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1990s - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


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Centuries: 19th century - 20th century - 21st century
Decades: 1960s 1970s 1980s - 1990s - 2000s 2010s 2020s
Years: 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999
For the band, see 1990s (band).
Germans dancing on the Berlin Wall in late 1989, the symbol of the cold war divide falls down as the world unites in the 1990s.
Germans dancing on the Berlin Wall in late 1989, the symbol of the cold war divide falls down as the world unites in the 1990s.

The 1990s decade refers to the years from 1990 to 1999. The 1990s were marked with rapid progression of globalization and global capitalism following the collapse of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War. Key forces shaping the decade were the recession of the late 1980s and early 1990s, the increasing popularity of personal computers beginning especially in the early 1990s, and the rise of the Internet and subsequent dot-com boom from approximately 1995 onward. The Internet would go on to revolutionize modern culture, and has served as a major medium for globalization and the spread and revolution of popular culture.

In the United States, much of the decade was characterized by the presidency of Bill Clinton, in which the United States was involved in few foreign wars and saw somewhat of a resurgence of the 1970s liberal movements, as well as seeing a nearly uninterrupted period of rapid economic growth following the recession of the late 80s. However, the ending of the Cold War dramatically changed the political landscape of the world as the long-standing communism vs. capitalism conflict essentially came to an end and the political allegiances of many third-world countries were dramatically altered as a result. Great strides were made towards Israeli-Palestinian peace in the early part of the decade, due to official PLO recognition of Israel in 1993. However, as the decade wore on, the peace process derailed and eventually led to an escalation in conflict once again, especially into the 2000s. Al Qaeda rose as a terrorist threat against the U.S. with the bombing of the American embassies in Kenya and Tanzania in 1998.

Culturally, the 1990s is remembered for somewhat of a re-liberalization of pop culture and increased awareness of social issues. TV sitcoms reached a peak in popularity, such as Seinfeld (1989-1998), Friends (1994-2004), and the animated sitcom The Simpsons (1989-present). Animation also saw a revival in popularity, with more blockbuster Disney hits and the popularity of The Simpsons. Animation turned racier and more politically incorrect as the decade wore on, with shows such as South Park (1997-present) and Family Guy (1999-2002; 2005-present) emerging near the end of the decade. Grunge music, often attributed solely to Nirvana, was seen to inspire an entire generation and the revolution of mainstream rock music. It continues to be a major influence on rock music today. The re-emergence of punk music is seen as another important revolution in the rock music genre. Rap and hip-hop rapidly rose in popularity throughout the decade, and by the end of the decade had perhaps replaced rock as the most popular music genre with the world's youth. Teen pop, including boy bands, became a cultural phenomenon towards the end of the decade.

HIV/AIDS emerged as one of the most critical medical and social issues of the modern generation, especially after the death of Freddie Mercury in 1991 and NBA superstar Magic Johnson's announcement of his HIV positivity the same year. These high-profile HIV declarations helped raise awareness of the virus and also helped to gradually overcome the 1980s stereotype that HIV/AIDS was primarily a homosexual problem. Some of the social issues that were brought to light in the 1970s and somewhat shunned during the 1980s, including abortion, gay rights, political correctness and media censorship, all came to light again in the 1990s.


[edit] Overview

Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, Bill Clinton, and Yasser Arafat during the Oslo Accords on September 13, 1993. Rabin was assassinated in 1995 by an Israeli extremist against the peace plan.
Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, Bill Clinton, and Yasser Arafat during the Oslo Accords on September 13, 1993. Rabin was assassinated in 1995 by an Israeli extremist against the peace plan.

Many countries, institutions, companies, and organizations experienced the 1990s as a prosperous time. Despite the recession that affected much the world in late 1980s, high income economies such as the United States, Canada, Ireland, Australia, and South Korea experienced steady economic growth for much of the decade.

The United Kingdom, after a recession in 1991-92 and devaluation of its currency on Black Wednesday, experienced sustained economic growth that stretched into the new millennium. Germany reunified in October 3, 1990 focused on modernization of the former communist East after they integrated the economic infrastructure, provincial governments, and a different culture brought up in communism has fully became like their western brethren.

But the situation worsened for Japan after three previous decades of economic growth to put them third place in the world's economies, struggled after 1993 and their recession went on to the early 2000s put an end to the period of unlimited prosperity it enjoyed. However, the rise of free market economics in China under more socialist regulation hadn't slowed the country's economic prosperity in the 1990s, which grows stronger to this day.

Less affluent nations such as India, Malaysia and Vietnam also saw tremendous improvements in economic prosperity and quality of life during the 1990s. While optimism and hopes were high following the collapse of Communism, restructuring following the end of the Cold War was beginning. There was also the continuation of terrorism in Third World regions that were once the frontlines for American and Soviet foreign politics, particularly in Asia.

In many countries, political stability and decreased militarization due to the winding down of the Cold War led to economic development and higher standards of living for many citizens. These trends were also fuelled by inexpensive fossil energy, with low petroleum prices caused by a glut of oil. Oil and gas were discovered in many countries in the former Soviet bloc, leading to economic growth and wider adoption of trade between nations, but the 15 new nations of the old USSR, plus Russia struggles to adjust their living standards in the 1990s, the decade ends in a painful recession.

The widespread adoption of personal computers and the Internet increased economic productivity, while high levels of private investment in equity markets increased personal wealth among many Americans and Europeans. The economic gains of the 1990s were unevenly distributed throughout society, widening the gap between the wealthiest and poorest citizens in some countries; critics of capitalism contend that this should not have been allowed to happen to the extent that it did.

Politically, the 1990s was an era of spreading democracy. The former countries of the Warsaw Pact moved from totalitarian regimes to democratically-elected governments. The same happened in other non-communist countries, such as Taiwan, Chile, Argentina, South Africa, and Indonesia. Capitalism made great moves in changing the economics of communist countries like China and Vietnam, even in Cuba where old-line leader Fidel Castro continued to blast American democracy.

The improvement in relations between the countries of NATO and the former members of the Warsaw Pact ended the Cold War both in Europe and other parts of the world. Israel and PLO leader Yasser Arafat shook hands in agreement for peace under US president Bill Clinton at the White House talks in 1993. The Oslo Accords resulted in an agreement by Israel to allow Palestinian self-government.

Despite the economic prosperity and democracy, there were problems in the 1990s that became more visible after the decade ended. In Africa a rapid increase in incidence of AIDS contributed to falling life expectancy and zero or negative growth rates. In the states of the former Soviet Union GDP decreased as their economies restructured to produce goods they needed and some capital flight occurred. Financial crises in the developing world after 1994 (i.e. the Asian economic crises of 1997) began to undermine some support for globalization.

Conflicts like the Balkan Wars, the Rwandan genocide, the Battle of Mogadishu in Somalia and the first Gulf War, as well as the continuation of terrorism, led some to hypothesize a Clash of Civilizations, but the decade is a time for peace in terror-ridden Northern Ireland when the IRA agreed to a truce in 1994 brought an end of 25 years of violence between the two sectarian groups, Protestant and Catholic, into having talks for a dual-government.

Racial tensions brought forward by immigration and multi-cultural issues appeared in western Europe and the United States, where the issue of race relations brought on by the 1992 Los Angeles riots, the O.J. Simpson Murder Case in 1994-95 and the Million Man March in 1995, made Americans more concerned about racial equality than since the 1960s.

Youth culture in the 1990s was characterized by environmentalism, anti-globalization in some parts and entrepreneurship. Fashions were often individualistic, tattoos and body piercing gained popularity and "retro" styles inspired by fashions of the 1960s and 1970s were also prevalent. Some young people became increasingly involved in outdoor activities that combined embracing athletics with the appreciation of nature (such as kayaking, rock climbing and snowboarding).

[edit] Technology

The 1990s were a time of great change - mainstreaming and improving technologies invented and used first during the 1980s.

Graphic representation of the WWW
Graphic representation of the WWW

[edit] Bookending events

The technology-heavy NASDAQ Composite index peaked in March 2000, reflecting the high point of the dot-com bubble.
The technology-heavy NASDAQ Composite index peaked in March 2000, reflecting the high point of the dot-com bubble.

Significant events that occurred around 1990 which would influence the course of history and character of the decade, include:

Significant events that marked the passing of the decade include:

[edit] Science

[edit] War, peace, and politics

[edit] Economics

Skyline of Sanhattan, Santiago, Chile's Financial District -- Example of global economic growth during the 1990s.
Skyline of Sanhattan, Santiago, Chile's Financial District -- Example of global economic growth during the 1990s.
  • US economy ends the decade in 4% unemployment, personal incomes doubled than in recession-hit 1990, overall productivity higher than a decade ago, reduction of poverty rates after the 1996 Welfare Reform act, and the wall street stock exchange was over the 10,000 mark from 1997 to 2001.
  • After 1992 the booming of the US stock market, in reference to which Alan Greenspan coined the memorable phrase "irrational exuberance", which eventually stretched into the dot-com boom / dot-com bubble (2000-2001).
  • GATT update and creation of the World Trade Organization and other global economic institutions, but opposition by anti-globalization activists showed up in nearly every GATT summit, like the violent street demonstrations in Seattle in December 1999.
  • With the creation of the E.U. there is free movement of labour between member states, such as the 1992 and 1995 free trade agreements. The EU agreed to have a single currency, the Euro began circulation in March 1999, in then 15 member states.
  • The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), which phases out trade barriers between the United States, Mexico and Canada is signed into law by U.S. President Bill Clinton.
  • Since 1990 till 1998 inclusive, the economy of Russia and some former USSR states was in a severe depression. Eastern European economies struggled after the fall of communism, but healthy economic growth rates in Poland, Hungary, Estonia and Lithuania in the late 1990s.
  • Except for Great Britain, much of Europe had serious economic problems, such as the 1995 massive employee strikes in France during it's worst recession since World War II, but their economy mildly rebounds in the end of the decade.
  • Democracy, economic reform and peace arrives in Latin America, while the sluggish economies of Brazil by a new emphasis on free markets for all their citizens, and Mexico under economist president Ernesto Zedillo elected in 1994, was ultimately in their best shape in the late 1990s.
  • Financial crisis hits East and Southeast Asia in 1997 and 1998 after a long period of phenomenal economic development. Japan was heavily affected, so was Indonesia when the 30-year rule of dictator Suharto resigned by widespread protests in May 1998. See East Asian Tigers.

[edit] Culture

Breakdancer in Ljubljana, Slovenia when hip-hop music swept the globe in the 1990s.
Breakdancer in Ljubljana, Slovenia when hip-hop music swept the globe in the 1990s.

[edit] Trends/various

[edit] United States/Canada
 Sonic the Hedgehog
Sonic the Hedgehog

[edit] Europe
  • Dogma 95 becomes an important European artistic film movement by the end of the decade.
  • Eurodance music dominates discotheques and has numerous major mainstream hits in European (and to a lesser extent, North American) music charts.
  • Techno sweeps European dance clubs and discotheques in the mid-1990s, then to reach America by 1997 and take on the world by the year 2000.

[edit] Music


Pearl Jam, playing "Daughter" on Saturday Night Live in 1994.
Pearl Jam, playing "Daughter" on Saturday Night Live in 1994.
  • Latin music becomes popular outside a Spanish-speaking audience with crossover hits by Ricky Martin, Jennifer Lopez, the hit dance song Macarena and others. As Hispanic culture grows in the US, other Latin music genres took root, like Tejano music in the Southwest US is a mixed music genre: Mexican conjunto (accordion based)-Texan country-modern pop merged to a new sound.
  • Music becomes more profane, by end of decade a Parental Advisory sticker becomes acceptable rather than controversial.
  • 1980s backlash, beginning in about 1992 and lasting into the mid-90s. During most of the 1990s, anything "Eighties" was considered to be ultimately uncool. As a result, people start wearing straighter hair, darker clothes and acoustic music becomes popular in opposition to the bright synthpop of the '80s.

[edit] Television

  • Middle East
    • Al Jazeera begins broadcasting in 1996, subsidised by a grant from the emir of Qatar and expanded their programming range across the Arabic-speaking world.

[edit] Computer and video games

  • 3-D graphics become the standard by end of decade. Although FPSs had long since seen the transition to full 3d, other genres begin to copy this trend by the end of the decade. Homeworld (1999) becomes the first successful fully 3-D real-time strategy (RTS) game.
  • The console wars, primarily between Sega (Sega Genesis/Mega Drive, introduced in 1988) and Nintendo (Super NES, introduced in 1990), sees the entrance of Sony with the PlayStation in 1994, which becomes the first successful CD-based console (as opposed to cartridges). By the end of the decade, Sega's hold on the market becomes tenuous after the commercial failures of the Saturn in 1994 and the Dreamcast in 1998.
  • Mario finds a rival in Sonic the Hedgehog.
  • Nintendo released the first 3-D styled video game Donkey Kong Country for the SNES in 1994, and three sequels to further advance video game design.
  • Arcade games rapidly decrease in popularity.
  • Fighting games like Capcom's Street Fighter II, Sega's futuristic Virtua Fighter and the more violent Mortal Kombat from Acclaim prompted the video game industry to adopt a game rating system, and hundreds of knock-offs are widely popular in mid/late 1990s.
  • Sony's PlayStation becomes the top selling game console and changes the standard media storage type from cartridges to compact discs in consoles.
  • Doom (1993) bursts onto the world scene and instantly popularizes the FPS genre, and even how games are played, as Doom is among the first games to feature multiplayer capabilities. It is not until Quake (1996), however, that game developers begin to take multiplayer features into serious consideration when making games. Half-Life (1998) features the next evolutionary step in the genre with continual progression of the game (no levels in the traditional sense) and an entirely in-person view, and becomes one of the most popular computer games in history.
  • The strategy genre becomes popular with games such as Dune II (1992) and Warcraft (1994). Command & Conquer (1995) and Warcraft II (1996) further advance and popularize the genre. StarCraft (1998) becomes the second-best selling game in computer game history.
  • Final Fantasy anthology first debuted in 1990 for the NES, and to this day remains among the most popular video game franchises, with 12 total sequels to date, and another in development, plus numerous spin-offs and other such related titles.
  • Massively Multiplayer Online Role-playing games (MMORPGs) see their entrance into the computer game world with Ultima Online in 1997, although they don't gain widespread popularity until EverQuest and Asheron's Call in 1999. MMORPGs go on to become among the most popular genres in the 2000s.
  • Pokémon entered the world scene with the release of the original Game Boy Pokemon Red and Green games in Japan in 1996. It soon becomes popular in the U.S. and is adapted into a popular children's anime series and trading card game, among other media forms. Its popularity reaches its peak near the end of the decade, but rapidly declines early on in the 2000s, although it still retains a large cult following.

[edit] Internet

  • Beginnings of MP3 music downloading; in 1999 and 2000 the Napster controversy.
  • The first MP3 Player, the MPMan, is released in late spring of 1998. It came with 32Mb of flash memory expandable to 64Mb.
  • Internet begins to affect pop culture, beginning around 1996.
  • Most television stations gain Internet presence during the later half of the decade.
  • Earliest examples of Internet film.
  • Bulletin Board System interest decreases heavily with introduction of the Web.
  • Pornography on the internet launches and peaks in the late 1990s.
  • "Netiquette" is a concept of online social etiquette developed since 1995.

[edit] 10 most significant events (US history)

Oklahoma City Bombing on April 19, 1995.
Oklahoma City Bombing on April 19, 1995.
  • The Oklahoma City Bombing, the bombing of a federal building in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, killing 168. Bombing suspect Timothy McVeigh claimed he bombed the building in retaliation of the 1993 Waco massacre.
  • The Waco massacre prompts a nationwide debate in the U.S. about the freedom of association right of the Michigan Militia, Montana Militia and other radical groups.
  • The Los Angeles Riots of 1992, the worst civil unrest incident in US history, 52 deaths and 5,500 property fires in a 100-square mile riot zone. The riots are a result of the state court acquittal of four white L.A. police officers by an all-white jury in a police brutality case involving motorist Rodney King, but in 1993, all four officers were convicted in a federal civil rights case.
  • O.J. Simpson's trial, described in the media as the "trial of the century", but on October 3, 1995, Simpson was found "not guilty" of double-murder of ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend, Ronald Goldman. In the 1997 civil case, Simpson was held responsible and had to pay financial damages to the victims' families.
  • 1994 US mid-term elections: Republican Party takes back both house and senate. The first time since 1954 for Republicans to have majority of US senatorial seats, and Republicans take congress after minority status since 1964-five previous administrations. House speaker Newt Gingrich proved powerful enough and his reforms changed American politics but resigned in December 1998 after another, yet smaller Republican victory.
  • US president Bill Clinton caught in a media-frenzied sex scandal over his intern Monica Lewinski, first announced on January 21, 1998. After US government attempts to impeach Clinton for perjury under oath, brought by federal prosecutor Ken Starr, all charges overturned on December 21, 1998 and the case was formally dropped, February 12, 1999, and Clinton finished his second term. At the time, he received a 70% Gallup poll approval rating.
  • The Columbine school shooting in April 20, 1999, at Littleton, Colorado when two student gunmen took the Columbine high school library hostage and killed 12 students, a teacher and the two committed suicide. This was the nation's worst school shooting, was declared a national tragedy, and brought more awareness to the issue on acts of school violence.
  • The Anita Hill vs. Clarence Thomas federal case of October 10-12, 1991, involved charges by Hill that Hon. Thomas committed sexual harassment against her. Despite Hon. Thomas wasn't charged of his acts on Anita Hill, she became a national celebrity and a martyr to women's rights triggered awareness on the issue of workplace sexual harassment. Hon. Thomas went on to become justice of the United States Supreme Court.
  • The first cloned mammal, Dolly the sheep was confirmed by a Scottish scientist firm announced to, then was reported by global media on February 26, 1997. Dolly would trigger a raging controversy on cloning and bioethical concerns of possible human cloning efforts to this day.
  • January 1, 2001 was the beginning of the 3rd millennium, as well the 21st century and the end of the 20th century, is considered the ultimate event of the lifetime of over 6 billion people around the world at the time.

[edit] Other significant events

The Flame of Liberty, which sits above the entrance to the Paris tunnel in which Princess Diana died in 1997, as global mourning accompanied the event.
The Flame of Liberty, which sits above the entrance to the Paris tunnel in which Princess Diana died in 1997, as global mourning accompanied the event.

[edit] People

[edit] World leaders

Nelson Mandela holds hands with Former United States Vice President Al Gore.
Nelson Mandela holds hands with Former United States Vice President Al Gore.
Former 1990's US presidents Bill Clinton and George H.W. Bush in January 2005.
Former 1990's US presidents Bill Clinton and George H.W. Bush in January 2005.

[edit] Entertainers

Mariah Carey performing in December 1998. Since her career began in 1990, she went on to become one of the biggest-selling female recording artists in pop music history.
Mariah Carey performing in December 1998. Since her career began in 1990, she went on to become one of the biggest-selling female recording artists in pop music history.

Jeri Ryan (Star Trek: Voyager)

[edit] Films

See also: 1990s in film

Teaser poster for the long-anticipated blockbuster Star Wars-The Phantom Menace that emphasizes Anakin's future.
Teaser poster for the long-anticipated blockbuster Star Wars-The Phantom Menace that emphasizes Anakin's future.

[edit] Books and literature

See also : 1990s Books

[edit] Sports figures

See also: 1990s in sports

Joe Carter during the final at-bat of the 1993 World Series, which he ended with a walk-off home run. Second time in major league baseball history for a world series to end in a home run.
Joe Carter during the final at-bat of the 1993 World Series, which he ended with a walk-off home run. Second time in major league baseball history for a world series to end in a home run.
American Football 
Troy Aikman
Jerome Bettis
Terrell Davis
John Elway
Brett Favre
Doug Flutie
Michael Irvin
Jim Kelly
Dan Marino
Joe Montana
Scott Norwood
Junior Seau
Jerry Rice
Bruce Smith
Emmitt Smith
Barry Sanders
Deion Sanders
Reggie White
Steve Young
Athletics (Track & Field)
Sergey Bubka
Linford Christie
Haile Gebrselassie
Hicham El Guerrouj
Michael Johnson
Australian Rules Football 
Tony Lockett
Roberto Alomar
Barry Bonds
Joe Carter
Roger Clemens
Andres Galarraga
Derek Jeter
Greg Maddux
Mark McGwire
Tony Gwynn
John Olerud
Mike Piazza
Cal Ripken, Jr.
Sammy Sosa
Randy Johnson
Ken Griffey, Jr.
Larry Walker
Reggie Miller
Charles Barkley
Larry Bird
Kobe Bryant
Tim Duncan
Patrick Ewing
Kevin Garnett
Allen Iverson
Magic Johnson
Michael Jordan
Hakeem Olajuwon
Karl Malone
Shaquille O'Neal
Clyde Drexler
Scottie Pippen
David Robinson
Dennis Rodman
John Stockton
Harold Minor
Oscar de la Hoya
Julio César Chávez
George Foreman
Evander Holyfield
Mike Tyson
Roy Jones Jr.
Lennox Lewis
James Toney
Pernell Whitaker
Curtly Ambrose
Allan Donald
Ian Healy
Brian Lara
Glenn McGrath
Muttiah Muralitharan
Sachin Tendulkar
Courtney Walsh
Alec Stewart
Shane Warne
Steve Waugh
Wasim Akram
Waqar Younis
Marco Pantani
Lance Armstrong
Miguel Indurain
Football (soccer)
Roberto Baggio
Franco Baresi
David Beckham
Dennis Bergkamp
Didier Deschamps
Marcel Desailly
Jorge Campos
Éric Cantona
Luís Figo
Robbie Fowler
Paul Gascoigne
Ryan Giggs
Gheorghe Hagi
Fernando Hierro
Oliver Kahn
Roy Keane
Jürgen Klinsmann
Jari Litmanen
Paolo Maldini
Steve McManaman
Manuel Rui Costa
David Seaman
Peter Schmeichel
Alan Shearer
Hristo Stoichkov
Davor Suker
George Weah
Zinedine Zidane
Tiger Woods
Nick Faldo
Payne Stewart
Ice Hockey 
Wayne Gretzky
Mario Lemieux
Pavel Bure
Rob Ray
Dominik Hasek
Pat Lafontaine
Eric Lindros
Sergei Fedorov
Jaromir Jagr
Patrick Roy
Mark Messier
Jeremy Roenick
Doug Gilmour
Motor Sport 
Dale Earnhardt
Jeff Gordon
Tommi Mäkinen
Colin McRae
Michael Schumacher
Ayrton Senna
Jacques Villeneuve
Mika Häkkinen
Peter Brock
Larry Perkins
Steve Redgrave
Matthew Pinsent
Rugby Union 
Jonah Lomu
John Eales
Francois Pienaar
Rugby League 
Andrew Johns
Brad Fittler
Andrew Farrell
Ellery Hanley
Michelle Kwan
Nancy Kerrigan
Oksana Baiul
Alpine Skiing 
Alberto Tomba
Picabo Street
Nordic Skiing 
Bjørn Dæhlie
Summer Sanders
Jenny Thompson
Andre Agassi
Pete Sampras
Yevgeny Kafelnikov
Tim Henman
Jennifer Capriati
Steffi Graf
Gabriela Sabatini
Martina Hingis
Anna Kournikova
Monica Seleš
Serena Williams
Venus Williams

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

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