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-{Panzerkampfwagen VI Ausf. E Tiger I}-
乘員 5人(車長、砲手、裝填手、
長度 6.3米
闊度 3.7米
高度 3米
重量 57噸
裝甲 100毫米
主要武器 88毫米KwK 36 L/56
次要武器 2×7.92毫米MG34
發動機 梅巴赫HL230 P45 V-12汽油
700匹 ( 520千瓦)
懸掛系統 扭力棒
平地時速 38公里/小時
馬力/重量 12匹/噸
行動距離 125公里

虎I坦克(-{Panzerkampfwagen VI Ausf. E Tiger I}-)((listen ))是第二次世界大戰德國重型坦克

1943年3月虎I坦克起初名為-{Pzkw VI Ausf. H}-,但後來重新設計成為-{Ausf. E}- (-{Ausführung Ger. "version"}-)。這名字同樣跟-{Mark VI-E}--{Panzer VI-E}--{PzKpfw VI-E}--{Sd.Kfz. 181}- (-{Sonderkraftfahrzeug 181}-)一樣知名,儘管公眾通常只知它們的名字是虎I或簡單稱為.




[编辑] 設計


虎I坦克的設計呈現出不同的設計理念,著重火力和裝甲的而犧牲機動性。重型坦克的設計工作在1930年代後期就已經開始,但是沒有計劃生產。而真正刺激虎I式的出現是為了對付蘇聯T-34。儘管大體上的設計和外型類似四號坦克(中型坦克),但虎I的重量足足是後者的兩倍,重量的增加來自於更厚裝甲,大口徑火炮,以及必然產生較大的燃料和彈藥儲存空間、較大的引擎、更堅固的傳動及懸掛系統。虎I的前方裝甲有102毫米厚,相較於四號坦克只有80毫米的厚度, 而虎I的兩旁和背面也有80毫米厚的裝甲。這樣的厚度能夠抵擋在大多數二戰時期接戰距離下,尤其來自正面的反坦克炮彈,而炮盾和炮塔的厚度幾乎相等,使得要從正面貫穿虎I的炮塔幾乎是不可能。在近距離下,車身兩邊和車頂較容易受到損傷,因為虎I車頂的裝甲只有25毫米至40毫米厚,和當時大部分的中型坦克沒太大分別。

虎I大部分的裝甲角度是垂直的與其他結構相連接。焊接點品質很高,裝甲都是採用點焊,而不是鉚接。汽油引擎在後部下方並控制前方的扣鏈齒輪,懸掛系統使用了扭力棒,類似三號坦克。炮台有一個圓型的地面,而從車底到車頂有157公分高。而主砲的支撐及發射機制則發展自德國著名的88雙用高射炮,而其88毫米36 L/56 的變種是被用作虎I的主砲,而在二戰時最有效率及可怕的虎II 88 毫米 Kwk 43 L/71型主砲,也是出自該高射炮的。更甚的是,虎I的主砲發的炮彈可以依一非常直的軌跡而行,並配置了極為精確的蔡司TFZ 9b 瞄準器。在一次試射時,坦克在1200碼的距離外發炮,而連續5發是落在一個16英吋x18英吋的目標上。而虎I坦克亦曾在大於1哩(約1600米)的距離外打中敵軍的坦克,可是作用並不太大,因為在二戰中的戰爭距離是遠比一哩近的。

老虎的大小強迫了新和複雜技術的介紹, 給工程師從未整個地被戰勝的一系列的技術挑戰。十一噸炮塔由引擎供給動力帶動個液體驅動系統; 即使如此, 自轉一圈需要一分鐘。坦克有三倍數量的負重輪, 提供更好的乘駕, 但使維護更加困難。負重輪安裝在十六組獨立扭力桿軌, 帶領在一邊和落後在另一邊。負重輪提供相對地軟和穩定的乘駕為這樣一輛大車。這複雜系統有一定數量的缺點;負重輪間的間隙因下雪或泥土因為結冰而無法動彈。蘇聯於凌晨的攻擊時偶然發現此時老虎是可能被固定。 履帶是史無前例的725 毫米寬。遇見鐵軌有限尺寸大小限制時,負重輪外面列必須被去除, 並且需更更換較狹窄的520 毫米履帶。 虎I坦克對多數橋梁而言過重, 因此它被設計涉過四米深水。這要求異常的機制為透氣和冷卻。潛水需有30分鐘準備。炮塔和槍必須被固定於前方位置並且密封。 其它新特點是水力受控pre-selector 傳動箱和半自動傳輸。坦克的極端重量並且意味一個新指點系統。代替更輕的車傳動器和閘設計, 變異在英國的Merritt 布朗唯一半徑系統被使用了。老虎的指點系統是雙胞胎半徑類型, 二不同, 固定的半徑輪能達到在各個齒輪的意思, 最小的半徑在一檔是四米。因為車有八速度傳動箱, 它因而有十六不同半徑輪。如果一條更小的半徑是需要的, 坦克能由使用轉動閘。指點系統容易使用和在它的時間之前。但是, 坦克的汽車特點離開渴望。當過去常常拖曳一隻被固定的老虎, 引擎經常成為了被加熱和有時導致引擎故障或火, 原因老虎坦克由章程禁止拖曳致殘了同志。低登上的扣鏈齒輪限制了障礙清潔高度。軌道並且有一個壞傾向忽略扣鏈齒輪, 造成鉗製。如果軌道忽略和阻塞了, 二隻老虎通常是需要的拖曳坦克。被阻塞的軌道並且是一個大問題, 從由於高壓, 它經常不可能瓦解軌道由去除軌道別針。它有時簡單地吹了單獨以易爆的充電。Sdkfz9 Famo 半履帶拖車無法拖曳坦克; 需三臺Sdkfz9 Famo 半履帶拖車才能拖曳一隻老虎。 引擎最初地是一590 馬力(440 千瓦) 21 公升Maybach 汽油設計, 被發現underpowered; 這很快被升級了到23.88 公升百升230 P45 。 內部佈局是特點德國坦克。前方是開放乘員組隔間, 由駕駛和無線電操作員坐在內, 或者傳動箱的邊。在他們之後塔樓地板由盤區圍攏了形成連續的平實表面。這幫助裝載者檢索彈藥, 被存放在兩sponsons 。二個人坐了在炮塔; 射手在機槍左邊,和炮長在他之後。裝載者有一個摺疊的位子的豪華在塔樓。坦克的後方拿著一個機艙由二floodable 後方隔間每個側包含汽油箱、幅射器, 和風扇。 雖然老虎我是WWII 的當中一個沉重武裝的和裝甲的坦克, 聯盟的罐車的一名強大的對手, 設計是保守的和有一些嚴肅的缺點。平的裝甲板材是不懂事故的與蘇維埃的傾斜的裝甲比較T-34, 要求在重量的巨型的增量提供充足的保護。坦克的重量投入了嚴厲重音在懸浮, 當複雜輪子設計投入了嚴厲張力在領域維護。老練傳動系統是還有傾向對故障。 有老虎的一個重大問題是它的非常高生產成本。在第二次世界大戰期間40,000 美國謝爾曼和58,000 蘇聯T-34s 被生產了, 與1,350 老虎I 和500 輛老虎II 坦克比較。德國設計兩次儘量是昂貴的根據時間、原材料和德國馬克, 老虎I 花費的當代Panzer Stug 的IV 和四次。III 攻擊槍。

[编辑] 設計歷史

虎式坦克于1937年春季开始研发,开发过程几经周折。到1941年亨舍尔和其他三家竞争对手(波尔舍(现通译保时捷), MAN, 和戴姆勒·奔驰) 分别提交上一款35吨左右,配备75mm火炮的坦克设计方案。然而,苏联T-34型坦克的诞生宣告了这些设计的过时。据亨舍尔一位设计师埃尔温·阿德勒讲:“军事专家深为震惊,他们发现当时德军装甲部队竟无一款坦克能与T-34匹敌。”于是,定制标准立刻提高,包括车重增加到45吨,并配备一款88mm火炮。新坦克的原型车必须在1942年4月20日, 阿道夫·希特勒的生日上亮相。由于研发时间有限,原先较轻的底盘设计被保留。 增加的重量使得一些部件需承受更大的压力,因而该车可靠程度、稳定性相对降低了。不像豹式坦克,虎式坦克丝毫没有借鉴T-34坦克的设计经验: 斜坡式装甲在防穿透方面的力学优势。但厚重、制造质量优良的直面装甲被采用,实战中表现亦是毫不逊色。

保时捷和亨舍尔提交了样车,在面见希特勒之前于拉斯滕堡作了比较测试。最终采取了折中方案,亨舍尔的基本架构被采用,而换装保时捷的炮塔。虎式坦克正式定名为Panzerkampfwagen VI Ausf. E(六型装甲战车,E改型)批量生产开始于1942年8月。与此同时,军方订购了60辆保时捷设计。这批货不是用来投入战斗,而是被改装了固定战斗部,临时命名为Panzerjäger Tiger (P)(猎虎),即人们常说的“斐迪南式”,1944年2月27日,在希特勒的命令下,被正式更名为“象式坦克歼击车”。 虎式坦克被匆忙投入实战,其实最初的产品漏洞百出。因此,所有大小改动, 都直接在生产环节上完成。最为显著的改动是后期型号降低了炮塔,并为乘员提供更为安全、较易于逃生的驾驶舱. 为降低成本, 防水能力和空气净化/调节系统被取消了。

[编辑] 生產歷史

虎I在1942年8月開始生產,而在1944年8月生產了1,355輛後停止。開始生產時平均每月25輛,而1944年4月已增長至 每月104輛。增長的頂峰在1944年7月1日的671輛。一般而言,它用了兩次生產期(前期型及後期型)生產虎I(-{PzKpfw VI}-)和同期的德國坦克一樣。當虎II(-{Tiger II Ausf B}-)開始在1944年1月生產時,虎I正逐步淘汰。

[编辑] 作戰歷史


Tigers were capable of destroying their most common opponents, the T-34, M4雪曼, or Churchill IV at ranges exceeding 1,600 m. In contrast, the T-34's 76.2 mm gun could not penetrate the Tiger frontally at any range, but could achieve a side penetration at approximately 500 meters firing the BR-350P APCR ammunition. The T-34-85's 85 mm gun could penetrate the Tiger from the side at over 1,000 meters. The IS-2's 122 mm gun could destroy the Tiger at ranges exceeding 1,000 meters from any aspect.

The M4 Sherman's 75 mm gun could not penetrate the Tiger frontally at any range, and needed to be within 500 meters to achieve a side penetration. The British 17-pounder as used on the Sherman Firefly, if firing its APDS round, could penetrate frontally at over 1,500 meters. The US 76 mm gun, if firing the most common APCBC ammunition, could not penetrate the Tiger frontally at any range, and needed to be within 1,000 meters to get a side kill. However, if the 76 mm was firing HVAP ammunition (usually in short supply), frontal penetrations were possible at 1,000 meters.

As range decreases in combat, all guns can penetrate more armour (with the exception of HEAT ammunition, which was rare in WW2). The great penetrating power of the Tiger's gun meant that it could destroy many of its opponents at ranges at which they could not respond. In open terrain this was a major tactical advantage. Opposing tanks were often forced to make a flanking attack in order to kill a Tiger.

The Tiger was first used in action in September 1942 near Leningrad. Under pressure from Hitler the tank was put into action months earlier than planned and many early models proved to be mechanically fragile. In its first action on September 23, 1942, many of the first Tigers broke down. Others were knocked out by dug-in Soviet anti-tank guns. One tank was captured largely intact, which gave the Soviets a chance to study the tank and prepare a response.

In the Tiger's first actions in North Africa, the tank was able to dominate Allied tanks in the wide-open terrain. However, mechanical failures meant that there were rarely more than a few in action. In a replay of the Leningrad experience, at least one Tiger was knocked out by towed British six-pounder antitank guns. The two experiences simply demonstrated that "wonder weapons" are no substitute for sound tactics.

The tank's extreme weight limited the bridges it could cross and made drive-throughs of buildings which may have basements risky. Another weakness was the slow traverse of the hydraulically-operated turret traverse mechanism. The turret could also be traversed manually, but this option was rarely used, except probably for a fix of a few mils.

The Tiger's top road speed of 38 km/h compares to 37 km/h for its most comparable opponent, the IS-2. Both were substantially slower than most medium tanks. Early Tigers had a top speed of 45 km/h; the top speed was reduced to 38 km/h when engine governors were installed in November 1943. The Tiger had reliability problems throughout its service life; Tiger units frequently entered combat understrength due to breakdowns. It was rare for any Tiger unit to complete a road march without losing vehicles due to breakdown. It also had poor radius of action. Surprisingly for a heavy tank, it had a lower ground pressure bearing than many smaller tanks, the most notable exception being the Soviet T-34.

The Tiger's armour and firepower, however, were feared by all its opponents. In tactical defence, its poor mobility was less of an issue. An accepted Allied tactic was to engage the Tiger as a group, one attracting the attention of the Tiger crew while the others attacked the sides or rear of the vehicle. Since the ammunition and fuel were stored in the sponsons, a side penetration often resulted in a kill. This was, however, a risky tactic, and often resulted in the loss of several Allied vehicles. It took a great deal of tactical skill to eliminate Tiger units.

Tigers were usually employed in separate heavy tank battalions under Army command. These battalions would be deployed to critical sectors, either for breakthrough operations or, more typically, counterattacks. A few favored divisions, such as the Grossdeutschland or some of the low-numbered Waffen-SS divisions had a handful of Tigers. The Tiger is particularly associated with the name of SS-Haupsturmführer Michael Wittmann of schwere SS-Panzerabteilung 101, who was one of the most successful tank commanders of World War II. He worked his way up, commanding various vehicles, finally a Tiger I. In one day he destroyed over two dozen allied vehicles including several tanks, and single-handedly held up an entire advance until his tank was knocked out and abandoned at the Battle of Villers-Bocage.

Over 10 Tiger tank commanders had over 100 kills on their account, including: Johannes Bölter with 139+ Kills, Otto Carius with 150+ Kills, Kurt Knispel with 168 Kills, and Michael Wittmann with 138 Kills.

[编辑] 1943年俘獲的虎式

1943年5月,一輛非洲軍團的虎I(砲塔編號131)在突尼西亞與邱吉爾坦克交戰後被俘獲。該虎I在突尼西亞維修並展出,直到送回英國接受完全的檢驗。The western Allies, however, did little to prepare for combat against the Tiger despite their assessment that the newly-encountered German tank was superior to their own. This conclusion was partly based on the correct estimate that the Tiger would be produced in relatively small numbers. It was also based on the doctrine of the United States Army, which did not place emphasis on tank-versus-tank combat, relying instead in the use of tank destroyers.

在1951年9月25日,一輛俘獲的tank was officially handed over to the Bovington Tank Museum at Bovington Camp in the 英國, by the British Ministry of Supply. 在1990年6月, preparations were made for restoring the Tiger to running order.在2003年12月, Tiger 131 returned to the museum with a fully operational engine after extensive restoration by the Army Base Repair Organization.

[编辑] 蘇聯反應

The Tiger had in part been a response to Soviet heavy tanks, namely the KV-1, as well as the medium T-34 which had some notable successes against lighter German tanks of the time.

The first Tigers were sent to the Eastern Front in December 1942, and a tank captured in January 1943 forced the Soviets to respond. Until the appearance of the Tiger, the Soviet focus had been on production numbers; needed quality improvements were foregone since they would disrupt production. The Soviet response took several forms. The crash development of a 152-mm self-propelled gun was ordered. The SU-152 went from design concept to field trials in a record twenty-five days, and an understrength regiment of guns was sent to the battlefield at Kursk in May. Also, the Soviet heavy tank program was renewed, resulting in the Josef Stalin tank with a 122 mm gun in early 1944. The improved ISU-152 and ISU-122 self-propelled guns were developed on the IS-2 chassis. The T-34 was given a new three-man turret and 85 mm gun by early 1944. Finally, new towed 85 mm and 100 mm antitank guns were provided. All of these new weapons systems were incremental developments of existing chasses or guns, and thus could be produced in great quantity.

The greatest challenge presented by Soviet tanks was their massive production rates compared to the meagre production of German heavy designs—only 1,350 Tigers and fewer than 500 Tiger IIs were built. By comparison, alongside the 58,000 T-34s produced there were 4,600 KV-1s and over 3,500 IS-2s. In total over 66,000 medium and heavy Soviet tanks to 1,850 Tigers.

An oft-quoted statistic for weapons systems is the kill ratio. Against the Soviet and western Allied production numbers, even a 10:1 kill ratio would not have been sufficient for the Tigers. Some Tiger units exceeded the 10:1 kill ratio, including 13. Kompanie/Panzer-Regiment Grossdeutschland (16.67:1), schwere SS-Panzer-Abteilung 103 (12.82:1) and schwere Panzer-Abteilung 502 (13.08:1). These numbers must be set against the opportunity cost of building the expensive Tiger. Every Tiger built, for example, cost as much as four Sturmgeschutz III assault guns. One measure of cost-effectiveness, therefore, would be whether the Tiger's kill ratio was four times as high as the Sturmgeschutz III.

[编辑] 備註

  1. Although 1,350 is a common figure, World War II magazine reported the figure of 1,355 in their January 1994年 edition (p.16). Jentz gives in his Die deutsche Panzertruppe (1999), the result of the most detailed investigation of the primary sources ever undertaken, a revised number of 1,347, including the prototype. Other sources suggest 1,500.
  2. Among other variants of the Tiger, a compact, armored self-propelled rocket projector, today commonly known as 突擊虎式, was built. Another variant, given the name "Bergetiger" post-war was a recovery vehicle. It was fitted with a winch capable of lifting only two tonnes. Speculation continues to run on whether or not this was actually a recovery vehicle given it's lack of grunt. Another theory is that it was a damaged Tiger which was converted for explosive placement.

[编辑] 對外鏈結


一號坦克 | 二號坦克 | 三號坦克 | 四號坦克 | 豹式 | 虎III | Panzer 35(t) | Panzer 38(t)
黃蜂式 | 野蜂式| 蟋蟀式 | Panzerwerfer| sIG 33 | Wurfrahmen 40
三號突擊炮 | 四號突擊炮| StuH 42 | 灰熊式 | 突擊虎式
一號坦克殲擊車 | 黃鼠狼I、II、III | 追獵者式 | 四號坦克殲擊車 | 獵豹式 | 犀牛式 | 獵虎式 | 象式
裝甲半履帶車 裝甲車
SdKfz 4 | 250 | 251 | 252 | 253 Sdkfz 221/22/23 | Sdkfz 231/32/34/63
四號防空戰車: 傢俱車旋風式東風式閃電式 | Gepard
鼠式 | E系 | 豹II | Waffenträger | Neubaufahrzeug

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Static Wikipedia 2007:

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Static Wikipedia 2006:

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