马达加斯加简介列表 | |||||
官方语言 | 法语, 马达加斯加语 | ||||
首都 | 塔那那利佛 | ||||
首都地图坐标 | 18° 55' S, 47° 31' E | ||||
总统 | 马克·拉瓦卢马纳纳 | ||||
总理 | 雅克·西拉 | ||||
面积 -总面积l -%水域 |
45位 587,040 公里² 0.9% |
- 密度 |
26.4/公里² |
- 人均GDP |
US$800 |
货币 | 阿里亚里 | ||||
时区 | UTC +3 | ||||
建国 | 1960年6月26日从法国独立 | ||||
国歌 | Ry Tanindrazanay malala ô | ||||
国际域名 | .MG | ||||
电话区号 | 261 |
马达加斯加共和国(Repoblikan'i Madagasikara)是非洲东海岸的印度洋岛屿国家。马达加斯加岛是非洲第一、世界第四大的岛屿,首都塔那那利佛(Antananarivo),面积590,750平方公里,到2004年为止,人口共有1644万人。它拥有全球5%的动植种类,其中80%为马达加斯加所独有。
目录 |
[编辑] 历史
有记载的马达加斯加历史始于公元7世纪,那时阿拉伯人在其西北方海岸建立了贸易点。与欧洲人的接触是在十六世纪,葡萄牙船长迭戈·迪亚斯(Diego Dias)在他的船脱离了前往印度的船队之后看到了这座岛。17世纪末,法国人在东海岸建立了贸易站。
1947年,随着法国人影响的与日俱减,民族主义迅速上升,在经过数月坚苦卓绝的斗争后被镇压。随后,法国人于1956年建立了一个革新制度,马达加斯加走向和平独立。1958年10月14日,马尔加什共和国成立,是法兰西共同体(Communauté française)内的自治共和国。1959年,临时政府完成使命,宪法诞生。1960年6月26日,马尔加什完全独立。1975年12月21日,改国名为马达加斯加民主共和国。1992年8月19日,改国名为马达加斯加共和国。
[编辑] 政治
马达加斯加第一任总统为社会民主党(Social Democratic Party)的菲利贝尔·齐拉纳纳(Philibert Tsiranana),他于1972年3月再次当选。但是,仅仅两个月之后,面对强大的反政府的示威行动,他不得不辞去总统职务。由于局势持续动荡,齐拉纳纳的继任者加布里埃尔·拉马南楚阿(Gabriel Ramanantsoa)于1975年2月5日辞职,将实际权力交给了六天后即被刺身亡的里夏尔·拉齐曼德拉瓦(Richard Ratsimandrava)。随后,一个临时的军事委员会接管局势,直至1975年迪迪埃·拉齐拉卡(Didier Ratsiraka)组成新的政府。
从1980年代末开始的对宽松的政治表达氛围的追求,使拉齐拉卡政权受到了巨大的压力,要求进行根本性改革。为了改变不断恶化的经济状况,拉齐拉卡放松了社会主义经济方针并开始进行自由经济和私有化的改革。这些经济改革连同1989年取消的新闻检查制度和1990年大量政党的出现,都无法安抚不断增长的反对派运动例如Hery Velona。一些已经存在的政党及其领导人,包括阿尔贝·扎菲(Albert Zafy)和拉库图尼艾纳·马南达菲,稳定了这些在塔那那利佛及其周边地区特别严重的示威运动。
在地位不断被削弱的情况下,拉齐拉卡同意就组成一个临时过渡政府而举行谈判。1991年10月31日召开的“Panorama Convention”使得拉齐拉纳几乎被削夺了所有的权力,并建立了一个临时政府,用18个月的时间过渡到一个新的宪法政府。高等法院被保留下来作为整个过程的最终仲裁者。
1992年3月,一个由具有广泛代表性的国家论坛(National Forum)起草了一部新的宪法。Troops guarding the proceedings clashed with pro-Ratsiraka "federalists" who tried to disrupt the forum in protest of draft constitutional provisions preventing the incumbent president from running again. The text of the new Constitution was put to a nationwide referendum in August 1992 and approved by a wide margin, despite efforts by federalists to disrupt balloting in several coastal areas.
Presidential elections were held on November 25, 1992, after the High Constitutional Court had ruled, over Hery Velona objections, that Ratsiraka could become a candidate. Runoff elections were held in February 1993, and the leader of the Hery Velona movement, Albert Zafy, defeated Ratsiraka. Zafy was sworn in as President on March 27, 1993. After President Zafy's impeachment by the National Assembly in 1996 and the short quasi-presidency of Norbert Ratsirahonana, the 1997 elections once again pitted Zafy and Ratsiraka, with Ratsiraka this time emerging victorious. A National Assembly dominated by members of President Ratsiraka'a political party AREMA subsequently passed the 1998 Constitution, which considerably strengthened the presidency.
In December 2001, a presidential election was held in which both major candidates claimed victory. The Ministry of the Interior declared incumbent Ratsiraka of the AREMA party victorious. Marc Ravalomanana contested the results and claimed victory. A political crisis followed in which Ratsiraka supporters cut major transport routes from the primary port city to the capital city, a stronghold of Ravalomanana support. Sporadic violence and considerable economic disruption continued until July 2002 when Ratsiraka and several of his prominent supporters fled to exile in France. In addition to political differences, ethnic differences played a role in the crisis and continue to play a role in politics. Ratsiraka is from the coastal Betsimisaraka tribe and Ravalomanana comes from the highland Merina tribe.
After the end of the 2002 political crisis, President Ravalomanana began many reform projects, forcefully advocating "rapid and durable development" and the launching of a battle against corruption. December 2002 legislative elections gave his newly formed TIM (Tiako-I-Madagasikara) (I Love Madagascar) Party a commanding majority in the National Assembly. November 2003 municipal elections were conducted freely, returning a majority of supporters of the president, but also significant numbers of independent and regional opposition figures.
Following the crisis of 2002, the President replaced provincial governors with appointed PDSs (Presidents des Delegations Speciales). Subsequent legislation established a structure of 22 regions to decentralize administration. In September 2004, the Government named 22 Regional Chiefs, reporting directly to the President, to implement its decentralization plans. Financing and specific powers for the regional administrations remain to be clarified.
[编辑] 政府
In March 1998, Malagasy voters approved a revised Constitution. The principal institutions of the Republic of Madagascar are a presidency, a parliament (National Assembly and Senate), a prime ministry and cabinet, and an independent judiciary. The president is elected by direct universal suffrage for a 5-year term, renewable twice.
The National Assembly consists of 160 representatives elected by direct vote every 5 years. The last election was held in December 2002. The Senate consists of 90 senators, two-thirds elected by local legislators and other Grand Electors and one-third appointed by the president, all for 6-year terms. A prime minister and council of ministers carries out day-to-day management of government. The president appoints the prime minister.
The prime minister and members of Parliament initiate legislation, and the government executes it. The president can dissolve the National Assembly. For its part, the National Assembly can pass a motion of censure and require the prime minister and council of ministers to step down. The Constitutional Court approves the constitutionality of new laws. Madagascar is also part of the Indian Ocean Commission.
[编辑] 行政区划
马达加斯加全国分为6个自治省(faritany mizaka tena),111县(fivondronana),1000多个区(firaisana),1万多社区(fokontany)。
省 | 县 | 人口 | |
1 | 塔那那利佛省 Antananarivo (Tananarive) |
Analamanga, Bongolava, Itasy, Vakinankaratra | 4 637 000 人 |
2 | 安齐拉纳纳省 Antsiranana (Diégo-Suarez) |
Diana, Sava | 1 188 500 人 |
3 | 菲亚纳兰楚阿省 Fianarantsoa | Amoron'i Mania, Atsimo Atsinanana, Haute Matsiatra, Ihorombe, Vatovavy Fitovinany | 3 366 000 人 |
4 | 马哈赞加省 Mahajanga (Majunga) |
Betsiboka, Boeny, Melaky, Sofia | 1 734 000 人 |
5 | 图阿马西拉省 Toamasina (Tamatave) |
Aloatra Mangoro, Analanjirofo, Atsinanana | 2 593 000 人 |
6 | 图利亚拉省 Toliara | Androy, Anosy, Atsimo Andrefana, Menabe |
[编辑] 地理
[编辑] 人口
[编辑] 重要城镇
- 迭戈苏瓦雷斯(Diégo Suarez, Antsiranana)
- 安塔拉哈(Antalaha)
- 塔马塔夫(Tamatave)
- 马南扎里(Mananjary)
- 马纳卡拉(Manakara)
- 多几堡(Fort Dauphin)
- 圣玛丽角(Cape Ste Marie)
- 图萊亚尔(Tuléar)
- 菲亚纳兰楚阿(Fianarantsoa)
- 穆龙达瓦(Morondava)
- 安齐拉贝(Antsirabe)
- 塔那那利佛:首都
- 马鲁武艾(Marovoay)
- 马任加(Majunga)
[编辑] 外部連結
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