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Technics SL-1200 - Wikipédia

Technics SL-1200

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Technics SL-1210

La Technics SL-1200 est une série de platine vinyles fabriquée par Matsushita sous la marque of Technics. A partir de 2006, La Technics SL-1200MK2 devient la platine vinyle de référence pour le DJ'ing et le scratching, MK2 désignant 'Mark 2', et étant l'évolution de la première Technics SL-1200 fabriquée en octobre 1972. La MK2 qui a été conçue en 1978, eut de nombreuses améliorations, notament au niveau du moteur et du chassit. Depuis 1972, plus de 3 millions d'exemplaires ont été vendus.

Elle est largement considérée comme étant la plus durable et la plus solide des platines jamais produites, à tel point que la plupart des unités fabriquées dans les années 70 sont encore largement utilisées de nos jours.

Ce modèle est aussi à l'origine de la phrase "ones and twos." (The DJ is spinning ones and twos.)


[modifier] Caractéristiques

Les caractéristiques de cette platine sont:

  • Un mécanisme magnétique (sans courroie), appelé entraînement direct (le moteur de la platine fait tourner directement l'axe du plateau où repose le disque. Le plateau est solidaire du moteur)
  • Fort couple (1.5 kgf·cm ou 150 mN·m), signifiant que le plateau tournera a la vitesse désirée immédiatement (0.7 s pour atteindre les 33 ¹⁄₃ tours/minutes (RPM) depuis la position d'arret)
  • Très peu de débattement ou de variation dans la rotation(0.01%), ce qui signifie que la vitesse varie de moins de ¹⁄₁₀₀ de pourcentage de la vitesse voulue.
  • Un chassit lourd (12.5 kg), reduisant considérablement le risque de larsen ou de saut de la tête de lecture.
  • Un contrôle de la vitesse (pitch), permettant un ajustement de la vitesse de rotation de -8% à +8% (dans le but de mixer)
  • Très bonne résistance: beaucoup d'exemple de la durabilité de la SL-1200 après 15 ans d'utilisation intense et de resisante aux choc physiques sans aucune conséquences.

[modifier] Modèles

  • The original SL-1200, released in 1972, was marketed as a hi-fi turntable.
  • The SL-1200MK2, released in 1978, has a silver finish. This was a continuing trend, as later 1200 models would be silver and 1210 models would be matte black. Technics improved the motor and shock resistance, added a ground wire, and changed the rotary pitch control to a slider style. This is now the base model and is the oldest still in production.
  • The SL-1210MK2 is the matte black version of SL-1200MK2. It used to be unavailable from official Panasonic dealers in the United States, until Technics released SL-1210MK2PK, a USA-only piano-black (glossy) model.
  • The SL-1210MK3, released in 1989, has a matte-black finish like the 1210, gold RCA plugs, and a small gold-foil Technics label on the back. It was destined only for the Asian market.
  • The SL-1210M3D (1997) adds a quartz lock button which resets pitch to 0 immediately. The purpose of this button was to remove the 'click' at the 0 point of the fader to improve the accuracy of the pitch fader.
  • The SL-1210MK4 (1997) has no quartz lock but does have a 78 RPM speed button located next to the 33 and 45 speed buttons. This third button has often been mistaken for a reverse button, but, contrary to common belief, there is no reverse function on this deck. The metal parts of the deck were rumoured to be platinum plated but this is not the case, rather, it has a titanium tonearm section. It also comes with replaceable RCA cables and is only available in Japan.
  • The SL-1210MK5 increases the range of anti-skate settings from 0–3 grams-force (0–30 mN) to 0–6 grams-force (0–60 mN).
  • The SL-1210M5G was launched in Japan on 1 November 2002 (together with the MK5) and is a special 30th-anniversary edition of the SL-1200. The difference from the MK5 model is the ability to switch between ±8% and ±16% ranges for pitch adjustment. It also featured blue target lights and blue pitch-number illumination.
  • Finally there are the limited edition gold finishings of the SL-1200LTD (1998) and SL-1200GLD (2004) models, the latter also having a blue instead of the usual white target light. The SL-1200LTD is based on the MK3D and the SL-1200GLD is based on the M5G.

[modifier] Connaître l'âge d'une Technics SL-1200

It is possible to tell the year (and the month) when SL-1200 was manufactured from the serial number on the back / bottom of the turntable. SL-1200 serial numbers are in two different formats, the old and the new, depending on the age of SL-1200.

  • Old serial:

Example of an old format serial: nhojf20765 (SL-1200 from 1982)
The first number shows the year when SL-1200 was manufactured. It isn't possible to tell the month from old serial number. Old serial numbers don't have any letters after numbers.

  • New serial:

Example of an new format serial: ge4fb001154 (SL-1200 from june 2004)
The first number shows the year when SL-1200 was manufactured, just like with the old serial number. The new serial number also shows the month when SL-1200 was manufactured, month is always first letter after first number on the serial, months go from A to L, A meaning 1st and L meaning 12th month.

It isn't exactly possible to determine if the SL-1200 is made in the 1970's, 1980's or 1990's etc, serial number just show's the last digit of the year. If the first number is 8, SL-1200 can be from 1978, 1988 or 1998. If the first number is 0, SL-1200 can be from 1980, 1990 or 2000. Rule of thumb is that old serial numbers belong to SL-1200's made during 1970's and 1980's, new serial numbers belong to SL-1200s made 1990's and so on. It is not know when did Panasonic exactly switch to the new numbering with serials.

[modifier] Liens externes

Categorie:Disc jockey

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