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帝王谷 - Wikipedia



View over the East Valley
View over the East Valley

帝王谷, 或 Wadi el-Muluk (وادي الملوك) 在阿拉伯语中, 是位于埃及埋葬古埃及新王朝时期18到20王朝的法老和贵族的一个山谷。

帝王谷位于北緯25度44分、東經32度36分. 它坐落在尼罗河西岸的金字塔形山峰 Al-Qurn 之巅,并与 Thebes (现在的 卢克斯)。帝王谷分为东谷和西谷,大多数重要的陵墓位于东谷。西谷只有一座陵墓向公众开放: Ay的陵墓, Tutankhamun的继任者。西谷也有多处其他重要的墓葬,包括 Amenhotep III, 但是仍然在发掘过程中并尚未向公众开放。

帝王谷的官方名称是The Great and Majestic Necropolis of the Millions of Years of the Pharaoh, Life, Strength, Health in The West of Thebes, 或者更常见的, Ta-sekhet-ma'at (the Great Field).

G41 G1 Aa1
O1 O29
A50 s Z4
G7 N35 C11 Z2
M4 M4 M4 t
O1 O1
G7 S34 U28 s D2
R14 t
N23 Z1
R19 t

帝王谷作为大约从1539 BC到1075 BC时期的主要陵墓区, 并且包含 60 tombs, 始于Thutmose I时期终于Ramesses X或XI时期。

帝王谷也有被宠幸的贵族和法老的妃子和子女的陵墓。王后谷始于大约Ramesses I (ca. 1300 BC), 然而也有一些妃子与她们的丈夫一起合葬。


[编辑] 地质


[编辑] 重要陵墓

参见 List of burials in the Valley of the Kings 的完整陵墓列表

陵墓以从Ramesses VII (KV1)到Tutankhamun (KV62)的发现顺序编号, 尽管一些陵墓古时就被发掘,而 KV5 最近才被重新发掘。有些陵墓是空的,有些的主人仍然未知,还有些只是用来储物的坑。下面只列举主要的陵墓(向公众开放的或著名的)。

[编辑] 东谷



Ramesses VII的陵墓。


Ramesses IV的陵墓。


Ramesses XI的陵墓。

KV5 – Ramesses II 之子

最近重新发掘了 Ramesses II 之子的陵墓。该陵墓现知有120个墓室,发掘工作还在进行中。它可能是帝王谷中最大的陵墓。并未向公众开放。


Ramesses IX的陵墓。

KV8 – Merenptah 的陵墓。



也称为Tomb of MemnonLa Tombe de la Métempsychose, 是Ramesses V 和Ramesses VI的陵墓。



KV11 – Ramesses III 的陵墓。

Ramesses III的陵墓 (或Bruce's Tomb, The Harper's Tomb) 是帝王谷中最大的陵墓之一,并向公众开放。它位于靠近中央休息区,通常是游客必经的陵墓之一。


Twosret的陵墓, 后来被Setnakhte使用。


Seti II的陵墓。


Ramesses I的陵墓。


Seti I的陵墓也被称为Belzoni's tomb, the tomb of Apis, 或the tomb of Psammis, son of Necho.


Ramesses X的陵墓。


Thutmose III的陵墓。


这个陵墓最初是Amenhotep II的陵墓。 大约几十个木乃伊,多数是皇家的,被重新安置在此 (see list).


Thutmose I的陵墓。.


也许是Amenhotep I的陵墓。

KV43 – Thutmose IV的陵墓。

贵族Yuya和Tjuyu的陵墓, 他们也许是王后Tiy的父母。一直到图坦卡蒙的陵墓被发现前,它一直是帝王谷中保留最完整的陵墓。



KV55 – 也许是 Amarna 时期的木乃伊隐藏地

该陵墓也许是另一个木乃伊窖藏,并且可能埋藏着皇室成员 – Tiy 和 Smenkhkare/Akhenaten.

KV57 – Horemheb的陵墓
KV62 – Tutankhamun的陵墓

Howard Carter于1922年11月4日在这里的发现也许是西方考古学上最重要的发现,整个清理以及保存过程持续到1932年。Tutankhamun陵墓是第一个发现并保持完整(尽管盗墓贼曾经光临过)的皇家陵墓。 它也是帝王谷中到目前为止最重要的发现。 尽管在墓中的藏品相当丰富,Tutankhamun仍然被认为是一个次要的帝王,其他的墓葬中也许有更大量的珍宝。 Carter所领导的考古队中的一些成员和后来的考古学家通过食品动物(特别是昆虫)感染上了当地的致命病毒,并引发了法老的诅咒的传说。

Panoramic view of the Valley
Panoramic view of the Valley

[编辑] 西帝王谷


WV22 – Amenhotep III的陵墓

这里是Egyptian 新王国时期最伟大的统治者之一Amenhotep III的陵墓。它最近被重新发掘,尚未向公众开放。

WV23 – Ay的陵墓


WV25 – 也许是 Akhenaten的陵墓


[编辑] Deir el-Bahri


This tomb contained an astounding mummy cache. It is located in the cliffs overlooking Hatshepsut's famous temple at Deir el-Bahri, was found to contain many of Egypt's most famous pharaohs. They were found in a great state of disorder, many placed in other people's coffins, and several are still unidentified.

[编辑] Decline of the Royal Necropolis

By the end of the New Kingdom, Egypt had entered a long period of political and economic decline. The priests at Thebes grew in power and effectively administered Upper Egypt, while kings ruling from Tanis controlled Lower Egypt. The Valley began to be heavily plundered, so the priests of Amen during 21st Dynasty to open most of the tombs and move the mummies into 3 tombs in order to better protect them. Later most of these were moved to a single cache near Deir el-Bari (see below). During the later Third Intermediate Period and later intrusive burials were introduced into many of the open tombs.

[编辑] Grave robbers

Almost all of the tombs have been ransacked, including Tutankhamun's, though in his case, it seems that the robbers were interrupted, so very little was removed.

The valley was surrounded by steep cliffs and heavily guarded. In 1090 BC, or the year of the Hyena, there was a collapse in Egypt's economy leading to the emergence of tomb robbers. Because of this, it was also the last year that the valley was used for burial.

The valley also seems to have suffered an official plundering during the virtual civil war which started in the reign of Ramesses XI. The tombs were opened, all the valuables removed, and the mummies collected into two large caches. One, the so-called Deir el-Bahri cache, contained no less than forty royal mummies and their coffins; the other, in the tomb of Amenhotep II, contained a further sixteen.

[编辑] Exploration of the Valley of the Kings

The Valley of the Kings has been a major area of modern Egyptological exploration for the last two centuries. Before this the area was a site for tourism in antiquity (especially during Roman times). This areas illustrates the changes in the study of ancient Egypt, starting as antiquity hunting, and ending as scientific excavation of the whole Theban Necropolis. Despite the exploration and investigation noted below, only eleven of the tombs have actually been completely recorded.

[编辑] Antiquity

The Greek writers Strabo and Diodorus Siculus were able to report that the total number of Theban royal tombs was 47, of which at the time only 17 were believed to be undestroyed. Pausanias and others wrote of the pipe-like corridors of the Valley – i.e. the tombs.

Clearly others also visited the valley in these times, as many of the tombs have graffiti written by these ancient toursits. Jules Baillet located over 2000 Greek and Latin graffiti, along with a smaller number in Phoenician, Cypriot, Lycian, Coptic, and other languages.

[编辑] Eighteenth Century

Before the nineteenth century, travel from Europe to Thebes (and indeed anywhere in Egypt) was difficult, time-consuming and expensive, and only the hardiest of European travelers visited – before the travels of Father Claude Sicard in 1726, it was unclear just where Thebes really was. It was known to be on the Nile, but it was often confused with Memphis and several other sites. One of the first travelers to record what he saw at Thebes was Frederic Louis Norden, a Danish adventurer and artist. He was followed by Richard Pococke, who published the first modern map of the valley itself, in 1743.

[编辑] French Expedition

In 1799, Napoleon's expedition drew maps and plans of the known tombs, and for the first time noted the Western Valley (where Prosper Jollois and Édouard de Villiers du Terrage located the tomb of Amenhotep III, WV22). The Description de l'Égypte contains two volumes (out a total of 19) on the area around Thebes.

[编辑] Nineteenth Century

European exploration continued in the area around Thebes during the Nineteenth Century, boosted by Champollion's translation of hieroglyphs early in the century. Early in the century, the area was visited by Belzoni, working for Henry Salt, who discovered several tombs, including that of those of Ay in the West Valley (WV23) in 1816, and Seti I, KV17 the next year. At the end of his visits, Belzoni declared that all of the tombs had been found and nothing of note remained to be found.

In 1827 John Gardiner Wilkinson was assigned to paint the entry of every tomb, giving them each a designation that is still in use today – they were numbered from KV1 to KV21 (although the maps show 28 entrances, some of which were unexplored). These paintings and maps were later published in The Topography of Thebes and General Survey of Egypt, in 1830. At the same time James Burton explored the valley. His works included making KV17 safer from flooding, but he is more well known for entering KV5.

In 1829, Champollion himself visited the valley, along with Ippolitio Rosellini. The expedition spend 2 months studying the open tombs, visiting about 16 of them. The copied the enscriptions and identfied the original tomb owners. In the tomb of KV17, they removed some wall decorations, which are now on dispaly in the Louvre, Paris.

In 1845 – 1846 the valley was explored by Carl Richard Lepsius's expedition, they explored and documented 25 main valley and 4 in the west.

The later half of the century saw a more concerted effort to preserve rather than simply gathering antiquities. Auguste Mariette's Egyptian Antiqities Service started to explore the valley, first with Eugéne Lefébre in 1883, then Jules Balliet and George Bénédite in early 1888 and finally Victor Loret in 1898 to 1899. During this time George Daressy explored KV9 and KV6.

Loret added a further 16 tombs to the list of tombs, and explored several tombs that had already been discovered.

When Gaston Maspero was reappointed to head the Egyptian Antiquities Service, the nature of the exploration of the valley changed again, Maspero appointed Howard Carter as the Chief Inspector of Upper Egypt, and the young man discovered several new tombs and explored several others, clearing KV42 and KV20.

[编辑] Twentieth century

Around the turn of the Twentieth Century, the American Theodore Davis had the excavation permit in the valley, and his team (led mosty by Edward R. Ayrton) discovered several royal and non-royal tombs (KV43, KV46 & KV57 being the most important). In 1907 they discovered the possible Amarna Period cache in KV55. After finding what they thought was the burial of Tutankhamun (KV61), it was announced that the valley was completely explored and no further burials were to be found.

Howard Carter then acquired the right to explore the valley and after a systematic search discovered the actual tomb of Tutankhamun (KV62) in November 1922.

At end of the century, the Theban Mapping Project re-discovered and explored tomb KV55, which has since be discovered to be probably the largest in the valley, and was either a cenotaph or real burial for the sons of Ramesses II. Elsewhere in the eastern and western branches of the valley several other expeditions cleared and studied other tombs. Recently the Amarna Royal Tombs Project has been exploring the area around KV55 and KV62, the Amarna Period tombs in the main valley.

[编辑] Twenty-first century

Various expeditions have continued to explore the valley, adding greatly to the knowledge of the area. In 2001 the Theban Mapping Project designed new signs for the open tombs. A new visitors' center is currently being planned.

[编辑] Miscellanea

  • Pets were also buried here. There is a group of three animal tombs.
  • The largest tomb, known as KV5, was built for the sons of Ramesses II. It contains at least 67 burial chambers.
  • Graffiti on the walls of some of the tombs indicate that this was an attraction during time of the ancient Greeks and in Roman times.

[编辑] Tourism

Most of the tombs are not open to the public (16 of the tombs can be open, but they are rarely open at the same time), and officials occasionally close those that are open for restoration work. The number of visitors to KV62 has led to a separate change for entry into the tomb. The West Valley has only one open tomb, that of Ay, and a separate ticket is needed to visit this tomb as well. The tour guides are no longer allowed to lecture inside the tombs and visitors are expected to proceed quietly and in single file through the tombs. This is to minimise time in the tombs, and prevent the crowds from damaging the surfaces of the decoration. Photography is no longer allowed in the tombs.

As of 2005, most days of the week an average of four to five thousand tourists visit the main valley, on the days on which the Nile Cruises arrive the number can rise to nearly ten thousand[1]. These levels are expected to rise to 25,000 by 2015. The West Valley is much less visited, as there is only one tomb that is open to the public.

In January 2006 it was announced that a new visitors centre is to be constructed [2], its planned opening date is March 2007.

[编辑] External links


[编辑] Selected reading

  • John Romer, Valley of the Kings (Henry Holt, 1981) – Covers the history of the exploration of the Valley in chronological order.
  • Nicholas Reeves and Richard H. Wilkinson, The Complete Valley of the Kings (1996, Thames and Hudson) – Details of all the major tombs, their discovery, art and architecture.
  • Alberto Siliotti, Guide to the Valley of the Kings (Barnes and Noble, 1997) – A good introduction to the valley and surroundings.
  • Kent R. Weeks, Araldo De Luca (photographs), Valley of the Kings (Friedman/Fairfax, 2001) – Spectacular photography of the best tombs.
  • C. N. Reeves, Valley of the Kings: The Decline of a Royal Necropolis (Keegan Paul, 1990)
  • Richard H. Wilkinson (ed.) Valley of the Sun Kings (University of Arizona Egyptian Expedition, 1994) chapters by archaeologists working in the valley from an international conference on the Valley of the Kings.

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