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1968 Summer Olympics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

1968 Summer Olympics

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Games of the XIX Olympiad
Games of the XIX Olympiad

Host city Mexico City, Mexico
Nations participating 112
Athletes participating 5,530
(4,750 men, 780 women)
Events 172 in 20 sports
Opening ceremony October 12, 1968
Closing ceremony October 27, 1968
Officially opened by President Gustavo Díaz Ordaz
Athlete's Oath Pablo Garrido
Olympic Torch Norma Enriqueta Basilio de Sotelo
Stadium Estadio Olímpico Universitario

The 1968 Summer Olympics, officially known as the Games of the XIX Olympiad, were held in Mexico City in 1968. Mexico City beat out bids from Detroit, Buenos Aires and Lyon to host the Games in 1963. The Games were preceded by the Tlatelolco massacre, in which hundreds of students were killed by Mexican security forces ten days before the opening day.


[edit] Highlights

  • The high altitude of Mexico City (2240 m) made it difficult for many endurance athletes to adapt to the oxygen-deprived air. The high altitude was also credited with contributing to many record setting jumps and leaps in the long jump, high jump and pole vault events.
  • For the first time, athletes from East and West Germany were members of separate teams, after having competed in a combined team in 1964.
  • US discus thrower Al Oerter, won his fourth consecutive gold medal in the event to become only the second athlete to achieve this feat in an individual event.
  • Bob Beamon jumped 8.90 m in the long jump, a 55 cm improvement of the world record that would stand until 1991 (when it was broken by Mike Powell); it is still the Olympic record. United States athletes Jim Hines and Lee Evans also set long world records in the 100m and 400m, respectively, that would last for many years to come.
  • In the triple jump, the previous world record was improved five times by three different athletes.
  • Dick Fosbury won the gold medal in the high jump using the radical Fosbury flop technique, which quickly became the dominant technique in the event.
  • In the 200 m medal award ceremony, two African-American athletes Tommie Smith (gold) and John Carlos (bronze) raised their black-gloved fists as a symbol of Black Power. As punishment, the International Olympic Committee banned them from the Olympic Games for life.
  • Czechoslovakian gymnast Věra Čáslavská won four gold medals.
  • United States swimmer Debbie Meyer became the first swimmer to win three individual gold medals, in the 200, 400 and 800 m freestyle events.
  • The introduction of doping tests resulted in the first disqualification because of doping: Swedish pentathlete Hans-Gunnar Liljenwall was disqualified for alcohol use.
  • John Stephen Akhwari of Tanzania became internationally famous after finishing the marathon in last place despite a dislocated knee.
  • This was the first of three Olympic participations by Jacques Rogge. He competed in yachting and would later become the 8th President of the International Olympic Committee.
  • Norma Enriqueta Basilio (a Mexican athlete) became the first woman to light the Olympic cauldron with the Olympic flame.

[edit] Venues

  • Mexico City venues
    • University City (Ciudad Universitaria) venues
      • University City Olympic Stadium² (Estadio Olympico Universitario) - opening/closing ceremonies, athletics, football/soccer
      • University City Swimming Pool² - water polo
    • Magdalena Mixhuaca Sports City venues
      • Augustín Melgar Olympic Velodrome¹ (Velodromo Olímpico) - cycling
      • Fernando Montes de Oca Fencing Hall¹ - fencing
      • Juan Escutia Sports Palace¹ (Palacio de los Deportes Juan Escutia) - basketball
      • Municipal Stadium² - hockey
    • Chapultepec Park venues
      • National Auditorium² (Auditorio Nacional) - gymnastics
      • Campo Marte² - equestrian events
      • Chapultepec Sports Center² - fronton, tennis
    • Aztec Stadium² (Estadio Azteca) - football/soccer
    • Francisco Márquez Olympic Pool¹ (Alberca Olímpica Francisco Márquez) - swimming, diving, water polo
    • Juan de la Barrera Olympic Gymnasium¹ (Gimnasio Olímpico Juan de la Barrera) - volleyball
    • Arena México² - boxing
    • Insurgentes Theater² - weightlifting
    • Insurgentes Ice Rink² - wrestling
    • Revolution Ice Rink² - volleyball
    • Frontón México² - fronton
    • Asturian Sports Center² - fronton
    • Lebanese Sports Center² - fronton
    • Frontón Metropolitano² - fronton
    • Vicente Suárez Shooting Range¹, Campo Militar No. 1, Lomas Sotelo district - shooting
    • Campo Militar No. 1², Lomas Sotelo district - modern pentathlon
    • Virigilo Uribe Rowing and Canoeing Course¹ (Pista Olímpica Virigilio Uribe), Xochimilco at Cuemanco - rowing, canoeing
  • Venues outside Mexico City

¹ New facilities constructed in preparation for the Olympic Games. ² Existing facilities modified or refurbished in preparation for the Olympic Games.

[edit] Medals awarded

See the medal winners, ordered by sport:

[edit] Demonstration sports

  • Basque pelota
  • Tennis

[edit] Participating nations


[edit] Medal count

These are the top ten nations that won medals at these Games:

 Rank  Nation Gold Silver Bronze Total
1 United States United States 45 28 34 107
2 Soviet Union Soviet Union 29 32 30 91
3 Japan Japan 11 7 7 25
4 Hungary Hungary 10 10 12 32
5 East Germany East Germany 9 9 7 25
6 France France 7 3 5 15
7 Czechoslovakia Czechoslovakia 7 2 4 13
8 West Germany West Germany 5 11 10 26
9 Australia Australia 5 7 5 17
10 Great Britain Great Britain 5 5 3 13

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

Olympic Games
v  d  e
SportsMedal countsNOCs
Summer Games: 1896, 1900, 1904, 19061, 1908, 1912, (1916)2, 1920, 1924, 1928, 1932, 1936, (1940)2, (1944)2, 1948, 1952, 1956, 1960, 1964, 1968, 1972, 1976, 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020
Winter Games: 1924, 1928, 1932, 1936, (1940)2, (1944)2, 1948, 1952, 1956, 1960, 1964, 1968, 1972, 1976, 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1994, 1998, 2002, 2006, 2010, 2014, 2018
Athens 2004Turin 2006Beijing 2008Vancouver 2010London 2012
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