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Wikipedia:信頼できる情報源 - Wikipedia


出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』

この文書はウィキペディアの公式な方針あるいはガイドライン草案です。現時点ではまだ拘束力はありません。現在、内容に関してノートページで議論を行なっています。 ショートカット:

Wikipedia articles should use reliable published sources. This page provides guidance about how to identify these. The two policy pages that discuss the need to use sources are Wikipedia:No original research and Wikipedia:Verifiability.


If you can provide useful information to Wikipedia, please do so, but bear in mind that edits for which no reliable references are provided may be removed by any editor. The responsibility for finding and adding references lies with the person adding material to an article, and sources should be provided whenever possible.


What follows is a description of Wikipedia's best practices. Many articles may fall short of this standard until editors devote time and effort to fact-checking and reference-running. (See efforts to identify reliable sources.) In the meantime, readers can still benefit from your contributions, bearing in mind that unsourced edits, or edits relying on inappropriate sources, may be challenged and removed at any time. Sometimes it is better to have no information at all than to have information without sources[1].

以下に、ウィキペディアでの最良の習慣を説明します。多くの記事は、編集者が時間と労力をはらって事実を確認して参照先に目を通すまで、この基準を満たさないかもしれません(情報源が信頼できるか確認するをご覧ください)。それまでの間も読者はあなたの投稿の恩恵を受けるかもしれませんが、情報源のない編集や不適切な情報源に基づく編集にはいつでも異議を申し立てられたり削除されたりすることがあると心にとめておいてください。 ときには、情報源のない情報があるよりも、まったく何の情報もない方が良い場合もあります[2]

There are many ways in which factual errors can be introduced into reports. Keep in mind that many articles are about characterizing the various factions in a dispute. This means that you will be looking for reliable published reports of people's opinions.



[編集] いくつかの定義 -- Some definitions

Please note the following terms:


  • A fact is an actual state of affairs. To say of a sentence or proposition that it is true is to say that it refers to a fact. As far as the encyclopedia is concerned, a fact is a statement agreed to by the consensus of scholars or experts working on a topic. (New evidence might emerge so that the statement is no longer accepted as a fact; at that time the encyclopedia should be revised.)
  • 事実は、実際の事柄の状態です。ある命題についてそれはであると述べることは、事実を参照していると述べることです。百科事典の場合では事実とは、その主題についての学者や専門家の共通認識によって同意された記述のことです。(新しい証拠が現れてその記述はもはや事実ではなくなることがあるかもしれません。そのときは、百科事典を修正すべきです)

Assert facts, including facts about opinions — but don't assert opinions themselves. That a survey produced a certain published result is a fact. That there is a planet called Mars is a fact. That Plato was a philosopher is a fact. No one seriously disputes any of these things, so we can feel free to assert them.


  • An opinion is a view that someone holds, the content of which may or may not be verifiable. However, that a certain person or group expressed a certain opinion is a fact (that is, it is true that the person expressed the opinion) and it may be included in Wikipedia if it can be verified; that is, if you can cite a good source showing that the person or group expressed the opinion.
  • 意見とは、誰かが抱いている見解であり、その内容は検証できる場合もできない場合もあります。しかし、ある人やグループがある意見を表明したということは事実であり(つまり、その人がその意見を表明したのは真である)、そのことが検証可能である(つまり、そうした人や団体が意見を表明したことを示す適切な情報源を参照できる)ならば、そのことはウィキペディアに含めることができます。
  • A primary source is a document or person providing direct evidence of a certain state of affairs; in other words, a source very close to the situation you are writing about. The term most often refers to a document produced by a participant in an event or an observer of that event. It could be an official report, an original letter, a media account by a journalist who actually observed the event, or an autobiography. Statistics compiled by an authoritative agency are considered primary sources. In general, Wikipedia articles should not depend on primary sources but rather on reliable secondary sources who have made careful use of the primary-source material. Most primary-source material requires training to use correctly, especially on historical topics. Wikipedia articles may use primary sources only if they have been published by a reliable publisher e.g. trial transcripts published by a court stenographer, or historic documents that appear in edited collections. We may not use primary sources whose information has not been made available by a reliable publisher. See Wikipedia:No original research and Wikipedia:Verifiability
  • 一次情報源は、ある事柄の状態について直接の証拠となるドキュメントまたは人物です。言いかえれば、書こうとしている対象の状況に非常に近い情報源です。この語は多くの場合、出来事の参加者やその出来事の目撃者によって作られたドキュメントを指します。公式な報告書、手紙の原本、実際に出来事を目撃したジャーナリストによる報道記事、あるいは自伝などになるでしょう。権威ある機関によってまとめられた統計も一次情報源と考えられます。一般に、ウィキペディアの記事は一次情報源に基づくべきではなく、むしろ一次情報源となる資料を注意深く扱った、信頼できる二次情報源に頼るべきです。ほとんどの一次情報源となる資料は、適切に用いるための訓練が必要です。特に歴史についての主題を扱う場合がそうです。ウィキペディアの記事で一次情報源を使ってよいのは、信頼できる出版元から公刊されている場合だけです。例えば書記官によって公刊された公判記録、編纂された全集の中に登場する歴史文書といったものがこれにあたります。信頼できる出版元によって、その情報が入手できる状態になっていない一次情報源は、使ってはいけません。Wikipedia:独自の調査およびWikipedia:検証可能性をご覧ください。
  • A secondary source summarizes one or more primary or secondary sources. Secondary sources produced by scholars and published by scholarly presses are carefully vetted for quality control and can be considered authoritative.
  • 二次情報源とは、ひとつまたはそれ以上の一次情報源または二次情報源を要約したものです。学者によって書かれ、学術的な出版社によって出版された二次情報源は、品質管理のために注意深く精査されており、信頼できると考えられます。
  • A tertiary source usually summarizes secondary sources. Encyclopedias, for instance, are tertiary sources.
  • 三次情報源は通常、二次情報源を要約したものです。例えば、百科事典は三次情報源です。

When reporting facts, Wikipedia articles should cite sources[3]. Wikipedia is a tertiary source. Wikipedia cannot cite itself as a source—that would be a self-reference. There is a wealth of reliable information in tertiary sources such as the en:Encyclopædia Britannica. Note that unsigned Encyclopædia Britannica, World Book, and Encarta articles are written by staff, who may not be experts, and the articles may therefore not have the same level of credibility, but they are regarded as reliable sources for Wikipedia's purposes. When wikipedians have the ambition to write a better encyclopedia entry than those extant[4], it does not suffice to rely on the content of such tertiary sources. Therefore, in general, as primary sources are also to be treated with caution (see above), secondary sources are the stock material on which Wikipedia articles depend for their references.


When reporting that an opinion is held by a particular individual or group, the best citation will be to a direct quote, citing the source of the quote in full after the sentence, using a Harvard reference, a footnote, or an embedded link. See WP:CITE for more details. If there is text, audio, or video available of someone expressing the opinion directly, you may include or transcribe an excerpt, which is allowed under fair use.

ある個人または団体がある意見を持っていることを記述する場合の最良の示し方は、直接そうした意見を引用し、引用した文の一番最後にハーバード式参照法または脚注・リンクの埋め込みを使って引用元を示すことです。詳しくはWikipedia:出典を明記するをご覧ください。誰かが意見を述べていることを直接示す文書・画像・映像がある場合、それをフェアユースのもとで許された形で訳注 日本語版では要検討掲載したり抜粋したりできます。

[編集] 出所の不確かな素材 -- Unattributed material

Wikipedians often report as facts things they remember hearing about or reading somewhere, but they don't remember where, and they have no corroborating evidence. It is important to seek reliable sources to verify these types of reports, and if they cannot be verified, any editor may delete or challenge them.


It is always appropriate to ask other editors to produce their sources. The burden of evidence lies with the editor who has made the edit in question, and any unsourced material may be removed by any editor. However, some editors may object if you remove material without giving people a chance to find a source, particularly when the material is not obviously wrong, absurd, or harmful. Instead of removing such material immediately, editors are encouraged to move it to the talk page, or to place the {{fact}} template after the disputed word or sentence, or to tag the article by adding {{not verified}} or {{unsourced}} at the top of the page. See Wikipedia:Verifiability and Wikipedia:No original research, which are policy, and Wikipedia:Avoid weasel words.

ほかの編集者に対して情報源を作成するように求めるのは常に適切です。証拠を提出する義務は疑問の元となる編集を行った人にあり、情報源が提示されていない物は誰でも取り除くことができます。しかし、情報源を探す機会を与えずに本文の記述を除去すると、抗議する編集者もいます。特に、本文の記述が不適切または、不条理、有害なことが明らかではなかった場合です。そうした記述はすぐに削除するのではなく、ノートページに移動するか、{{要出典}} テンプレートを問題となっている単語や文のあとに付けるか、ページの先頭に{{not verified}} や{{unsourced}} を追加することで記事をタグ付けすることが推奨されます。方針を示したWikipedia:検証可能性Wikipedia:独自の調査や、Wikipedia:言葉を濁さないをご覧ください。

Do not, however, remove statements that you believe to be both true and common knowledge, simply because they aren't sourced. Don't, for instance, remove a reference to "earth's elliptical orbit" simply because the writer has not supported the assertion that planetary orbits are elliptical.


If you do honestly disbelieve a statement, do remove it and request a source on the talk page. If you do honestly think it isn't common knowledge, do tag it as requiring a reference or query it on the talk page. And do be skeptical about claims of "common knowledge" about people, especially living people. Gossip is not common knowledge.


[編集] 存命中の人物の伝記 --- In biographies of living persons

Unverified material that could be construed as critical, negative or harmful in articles about living persons should be removed immediately, and should not be moved to the talk page. The same applies to sections dealing with living persons in other articles. Real people are involved, and they can be hurt by your words. We are not tabloid journalism, we are an encyclopedia.[7]


See Wikipedia:Biographies of living persons, Wikipedia:Libel, Template:WPBiography (with a parameter of living=yes), and Template:Blp.

Wikipedia:存命人物の伝記やWikipedia:名誉棄損 、Template:WPBiography (引数living=yesにしてください), Template:Blpをご覧ください。

[編集] 誤った権威に注意 -- Beware false authority

Look out for false claims of authority. Advanced degrees give authority in the topic of the degree. Web sites that have numerous footnotes may be entirely unreliable. The first question to ask yourself is, "What are the credentials and expertise of the people taking responsibility for a website?" Anyone can post anything on the web.


Use sources who have postgraduate degrees or demonstrable published expertise in the field they are discussing. The more reputable ones are affiliated with academic institutions. The most reputable have written textbooks in their field: these authors can be expected to have a broad, authoritative grasp of their subject. In general, college textbooks are frequently revised and try to be authoritative. High school and middle school textbooks, however, do not try to be authoritative and they are subject to political approval.


[編集] 特別な主張には特別な証拠が求められる -- Exceptional claims require exceptional evidence

Certain red flags should prompt editors to closely and skeptically examine the sources for a given claim.

  • Surprising or apparently important claims that are not widely known.
  • Surprising or apparently important reports of recent events not covered by reputable news media.
  • Reports of a statement by someone that seems out of character, embarrassing, controversial, or against an interest they had previously defended.
  • Claims not supported or claims that are contradicted by the prevailing view in the relevant academic community. Be particularly careful when proponents say there is a conspiracy to silence them.


  • 広く知られてはいない、驚くべきまたは重要な主張
  • 一流のニュースメディアで取り上げられていない最近の出来事にに関する、驚くべきまたは重要な報告
  • 誰かの発言に関する、ふだんとは違う人を困惑させたり物議をかもしたりするような、あるいはそれまで擁護してきた関係者に反対するような報告
  • 支持されていない主張や、関係学会に普及している見解に矛盾する主張。提案者が、そうした人々が沈黙しているのは陰謀のためだと言っている場合は特に気をつけてください

[編集] 情報源の評価 -- Evaluating sources

Editors have to evaluate sources and decide which are the most reliable and authoritative. For academic topics, every field has an established system of reviews and evaluations that can be found in scholarly journals associated with that field. In history, for example, the American Historical Review reviews around 1,000 books each year. The American Historical Association's Guide to Historical Literature (1995) summarizes the evaluations of 27,000 books and articles in all fields of history. Editors should seek out and take advantage of these publications to help find authoritative sources. Disagreements between the authoritative sources should be indicated in the article.

編集者は複数の情報源を評価し、もっとも信頼できて権威があるのはどれかを決めなければなりません。学術的な主題についてはどんな分野でも、その分野の学術雑誌に見られるような査読と評価についての確立された制度を持っています。例えば歴史では、アメリカン・ヒストリカル・レビュー (American Historical Review) 誌は毎年約 1,000 冊の書籍を査読しています。アメリカ歴史学会の史学文献に関する指針(1995年)では、歴史の全分野に関する27,000 冊の書籍と記事についての評価をまとめています。権威ある情報源を見つけるために、編集者はこのよう公表物を探し出して利用すべきです。権威ある情報源の間での不一致は記事中で示されるべきです。

See Wikipedia:No original research and Wikipedia:Verifiability for more information.


[編集] 複数の情報源を確認する -- Check multiple sources

Because conscious and unconscious biases are not always self-evident, you shouldn't necessarily be satisfied with a single source. Find another one and cross-check. If multiple independent sources agree and they have either no strong reason to be biased, or their biases are at cross purposes, then you may have a reliable account.


However, bear in mind that we only report what reliable publications publish, although of course editors should seek to use the most authoritative sources. In accordance with Wikipedia's No original research policy, we do not add our own opinion.


[編集] 注意すべき論点 -- Issues to look out for

  • Have the secondary sources used multiple independent primary sources?
  • 複数の独立した一次情報源を使った二次情報源がありますか?
  • Do they have an agenda or conflict of interest, strong views, or other bias which may color their report? Remember that conflicts of interest are not always explicitly exposed and bias is not always self-evident. However, that a source has strong views is not necessarily a reason not to use it, although editors should avoid using political groups with widely acknowledged extremist views, like, en:Al-Qaeda, or the British Socialist Workers Party. Groups like these may be used as primary sources only, i.e. as sources about themselves and their own activities or viewpoints, and even then with caution and sparingly. Extremist groups should not be used as secondary sources.
  • 底意や関係者間の対立、強硬な見解、そのほか報告に影響する先入観はありますか?関係者間の議論は常に明白に公表されるわけではなく、先入観は常に自明ではないことを憶えておいてください。しかしながら、情報源に強硬な見解が含まれているということは、必ずしもそれを使ってはならないならない理由にはなりません。ただし、編集者は一般にはStormfrontやアル・カイダ、イギリスのSocialist Workers Partyのように広く過激派として知られている政治団体を使うことは避けるべきです。こうした団体は、一次情報源、すなわち彼ら自身の情報源や独自の活動や視点の情報源としてしか使えませんし、そうした場合でも注意深く慎重でなければなりません。
  • Were they actually there? Be careful to distinguish between descriptions of events by eyewitnesses and by commentators. The former are primary sources; the latter secondary. Both can be reliable.
  • 彼らは本当にそこに実在しましたか?出来事の目撃者による説明と解説者によるものを注意深く分けて考えるようにしてください。前者は一次情報源で、後者は二次情報源です。どちらも信頼できます。
  • Find out what other people say about your sources.
  • あなたの情報源についてほかの人がどのように言っているか探し出してください。
  • Have the sources reported other facts reliably, including on different subjects? Cross-check with what you already know.
  • ほかの事実を報告している情報源は、別分野の場合も含めて信頼できますか?あなたがすでに知っていることについて照合してください。
  • Are they available to other editors to check? We provide sources for our readers, so they must be accessible in principle. If not, inclusion is probably not appropriate. Note, however, that they need not be online; availability through a library is sufficient.
  • ほかの編集者が確認するのに使えますか?わたしたちは読者のために情報源を提供するため、原則として読者は情報源にアクセスできるはずです。もしそうでなければ、おそらく引用の仕方が不適切なのでしょう。ただし、オンラインである必要はありません。図書館で利用できれば十分です。

[編集] 独立した二次情報源とは? -- What is an independent secondary source?

Independent secondary sources:


  • Have separate editorial oversight and fact-checking processes;
  • Have not collaborated;
  • May have taken their own look at the available primary sources and used their own judgment in evaluating them.
  • 編集者の監視や、事実の検証プロセスを経ている
  • 合作していない
  • 利用できる一次情報源を彼ら自身で見ており、評価するに当たっては彼ら自身の判断を使っている

Even given the same primary sources, different analysts may come to different conclusions about the facts being reported. In practice, many secondary sources find and use different primary sources in the course of their research. Conscious biases, unconscious biases, and errors are not always self-evident. The best way to expose them is to cross-check with another secondary source.


[編集] オンラインや自己公表された情報源を使うこと -- Using online and self-published sources

[編集] 信頼性を評価する -- Evaluating reliability

Evaluate the reliability of online sources just as you would print or other more traditional sources. Neither online nor print sources deserve an automatic assumption of reliability by virtue of the medium they are printed in. All reports must be evaluated according to the processes and people that created them.


Reliability is a spectrum, and must be considered on a case by case basis. Typically peer reviewed publications are considered to be the most reliable, with established professional publications next. Government publications are often reliable, but governments vary widely in their level of reliability, and often have their own interests which will explicitly allow for withholding of information, or even out right deception of the public. Below this are sources which, while not tangible, can be providers of reliable information in some cases, for example websites and blogs, particularly those associated with reliable sources of information. For example, the blog of an academic department is not merely a personal blog, but should be looked at in the totality of the source.


  • With any source, multiple independent confirmation is one good guideline to reliability, if several sources have independently checked a fact or assertion, then it is more reliable than one which is not checked.
  • どの情報源についても、複数の独立した立証は信頼性へのよきガイドラインとなる情報源であり、もし複数の情報源が独立に事実や主張を確認しているならば、確認していない情報源よりも信頼できます。
  • Sources where there are multiple steps to publication, such as fact checking and editorial oversight, are generally more credible, all other things being equal, than those which are not.
  • 確認や編集者の監視のように公表への過程が複数ある事実は、ほかのものは同一だとしても、一般にそうでないものよりも信頼できます。
  • Reliable sources also are ones which differentiate within their own information stream between assertions which are backed by observation, those that are theoretical but highly likely, and those which are speculative, conjectural and rumor.
  • 信頼できる情報源は、自身の情報の流れの中にある、観察に裏付けられた主張・仮定ではあるが非常に確度の高いものと、思惑や憶測の域を出ないもの・噂とを区別化しています。
  • Reliable sources have reproducible or verifiable means of gathering information. A fact which could be checked, even if it has not been, is generally more reliable than one which cannot be checked.
  • 信頼できる情報源は再現可能であり、情報を集めた手段を検証できます。確認できたはずの事実は、たとえ確認されていないとしても、全体的には確認できない事実よりも信頼できます。
  • Reliable sources tend to state explicitly who their sources are. Thus quotes with attribution are more reliable than "anonymous sources," particularly when anonymous sources are speaking towards their own interests.
  • 信頼できる情報源は、情報源が誰かをはっきりと表明する傾向にあります。なので、作者名の付いた引用は「匿名の情報源」よりも信頼できます。このことは特に、匿名の情報源が自身の関係者について語っているときにあてはまります。
  • In general it is preferable to cite the original source for an assertion, as well as important confirming sources. It is generally preferable to cite reliable sources over less reliable sources when given a choice.
  • 一般的に、情報源を確認するのが重要なのに加え、主張のためには元の情報源を引用することが望ましいです。一般的に、選択肢が与えられた場合は、信頼できない情報源よりも信頼できる情報源を引用するのが望ましいです。
  • However, while reliability is to some extent fungible, peer reviewed publications make errors, professional publications vary widely in quality and have their own POVs and other sources have to be evaluated based on the particular assertion.
  • しかし、信頼性はある程度代替可能であり査読された公表物でも誤りがあるので、品質に大きなバラツキがあったりPOVやほかの情報源がある専門の公表物は、詳細な判定に基づいて評価する必要があります。
  • While reputable and reliable have considerable overlap, one is not a substitute for the other.
  • 評判がよいことと信頼できることはかなりの部分で重なるものではありますが、一方がもう一方を代替するものではありません。
  • A source is more reliable within its area of expertise than out of its area of expertise.
  • 情報源は、専門分野外よりも専門分野内の方がより信頼できます。
  • A particular source which aims to have credibility beyond a particular POV is generally regarded as more reliable than one whose audience is narrow in terms of its ideology, partisan agenda or point of view.
  • 特定のPOVを超えて信用できることを目指した詳しい情報源は、イデオロギーや党派的な思惑または観点に関して、限られた聴衆に向けたものと比べ、一般的により信頼できます。

Note that Wikipedia itself does not currently meet the reliability guidelines; however, nothing in this guideline is meant to contravene the associated guideline: Wikipedia:Build the web. Wikilink freely.


[編集] 掲示板、Wikiで構築されたサイト、Usenetへの投稿 -- Bulletin boards, wikis and posts to Usenet

Posts to bulletin boards, Usenet, and wikis, or messages left on blogs, should not be used as primary or secondary sources. This is in part because we have no way of knowing who has written or posted them, and in part because there is no editorial oversight or third-party fact-checking. In addition, in the case of wikis, the content of an article could change at any moment. For exceptions, see the section on self-published sources.


[編集] 自己公表された情報源 -- Self-published sources

A self-published source is a published source that has not been subject to any form of independent fact-checking, or where no one stands between the writer and the act of publication. It includes personal websites, and books published by vanity presses. Anyone can create a website or pay to have a book published, and then claim to be an expert in a certain field. For that reason, self-published books, personal websites, and blogs are largely not acceptable as sources.


Exceptions to this may be when a well-known, professional researcher writing within his field of expertise, or a well-known professional journalist, has produced self-published material. In some cases, these may be acceptable as sources, so long as their work has been previously published by credible, third-party publications, and they are writing under their own names, and not a pseudonym.


However, editors should exercise caution for two reasons: first, if the information on the professional researcher's blog (or self-published equivalent) is really worth reporting, someone else will have done so; secondly, the information has been self-published, which means it has not been subject to any independent form of fact-checking.


In general it is preferable to wait until other sources have had time to review or comment on self-published sources. Reports by anonymous individuals, or those without a track record of publication to judge their reliability, do not warrant citation at all, until such time as it is clear that the report has gained cachet, in which case it can be noted as a POV.



[編集] 対象記事内での自己公表された情報源 -- Self-published sources in articles about themselves

Material from self-published sources, whether published online or as a book or pamphlet, may be used as sources of information about themselves in articles about themselves, so long as there is no reasonable doubt about who wrote it, and where the material is one of the following:

  • relevant to the person's notability, or, if the material is self-published by a group or organisation, relevant to the notability of that group or organisation or
  • not contentious, such as basic biographical information. All information of a self-published nature should be looked at with a critical eye.


  • その人の特筆すべきことに関するものか、情報源が団体や組織によって自己公表されたものである場合は、その団体や組織の注目に値することに関するもの。
  • 論争にならないもの。例えば、基本的な経歴情報。自己公表物のすべての情報は、疑いの目で見るべきです。

it should also:

  • not unduly self-serving or self-aggrandizing;
  • about the subject only, and does not involve claims about third parties, or about events not directly related to the subject;
  • be subject to verification by other sources.


  • 過度に利己的であったり自己を美化するものでない
  • 主題に関するものに限られており、第三者や、主題と直接関係のない出来事についての主張を含んでいない、
  • ほかの情報源による検証性に従っている

Self-published material should always be reported as the POV of the publisher, and not as general fact, until such time as there is independent corroboration of that material. The reputation of the self-publisher is a guide to whether the material rises to the level of notability at all.


In general, if a self-published source is reliable, then other reliable sources will cite it, until then, it should be avoided.


[編集] 自己公表された情報源:二次情報源としての使用 -- Self-published sources as secondary sources

Personal websites, blogs, and other self-published or vanity publications should not be used as secondary sources.


That is, they should not be used as sources of information about a person or topic other than the owner of the website, or author of the book. The reason personal websites are not used as secondary sources ― and as primary sources only with great caution and not as a sole source if the subject is controversial ― is that they are usually created by unknown individuals who have no one checking their work. They may be uninformed, misled, pushing an agenda, sloppy, relying on rumor and suspicion, or even insane; or they may be intelligent, careful people sharing their knowledge with the world. Only with independent verification by other sources not holding the same POV is it possible to determine the difference.


Visiting a stranger's personal website is often the online equivalent of reading an unattributed flyer on a lamp post, and should be treated accordingly.


[編集] 反体制勢力、宗教集団、過激派のウェブサイト -- Partisan, religious and extremist websites

The websites and publications of political parties and religious groups should be treated with caution, although neither political affiliation nor religious belief are in themselves reasons not to use a source.


Widely acknowledged extremist or even terrorist groups, whether of a political, religious, racist, or other character, should never be used as sources for Wikipedia, except as primary sources, that is to say they may be used in articles discussing the opinions of that organization. Even then they should be used with great caution, and should be supported by other sources.


[編集] 企業や組織のウェブサイト -- Company and organization websites

Caution should be used when using company or organization websites as sources. Although the company or organization is a good source of information on itself, it has an obvious bias. The American Association of Widget Manufacturers is interested in promoting widgets, so be careful not to rely on it exclusively if other reliable sources are available, in order to maintain a neutral point of view. Exercise particular care when using such a website as a source if the company or organization is a controversial one.

企業や組織のウェブサイトを情報源として使う際には注意すべきです。企業や組織は自らについてのよい情報源ではあるものの、明白な先入観が含まれます。アメリカ小型装置製造業組合訳注 要調査は小型装置の売り込みに関心があるものなので、中立的な観点を維持するためには、ほかの信頼できる情報源が利用できる場合にそれ訳注 企業や組織のウェブサイトを唯一信頼するということがないように注意してください。企業や組織が論争の的になっている場合は、そうしたウェブサイトを情報源として使うときに特に配慮を払ってください。

[編集] オンラインの情報源とオフラインの情報源 -- Online sources vs. offline sources

Full-text online sources are as acceptable as offline sources if they are of similar quality and reliability. Readers may prefer online sources because they are easily accessed.


If you find a print source that is out of copyright or that is available on compatible licensing terms, add it to Wikisource and link to it there (in addition to the normal scholarly citation). Many significant out-of-copyright books have already been put online by other projects.


[編集] 優れた情報源を見つけるには、いくらか手間がいるかもしれない -- Finding good sources may require some effort

Until more authors publish online, and more material is uploaded, some of the most reliable and informative sources are still available only in printed form. If you can't find good sources on the web, try a local library or bookstore. Major university libraries usually have larger collections than do municipal libraries.


Fact checking and reference-running can be time consuming. Your local public or academic library may not have the work cited by an article on its shelves. Often you can ask for a book through interlibrary loan, but this can sometimes take several weeks to do. Fortunately, new tools are now available online to make this work easier. Services such as Google Books,’s “search inside!” , the Internet Archive’s Million Book Project and the University of Michigan's Making of America allow you to search the full text of thousands of books. In addition, many similar subscription-based services may be available to though your public, college, university or graduate school libraries.

事実の確認や参照先に目を通すことには、時間をくわれるかもしれません。地元の図書館や大学の図書館の本棚には、記事の中で引用された作品はないかもしれません。図書館間相互貸借を通じて本を求めることができることも多いですが、数週間かかることもあります。幸いにも現在では、こうした作業を簡単にする新しいツールがオンラインで利用できます。Google BooksAmazon.comの“search inside!”the Internet Archive’s Million Book Projectミシガン大学Making of Americaのようなサービスによって、何千もの本からフルテキスト検索できます。加えて、購買契約に基づいた多くの似たサービスを、公共・大学・出身校の図書館を通じて利用できるかもしれません。

To check on facts and citations in Wikipedia, these databases are powerful tools. You can search them the same way that you do in an internet search. Enter the author in quotation marks and the title in quotation marks. If the book is in the database already, the search engine will find it. If it isn’t, you may discover another work that discusses the book you seek. For subjects, enter as many terms as you can recall. The engines will display a list of pages that contain these terms. Often you will be able to verify the fact you are checking or discover a significant point of view not represented in the Wikipedia article.


When you use one of these services, be sure to gather all the information you can find by selecting links such as “About the Book.” You should be able to assemble a citation in exactly the same way you do with a print publication. If there is an ISBN for the book, be sure to include it. Use the ISBN to link to the book, since several of these sites display only selected materials from the books they have online.


Hint: Services such as Google Books often have poorly OCR-ed text. This is especially true for names and words with diacritics where searches often come up with nothing. A way around this is to search for common OCR mistakes.

ヒント:Google Booksのようなサービスは、ひどいOCR化テキストの場合もしばしばあります。とくに発音区別記号の付いた名前や単語では、検索してもなにも出てこないこともしばしばあるというのが真実です。このことに関する方法は一般的なOCRの誤りを探すことです。

The Wikipedia special page Book sources will enable readers to click on the ISBN number of your book citation and search a variety of library databases and retailers to find it. For example the citation:

Harvey, Andrew, Songs of Kabir, Weiser Books (January 2002), ISBN 1578632498
Clicking on the ISBN number will enable users to "find this book" at, public libraries, etc.

ウィキペディアの特別ページであるBook Sourcesによって、読者は引用した本のISBN番号をクリックし、さまざまな図書館のデータベースや小売店を検索することでそうした本を見つけることができるでしょう。引用例:

Harvey, Andrew, Songs of Kabir, Weiser Books (January 2002), ISBN 1578632498


[編集] 英語以外の言語で書かれた情報源 -- Sources in languages other than English

Because this is the English Wikipedia, for the convenience of our readers, English-language sources should be provided whenever possible, and should always be used in preference to foreign-language sources (assuming equal quality and reliability). For example, do not use a foreign-language newspaper as a source unless there is no equivalent article in an English-language newspaper. However, foreign-language sources are acceptable in terms of verifiability, subject to the same criteria as English-language sources.


Keep in mind that translations are subject to error, whether performed by a Wikipedia editor or a professional, published translator. In principle, readers should have the opportunity to verify for themselves what the original material actually said, that it was published by a credible source, and that it was translated correctly.


Therefore, when the original material is in a language other than English:

  • Where sources are directly quoted, published translations are generally preferred over editors performing their own translations directly.
  • Where editors use their own English translation of a non-English source as a quote in an article, there should be clear citation of the foreign-language original, so that readers can check what the original source said and the accuracy of the translation.


  • 情報源が直接引用される部分では一般的に、編集者が自身で直接翻訳するよりも、公表された翻訳が望ましいです。
  • 記事の中で非英語の情報源を自身で英語に翻訳したものを引用する場合、外国語による原文の引用を明確にするようにし、読者が元の情報源が何を語っているのかと翻訳の正確さを確認できるようにすべきです。

[編集] 分野ごとのアドバイス -- Advice specific to subject area

[編集] 歴史 -- History

Historical research involves the collection of original or “primary” documents (the job of libraries and archives), the close reading of the documents, and their interpretation in terms of larger historical issues. To be verifiable, research must be based on the primary documents. In recent decades, many more primary documents (such as letters and papers of historical figures) have been made easily available in bound volumes or online. For instance, the Jefferson Papers project at Princeton begun in 1950 has just published volume 30, reaching February 1801. More recently, primary sources have been put online, such as the complete run of the London Times, the New York Times and other major newspapers. Some of these are proprietary and must be accessed through libraries; others such as “Making of America”, publishing of 19th century magazines, are open to the public.

歴史についての調査は、独自または「一次」資料の収集物(図書館や文書館の任務)や、文書の精読、より大きな歴史上の論点からの解釈を伴います。検証可能であるには、研究は一次情報源に基づいていなければなりません。最近数十年で、多くの一次情報源(歴史上の人物による手紙や書類など)が製本された書物やオンラインで利用できるようになりました。例えば、1950年にはじまったプリンストンのジェファーソン文書プロジェクトは30巻を出版し、1801年2月まで至っています。ロンドンタイムズニューヨークタイムズ、ほかの主な新聞紙の完全な一覧のようなもっと新しい一次情報はオンラインにあげられています。このなかには独占物で図書館を通じてアクセスする必要があるものと、19世紀に出版された雑誌“Making of America”のように一般に公開されたものがあります。

Scholars doing research publish their results in books and journal articles. The books are usually published by university presses or by commercial houses like W.W. Norton and Greenwood which emulate the university press standards. Reputable history books and journal articles always include footnotes and bibliographies giving the sources used in great detail. Most journals contain book reviews by scholars that evaluate the quality of new books, and usually summarize some of their new ideas. The American Historical Review (all fields of history) and Journal of American History (US history) each publish 1000 or more full-length reviews a year. Many of the major journals are online, as far back as 1885, especially through A good book or article will spell out the historiographical debates that are ongoing, and alert readers to other major studies.

研究中の学者は、本やジャーナルの記事でその結果を公表します。こうした本は通常、大学出版会や、W.W.ノートンやグリーンウッド大学などといった大学出版会の基準を模した商業出版社から出版されます。一流の歴史書や雑誌記事は、使われている情報源についての詳細を表す脚注や書籍リストを含みます。多くの雑誌には新刊本の品質を評価する学者の批評が含まれており、通常は新しい考え方が要約されています。American History Reciew(歴史の全分野)やJournal of American History(アメリカ史)は、それぞれ100以上完全な長さのレビューを公表しています。有名な雑誌の多くは、特にJSTOR.orgなどで1885年の分までオンライン化されています。優れた本や記事は現在進行中の史学史論上の議論を詳しく説明しており、ほかの主な研究について読者に注意を促します。

On many topics, there are different interpretive schools which use the same documents and facts but use different frameworks and come to different conclusions. Useful access points include: and, and (through libraries) ABC-CLIO’s two abstract services, American: History and Life (for journal articles and book reviews dealing with the US and Canada), and Historical Abstracts (for the rest of the world.) Research libraries will hold paper guides to authoritative sources. The most useful is The American Historical Association's Guide to Historical Literature, edited by Mary Beth Norton and Pamela Gerardi 2 vol (1995), which is an annotated bibliography of authoritative sources in all fields of history.

多くの項目で、同じ文書や事実を使っていても異なる枠組みを使っているために異なる結論になる異なる解釈学派があります。使いやすいアクセスポイントには、次のものがあります。や、ABC-CLIOでの2つの概要サービス(図書館を通じて)、American: History and Life(アメリカとカナダを扱った雑誌記事や本のレビュー)、Historical Abstracts(それ以外の世界向け)。図書館を調べると、権威ある情報源についての紙のガイドを得ることができるでしょう。もっとも使用価値が高いのは、Mary Beth NortonとPamela Gerardi 2が刊行(1995年)した歴史文学についてのアメリカ歴史協会のガイドで、歴史の全分野について権威ある情報源の書籍リストを注釈しています。

There are many other sources of historical information, but their authority varies. A recent trend is a proliferation of specialized encyclopedias on historical topics. These are edited by experts who commission scholars to write the articles, and then review each article for quality control. They can be considered authoritative for Wikipedia. General encyclopedias, like the Encyclopedia Britannica or Encarta, sometimes have authoritative signed articles written by specialists and including references. However, unsigned entries are written in batches by freelancers and must be used with caution.


College textbooks are updated every few years, are evaluated by many specialists, and usually try to keep abreast of the scholarship, but they are often without footnotes and usually do not spell out the historiographical debates. Textbooks at the K-12 level do not try to be authoritative and should be avoided by Wikipedia editors. Every place has guide books, which usually contain a capsule history of the area, but the great majority do not pretend to be authoritative. On many historical topics there are memoirs and oral histories that specialists consult with caution, for they are filled with stories that people wish to remember — and usually recall without going back to the original documentation. Editors should use them with caution.


The general public mostly gets its history from novels, films, TV shows, or tour guides at various sites. These sources are full of rumor and gossip and false or exaggerated tales. They tend to present rosy-colored histories in which the well-known names are portrayed heroically. Almost always editors can find much more authoritative sources.


[編集] 自然科学、数学と医学 -- Physical sciences, mathematics and medicine

[編集] 査読された科学出版物を参照し、学会のコンセンサスをチェックする -- Cite peer-reviewed scientific publications and check community consensus

Scientific journals are the best place to find primary source articles about experiments, including medical studies. Any serious scientific journal is peer-reviewed. Many articles are excluded from peer-reviewed journals because they report what is in the opinion of the editors unimportant or questionable research. In particular be careful of material in a journal that is not peer-reviewed reporting material in a different field. (See the Marty Rimm and Sokal affairs.)

学術誌は、医学研究も含む、実験についての一次情報源となる記事をみつけるための最良の場所です。まともな学術誌はどれも査読されています。査読雑誌においては、編集者の見解からは重要ではなかったり疑問のある研究を報告しているような、多くの論文は掲載されません。特に、査読されていない学術誌に掲載され、違う分野の事柄について報告している資料には注意してください。(Marty Rimmソーカル事件を参照。)

The fact that a statement is published in a refereed journal does not make it true. Even a well-designed experiment or study can produce flawed results or fall victim to deliberate fraud. (See the Retracted article on neurotoxicity of ecstasy and the Schön affair.)

ある言説が、査読された雑誌に公開されているからと言って、それが真実であるということにはなりません。よく設計された実験や研究でも欠陥のある結果を産み出したり、故意の捏造によるものだったりする場合があります。(Retracted article on neurotoxicity of ecstasy(エクスタシーの神経毒性についての撤回された記事)シェーン事件を参照。)

Honesty and the policies of neutrality and No original research demand that we present the prevailing "scientific consensus". Polling a group of experts in the field wouldn't be practical for many editors but fortunately there is an easier way. The scientific consensus can be found in recent, authoritative review articles or textbooks and some forms of monographs.


There is sometimes no single prevailing view because the available evidence does not yet point to a single answer. Because Wikipedia not only aims to be accurate, but also useful, it tries to explain the theories and empirical justification for each school of thought, with reference to published sources. Editors must not, however, create arguments themselves in favor of, or against, any particular theory or position. See Wikipedia:No original research, which is policy. Although significant-minority views are welcome in Wikipedia, the views of tiny minorities need not be reported. (See Wikipedia:Neutral Point of View.)


Make readers aware of any uncertainty or controversy. A well-referenced article will point to specific journal articles or specific theories proposed by specific researchers.


[編集] 科学では一般向けの出版物からの引用を避ける -- In science, avoid citing the popular press

The popular press generally does not cover science well. Articles in newspapers and popular magazines generally lack the context to judge experimental results. They tend to overemphasize the certainty of any result, for instance presenting a new experimental medicine as the "discovery of the cure" of a disease. Also, newspapers and magazines frequently publish articles about scientific results before those results have been peer-reviewed or reproduced by other experimenters. They also tend not to report adequately on the methodology of scientific work, or the degree of experimental error. Thus, popular newspaper and magazine sources are generally not reliable sources for science and medicine articles.


What can a popular-press article on scientific research provide? Often, the most useful thing is the name of the head researcher involved in a project, and the name of his or her institution. For instance, a newspaper article quoting Joe Smith of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution regarding whales' response to sonar gives you a strong suggestion of where to go to find more: look up his work on the subject. Rather than citing the newspaper article, cite his published papers.


[編集] どの学術誌は評判が良いか? -- Which science journals are reputable?

One method to determine which journals are held in high esteem by scientists is to look at impact factor ratings, which track how many times a given journal is cited by articles in other publications. Be aware, however, that these impact factors are not necessarily valid for all academic fields and specialties.


In general, journals published by prominent scientific societies are of better quality than those produced by commercial publishers. The American Association for the Advancement of Science's journal Science is among the most highly regarded; while the journals Nature and Cell are notable non-society publications.

一般に、著名な学術団体によって公刊される学術誌は、商業的な出版社によって作られるものよりも、より質が高いと言えます。 アメリカ科学振興協会の学術誌サイエンスはとりわけ最も高く評価されており、ネイチャーセル (雑誌)はすぐれた非学会系の刊行物です。

Keep in mind that even a reputable journal may occasionally post a retraction of an experimental result. Articles may be selected on the grounds that they are interesting or highly promising, not merely because they seem reliable.


[編集] arXivの予稿と会議の要旨 - arXiv preprints and conference abstracts

There are a growing number of sources on the web that publish preprints of articles and conference abstracts, the most popular of these being arXiv. Such websites exercise no editorial control over papers published there. For this reason, arXiv (or similar) preprints and conference abstracts should be considered to be self-published, as they have not been published by a third-party source, and should be treated in the same way as other self-published material. See the section above on self-published sources. Most of them are also primary sources, to be treated with the caution as described in various sections of this guideline.


Researchers may publish on arXiv for different reasons: to establish priority in a competitive field, to make available newly developed methods to the scientific community while the publication is undergoing peer-review (a specially lengthy process in mathematics), and sometimes to publish a paper that has been rejected from several journals or to bypass peer-review for publications of dubious quality. Editors should be aware that preprints in such collections, like those in the arXiv collection, may or may not be accepted by the journal for which they were written — in some cases they are written solely for the arXiv and are never submitted for publication. Similarly, material presented at a conference may not merit publication in a scientific journal.

[編集] 実験と研究を評価する - Evaluating experiments and studies

There are techniques that scientists use to prevent common errors, and to help others replicate results. Some characteristics to look for are experimental control (such as placebo controls), and en:double-blind methods for medical studies. Detail about the design and implementation of the experiment should be available, as well as raw data. Reliable studies don't just present conclusions.

[編集] 統計 - Statistics

Statistical information is easily and often misinterpreted by the public, by journalists, and by scientists. It should be checked and explained with the utmost care, with reference to published sources.


See Misuse of statistics, Opinion poll, and Statistical survey for common errors and abuses.

[編集] Law

First of all, remember there are several legal traditions and that laws are only valid in their own jurisdiction. The opinion of local experts is therefore preferred, in general, to that of outside commentators, due to variances across areas of jurisdiction.

When discussing legal texts, it is in general better to quote from the text, or quote from reputable jurists, than to quote from newspaper reports, although newspaper reports in good newspapers are acceptable too. The journalist who wrote the paper may not be trained as a lawyer, although s/he may have access to a wider variety of legal experts than many lawyers do, so judge the quality of the report according to how well that journalist, or that newspaper, has covered legal issues in the past.

[編集] Popular culture and fiction

Articles related to popular culture and fiction must be backed up by reliable sources like all other articles. However, due to the subject matter, many may not be discussed in the same academic contexts as science, law, philosophy and so on. Personal websites, wikis, and posts on bulletin boards, Usenet and blogs should still not be used as secondary sources. (See Wikipedia:Requests for arbitration/Wilkes, Wyss and Onefortyone.)

[編集] 参考文献

  1. Wales, Jimmy (en:2006-07-19). "insist on sources" WikiEN-l. .
  2. Wales, Jimmy (2006-07-19). "insist on sources" WikiEN-l. .
  3. Jimmy Wales: "[...] I do agree [...] that more sources is good, and [...] one of our goals will be to provide more articles with more extensive information about "where to learn more", i.e. cite original research, etc., as much as we can." ("Wikipedia Founder Jimmy Wales Responds", Slashdot interview, July 2004)
  4. Jimbo Wales: "Our goal is to get to Britannica quality, or better." ("Internet encyclopaedias go head to head" in Nature, December 2005)
  5. Jimmy Wales: "[...] I do agree [...] that more sources is good, and [...] one of our goals will be to provide more articles with more extensive information about "where to learn more", i.e. cite original research, etc., as much as we can." ("Wikipedia Founder Jimmy Wales Responds", Slashdot interview, July 2004)
  6. Jimbo Wales: "Our goal is to get to Britannica quality, or better." ("Internet encyclopaedias go head to head" in Nature, December 2005)
  7. Jimmy Wales about "Zero information is preferred to misleading or false information" [1][2][3][4]
  8. Jimmy Wales about "Zero information is preferred to misleading or false information" [5][6][7][8]
Static Wikipedia 2008 (no images)

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Static Wikipedia 2007 (no images)

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