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Remember... Dreams Come True - Wikipédia

Remember... Dreams Come True

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Remember... Dreams Come True est un feu d'artifices présenté pour la première fois à Disneyland (Californie) pour le 50e anniversaire de Disneyland, l'Happiest Homecoming on Earth. Il a débuté le 5 mai 2005 et comprend en plus des effets pyrotechniques, des lasers et des flammes.

Son thème a pour but de rendre hommage au parc Disneyland, ces lands et ses attractions ainsi qu'à son héritage se perpétuant.

Le spectacle a été conçu par Walt Disney Creative Entertainment sous la direction de Steven Davison (directeur créatif) et Eric Tucker (concepteur pyrotechnique). Depuis sa première de nombreux visiteurs n'hésitent pas à courir depuis le parc mitoyen Disney's California Adventure ou de s'installer pendant la Main Street Electrical Parade du parc voisin pour pouvoir regarder le spectacle.

[modifier] Le spectacle

Main Street USA - Critter Country

Disneyland Railroad
Great Moments -
with Mr. Lincoln
Main Street Vehicles


Davy Crockett Explorer Canoes
Many Adventures of
- Winnie the Pooh
Splash Mountain

New Orleans Square - Mickey's Toontown

Haunted Mansion
Pirates of the Caribbean


Gadget's Go Coaster
Roger Rabbit's Car Toon Spin

Adventureland - Frontierland

Enchanted Tiki Room
Indiana Jones Adventure
Jungle Cruise
Tarzan's Treehouse


Big Thunder Mountain
Mark Twain Riverboat
Sailing Ship Columbia
Tom Sawyer Island

Fantasyland - Tomorrowland

Casey Jr Circus Train
Dumbo's Flying Elephants
It's a Small World
King Arthur Carrousel
Mad Tea Party
Matterhorn Bobsleds
Mr. Toad's Wild Ride
Pinocchio's Daring Journey
Peter Pan's Flight
Snow White's Scary Adventures
Storybook Land Canal


Astro Orbitor
Buzz Lightyear's Astro Blasters
Honey, I shrunk the audience
Finding Nemo Submarine Voyage
Space Mountain
Star Tours

Spectacles et parades

Parade of Dreams



Remember... Dreams Come True
Remember... Dreams Come True

En dehors du discours de Julie Andrews, la musique de l'ouverture et celle du final de Remember... Dreams Come True sont les mêmes que pour Wishes

[modifier] Description

  • Introduction - L'introduction est faite par Julie Andrews, une des Disney Legend qui fut l'ambassadrice des cérémonies du 50e anniversaire. Elle raconte au public la magie du lieu, la beauté des rêves et leurs importances.
  • When You Wish Upon a Star : Julie Andrews poursuit sur le thème de la magie de Disneyland. Ensuite Cendrillon, Blanche-Neige, Ariel, Peter Pan, Pinocchio et Aladdin partages leurs rêves et leurs souhaits :
    • Cendrillon - "I wish, I could go to the ball"
    • Blanche-Neige - "I'm wishing, someday my prince will come"
    • Ariel - "I wish, oh I wish I could be a part of that world"
    • Peter Pan - "I wish, we'd never have to grow up. Off to Neverland Haha!"
    • Pinocchio - "You know what Jiminy, someday I wish I could be a real boy."
    • Aladdin - "Genie, I wish for your freedom"
  • Tinker Bell's Flight : Julie Andrews invite le public à partager le rêve réalisé de Walt Disney, Disneyland et de rendre honneur à son esprit magique. La Fée Clochette s'envole alors depuis le château de la Belle au Bois Dormant tandis que le discours de Walt Disney pour l'ouverture de Disneyland est diffusé par les hauts-parleurs.

[modifier] Script du spectacle


  • Julie Andrews : Good Evening. This is Julie Andrews. Once opon a time there was a magic kingdom made of hopes and childhood fantasies. A timeless place where every land was filled with wonder. A place where everyone who entered it's gates, would be given the gift of the young at heart, the power to wish opon a star and unlock it's magic. Are you ready to wish opon a star? Than it's time to open up your hearts and remember... dreams come true.
  • Musique : Star light, star bright! First star I see tonight. I wish I may, I wish I might! Have the wish I wish tonight! We'll make a wish, and do as dreamers do! (do as dreamers do) and all our wishes.. (all our wishes) will come true.
  • Musique : When you wish apon a star... Makes no difference who you are! Anything your heart desires will come... To... You!
  • Julie Andrews : Fifty years ago, A Magical Place was born. And in this marvelous kingdom, there lived many delightfull freinds who made our dreams come true. An enchanted place where storybook heroes, and daring adventures waited around every corner.
  • Musique : If your heart is in your dreams...
  • Cendrillon  : I wish, I could go to the ball!
  • Blanche-Neige : Im wishing, some day my prince will come!
  • Musique : No request is too extreme!
  • Ariel : I wish... Oh I wish... I could be part of that world...
  • Peter Pan : I wish, we'd never have to grow up... Off to NeverLand, ha ha!
  • Musique : When you wish opon a star as dreamers do...
  • Pinnochio : *giggle* Look Jiminy! Some day I wish I could be a real boy!
  • Aladdin : Genie, I wish for your freedom!
  • Musique : Wishes !
  • Julie Andrews : Tonight we're going to share a wonderfull dream come true together. In 1995 an amazing man named Walt Disney dreamt of a magic kingdom.
  • Walt Disney To all who come to this happy place, welcome. Disneyland is your land. Here age relives fond memories of the past, And here you can savor the challenge and promise of the future. Disneyland is dedicated to the ideals, the dreams, and the hard facts that have created America, with the hopes that it will be a source of joy, and inspiration, to all the world.
  • Disneyland Railroad
    • Disneyland Railroad Instructor Your attention please. The Disneyland Limited now leaving for the ground circle tour of the magic kingdom. 'Board!
  • Main Street Electrical Parade
    • Voix off : Disneyland's Main Street Electrical Parade!
    • Musique : Main Street Electrical Parade Theme - Finale
  • Enchanted Tiki Room
    • Jose Ole, ole it’s show time!
    • Tiki Room Song In the In the tiki, tiki, tiki, tiki, tiki

room! In the tiki, tiki, tiki, tiki, tiki room!

    • Jose All the birds sing words,
    • Michael And the flowers croon,
    • Tiki Room Song In the tiki, tiki, tiki, tiki, tiki room!
    • Fritz My goodness!
    • Pierre Mon amme! (language très familier)
    • Fritz The gods have been angered by all the celebratin'!
  • Indiana Jones Adventure
    • Salah As you enter the chambers of disteney, do not look into the eyes of the idol!
  • Haunted Hansion
    • Ghost Host Welcome, foolish mortals, to the Haunted Mansion. I am your host, your "Ghost Host" Hmm hmm hmm... Is this haunted room ACTUALLY stretching? Or is it your imagination... This chamber has no windows, and no doors, wich offer you this chilling challenge! To find a way out! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Of course, theres always my way...
    • Madame Leota' Serpents, and spiders, tale of a rat, call in the spirits, wherever there at! Rap on a tail... Its time to respond... Let there be music, from regions beyond!
    • Little Leota Hurry back! Hurry back! Be sure to bring your death certificate! Hmm hmm hmm...
  • Pirates of the Carribian Dead men tell no tales!
    • Blackbeard Hoist 'yer colours 'ya bloomen cockroches! Stand by your guns! Fire at will! Avast 'ya scurvy scum! Holdem lads, holdem! Aye, that'll show the bilge rats! Another broadside

in 'yer ghost, down with the tide! Surrender, 'yer lilly livered lubbers! Give up 'yer white flag!

  • Musique : Wishes, dream a dream... Wishes send us-
  • Big Thunder Mountain Railroad Now then, hang on to them hats and glasses, cuz this here's the wildest ride in the wilderness.
  • Splash Mountain
    • Splash Mountain Vulture So, your looking for a laughing place, aye?
    • Splash Mountain Ha Ha! Huh huh! Ahehehehehah!
  • Peter Pan Come on everybody, here we go!
  • Casey Jr. Circus Train All aboard, lets go!
  • Alice in Wonderland A very merry unbirthday to you!
  • Roger Rabbit's Cartoon Spin
    • Benny Oh no Roger, we've been dipped! Ow, ah!
  • Country Bear Jamboree
    • Max Just lead the way, Henry!
    • Buff Alright!
    • Melvin Why, showbiz!
  • The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh
    • Tigger Follow the bouncin Tigger! Hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo!

Right this way, hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo!

  • Its A Small World
    • Laughing Hiyeena *Laughs*
  • America Sings
    • Weasel Pop goes the weasel, hee hee!
  • Matterhorn Bobsleds
    • Announcer Remain seated please. Permanecer sentados por favor.
  • Space Mountain
    • Space Engineers All personnel clear the launch platform. (All personnel clear launch platform.)
  • Submarine Voyage
    • Sailor Warning light, sir. We've reached maximum deph limit.
    • Captain Ease 'er back up to eighty fathoms.
    • Sailor Eight zero fathoms, Aye aye.
  • Adventure Thru Inner Space
    • Narrator MAGNIFICATION (echo) Can I possibly survive?!?
  • Star Tours
    • Narrator Star Tours announces the boarding of the Endor Express, all passengers please prepare for immediate boarding.
    • REX R-2, Lightspeed to Endor!
    • X Wing Fighter Red twenty four, im going in, covor me.
    • REX Hey! Sorry folks! Im sure to do better next time! It was my first flight, and Im still getting used to my programming!
  • Julie Andrews : Fifty years later, Walt Disney's magic kingdom has become the Happiest Place on Earth to millions the world over. A place where anythings' possible, where any dreamer can wish opon a star.
  • Musique : Wishes, dream a dream... wishes, set you free... wishes, cross your heart. Just believe ! (Just believe !) Just believe ! Like a bolt out of the blue, fate steps in and sees you through! when you wish upon a star your dreams...come...true ! Make a wish, and do as dreamers do, (just do as dreamers do) Make a wish ! Wishes ! Dream a dream ! Wishes !

Cross your heart ! And your wish ! Will ! Come ! True !

  • Julie Andrews : Remember... Dreams come true!}}

Les attractions de la
Walt Disney Company
Les attractions ouvertes / Les attractions fermées
Tickets Disney, Disney's FastPass, Audio-animatronic, Omnimover, Circle-Vision 360°, WEDWay
Les parcs à thèmes
de la
Walt Disney Company
Disneyland Resort
Disneyland - Disney's California Adventure
Walt Disney World Resort
Magic Kingdom- Disney-MGM Studios
EPCOT - Disney's Animal Kingdom
Tokyo Disney Resort
Tokyo Disneyland - Tokyo DisneySea
Disneyland Resort Paris
Disneyland Paris - Walt Disney Studios
Hong Kong Disneyland Resort
Hong Kong Disneyland
Shanghaï Disneyland Resort
Shanghaï Disneyland
La société créative et les projets
Walt Disney Imagineering
Disney's America - Disney's Ski Resort
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Les attractions - Les spectacles - Les hôtels
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