星系是受到重力束縛的恆星、星際氣體和塵埃、以及暗物質的大質量系統。典型的星系包含千萬至兆(107 to 1012) 顆恆星,全都環繞著共同的重力中心。除了單獨的恆星和稀薄的星際物質之外,大部分的星系都有數量龐大的多星系統和星團以及各種不同的星雲。大部分星系的直徑距離都在數千至數十萬光年的尺度上,彼此間的距離則為數百萬光年的數量級。.
目录 |
[编辑] 特征
[编辑] 詞源
星系一詞源自於希臘文中的galaxias(γαλαξίας)、kyklos galaktikos,意譯作星空中「奶狀的圓圈」。在希臘神話中,宙斯把他兒子放在一個女神的懷抱中,由女神餵奶。當時女神正在神智不清之狀態,當她一醒來時,知道她正在餵養一個不知名的孩子,結果她把孩子推開,奶汁散佈在星空中,形成星系。
[编辑] 觀測簡史
對我們自己的銀河系和其他星系的調查開始於詹姆斯·畢倪和邁克爾·馬黎·費爾德的報告書:星系天文學(Galactic astronomy )。[1]
在18世紀接近尾聲時,梅西爾完成了梅西爾目錄,收錄了103個明亮的星雲。不久之後,威廉·赫協爾也完成了收錄多達5,000個星雲的目錄。在1845年,羅斯勳爵建造了一架新的望遠鏡,能夠區分出橢圓星系和螺旋星系,他也在這些星雲中找到了一些獨立的點,為康得早先的說法提供了證據。但是,星雲仍未能獲得一致認同是遙遠的星系,直到1920年代早期哈柏使用新的大望遠鏡才獲得確認。哈柏分辨出螺旋星系外圍中單獨的恆星,並且辨認出其中有些是造父變星,因而可以估計出這些星雲狀天體的距離:她們的距離實在太遠,以致不可能是銀河系的一部分。在1936年,哈柏制定了現在被稱為哈柏序列,並仍被使用的星系分類法。 第一位嘗試描述銀河系的形狀和太陽位置的天文學家是威廉·赫協爾,他在1785年小心的計算天空中在不同區域的恆星數目,得到了太陽系在中心的橢圓星系的圖像,這與1920年卡普坦得到的結果非常類似,只是比較小些(直徑大約15,00秒差距)。哈洛·夏普利使用另一種不同的方法,建立在球狀星團的分布上,得到了一幅完全不同的圖像:一個直徑約70,000秒差距的扁平盤狀,而且太陽在遠離中心的位置上。但兩者的分析都沒有考慮到星際塵埃在銀河盤面上造成的光線的吸收的量;一旦羅伯特·朱利葉斯·莊普勒在1930年經由研究疏散星團確定了這個作用之後,我們現在所認知的銀河系圖樣就浮現出來了。
[编辑] 星系分類
- 主條目:星系分類
[编辑] 橢圓星系
- 主條目:橢圓星系
[编辑] 螺旋星系
[编辑] 矮星系
- 主條目:矮星系
Despite the prominence of large elliptical and spiral galaxies, most galaxies in the universe appear to be dwarf galaxies. These tiny galaxies are about one hundred times smaller than the Milky Way, containing only a few billion stars. Many dwarf galaxies may orbit a single larger galaxy; the Milky Way has at least a dozen such satellites. Dwarf galaxies may also be classified as elliptical, spiral or irregular. Since small dwarf ellipticals bear little resemblance to large ellipticals, they are often called dwarf spheroidal galaxies instead.
[编辑] 活躍星系
- 主條目:活躍星系核
A portion of the galaxies we can observe are classified as active. That is, a significant portion of the total energy output from the galaxy is emitted by a source other than the stars, dust and interstellar medium. The standard model for such active galactic nucleus is based upon energy generation from matter falling into a supermassive black hole at the core region.
Galaxies that emit high-energy radiation in the form of x-rays are classified as Seyfert galaxies, quasars and blazars. Active galaxies that emit radio frequencies from relativistic jets erupting from the core are classified as Radio galaxies. A unified model of these types of active galaxies explains their differences based on the viewing angle of the observer.
[编辑] 大尺度結構
Very few galaxies exist by themselves; these are known as field galaxies. Most galaxies are gravitationally bound to a number of other galaxies. Structures containing up to about 50 galaxies are called groups of galaxies, and larger structures containing many thousands of galaxies packed into an area a few megaparsecs across are called clusters. Clusters of galaxies are often dominated by a single giant elliptical galaxy, which over time tidally destroys its satellite galaxies and adds their mass to its own. Superclusters are giant collections containing tens of thousands of galaxies, found in clusters, groups and sometimes individually; at the supercluster scale, galaxies are arranged into sheets and filaments surrounding vast empty voids. Above this scale, the universe appears to be isotropic and homogeneous.
Our galaxy is a member of the Local Group, a relatively small group of galaxies that has a diameter of approximately one megaparsec.[來源請求] The Milky Way and the Andromeda Galaxy are the two brightest galaxies within the group. Many of the other member galaxies are dwarf companions of these two galaxies.[來源請求] The Local Group itself is a part of a cloud-like structure within the Virgo Supercluster, a large, extended structure of groups and clusters of galaxies centered around the Virgo Cluster.[4]
[编辑] 星系的形成和演化
- 主條目:星系演化
星系的形成包含了兩方面,一是上下理論,二是下上理論。上下理論是指:星系乃由一次宇宙大爆炸中形成,發生在數億年前。另一個學說則是指:星系乃由宇宙中旳微塵所形成。原本宇宙有大量的球狀星團(globular cluster),後來這些星體相互碰撞而毁滅,剩下微塵。這些微塵經過組合,而形成星系。
- 在一個均質的宇宙中,我們是否居住在一個獨特而與眾不同的場所?
- 星系是如何形成的?
- 星系是如何隨著時間改變的?
[编辑] 星系生物學
- 主條目:Extraterrestrial life
Biology as we know it is currently assumed to exist only around single, third-generation G-type stars in the middle regions of the spiral arms of spiral galaxies, like the sun. Elliptical galaxies, produced as a result of many galactic collisions, quickly lose their clouds of interstellar hydrogen gas, and cannot make new generations of stars. Irregular galaxies have few elderly stars and thus seem to have low concentrations of the heavier elements on which Earth-like biology depends. Even within spiral galaxies biology as we know it would appear to be limited to the middle reaches of the spiral arm, as in the galactic halo or outer spiral arms heavier elements are in short supply, whilst in the gas clouds around the galactic centre heavier elements are in concentrations too high, and interstellar interactions are too frequent to allow earth-sized planets to form in stable circular orbits around their stars.
[编辑] 相關條目
- Active galaxy
- Barred spiral galaxy
- Dwarf galaxy
- Dwarf elliptical galaxy
- Dwarf spheroidal galaxy
- Elliptical galaxy
- Galaxy classification
- Galaxy formation and evolution
- Groups and clusters of galaxies
- Interacting galaxy
- Irregular galaxy
- Lenticular galaxy
- List of galaxies
- List of nearest galaxies
- Radio galaxy
- Ring galaxy
- Spiral galaxy
- Starburst galaxy
- Seyfert galaxy
- Timeline of galaxies, clusters of galaxies, and large scale structure
[编辑] 參考資料
- ↑ James Binney and Michael Merrifield: Galactic astronomy, Princeton University Press, 1998
- ^ 2.0 2.1 Elliptical Galaxies Leicester University Physics Department (2005) - 於2006-06-08造訪。
- ↑ Galaxies Cornell University (October 20, 2005) - 於2006-08-10造訪。
- ↑ R. B. Tully (1982). "The Local Supercluster". Astrophysical Journal 257: 389-422.
- Terence Dickinson: The Universe and Beyond (Fourth Edition), Firefly Books Ltd. 2004, 2004
[编辑] 外部鏈結
- Galaxies, SEDS Messier pages
- An Atlas of The Universe
- Galaxies - Information and amateur observations
- The Oldest Galaxy Yet Found
- The Oldest Star found in the Galaxy
- Galaxies - discussed on BBC Radio 4's "In Our Time" programme
[编辑] 資料來源