英語中,髒話(Profanity)一詞最初含義僅用於表示瀆神、褻瀆神聖,或隨便的提及神的名義(瀆神的說法或賭咒)。特別是這樣的說法: "God damn it"(天殺的)、"go to Hell"(去死/下地獄)、及"damn you"(去你的)。 髒話的意義現已延伸至包含色情、男性至上、貶損、種族主義及具有性意味的字眼。英語中,常用的有"fuck"(肏,又称“操”,性交之意)、"shit"(屎)、"cunt"(屄,阴道之意,有时也用来侮辱女性)、"nigger"(黑鬼)及常見的"bitch"(潑婦、婊子)、"ass/arse"(屁股、驢蛋)及"bastard"(王八蛋)。同時,若當成虛詞使用,或用以表示不滿,則英文中的『耶穌』、『基督』、『耶穌基督』與『該受天譴的』也當成是髒話。
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[编辑] 定義
對於髒話的定義始終有極大的岐見。香港法例有禁止「粗口」的條文,但卻沒有清楚說明其定義,靠執法人員及法官自行詮釋。[來源請求]在美國,1973年由喬治葛倫(George Carlin)主持、名為「七個絕不能在電視節目裏說的字」的廣播喜劇遭投訴,聯邦通訊委員會(Federal Communications Commission)在回應時規定,與那七個字相關的語句在兒童可能收聽到時不可廣播。美國聯邦法院在438 U.S. 726 (1978)中贊同該審查法規。在葛倫的獨白中出現的是shit、piss、fuck、cunt、cocksucker、motherfucker及tits。
[编辑] 歷史
在美国当代,具有种族主义倾向的词语常常被视为比性辱骂更具有攻击性;一个很好的例子是nigger这个词,nigger在美国公共范围内被严格禁止,以至影响到一些类似发音的却不同意思的词,如niggardly,意思是“stingy”。其中一個著名例子發生在1999年,華盛頓市長 Anthony A. Williams 要求他的一個職員辭職,原因是他在私人職員會議中使用了"niggardly"一詞[1]。語言心理學研究显示,脏话和其他的禁忌语言能够使阅读或听到的人产生生理反应,譬如心律上升。
This fact is seen by some as evidence that reclaiming of words such as queer is a valid way to remove its power. See also the article on nigger, as well as Drum and Bass for the reclaiming of the word jungle.
The offensiveness or perceived intensity or vulgarity of the various profanities can change over time, with certain words becoming more or less offensive as time goes on. For example, in modern times the word piss is usually considered mildly vulgar and somewhat impolite, whereas it appears in the King James Version of the Bible where modern translations would use the word urine (2 Kings 18:27; Isa 36:12) or urinate (1 Sam 25:22, 25:34; 1 Kings 14:10, 16:11, 21:21; 2 Kings 9:8).
[编辑] 英國民眾對不同髒話嚴重程度的看法
[编辑] Interlanguage
The situation is rendered more complex when other languages enter the picture. Merde in French, and Scheiße in German (both usually translated as shit) are also quite common. It is also interesting to note that while German and other languages' profanity seems to focus on elimination, English profanity tends to be sexual in nature. Likewise, in European Spanish, coño (usually translated as cunt in English) is very common in informal spoken discourse, meaning no more than "Hey!" or "Christ!"
Some scholars have noted that while the French and Spanish are comfortable hearing native speakers use these words, they tend to hear the "stronger" meaning when the same words are spoken by non-native speakers. This may be similar to the differences in the acceptability of queer or nigger depending on who is saying the words. Or it may be an example of how it is easier to learn swear words in a new language or dialect than to learn the fine shades of intensity which accompany their use.
A profane word in one language often sounds like an ordinary word in another. Fuck sounds like the French words for seal (phoque) and jib (foc), as well as the Romania word for do (I do = eu fac); shit sounds like the Russian for "to sew". Even names in one language may appear as vulgar words in another linguistic community, which causes many immigrants to change their names (common Vietnamese personal names include Phuc and Bich). A particular coincidence is the Hungarian and Spanish words for curve: Spanish curva sounds like a Slavic and Hungarian kurva meaning "prostitute", and Hungarian kanyar sounds like coño, mentioned above. In Romanian curva means "prostitute". See another example in Laputa. Additionally, puta is genitive and accusative case of two often used words in south Slavic languages; but in Portuguese, means "prostitute", and filho da - is an offensive word, similar to son of a bitch.
Quebec French can string a few basic terms from Roman Catholic liturgy into quite impressive strings of invective of up to a minute or more. This is known as sacre.
[编辑] 俄羅斯
Profanity took a very interesting form in 俄羅斯 where there exists a language of sorts called mat, most of its words based on four basic profane roots -- nouns penis, whore, cunt and verb fuck. At least two hundred derivative words exist in this language, plus countless word combinations. It is possible to sensibly communicate using just these four basic roots. Due to countless very fine nuances (stress on a different syllable changes the meaning of certain words etc.) it is not easy to master that language which is very widely used in Russia, especially in rural areas. Before the 1990s these words never appeared in print (except special articles published in universities) and they remain officially banned on TV and in the movies.
[编辑] 日本
日语 有时被举为一个具有很少脏话的语言的例子,但是这个谜团不过是对日语复杂的敬语系统的一个误解。常用的词,像“做”或者“给”,在不同的尊敬程度中有不同的形式。动词的选用在某些场合下可能是侮辱性的: 比如说, 對地位比自己低的對像表達「給予」的意思時可使用對詞「-{やる}-」 ,例如給動物食物,或給植物淋水;但是如果對自己身份平等或高級的對像使用「-{やる}-」的話,便會帶有冒犯的意思;同樣地代名詞也一樣有尊卑之分, 但有一些代表第二身「你」的代名詞,例如「貴様 」(主人)、「手前」(前面的人)、「-{お宅}-」(您的府上、御宅)等卻被一般大眾視為諷刺而被認為非常無禮。因為日語的敬語系統,因此可以不使用有如西方語言或中文中一樣的「粗話」但也可以達到侮傉他人的目的。
雖然如此,但是日文中也有大量的侮傉性用語而被禁止於電子傳媒上使用和避免於文字中出現,例如「-{マンコ}-」 (陰道)和「-{チンポ}-」(陽具)。而在書寫這類用語時,很多時候其中一個字符也會用「○」(一個圓圈)代替,例如以上的例子便可能寫成「-{マ○コ}-」和「-{チ○ポ}-」。這和英文中將「Fuck」寫成「Fxxk」、或中文將「操你妈屄」寫成「C你妈B」一樣。這一類用字在日文中只帶有該詞語文字上的意思(性器)而不能直接用來罵人,但如「-{糞っ垂れ}-」(大便失禁) 和 「-{やり万}-」(妓女)等詞語便對對方非常不敬,而類似的用法也在英語中找不到。一些較溫和的用語,如「-{バカ}-」、「-{馬鹿野郎}-」(笨蛋)或「-{畜生}-」等則被接受在電視節目中使用。
One possible reason for the relative paucity of profanity is because of the belief of Kotodama (言霊), lit. word spirits. Kotodama appear when spoken, written, or even thought and they can easily be "tainted" with ill intentions and evil spirits. Even today, Japanese avoid mentioning directly or with words that imply harm to keep away tainted evil Kotodama. This, of course, can be reversed to bring about harm to someone or something, and common everyday words are used profanely in this case.
另一個理由是在佛教和日本神道教, 這兩個宗教都屬于日本人的信仰, 提議男女平等權利。賣淫, 在各宗教被視為卑鄙的工作 and virginity, praised in many religions, is just a condition in a female's life. In Kojiki, to lure out the highest deity in Shinto, Amaterasu, a female deity performed a dance either unclothed or took off clothes as a part of performance in front of other deities. Some of those that study Kojiki have gone as far as to claim that this implies that an actual sex act was performed.
[编辑] 香港
[编辑] 香港粗口
香港稱髒話為粗言穢語或粗口。曾有人編寫香港《粗口字典》,對香港常用之幾個粗口用字提供了解釋及例句。不過由於是在互聯網發放, 編者已不能考究。
香港的粗口基本上等於廣東粗口,但並不完全相等於廣東粗口。廣東粗口適用於說粵語的地方,包括華南地區、香港、澳門、及海外唐人街等地,通常與性器官或性行為有關,而粗口的諧音亦有時被運用作罵人或說笑等。例如“小”(正寫為「屌」)、「鳩」(正寫為「」)、“西"(俗寫為「閪」,正寫為「屄」)、柒、撚(正寫為「-{尸}- +粦」等字。一些粗口字,特別是單字有時會放在正常的語句中以加強語氣用作“助語詞”。
原因是政府、學界及社會壓力,教科書及老師不教不傳、 商業機構出版的賣予學生及學界的字典不印 、現代電腦字庫未包含、
故此近代有人以「門」字做部首 內加同音字 表示 。
查出原本和性器官或性行為有關的字,不屬「門」字部首, 反而屬「尸」字部首。
屌:音diu2 意思是(1)男性生殖器 (2)罵人的髒話。
屄:音bei1 意思是 女性生殖器 。
膣:音jat6 意思是陰道vagina。
而香港粗口(門字+小)diu 2 是動詞,
香港粗口(閪,門字內加西字)hai 1 是名詞 即女性私處vagina/cunt 代指女性 或該被侮辱的人
香港粗口(門字內加七字)chat6 是名詞 即私處/性器官
代指 該被侮辱的人
例如香港的 彭志銘 的「正字正確」專欄。
期待華人社會香港社會能正視髒話粗口粗話也是文化和文字的一部份, 早日加以修正、統一及保存。
[编辑] 電腦
一種名為fuckfuck的電腦程式語言根據同一理念發明,以另一種名為 Brainfuck 的電腦程式語言作為基礎,其真正的目的側重於混淆程式編寫員(只有八个操作符), 正如其名般難以理解。
[编辑] 外部連結及參考
- 廣州話粗口研究網
- 香港網絡大典-廣東粗口五大字
- Maledicta: The International Journal of Verbal Aggression (ISSN US 0363-3659)
- Mellie, Roger, "Roger's Profanisaurus", Fulchester Industries/IFG Ltd.
- Review of Emotions, Taboos and Profane Language by Zsuzsanna Ard
- The BurnMeister A (humorous) tool to add grammatically appropriate profanity to arbitrary English text.