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The Wack Pack

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Wack Packer Beetlejuice
Wack Packer Beetlejuice

The Wack Pack is the name given to a wide assortment of regular guests of the Howard Stern Show. The name is a parody of the Rat Pack. They are among the most memorable of Stern's guests and often receive more airtime than celebrity guests.

Wack Pack members, also known as "Wack Packers", tend to be odd or unusual in some way, for example by being openly racist, mentally disabled, sexually deviant or having a comical voice or physical appearance. Not every regular guest is considered a member of The Wack Pack, nor are Stern Show staffers like Gary Dell'Abate, Artie Lange or the now-departed Stuttering John.

Some Wack Pack members appear to serve almost as warnings to the audience. For example, with every appearance, Crackhead Bob would effectively remind Stern's multi-million listener audience of the dangers of crack cocaine, while Joe Cancer was a powerful testament to the evils of tobacco. Jeff the Drunk and the deceased Hank the Angry Drunken Dwarf reinforce the value of moderation.

Through their appearances on Stern's radio and the now defunct E! television show, some Wack Pack members have gained enough notoriety to make personal appearances around the country and even land small roles in movies and television.

On October 20, 2005, Howard announced plans for the Wack Pack to elect their own "Pope" from amongst their ranks. In addition to the honor of being the leader of the Wack Pack, the winner would receive a $10,000 payment. More details will follow.

Though it seems like Stern exploits them wantonly, they are well-respected (though mercilessly made fun of as are virtually all Stern show participants), seem to enjoy their appearances, and are fiercely guarded and protected by show staff and fans. During the December 16, 2005 terrestrial finale webcast on Yahoo!, one of the hosts remarked that Yahoo! had received instructions that the Wack Pack were to be treated "better than any celebrity".

On June 19, 2006, Howard Stern announced a contest to find the next Wack Packer, with the winner receiving $5000. The winner of the contest was Bigfoot (Mark).


[edit] Current members

[edit] Angry Black

Angry Black, whose real name is Shelly, is a black man who attended the Connecticut School of Broadcasting and now works for a telephone company. He is known for his outspoken, angry tirades regarding racism against blacks in the United States. Angry Black is a New York Giants fan. He once fought Crazy Cabbie in a five-round boxing match, which ended in a draw.

Recently he scammed his way into the audience during the roast of Daniel Carver by lying to the staff of the show, earning the anger of Stern and the rest of the crew.

[edit] Beetlejuice

Beetlejuice (real name Lester Green) is a microcephalic dwarf who has appeared in porn, feature films, and recorded music and is one of the most popular Wack Packers. Beetlejuice is also known to make outrageous claims (i.e. that he's 10-feet tall and 600 lbs) which are rarely consistent. This only adds to his appeal. Green recently revealed on air that he takes Paxil and smokes pot to deal with his depression.

[edit] Big Black

Often referred to as a black nerd, Big Black was a regular on The Howard Stern Show until he was evicted from his apartment. Known for being extremely antisocial-- if not a misanthrope-- Black left his place of work because he couldn't get along with his co-workers, and continually showed a disdain for people in general. He managed to get by on savings and credit cards for several years while not working, eventually piling up a huge debt. After being evicted from his apartment, he chose to remain homeless for a while.

In September 2005 after a year-long absence, Big Black called in to tell Howard what he has been up to. Big Black revealed that following his eviction from his old apartment, he is now living in a government-assisted project. When Gary asked why he was relegated to such a place seeing that he could work, Big Black told him that he is only employed part-time as a security guard at Yankee Stadium.

On June 28, 2006, Howard officially named Big Black as a Wack Packer, although his appearances are few and far between.

[edit] Bigfoot (Mark)

Hailing from the "Northeast Kingdom" (Newport, VT), Bigfoot is the winner of the "Pick the Newest Wack Packer" contest held August 3, 2006 (the first Wack Packer to receive entry to the group in this way). Stern has suggested that Bigfoot's nickname may change to avoid confusion with the deceased Matthew McGrory, an earlier Wack Packer who went by the same moniker. One possible new nickname is Sasquatch.

The deep-voiced Bigfoot is 6'4" tall and has size 14EEE feet. He claims to be a schizophrenic who suffers from sleep apnea and multiple personality disorder. He also claims to be a former lighter fluid sniffer with a lengthy criminal record for various crimes, including an 18-month jail term for breaking and entering. He has also referred to himself as a gigolo, performing homosexual acts including giving and receiving oral and anal sex for "happy smoke". He ends many of his sentences with "it is", for example, "My nickname is Bigfoot, it is."

[edit] Blue Iris

Blue Iris performs in "granny porn", and guest-hosted the Howard 100 program Tissue Time with Heidi Cortez. She rode the Sybian on April 6, 2006. She is also a stand-up comic. She performs every week with her comedy troupe, The Ding Dong Show. She also had shock therapy in her 20s which she blames for her numerous health issues.

Her first appearance was on February 4, 2004. At the time, Howard Stern dismissed her viability as a regular caller. It was not until his show switched to Sirius Satellite Radio that Blue gained status as a wack packer.

On October 18, 2006, Artie Lange engaged in a 10 second open mouth kiss with Blue Iris, to settle a bet made with pro wrestler Chris Kanyon, when the New York Yankees failed to advance further than the New York Mets in the 2006 Major League Baseball playoffs. During the kiss, Artie groped Blue and turned to the camera to prove that he was using full tongue. Artie did drink before the kiss.

Blue's most common catch-phrases (used during prank phone calls) are "I like black cocks" and "Can I put a finger in your ass?"

[edit] Captain Janks

Main article: Captain Janks

Thomas Cipriano, better known as Captain Janks, is notorious for prank calling publicly aired radio and television programs, especially in times of crisis.

[edit] Crackhead Bob

George Harvey, better known as Crackhead Bob.
George Harvey, better known as Crackhead Bob.

George Harvey (b. 1955), a recovering crack cocaine addict whose right-side of his body was paralyzed due to multiple crack-cocaine induced strokes from abusing the drug, is known to fans as Crackhead Bob. He named himself Bob as he was unable to say the name George, due to his paralysis, but he could say the name Bob. Harvey was a frequent guest on Stern's radio show and is considered a member of The Wack Pack. In the summer of 2001 Harvey retired from the Howard Stern Show and went on to make anti-drug commercials discussing the dangers of drugs. He returned to the show on October 18, 2005 after a four year absence and was at Stern's side for his last day on terrestrial radio on December 16, 2005.

Harvey has come out of retirement and appeared on Howard's Sirius show in 2006. The clarity of his speech and general ability to communicate (form coherent phrases) has improved noticeably as of late since he began reducing his use of marijuana. Money he received from Howard Stern Show appearances and promotional events contributed to his addiction.

Harvey's age was revealed on the December 13, 1996, broadcast of Stern's show (Harvey was 41 at the time). On this day, Stern and Co. struggled to figured out where Harvey resided; it was later determined to be Lindenhurst, New York. Beavis and Butt-head creator Mike Judge also appeared on the show this day, promoting Beavis and Butt-head Do America.

[edit] Crazy Alice

(aka Angry Alice)

Born in Alabama, Crazy Alice is half Italian, half African-American, and she readily admits to hating black people. She was discovered by the show when she called in from her home in California, after which she flew to New York to appear live in Stern's studio.

She is best known for filibustering during arguments (as can also be heard in the Touch-Tone Terrorists), wild mood swings, and starting to go into long and instant screaming rants when merely called Crazy Alice.

In one especially funny Touch-Tone Terrorists crank call, Junkyard Willie and Crazy Alice attempt to out-filibuster each other.

During her long-winded rants, it is common for Stern to turn down the send (audio) from his microphone to the phone patch; in this way, she will believe they are listening to her intently while Stern and others in the studio may discuss her lunacy or even place bets on how long a given rant will continue.

In early 2006, she called in and left messages to the show making disparaging remarks about Artie Lange and Robin Quivers. While doing this, she will compliment Fred and Sal, saying things such as: "Fuck you Robin you fucking nigger! Oh Hi Sal, you nice Sal. Fuck you Howard! Hi Fred, I love you Fred! Fuck you short-dick Artie. Arrivederci Cocksucker!""

She said on May 4, 2006 that she would rather be called Angry Alice, as she blames domestic abuse for her temper and erratic behavior.

On June 15, 2006, Alice and Artie Lange engaged in a 15 minute shouting match live on the air. Artie is known to deliberately push Alice's buttons during their weekly NFL picks, which frequently escalates into screaming matches, albeit at a shorter length than their June 15th argument.

A common soundbite that is used throughout the show is "whodis?" That is Crazy Alice's voice.

[edit] Daniel Carver

Main article: Daniel Carver

Daniel Carver is a leader of the Ku Klux Klan and has been a member of the Wack Pack since the 1980s. He has often been the target of Stern crew prank calls.

[edit] Dan the Farter

Dan the Farter is a flatulist capable of passing gas on command. One of his more notable appearances took place on October 6th, 2005 when Dan farted repeatedly during a 4 hour shift on Howard's Sirius channel (then referred to as "Douche 100".)

[edit] Debbie the Queefer

Debbie the Queefer is capable of passing vaginal air on command. She was on the air the first day Howard 100 was broadcasting. Sometimes referred to only as Debbie The Queef.

[edit] Double A

Double A's name is derived from his wrestling stage name, Awesome Angelo. He is best known for his obsession with all-things Stern, his intense "crush" on Stern's girlfriend Beth Ostrosky and his love of professional wrestling (he often wears replica wrestling belts).

Double A sports multiple Stern-related tattoos including one of Stern's face and another of the Howard 100 "fist" logo. His phone calls to the show invariably begin with the phrase "Hey Howard, how's it goin', what's goin' on?" in a strong, nasal-sounding New York accent. He claims that his family won a large sum of money in a lottery - enabling him to invest in real estate and retire early. In 2006, he revealed that, at the young age of 12, he had sexual intercourse with a friend's mother.

Double A's behavior was a subject of controversy at the The Howard Stern Film Festival. He allegedly tried to extort extra tickets from Doug Goodstein beforehand. Later, he was apparently caught on video sneaking a girl into the "after party" and then walking out of the party with not one, but two or three gift bags. Double A categorically denied the charges. Angry Black and Irish John support Double A's version of the events, while Zolar and Joey Boots insist that he is lying.

Double A was given a radio pilot on Sirius. It tanked and was not renewed.

[edit] Elephant Boy

Fred "Elephant Boy" Schreiber is best known for his severe speech impediment, poor personal hygiene, and his homosexual experimentation. Schreiber works as an accountant in New York City. In September 2005, he soiled himself while on a train to a public appearance with High Pitch Eric and Gary Dell'Abate. Rather than return home, he cleaned up as best he could in a restroom and showed up at the appearance, reeking of excrement.

When "experimenting", Elephant Boy called a dateline to solicit couples for swinging, but only succeeded in picking up older, unattractive homosexual men, who he wasn't attracted to, weren't attracted to him, yet nevertheless sodomized him.

[edit] Elliot Offen

"Elegant" Elliot Offen is a flamboyant crossdresser who speaks in his own gangster slang and is one of the most eccentric Wack Packers on the Howard Stern Show. Offen will appear on the show yelling about his "healthy lifestyle", which consists of eating only raw fruits and vegetables and running 20 miles a day in women's lingerie. Whether or not Offen sticks to the diet is a mystery because he doesn't appear healthy for someone who runs 20 miles a day, though he is somewhat thin.

Due to the fact that he wears women's clothing, it is believed that Offen is a homosexual. To disclaim these allegations, Offen has gone to the measure of coming to the show ranting that he is a heterosexual and hiring actresses to act as his girlfriend. Stern discovered that Offen had hired a woman to pose as his girlfriend when he was forcing them to kiss.

Elliot is also known for being a con man long before his first appearance on the Howard Stern show. In 1988, Elliot Keith Offen was arrested in New York City for fraud. According to the charges filed against him, Elliot would convince manufacturers of such products as light bulbs, tape, sunglasses or luggage to provide large shipments to him on consignment. He would represent himself as the head of a legitimate company in their industry, and ask for 30 days to pay for the goods. He would quickly sell the products to an unsuspecting buyer, and then disappear before the manufacturer could find him. But, Elliot was finally caught at telephone booth at the corner of 58th Street and Seventh Avenue, where they say he was attempting to consummate one of dozens of illegal deals he had conducted in recent years. The deals, NYPD's Lieutenant Kelly said, had earned Mr. Offen more than $15 million.

He recently starred in a degradation video with a dominatrix. Also, he has recently begun using the word "right" to punctuate what he is saying, similar to 1920's-era mobsters; he is also fond of using large words and scientific terms, mispronouncing them and using them incorrectly and in nonsensical ways. Elliot is also known for re-wording his sentences into what he calls "gangsta talk," and in his October 2006 fallout with the show, introduced his new "maniacal laugh."

A few quotes: "...and before we disembody him, what we have to do with the terrorist, we have to give him, some intravenous, medication, electric shock treatment, solitary confinement, and death by torture instantaneously" and "Just because you have a malignant, and metastasizing tumor in parasagatese part of your brain, that's no reason to condemn Elliot Offen!"

Elliot's official website and store is located at GangsterTalk.BIZ. Here one can purchase Elliot's DVD "Violet Dehumanizes Elegant Elliot Offen" and Elliot's newest product, a personal call from the Elegant one to you.

In December of 2005, while being interviewed by Howard 100 News, he exited a taxi without checking for traffic. The door was torn off the taxicab. He has also been evicted from his apartment for non-payment of rent, charged with assault, and is currently (December 2005) in litigation for careless driving in New Jersey. Elliot is also under investigation for the December 15, 2005, accident in his rental truck that left an elderly woman dead. After two months of trying to book Elliot on the show to talk about the accident, he reappeared March 2, 2006, but soon descended into a tirade against Stern and his staff, touching on Stern's divorce and his lawsuit with CBS and Les Moonves before calling him a "rusty nail" and a "fucking scumbag" and storming out of the studio. When interviewed by Howard 100 News just after Offen said: "I just wiped him off the face of the Earth!".

As of March 2006, Offen has been banned from the building where Sirius is located due to a complaint from a McGraw Hill executive who shared an elevator with him. According to Howard Stern, the ban was because of Offen's use of foul language in the elevator. Offen also punched a hole in the wall during the same appearance. Despite this ban, Offen did an interview outside in front of the Sirius building on the May 18, 2006 and has been interviewed on the street since then.

On October 19 2006, Elliott was kicked out of the Howard Stern football pool for his refusal to quit the filibuster-like manner in which he insisted on plugging his videotape before submitting his pick for the week. He also made numerous death threats on the air to producer Gary Dell'Abate and announced his intentions to sue the Howard Stern show for breach of contract because he felt he was promised ample time to plug his merchandise every week. After going off on Howard and the staff, Elliot regained his calmness off the air and was allowed to make a football pick for the week. The next Monday Howard informed his audience that they believe they have reached a reasonable agreement with Elegant Elliot Offen and he will remain in the football pool.

[edit] Eric the Midget

Main article: Eric the Midget

Eric Lynch aka Eric the Midget is a little person who hates being called a midget and is obsessed with American Idol and particularly runner-up Katherine McPhee. He is also a self-proclaimed wrestling fan and got a chance to interview John Cena.

Eric was briefly on hiatus from on-air appearances after constantly refusing to fly while hanging from balloons. Eric also declined sex with Tabitha Stevens. On October 20, 2006 Eric was informed by Howard that he would replace Elegant Elliot Offen in the football pool. Eric subsequently picked the Indianapolis Colts. The next weekday, on October 23, Howard informed everyone that Elegant Elliot Offen was back in the pool and that Eric was back out.

[edit] Gary the Retard

Gary The Retard (born in 1952 and currently living in Albany, Oregon) is a frequent guest on The Howard Stern Radio Show. Gary is mentally challenged. His toothless grin, thick glasses and cheerful attitude make him a favorite among listeners. He is frequently antagonized by Artie, who merely has to say "RETARD!" to elicit an angry yelling tirade from Gary. On August 12, 1998 he was scheduled to appear on the show but got lost at the airport. A listener who worked at the airport eventually found him and called the show. In 2003, Gary was a member of the show's weekly football pool along with Daniel Carver, Gary Dell'Abate's son Jackson, and a chicken named Sanders. Gary the Retard notoriously picked the Seattle Seahawks to win every week, as they are the only NFL team he knows. He works at Burgerville, USA and recently claimed to have a girlfriend that just got out of jail. It has been confirmed by Gary that the woman has been taking advantage of his handicap to get money and access to the show.

[edit] Gay Ramon

Gay Ramon, or Gay Ramone, is a frequent caller and guest of the Howard Stern Show and who likes to talk about his gay experiences, and is often a participant in various games to get straight men to do gay things in order to win prizes.

He won an Xbox in a contest after Mr. T said he was afraid to arm-wrestle Gay Ramon.

While the staff was discussing what they would do to win a plasma television, Will was questioned whether or not he would let Gay Ramon give him a handjob. Will instantly said no and was about to go into detail about why he wouldn't, but stopped himself from telling the whole story. This has led some to believe that Ramon is HIV positive. 1

[edit] Hate Man

Hate Man is a caller who leaves strange racist messages, screaming "I love you monkey, monkey, monkey!" in reference to Robin Quivers. He was heard previously on terrestrial radio and was heard on the Sirius show for the first time on June 7, 2006.

Hate Man has recently reappeared on SIRIUS Satellite Radio resuming his "monkey monkey monkey" tirades against Robin Quivers and perhaps moving towards an in-studio appearance (July 6, 2006), although at that point no one associated with the show had ever (knowingly) met him.

[edit] High Pitch Eric

Main article: High Pitch Eric

High Pitch Eric is a man with a falsetto speaking voice who is also known for his obesity, eccentricity, poor oral hygiene and failure to pay back money and favors he owes. He was recently in hot water for writing a number of bad checks, and even had a long time Stern-Fan limo driver (not Ronnie the Limo Driver) looking to kill him.

[edit] Jeff the Drunk

Main article: Jeff the drunk

Jeff Curro, better known on The Howard Stern Show as Jeff The Drunk, is an alcoholic cripple, who frequently gets into trouble because of his alcohol and drug problems. Jeff lived with his mother in a trailer. His mother recently passed away. He is known for his drunken rants, and often uses the insult "little bitch".

[edit] Jeff the Vomit Guy

Jeff "the Vomit Guy" Levy has appeared on the Howard Stern Radio Show in an effort to meet women interested in emetophilia, or vomit fetish. Because of the difficulty finding willing participants for his fetish, Levy usually resorts to paying prostitutes to vomit on him. While on the show, women, including porn stars Kendra Jade and Paris Gable (May 24, 2006), have vomited on Levy; a practice also referred to as a Roman Shower. Show members Benjy Bronk and Richard Christy have also vomited on him. However, Levy insists that he is strictly heterosexual and is only turned on by women's vomit. Levy has stated he feels this practice is normal, and that people who do not enjoy this fetish are abnormal. He is a former postal worker who now receives SSI.

Levy has also been a guest on the Jerry Springer Show and has been featured in Hustler magazine.

[edit] Joey Boots

Joey Boots is a member of Boots won a trip to Hong Kong by allowing High Pitch Eric to rub Icy Hot on his freshly shaved pubic area.

Boots denies being a member of the Wack Pack. This is inconclusive, as some members, such as Eric the Midget, are in it whether they like it or not. Also, Boots was featured in the "Wack Pack Revelations". Most importantly, Howard Stern places Boots in the Wack Pack, stating this on June 28, 2006.

Joey Boots revealed his Wack Pack Revelation in February of 2006. His revelation was that he was raped by another man when he was 15 years old. Joey was living on the street at the time and robbing houses. A man offered him drugs and beer, and Joey went with him to the man's home where he pulled a knife on Joey, raped him, and told Joey he was going to kill him. Joey also revealed that when he went to jail for 18 months for robbery, he met and spoke with Mark David Chapman for a short while. Joey also saw the man that raped him working at the jail as a drug counselor.

In early 2006, Joey Boots attended rehab at an undisclosed clinic in Miami, Florida.

Joey was seen relapsing on his webcam on November 10, 2006, apparently on a cocaine and alcohol binge. As a result, sponsor Sinusbuster deactivated the cam.

[edit] John the Stutterer

John the Stutterer (not to be confused with Stuttering John (Melendez), first appeared on the Howard Stern Radio Show as a contestant on a dating game with the Dahm Triplets. He won the contest and, due to his severe stuttering and nervousness, has been considered an official Wack Pack member ever since. John is unemployed and relies on SSI.

John has had several on-air fights with Yucko the Clown. Yucko has repeatedly called John a "stuttering prick", while John often accuses Yucko of being a child molester. As of recent, John has called Yucko a Robin Williams look-a-like. Stern often asks John to act as a judge for various on-air contests. Like the late 'Wack Packer' Hank the Angry Drunken Dwarf, John is very good at classic rock trivia. Sound effects board man Fred Norris often attempts to worsen John's stuttering by doing a stuttering impression each time the 'Wack Packer' attempts to speak.

John suffers from psychological problems including obsessive compulsive disorder and depression. It has been suggested that his stuttering may be a side-effect of pharmaceutical use. John has refused offers of free professional treatment for his stuttering - stating that without the speech problem, he would have no excuse for his failures in life.

John has acted in a small number of low-budget pornographic films. However, on August 16, 2006, John declared himself "retired" from the industry after being embarrassed on-air by "G-Spot" - a former porn co-star. As the retirement declaration was made 'in the heat of the moment', it remains to be seen if John's porn career is truly over.

John lives in the Rittenhouse Square region of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

[edit] Junior the Farter

Junior the Farter is a young man who can fart on command. He holds the record for most farts in a five-minute period. (505 during a warmup, 464 during the actual show.) Howard Stern has compared Junior the Farter to Muhammad Ali. His idol is Dave Grohl of Foo Fighters.

[edit] Kenneth Keith Kallenbach

Kenneth Keith Kallenbach appeared many times on the Howard Stern Television Show in the early 90s and was famous for his unsuccessful and ridiculous attempts to blow smoke out of his eyes, which on one occasion resulted in his vomiting on camera. On a separate occasion, during a Howard Stern Celebrity Bowling Match (whose participants included "Grandpa Munster" Al Lewis, Jessica Hahn, Young MC, Pat Cooper, Marilyn Michaels and Frank Stallone), he pulled a cooked chicken out of his pants, rubbed it all over his face, then proceeded to light fire-crackers taped to his genitals. The show's producer, Dan Forman, removed him from the studio.

He is now back on Sirius and was involved in the Wack Pack revelations. He also performs stand up comedy although many of his jokes are ones he did not write himself. Additionally, a video of himself was shown on Maximum Exposure.

[edit] King of All Blacks

King of All Blacks, aka Lenny Hamm (or Hand) is a New Jersey garbage man, recently promoted to street-sweeper, and frequent Stern caller. He claims to be the only black homeowner in a predominantly Jewish neighborhood. He is a Moen faucet enthusiast. He claims to be able to identify the race of the people that produced a certain collection of trash by analyzing it.

He is notoriously known for his ability to discuss a fancy lifestyle and critique other African-American wack packers for their lackluster style, taste, and overall class. Recently, he was given his own show on Sirius Howard 100 (Sirius Satellite Radio) but was cancelled after only a few episodes for not being able to emulate his call-in persona. He is also known for beating his wife (this was possibly shtick) and then bragging about it on the air.

[edit] Mark the Bagger

Mark the Bagger is grocery bagger from Collegeville, Pennsylvania, who works at that town's ACME supermarket and is one of the newest members of the Wack Pack. Mark is best known for his high-pitched voice (in a prank call often played in early 2006, Mark tells High Pitch Eric that he is the new High Pitch Eric, which has started an ongoing feud between the two of them). He is likely of below average intelligence but he denies being mentally retarded. He claims to be bisexual, having engaged in sexual relations with a single man and a single woman in his life. Mark was introduced to the show by The Bloodhound Gang on January 26, 2006 during an appearance where they pitched Howard on having their own show on SIRIUS, with Mark being the announcer on their show. During this appearance, Mark revealed his penis to Howard (upon request), who commented on its very large size. Almost two months went by before Mark reappeared, with Howard explaining that his mother did not allow him to go places without the Bloodhound Gang. As of October, Mark has told several ACME customers that he has "quit the show".

[edit] Mariann from Brooklyn

Mariann from Brooklyn is a frequent caller who is obsessed with Howard. Due to the sound of her simultaneously gravelly and whiny voice, whenever she calls, Fred plays sounds of crows cawing. When not calling Howard's show, she is a 47 year-old homemaker who lives with her son Patrick (age 22), daughter Nicole (age 13) and husband (name and age unknown).

She also likes to sing the line, "All I need is Howard in my life" to the tune of Enrique Iglesias' The Rhythm Divine.

The first time Stern and the rest of the show met her in person, they were shocked to discover that she's relatively attractive.

She recently declined an offer to ride the Sybian.

She called into the show on September 11, 2001 to report her sister missing. It was later found out her sister had perished in the terrorist attacks.

On May 17, 2006, She called into the show and tried to talk to Artie about the situation with his girlfriend Dana, but Artie became defensive and called Mariann an "unfunny cunt", to which everyone responded in mild disgust, as Mariann is a very sweet woman who was only trying to help Artie. During this exchange, Mariann accused Artie of suffering from "Sad Clown Syndrome". Mariann did not ask for an apology, instead she participated as a roaster in the roast of Artie that was held the evening of June 8th.

[edit] Melrose Larry Green

Melrose Larry Green used to hold up signs promoting Howard at the intersection of Melrose and Highland Avenues in Los Angeles, California, near his apartment. He was allowed to appear on Howard's show after hounding "Stuttering" John Melendez and Gary "Baba Booey" Dell'Abate in a coffee shop. He previously performed stand-up comedy in Los Angeles and handed out a business card proclaiming him to be a "C.P.A., Piano Player and Marathon Runner." He is well known for screaming "Good morning, murderer" to O.J. Simpson as he headed to the court house during his trial.

While frequently heard on the air by telephone during the early to middle 1990's, and even allowed some in-studio appearances, Howard has severely limited his time on the show since the year 2000 or so, and nowadays Larry is heard rarely with brief phone calls before Howard hangs up on him. Like other Wack Packers, Melrose Larry Green (full name Greenblatt) has attempted to achieve greater fame. He self-published his life story, made many personal appearances, and had a brief spot in a Madonna music video. Politically, he is mainly on the right, and is a severe critic of both Bill and Hillary Clinton.

[edit] Miss Howard Stern

Andrea Brooke Ownbey
Andrea Brooke Ownbey
Main article: Andrea Brooke Ownbey

Andrea Brooke Ownbey is a former stripper from Georgia who won the title 'Miss Howard Stern' in 2002. She is memorable for her baby voice, her "thank you" catch phrase, and her perceived low intelligence. She is also known for her poor self-esteem, which many on the show fear will lead her to ruin her looks with excessive plastic surgery.

Andrea first appeared on the Howard Stern show on January 22, 2002 where she was billed as the "World's Dumbest Stripper". She lives in Georgia with her father who bought her breast implants so that she would stop stripping, but after she got them she went right back to stripping. Andrea was home schooled from the age of 15. Howard asked her some general knowledge questions and she got 2 out of 8 correct. Andrea demonstrated her table dancing skills for Howard. Andrea was invited to Las Vegas where she won the title "Miss Howard Stern" in a contest on February 8, 2002 during the Howard Stern Show broadcast from the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino.

[edit] Nicole Bass

Main article: Nicole Bass

Nicole Bass is a large female bodybuilder who is often teased for her masculinity and deep voice, which sounds similar to Fred Gwynne's Herman Munster character from The Munsters. Fred Norris often impersonates this voice, especially during her appearances.

[edit] Rappin' Granny (a.k.a. Fruity Nutcake)

Rappin' Granny, born on September 12, 1922, is currently (2006) a coquettish 84-year-old. She performs rap songs for the show.

On May 8, 2006, she rode the Sybian [1] and had an orgasm, arguably one of the most disturbing incidents to ever occur on the Howard Stern Show. Several staffers were especially upset by the combination of the Sybian and a cane.

On September 12, 2006, she came into the studio for her birthday, and rode the Sybian again, this time with one of her two granddaughters.

[edit] Raymond Norman

Raymond Norman is a black gay man who became angry with Oprah Winfrey after he sent her "certified mail" and yet she brought one of her white female fans onto her show to make one of her dreams come true rather than his. Norman decided that she had forgotten her roots and no longer looked at herself as a black woman, or else she would have decided to bring a black fan like himself on instead. Prior to this he was a fan of her show, but this incident caused him to turn on her. He created an audio tape which he entitled "Keeping It Real" and utilized the phrase "Let's keep it real because I'm keeping it real". In this tape he referred to Oprah Winfrey numerous times as "Oprah Winfrey, negro woman from the South", apparently to reinstate the fact that she was a black woman, and had forgotten her roots.

[edit] Riley Martin

Main article: Riley Martin

Riley Martin is an alleged alien abductee and author of The Coming of Tan who hosts his own radio show Hello Earth on Howard 101. Seven bi-weekly shows into his hosting duties, Riley asked for a $5 million yearly salary. After much discussion over many days, negotiation came to a stand-still. On September 18, 2006, Riley Martin called in to the Stern Show to announce that negotiations between him and Tim Sabian had resumed and that Hello Earth would be returning to Sirius. It was also revealed in October 2006 that Riley has married an attractive woman who he allegedly met through the show.

[edit] Siobhan

Main article: Siobhan Meow

Siobhan (pronounced Sha-Vahn) is a male-to-female transsexual who is often mocked by Stern and his staff. In October 2006, Siobhan had sex with a man for the first time. Richard Christy, sent to document the event, vomited from watching the act.

[edit] Sour Shoes

Sour Shoes enjoys playing and singing classic songs on his keyboard and talking in silly voices. He sometimes calls into the Stern Show and takes Howard's song requests; he is rarely unable to correctly recall and play a song. He still lives with his parents. He works part-time helping autistic children. Sour Shoes says he graduated from St. Johns University with a degree in communications. He also does a great imitation of Scott Ferrall.

[edit] Wendy the Retard

Wendy the Retard (born May 15, 1980) lives in Deltona, Florida and is a frequent guest on the Howard Stern Radio Show. She is an adult living with her parents, and has mental retardation like fellow Wack Packer Gary the Retard. She enjoys bumper bowling and singing along with pop songs karaoke-style in her bedroom. As part of her on-air telephone calls, she answers "yes" to whatever questions Howard asks, no matter how outrageous, insulting or sexual. Based on her recent conversations with Daniel Carver, she may also be a racist, or just highly impressionable. Wendy is also known for her inconsistent ability to pronounce difficult words. She has told Howard that she has shoved a tomato up her ass then proceeded to eat it when she was drunk. Wendy lost to Ms. Howard Stern in a trivia contest, and her family lost to Daniel Carver's in Wack Pack Family Feud. Wendy also admitted to eating an entire large pizza, pancakes, and McDonalds in one day. She has been the target of Stern crew prank calls, including one from fellow Wack-Packer Bigfoot (Mark).

[edit] Yucko the Clown

Roger Black, better known as Yucko the Clown, is a foul-mouthed insult comedian who dresses up like a clown. Black is a street performer who has nearly won two of Stern's contests; coming second in the World's Meanest Listener contest (losing to the Reverend Bob Levy) and coming third in the Win John's Job contest (losing to Richard Christy). Yucko will happily insult anyone based on their physical appearance, religious belief, or ethnicity - really, any unique personal attribute that can be made into a joke.

Black often wears clown makeup, including the signature red clown nose, and a bugle horn which he honks to punctuate a punchline. While still part of the Stern Show, Black was the star of a sketch comedy show titled Stankervision which aired on MTV2 but was not renewed for a second season.

[edit] Zolar

Zolar is a frequent caller and member of the Stern Fan Network. He participated in a bit where he smelled Kid Rock's fingers. Zolar is a frequent guest of the Superfan Roundtable on Howard 101. He also hosts a weekly Internet show on PCU Prankcall Underground Radio on Fridays at 10:00 p.m.

Zolar stated on September 11, 2001 that "everyone should get together and go to their local delis and beat the Arabs". Howard Stern cut off the call before he could finish.

[edit] Former members

[edit] Big Mike

Big Mike hails from Milford, Connecticut. Big Mike can fart at will.

[edit] Bigfoot

Main article: Matthew McGrory

Matthew McGrory (1973-2005), known on the Stern Show as Bigfoot, was an actor with gigantism and was known for his height and large feet. After gaining some notoriety in films such as Bubble Boy and Big Fish, he stopped appearing on the show.

[edit] Cliff Palate

Lynn Zimmermann (1952-2006), known as Cliff Palate (also known as Lispy Lynn to North Texas listeners), was a Stern Show Wack Packer who was the most difficult to understand. Zimmermann claimed to have been born with a cleft palate, which hadn't been surgically corrected as a child, and it was the reason he could not find employment and was on SSI. He lived at home with his mother, much like Jeff the Drunk Curro.

Zimmermann revealed on March 7, 2006 that he had been lying all along about having a cleft palate, though he still maintained he had a speech impediment related to a partially paralyzed tongue. Stern considered renaming him Pinocchio on account of his dishonesty, but decided against it. A mere six hours after admitting to Stern he had no cleft palate, Zimmermann collapsed and died from complications related to myelofibrosis and aneurysms on his kidneys. This was confirmed by his mother, Amber, on air.

[edit] Croix

Croix (pronounced "Croy") is an older woman who was convinced that Ronald Reagan had stolen her "architecture." She has not been on the show recently.

[edit] Debbie the Space Alien

Debbie the Space Alien, also known as Debbie Roach (real name Debbie Tay, from Los Angeles, ?-1995), was a mentally ill lesbian contestant in Howard Stern's New Year's Rotten Eve who committed suicide by overdosing on heroin in 1995. A saddened Chaunce Hayden announced her death via telephone on the air and later brought her cremated (but not pulverized) remains into the studio during an appearance. Her mother appeared in a video with her made for the pay-per-view special but died shortly before the pageant.

[edit] Doug Bady

Doug Bady (?-1996) was a little person with muscular dystrophy who hated Jerry Lewis and once participated in a Stern Show stunt in which he was hidden inside a trunk and talked to people on the street in New York City. He also appeared on the Sam Kinison album Leader of the Banned. Bady died in 1996.

[edit] Hank the Angry Drunken Dwarf

Hank Nasiff Jr. (1962-2001), known as Hank the Angry Drunken Dwarf, was an alcoholic dwarf known for his tirades, and his ongoing feud with Beetlejuice.

[edit] Ian the Drunk

Ian the Drunk was a very well-spoken, very well-educated, and very obviously-intoxicated-at-early-morning-hours man who would call into the show to insult and ridicule Stern.

As Stern often does, he would allow Ian to rant and rave but would turn down the send from show microphones to the telephone patch. In this way, show regulars and guests could discuss and ridicule his every statement, while Ian The Drunk believed they were listening to him intently (such a trick has been played on celebrities such as Richard Lewis and Dick Cavett—whom he once hung up on in mid-sentence—as well).

Perhaps his funniest moment on the show came in December 1993 when Howard called Joe Walsh and put him on the line with Ian during one of his rants. Walsh, also inebriated, tried (unsuccessfully) to have a reasonably coherent conversation with Ian. Ian was oblivious to the fact that he was talking on the phone to a world-renowned rock and roll star, and Walsh seemed equally oblivious to the fact that Howard and company were having fun at his expense. (A few months later Walsh entered rehab and rejoined The Eagles for their reunion album and tour. As part of his recovery from drug addiction and alcoholism, he abstained from appearing on Stern's radio show, which he had often patronized over the years while drunk, high, or both. Eventually he returned to the show as a guest in 2005.)

Ian was last heard on the show sometime in 2005, when he stated that he was about to be deported to Ukraine.

[edit] Irene the Leather Weather Lady

Irene De Cook, who plays the Leather Weather Lady in Howard Stern's Private Parts was a leather designer and costumer for numerous recording artists including The Romantics, Eric Burdon of The Animals, Alice Cooper and Blondie's drummer, Clem Burke. She is also a radio personality, a make-up artist (on-call for The Pope for his 1987 Papal visit), and Webmistress who builds websites.

DeCook was heard on "The Howard Stern Show" in Detroit, MI on WWWW Radio as "The Leather Weather Lady" from May of 1980 through January of 1981. She also guested on 89X (Detroit/Windsor) morning drive radio from 1991-1992 as "The Leather Weather Lady".

[edit] Joe Cancer

Joe Cancer was facially and vocally disfigured by cancer. His last appearance was during the 'Artie Lange versus the WNBA' special from Las Vegas. During this appearance, he mentioned that he was no longer receiving treatment, and that he had already outlived doctors' expectations.

Joe Cancer's passing was confirmed on the air before the Stern show moved to Sirius.

[edit] King of All Messengers

King of All Messengers was a phony phone caller. He has not been heard from in several years.

[edit] Ponce de la Phone

Ponce de la Phone, like King of All Messengers, was a practitioner of prank phone calls whose work on the show has not been heard since the 1990s.

[edit] Quentin the Stutterer

Quentin the Stutterer was a man with a severe stuttering problem who stopped appearing on the show around 1992 at the request of his wife. In March of 1997, Quentin attended the premiere of Private Parts and was a guest at the after-party show. He once appeared on Howard's Channel 9 show as a contestant trying to win a date with Tawny Kitaen.

[edit] Richard Christy

Main article: Richard Christy

Richard Christy is a former heavy metal drummer and electrician who used to call the Stern Show with loud "Baba Booey" song parodies and insulting messages for K.C. Armstrong claiming to be the "Head Fag at the Playgirl Mansion". He currently works as a staff member on the show.

[edit] Sal the Stockbroker

Main article: Sal the Stockbroker

Sal Governale, known as Sal the Stockbroker, is a former stockbroker who used to prank call Gary Dell'Abate using the catch phrase "Horse-tooth Jackass" and was generally obsessed with belittling him. Like Richard Christy, he was promoted to staff member and currently works on the show.

[edit] Slow Adam

Slow Adam has sub-normal intelligence, a slight stutter, very slow speech, and myriad psychiatric disorders. He appeared on "Politically Incorrect With The Wack Pack", a segment where Bill Maher visited and hosted an edition of his show with guests Slow Adam, Daniel Carver, Gary the Retard and Beetlejuice. He hasn't been on the show since the early 2000s. Gary Della'bate, the producer of the show, mentioned in late 2001 that the particular group home he was living in, in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, did not like his appearances and forbid him from being on the show.

[edit] Speech Impediment Man

Speech Impediment Man is a man with a speech impediment. He appeared only twice on the show, in 1996 and 1997. He most recently called in on October 30, 2006 to give Artie advice on his troubled relationship with longtime girlfriend Dana.

[edit] Ted the Janitor

Ted the Janitor was a janitor at WXRK. He made popular the game "Road," a game he wanted to play with Robin. The game is played by having a woman lay down and then Ted would "blacktop" them, or throw his body on top of them. Deceased.

[edit] Underdog Lady

Underdog Lady, also known as Suzanne Muldowney[2] [3], is a woman who does performance art pieces focusing on the exploits of the cartoon character Underdog, whom she believes was underserved by being portrayed in a comical light on television. She has often stated that Underdog deserved to be considered among the pantheon of great superheroes, and uses her performance pieces to emphasize this belief. After falling out with Stern, whom she came to view as vulgar and crude, Muldowney referred to him as a "classic supervillain" in an interview. During attempts at reconciliation, Stern often tries to curry her favor by mentioning that his father Ben Stern did the audio for the Underdog cartoon show. Muldowney made her longest appearance yet on the show on October 5, 2006, lasting 19 minutes in a telephone interview before hanging up on Stern. During their conversation, she reluctantly informed Stern that she had no sexual feelings for men whatsoever and had been told by her health teacher as a young girl that it was wrong to have sexual feelings. Muldowney left a voicemail the following day telling Howard's producer Gary "Bababooey" Dell'Abate (the one member of the show she seems to trust) that she was "deeply troubled" by Howard's frequently sexually-oriented questions. Howard noted that a cartoon could be heard playing in the background as she recorded her message.

Muldowney is perhaps the most reluctant member of the Wack Pack.

[edit] Vin the Retard

Vin the Retard is a man with cerebral palsy and a stand-up comedy act. Despite his nickname, he is of normal intelligence.

[edit] Wheelchair Steve

Wheelchair Steve received sexual favors as a show bit, for which his parents expressed gratitude. Gary mentioned him briefly during the June 5, 2006 show, during the Wackipedia discussion with Eric the Midget.

[edit] Yaqi (the Tickler)

Yaqi is a lanky, gray-haired purveyor of tickling fetish-themed DVDs. During Yaqi's visits, women (of whom Jenna Jameson was most notable) were strapped to a specially designed "Tickle Chair" and subjected to prolonged tickling at the hands of Yaqi and Howard himself; Howard continued this routine long after Yaqi stopped appearing on the show.

Yaqi was known for his effeminate Southern drawl and for recording impassioned speeches which sought to legitimize tickling as a healthy, life-affirming activity suitable for man, woman, and child. Yaqi was mocked mercilessly by Artie Lange and other members of Howard's crew for these speeches, and for being "creepy" in general.

Yaqi was a regular guest in early 2002 and sporadically thereafter. In August 2004, Yaqi called in to the show claiming to be terminally afflicted with sarcoidosis.

align=center bgcolor=#000033|The Howard Stern Show
Cast Howard Stern • Robin Quivers • Artie Lange • Fred Norris • Gary Dell'Abate • Benjy Bronk • Richard Christy • Sal the Stockbroker • J. D. Harmeyer • Scott Salem • Will Murray • George Takei
Former Cast Billy West • Jackie Martling • Stuttering John • K. C. Armstrong • Tom Chiusano • A. J. Benza
The Wack Pack Beetlejuice • Eric the Midget • Miss Howard Stern • High Pitch Eric • Hank the Angry Drunken Dwarf • Riley Martin • Siobhan Meow • Jeff the Drunk • More...
Howard Channels Bubba the Love Sponge Show • Scott Ferrall • The Wrap-Up Show • Howard 100 News • Superfan Roundtable • More...
See Also Show Celebrity Guests • Show Games and Bits • Sirius Satellite Radio • Sirius Canada • Ronnie Mund

[edit] External links

Warning: some sites contain pornographic advertisements and/or content.


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