奈米科技是一門應用科學,其目的在於研究於奈米尺寸時,物質和設備的設計方法、組成、特性以及應用。奈米科技是許多如生物、物理、化學…等科學領域在技術上的次級分類,美國的國家奈米科技啟動計劃(National Nanotechnology Initiative)將其定義為「1至100奈米尺寸間的物體,其中能有重大應用的獨特現象的了解與操縱。」
微小性的持續探究以使得新的工具誕生,如原子力顯微鏡和掃描隧道顯微鏡等。結合如電子束微影之類的精確程序,這些設備將使我們可以精密地運作並生成奈米結構。奈米材質,不論是由上至下製成(將塊材縮至奈米尺度,主要方法是从塊材开始通过切割、蚀刻、研磨等办法得到尽可能小的形状(比如超精度加工,難度在於得到的微小结構必須精確)。),或由下至上製成(由一顆顆原子或分子來組成較大的結構,主要辦法有化學合成,自組裝(self assembly)和定點組裝positional assembly。難度在於宏观上要达到高效稳定的质量),都不只是進一步的微小化而已。物體內電子的能量量子化也開始對材質的性質有影響,稱為量子尺度效應,描述物質內電子在尺度劇減後的物理性質。這一效應不是因為尺度由巨觀變成微觀而產生的,但它確實在奈米尺度時佔了很重要的地位。物質在奈米尺度時,會和它們在巨觀時有很大的不同,例如:不透明的物質會變成透明的(銅)、惰性的物質變成可以當催化劑(白金)、穩定的物質變得易燃(鋁)、固體在室溫下變成了液體(金)、絕緣體變成了導體(矽)。
目录 |
[编辑] 歷史
物理學家理查德·费曼在1959年12月29日的美國物理學會年會,作出著名的演讲《在底部还有很大空间》,提出一些納米技术的概念。他以“由下而上的方法”(bottom up) 出发,提出从单个分子甚至原子开始进行组装,以达到设计要求。他说道,“至少依我看来,物理学的规律不排除一个原子一个原子地制造物品的可能性。”并预言,“当我们对细微尺寸的物体加以控制的话,将极大得扩充我们获得物性的范围。”这被视为是纳米技术概念的灵感来源。
纳米科技一辭的定義是東京理科大學教授Norio Taniguchi在1974年提出[1]。1981年掃描隧道顯微鏡(STM)的發明被廣泛視為纳米元年。
[编辑] 关于“纳米科技”一词运用的争议
美国国家科学基金资助了研究者David Berube对纳米领域进行整体上的研究,后者的研究成果出版成为了专著《纳米骗局:纳米技术喧嚣背后的真相》[2]。这个由NNI主席Mihail Roco摄写序言的著作得出的结论是:许多被当作“纳米技术”出售的产品,其实只是就材料科学的新瓶装旧酒,直接导致一个仅仅是售卖的纳米管,纳米线或类似产品的纳米技术工业,最后的结果是少数售卖大量低端产品的供应商。
[编辑] 特性描述
[编辑] 工具与技术
[编辑] 應用
[编辑] 潜在危害
- 纳米颗粒和纳米材料对健康和环境的潜在危害
- 分子制造(或高级纳米技术)的危害
- 社会危害
[编辑] 纳米颗粒的危害
要讨论纳米材料对健康和环境的影响,我们必须区分两类纳米结构: (1)纳米尺寸的粒子被组装在一个基体、材料或器件上的纳米合成物、纳米表面结构或纳米组份(电子,光学传感器等),又称为固定纳米粒子;和(2)“自由”纳米粒子,不管在生产的某些步骤中存还是直接使用单独的纳米粒子。这些自由纳米粒子可能是纳米尺寸的单元素,化合物,或是复杂的混合物,比如在一种元素上镀上另外一张物质的“镀膜”纳米粒子或叫做“核-壳”纳米粒子。
更加复杂的是,当我们讨论纳米粒子的时候,我们必须知道含有的纳米粒子的粉末或液体几乎从来不会单分散化,而是具有一定范围内许多不同尺寸。 这会使实验分析更加复杂,因为大的纳米粒子可能和小的有不同的性质。而且,纳米粒子具有聚合的趋势,而聚合的纳米粒子具有同单个纳米粒子不同的行为。
[编辑] 健康问题
[编辑] 环境问题
目前并没有足够的数据显示纳米粒子对环境有跗面影响. Two areas are relevant here: (1) In free form nanoparticles can be released in the air or water during production (or production accidents) or as waste byproduct of production, and ultimately accumulate in the soil, water or plant life. (2) In fixed form, where they are part of a manufactured substance or product, they will ultimately have to be recycled or disposed of as waste. We don’t know yet if certain nanoparticles will constitute a completely new class of non-biodegradable pollutant. In case they do, we also don’t know yet how such pollutants could be removed from air or water because most traditional filters are not suitable for such tasks (their pores are too big to catch nanoparticles).
Health and environmental issues combine in the workplace of companies engaged in producing or using nanomaterials and in the laboratories engaged in nanoscience and nanotechnology research. It is safe to say that current workplace exposure standards for dusts cannot be applied directly to nanoparticle dusts.
To properly assess the health hazards of engineered nanoparticles the whole life cycle of these particles needs to be evaluated, including their fabrication, storage and distribution, application and potential abuse, and disposal. The impact on humans or the environment may vary at different stages of the life cycle.
Regarding to the risks from molecular manufacturing, an often cited worst-case scenario is "grey goo", a hypothetical substance into which the surface of the earth might be transformed by self-replicating nanobots running amok. This concept has been analyzed by Freitas in "Some Limits to Global Ecophagy by Biovorous Nanoreplicators, with Public Policy Recommendations" [1] With the advent of nan-biotech, a different scenario called green goo has been forwarded. Here, the malignant substance is not nanobots but rather self-replicating organisms engineered through nanotechnology.
[编辑] Societal risks
Societal risks from the use of nanotechnology have also been raised. On the instrumental level, these include the possibility of military applications of nanotechnology (for instance, as in implants and other means for soldier enhancement like those being developed at the Institute for Soldier Nanotechnologies at MIT [2]) as well as enhanced surveillance capabilities through nano-sensors.
On the structural level, critics of nanotechnology point to a new world of ownership and corporate control opened up by nanotechnology. The claim is that, just as biotechnology's ability to manipulate genes went hand in hand with the patenting of life, so too nanotechnology's ability to manipulate molecules has led to the patenting of matter. The last few years has seen a gold rush to claim patents at the nanoscale. Over 800 nano-related patents were granted in 2003, and the numbers are increasing year to year. Corporations are already taking out broad ranging monopoly patents on nanoscale discoveries and inventions. For example, two corporations, NEC and IBM, hold the basic patents on carbon nanotubes, one of the current cornerstones of nanotechnology. Carbon nanotubes have a wide range of uses, and look set to become crucial to several industries from electronics and computers, to strengthened materials to drug delivery and diagnostics. Carbon nanotubes are poised to become a major traded commodity with the potential to replace major conventional raw materials. However, as their use expands, anyone seeking to manufacture or sell carbon nanotubes, no matter what the application, must first buy a license from NEC or IBM.
[编辑] Nanotechnology risks and regulators
Regulatory bodies such as the Environmental Protection Agency and the Food and Drug Administration in the U.S. or the Health & Consumer Protection Directorate of the European Commission have started dealing with the potential risks posed by nanoparticles. So far, neither engineered nanoparticles nor the products and materials that contain them are subject to any special regulation regarding production, handling or labeling. The Material Safety Data Sheet that must be issued for certain materials often do not differentiate between bulk and nanoscale size of the material in question.
Studies of the health impact of airborne particles are the closest thing we have to a tool for assessing potential health risks from free nanoparticles. These studies have generally shown that the smaller the particles get, the more toxic they become. This is due in part to the fact that, given the same mass per volume, the dose in terms of particle numbers increases as particle size decreases.
Looking at all available data, it must be concluded that current risk assessment methodologies are not suited to the hazards associated with nanoparticles; in particular, existing toxicological and eco-toxicological methods are not up to the task; exposure evaluation (dose) needs to be expressed as quantity of nanoparticles and/or surface area rather than simply mass; equipment for routine detecting and measuring nanoparticles in air, water or soil is inadequate; and very little is known about the physiological responses to nanoparticles.
Regulatory bodies in the U.S. as well as in the EU have concluded that nanoparticles form the potential for an entirely new risk and that it is necessary to carry out an extensive analysis of the risk. The outcome of these studies can then form the basis for government and international regulations.
[编辑] 高级纳米技术
高级纳米技术,有时被称为分子制造,用于描述分子尺度上的纳米工程系统(纳米机器)。无数例子证明,亿万年的进化能够产生复杂的、随机优化的生物机器。在纳米领域中,我们希望使用仿生学的方法找到制造纳米机器的捷径。然而,K Eric Drexler和其他研究者提出:高级纳米技术虽然最初会使用仿生学辅助手段,最终可能会建立在机械工程的原理上。(另见机械合成。)
为了决定分子纳米科技的发展道路,Battelle Memorial Institute和Foresight Institute正在领导制定一个基础广泛的发展规划项目[4]。预计2007年早些时候完成。
[编辑] 参考资料
[编辑] 注释
- ↑ "On the Basic Concept of 'Nano-Technology'," Proc. Intl. Conf. Prod. Eng
- ↑ Nano-Hype: The Truth Behind the Nanotechnology Buzz, [ISBN 1-59102-351-3], 2005, David M. Berube