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LiveJournal - Wikipedia


出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』




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LJの拠点はサンフランシスコカリフォルニア)にある。[2] LiveJournalと他のブログ違いは、WELLのような若干のソーシャルネットワーク機能と、ユーザーが管理できるコミュニティ機能を持つFriendsterとMySpaceに先行しているところにある。

LiveJournal は1999年、ブラッド・フィッツパトリックによって、彼の高校の友達に最新情報を配信する方法として開始された。そして2005年1月、ブログソフトウェア会社 en:Six Apart が、LiveJournal の運営会社である Danga Interactive をフィッツパトリックから買収。

2006年11月、LiveJournalがAlexandr Mamut(Kremlinとの親密な関係にあったロシアの寡政治執政者)の融資により設立された出版社Sup-Fabrikに、ロシアLJの権利を与えたというニュースに関しては、ロシアのLJメンバーには不満の声がある。Side-Line Blog:


[編集] 特徴


LiveJournalではユーザーがいくつかの方法でアカウントのカスタマイズをすることができる。S2プログラミング言語 を使用することでブログのテンプレートを WordPress その他のポピュラーなシステムで使われているものと似た方法で管理することができる。 ユーザーは アバター や "ユーザー画像" をアップロードすることができ、フォーラム等でユーザー名の隣の分かりやすい場所に表示することができる。 有料サービスの利用者はS2管理へのフルアクセスやより多くのユーザー画像のアップロードその他の機能を利用することができる。

ユーザーは各々、連絡先、生い立ち、画像(サイトの外へのリンクで)、フレンドのリスト、興味のあるもの、コミュニティ、さらには学歴の情報を含む "ユーザー情報" のページを持つ。

LiveJournalでは 有料サービス利用者および広告付き利用者がシステムに立ち寄り記事を残す際 "ボイス投稿" を利用することも可能である。

現在LiveJournalでは、無料 (ネットワークの95%を占める); 広告付き利用者; "アーリー・アダプタ" と呼ばれる2000年以前に登録した者; 有料; 永久資格の5つのアカウントレベルが設定されている。 永久資格は通常一般ユーザーに与えられることはない。過去に特別な販売日が設定されたり特典として与えられたことはあるが、将来そういったものがあるかどうかは保障されていない。

"広告付きユーザー" のアカウントは、無料ユーザーが利用または利用停止の切替を費用の発生無しにいつでも好きなときに行うことができ、有料または永久資格のユーザーが利用できるもののうちいくつかを利用することができるようになる。 利用できるようになるのは、画像数の上限引き上げ(50まで 無料アカウントでは6) と LiveJournal内の画像用ディスクスペース(1ユーザー1ギガバイト)。 このアカウントの正式名称は当初 "Sponsored+" だったが、後に "Plus" に変更された。

[編集] ソーシャルネットワーキング

ソーシャルネットワーキングであるLiveJournalにはユーザーとの繋がりを可能にする4つの要素がある。 ユーザー同士がお互いの友達リストに追加する、或いはユーザーの返信がなくても別のリストに登録することができる。 LiveJournalでは、友達リストに追加することを"friend"というように動詞として使われている。


ユーザーの友達リスト(LiveJournalではflistと略される)にはコミュニティも一覧に追加され、またその一覧を元に作成されるRSSは両者の更新情報を同時に配信する。"friending"では友達同士でしか見れない記事を表示するし、その記事は"friends page"で表示される。また"friends groups"を使うことで友達をグループに分けることができるのだから、複雑であり小回りが利くようになっているではないか。

[編集] プライバシー

どのユーザーもGoogleといった検索エンジンに全投稿記事を検索結果に表示させないことができる。 XangaやMySpaceでも導入されている"friends only"といったセキュリティオプションを使うことで、友達リストに登録されているユーザーだけにしかブログを見られないように設定できる。 また、LiveJournalではユーザー自身によってフレンドや特定ユーザーをグループに分けて、それぞれでブログの閲覧を制限するという"user groups"機能がある。 更に、"private"セキュリティオプションによりユーザーが投稿するコメントの表示非表示を選択できるので、ブログではなくプライベートの日記としても使うことができる。 投稿記事すべてを閲覧する際には、セキュリティレベルに関係なく、ユーザーのカレンダーやアーカイブを開く必要がある。

Some sociologists describe this system as an online ゲーテッド・コミュニティ(要塞都市), similar to Orkut or aSmallWorld, but LiveJournal is far more complex; any individual post can be public, restricted to some unknown group, or entirely private. Anyone can read public posts.

Users may also restrict who may comment on their posts. Comments on a given entry may be allowed from anyone who can read the entry, or restricted. Commenting from anonymous users may be disabled or screened (visible only to the original posters), limiting posting to registered LiveJournal users. Additionally, posting can be limited to only users listed as a friend. The IP address of commenters can be logged as well.

[編集] コミュニティ

[編集] ユーザー間の対話

As with most weblogs, people can comment on each other's journal entries and create a message board-style thread of comments — each comment can be replied to individually, starting a new thread. All users, including non-paying users, can set various options for comments: they can instruct the software to only accept comments from those on their friends list or block anonymous comments (meaning only LiveJournal users can comment on their posts). They can also screen various types of comments before they are displayed, or disable commenting entirely. Users can also have replies sent directly to their registered e-mail address.

In addition, LiveJournal acts as host to group journals, dubbed "communities" (frequently abbreviated as comms). Anyone who joins a community can make posts to it as they would on a regular journal; communities also have "maintainers", ordinary users who run the community and oversee membership and moderation.

Some areas of LiveJournal rely heavily on user contributions and volunteer efforts.[3] In particular, the LiveJournal Support area is run almost entirely by unpaid volunteers. Similarly, the website is translated into other languages by volunteers, although this effort is running down due to a perceived lack of involvement from the LiveJournal administration.

The development of the LiveJournal software has seen extensive volunteer involvement in the past. In February and March 2003, there was even an effort, nicknamed the Bazaar, to boost volunteer performance by offering money in return for "wanted" enhancements or improvements.[4] The Bazaar was intended to follow a regular monthly pay-out scheme, but it ended up paying out only once, after which it was neglected without a word from the management until about one year later when it was shut down.

Nowadays, voluntary contributions to the software are considered for inclusion less and less as the company has acquired more and more paid employees who focus on the organization's commercial interests. This has led to the formation of several forks, many of which introduce new features that users would like to see at LiveJournal, especially features that are brought up repeatedly in LiveJournal's own suggestions journal (which is sometimes stereotyped to be superfluous because many regular readers feel that LiveJournal has stopped caring about ideas from users and implement only the development team's own ideas, particularly since the buyout by Six Apart).

In some cases legal and administrative concerns have led LiveJournal to prohibit some people from volunteering.

[編集] LiveJournalの人口

As of April 2006, over 10 million accounts had been created, of which 1.2 million had been updated at some point in the previous 30 days.[5] Of those users who provided their date of birth, the vast majority were in the 15-24 age group. Of those who specified a gender, more than two thirds were female.

LiveJournal is most popular in English-speaking countries (although there is a language selection feature), and the United States has by far the most LiveJournal users among users who choose to list a location. There is also a sizable Russian contingent, as many Russians have turned to LiveJournal as their primary blogging engine. The following are rounded figures as of July 19, 2006 (based on the information listed by the users):

  1. 3,008,303 ― アメリカ合衆国
  2. 317,596 ― ロシア
  3. 246,944 ― カナダ
  4. 206,656 ― イギリス
  5. 97,923 ― オーストラリア
  6. 36,413 ― フィリピン
  7. 35,742 ― ウクライナ
  8. 33,321 ― ドイツ
  9. 28,666 ― シンガポール
  10. 27,201 ― フィンランド

The following is a breakdown of United States users, by state, as of July 19, 2006:

  1. 518,462 ― カリフォルニア
  2. 338,317 ― フロリダ
  3. 314,774 ― ニューヨーク
  4. 268,652 ― ミシガン
  5. 235,350 ― テキサス

These figures only include accounts where the country information is public.

[編集] 著名なLiveJournalのユーザー


[編集] フランク・ザ・ゴート


フランク・ザ・ゴートは、LiveJournalのマスコットである。 フランクは実際LiveJournalユーザーとして存在し、"プロフィール""日記"も他のユーザーと同じように扱われている。


近年では、ウェブ漫画家"Ryan Estrada"がフランクのコミックを製作した。 それが、水曜日ごとに更新されるLiveJournalの"フランク漫画コミュニティ"である。 今現在のコミュニティメンバーは約8,600人、加えて5,000人のLiveJournalユーザーが注目している。

[編集] 批評及び論争

[編集] 招待制のシステム

From September 2, 2001 until December 12, 2003, the growth of LiveJournal was checked by an "invite code" system. This curbing of membership was necessitated by a rate of growth faster than the server architecture could handle. New users were required to either obtain an invite code from an existing user or buy a paid account (which reverts to a free account at the expiration of the period of time paid for). The invite code system serendipitously reduced abuse on the site by deterring people from creating multiple throw-away accounts. The invite code system was lifted after a number of major improvements to the overall site architecture.

Elimination of the invite code system was met with mixed feelings and some surprisingly strong opposition. A number of users felt the invite code system lent LiveJournal a touch of elitism, or a closed-community feel. Others, LiveJournal's management included, pointed out that the invite code system was always intended to be temporary.[7]

[編集] フレンドという言葉の乱用

The dual usage of "friend" as those one reads and those one trusts doesn't necessarily match the definition of the word used in everyday speech. Even the individual users on a user's friends list may contain a mixture of people met through real world friendships, online friendships, general interest, and courtesy (a user friending back someone who friended them). Sometimes a friends list represents something entirely unrelated to social relationships, such as a reading list, a collection, or a puzzle.

The fact that "friend" is used, without qualification, to describe vastly different things in the LiveJournal community is sometimes a source of conflict, hurt feelings, and other misunderstandings. This is intensified by the fact that friending and defriending (adding or removing another user from your Friends list) is as simple as clicking a button, while real-life friendships are formed and unmade over longer periods of time. Since creating a friend relationship on LiveJournal does not require permission or action on the part of anyone but a single user, any user can friend any other user. Many users are sensitive to being listed as a "friend of" a controversial user or someone whom they actively dislike. To combat this, a feature was created for users to hide the entire list of others who have listed them as a "friend".

On April Fool's Day, 2004, the LiveJournal staff pulled a prank on all users by changing the terms "friend" and "friend of" to "stalking" and "stalked by." Though many users wanted to keep these terms, it caused controversy, particularly with those who had been victims of stalking.

Despite these problems, the word friend continues to be used to define these multi-faceted relationships on LiveJournal. This possibly reflects the designers' intent to have LiveJournal become more like an off-line community than some other purely on-line organizational structure.

In the Russian LiveJournal community, the word френд (friend, an English borrowing) is often used to describe this relationship instead of the native Russian word that translates to "friend."

[編集] 決定権の乱用

As LiveJournal has grown, it has had to deal with issues involving the content it hosts. Like most web logging hosts, it has adopted a basic Terms of Service [8]. The Terms of Service simultaneously expresses a desire for free speech by the users while outlining impermissible conduct such as spamming, copyright violation, harassment, etc. LiveJournal created an abuse team and processes to handle claims about violations of the Terms of Service, violations of copyright, violations of the law, and other issues.

If the abuse team determines that a violation has occurred, the user will be either required to remove the infringing material (as in the case of copyright violations); the journal will be suspended until such time as the material can be removed (e.g., posting of home addresses or other various contact information of another); or, in cases of severe or multiple violations, the journal will be suspended (e.g., account hijacking, multiple instances of copyright violation, child pornography). The offending user is notified by email of any journal suspension or, if any offending material must be removed, the user is given a deadline for its removal. When a journal is suspended, it effectively removes from sight everything the user has written on LiveJournal, including comments in other people's journals; however, the user is able to download the material while suspended. Those suspended users who have paid for LiveJournal's service do not have payments refunded.

The processes followed by the abuse team are criticized by some users as lacking transparency; all team members utilize pseudonyms in their responses to requests and there is no independent ombudsman or mediator. A complaint escalation procedure does exist by which complaints are passed to staff members internally, but the workings of it are not obvious to end users of the system and are not publicly explained. The abuse team at LiveJournal has come under criticism for their handling of alleged violations[9] and some users feel that the abuse team over-reacts to cases in disregard of the actual Terms of Service (or the reverse, that it disregards blatant Terms of Service violations).

A small controversy arose in November 2004 when a policy document used by the abuse team was leaked to a group of its critics before it was due to be released. Comparisons between the policy and the Terms of Service were inevitable, with some feeling that the former were more restrictive than the latter, and others believing that the Terms of Service are very wide in scope and encompass everything within the policy document. The policy document has since been officially released[10].

A controversy arose when more than one thousand users complained after an unknown number of users were asked to remove default user pictures containing images of breast feeding that were considered inappropriate as they contained a view of nipples or areolae.[11] The incident attracted the attention of breast feeding advocacy groups such as Pro-Mom[12] who publicized the issue to gain larger media awareness.[13] LiveJournal responded by changing the FAQ on appropriate content for default user pictures. The current FAQ 111 says that nudity[14] is not appropriate: the original FAQ 111 said that graphic sexual content ttp:// was not appropriate. Breastfeeding was not banned by the original FAQ, but is under the new FAQ.

[編集] LiveJournalと広告

In April of 2006, a user type was added that gave free users some of the features available to paid members in exchange for ad sponsorship, initially called Sponsored+, and later renamed to Plus. Some long-time users criticized this move, saying that it was against LiveJournal's founding principles, one of which explicitly stated there would be no ads on the website; however, the Plus account has been a popular choice for its added features.

The strongest criticism of ads on LiveJournal occurred when ads for Kpremium began installing malware and triggering pop-up ads on users' computers, against the LiveJournal ad guidelines.[15] LiveJournal responded by removing the advertisement from the website and issuing an apology to its users.[16]

[編集] Six Apartの買収

LiveJournalの親会社であるDanga InteractiveはBrad Fitzpatrickによって設立され、所有されていたが、LiveJournalの人気が拡大するにつてFitzpatrickにはブログサービスの買収提案が数多くあった。彼ははじめのうち、彼の pet project (彼自身"我が子"のようだと表現している) がこのサイトの基本理念(利用料金はサイトの運営、広告の非表示、ボランティアによるサポートモデルの維持、フリーソフトウェアの浸透をサポートすることに使用する)を理解しない他人の手に渡る以前から、そのたくさんのオファーを断っていた。 しかし、Fitzpatrickは技術的な仕事に関心があるにもかかわらずLiveJournalの経営管理的側面により多くの時間を割かなければいけなくなっていき、次第に買収提案を現実的なものとして受け止めるようになっていった。

最終的に Fitzpatrick は Six Apart の共同設立者であり LiveJournal の基本理念に深い理解を示していた en:Ben Trotten:Mena Trott という彼が信頼していた人物からの提案を受けることになる。 彼はに売却することによって自分がLiveJournal運営の技術的な側面に集中でき、かつ Six Apart の熟練したノウハウによりユーザビリティとデザインの向上を図れると考えた。 一方の Six Apart は Danga と LiveJournal の買収によって自社のブログサービスを補完できると考えていた。

[編集] コミュニティの反応

Rumors of Danga's impending sale to Six Apart were first reported by Business 2.0 journalist Om Malik in his blog, on 4 January 2005.[17] The rumor immediately spread, as users began to speculate (and some panic) about the prospect of the sale of LiveJournal's parent company.[18][19][20][21] By the next evening, speculation of major changes, including a rumor that LiveJournal would require non-paying users to purchase memberships, had caused enough users to backup their journals to impact the site's performance.[22] A few hours later, Fitzpatrick confirmed the sale, and insisted the site's core principles would not be discarded by the new ownership.[23] He also stressed that he and other Danga employees would still continue to manage LiveJournal and that he had determined that Six Apart was committed to the site's core principles before selling.

While the userbase was generally supportive of Fitzpatrick's decision, a few have questioned the deal, objecting to Six Apart's sale of proprietary software, or objecting to changes in LiveJournal's "Guiding Principles" document.[24] In addition, some users had developed a trust of Fitzpatrick, but felt that the sale of Danga to an outside company meant that Fitzpatrick was not ultimately in control of the site.

Fitzpatrick's supporters offered rebuttals to many of these arguments.[25] They noted that the bulk of the code running LiveJournal at the time of the acquisition would continue to be open source, as it was licensed under the GPL. Furthermore, it was noted, most of the changes to the "Social Contract"/"Guiding Principles" document were minor rewordings to prevent legal problems. (The document was never a binding legal contract.)

Others argued that Fitzpatrick, as the sole owner of Danga Interactive, had every right to sell the site, without first consulting the users.

Finally, Fitzpatrick himself noted he was growing tired of the administrative aspects of the site — to the point where he had contemplated shutting down the service — and "I knew I would've shut down the site on my own if I didn't get help."[26]

[編集] LiveJournalエンジンで構築されている他のサイト

LiveJournalを走らせているソフトウェアはオープンソースであり、主にPerlで記述されています。 このため、多くの他のコミュニティがLiveJournalソフトウェアを使用して設計されました。 しかし、DeadJournal、GreatestJournalとBlurtyを除いては不安定で短命な傾向があります

ASKS? - 教えて君コミュニティー

[編集] LiveJournalの推移

2=== 1999年 ===

  • 3月18日, 1999 ― LiveJournalが開設される。(最初に投稿された記事:[28]・初期段階のコード[29])
  • 11月17日, 1999 ― LiveJournalにおける告知ページnewsが設立される。[30]

[編集] 2000年

  • 2月14日 ― Aaron Eiche氏がMacintoshで初となる投稿クライアンを公開。[31]
  • 4月1日 ― Message boards (記事毎のコメント投稿機能)追加。[32]
  • 5月21日 ― 投稿記事の題名記入欄追加。
  • 8月2日 ― プロフィールに興味項目を追加。 [33]
  • 8月3日 ― 初期Ver.のディレクトリ検索がベータとして公開される。[34]
  • 8月15日 ― サポート掲示板を新設。 (初投稿:[35]
  • 8月22日 ― Topic directory [36] (now defunct)
  • 8月25日 ― Text messaging [37]
  • 9月13日 ― 有償アカウントの特別機能について。 [38]
  • 11月14日 ― Windows投稿クライアントvisionsが公開される。[39]
  • 12月1日 ― 更新情報を告知するchangelogが設立される。[40]
  • 12月6日 ― コミュニティ機能追加。[41]

[編集] 2001年

  • 1月12日Dystopia氏がLiveJournalのサイトデザインのリニューアル計画を紹介。 [42]
  • 3月18日 ― ユーザーによる投票機能の追加。 [43]
  • 3月24日 ― LiveJournalサーバのオープンソース化。 [44]
  • 5月16日 ― 有償アカウントにsupporthelpを追加。 [45]
  • 9月2日 ― 招待コード作成ページを公開。 [46]
  • 11月4日avvaが初の常勤者となる。 [47]

[編集] 2002年

  • 1月1日bradfitz氏がバンドMirrors On Shoesの歌うLiveJournal歌を公開。 [48]
  • 1月5日 ― アカウント削除が始まる。 (気に入ったユーザー名が取れなかったからだと推察している。) [49]
  • 2月2日 ― データベースのクラスタリング。 [50]
  • 4月1日 ― サポートのカテゴリにCommunities追加。 [51]
  • 4月14日UTF-8に移行。 [52]
  • 5月3日 ― インターフェイスの他言語翻訳を開始。 [53]
  • 7月3日 ― Zilla (bug and project tracking database) created (初投稿: [54]
  • 7月8日RSS syndicationが始まる。 [55]
  • 8月22日 ― サポートにて仮特権が紹介される。 [56]
  • 11月26日 ― サポートのカテゴリからCustomizationが閉鎖される。 [57]
  • 12月29日 ― サポートのカテゴリにSyndicationを新設。 [58]

[編集] 2003年

  • 1月16日 ― Style System 2 (S2)のベータテストが始まる。[59]
  • 3月18日 ― Introduction of the XColibur site scheme [60]
  • 4月11日 ― 100万アカウント達成。[61] [62]
  • 10月24日 ― 電子メールによる投稿が可能となる。 [63]
  • 10月29日 ― サポートカテゴリにStyle Systemsを新設。 [64]
  • 11月12日 ― 電話による投稿機能を追加。[65]
  • 12月12日 ― 招待コード作成が停止する。[66]
  • 12月12日 ― LiveJournal begins airing commercials in movie theatres in San Francisco, Portland, Seattle, and Denver. [67]
  • 12月17日, 2003 ― Unused invite codes can be used to obtain LiveJournal coupons until December 31 [68]

[編集] 2004年

  • 1月2日 ― セキュアなログインとパスワード設定を更新。[69]
  • 1月29日 ― 200万アカウントを達成。[70]
  • 2月12日 ― First colorbar created [71]
  • 5月12日 ― LiveJournal wins "People's Voice" Webby Awards in "Community" category [72]
  • 7月22日 ― FotoBilderによる画像ホスティング始まる。[73]
  • 11月1日 ― 500万アカウント達成。
  • 11月19日 ― Rachelle Waterman's LiveJournal achieves notoriety when she is arrested and accused of orchestrating the murder of her mother

[編集] 2005年

  • 1月5日 ― Brad Fitzpatrick sells Danga Interactive and LiveJournal to Six Apart for an undisclosed amount over $1 million [74], [75], [76]
  • 1月14日 and 1月15日 ― The colocation centre company where the LiveJournal servers are stored, Internap, suffers a major power failure. This results in the entire site being unavailable for over 24 hours whilst Fitzpatrick and his fellow system administrators work to bring 100 servers back online. The news makes the news site Slashdot at 03:30 GMT. [77] [78] This event is commonly referred to as the Great LJ Blackout of 2005.
  • 4月22日 ― 2nd annual template-design contest winners announced: A Novel Conundrum, 3 Column Style, Tranquility II, Flexible Squares and Nebula. [79]
  • 6月1日 ― Several updates: Phone posts now default to .mp3 format, majority of winning templates from Style Contest added as options for users, one-time purging from servers of all accounts deleted for over 30 days. [80]
  • 6月7日 ― LiveJournal holds a 24-hour permanent account sale for $150 per account. [81]
  • 6月15日 ― LiveJournal introduces full support for tags. [82]
  • 7月19日 ― New support category Issue Investigation, while Embedding and Press are closed. [83]
  • 11月18日--11月19日 ― Data center is moved from Internap at Seattle to Six Apart Headquarters at San Francisco.
  • 12月15日 ― Holiday gifts (permanent upgrades) given to users: 10 GB of storage space to permanent account holders, 1 GB of storage space to paid accounts, twice as many userpics (from 3 to 6) for free accounts

[編集] 2006年

  • 1月19日 ― Due to web browser related security concerns, the URL scheme for users' content was changed, making what used to be an optional Paid only feature a standard feature for all users.
  • 2月10日 ― Introduced Virtual Gifts. For a small cost, users can now send "gifts" such as roses or balloons to a friend's userpage, where they will remain for two weeks before fading away. The feature was originally introduced for Valentine's Day, but is to continue after the holiday has passed.
  • 2月20日 ― The Futuristic Sex Robotz announce their new album, Hotel Coral Essex, which includes a track called LiveJournal.
  • 3月15日 ― In a gift to paid account users, the userpic limit was raised to 30. Also, loyalty userpics were added, giving extra userpics to paid users who have supported the site over the years. Permanent account holders were given the maximum of 132. Two new Virtual Gifts were added, a Good Luck Clover and Bubbly Brew, to celebrate the St. Patrick's Day holiday. A Flash player was added to voiceposts, assisting users by allowing them to play posts in .mp3 format right in the post. Finally, a new intern, user burr86, was added to assist with the site bug and issue database.
  • 4月10日 ― Site reaches 10 million accounts.
  • 4月18日 ― "Sponsored+" accounts are introduced, which feature ads. [84]
  • 5月/6月 ― Controversy arises when LJ Abuse team warns several users to remove default user pictures containing images of breastfeeding. The owners of some of the user pictures feel that they should be permitted to keep them because they depict breastfeeding rather than explicitly sexual content. LiveJournal changes its long-standing policy on inappropriate default user pictures, but some users, feeling the policy is wrong, elect to allow their journals to be suspended or delete them themselves. Others start to display protest userpics, write letters to LJ Abuse and 6 Apart. [85] [86]
  • 6月6日 ― A number of users staged a one day boycott of LiveJournal in concern about LJ's abuses policy on breastfeeding images and about the broader issues of ToS and Customer Service.
  • 8月25日 ― With help from parent company Six Apart, LiveJournal offers new layout options to both "Plus" and paid accounts. "Plus" users receive partial access to the new Expressive themes (paid accounts may use any), as well as the previously paid-account-only Component. "The Boxer" layout remains the sole Paid-account only layout, despite being labeled as one "Plus" users are able to use in the 'sample layouts' guide.
  • 8月28日 ― Site reaches 11 million accounts.
  • 9月29日 ― LiveJournal announces "sponsored communities" and "sponsored features" [87].
  • 10月11日TxtLJ, a feature for interacting with LiveJournal through SMS text messages sponsored by Amp'd Mobile, was opened up to paid and permanent members.[88]
  • 10月12日 ― LiveJournal officially announces its integrated Jabber service LJ Talk, with the ability to post journal entries through instant messaging, username icon Contextual Hover Menus for LJ Talk login status and user links, and optimized Jabber client Gizmo Project for LJ Talk.[89]
  • 11月4日 ― Servers managing LiveJournal blogs suffer a massive power outage. SixApart makes a crude "offline" page visible through the entire LiveJournal network. [90]

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