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Golden Trailer Award - Wikipedia

Golden Trailer Award

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De Golden Trailer Award is een filmprijs. De awards worden jaarlijks uitgereikt in New York

Im 2005 werd de Nederlandse trailer van worst case scenario genomineerd in de categorie 'beste trailer zonder film'

[bewerk] categoriën

De categoriën en de winnaars van de laatste editie:

Best Action Mission: Impossible III, Paramount Pictures, Trailer Park Batman Begins, Warner Bros., Mojo, LLC Unleashed, Rogue Pictures, Intralink V for Vendetta, Warner Bros., Giaronomo/The Kanew Co.

Best Animation/Family Harry Potter & The Goblet of Fire, Warner Bros., The Ant Farm Cars, Walt Disney Pictures, Trailer Park Chicken Little, Walt Disney Pictures, CMP A Scanner Darkly, Warner Independent, Hammer Creative

Best Comedy Wedding Crashers "The Masters", New Line Cinema, mOcean Hitch, Sony Pictures Entertainment, The Ant Farm Nacho Libre, Paramount Pictures, Big Picture Entertainment Thank You For Smoking, Fox Searchlight, CMP

Best Documentary March of the Penguins, Warner Independent, Mark Woollen & Assoc. The Aristocrats, ThinkFilm, Celluloid Heroes Mad Hot Ballroom, Paramount Classics, Seismic Productions The Untold Story of Emmett Louis Till, ThinkFilm, AV Squad

Best Drama Good Night & Good Luck, Warner Independent, Hammer Creative Hustle & Flow, Paramount Pictures, Buddha Jones Munich, Universal Pictures, Trailer Park Syriana, Warner Bros., Mark Woollen & Assoc. + mOcean Walk the Line "Hurt", 20th Century Fox, Trailer Park

Best Horror The Exorcism of Emily Rose, Screen Gems, Trailer Park An American Haunting, After Dark Films, Alkemi Entertainment Hostel, Lionsgate, Fishbowl Pulse, Dimension Films, Create Advertising Group Silent Hill, Columbia/TriStar, Trailer Park

Best Independent Transamerica, Weinstein Co., Seismic Productions Brick, Focus Features, Mark Woollen & Assoc. Capote, Sony Pictures Classics, The Grossmyth Co. Crash, Lionsgate, Mark Woollen & Assoc. Last Days, Picturehouse Films, KO Creative

Best Music Happy Feet, Warner Bros., Aspect Ratio Everything is Illuminated, Warner Independent, Mojo LLC Rize, Lionsgate, Mark Woollen & Associates Walk the Line, 20th Century Fox, In Sync Advertising

Best Romance Pride and Prejudice, Focus Features, Mojo LLC Brokeback Mountain, Focus Features, Seismic Productions Casanova, Walt Disney Pictures, Big Picture Entertainment Must Love Dogs, Warner Bros., Open Road Ent.

Best Thriller Match Point, DreamWorks SKG, The Ant Farm Hard Candy, Lionsgate, Mark Woollen & Assoc. Red Eye, DreamWorks SKG, The Ant Farm The Sentinel, 20th Century Fox, Giaronomo Productions When A Stranger Calls, ScreenGems, Trailer Park

Best Video Game Trailer The Godfather-The Game, Electronic Arts, Hammer Creative Call of Duty 2, Activision, The Ant Farm Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones, Ubisoft, Hammer Creative Yakuza, Sega of America, Alkemi Entertainment

Best Voice Over March of the Penguins, Warner Independent, Mark Woollen & Assoc. Aeon Flux, Paramount Pictures, Giaronomo Productions Breakfast on Pluto, Sony Pict. Classics, The Grossmyth Co. Cars, Walt Disney Pictures, Trailer Park The DaVinci Code Teaser, Sony Pictures Ent., Intralink

Golden Fleece Into the Blue, Sony Pictures Ent., Intralink Aeon Flux, Paramount Pictures, Giaronomo Productions Goal, Buena Vista Intl., Picture Production Co Two for the Money, Universal Pictures, Picture Production Co.

Most Original Thank You For Smoking, Fox Searchlight, CMP The Beat My Heart Skipped, Wellspring Media, Kinetic The Fountain, Warner Bros., Skip Film The Notorious Bettie Page, Picturehouse, Trailer Park

Trashiest Three, The Works, The Editpool Beer League, Beer League LLC, Alkemi Entertainment Deuce Bigalow: European Gigolo, Sony Pictures, Big Picture Ent. Larry The Cable Guy: Health Inspector, Parallel Ent, Winston Davis & Assoc. Tamara, Lionsgate, Lionsgate

Summer 2006 Blockbuster Mission: Impossible III, Paramount Pictures, Trailer Park The DaVinci Code Trailer, Sony Pictures Ent., Intralink Pirates of the Caribbean 2: Dead Man's Chest, Buena Vista Pictures, The Ant Farm X-Men 3, 20th Century Fox, Trailer Park

Best of Show Mission: Impossible III, Paramount Pictures, Trailer Park

Special Audience Award Beer League, Artie Lange, Alkemi Entertainment

Best Foreign Action Trailer (Tie) District B13, Magnolia Pictures, Kinetic Trailers Old Boy, Tartan Films, Zealot Productions D.O.A, Constantin Films, Trailer Park Secuestro Express, The Weinstein Co., Ignition Creative

Best Foreign Romance Trailer The Tiger & The Snow, Focus Features, Big Science Films 9 Songs, Tartan Films, Celluloid Heroes My Summer of Love, Focus Features, Mojo LLC The Promise, Warner Independent, TriCoast Studios

Best Foreign Comedy Trailer FC Venus, NFP Marketing, Fleischmann Trailers Confetti, Fox Searchlight, Creative Partnership Duck Season, Warner Independent, KO Creative Tristam Shandy: A Cock & Bull Story, Picturehouse, Big Science Film

Best Titles in a Trailer Brick, Focus Features, Mark Woollen & Associates Don't Come Knocking, Sony Pictures Classics, The Grossmyth Co. Hard Candy, Lionsgate, Mark Woollen & Associates Memento "Consumer DVD Trailer", Sony Pictures Home Ent, Alkemi Ent. Thank You For Smoking, Fox Searchlight, CMP

Most Original Foreign Trailer Look Both Ways, Kino Intl, Film Rite Entertainment A Cock & Bull Story, Picturehouse, Creative Partnership The Eye 2, Lionsgate, Lionsgate Kontroll, THINKfilm, Big Science Film Tideland, HanWay Films, Creative Partnership

Best Foreign Dramatic Trailer Paradise Now, Warner Independent, KO Creative 2046, Sony Pictures Classics, The Grossmyth Co. Alexandra's Project, Film Movement, Mighty Pictures Breakfast on Pluto, Pathe, Picture Production Co. The Proposition, Tartan Films, Zealot

Best Trailer - No Movie 5-25-77, AV Squad All About Evelyn, Hammer Creative Children of Jordan Valley, Simon Joecker War Dance, Mighty Pictures Inc.

Best Sound Editing In a Trailer Domino: Teaser 1, New Line Cinema, Skip Film Crossing the Bridge, Pictorian Pictures, Fleischmann Trailer

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