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JVC (ou Japan Victor Company, 日本ビクター株式会社) TYO : [1] est un fabricant d'électronique domestique fondé en 1927, de Yokohama, au Japon. La compagnie est connue pour les premières télévisions japonaises et l'invention du format VHS.


[modifier] Histoire

[modifier] 1920 - 1960

JVC "The Victor Company of Japan" à été fondée en 1927 en tant que filiale d'enregistrement américaine qui menait des recherche sur le phonographe et le gramophone, la "Victor Talking Machine Company". Dans les années 1930 JVC produisait des phonographes et des gramophones. En 1932 JVC à commencé la production de radios, puis en 1939 JVC conçu le premier poste de télévision Japonais. Depuis 1953 JVC est une filiale de Matsushita, qui possède aujourd'hui encore plus de 50% du capital de l'entreprise.

[modifier] 1970 - 1980

JVC a inventé le format VHS et produisit les premiers lecteurs VHS pour le marché grand public en 1976, au prix de 885 $. Un an plus tôt, Sony avait dévoilé la cassette vidéo Betamax, devenant dans les années 1980 le principal concurrent du format VHS de JVC, provoquant ce que l'on a appelé la guerre des formats vidéo. La cassette Betamax était plus petite que la cassette VHS et ce format produisait une image plus nette, bien que la différence ne soit pas toujours sensible pour le consommateur final. En 1984, quarante entreprises utilisaient le format VHS alors que douze préféraient le Betamax. Sony reconnut finalement sa défaite en 1988, lorsqu'ils commencèrent aussi à produire des enregistreurs de VHS pour le grand public. Bétamax est resté le standard de caméras vidéo professionnel.La plupart des chaines de télévision continuent l'utilisation de ces caméras "d'épaule".

In 1970 JVC marketed the Videosphere, a modern portable CRT television inside a space helmet shaped casing with an alarm clock at the base. It was a commercial success. In 1976 JVC introduced the 3060, a 3" portable television with an included cassette player.

JVC VHD/AHD disc system prototype from 1979.

In 1979 JVC demonstrated a prototype of their VHD/AHD disc system. This system was capacitance-based like CED, but the discs were grooveless with the stylus being guided by servo signals in the disc surface. The VHD discs were initially handled by the operator and played on a machine that looked like an audio LP turntable, but JVC used caddy housed discs when the system was marketed. Development was interrupted continuously, but in April 1983 it was first marketed in Japan, and then in the UK in 1984 to a limited industrial market. By this time both Philips and Sony already had compact discs on the market, and the VHD format never caught on.

During the 1980s JVC had a brief appearance in marketing their own portable audio equipment similar to the Sony Walkmans at the time. The JVC CQ-F2K was released in 1982 and had a detachable radio that mounted to the headphones for compact, wire-free listening experience. JVC had difficulty making a success of the products, and a few years later abandoned the product line. In Japan, JVC marketed the products under the name Victor.

In 1986 JVC released the HC-95, a personal computer with a 3.58MHz Zilog Z80A processor, 64KB RAM and ran MSX Basic 2.0. It included two 3.5" floppy disk drives and conformed to the maximum graphics specification of the MSX-2 standard. However, like the Pioneer PX-7 it also carried a sophisticated hardware interface that handled video superimposition and various interactive video processing features. The JVC was first sold in Japan, and then Europe, but sales were disappointing because of the Commodore Amiga.

JVC video recorders were marketed by Ferguson in the UK, with just cosmetic changes. However Ferguson needed to find another supplier for its camcorders when JVC produced only the VHS-C format, rather than the much more popular video8. Furthermore, Ferguson was taken over by Thomson SA and so ended the relationship. At the time, JVC had a reputation for reliable, high quality equipment. Over the years however, JVC's reputation has taken a battering, in part but not only due to a range of exceptionally unreliable digital camcorders.

[modifier] Aujourd'hui

Today, JVC Americas Corp. is a subsidiary of Victor Company of Japan, Limited. JVC is one of the world’s leading developers and manufacturers of sophisticated audio, video and related software products. Building upon a wealth of technologies, exemplified by the JVC-developed VHS videocassette recorder, the Company is moving decisively to offer appropriate solutions for the multimedia age. To remain at the forefront of the audiovisual industry into the 21st century, JVC is marshalling its resources to create the ultimate in appealing, cost-competitive products.

JVC Professional Products Company distributes a complete line of broadcast, professional and presentation equipment, including cameras, VTRs, editing equipment, D-ILA and LCD projectors, visual presenters, monitors and computer products.

JVC Service and Engineering Company has service and parts centers across the US and is committed to serving our customers.

Throughout more than seventy-five years, the JVC brand name has been associated with the very best in entertainment, music, and sporting events. In October of 2001 the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences presented JVC an Emmy Award for outstanding achievement in technological advancement for “Pioneering Development of Consumer Camcorders.” Annual sponsorships of the world-renown JVC Tokyo Video Festival and the JVC Jazz Festival have helped attract the attention of millions of customers.

In addition, JVC has been a worldwide soccer supporter since 1982 and continues its role as an official partner of 2002 FIFA World Cup Korea / Japan™. JVC made headlines as the first-ever corporate partner of the Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex. JVC has recently forged elite corporate partnerships with ESPN Zones and with Foxploration, strengthening its leadership position in the consumer electronics area.

In 2005, JVC joined HANA, the High Definition Audio-Video Network Alliance to help establish standards in consumer electronics interoperability.

[modifier] Nom de la marque

JVC is mostly known in Japan by the Victor name, preceded by the Nipper dog His Master's Voice logo. JVC is, however, not allowed to use it outside of Japan. Therefore, the and web sites look quite different. Conversely, the HMV store chain exists in Japan, but they are not allowed to use the His Master's Voice motto and do not use the Nipper logo; it is replaced with a stylized image of a gramophone.

[modifier] voir aussi

  • List of digital camera brands
  • List of home computers
  • Mitsubishi Electric
  • Video
    • VHS
    • D-VHS
    • S-VHS
    • W-VHS
    • Videotape
    • Video tape recorder
    • Videotape format war
    • Videocassette recorder
  • Victor Entertainment
  • Wondermega
  • XRCD

[modifier] Liens externes

Portail du Japon et de la culture japonaise – Accédez aux articles de Wikipédia concernant le Japon et sa culture.
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