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Adolf Hitler - Wikipedia

Adolf Hitler

Frae Wikipedia

Image:Adolf Hitler Bigger.jpg
A portrait o Adolf Hitler.

Adolf Hitler (Aprile 20, 1889 - Aprile 30, 1945) wis the dictator o Nazi Germany an leader o the Nazi Pairtie. Frae 1933 tae 1945 he wis forbye Chancellor o Germany, heid o govrenment, an heid o state. Hitler is an important leader in warld history. The militar-industrial complex he makkit helped Germany git oot o the economic problems aifter Warld Weir I. At ane time, Hitler's govrenment controlled a muckle o Europe. On his order, millions o people wis murdered in the Holocaust. He committed suicide (kilt hissel) in Berlin afore his airmy wis defeated.

[edit] Life history

Adolf Hitler wis born on Aprile 20 1889 at Braunau-am-Inn, a smaa toun naur Linz in the province o Upper Austria, nae far frae the German mairch, in whit wis than Austria-Hungary.

Adolf wis an mensefu lad, but he failt the heich schuil admission seys in Linz twice. Thare, he became interested in the anti-Semitic (anti-Jewish), Pan-German teachins o Professor Leopold Poetsch.

In 1913, Hitler wis 24. At that time, aw young Austrian men haed tae jyne the airmy. Hitler dinna like the Austrian airmy, so he left Austria for Germany. He steyt in a German ceity, Munich. In 1914, Hitler jynt the German airmy. He did weel for Germany in the First Warld Weir. He wis hurt in the weir. The govrenment gied him the Airn Ruid as an awaird for his bravery.

In 1919, Hitler jynt a smaa poleetical partie cried the German Warkers' Partie. He belyve wunnit the support o the partie members. Twa years later, he became the heid o the partie. He renamed the partie the Naitional Socialist Partie or the Nazi Party.

In 1923, Hitler tried to owerthrow the Weimar Republic govrenment (1918-36) in the Swats Haw Putsch, but coud nae dae it. The govrenment put Hitler in the Landsburg Prison. Thay said that he woud stay in prison for 5 years, but thay let him leave after 9 months. While he wis in preeson, he wrate a beuk wi the help o his freend Rudolf Hess. At first, Hitler wantit tae call the beuk Fower an a Hauf Years o Struissle agin Lees, glaikitity an Couardiness. In the end, he cried the beuk Mein Kampf or Ma Struissle. In the book, Hitler shaws respect tae his faither. He says that thay haed disagreements. Hitler wished tae become an airtist. His faither dinnae like this, he socht Adolf tae wark for the govrenment insteid.

In 1932, Hitler makkit the plans for a caur: later it was the faur ben Volkswagen Bumclock.

In 1933 Hitler gat intil pouer in Germany acause o poleetical manoeuverin. His govrenment immediately began restricting freedom o speech an the press. It baured (dinnae allou) aw ither parties cep the Nazi partie, an makkit fowk poleetical preesoners.

[edit] Remits an forder readin

  • Alan Bullock, Hitler an Stalin: Parallel Lives, HarperCollins, 1991, ISBN 0679729941
  • Alan Bullock, Hitler: A Study in Tyranny, ISBN 0060920203
  • Joachim Fest, Hitler, Harvest Beuks, 2002, ISBN 0156027542
  • Ian Kershaw, Hitler 1889-1936: Hubris, W W Norton, 1999, an Hitler 1937-1945: Nemesis, W W Norton, 2000, ISBN 0393320359
  • Lothar Machtan, The Hidden Hitler (Basic Beuks, 2001, ISBN 0-465-04308-9; English translation bi John Brownjohn)

[edit] Fremmit airtins

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