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Liste des autorités de concurrence et leur appartenance aux réseaux ECN (Réseau européen de concurrence), ICN (Réseau international de concurrence) et OCDE (Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques).

[modifier] Liste des autorités de concurrence

Pays Autorité(s) de concurrence ECN ICN OCDE Site
Afrique du Sud Competition Commission South African Competition Tribunal [1] [2]
Allemagne Bundeskartellamt [3]
Argentine Comision Nacional de Defensa de la Competencia [4]
Australie Australian Competition and Consumer Commission and National Competition Council [5] [6]
Autriche Wettbewerbsbehörde im BMwA [7]
Belgique Conseil de la concurrence / Raad voor de Mededinging
Brésil Conselho Administrative de Defensa Economica [8]
Canada The Competition Bureau [9]
Chili Tribunal de Defensa de la Libre Competencia -National Economic Prosecutor's Office [10]
Chine Ministry of Commerce [11]
Colombie Superintendencia Industria y Comercio [12]
Communauté andine [13]
Corée du Sud Fair Trade Commission [14]
Chypre Commission for the Protection of Competition [15]
Danemark Konkurrencestyrelsen [16]
Espagne Tribunal de Defensa de la Competencia (TDC) [17]
Estonie konkurentsiamet [18]
Espace économique européen Autorité de surveillence de l'AELE - (ESA) AELE [19]
Etats-Unis d'Amérique Federal Trade Commission and United States Department of Justice ( Antitrust Division) [20]
Finlande Finnish Competition Authority (Kilpailuvirasto) [21]
France Conseil de la concurrence et Direction générale de la concurrence, de la consommation et de la répression des fraudes (DGCCRF) [22] [23]
Grèce Hellenic Competition Commission [24]
Hongrie Office of Economic Competition (Gazdasági Versenyhivatal [25]
Inde Competition Commission of India [26]
Ireland The Competition Authority, (TCA), [27]
Islande Icelandic Competition Authority [28]
Israël Israel Anti-trust Authority [29]
Italie Autorita Garanta della Concorrenza e del Mercato (AGCM) [30]
Japon Japan Fair Trade Commission (JFTC) (公正取引委員会; Koō-sei-torihiki-iinnkai) [31]
Kenya Monopolies and Prices Commission of Kenya [32]
Lettonie Competition Council [33]
Liechtenstein Office of National Economy (Amt für Volkswirtschaft) [34]
Lithuanie Competition Council [35]
Luxembourg Conseil de la Concurrence - Inspection de la Concurrence [36]
Mexique Mexico Federal Competition Commission [37]
Nouvelle Zélande Ministry of Commerce: Competition and Enterprise Branch

and New Zealand Commerce Commission

Norvège Konkurransetilsynet [39]
Pérou Free Competition Commission [40]
Pologne Office for Competition and Consumer Protection [41]
Pays-Bas Nederlandse Mededingingsautoriteit [42]
Portugal Autoridade da Concorrência [43]
République Tchèque Office for the Protection of Competition [44]
Royaume-Uni Office of Fair Trading and Competition Commission [45]
Russie Federal Antimonopoly Services [46]
Slovaquie Antimonopoly Office [47]
Slovenie Competition Protection Office of the Republic of Slovenia [48]
Suède Konkurrensverket [49]
Suisse The Competition Council en Switzerland Swiss Competition Commission [50]
Taiwan Taiwan Fair Trade Commission [51]
Turquie Rekabet Kuruma [52]
Union Européenne Commission Européenne Direction générale de la concurrence [53]
Venezuela Pro-Competencia [54]

[modifier] Voir aussi

de:Wettbewerbsbehörde el:Ρυθμιστική αρχή ανταγωνισμού en:Competition regulator nl:Mededingingsautoriteit

Liste des autorités de concurrence et leur appartenance aux réseaux ECN (European Competition Network), ICN (International Competition Network) et OCDE (Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques).

[modifier] Liste des autorités de concurrence

Modèle:Expand list

Pays Autorité(s) de concurrence ECN ICN OCDE Site
Andean Community [55]
Argentina Comision Nacional de Defensa de la Competencia [56]
Australia Australian Competition and Consumer Commission and National Competition Council [57] [58]
Austria Wettbewerbsbehörde im BMwA [59]
Belgium Conseil de la concurrence / Raad voor de Mededinging
Brazil Conselho Administrative de Defensa Economica [60]
Canada The Competition Bureau [61]
Chile Tribunal de Defensa de la Libre Competencia -National Economic Prosecutor's Office [62]
China Ministry of Commerce [63]
Colombia Superintendencia Industria y Comercio [64]
Cyprus Commission for the Protection of Competition [65]
Czech Republic Office for the Protection of Competition [66]
Denmark Konkurrencestyrelsen [67]
Germany Bundeskartelamt [68]
Estonia konkurentsiamet [69]
Europe European Surveillance Authority - (ESA) EFTA [70]
European Union European Commission Directoraat-Generaal Mededinging [71]
Finland Finnish Competition Authority (Kilpailuvirasto) [72]
France Conseil de la concurrence et Direction générale de la concurrence, de la consommation et de la répression des fraudes (DGCCRF) [73] [74]
Greece Hellenic Competition Commission [75]
Hungary Office of Economic Competition (Gazdasági Versenyhivatal [76]
India Competition Commission of India [77]
Ireland The Competition Authority, (TCA), [78]
Iceland Icelandic Competition Authority [79]
Israel Israel Anti-trust Authority [80]
Italy Autorita Garanta della Concorrenza e del Mercato (AGCM) [81]
Japan Japan Fair Trade Commission (JFTC) (公正取引委員会; Koō-sei-torihiki-iinnkai) [82]
Kenya Monopolies and Prices Commission of Kenya [83]
Latvia Competition Council [84]
Liechtenstein Office of National Economy (Amt für Volkswirtschaft) [85]
Lithuania Competition Council [86]
Luxembourg Conseil de la Concurrence - Inspection de la Concurrence [87]
Mexico Mexico Federal Competition Commission [88]
The Netherlands Nederlandse Mededingingsautoriteit [89]
New Zealand Ministry of Commerce: Competition and Enterprise Branch

and New Zealand Commerce Commission

Norway Konkurransetilsynet [91]
Peru Free Competition Commission [92]
Poland Office for Competition and Consumer Protection [93]
Portugal Autoridade da Concorrência [94]
Russia Federal Antimonopoly Services [95]
Slovakia Antimonopoly Office [96]
Slovenia Competition Protection Office of the Republic of Slovenia [97]
Spain Tribunal de Defensa de la Competencia (TDC) [98]
Taiwan Taiwan Fair Trade Commission [99]
Turkey Rekabet Kuruma [100]
United Kingdom Office of Fair Trading and Competition Commission [101]
Venezuela Pro-Competencia [102]
USA Federal Trade Commission and United States Department of Justice,(Antitrust Division) [103]
South Africa Competition Commission South African Competition Tribunal [104] [105]
South Korea Fair Trade Commission [106]
Sweden Konkurrensverket [107]
Switzerland The Competition Council en Switzerland Swiss Competition Commission [108]
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