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Phil du futur

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Phil du futur (Phil of the Future) est une série télévisée américaine en 43 épisodes de 22 minutes, créée par Tim Maile et Douglas Tuber et diffusée entre le 18 juin 2004 et le 19 août 2006 sur le réseau Disney Channel. En France, la série a été diffusée à partir de juillet 2005 sur France 2 et sur Disney Channel.


[modifier] Synopsis

[à compléter]

[modifier] Distribution

  • Ricky Ullman : Phil Diffy
  • Amy Bruckner : Pim Diffy
  • Alyson Michalka : Keely Teslow
  • Craig Anton : Lloyd Diffy
  • Lise Simms : Barbara Diffy
  • Kay Panabaker : Debbie Berwick
  • J.P. Manoux : M. Hackett / Curtis, l'homme des cavernes
  • Brenda Song : Tia
  • Evan Peters : Seth Wosmer
  • Rory Thost : Bradley Benjamin Farmer
  • Juliet Holland-Rose : Via
  • Brandon Smith : Lil Danny Dawkins
  • Michael Mitchell : Owen
  • Joel Brooks : M. Messerschmidt

[modifier] Personnages

[modifier] Personnages principaux

  • Phil Diffy : Phil Diffy is a teenage boy from the year 2121 who is stuck in our time period. He seems to be the most "in tuned" with how things work in this century. Phil frequently has to make up excuses to hide the fact that he is from the future. Phil has tons of futuristic gadgets; at least one is used in each episode of Phil of the Future. He spends most of his spare time with his best friend Keely Teslow.
  • Pim Diffy : Pim Diffy is Phil's younger sister. Pim is a mischievous girl who is constantly up to no-good. Pim tries to make Phil miserable whenever she can. She hangs out with a fly young boy Lil' Danny Dawkins.
  • Keely Teslow : Keely Teslow is Phil's best friend. She is the only person (other than the Diffy family) who knows Phil is from the future. Keely Teslow is an energetic and bubbly girl who aspires to be a reporter. She seems to have a crush on Phil, which Phil seems to share; although neither will admit it until the Season 2 finale "Back to the Future" where they decide to be a couple and start a relationship. She sometimes uses Phil's gadgets as a shortcut for schoolwork. She is notable on the show for her numerous hairstyles and colorful clothes.
  • Lloyd Diffy : Lloyd Diffy is Phil's goofy dad, who is working on repairing the time machine. He was an engineer in 2121, and loves older music. He is paranoid about the government figuring out he and his family are from the future.He currently works at a hardware store.
  • Barbara Diffy : Barbara Diffy is Phil's mom. She is very good at communicating with her kids, and they often consult her in situations in which they need advice. She is sweet and kind. Unlike other mothers though, Barbara seems to let her kids figure things out on their own.

[modifier] Personnages récurrents

  • Debbie Berwick : An overly happy, peppy, girl who only hates raisins. In the Halloween special, it is revealed that she is a dangerous cyborg sent back to 2005 to protect 2121. She is defeated in the end, which is reason for her absence in season two.
  • Curtis, l'homme des cavernes : A caveman that stowed away on the family's time machine and is currently living in their house. He is often used in Pim's schemes. In the episode "Phillin' In", it is revealed his favorite treat is Wallaberries.
  • M. Hackett  : H.G Well's Vice-Principal and the Diffy's new neighbor. In later episodes, Hackett became Pim's history teacher, Phil's science teacher, a vice-principal, and a counselor at H.G Wells. His first name is Neil. In later episodes, he became suspicious that the Diffys are from the future. Later, he suspects that the Diffys are aliens and tries to call the FBI.
  • Tia : Keely's best girlfriend in Season One. Tia was said to have moved from Pickford and is consequently not seen in Season Two.
  • Seth Wosmer : The fourth member of Phil's little group, Seth is something of a nerd. It is revealed in one episode he is a member of the school billiard team. This character is not seen in Season two.
  • Bradley Benjamin Farmer : The member of many school clubs, Pim has a rival in Bradley. He often has wound up helping Pim out of fear. Bradley has also started hitting on Pim since he and Debbie broke up.
  • Via : A new student who is Keely's new girl friend. Via has an English accent. Via was introduced in Season Two. Via is the replacement of Tia.
  • Owen : A smooth talker who is Phil Diffy's rival/friend. He is exceptionally self-confident even arrogant. Owen was introduced in Season Two. Owen is a replacement of Seth.
  • The Fashion Zombies: A group of rich and popular girls, led by Candida (Spencer Locke), who's sole purpose is to make Pim's life miserable. The Fashion Zombies were introduced in Season Two. The Fashion Zombies replace Debbie.
  • Lil Danny Dawkins : Introduced in Season Two, Seems to have a crush on Pim Diffy and Pim actually likes to hang around with Danny.Danny replaces Bradley
  • M. Messerschmidt : Also introduced in Season Two, he sometimes tortures students by making them take really hard tests. He's a mean, strict, and tough teacher at H.G. Wells high school. Mr. Messerschmidt is a replacement of Mrs. Winston.

[modifier] Épisodes

[à compléter]

[modifier] Commentaires

[modifier] La campagne de sauvetage de Phil du futur

Fans of the show are encouraged to send faxes, call, or email Disney with their requests for a third season on a daily basis to show Disney that fan support remains. A fan site, "Save 'Phil of the Future'", organizes special "Save Phil" days to send in their requests in support of the renewal of the show. More information on how fans can help is can be found under the "How To Help" section of the fan site.

[modifier] Saisons

[modifier] Saison 1

Phil Diffy, his sister Pim, his mother Barbara, and his father Lloyd, are from the year 2121. One day they rent a time machine for vacation and due to an accident are stuck in the year 2004. The family must adjust to life in the early 21st century while making sure that no one finds out they're from the future, hoping one day Lloyd will find all the missing parts to the time machine and they can go back home to the year 2121. Phil has a best friend named Keely Teslow who is the only person who knows his secret.

A typical episode revolves around Phil and usually Keely. A secondary plot involving Pim is also shown in the episode.

[modifier] Saison 2

The second season of Phil of the Future continued the scenario of the Diffy family being stranded in the past. However, the show's focus shifted to focusing on Phil Diffy and Keely Teslow's relationship and the foreshadowing of a romantic relationship between the two friends.

Some of the major episodes in season two have included: "The Giggle" (Phil uses a futuristic search engine to see Keely's future), "Virtu-Date" (Phil gets jealous of a robot when he and Keely go on a virtual reality date), "Get Ready to Go-Go" (Phil and Keely finally go to the school dance), "Stuck in the Meddle with you" (Keely tries to fix up two of her class mates), And "Back to the Future" (Phil and his family go back to the future, and Phil and Keely decide to be a couple), yet "Back to the Future" has not yet aired in the United States.

[modifier] Changement de la saison 2

Season 2 deals more with the futuristic gadgets with more emphasis on Phil and Keely's friendship turning into something more.

The Season 1 characters Tia, played by Brenda Song (Keely's friend), Seth Wosmer (Phil's friend), Debbie Berwick, played by Kay Panabaker (Pim's perky nemesis), and Bradley Benjamin Farmer are no longer on the cast for Season 2.

[modifier] Distribution nouvelle

Tia (Brenda Song) - Was cast as socialite London Tipton on The Suite Life of Zack and Cody.

Debbie Berwick (Kay Panabaker) - Left the series when she was cast as Nikki Westerly on the WB's Summerland.

Seth Wosmer (Evan Peters) - Now Jesse Varon on ABC's Invasion.

[modifier] Personnage de la saison 2

The second season adds new characters, who show up less than the characters from the first season, including: smooth-talker Owen, British and all-knowing Via, Pim's new sidekick, Lil' Danny Dawkins, and her enemies, The Fashion Zombies who were led by Candida, played by Spencer Locke.

There is also larger emphasis on J.P. Manoux's characters, Curtis the Caveman, as well as Vice-principal Neal Hackett in Season 2.

Also the second season featured a brand new opening credits sequence. In addition, Michael Curtis (Friends) and Roger S.H. Schulman (Living Single) were brought in as executive producers.

[modifier] Theme Song

The title theme song for Phil of the Future was written by John Adair and Steve Hampton. It was sung by Loren Ellis and The Drew Davis Band [1], who are also the singers for the theme song of The Suite Life of Zack and Cody.

[modifier] Trivia

  • Many fans of Phil of the Future are Keely and Phil, or Pheely shippers.
  • The series was created and executive produced by Douglas Tuber & Tim Maile (Lizzie McGuire). They left the show after season 1.
  • Fred Savage, best known for his role as "Kevin Arnold" on The Wonder Years is a director/producer on the show. His brother Ben Savage of Boy Meets World guest-starred in "Time Release Capsule" (Season Two) as himself.
  • In the season one episode "My Way", ep. #7 (ep. #15 in broadcast order), Keely (Alyson Michalka) sings the song "Protecting Me" three times in the episode. The song was written by Alyson's younger sister Amanda. A longer version can be heard on Aly & AJ's debut album "Into the Rush."
  • Promos from before the show debuted showed Barbara as a head with a cybernetic body. This has yet to appear in any episode or even be hinted at.

[modifier] Produits dérivés

[modifier] DVD

Gadgets and Gizmos This DVD contains 4 episodes from season 1 of Phil of the Future. Episodes include: "Double Trouble," "Age Before Beauty," "My Way", and "Team Diffy." This DVD also contains bonus features including the "2121 Fall Cyber Catalogue," and audio commentary on "Team Diffy" With Ricky Ullman.

Disney Channel Holiday This DVD contains holiday episodes from your favorite Disney channel shows. The episode "Christmas Break" from Phil of the Future is featured, and it also contains episodes from Lizzie McGuire, Even Stevens, That's So Raven, The Suite Life of Zack and Cody, and Kim Possible.

[modifier] Voir aussi

[modifier] Liens externes

Portail Disney – Accédez aux articles de Wikipédia concernant Disney.
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