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Rus - Çerkes Savaşlarının (1763 - 21 Mayıs 1864) sona ermesi.ve cerkes nufusunun sürgünle dunya ya dağıtılması ...
Savaşın Kesin bir işgal ve sürgün ile dolayısıyla etnik temizlik ile neticelenmesi ... Yollara düşen 1,5-2 milyon civarında nufusun 0,5-1 milyonunun limanlarda veya gemilerde daha iskan edilecekleri yerlere varmadan kaybedilmesi ...
Russian Circassian (caucassian) wars ended 21 may 1864 ... Result ethnic cleanising and exile whole circassian population out of north caucassia(historical homeland) ...
During this period over 2,ooo,ooo peoples exiled to ottoman lands and lost over 1,000,000 peoples before arrival of ottoman land or at ottoman ports ...
May 21st, 2006 is the Day of Mourning for the Circassian people. They commemorate the 142th anniversary of the forced migration and dispersion of their grandfathers from their homeland and the imperilment of their existence.
The North Caucasus is the homeland of the Circassians. The region stretches along the high peaks of the Caucasian mountain range at the crossroads of Europe and Asia, bounded by Russia from the north and the Islamic World from the south. Through the centuries great empires have endeavored to cross this barrier between the Orient and the Occident and conquer the lands beyond.
The Caucasian war started in 1763 and lasted for more than 100 years. The Russian Czarist Army outnumbered the national Circassian resistance by more than 20 times!
On 21/5/1864, the Caucasian War ended with the occupation of Circassian land. The Czar approved a decision to deport and exile the entire Circassian people.
More than 1.5 million Circassians were expelled; 90% of the total population at the time! Most of them perished en route being victims of disease, hunger and exhaustion.
They were dispersed all over the world. Some traveled 3000 Km on foot or on ox-carts. Some roamed for 25 years before settling down.
Today over 3 million Circassians live outside Homeland in over 40 countries across of the world.
[değiştir] Türkiye'de olup bitenler
- Tuna vilayeti'nin kurulması
[değiştir] Doğumlar
- 2 Nisan - Ünlü sosyolog ve ekonomist Max Weber
- 30 Ekim - Theodor Wiegand, Alman Arkeolog. (ö.19 Aralık 1936)