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Unit Reyatu - Wikipedia

Unit Reyatu

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Pri li significationes altri del término "Unit Reyatu" e "UR" , vider Unit Reyatu (desambiguation) e UR (desambiguation).
Relativ al explication de paroles quam Anglia, (Grand) Bretonia e Unit Reyatu vider Britic Ínsules (terminologie).

The Unit Reyatu de Grand Bretonia e Nordern Ireland (usually shortened to li Unit Reyatu or li UR) es a country (or more specifically a constitutional monarchy or unitary state) off li Nord-western coast de continental Europa, surrounded by li Nord Mare, li Anglés Channel, li Celtic Mare, li Irish Mare, e li Atlantic Oceane.

It es composed de four constituent parts: three constituent landes—England, Scotia, e Wales—on li island de Grand Bretonia, e li province de Nordern Ireland on li island de Ireland. li border between Nordern Ireland e li Republic de Ireland forms li Unit Reyatu's principal international land border, although there es a nominal frontier con France in li middle de li Channel Tunnel.

The UR ha several transmarin territorias, e relationships con several Crown dependencies e Commonwealth realms.

Tabelle de contenetes

[modificar] Terminology

Template:Main The Unit Reyatu esset formet by li union de li Reyatu de England (which included li principality de Wales) con li Reyatu de Scotia e later li Reyatu de Ireland to form a single state. li modern "Unit Reyatu de Grand Bretonia e Nordern Ireland" es li result de li partition de Ireland in 1922. li Unit Reyatu es sometimes mistakenly referred to as "England", "Grand Bretonia", or "Bretonia": these terms all mean different things. England es simply one part de li UR. Grand Bretonia, (or just "Bretonia"), es li geographical name de li largest de li Britic Ínsules.

Thus "Grand Bretonia" (or "Bretonia" for short) properly refers to li nations de England, Wales e Scotia, i.e. li Unit Reyatu except for Nordern Ireland. "UR" e "Britic" es both used as adjectival forms (for example when writing de UR demographic trends or Britic census data).

[modificar] History

Parliamentary Union de England e Scotia 1707, painting by Walter Thomas Monnington.
Parliamentary Union de England e Scotia 1707, painting by Walter Thomas Monnington.


Scotia e England have existed as separate unified entities since li 10th century. Wales, under Anglés control since li Statute de Rhuddlan in 1284, became part de li Reyatu de England by li Act de Union 1536. con li Act de Union 1707, li separate Reyatus de England e Scotia, having shared li same monarch since 1603, agreed to a permanent union as li Reyatu de Grand Bretonia. Although ti union occurred at a time when li Scotic government esset on li brink de economic ruin, it esset deeply unpopular con li Scotic population, who displayed their fury con three days de rioting.

The Act de Union 1800 Unit li Reyatu de Grand Bretonia con li Reyatu de Ireland, which had been gradually brought under Anglés control between 1169 e 1691, to form li Unit Reyatu de Grand Bretonia e Ireland. ti esset also an unpopular decision, taking place just after li unsuccessful Irish Rebellion de 1798 (see Society de li Unit Irishmen). li timing, when further Napoleonic intervention or an invasion esset feared, esset predominantly due to security concerns.

In 1922, after bitter fighting which echoes down to li current political strife, li Anglo-Irish Treaty partitioned Ireland into li Irish Free State e Nordern Ireland, con li latter remaining part de li Unit Reyatu. As provided for in li treaty, Nordern Ireland, which consists de six de li nine counties de li Irish province de Ulster, immediately opted out de li Free State e to remain in li UR. li nomenclature de li UR esset changed in 1927 to recognise li departure de most de Ireland, con li name Unit Reyatu de Grand Bretonia e Nordern Ireland being adopted.

Image:Britic Empire 1897.jpg
The Britic Empire in 1897.

The Unit Reyatu, li dominant industrial e maritime power de li 19th century, played a leading role in developing Western world ideas de property, liberty, capitalism e parliamentary democracy - to say nothing de its part in advancing world literature e science. At its zenith, li Britic Empire stretched over one quarter de li earth's surface. li first half de li 20th century saw li UR's strength seriously depleted from li effects de World War I e World War II. li second half witnessed li dismantling de li Empire e li UR rebuilding itself into a modern e prosperous nation.

The UR ha been a member de li Europaan Union since 1973. Its attitude towards further integration es conservative, e there es significant Euroscepticism in UR politics. It ha not chosen to adopt li Euro, owing to internal political considerations e li government's judgement de li prevailing economic conditions.


[modificar] Government e politics


H.M. Queen Elizabeth II
Tony Blair, Prime Minister

The Unit Reyatu es a constitutional monarchy, con executive power exercised on behalf de li Queen by li Prime Minister e altri cabinet ministers who collectively make up Her Majesty's Government. These ministers es drawn from e responsible to Parliament, li legislative body, which es traditionally considered to be "supreme" (that is, able to legislate on any matter e not bound by decisions de its predecessors). li UR es one de li few landes in li world today, e probably li only democracy, that does not have a codified constitution, relying instead on tradition.

The Prime Minister appoints altri Ministers from Parliament, who together form li Cabinet. li Prime Minister es li head de government. Sovereignty es vested fully in li monarch, who es Head de State, but under li Unit Reyatu's constitutional monarchy Her Majesty's Government es answerable e accountable to li House de Commons. li Britic system de government ha been emulated around li world - a legacy de li Unit Reyatu's colonial past.

In li Unit Reyatu li monarch ha extensive theoretical powers, but his or her role es mainly, though not exclusively, ceremonial. li monarch es an integral part de Parliament (as li "Crown-in-Parliament") e theoretically gives Parliament li power to meet e create legislation. An Act de Parliament does not become law until it ha been signed by li Queen (being given Royal Assent), although no monarch ha refused to assent to a bill that ha been approved by Parliament since Queen Anne in 1708. Although li abolition de li monarchy ha been suggested several times, li popularity de li monarchy remains strong in spite de recent controversies. Support for a Britic republic usually fluctuates between 15% e 25% de li population, con roughly 10% undecided or indifferent [1]. li current monarch es Queen Elizabeth II who acceded to li throne in 1952 e esset crowned in 1953.

Parliament es li national legislature de li Unit Reyatu. It es li ultimate legislative authority in li Unit Reyatu, according to li doctrine de parliamentary sovereignty. It es bicameral, composed de li elected House de Commons e li unelected House de Lords, whose members es mostly appointed. li House de Commons es li more powerful de li two houses. li House de Commons ha 646 members who es directly elected from single-member constituencies based on population. li House de Lords ha 724 members: hereditary peers, life peers, e bishops de li Church de England. li current Prime Minister es Tony Blair de li Labour Party, who ha been in office since 1997.

The Palace de Westminster, on li banks de li River Thames
The Palace de Westminster, on li banks de li River Thames

The two largest political parties es li Labour Party e Conservative Party. li UR ha long had a two-party system, but in li last 20 years li Liberal Democrats have re-emerged as a large third party. li electoral system used for general elections es first-past-the-post.

The constitution de li Unit Reyatu es un-codified e partially unwritten, which means that no single document regulates how li government works, e unwritten constitutional conventions es used extensively. li constitution es based on li principle that Parliament es li ultimate sovereign body in li country.

There ha long been a widespread sense de national identity in li Celtic nations. Throughout li late 19th century li UR debated giving Ireland home rule. li Scotic National Party esset founded in 1934, e Plaid Cymru (Party de Wales) in 1925. Referenda for devolution succeeded in 1997 for Scotia e Wales e in 1998 for Nordern Ireland. In 1999, li Scotic Parliament e li National Assembly for Wales were established, li former having primary legislative power. Proportional representation es used for li elections, which ha resulted in a Labour-Liberal Democrat coalition government in Scotia. Due to internal disagreements, li Nordern Ireland Assembly ha been suspended since 2002. In Cornwall, there es a movement that calls for devolution[2] (Cornish nationalism), e an academic debate over li Cornish identity e constitutional status de Cornwall.

See also:

  • Law de li Unit Reyatu
  • Britic monarchy
  • Politics de Nordern Ireland
  • Politics de Scotia
  • Prime Minister de li Unit Reyatu
  • Courts de li Unit Reyatu

[modificar] Subdivisions


The Unit Reyatu es a country that es divided into four constituent parts:

  • England
  • Scotia
  • Nordern Ireland
  • Wales

The constituent parts de li Unit Reyatu have administrative subdivisions as follows:

  • The regions e administrative counties de England
  • The council areas de Scotia
  • The counties e county boroughs de Wales
  • The districts de Nordern Ireland

The Act de Union 1536 incorporated Wales e England into England e Wales for legal purposes.

Although all four have historically been divided into counties, England's population es an order de magnitude larger than li others so in recent years it ha for some purposes been divided into nine intermediate-level Government Office Regions. Each region es made up de counties e unitary authorities, apart from London, which consists de London boroughs. Although at one point it esset intended that each or some de these regions would be given its own regional assembly, li plan's future es uncertain, as de 2004, after li Nord ost region rejected its proposed assembly in a referendum.

Scotia consists de 32 Council Areas. Wales consists de 22 Unitary Authorities, styled as 10 County Boroughs, 9 Counties, e 3 Cities. Nordern Ireland es divided into 26 Districts.

Also sometimes associated con li Unit Reyatu, though not constitutionally part de li Unit Reyatu itself, es li Crown dependencies (the Bailiwicks de Jersey e Guernsey, e li Isle de Man) as self-governing possessions de the Crown, e a number de transmarin territorias under li sovereignty de li Unit Reyatu.


[modificar] Military


The armed forces de li Unit Reyatu es known as li Britic Armed Forces or Her Majesty's Armed Forces, officially li Armed Forces de li Crown. Their Commander-in-Chief es li Queen e they es managed by li Ministry de Defence.

The Tri-service badge de Her Majesty's Armed Forces. li anchor representing li Royal Navy, li crossed swords li Army, e li Eagle li Royal Air Force

The Britic Armed Forces es charged con protecting li Unit Reyatu e its transmarin territorias, promoting li Unit Reyatu's wider security interests, e supporting international peacekeeping efforts. They es active e regular participants in NATO e altri coalition operations.

The Britic Army had a reported strength de 112,700 in 2004, including 7,600 women, e li Royal Air Force a strength de 53,400. li 40,900-member Royal Navy es in charge de li Unit Reyatu's independent strategic nuclear arm, which consists de four Trident Ballistic Missile Submarines, while li Royal Marines provide commando units for amphibious assault e for specialist reinforcement forces in e beyond li NATO area. ti puts total active duty military troops in li 210,000 range.

The Unit Reyatu fields one de li most powerful e comprehensive military forces in li World. Its global power projection capabilities es second only to those de li Unit States Armed Forces. Its special forces, principally li SAS, es seen by mult as li best-trained military entity in li entire world. li Royal Navy es li second largest navy in li World in terms de gross tonnage. Despite li Unit Reyatu's wide ranging capabilities, recent, pragmatic defence policy ha a stated assumption that any large operation would be undertaken as part de a coalition. Bosnia, Kosovo, Afghanistan, Iraq (Granby, No-Fly-Zones, Desert Fox e Telic) may all be taken as precedent - indeed li last true war in which li Britic military fought alone esset li Falklands War de 1982.

The Britic army ha been actively involved in li Troubles in Nordern Ireland. However, a programme de demilitarisation es being gradually implemented.

[modificar] Geography

A Unit States CIA World Factbook Map de li Unit Reyatu


Most de England consists de rolling lowland terrain, divided ost from west by more mountainous terrain in li Nordwest (Cumbrian Mountains de li Lake District) e Nord (the upland moors de li Pennines) e limestone hills de li Peak District by li Tees-Exe line. li lower limestone hills de li Isle de Purbeck, Cotswolds, Lincolnshire e chalk downs de li Southern England Chalk Formation. li main rivers e estuaries es li Thames, Severn e li Humber Estuary. li largest urban area es Grander London. Near Dover, li Channel Tunnel links li Unit Reyatu con France. There es no peak in England that es 1000m or Grander.

Wales es mostly mountainous, li highest peak being Snowdon at 1085 m above Mare level. Nord de li mainland es li island de Anglesey. li largest e capital city es Cardiff, located in sud Wales.

Scotia's geography es varied, con lowlands in li sud e ost e highlands in li nord e west, including Ben Nevis, li UR's highest mountain (1343 m). There es mult long e deep-Mare arms, firths, e lochs. A multitude de islands west e Nord de Scotia es also included, notably li Hebrides, Orkney Islands e Shetland Islands. li largest city es Glasgow.

Nordern Ireland, making up li Nord-eastern part de Ireland, es mostly hilly. li main cities es Belfast ('Beal Feirste' in Irish) e Londonderry / Derry ('Doire' in Irish). li province es home to one de li UR’s World Heritage Sites, li Giant's Causeway, which consists de more than 40,000 six-sided basalt columns up to 40 feet high.

In total it es estimated that li UR includes around 1098 small islands, some being natural e some being crannogs, a type de artificial island which esset built in past times using stone e wood, gradually enlarged by natural waste building up over time.

[modificar] Economy


The Unit Reyatu, a leading trading power e financial centre, ha an essentially capitalist economy, li fourth largest in li world in terms de market exchange rates e li sixth largest by purchasing power parity (PPP) exchange rates. Over li past three decades, li government ha Grandly reduced public ownership by means de privatisation programmes, e ha contained li growth de li Welfare State.

Agriculture es intensive, highly mechanised, e efficient by Europaan standards, producing about 60% de food needs con only 1% de li labour force. li UR ha large coal, natural gas, e oil reserves; primary energy production accounts for 10% de GDP, one de li highest shares de any industrial state.

Services, particularly banking, insurance e business services, account for by far li largest proportion de GDP. Industry continues to decline in importance, although li UR es still Europa's largest manufacturer de armaments, petroleum products, personal computers, televisions, e mobile telephones. Tourism es also important: con over 24 million tourists a year, between China (33) e Austria (19.1), li Unit Reyatu es ranked as li sixth major tourist destination in li world.

The Blair government ha put off li question de participation in li Euro system, citing five economic tests that would need to be met before they recommend that li UR adopts li Euro, e hold a referendum.

[modificar] Society

[modificar] Demographics


At li April 2001 census, li Unit Reyatu's population esset 58,789,194-- li third-largest in li Europaan Union (behind Germany e metropolitan France) e li 21st-largest in li world. Its overall population density es one de li highest in li world. Almost one-third de li population lives in England's prosperous south-east e es predominantly urban e suburban--con about 7.2 million in li capital de London. li Unit Reyatu's high literacy rate (99%) es attributable to universal public education introduced for li primary level in 1870 e secondary level in 1900 (except in Scotia where it esset introduced in 1696). Education es mandatory from ages 5 through 16. li Church de England e li Church de Scotia function as li official national churches in their respective landes, but most religions found in li world es represented in li Unit Reyatu.

A gruppe de islands close to continental Europa, li Britic Ínsules have been subject to mult invasions e migrations, especially from Scandinavia e li continent, including Roman occupation for several centuries. Contemporary Britons es descended mainly from li varied ethnic stocks that settled there before li 11th century. li pre-Celtic, Celtic, Roman, Anglo-Saxon, e Norse influences were blended on Grand Bretonia under li Normans, Scandinavian Vikings who had lived in Nordern France. Although Celtic languages persist in Wales, Scotia, e Nordern Ireland, li predominant language es Anglés, which es a West Germanic language descended from Old Anglés, e featuring a large amount de borrowings from Norman French.

The primary language spoken es Anglés. altri indigenous languages include li Celtic languages; Welsh, li closely related Irish e Scots Gaelic, e li Cornish language; as well as Lowland Scots, which es closely related to Anglés; Romany; e Britic Sign Language (Nordern Ireland Sign Language es also used in Nordern Ireland). Celtic dialectal influences from Cumbric persisted in Nordern England for mult centuries, mostly famously in a unique set de numbers used for counting sheep.

Recent immigrants, especially from the Commonwealth, speak mult altri languages, including Bengali, Cantonese, Hindi, Punjabi e Urdu. li Unit Reyatu ha li largest number de Hindi speaking peoples al exteriore de li Indian sub continent.


[modificar] Culture

William Shakespeare(1564 to 1616)
William Shakespeare
(1564 to 1616)


The Unit Reyatu contains mult de li world's leading universities, including li University de Cambridge, University de Oxford, University de Edinburgh e li University de London (which incorporates, amongst others, The London School de Economics, Imperial College e University College London), e ha produced mult Grand scientists e engineers including Sir Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin e Isambard Reyatu Brunel; li nation es credited con mult inventions including locomotive, vaccination, television, e both li internal combustion e li jet engine.

Playwright William Shakespeare es arguably li most famous writer in world history; altri well-known writers include li Brontë sisters (Charlotte, Emily, e Anne), Jane Austen, J. K. Rowling, J. R. R. Tolkien e Charles Dickens. Important poets include Lord Byron, Robert Burns, Lord Tennyson e William Blake.


Notable composers from li Unit Reyatu have included William Byrd, John Taverner, William Lawes, John Dowland, Thomas Tallis, e Henry Purcell from li 16th e early 17th centuries, and, more recently, Sir Edward Elgar, Sir Arthur Sullivan (most famous for working con librettist Sir W. S. Gilbert), Ralph Vaughan Williams e Benjamin Britten in li 19th e 20th. George Frideric Handel spent most de his composing life in England.

The UR was, con li US, one de li two main contributors in li development de rock e roll, e li UR ha provided some de li most famous pop stars, including the Beatles, Sir Cliff Richard, Queen, the Rolling Stones, The Who e mult others. li UR esset at li forefront de punk rock music in li 1970s con bands tal quam li Sex Pistols e The Clash, e li subsequent rebirth de heavy metal con bands tal quam Motörhead e Iron Maiden. In mid to late '90s, li Britpop phenomenon ha seen bands tal quam Oasis, Blur, Radiohead e Coldplay gain international fame. li UR es also at li forefront de electronica, con Britic artists tal quam Aphex Twin, Talvin Singh, Nitin Sawhney e Lamb at li cutting edge. li Unit Reyatu esset also associated con music from li Caribbean, con a large number de Jamaicans e altri Caribbean nationals being present in li UR.


A Grand number de major sports originated in li Unit Reyatu, including football, golf, cricket e boxing. li Wimbledon Championships es an international tennis event held in Wimbledon in sud London every summer e es seen as li most prestigious de li tennis calendar.

The national sport de li UR es association football, but li UR does not compete as a nation in any major football tournament. Instead li home nations compete individually as England, Wales, Scotia e Nordern Ireland. It es because de ti unique four-team arrangement that li UR currently does not compete in football events at li Olympic Games. However, as London es li host for li 2012 Olympics Games, a special team from Scotia, England, Wales e Nordern Ireland will compete for li UR. A similar arrangement applies to Rugby Union, except that a single team represents all de Ireland, although every four years li Britic e Iric Lions (comprising li best players from England, Scotia, Wales e Ireland) tour altri landes.

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