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1988 Winter Olympics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

1988 Winter Olympics

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XV Olympic Winter Games
XV Olympic Winter Games

The emblem is a stylized snowflake or
maple leaf made up of many letters “C”
for Canada or Calgary, above the Olympic rings.

Host city Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Nations participating 57
Athletes participating 1423 (1122 men, 301 women)
Events 46 in 6 sports
Opening ceremony February 13, 1988
Closing ceremony February 28, 1988
Officially opened by Her Excellency the Rt. Hon. Jeanne Sauvé,

Governor General of Canada

Athlete's Oath Pierre Harvey
Judge's Oath Suzanna Morrow-Francis
Olympic Torch Robyn Perry
Stadium McMahon Stadium

The 1988 Winter Olympics, officially known as the XV Olympic Winter Games, were celebrated in Calgary, Alberta, Canada and opened by Governor General Jeanne Sauvé. The Olympics were highly successful financially as they brought in million-dollar profits. The games left a lasting impression on the host city and gave it a new identity from a cowtown to a large commercial sector of the country.

1988 was also the last year that the Paralympics and the Winter Olympics were held in separate cities; all subsequent games have been hosted by the same city or a city nearby.


[edit] History

[edit] Background

Calgary first tried for the Olympics in 1964 and again in 1968.

Calgary won the Olympic Games on September 30th 1981 beating out Falun, Sweden and Cortina d'Ampezzo, Italy. The vote held by the IOC in Baden-Baden West Germany saw Calgary had the lead in the first round of voting, the second round saw it officially win with a vote of 35 to 25 over the city of Falun.

All levels of government helped to fund the games. The federal government provided $225 million (note all figures listed in CDN funds, not adjusted for inflation), the province of Alberta paid $125 million and the city of Calgary with $50 million. The American host network, ABC paid a then record $398 million, with the Canadian CTV television network paying domestic rights for $45 million. A further $90 million was raised by sponsorships and licenses.

Concern was raised almost from the beginning about the suitability of Calgary weather for hosting the winter Olympics. The area of the province frequently and unpredictably is plauged with chinook winds which periods where the weather becomes extremely unseasonably mild (in the plus Celsius range). A year prior to the event the Whit Fraser report hinted that there was a possibility that mild winter weather could cause major problems for the games. There were indeed minor problems--for example, a bobsled run had to be re-run.

The Olympic Torch Relay (marked as 'Share the Flame') was the longest relay in Olympic history. In 88 days the torch modeled after the Calgary Tower was carried by famous and ordinary citizens in a run across Canada. Citzens won the chance to run a 1km distance by entering a contest lottery sponsored by Petro Canada.

[edit] The Games

Brian Orser carrying the Canadian flag at the opening ceremony
Brian Orser carrying the Canadian flag at the opening ceremony

Highlights The Games were opened by Her Excellency the Right Honourable Jeanne Sauvé, Governor General of Canada, on behalf of the Queen of Canada, Elizabeth II at McMahon Stadium. The opening ceremonies took place outdoors in a football stadium.

  • Two competitors, Eddie 'the Eagle' Edwards in ski jumping and the Jamaican Bobsled Team, entered their respective competitions with little experience and less chance of winning any medals. However, the determination of these novices to compete in spite of being outmatched by their competitors won the affection of the spectators which overshadowed the actual winners. They were hailed as demonstrating the true Olympic spirit as playing for the simple thrill of competition. The story of the bobsledding team was made into a film called Cool Runnings.
  • For the first time, the Winter Olympics were extended to 16 days, the speed skating events were held indoors on a covered rink, the alpine events took place on artificial snow, and warm Chinook winds not only threatened to cancel events, but sent a ski jumper flying into a camera tower.
  • For the first time, the Closing Ceremony was held in the same main Olympic stadium as the Opening Ceremony.

[edit] Legacy

Canada Olympic Park as it is today.
Canada Olympic Park as it is today.

The games are notable for turning a profit. A surplus of between $90-$150 million was made, with the money going to fund the various Olympic venues in Calgary. It's also important fact as it offset the stigma of hosting the Olympics after the financial disaster of the 1976 Montreal Olympic games (that were finally paid off just recently).

In 1999, a bribery scandal hit the Salt Lake Organizing Committee (SLOC) for the 2002 Winter Olympics. There was talk of stripping the rights of hosting the games away from the city. Calgary then offered to step in and host the 2002 games.

Calgary would try again for the games in 2010, but lost out to Vancouver when the Canadian Olympic association choose it as the city that would represent the Canadian bid. See Vancouver 2010

Unfortunately, like in Montreal, the host Canadian team again failed to obtain a gold medal. The Canadian Olympic Committee has pledged to change this at the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver with a program called Own the Podium - 2010, and the Olympic team's success in Turin 2006 made that seem like a distinct possibility.

Calgary gained international stature from the Olympics, and ended the events with world class facilities to host international meets and serve as a training facility. Ever mindful of the financial disaster of the 1976 Summer Olympics, Calgary was financially successful, erasing the spectre of a second Canadian games at a loss. Its use of the profits for the future Canada Olympic Park and the funding of Canadian athletes through the Calgary Olympic Development Association (CODA) gave Calgary a lasting legacy and impact on the Canadian sports scene. It also provided funds for the maintenance and upgrading of athletic facilities in Calgary, Banff, and Lake Louise. Well after the Olympics ended, CODA has continued to use its resources to develop resources for Olympic athletes in the city, which includes supporting Canada's first high school designed for Olympic calibre athletes, in a partnership with the Calgary Board of Education.

Not only was there a profound economic impact, there was a substantial social one as well. From the unprecedented volunteer involvement in staging the games, to a program where ordinary Calgarians could purchase, for $19.88, a brick at the medal presentation plaza with their name laser-engraved on it, the involvement of ordinary Calgarians was evident. This was of paramount importance to the organizing committee, OCO'88, as it kept the games from appearing distant and "out of reach".

[edit] Medals awarded

See the medal winners, ordered by sport:

[edit] Demonstration sports

[edit] Venues

When awarded the games, Calgary had very little in the way of sports infrastructure to host such an event. The following is a list of venues built for the games (see venues below for complete list of all facilities used for the games):

[edit] Medal count

 Rank  Nation Gold Silver Bronze Total
1 Soviet Union Soviet Union (URS) 11 9 9 29
2 East Germany East Germany (GDR) 9 10 6 25
3 Switzerland Switzerland (SUI) 5 5 5 15
4 Finland Finland (FIN) 4 1 2 7
5 Sweden Sweden (SWE) 4 0 2 6
6 Austria Austria (AUT) 3 5 2 10
7 Netherlands Netherlands (NED) 3 2 2 7
8 West Germany West Germany (FRG) 2 4 2 8
9 United States United States (USA) 2 1 3 6
10 Italy Italy (ITA) 2 1 2 5
Further information: 1988 Winter Olympics medal count

[edit] Facts and Figures

  • The instrumental theme song ("Can You Feel It?") was composed and performed by Canadian musician David Foster.

[edit] Mascots

  • The official mascots of the games were two white-furred, western-attired bears named Hidy and Howdy. The names were chosen from a field of 7,000 names through a contest sponsored by the Calgary Zoo. They were designed by Sheila Scott of Great Scott Productions, and produced by International Mascot.

[edit] Participants

A record of 57 National Olympic Committees (NOCs) entered athletes at the 1988 Winter Olympic Games.

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

Olympic Games
v  d  e
SportsMedal countsNOCs
Summer Games: 1896, 1900, 1904, 19061, 1908, 1912, (1916)2, 1920, 1924, 1928, 1932, 1936, (1940)2, (1944)2, 1948, 1952, 1956, 1960, 1964, 1968, 1972, 1976, 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020
Winter Games: 1924, 1928, 1932, 1936, (1940)2, (1944)2, 1948, 1952, 1956, 1960, 1964, 1968, 1972, 1976, 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1994, 1998, 2002, 2006, 2010, 2014, 2018
Athens 2004Turin 2006Beijing 2008Vancouver 2010London 2012
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