered into negotiations regarding the strengthening of defense positions along the Newfoundland coast. Notwithstanding their separate political identity, the defense of Newfoundland and the Newfoundland Home Guard armed forces were integrated with the Canada military and both governments agreed to the formation of a joint coastal defense battery. As part of the Anglo-American Lend Lease agreement, the United States was granted military air and naval bases on Newfoundland territory at Argentia, Stephenville and St John's.

Newfoundlanders were encouraged to enlist in the forces of the United Kingdom and Canada. The Royal Navy enlisted some 3500 of those whom Churchill called, "the best small boat sailors in the world." The Royal Artillery raised two regiments, the 57th (later 166th) Newfoundland Field Regiment which saw action in North Africa and Italy and 59th Newfoundland Heavy Artillery which began service as coastal artillery unit in England and later participated in the campaigns in Normandy and northwestern Europe. Another 700 Newfoundlanders served in the Royal Air Force, most notably with the 125th Newfoundland Squadron. In all some 15,000 Newfoundlanders saw active service and thousands more were engaged in the hazardous work of the Merchant Navy. Some 900 Newfoundlanders (including at least 257 merchant mariners) lost their lives in the conflict and over 100 Newfoundland civilians were killed in the sinking of the SS Caribou by a German U-boat.

Newfoundland was the only location in North America to be subject to direct attack by German forces in World War II when German U-boats attacked four allied ore carriers and the loading pier at Bell Island. The carriers S.S. Saganaga and the S.S. Lord Strathcona were sunk by U 513 on September 5 1942, while the S.S. Rosecastle and P.L.M 27 were sunk by U 518 on November 2 1942 with the loss of 69 lives.

[编辑] 墨西哥

墨西哥屈从于来自美国的政治压力,在兩艘墨西哥运油船在墨西哥湾沉没后于1942年6月1日德國宣战。 (据说德国潜艇应对运油船的沉没负责,但另有消息称美国为了迫使墨西哥对德宣战而击沉了这些船)。墨西哥空军的 Escuadron Aereo de Pelea 201 (201st Fighter Squadron)与美国第五空军一起在西南太平洋作战,直到战争结束。

[编辑] 巴拿馬


[编辑] 巴拉圭


[编辑] 秘魯


[编辑] 阿根廷


[编辑] 玻利維亞

1943年12月4日玻利維亞 正式加入同盟國陣營並向德國宣戰。可是,玻利維亞總統在向德國宣戰後不久卻在一場軍事政變中被推翻。縱使繼任的新總統在政治理念上是同情及支持法西斯主義,但在政治利益及外交壓力下,玻利維亞的新總統仍然繼續向德國宣戰,並且鎮壓法西斯主義的支持者。玻利維亞在戰爭中向同盟國提供原材料及能源

[编辑] 烏拉圭

乌拉圭在二战的大部分时间保持中立,但后来加入同盟国行列。1939年9月4日,乌拉圭總統縱使不同意軸心國集團,但她仍然宣布中立。 乌拉圭的中立包括建立一个从海岸延伸300英里的隔离区,以作为巴拿马宣言的一部分。战争的双方都没有承认根据宣言建立的该隔离区。1939年12月英国战舰和德国舰船 Admiral Graf Spee 在距乌拉圭海岸不远的水域交战,促使几个拉美国家联合对双方作出了抗议。(Admiral Graf Spee 在乌拉圭首都寻求避难,要求在中立港口受到保护,但不久被驱逐)。1942年初,烏拉圭宣佈中断与軸心國的外交关系。1945年2月15日,乌拉圭在战争接近结束之際向軸心國宣戰。

[编辑] 委內瑞拉


[编辑] 巴西


[编辑] 智利

在二戰初期, 縱使智利選擇在戰爭中保持中立,但智利仍然與納粹德國保持親密的貿易關係,諸如向德國出售原材料。可是到了戰爭後期,智利開始與軸心國集團保持距離,其後更解僱親德的軍事官員。1943年,智利更中斷了它與軸心國的聯繫。1945年智利日本宣戰。

[编辑] 哥倫比亞


[编辑] 哥斯達黎加


[编辑] 洪都拉斯


[编辑] 尼加拉瓜

二次大戰期間,尼加拉瓜是美國的親密盟友,並且迅速於珍珠港事件發生後向日本宣戰。三日後,亦即1941年 12月11日,尼加拉瓜向德國義大利宣戰。12月19日,尼加拉瓜亦向其他軸心國諸如保加利亞羅馬尼亞匈牙利宣戰。

[编辑] 古巴

古巴1941年12月8日加入同盟國並向日本宣戰。12月11日,古巴又向德國意大利宣戰。為了保護同盟國船隻於加勒比海的進出入,美國位於古巴關塔那摩灣的海軍基地變得十分重要。1943年5月15日, 古巴軍艦擊沈一隻出沒於哈瓦那的德國潛艇,可是古巴從未正式派遣軍隊參與任何的軍事行動。

[编辑] 多明尼加共和國


[编辑] 厄瓜多爾


[编辑] 薩爾瓦多

薩爾瓦多由1931年1944年期間受到一位同情及支持希特拉侵略行動的獨裁者的統治。可是由於薩爾瓦多是一個經濟上嚴重依賴美國中美國家,故此薩爾瓦多在珍珠港事件發生後一日內與美國站在一起,迅速向日本宣戰,並且於1941年12月12日亦向德國宣戰。薩爾瓦多獨特者從政府機構中驅逐一批日本、德國及意大利民族主義者。1944年,薩爾瓦多爆發爭取民主自由的 學生運動,並且於不久的日子內演變成全國性示威。薩爾瓦多獨特者被迫辭去總統的職務並逃往鄰國瓜地馬拉。[http: //]

[编辑] 危地馬拉


[编辑] 海地



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