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List of political epithets

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See also alternative political spellings.

The following is a list of pejorative political epithets; meaning, words or phrases used to mock or insult certain political views and their supporters. An explanation is also given for each term's intended meaning and original source (where known). The list is not comprehensive, and perhaps never will be, due to the multitude of political epithets that have been and continue to be created. Please note that the majority of these epithets are inherently biased terms and some are considered highly inflammatory.


Top - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z - See also - References

[edit] A

[edit] Abortion on demand

U.S.: A term used by opponents of legalized abortion to refer to the effectual legal outcome of Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton rulings by the U.S. Supreme Court. [1] The term implies that those favoring abortion rights favor permitting abortion under any and all circumstances, for any or no reason.

[edit] Abortionist

Term used by anti-abortion activists verbally and in writing to characterize any physician that performs abortions as a killer, rather than a healer. The "-ist" suffix indicates profession, where in this case the nature of the abortion act is emphasised over the typical positive connotations of the term physician. The term is considered to be a politically "incendiary" way of describing the more clinical term "abortion provider".

[edit] Activist judges

Main article: Judicial activism

U.S.: Judges whose decisions are alleged to be "extra-constitutional," overturn traditional legal interpretations, or who are alleged to craft decisions to produce a predetermined outcome. Often, such judges are accused of "legislating from the bench", as it is implied that the will of the people (as expressed directly, or via the legislature) is being thwarted. This term is usually used by conservatives, often when long-standing laws upholding or promoting "traditional values" are overturned. However, liberal commentators such as Alan Dershowitz have also decried "judicial activism" by conservative jurists.

"Judicial Activism" has also been used by judges themselves - and against conservatives. Judge John Bridges used this "epithet" in his decision against conservative Republican candidate Dino Rossi's election challenge, after Rossi's loss to Christine Gregoire in the 2004 Washington State gubernatorial election : "To do so, within the context of the facts of this case, would constitute the ultimate act of judicial egotism and judicial activism..." [2]

[edit] Aid and comfort to the enemy

U.S.: A term used mainly by nationalists for people who are perceived as supporting the enemies of the United States, although others use the term against people they see as being overly sympathetic towards an enemy that has demonstrated its capacity for cruelty and viciousness. This term was often expressed towards liberal members of the entertainment industry. Derives from the definition of treason against the United States within the U.S. Constitution (Article III, Section 3).[3]

This interpretation is derived from military conventional wisdom which holds that apparent factors, such as bluff and projection of will or fear, have a very high strategic significance in the resolution of a conflict. (In hand-to-hand combat, for instance, body language that shows fear or projects an action prior to its execution is known as "telegraphing"; an act which can give an opponent an advantageous strategic insight which in turn allows that opponent to to defeat the former.) Applied in political-military situations, this interpretation is the theory that a failure to support your own forces (and friendly forces) in an ongoing war (or to the manner in which it is being prosecuted); including continuous and unending criticism of the political leadership which is allegedly responsible for the war and/or its conduct, has the result of being beneficial (thus giving "aid and comfort") to the enemy; thus such opposition has the effect of drawing the conflict out and is tantamount to treason.

[edit] Amnesty Solution

U.S.: Used to describe the Guest Worker Program proposed by President George W. Bush in 2006 by those who favor stricter border controls in response to illegal immigration. Suggests that Bush's policies are akin to amnesty for undocumented workers.

[edit] Anti-choice

U.S.: A term used by some pro-choice individuals (advocates of legalized abortion) to refer to pro-life individuals (opponents of legalized abortion). They may choose not to use pro-life as an objection to the idea that "life" is legally in question. Those who share this belief may feel that a fertilized egg or embryo does not legally constitute human "life"; they may wish to emphasize the view that the issue in question is a woman's right to make choices regarding her own body; or they may feel that the phrase "pro-life" implicitly denigrates pro-choicers as "anti-life" or even "pro-death". In the broader sense refers to those people whose opposition to reproductive rights includes overturning the Griswold v. Connecticut opinion (which legalized contraceptives for married couples) as well as subsequent Supreme Court decisions that expanded access to birth control.

[edit] Anti-immigrant/anti-immigration

A political epithet when used to refer to those who support immigration reduction but are not opposed to legal immigration. This is distinct from the correct usage of Anti-immigrant, when it refers to those who denigrate, fear, or oppose immigrants. Anti-immigration is sometimes used interchangeably, although it has a distinct meaning. "Anti-immigrant" or "anti-immigration" is also sometimes used as a straw man argument to denigrate those who oppose illegal immigration, but do not oppose legal immigration.

[edit] Anti-life

U.S.: A term used by some Pro-life individuals (opponents of legalized abortion) to refer to those who title themselves as "Pro-choice" (advocates of legalized abortion). They may choose not to use pro-choice as an objection to the idea that "choice" is legally in question. Those who share this belief may feel that a pregnant woman doesn't posses sole jurisdiction over her fetus but that she possesses jurisdiction over only her own body; they may wish to emphasize the view that the issue in question is the independent life of a fetus; or they may feel that the phrase "pro-choice" implicitly denigrates pro-lifers as "anti-choice" or even "pro-subjugation". This term may be used to draw parallels between unrestricted legalization of abortion and legalization of murder and infanticide.

[edit] Apartheid

Apartheid was a system of racial segregation that operated in South Africa and is a crime against humanity according to the United Nations. As an epithet, the term implies a given society practices politically sanctioned racism.

[edit] Apparatchik

Main article: Apparatchik

From Soviet era Russian terminology, meaning simply a member of the political organizational apparatus of Soviet Russia; it now has a meaning in English which implies a bureaucratic mentality and/or slavish (to the point of mindlessness) devotion to a cause (or a political figure). A recent example from the Washington Times: "Mr. McCain said commission Vice Chairman Ellen Weintraub is an "apparatchik" of the Democratic Party ..."

[edit] Axe-Grinder

A person whose participation in politics appears to be motivated by malice or a desire to complain.

[edit] B

[edit] Baby killer

A term used by some members of the left in the 1960s and 1970s, to denigrate military personnel. Later, some in the pro-life movement used the same term against doctors who perform abortions, and against other supporters of legal abortion.

[edit] Banana republic

Main article: Banana republic

A pejorative term for a small, often Latin American or Caribbean country, politically unstable, dependent on limited agriculture, and ruled by a small, wealthy and corrupt clique. Coined by O. Henry, American humorist and short story writer, in reference to Honduras. "Republic" in his time was often a euphemism for a dictatorship, while "banana" implied an easy reliance on basic agriculture and backwardness in the development of modern industrial technology.

[edit] Bedwetting conservative

U.S.: Used by liberals to refer to conservatives who favor stronger security measures, most especially in the War on Terror. The term suggests extreme fear, and alarmism, and is generally applied to those who suggest using covert surveillance to protect against terrorism.

[edit] Bedwetting liberal

U.S.: Used by conservatives to refer to liberals who do not favor stronger security measures, most especially in the War on Terror. The term suggests extreme fear, and alarmism, and is generally applied to those who believe Constitutional rights will be eroded to protect against terrorism. [4]

[edit] Bible basher or Bible thumper

Main article: Bible thumper

Someone who tries in a forceful or enthusiastic way to persuade other people to believe in the Christian religion and the Bible. Most commonly referring to evangelical or fundamentalist Christians who believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God, and that its enclosed laws and precepts should strongly guide public policy.

[edit] Big Business Party

Main article: Big business

U.S.: A term used to refer to the U.S. Democratic Party and U.S. Republican Party as being two different wings of the same party, implying that the U.S. has a one-party government whose main concern is not The People but corporate profits.

[edit] Blame America-Firster

Pejorative term used to describe those that question the role of U.S. foreign policy in precipitating attacks on the U.S. and its allies and interests.

[edit] Bleeding-heart liberal

U.S.: Used by conservatives to refer to liberals that are seen to stress emotionalism over rationalism - most often people liberal on social issues such as the death penalty or the drug war. Ted Kennedy is a prominent example of the type of liberal who attracts this epithet. Conservatives see these people as "soft on crime," thus allegedly encouraging crime and causing harm to society. Liberals have occasionally adopted the term for themselves, claiming that a bleeding heart is better than one made of stone.

[edit] Bloc-head

CAN: A derisive name used by Anglophones, for members of the separatist Bloc Québécois in Québec, Canada. Interestingly, Quebecois use the term "tête carrée" ("square head") as a derisive name for Anglophones.

[edit] Bloody Shirt

Main article: Bloody Shirt

U.S.: Used in late 19th Century by Republicans, implying that the Democrats were responsible for provoking the U.S. Civil War. A speaker or writer expounding this viewpoint was said to "wave the bloody shirt." Some claim the term originates from a scene in Shakespeare's Julius Caesar in which Marc Antony delivers the eulogy after Caesar was betrayed and murdered by Marcus Junius Brutus, Gaius Cassius Longinus, and other members of the Roman Senate.

[edit] Blue-blood

Main article: Blue-blood

U.S.: Used to refer to wealthy New Englanders with "old money", who are usually of WASP or old New York Dutch descent. They tend to be fiscally conservative, but may be socially liberal (see libertarianism). The term is also sometimes used by conservative Republicans to characterize Republicans who describe themselves as moderates (similar to the term "Country-club Republicans;" see below).

[edit] Blue Dog Democrats

Main article: Blue Dog Democrats

U.S.: Term frequently used to describe Democrats who maintain their party affiliation, but align themselves with candidates and initiatives more politically conservative than most Democrats. Blue Dogs will more frequently vote for Republicans or Independents. The Blue Dog Coalition is allegedly a group of congressional representatives who hold this viewpoint; it was a coalition that came into existence in the mid-1990s. Cynical conservatives claim the organization exists only as a cover for liberals serving in conservative districts.

[edit] Blue Liberal

CAN: Term for a member of the Liberal Party of Canada who leans to the right of the party on fiscal policies. Not generally seen as pejorative. A variation of the older term Red Tory.

[edit] Bolshevik, Bolshevism

Main article: Bolshevik

U.S. & UK: Derogatory term applied to members of the far left. It implies a connection with Communism, particularly the Russian variety.

The phrase was also used in Nazi Germany against enemies of Nazism, for example in Nazi propaganda posters.

See also: Commie, Communist, Judeo-bolshevism

[edit] Borrow and Spend Republican

U.S.: Used by liberals to label conservatives as favoring a cycle of continually reducing taxes without corresponding restraint in government spending, the result being "deficits as far as the eye can see." Contrast Tax and Spend Liberal.

[edit] Bourgeois, Bourgeoisie

Main article: Bourgeoisie

When used neutrally, the term refers to the wealthy or propertied classes in a capitalist society. In Marxian political economics, the bourgeoisie is seen as the ruling class in industrial capitalism because of their ownership of the means of production which enables them to employ and exploit the work of waged workers (the working class). Some Communists use "bourgeois" as an insult; those who are perceived to collaborate with the bourgeoisie are often called its lackeys, as in "capitalist running dogs and their imperialist lackeys".

[edit] Brown Shirts

Originally the term referred to Nazi Germany's Sturmabteilung, or stormtroopers. Also called the SA, they came to be known as Brown Shirts due to the brown shirts that they wore as part of the uniform.

Following the defeat of the Nazis in the Second World War, the term brown shirts entered everyday language as a means to disparage the extreme rank and file of any political organization. It can also mean an individual of a political organization who is seen as very narrow-minded and excessively loyal. Sometimes the term is applied to those who are felt to have engaged in thug like behavior by their political opponents.

The term "Digital Brownshirts," a controversial phrase coined by former Vice-President Al Gore, was once used by Gore to disparage the right-leaning weblogs that criticize what they perceive as a liberal agenda in the mainstream media.

The term "Blackshirts," from the term for the militant fascist supporters of Mussolini, is sometimes used instead.

[edit] Bureaupublican

Used to describe elitist right-wing politicians who only care about their own profits and not the people's concerns. Compare Corporacrat.

[edit] Bush Derangement Syndrome (BDS)

Term used to describe in a derogatory manner the thinking of those who are vehemently opposed to George W. Bush and his policies.

[edit] Bushevik

A term for a supporter of the George W. Bush administration and its policies, particularly one who works for the government. By anology with Bolshevik, it implies a totalitarian attitude towards governance and a cavalier attitude towards civil rights. Similar to Bushista.

[edit] Bushista

A term used to describe a follower of George W. Bush's administration. By anology with Sandinista, it implies a militaristic attitude and a willingness to employ extreme measures to achieve objectives. Similar to Bushevik.

[edit] Bushwhacker

U.S., pre-civil war era: Term used by opponents of slavery to denote the various groups of pro-slavery or simply opportunist bandits and militants who raided and killed abolitionists in Kansas and Missouri in the Bleeding Kansas period.

[edit] C

[edit] Capitalist Roader

People's Republic of China: Used against Deng Xiaoping by those in the Chinese Communist Party (including the Gang of Four) in order to purge him 3 times; he was later rehabilitated into the party thrice and led China in the 1980s and 1990s.

[edit] Capitalist Pig

Used by anti-capitalists to refer to capitalists, implying that those who enrich themselves under capitalism are greedy as pigs.

[edit] Card-carrying member of the ACLU

U.S.: Used most often by conservatives to insult liberals who may advocate policies similar to that of the American Civil Liberties Union. In the 1988 presidential election, the then-Vice President George H.W. Bush called then-Governor Michael Dukakis a "card-carrying member of the ACLU," which Dukakis proudly acknowledged. [5] The term now serves as a jocular recruitment slogan for the ACLU. [6]

[edit] Carpetbagger

Main article: Carpetbagger

Post-American Civil War U.S.: Original usage by white Southerners for the Northerners that came South after the Civil War, viewed as "carpetbaggers" - opportunists and exploiters bent on grabbing economic and political benefits. This was possible due to former Confederate soldiers and officers being barred from holding public office and in some cases owning land. The term originated from a popular form of baggage carried by these individuals, a type of large bag made from cheap carpet fabric. This type of bag was also often used to transport money in train payroll deliveries.[7]

Contemporary Usage in U.S.: Politicians who move to a new jurisdiction in order to meet a residency requirement for holding public office. Senator Hillary Clinton is frequently decried as an Arkansas carpetbagger in New York state.

UK: Supporters of the conversion of mutual building societies into banks purely for reasons of personal financial gain.

[edit] Champagne socialist

Main article: Champagne socialist

UK, Canada: The phrase refers to politicians who are perceived as having socialist tendencies in their political views and policies but disregard socialist ideals in their daily life. The term generally is used as an attack by opposing politicians to portray and ridicule their opponents as hypocritical.

Similar terms in other countries include limousine liberal, latte liberal or East-coast liberal (United States), chardonnay socialist (Australia), latte sippers (Britain and Australasia), Gucci socialist, and gauche caviar (France).

[edit] Chauvinist Pig

Main article: Male chauvinism

Used to describe a man as having a prejudiced belief in the superiority of his own sex; often extended to describe a man as one who hates women, or to one who believes in different roles and standards for the two sexes. Also Pig, Male Chauvinist, and Male Chauvinist Pig.

The original usage of this term (which is in recent resurgence) refers to an arrogant favorite of Napoleon, his loyal follower Nicolas Chauvin, a French ultra-nationalist.

[edit] Cheese-eating surrender monkeys

U.S., UK: A provocative phrase used to mock France for their famous surrenders in the Franco-Prussian War, World War II, North Africa, and French Indochina, and for their reputation as gourmets. Coined by writers of the animated television show, The Simpsons, the phrase was repeated by the political right in the United States and the United Kingdom in the run-up to the Iraq War, especially by Jonah Goldberg.

[edit] Chickendove

Main article: Chickendove

U.S.: An epithet used to criticize an anti-war protester who will only protest against "safe" protest targets (usually democratic free countries)--even if the "unsafe" target is truly the one at fault. For example, (at the time) protesting against US or British involvement in World War II but not protesting German or Japanese involvement in the war; or protesting against retaliatory strikes by Israel but not protesting against terrorist actions by groups such as Hamas.

[edit] Chickenhawk

U.S.: An epithet used to criticize a politician, bureaucrat, or commentator who votes for war, supports war, commands a war, or develops war policy, but avoided service in the military, implicitly by favors from well-placed parents or by lying to draft officials. More pointedly may refer to men who were of draft age during the Vietnam War but avoided service, yet later professed support for that war. Also a sexual term for those persons that desire underaged sexual partners.

[edit] Class warfare

In its original meaning, class warfare is a Marxist term referring to the sometimes violent struggle between the ruling class (bourgeoisie) and the working class (proletariat).

As a pejorative, class warfare is often used by conservatives to attack perceived left-wing hatred of the wealthy, often in relation to left-wing policies of wealth redistribution, which conservatives believe to be "punishing" the rich for economic success.

It is also used by liberals to attack perceived right-wing hatred of the poor, often in relation to right-wing policies of "trickle-down" economics or policies designed to force the poor to "pull themselves up by their bootstraps", which liberals believe to be based on flawed logic or the Puritanical notion that poor people deserve to be punished because their economic status is somehow proof of their inherent "badness" or immorality.

[edit] Clintonista

A portmanteau of President Bill Clinton's name and the word "Sandinista" of the Sandinista National Liberation Front, a socialist political party in Nicaragua. The term is used by conservatives to refer to members of the Clinton administration.

[edit] Commie, Communist

Main article: Communist

This term in and of itself became a slur during the Cold War. Also "pinko commie", or "Commie Pinko Fag", popularized during the Vietnam war.

[edit] Communist Sympathizer

A person sympathetic to the Communist Party and/or the Soviet Union during the Cold War but not an outright Communist. These persons were seen as apologists for Communism, or as "soft" on Communism. Probably very similar in meaning but more insulting than "Fellow Traveller". Widely used in the USA and other countries. Sometimes shortened to "Comsymp".

[edit] Con

CAN: A term used by opponents of the new Conservative Party of Canada, by its liberal and left-wing opponents and also by former supporters of the Progressive Conservative Party of Canada who opposed the merger with the right-wing Canadian Alliance which created the new conservative party.

[edit] Conchie, conchy

UK: A common disparaging term in the UK during the World War I for "conscientious objector". Also an ethnic slur used by Caribbean blacks for whites.

[edit] Corporacrat

Used to describe elitist left-wing politicians who only care about their own corporate gain. Compare Bureaupublican.

[edit] Corporate fascism

Main article: Corporate fascism

"Corporate Fascism" is a sometimes disparaging term that is increasingly used to describe a situation where political and economic decisions are made with the primary purpose of satisfying corporate demands, rather than the needs of the people.

[edit] Corporate Feudalism or Neofeudalism

Main article: Neofeudalism

A term used to describe policies of various right-wing politicians, particularly those in the United States Republican Party, that are seen as radically increasing the wealth and income distribution gap between the rich and the poor while increasing the power of the rich and decreasing the power of the poor. See also: Neofeudalism and wealth condensation

[edit] Corporate-jet conservative

U.S.: A term coined by Joe Conason[8] and used by the left to refer to super-rich conservatives. It implies (like Country-club Republicans) that the main aim of conservatives is to make the rich richer, and is also intended to suggest that they are even richer than the limousine liberals they despise.

[edit] Corporate Press

U.S.: A term used by the left to refer to the news media, especially in the United States (where most of it is privately owned; often by major corporations and holding companies), alleging a pro-corporate or conservative bias. Compare with Liberal Press

[edit] Corporate Socialist

Term used to describe big business practices of privatizing profit and socializing financial risk. Ralph Nader often referred to the practice in this manner.

[edit] Corporatocracy

Main article: Corporatocracy

Corporatocracy (sometimes corporocracy) is a neologism coined by proponents of the Global Justice Movement to describe a government bowing to pressure from corporate entities. While anyone can become a shareholder in principle, in reality it is frequently only the wealthy who can afford to own enough stock to directly influence the voting (and hence the activities) of a corporation. Hence the corporatocracy might be considered somewhat synonymous with plutocracy, government by the rich.

[edit] Corporate welfare

Main article: Corporate welfare

Corporate welfare is a term used by opponents of special privileges given to corporations such as tax breaks or subsidies. It is implied that the corporations are less deserving than the poor, the traditional recipients of welfare. The recipients of corporate welfare are sometimes called corporate welfare bums.

[edit] Counterrevolutionary

Main article: Counterrevolutionary

In neutral use, the term refers to an active opponent of a certain revolution of one kind or another. As an epithet, it is used by communists to refer to both active and passive opponents of a communist revolution. Also used as an epithet against party members who deviate from orthodoxy, or question/disagree with the leadership.

[edit] Country-club Democrats

A term used to describe members of the Democratic party who make a show of trying to help the disenfranchised, but are actually motivated by self interest. [9]

[edit] Country-club Republicans

A term implying that the real goal of leaders of the GOP is to make the rich even richer, and that issues such as abortion and gay rights are used to gain political support in order to enact a plutocratic agenda. The term is most frequently used by social conservatives (similar in usage to the term Blue-blood; see above).

[edit] Crony and cronyism

Main article: Cronyism

Refers to partiality to long-standing friends, especially by appointing them to public office without regard for their qualifications. (based on the Greek khronios/khronos meaning long time)

[edit] Crony capitalist

Main article: Crony capitalism

Describing a capitalist whose success in business depends on an extremely close relationship with state institutions of politics and government. It may be exhibited by favoritism in the distribution of legal permits, government grants, special tax breaks, and so forth.

[edit] Crypto–

A prefix used to imply that a person secretly holds certain political beliefs. The most common examples of this usage are probably cryptocommunist (a closet communist) and cryptofascist (a closet fascist).

[edit] Culture war

Main article: Culture war

U.S.: This term has been used to describe ideologically-driven and often strident confrontations typical of American public cultural and political discourse since the 1960s, but becoming especially pronounced beginning in the 1980s. It is more often used by the American right than the American left. The term evokes the 19th-century German Kulturkampf.

[edit] D

[edit] Dalek

Main article: Dalek

Originated in New South Wales within the Liberal Party of Australia to describe any power-hungry individual from the right faction aggressively engaging in branch stacking.

[edit] Death tax

U.S.: A term used by opponents of estate taxes to refer to it.

[edit] Democrat Party

Main article: Democrat Party

A term used in the United States by some Republicans since the 1920s to imply that the Democratic Party is not democratic. It has been more frequently used in the last decade, and is employed, almost exclusively, by President George W. Bush and other high ranking Republicans. See the "Use of the term "Democrat Party" section of the article History of the Republican Party for more information.

[edit] DemocRATs, Demoncrat, DemonRats, etc.

U.S.: Terms imply that members of the Democratic Party are malevolent rodents, or simply demonic.

[edit] Demoncracy, demonocracy

A term used by opponents of democracy, etymology based on combining "demon" with "democracy" suggesting connection with satanic forces.

[edit] Dhimmi, Dhimmitude, Dhimmicrat

Main article: Dhimmitude

Critics of Islam sometimes brand as dhimmis (from the Arabic word dhimmi - non-Muslims living in an Islamic state who are second-class citizens and must, according to the Koran, pay a tax unless they convert to Islam) those non-Muslims who they perceive as have too sympathetic a view towards Islam (for example - the term is used by American conservatives against opponents of the 2003 invasion of Iraq). Variations of this epithet are "dhimmicrat" (a pro-Muslim member of the U.S. Democratic Party), or "Dhimmi Carter" (Jimmy Carter, who they regard as spinelessly caving in to the Iranian Islamist revolutionaries in 1979).

[edit] DINO

Main article: DINO

The term is a semi-acronym of "Democrat in name only". It is used by the more liberal members of the Democratic party toward members of the more conservative or moderate wing. An anologous term RINO refers to "Republican in name only".

[edit] Dipper

CAN: A member of the New Democratic Party of Canada. The name comes from the DP in the party's initials. It is used as an epithet, but is also used self-referentially by some NDP supporters in the same manner as "Tory" and "Grit" for Conservatives and Liberals respectively.

[edit] Dirty Hippie

U.S., UK & CAN: Used by conservatives to refer to certain liberals and socialists. Comes from the poor personal hygiene and mode of dress of many hippies during the 1960s and 1970s, stereotypically perceived as including unshaved beards, long hair, bare feet, obesity or no bras. It is also based on the alleged tendency to wear too much Patchouli oil, the smell of which can be overpowering.

[edit] Dittohead

Main article: Dittohead

U.S.: Refers to devout listeners of right-wing political pundit Rush Limbaugh, who are typically in total agreement with the radio talk show host. Call-in "Dittoheads" often say "Mega Dittoes, Rush" to succinctly indicate that they concur with everything the previous caller (or Rush, himself) has said. Critics use the phrase to describe a person that mindlessly agrees with everything Limbaugh has to say.

[edit] Dixiecrat

Main article: Dixiecrat

U.S.: Term used by civil rights activists to describe Southern Democrats who enacted and enforced Jim Crow laws, and obstructed equal rights for African Americans and racial integration. It derives from a Democratic splinter party who opposed civil rights legislation in 1948. They called themselves the States Rights Party, but the popular term was Dixiecrats.

[edit] Dog-whistle politics

Main article: Dog-whistle politics

UK & U.S.: Dog-whistle politics is a term used to describe a type of political campaigning which is "only heard" by a specific intended audience. It is usually used pejoratively by those that do not approve of the tactics.

[edit] DUmmy, DUmmies

U.S.: Used by conservatives for active users of liberal blog Democratic Underground [10]. Also used by conservative bloggers (and others on the U.S. political right) as a generic term to describe left wing political activists (whether associated with Democratic Underground or not).

[edit] Dummycrat and Dumbacrat

U.S.: Used by conservatives to criticize supporters of the U.S. Democratic Party. Less venomous than Dhimmicrat.

[edit] E

[edit] East-coast liberal

Main article: East-coast liberal

U.S.: refers to one or more stereotypes of left-leaning denizens of the Eastern Seaboard, particularly journalists or academics. As used by some, it could be a thinly-disguised codeword for "Jewish liberal". During the 2004 election, John Kerry was called a "Massachusetts liberal", which carried the same connotations as limousine liberal or champagne socialist in addition to negative connotations among conservatives about Massachusetts' gay marriage policy.

[edit] Environmentalist wacko, econazi and ecoterrorists

U.S.: Environmentalist wacko, Econazi and Ecoterrorists are phrases often used by talk show host Rush Limbaugh and others to describe environmentalists. See also: eco-terrorism

[edit] Eurocrat

A play on the word "bureaucrat", applied mainly to those who work in the institutions of the European Union (especially the European Commission). It is overwhelmingly used in a negative sense. The term "Men from Brussels" is a synonym used by the Tories in the United Kingdom.

[edit] Extremist

Main article: Extremism

A term designating either of the two far ends of the traditional political spectrum. Often used as an insult to imply that one's opponents hold unusual views that should not receive popular support.

[edit] F

[edit] Falangist

Originally, a member of the Spanish Falange, now sometimes used as a synonym for "fascist".

[edit] Fascist

Main article: Fascist (epithet)

This term was initially coined by Benito Mussolini to describe his distinct nationalist and authoritarian ideology. After World War II, fascism as an ideology was discredited throughout most of the Western world (largely due to its perceived associations with Nazi perpetrated war crimes such as the Holocaust). Subsequently, very few individuals describe themselves as fascist today, and the term is generally used mostly as a pejorative political epithet directed against (often right-wing) political opponents of the term-user, whose policies are perceived as resembling those of the historical Fascists (or Nazis), in that they are authoritarian or perhaps racist in nature.

Novelist and political commentator George Orwell argued that "as used, the word ‘Fascism’ is almost entirely meaningless... I have heard it applied to farmers, shopkeepers, Social Credit, corporal punishment, fox-hunting, bull-fighting, the 1922 Committee, the 1941 Committee, Kipling, Gandhi, Chiang Kai-Shek, homosexuality, Priestley's broadcasts, Youth hostels, astrology, women, dogs and I do not know what else." Because of the wide variety of contradictory usages, the word "Fascist" often carries little specific meaning.

[edit] Fearmongers

U.S.: Largely used in American Politics by parties describing the election rhetoric of their opponents. It has been used by the Republicans in response to allegations they they wish to eliminate Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and school lunches. It has also been used by the Democrats, particularly Howard Dean in 2003, in regards to the impetus for the War in Iraq and the War on Terror.

[edit] Federast

Main article: Federast

Europe: A pun on pederast and Federalism used by French politician Jean Marie Le Pen against those who want the European Union to become a federation. The term was originally coined by members of the Bruges Group, a British euro-sceptic think tank founded in the late 1980s.

[edit] Fellow traveller

Main article: Fellow traveller

People who "walked part of the way" with Communist parties, without actually joining those parties, and without sharing all the watchwords and ideology of Soviet Communism.

"Europe:" In pre-war and post-war Europe, the term, carrying no pejorative connotations, was used to describe those who, without being card-carrying Communists, had Communist sympathies, and sometimes acted in close connection with the Third International and the Soviet regime: attending Communist meetings, writing in Communist journals, and even fighting alongside Communists in Spain, Greece or Yugoslavia. Many journalists, intellectuals and artists have been described (and sometimes referred to themselves) as fellow-travellers.

U.S.: Term used to describe those who were linked with communists, during the McCarthy Era. Conservative artist Norman Rockwell made a pun of this phrase with a painting of two children walking in the country, entitled "Fellow Travellers"

[edit] Feminazi

Main article: Feminazi

U.S.: Feminazi is a term made popular by conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh to refer to women for whom "the most important thing in life is seeing to it that as many abortions as possible are performed". The term "Feminista" is also used by other political pundits.

Others now use the term more loosely to describe almost any active and militant feminist. The term is also sometimes used to describe politically correct movements, such as those who draw attention to allegedly sexist language in daily life.

[edit] Fence-sitter

One who "sits on the fence", i.e., refuses to commit himself to either one side of a political issue or the other, preferring to waver in the middle. (Also a term for bisexuals - see also see List of sexual slurs.)

[edit] Fiberals/Fibber

CAN: A derisive term for the Ontario Liberal Party government under Premier Dalton McGuinty, who critics charge have broken a great many election promises. This term was introducted after Ontario Finance Minister Greg Sorbara added a health premium to cope according to the Liberals with a deficit left by the previous Progressive Conservative government.

The term "Fibber" was also used to describe McGunity himself and synonymus of the word liar and many demonstrations and protests have featured posters and gimmicks of Pinocchio and the puppet's nose that grows after a lie (or in this case ever broken promise).

Fiberal has also been used to describe the federal Liberal Party of Canada after the Sponsorship scandal.

[edit] Fifth column, fifth columnist

Main article: Fifth column

Global: Term for a group of people who clandestinely undermines from within a larger group to which it is expected to be loyal, such as a nation.

The term is also used in reference to a population who are assumed to have loyalties to countries other than those in which they reside. During World War II, the Japanese American internment in the U.S. was justified on the basis that those of Japanese ancestry living on the west coast would act as a fifth column. Today some on the Right in Western countries see radical Islamists as being a fifth column of a global Islamist movement, with its notion of a transnational Ummah. In Taiwan, some people suspect there is a fifth column from mainland China working to undermine the cause of Taiwan independence.

The term originated with a 1936 radio address by Emilio Mola, a Nationalist general during the 1936-39 Spanish Civil War. As four of his army columns moved on Madrid, the general referred to his militant supporters within the capital as his "fifth column," intent on undermining the Republicans from within.

[edit] Flip-Flopper

A politician who is claimed indecisive by his or her opponent based on an allegedly inconsistent or contradicting voting record and/or speech rhetoric.

[edit] Flunkey

A politician who is excessively obsequiously subservient to somebody else.

[edit] Fourth Reich

Main article: Fourth Reich

U.S., Germany: Used by the political left to refer to Neo-Nazis (in Germany) or political conservatives generally, especially those actually in power (in U.S.). The term is intended to convey the idea that those so characterized share common views, at least to some degree, with the Third Reich of Adolf Hitler. It has also taken on a more broadly pejorative meaning as a description of the European Union used by Euroskeptics, wary of the perceived "Germanocentrism" of the Union.

[edit] Freeper

Main article: Freeper

U.S.: Term used for active users of conservative blog Free Republic[11]. Also used by liberal bloggers (and others on the U.S. political left) as a generic term to describe right wing political activists (whether associated with Free Republic or not). Much like the term yankee; whether or not freeper is a pejorative term depends on who is using it.

[edit] G

[edit] Gang of …

U.S.: The term Gang of … (insert number) refers to the Gang of Four, close associates of Mao, who ruled the People's Republic of China after his death. They were overthrown and arrested shortly thereafter. The term can be used to refer to political operatives who are overzealous and ultra-orthodox. In the United Kingdom, the principal founders of the Social Democratic Party were also known as the 'Gang of Four'.

Recently it has been referred to the Gang of Fourteen, a group of Senators, both Democrat and Republican, who negotiated a compromise to avoid the deployment of the so-called nuclear option over the organized use of the filibuster by Senate Democrats in opposition to judicial nominees in the U.S. Senate in early 2005.

[edit] Gay agenda

Main article: Gay agenda

U.S.: Phrase used by conservatives to oppose any new extension of legal rights and privileges to homosexuals, on the grounds that homosexuals are seen as working gradually to abolish all sexual morality. Also known as the "militant homosexual agenda." [12]

[edit] Girlie Men

U.S.: Term used by then California gubernatorial candidate Arnold Schwarzenegger to describe his political opponents as "Economic Girlie Men." This term was first popularized by faux bodybuilders Hans and Franz on Saturday Night Live. When Schwarzenegger first used it himself, it drew criticism for being potentially sexist or homophobic; the buzz seems to merely have made Schwarzenegger like the term more.

[edit] Gloom and Doom Democrat

First used by conservatives in the Reagan-Bush years to chastise the large-scale pessimism expressed by Democratic politicians and question their faith in the American spirit.

[edit] Godless communist

U.S.: Used by some religious believers, mostly Christian conservatives, as a descriptive term for self professed communists, based on Marx's famous comment that "Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opiate of the masses." [13] Most communist states have actively tried to discourage organized religion (and often persecuted religious leaders), though only Albania banned religion outright. The "Society of the Godless" was an actual organization in the Soviet Union for a time. But see also religious communism, which included a movement in the 19th-Century that sought to establish utopian communities in the United States.

[edit] Government cheese

Main article: Government cheese

U.S.: Term used by opponents of redistribution of wealth as a synonym for the government's alleged largess. This term is also used by supporters of redistribution of wealth as a synonym for the government's alleged parsimony. Also used in urban slang to refer to people on welfare (surplus cheese is disbursed to the needy in the U.S.). See "government handouts." The singling out of 'cheese' is possibly due to the rather "unique" texture, odor, and general culinarity qualities (or lack thereof) in the particular cheese distributed by the US government.

[edit] Government handouts

Term used by opponents of wealth redistribution to imply that unearned entitlements are unjust. Also used by opponents of corporate subsidies to imply that tax relief and aid to for-profit corporations is unjust. See also: Corporate welfare

[edit] Granola

Main article: Granola

U.S. & CAN: Epithet used to refer to West Coast leftists, based on granola's constituency of fruits, nuts, and flakes. This food was popularized in the U.S. by members of the 1960s & 1970s counterculture, also lending a leftist slant on the term. This has also been attributed to a routine from the comic Leo Gallagher. [14]

[edit] Greenie or greeny

Main article: Greenie

An environmentalist or Green party supporter.

[edit] Grit

CAN: A colloquial term for a member of the Liberal Party of Canada. In the 1870's, an Upper Canada radical reformist party named the Clear Grits merged with reformers in Quebec to form the Liberals. Clear Grit was a complimentary term meaning tenacious or dedicated. Not pejorative.

[edit] Gun grabber

U.S.: An accusatory term used by gun owners to refer to gun control advocates or opponents of legal gun ownership. See Gun politics in the United States.

[edit] Gun nut

U.S.: An accusatory term used by advocates of gun control or opponents of legal gun ownership to characterize gun owners as irrational and obsessive. See Gun politics in the United States

[edit] H

[edit] Harpercrite

CAN: A derisive name given to Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper after he, hours after being sworn into office, proceeded to appoint a former Liberal cabinet minister who left the Liberal Party to join the now-governing Conservative Party of Canada to his new cabinet. Harper had openly criticized former prime minister Paul Martin's decision to give former Conservative MP Belinda Stronach a cabinet posting after she joined the Liberal Party months before. The name may also have been coined in protest against Harper's decision to appoint an unelected individual to the Canadian Senate so that he could hold a cabinet position, despite having vowed to implement an elected senate during the election campaign. Both appointments were made at the same time.

[edit] Helengrad

Main article: Helengrad

NZ: Pejorative term in New Zealand politics applied to New Zealand's capital city Wellington. It is sometimes used by New Zealand Labour Party opponents and critics to describe New Zealand as a whole and occasionally the fifth Labour government itself.

[edit] Heterophobia, homosexist

Main article: Heterophobia

Heterophobia and homosexism are a response to dominant heteronormative culture, usually expressed by persons of the LGBT and/or queer community. The words were coined by analogy to parallel to the more common practice of homophobia and heterosexism, but bear a different connotation because of the norms mandated by straight society.

[edit] Hitler

Main article: Hitler

Used by virtually all sides of all debates with the hope of discrediting opposing viewpoints. For example, with regards to the 2003 invasion of Iraq, right-wingers claim that anti-war activists are similar to those who appeased Hitler in the 1930s, while left-wingers claim that supporters of the war are similar to those who helped Hitler. Like "fascist," the strong connotations of "Hitler" often obstruct substantive dialogue.

See also Godwin's Law.

[edit] Homophobia, heterosexist

Main article: Homophobia

Heterosexism is a belief that heterosexuality is the only natural sexual orientation; homophobia was coined by analogy with psychological phobias to mean a dislike of homosexuality. Both terms are used to disparage persons and organizations that oppose gay rights.

[edit] Hoplophobe

Main article: Hoplophobia

A yet to be fully recognized but highly popular term coined by Jeff Cooper, a former Marine, acknowledged as the "Father of Modern Shooting." Denotes virtually anyone who is anti-gun or anti-Second Amendment.

[edit] Human Shill

Main article: Shill

Contemptuous pun based on "human shield." Term relates to antiwar activists who abandoned their mission in Iraq when they realized they might be placed in harms way. [15]

[edit] I

[edit] Idiotarian

Main article: Idiotarian

Used by warbloggers (weblogging supporters of the Iraqi War) to imply that some of their opponents are idiots. It is applied to people who are from both sides of the political spectrum, for example, Pat Robertson and Dennis Kucinich

[edit] India Basher

UK: Often used for prominent western politicians who are critial of India as a political entity, and who have supported separationist movements (Khalistan, Nagalim, JK Liberation Front etc.) in India. These include Edolphus Towns, Dan Burton, Jesse James and Lord Avebury of the UK.

[edit] International Jewish Conspiracy, International Jewry

An idea particularly favored by Hitler, Henry Ford, Charles Lindbergh, other anti-Semites, and many Arab governments, that said that there was an international conspiracy of Jews to dominate the rest of mankind. The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, allegedly written by Jews, has been used as evidence - even though it was actually a proven forgery written by a German agitator and widely used by the Okhranka (the secret police of Tsarist Russia). International Jewry is occasionally used non-pejoratively to refer to Jews worldwide, e.g. [16].

[edit] Islamofascism or Islamic fascism

Main article: Islamofascism

Used to compare the ideological or operational characteristics of certain modern Islamist movements with European fascist movements of the early 20th century, neofascist movements, or totalitarianism.[1] Organizations that have been labeled Islamofascist include Al-Qaeda, the current Iranian government,[2] the Taliban, the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, and Hezbollah. None label themselves fascist, however, and critics of the term argue that associating the religion of Islam with fascism is both offensive and historically inaccurate. See: Islamofascism (term), Neofascism and religion#Islam

[edit] Islamophobia

Main article: Islamophobia

Used to imply that those critical of Islam suffer from a psychological disorder or irrational fear of Islam, Islamic culture, or Muslims. Some targets of the epithet respond that in their view, fear of Islam is perfectly rational, and that the concept of "Islamophobia" is as nonsensical as the concept of "Naziphobia".

[edit] J

[edit] Jack-Booted Thugs

This term was used in the 1990s (when Janet Reno was U.S. Attorney General) by the American political right (most especially by the radio talk show host G. Gordon Liddy) to describe federal law enforcement officers who were perceived to be overly aggressive or to be using excessive force in the execution of their duties. The term was especially applied to members of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (when making arrests and seizing guns), to the U.S. Marshals Service and the FBI (for the Ruby Ridge incident and the assault on the David Koresh compound in Waco, Texas), and to the Immigration and Naturalization Service (for the taking into federal custody of Elián González).

In 1995, Executive Vice President of the NRA Wayne LaPierre penned a fundraising letter in which he referred to federal law enforcement agents as "jack-booted thugs." While not written in relationship to the tragedy, the letter was mailed shortly after the bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City. The letter prompted the resignation of many long-standing NRA members including former President George H. Bush.

This term is considered by some to be the flip-side of the term "Pig," which was used by the American political left to describe law enforcement officers (and others in authority) in the 1960s.

[edit] JewNazi, Judeo-Nazi, Zionazi

Terms used by particularly vocal opponents of Israel and Zionism and some anti-Semites [17] [18] [19] [20][21] [22] [23] who advocate the view that aspects of Judaism, Zionism, or Israeli government policy towards Arabs and Muslims are fascist or similar to behavior thought typical of Nazis. The European Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia (EUMC), part of the Council of Europe, has stated that comparing "contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis" is one example of the way "in which anti-Semitism manifests itself with regard to the State of Israel."[24] In 2003, Google News described the term "Zionazi" as a "degrading, hateful slur" and refused to index San Francisco Independent Media Center (SF Indymedia) because it used it; SF Indymedia agreed that it "could be considered hate speech. "[25]

See also: Neofascism and religion#Judaism

[edit] Judeo-Bolshevism

Term Judeo-Bolshevism used in Nazi Germany to refer to Jews and communists, implying that the communist movement served Jewish interests and/or that all Jews were communists. Compare the Polish term "Żydokomuna.

[edit] K

[edit] Kangaroo court

Main article: Kangaroo court

International: Pejorative term for allegedly sham legal proceedings where the verdict or finding was predetermined.

[edit] Knee Jerk

A term used to imply either that the subject is so committed to a political position that they react reflexively without thinking, or, more often of a policy, that the reaction is disproportionate or ill-thought-out.

[edit] Know-Nothing Party

Main article: Know-Nothing

U.S.: Pejorative term for the United States American Party, an 1850s political party that was opposed to the United States Free Soil Party, the United States Whig Party, the Democrats, and the Republicans. When asked about its activities or agenda, members were directed by their leadership to answer "I know nothing," providing seed for an insulting double entendre.

[edit] L

[edit] Lackey

Main article: Lackey

A term used by various political groups to describe low level functionaries serving the interests of their enemies.

[edit] Left Coast

Main article: Left Coast

U.S.,Canada: Term used by American conservatives when referring to the many liberals who live on the West Coast of the United States. Also used by Canadian conservatives when referring to persons perceived as being Left of centre politically usually in the Vancouver-Victoria areas.

[edit] Liarbour

NZ: Commonly used by New Zealand Labour Party opponents, usually in the blogosphere, to imply that the Labour Party lies.

[edit] Liberal press

Term is used by many conservative commentators accusing the press, especially in the United States, of having a liberal bias. Compare with Corporate Press.

[edit] Libranos

CAN: Used by Blogging Tories to refer to the Liberal Party of Canada during the sponsorship scandal to depict them as a mob family similar to the one featured in HBO's The Sopranos TV series. This epithet was popularized by a poster issued by the Western Standard magazine and is often used in conjunction with Alfonso Gagliano, a cabinet minister of Italian descent accused of having mob ties by New York Post. Also spelled Librano$

[edit] Libtard

Commonly used by conservative bloggers as an insult toward the intelligence of liberals, combining liberal and retard.

[edit] Lieberals

CAN: Derisive term, comparable to Fiberals, used to describe the Liberal Party of Canada and commonly the Liberal Party of Ontario. It has also been used by conservatives in other countries to describe liberals.

[edit] Likudnik

Main article: Likudnik

US: Israel: Supporter of the right-wing Israeli Likud Party. Related to Neoconservative.

[edit] Limousine Liberal

Main article: Limousine liberal

U.S.: Pejorative term for a wealthy person with liberal ideology. One who expresses a deep concern for the poor, but is not actually directly engaged with them on a day to day basis. Compare with Corporate-jet conservative

[edit] Lincoln Logs

U.S.: Gay members of the Republican party. From the name of the gay Republican group, the Log Cabin Republicans.

[edit] Loony Left

UK: A term referring to the far left, principally used by newspapers of the United Kingdom in the 1980s to refer to the Labour Party, especially in local government, accompanying accusations that some Labour-run councils seemed more interested in advancing left-wing positions on sexism, racism and gay rights than on providing services to local residents.

[edit] M

[edit] The Man

Main article: the Man

North America: A term associated with the counterculture and used to describe higher authority. This "Man" does not usually refer to a specific individual as such, but instead to the government, leaders of large corporations and other authority figures; its meaning is pejorative. "The Man" is colloquially defined as the figurative person who controls our world. The Man is also often used as a symbol of racial oppression.

The phrase "the Man is keeping me down" is commonly used to describe perceived oppression, but in modern times it is most often used facetiously in an ironically resigned fashion. Also common is the phrase "working for the Man," which typically means to work for a difficult or overly authoritarian boss. The phrase "stick it to the Man" encourages resistance to authority, and essentially means "fight back" or "resist"; however, this is also mostly used facetiously.

However, when applied to a specific person, the phrase "the man" is a compliment, such as someone saying "you the man!" when one did something extremely well.

[edit] Manarchist

U.S.: Term used by some feminists to refer to male members of the left wing who hold fast to several conservative viewpoints on women, and their worth and role in society, tending to the misogynist. Bertolt Brecht was a good example, along with Arthur Koestler.

[edit] Man-hater

Main article: Misandry

U.S.: Term most commonly used to describe feminists alleged to hold excessivly negative attitudes towards men, especially those who are lesbians.

[edit] Maoist

Main article: Maoist

When used as an epithet, it is most often a term used by some moderate leftists to disparage the tactics of the far left as reminiscent of the extreme measures undertaken by Mao Zedong. See also "Stalinist."

[edit] McCarthyism

Main article: McCarthyism

U.S.: Used to refer to the aggressive investigation of those who held or were said to support Communist agendas based on associations with Communist or leftist groups. In a more general sense, it refers to attempts to remove someone from their position by invoking real or alleged past political associations (a reference to Senator Joseph McCarthy).

[edit] Montagnards

Main article: The Mountain

France: Term for the extreme left of France. The name is derived from their seats on the Legislative Assembly in Revolutionary France. The most extreme members of the Left sat in the highest seats on the left side of the chamber. As such, they became known as "Montagnards" (Mountain dwellers in English). Correspondingly this is also the origin of the political terms "Left" and "Right", as the more left leaning members of the assembly sat on the left side of the chamber, and vice versa.

The name is also used to denote the Degar, a minority ethnic group in the highlands of Vietnam which took an anti-Hanoi stance during the Vietnam War; however it is not pejorative in this sense.

[edit] Moonbat

Main article: Moonbat

Moonbat is a political epithet coined in 2002 by Perry de Havilland of a libertarian weblog. Although the term enjoys great currency in the libertarian and conservative blogosphere as an all-purpose insult for modern liberals, peace protesters, and other ideological opponents, that was not the original intention as it was just as often used to describe the more extreme elements of libertarian or paleo-conservative thought.

According to de Havilland, a moonbat is "someone on the extreme edge of whatever their -ism happens to be". Adriana Cronin defines the term as "someone who sacrifices sanity for the sake of consistency". It was intended to be used in reference to people on both the political Left and Right and all shades between.

The epithet is often rendered as Barking Moonbat. Similarly, former Vice President Al Gore is sometimes referred to as "Emperor of the Moon" in the animated series Futurama.

[edit] Moonies

Main article: Moonies

U.S.: Moonie/s is used in reference to followers of Reverend Moon, founder of the Unification Church in Washington D.C. Many prominent conservatives and Republicans, such as Ronald Reagan have ties to the church or to Moon. Moon's church has been accused of cult-like practices, this epithet is used to denote a cult-like attitude on the part of those being described. The epithet can also be used to call attention to the target's ties to the Unification Church.

[edit] MOPE/s

UK: MOPE/s stands for "Most Oppressed People Ever" and is used as an insult for a particularly bitter type of Irish Republicanism which laments the perceived often over-stated and exaggerated "Oppression" in Ireland under British rule. It is most often used by Irish Unionists in Northern Ireland.

[edit] Mourning in America

A variation of the phrase "Morning in America" first used in a speech by former Republican President Ronald Reagan (and later adopted as a campaign theme for his 1984 re-election bid). "Mourning in America" was intended to suggest that Reagan's policies led to vast depression and woe for disenfranchised people.

[edit] Muckraker

Main article: Muckraker

Journalists who expose unpleasant information, usually about powerful people, big business, or organizations; often in a sensationalist manner. Derives from a quote by Theodore Roosevelt about early 1900s journalists like Ida Tarbell and others. Also used in relation to current figures such as consumer advocate Ralph Nader and filmmaker Michael Moore. Some "muckrakers" take pride in the title despite its sometimes pejorative usage. See also: Yellow Journalism

[edit] Mugwump

Main article: Mugwump

Historical term based on Republicans that supported Grover Cleveland during the 1884 elections over the Republican candidate James Blaine.

[edit] N

[edit] Nanny State

Main article: Nanny State

British term to describe derisively the welfare state, or an overly protective rule-governed society that treats its citizens as a grandmother would babysit her grandchildren.

[edit] Nattering nabobs of negativity

Main article: nabob

U.S. From a famous quote of Vice President Spiro Agnew decrying what he described as the liberal bias of the mainstream media. More recently, American conservatives have used the term to represent the same perceived over-representation of left wing viewpoints in the media. The term was penned by William Safire, then a White House speechwriter.

[edit] Nazi

Main article: Nazism

The term "Nazi" is often used by people of all political stripes to describe or insult their opposition. The multiple atrocities and racist ideology that the Nazis followed have made them notorious in popular culture as well as history. Today, the term "Nazi" is often used to describe individuals or groups of people who try to force an unpopular or extreme agenda on the general population, and also commit crimes or violent actions against others without remorse. The term is also often simply used as an all-purpose insult. The modern overuse of "Nazi" is best expressed by Godwin's Law, in which any debate is said to be lost by the first party to use the terms "Nazi" or "Hitler" in their argument. See also Reductio ad Hitlerum.

[edit] Neo-appeasement

U.S.: Used to describe the views of those who advocated a United Nations directed solution before the 2003 invasion of Iraq, based on the view that the U.N. was repeatedly ineffective in enforcing its own sanctions and resolutions. Suggests that the policy was reminiscient of the appeasement policies of Western Europe and the League of Nations prior to World War II.

[edit] Neoconservative, Neocon

U.S.: When many prominent members of the George W. Bush administration were identified as neoconservatives by the press, the terms "neoconservative" and "neocon" became ephitets applied to the Bush administration and its supporters, regardless of the more precise meaning of the term. It was exploited into obscure meanings based on opposition partisan perceptions of a rift in the GOP.

Variants include "Neocon Death Cult" (used extensively on Air America Radio, particularly on its Morning Sedition program), "neocunt" (particularly in reference to the right-wing columnist Ann Coulter), "neoconartist," "neoconazi," and "neo-crazy."

[edit] Neo-confederate

Main article: Neo-confederate

U.S.: Sometimes used as a disparaging term for persons who look favorably upon aspects of the American South or southern culture. Used for groups and persons that advocate certain positions associated with the Confederate States of America such as State's rights and preservation of traditional culture.

[edit] Neoliberal, Neoliberalism

Main article: Neoliberalism

When used neutrally, the term refers to economic policies in favor of deregulation, globalization and laissez-faire capitalism. It is often used pejoratively by opponents of such policies, and is interchanged with:

[edit] Neverendum

CAN: Refers to the repeated attempts by Quebec sovereigntists to pass a referendum in favor of independence.

[edit] New Age

Main article: New Age

This epithet for impractical political and social philosophies that emerge from emotionalism and spirituality, rather than rational, philosophical and scientific views, is sometimes used pejoratively as "New Age." Use by religious conservatives, scientists and others has caused the term "New Age" to sometimes have a derogatory connotation. However, many bookstores have "New Age" sections, with books relating to spiritualism. Some bookstores have re-named these sections "Metaphysical Studies," though some complain that this is mischaracterization, as "Metaphysical Studies" implies philosophical rigor.

[edit] O

[edit] Orthodox Taliban

Serbia and Montenegro (and, possibly, other Orthodox Christian countries): Those who want to introduce to everyday life religious practices supposedly in similar way as Taliban did, for example, religious education to schools or ban of abortion.

[edit] Outside Agitators

U.S.: 1960s Term used by Southern Democrats to refer to activists from outside their states sent to help African-Americans exercise their civil rights, with the implication that "our Negros" were perfectly happy and content with their lot in life before they started being stirred up by the "outside agitators". Typically applied to instigators of the activity, such as organizers, leaders, and so forth. The term briefly saw use outside the south (e.g. the Kent State University demonstration in 1970).

[edit] P

[edit] Pajamahadeen/Pajamahadin

Main article: Pajamahadeen

A merging of the words mujahideen and pajamas, used by members of the traditional media to describe bloggers attempting to publicise errors and inadequacies in traditional reporting, especially on political issues. The most notable example of this was the uncovering by bloggers of fraudulent memos (the Killian documents) used by CBS in a story during the 2004 U.S. Presidential Campaign. Pajamahadeen was chosen as one of the American Dialect Society's words of the year for 2004. Some bloggers use the title about themselves to give the impression that they are a kind of uprising against the mainstream media.

[edit] Peacenik

Originating in the U.S. it is applied to advocates of U.S. withdrawal from the Vietnam War, to pacifists in general, and later to advocates of Western rapprochement with the Soviet Union during the Cold War, for instance through arms control. The Russian -nik makes reference to beatnik, implying the individual is impractical in outlook, but particularly the Soviet satellite Sputnik, implying the individual is a communist or sympathetic to that cause.

[edit] Peoples' Republic of California

U.S.: Used by conservatives in California to describe the state itself, known for being liberal-leaning, or certain smaller cities in California known to be decidedly liberal such as Berkeley, Santa Monica, and West Hollywood. Derived from the official names of several Communist states, including the Peoples' Republic of China, and from the California Republic.

Boulder, Colorado is also often referred to as a Peoples' Republic, as are Madison, Wisconsin, Ann Arbor, Michigan and Austin, Texas. In the United Kingdom, the Conservative MP Irvine Patnick coined the phrase 'Socialist Republic of South Yorkshire' to highlight the predominance of the left-wing of the Labour Party in the county.

[edit] Presidentialization

Used to criticise circumstances if political power in a traditionally consensus-based Cabinet is tacitly centralised by its leader.

[edit] Pig

A term used by some people, mostly on the American political left, to refer to police officers and other authority figures. Although the term dates back to the early 1800's, it gained its greatest notoriety and usage in America in the 1960's (See also: "Jack-Booted Thugs" as a term once used by the American political right as an epithet for federal police officers).

[edit] Piggo

A term used by some people, mostly feminists, to refer to males they consider sexist, e.g. male chauvinist pigs.

[edit] Pink Lady

U.S.: A term coined by Richard Nixon to describe those he considered "Soft on Communism," particularly Helen Gahagan.

[edit] Pinko

Main article: Pinko

Used to refer to a person allegedly sympathetic to a Communist Party and/or the Soviet Union during the Cold War but not an outright Communist. Often used by people on the right to describe leftists. Similar in meaning to "Fellow traveller". The identification of Communism with "Socialist" red (and with red being the primary color of the flag of the Soviet Union) led to such Cold War phrases as "the Red Menace" and "Red China".

Hence "Pinko," pink being a light red. Also "pinko commie." Also "commie pinko fag" and "pinko commie fag". [26]

"Parlor pink" (or "parlor radical") was a term used in the mid-20th century to describe wealthy leftists supposedly sympathetic to communism, especially those working in the film industry.

[edit] Political correctness

Main article: Political correctness

Political correctness is a term for efforts to modify language and behavior in an attempt to make it less offensive to certain groups. As an epithet, it implies that such an effort is so broad or excessive as to stifle uninhibited expression or marginalize historically-dominant groups. It is traditionally an epithet used against groups on the left, but the term "right-wing political correctness" or "right-wing PC" has become used in the 1990s and 2000s as well.

[edit] Pollyanna

Main article: Pollyanna

A term for a person or policy, of any political stripe, considered excessively or blindly optimistic or idealistic.

[edit] Poverty pimp

Main article: Poverty pimp

A derogatory label for an individual who profits by acting as an "advocate" for his ethnic group or social class, without having their best interests at heart. It may also imply that the individual may not be interested in remediating poverty out of fear of undercutting their own position, (purported examples - Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson)

[edit] Pro-abortion

U.S.: A term used by the Pro-life movement to describe those who support the legalization of abortion. The term "pro-death" is more inflammatory.

[edit] Q

[edit] Quisling

Main article: Quisling

A term used to describe traitors and collaborationists.

[edit] R

[edit] Racist

Main article: Racism

Traditionally, one who discriminates or is prejudiced based on race. As a pejorative, anyone who disagrees with a controversial policy or idea that seeks to benefit a minority race, such as Affirmative Action. Also occasionally applied to those advocating such policies or ideas, with the implication that they are racist against the majority race.

[edit] Race-baiter

Main article: Race Baiter

Race-baiters allegedly abuse charges of racism as political epithets in an attempt to stifle debate, stir up controversy, or to silence political opponents. Examples of race-baiters are Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Louis Farrakhan, and Joseph Lowery.

[edit] Race traitor

Main article: Race traitor

A term used by racists for those who are of their own "race", but who don't share their views, or who work against their interests, or who have intimate relationships with members of other "races". [27] Also a self-referential term for persons who seek to abolish the white race and "whiteness."

[edit] Radical

Main article: Radicals (UK)

Originally part of an analogy with the roots of a plant (Latin: Radix), in Britain in the 1830s it referred to those who wanted to change the voting system by starting afresh, rather than incremental reforms. It is now used in relation to any topic and usually describes a person or a policy to the extreme left of the political mainstream, though it may describe people or policies of any political bent with whom the speaker disagrees. A radical is certainly not a conservative, but may wish to reform policy in a right-wing direction.

"Radical" — often shortened to "rad" — became a compliment when used by members of Generation X in the 1980s, its closest synonym being "cool."

[edit] Radical Republican

Main article: Radical Republican

Derogatory term applied to the supporters of Abraham Lincoln and the Republican Party by pro-slavery Democrats in the early 1860s; also used to refer to the wing of the Republican Party which wanted to harshly punish the South after the American Civil War.

Term used to describe the ascendent conservative wing of the Republican Party after gaining elected majority of Congress in 1994, and to those Republicans perceived to be following a highly activist agenda. Somewhat limited use.

[edit] Randroid

Main article: Randroid

This is a pejorative term for the followers of Ayn Rand's Objectivism. It is a portmanteau of Rand's name with the word android, suggesting a robot-like adherence to the ideology (and indirectly, that the ideology could not be supported by people who think independently). The word may have been coined in response to the way in which Ayn Rand and other Objectivists rejected and strongly condemned any philosophical or political ideas that do not fully agree with Objectivism. Most notable was Ayn Rand's virulent opposition to libertarianism, even though libertarians have much in common with Objectivism.

Some observers, such as libertarian Murray N. Rothbard, consider Objectivism to be highly dogmatic and cult-like. [28] Justin Raimondo has referred to Objectivism as a "death cult"; [29] for what he perceives as the Ayn Rand Institute's open support for the large-scale killing of civilians in the Middle East.

[edit] Reactionary

Main article: Reactionary

Advocate of a return to a discredited social order and/or the restoration of privileges to the formerly privileged. Originated as a term to describe aristocratic opponents of the French Revolution. The term carries the connotation of an extreme "turn back the clock" mentality; by implication, a reactionary is not only a political conservative, but a dedicated ideological advocate of a return to an idealized past age that may in fact have never existed. The classical reactionary of the era of the French Revolution idealized the "organic" society of the Middle Ages, with its clearly-defined, hierarchical social roles from the lowliest serf up through the king on his throne and God in Heaven. Similarly, modern-day Islamic fundamentalists build modern political movements based on notions of a "pure" Islamic society that probably never existed; and the Nazis sought to construct an ideal "Aryan" racial order that was without precedent in real history, but which Nazi racial theorists justified with references to "nature," or sometimes to a mythologized "Aryan" historical past. All of these movements are considered reactionary, although they are sometimes described as advocates of a "reactionary utopia."

[edit] Reaganite/Reaganism

Main article: Supply-side economics

U.S.: Used by opponents of the Republican Party to equate their policies and ways with those of former president Ronald Reagan.

This term has been appropriated by some American conservatives, who wear the adjective as a badge of honor. See also: Neoliberalism

[edit] Red

Main article: Reds

Used to describe communists, or people and institutions believed to be communist, or people and institutions seen as supporting communism. Typical examples of usage include Red Dean Acheson, or Red China. In the United States in the 2000s, it has also become used to describe the Republican Party, its members and supportive institutions, and states in which the Republican Party is dominant, often - but not always - in a pejorative manner. See red states.

In Germany, most parties are associated with a color, Red stands for both the large Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD) and a number of smaller left parties, including the German Communist Party (KPD) and the newer Left Party (Germany). It is often used when describing government coalitions, a coalition of SPD and the Green Party is called a Red-Green coalition, a coalition of SPD and Left Party a Red-Red coalition (found in some state or communal governments), the current Grand coalition between CDU and SPD is sometimes referred to as Black-Red.

[edit] Red Agitator

U.S.: early-to-mid 1900s. Used to refer to those perceived as leftist radicals. Less often used to refer to people who were trying to form labor unions or to organize African-Americans and other disenfranchised groups. Typically applied to instigators of the activity, such as organizers, union representatives, leaders, and so forth. See Bolshevik.

[edit] Redneck

Main article: Redneck

A term used to denigrate rural people, particularly midwesterners, appalachians or southerners in the United States. Also used as a classist term to denigrate poor white people.

[edit] Red Tory

Main article: Red Tory

CAN: A member of the more left-leaning wing of any of the Conservative ("Tory") parties in Canada. More often used as a neutral or positive descriptor or self-description than an epithet. See also Blue Tory.

[edit] Regressive Conservatives

CAN: An ironic inversion of "Progressive Conservative" (still used for many provincial conservative parties), this epithet suggests the party is not as progressive as its name suggests. May also be used to contrast the Conservative Party of Canada with the former federal Progressive Conservative party.

[edit] Reich Winger

A term used to refer to an extreme right wing conservative.

[edit] Republicrat, Big Business Party

Used by opponents to indicate their belief that the U.S. Democratic Party and U.S. Republican Party are very similar to each other.

Same as "Demopublican".

[edit] Rethuglican, Repug, Repuke, Repugnican, Repubiklan, etc.

U.S.: Purposeful misspellings and overt puns on party names have been prevalent on the U.S. internet in the past few years, particularly when elections are near.

[edit] Reverse racism & reverse discrimination

Pejorative terms for affirmative action, racial quotas, set-asides, and other forms of racial preferences.

[edit] Revisionist

Main article: Revisionist

Marxist term, describing those who support a different variety of Marxism than the person using the term.

Among historians, revisionism has traditionally been used in both neutral and pejorative senses to describe the work or ideas of a historian who has revised a previously accepted view of a particular topic. When used pejoratively, the term implies that the historian is intentionally distorting or misrepresenting the historical record in order to advance a political agenda. See historical revisionism.

This usage has declined amongst some historians because within the field of Holocaust studies revisionism has come to specifically designate historical work which aims to deny the extent of the Jewish Holocaust. However, in this context, the term "revisionist" is sometimes considered a whitewash of a spurious point of view more properly termed "Holocaust denial."

[edit] RINO

Main article: RINO

The term is a semi-acronym of "Republican in name only". It is used by the more conservative members of the Republican party toward members of the more liberal or moderate wing. An anologous term DINO refers to "Democrats in name only".

[edit] Rightard

Combining right and retard as an insult toward the intelligence of the right wing.

[edit] Rightist, Rightist Opportunist

People's Republic of China: used by the Communist Party to refer to right-leaning communists and pragmatists. Especially during Mao's Cultural Revolution. The term was used to label Marshal Peng and his followers, who had voiced criticism to the Great Leap Forward.

[edit] Rootless cosmopolitan

Main article: Rootless cosmopolitan

Soviet Union: The Stalinists used this phrase to describe Jews in the Soviet Union during the period of 1948-1953.

[edit] Roundhead

Main article: Roundhead

UK: Moniker given to supporters of the Parliamentarian cause in the English Civil War. The Roundheads were so called because of their short haircuts, as opposed to the long ringlets of the fashionable courtiers.

[edit] Running dog of…

People's Republic of China: Variously phrased as "Running dog of the imperialists", "Capitalist running dogs" and so on. Refers to enemies seen as doing work against China for the benefit of, or on the orders of, capitalist countries. Used globally to refer to anyone seen as serving Capitalism or the wealthy. Almost always used by native-language English speakers sarcastically, jocularly, or in a humorously-altered form. See also "Lackey."

[edit] S

[edit] Scalawag

Main article: Scalawag

U.S.: A term used after the American Civil War in the Southern United States to pejoratively describe Southerners who participated in, or profitted from Reconstruction governments. Also Southerners who collaborated with the Federal Government and/or Union Army during the Civil War. See also Carpetbagger.

[edit] Second Gilded Age

U.S.: A term used by liberals and others to deride the (alleged) pro-corporate/supply-side policies of recent administrations, in particular the U.S. Republican Party (though many include Bill Clinton due to his support of free trade). The term is derived from the Gilded Age in the U.S. (1873-1900), when government power was widely and openly deployed to further the interests of corporations and the wealthy at the expense of the common man; when monopolies dominated trade within the U.S.; when the U.S. military was primarily used for imperialistic purposes (both abroad, and against Native Americans); when the financial markets were widely infected with graft and corruption; and when social Darwinism was widely touted as sound economic and social policy. As many Americans view the time as a backwards era (and the Progressive Movement and New Deal which followed as improvements), the term is generally viewed as a slur.

[edit] Securocrat

Ireland: Term used by Irish republicans to denigrate those in the United Kingdom government and Ulster Unionist Party who use criminal records as a reason to exclude certain Republicans from government.

[edit] Self-hating Jew

Main article: Self-hating Jew

U.S./UK: term used to describe Jews who either hide, are ashamed of their religion or understate their ethnicity. Also used to describe Jews who are seen by their accuser as working against the interests of the Jewish people, or those Jews who criticize Israel's actions. (See: Jewish self-hatred)

[edit] Self-loathing Queer

Sometimes abbreviated to 'SLQ'; used within the gay community to refer to those who are gay but not in support of a particular gay rights policy demand. Some open homosexuals use this epithet to describe gay people who have not yet come out of the closet, and oppose (or remain silent on) gay rights in order to deflect suspicion about their own sexuality.

[edit] SinoFascism

Term coined by British political commentator John Derbyshire for the belligerent and racist form of patriotism currently being promoted by the Chinese Communist Party among Chinese institutions and youth. [30] Also used by others as commentary on modern China - which has retained the authoritarianism of communism, abandoned Marxist economic principles, and embraced capitalism without any of the protections enjoyed by workers in western countries.

[edit] Smoke and mirrors

Main article: Smoke and mirrors

A derogatory term for political policies and/or programs that are allegedly based on trickery or illusion. It is also used to suggest that a policy or program with supposed great expectations, will be impossible or extremely difficult to implement, and ultimately end in failure. The following quote demonstrates a common political usage: "The DEA budget is just "smoke and mirrors."

[edit] Snake Oil

Main article: Snake Oil

U.S.: A derogatory term for policies implied to be false, fraudulent, and/or impractical and ineffective. The expression is also applied metaphorically to any policy with exaggerated, but questionable or unverifiable quality or utility. The term is based on "Snake oil", a Traditional Chinese medicine with very limited medical value, typically sold by unscrupulous peddlers in 19th-Century America.

[edit] Soft on Communism

U.S.: A term for the liberal left, used until the fall of Soviet communism in the early 1990s. Leftist politicians often believed in accommodating the Soviet Union, even adopting their line, e.g. Bertrand Russell's famous line, "Better red than dead."

[edit] Soft on Crime

U.S.: A term for civil libertarians used by law and order interests. This term suggests that civil libertarians are more concerned with the "rights of criminals" than the "rights of crime victims" or "law abiding citizens."

[edit] Special Rights

U.S.: A term used by opponents of gay activism, to oppose further extension of the gay agenda. It is claimed by these opponents that gay-rights legislation, rather than simply granting equality to sexual minorities in some fashion, would instead grant them rights and privileges above and beyond what are enjoyed by heterosexuals.

[edit] Spineless Liberal

U.S.: A term term employed by both conservatives and anarchists to criticize liberals, especially those involved in the Democratic Party. Conservatives have used the term to denounce those whom they perceive as not taking a definitive stand on issues. Anarchists typically use the term to differentiate themselves from those who might agree with them on specific issues, but disagree about whether reformism or revolutionary change is a solution. This view is expressed in the Against Me song "Baby, I'm an Anarchist." The term can be used generally to refer to liberals that hold certain beliefs, but fail to take to action in support of them.[citation needed]

[edit] Splittist

China: Term used by the government of the People's Republic of China to refer to individuals or organisations that support Taiwan Independence in any manner whatsoever. Also used to refer to those advocating independence for Tibet and/or Xinjiang.

[edit] Spoiler

Main article: Spoiler effect

U.S.: A term for third party candidates that are seen as "spoiling" the chances of election for Democratic or Republican candidates. The "spoiling" comes from dividing the base of prospective voters. Ralph Nader has been called a spoiler by Democrats, and Ross Perot Sr. has been called a spoiler by Republicans.

[edit] Stalinist

Main article: Stalinism

International: Although originally coined by Trotsky as a term for an authoritarian degenerated workers state, rather than proletarian communism, Stalinism has been described as being synonymous with left wing totalitarianism, or a tyrannical regime. The term has been used to describe regimes that fight political dissent through violence, imprisonment, and killings. See also "Maoist."

[edit] Statist

Main article: Statism

U.S.: Generally used by libertarians to describe those who support government regulation of any economic or social issues. The term is also used as an adjective for a particular stance on an issue where government influence is positively viewed as a solution to a given problem. ("...a statist policy...") The term is particularly felt as pejorative by those who purport to be in favor of restricting government power, such Republicans.

[edit] Star Chamber

Main article: Star Chamber

UK: Historical British term for a secret court no longer in operation within the British system of jurisprudence. This court could hear all cases short of capital crimes. Use of this term now connotes secret political dealings, or a lack of transparency in politics or government. Used by persons of all political stripes to defame their opponents. See also "Troika".

[edit] Starr Chamber

US: Relates to Star Chamber above, refers to American lawyer/politician Kenneth Starr, whose campaign against President Bill Clinton was seen by many as a conservative crusade to land an impeachment against a Democratic president.

[edit] T

[edit] Taliban wing of the Republican Party

U.S.: Used by detractors of the religious right, to associate the social policies favored by parts of the U.S. Republican Party with the radically repressive social policies of the Taliban. The term was less widely used after the September 11, 2001 attacks by Al-Qaeda, when comparisons to the Taliban, with which the United States was soon at war, became more inflammatory, but made a comeback during the U.S. presidential election, 2004.

[edit] Tar Baby

Main article: Tar Baby

U.S. Politicians and their spokespeople have occasionally run afoul of black leaders by using the term "tar baby" to describe a sticky political situation.[3] A 19th century Uncle Remus story, animated in the segment of Disney's Song of the South entitled "Br'er Rabbit and the Tar Baby", tells of a doll made of tar that traps Br'er Rabbit because it refuses to reply to his greeting. Though originally describing a sticky trap, it has also been used as a derogatory term for a black person.

[edit] Tax and Spend Liberal

U.S.: Used by conservatives to label liberals as favoring a cycle of continually increasing taxes and government spending, without regard to effectiveness or efficiency. High federal budget deficits during the Reagan Administration afforded Democrat Michael Dukakis the opportunity to label his opponents "spend and spend Republicans." The Bush administration's deficits inspired the coinage Borrow and Spend Republican.

[edit] Tax Cut and Spend Republican

U.S.: Used by liberals to frame conservatives as favoring a cycle of increasing taxes for the middle class and poor, decreasing social spending and giving tax cuts to the super-rich and at the same time increasing military spending and depleting the economy. This term frames Republicans for their record budget deficits during the George W. Bush administration. [31]

[edit] Thatcherism/Thatcherite

Main article: Thatcherism

UK: A term used by opponents of the Conservative party to equate their policies with those of former prime minister Margaret Thatcher. The "Iron Lady" had a reputation for her abrasive personality, toughness, aggressiveness, and tendency to be politically divisive. Thatcher was also called a "warmonger" by the Labour Party for Britain's military defense of the Falkland Islands from Argentine invasion/occupation. See also "Reaganite."

[edit] Theoconservative, Theocon

Main article: Theoconservative

U.S.: A variation of "neoconservative", this epithet is a pun that plays off the Greek word Theos, meaning "God". In particular, it refers to members of the Republican party and other conservative parties who cite their religion, particularly Christianity, as an important part of their political beliefs.

[edit] Toghe Rosse

Italy: This term, meaning "red robes", is used by right-wing politician Silvio Berlusconi to explain his long personal history of trials that saw him prescripted on most of the cases. According to Berlusconi there was, and still is, a left-wing conspiracy against him comprehending even Guardia di Finanza (a branch of Italian police dedicated to fiscal frauds) besides the already mentioned politicized magistrates. Before this judges have been already accused of a Communist conspiracy by mafia man Totò Riina as a line of defense in his trial, but it was Berlusconi who coined this slang term.

[edit] Whig

Main articles: Tory and British Whig Party

UK & CAN: Originally the Whigs were proponents of, and Tories the opponents of, moves to exclude the future King James II of England and his Roman Catholic heirs from succession to the throne of England; Tory is derived from the Irish word, "toraidhe", which translates as 'pursuer' and means an outlaw or rebel, specifically a Roman Catholic who preyed on the Protestant Settlers. The name stuck to the conservative side of British politics even beyond the formation of the British Conservative Party in 1830. Today, the term is used widely to refer to that party or its members, and also in Canada to refer to members of the various Conservative parties. In neither case is the name pejorative.

The term Whig was originally used to mean a Scottish Presbyterian, particularly a Covenanter in rebellion against the Crown. The origin of the word is obscure but it may refer to a group of seventeenth century Scottish rebels whose attack on Edinburgh is called the Whiggamore Raid. Alternatively "whigmaleerie" is an old Scottish word meaning a silly idea.

Whigs were those who supported the Glorious Revolution and the Hanoverian succession, and were opposed to the Jacobite succession.

U.S.: Tory was also used in U.S. to describe the loyalists during the American Revolution, and during postwar reprisals. There was also a Whig Party in the United States during the nineteenth century.

[edit] Tree hugger

Main article: Tree hugger

Used to refer to environmentally minded activists, and appropriated in most circumstances. It originated from people chaining themselves to trees to prevent logging, as well as the image of hippies expressing affection towards nature by literally hugging trees. The name of the Chipko movement in India literally means "tree-hugging". Other versions of this term are "bunny hugger" or "daisy sniffer"

[edit] Trickle-down theory

A characterization, primarily by US Democrats, of Republican arguments that reduced taxes for the wealthy will indirectly benefit the general population

[edit] Troika

Main article: Troika

Among other meanings, the Russian term refers to three-member tribunals. In Soviet times, these tribunals could hear any case and frequently pronounced the death sentence. Use of this term now connotes secret/sinister political dealings, or a lack of transparency in politics. Used by persons of all political stripes to defame their opponents. See also "Star Chamber".

The term translates as "threesome" and is used in this context to refer to the three Foreign Ministers of the European Union representing the previous, current, and future Presidents of the Council of Ministers.

[edit] Trotskyite

Main article: Trotskyite

Used by many Stalinists and Maoists to insult party members who didn't toe the orthodox party line. Named for Leon Trotsky, a Soviet Bolshevik opposed to Joseph Stalin and his "betrayal" of the Russian Revolution of 1917. Trotsky believed that revolution should be continuous and argued for putting political power in the hands of the people. This angered the entrenched leadership, eventually leading to his death in Mexico City from a political assassination. The more polite (and preferred) adjective for followers of Trotsky is "Trotskyist."

[edit] Troublemaker

Often use by people in power to insult people who criticize those in power. Examples include labor union organizers, in which the phrase is in the spirit of 'red agitator'. However it was also used by the Chinese Communist government to refer to dissidents such as Harry Wu, who wrote a book entitled Troublemaker.

[edit] U

[edit] Ultraleftist

Main article: Ultra leftism

Used by some leftists and socialists to denigrate members of small, sectarian groups even further to the left. The implication is that the groups are overly dogmatic or so far to the left that they are politically irrelevant. Often used to refer to groups on the left espousing anarchism, DeLeonism, council communism, or syndicalism, or groups whose ideology is mostly informed by figures considered by other leftists to be marginal such as Kim Il Sung or Enver Hoxha, or groups with a minuscule membership which nonetheless claim "vanguard party" status. See also "Van Party".

[edit] Un-American

U.S.: Used to label somebody the user believes is undermining American values or working against the interests of the United States. Because there is little agreement about what constitutes either of these, in practice it is applied to an extremely broad set of people. See also: House Un-American Activities Committee.

[edit] Uncle Tom

Main article: Uncle Tom

U.S.: an African American whose political views or allegiances are labeled by critics as detrimental to black Americans as a group. This term has been used by some African-Americans to refer to Condoleezza Rice and Colin Powell, due to their participation in a Republican administration, although it has also been used to describe Democratic African-American politicians accused of ignoring the African-American community such as former Los Angeles mayor Thomas Bradley. The original reference is to a character in an anti-slavery novel, Uncle Tom's Cabin, written by Harriet Beecher Stowe. (Ironically, in Stowe's novel, Uncle Tom was a heroic figure who resisted the oppression from his master, rather than a "toadie.") [32]

The term "Aunt Jemima" is sometimes used as a female version of Uncle Tom to refer to a black woman who is servile.

[edit] United Queendom

UK: Originally coined as a tongue in cheek term to encourage gay tourism of the United Kingdom, the term is now used as an epithet of disgust by British social and political conservatives for the UK's gay friendly policies (including the legalization of homosexual civil partnerships/marriage in December of 2005). [33]

[edit] Useful idiot

Main article: Useful idiot

This term was used by anti-communists to refer to those who were seen as assisting the interests of the Communist movement while in ignorance or denial of its full programme. It is purported to have been coined by Lenin, though this theory is not supported by any evidence. Contemporary usage is predominantly by conservatives such as talk show host Michael Savage and Mona Charen (author of a book titled Useful Idiots) who use it to refer to western leftists.

[edit] Utopian

Main article: Utopia

A pejorative term for concepts, proposals, societies, etc. that are perceived as overly idealistic or optimistic. Also a term for political philosophies/solutions intended to correct all the faults of the world; and the idea of a "one size fits all" solution. The things accused of being utopian visions are usually radical, revolutionary, inspirational, or speculative. The term utopia has become stereotyped as reflecting notions that are believed to be too optimistic and idealistic for practical application; and critics will often consider these concepts as impossible or void (See utopian socialism).

[edit] V

[edit] Van party or Taxi party

A political party that is supposedly so small that their entire membership could fit into a van or a taxi. Expression "van party" (kombi stranka) is used in Serbia and Montenegro, "taxi party" (partido do táxi) in Portugal. "Telephone booth party" has been used in the United States to mean the same thing.

[edit] Vast Left Wing Conspiracy

Main article: Byron York

U.S.: The Vast Left Wing Conspiracy: The Untold Story of How Democratic Operatives, Eccentric Billionaires, Liberal Activists, and Assorted Celebrities Tried to Bring Down a President--and Why They'll Try Even Harder Next Time - the jocular title of a 2005 book by author Byron York.

[edit] Vast right-wing conspiracy

U.S.: An alleged conspiracy, espoused first by Hillary Clinton in 1998 and later by other prominent Democrats, to expose damaging information about her husband. The term was later worn as a badge of honor by American conservatives after the impeachment of Bill Clinton.

[edit] Violentos

Spain: In the discussion of politics of Spain, los violentos ("the violent ones") is used to refer to the armed Basque separatist organization ETA and its supporters.

[edit] W

[edit] Watermelon

An environmentalist whose primary motives are claimed by critics to be political and economic leftism, rather than environmentalism, and who advocates environmentalist policies not for the purposes of benefitting the environment, but in order to restrain or cause harm to corporations and the wealthy. The term comes from being "Green on the outside but Red on the inside".

[edit] Weak Sisters

U.S.: Term used by the right to describe leftists as weak, ineffectual, and feminine.

[edit] The White Man's Burden

International: The White Man's Burden represents a 19th-Century Eurocentric view of the world, suggesting that westerners should "civilize" the rest of the world, and has been used to encourage powerful nations to adopt an imperial role. The term is the name of an 1899 poem by Rudyard Kipling, the sentiments of which give insight into this world view.

[edit] Wingnut

U.S.: portmanteau word combining right wing or left wing and nut, used by moderates to describe either extreme in American poltics (but more commonly the extreme-right). Sometimes shortened to Winger.

[edit] Woman hating & Misogynist

Main article: Misogynist

Pejorative terms used by feminists and others on the left to refer to opponents of feminist policies and ideology.

[edit] Worker's Paradise

Term coined by American Communists to describe the Soviet Union of the early 20th-Century. Quickly fell out of favor, especially after the death of Lenin, and the ascension of Stalin. Now used as a term of ironic derision by conservatives to describe left-wing ideas or schemes that they see as overly optimistic, unrealistic or utopian.

[edit] Wowser

Main article: Wowser

NZ: A New Zealand term, almost obsolete. Originally it meant an alcohol Prohibitionist. It also came to mean a killjoy, someone whose opposition to alcohol extended to all social jollity.

Also in Western Australia, describes someone who tries to stop people from having fun, used mostly for politicians and people in power. A common synonym in New Zealand and Australia is "Wally."

[edit] X

[edit] Y

[edit] Yellow Dog Democrat

Main article: Yellow dog Democrat

U.S.: Term frequently used to describe die-hard Democrats so fervently loyal that they overlook issues and attributes of the candidates. In colloquial speech it is used as "He would vote for a Yellow Dog, if it was a Democrat." Use of this term, along with the fortunes of southern democrats, is now in decline.

[edit] Yellow journalism

Main article: Yellow journalism

U.S.: Deriving from the character featured in one of the New York World comic strips known as The Yellow Kid; it describes newspapers from the late 1800s and early 1900s that would overhype and sensationalize articles in order to sell more copies. The major publications of Yellow Journalism were the World by Joseph Pulitzer and the New York Journal by William Randolph Hearst. It saw its heights as a precursor to the Spanish-American war in 1898, as it was instrumental in drumming up popular support in New York City by emphasizing Spanish atrocities against Cubans. When the USS Maine explosion occurred, the "yellow journals" suggested Spain was at fault.

[edit] Young Turk

Main article: Young Turk

A young leader impatient for change; in current usage, a younger person within a corporate environment or government pushing for major change. The term may be favorable or unfavorable, depending on the context.

The original usage comes from a Turkish nationalist reform party, officially known as the "Committee of Union and Progress" - whose leaders led a rebellion against Sultan Abdul Hamid II (who was officially deposed and exiled in 1909). They ruled the Ottoman Empire from 1908 until the end of World War I in November 1918. They were also responsible for over a million murders in the Armenian genocide.

[edit] Z

[edit] Zionazi

see #JewNazi, Judeo-Nazi, Zionazi

[edit] Zionist

Main article: Zionist

Political epithet sometimes misused by anti-Semites to label any Jew in an attempt to legitimise their racial hate. See also Polish 1968 political crisis, Doctors' plot, Zionology, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion)

[edit] Zionist entity

Main article: Zionist entity

A pejorative term used to portray Israel as an illegitimate state. [4][5][6][7][8]

[edit] See also

[edit] References and notes

  1. ^ Whether this is pejorative and/or a true description is a subject of debate.
  2. ^ Mortal threat. The Washington Times (2006-01-17).
  3. ^
  4. ^ "This pervasive denigration of Jews has been accompanied by a systematic denial of the Jewish state's legitimacy by both the PA and the PLO. Israel is often referred to by the pejorative phrase, 'the Zionist entity.' Israel is glaringly absent from Palestinian maps, which portray its territory as part of a 'Greater Palestine,' from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean." (Karsh, Efraim. "Arafat's Grand Strategy", Middle East Quarterly, Spring 2004).
  5. ^ Nevertheless, no special Jewish sensitivity is required to glean racial hatred from Palestinian suidice bombings of Jewish civilians, bombings and defacings of synagogues in Europe, hostile rhetoric about "the Jews" from such Islamic groups as Hezbollah and Hamas, and decades of Arab-state rhetoric about "the Jews" and the "Zionist entity". (Tilley, Virginia Q. The One-state Solution, University of Michigan Press, May 24, 2005, ISBN 0472115138, p. 198).
  6. ^ ...the transmissions of Jordan, Syria, and Egypt. Whenever they referred to Israel, they used the term 'the Zionist entity'. The announcer would say, 'the so-called government of the so-called state', but would stop short of pronouncing the word Israel, as if it were a four letter word." (Oz, Amos. Under this Blazing Light, Cambridge University Press, Jul 13, 1996, ISBN 0521576229, p. 4).
  7. ^ "In this Arab world where faith and politics are linked, traditionalists and radicals, Saudis and Libyans, can unite in hostility against the state of Israel - whose right to exist they deny, whose very existence they refuse to acknowledge, whose name they refuse to utter, calling Israel instead 'the Zionist entity' or 'the deformed Zionist entity'." (Kirkpatrik, Jeane. Legitimacy and Force: Natural and International Dimensions, Transaction Publishers, Jan 1, 1988, ISBN 0887386474, p. 7).
  8. ^ "Nations can be ignored by not recognizing their existence. Some Arabs would prefer not to speak of 'Israel', but of the 'Zionist entity'." (Marlin, Randal. Propaganda and the Ethics of Persuasion, Broadview Press, Aug 1, 2002, ISBN 1551113767, p. 161).

[edit] References

In other languages

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Static Wikipedia 2008 (no images)

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Static Wikipedia 2007:

aa - ab - af - ak - als - am - an - ang - ar - arc - as - ast - av - ay - az - ba - bar - bat_smg - be - bg - bh - bi - bm - bn - bo - bpy - br - bs - bug - bxr - ca - cbk_zam - cdo - ce - ceb - ch - cho - chr - chy - closed_zh_tw - co - cr - cs - csb - cu - cv - cy - da - de - diq - dv - dz - ee - el - eml - en - eo - es - et - eu - fa - ff - fi - fiu_vro - fj - fo - fr - frp - fur - fy - ga - gd - gl - glk - gn - got - gu - gv - ha - haw - he - hi - ho - hr - hsb - ht - hu - hy - hz - ia - id - ie - ig - ii - ik - ilo - io - is - it - iu - ja - jbo - jv - ka - kg - ki - kj - kk - kl - km - kn - ko - kr - ks - ksh - ku - kv - kw - ky - la - lad - lb - lbe - lg - li - lij - lmo - ln - lo - lt - lv - map_bms - mg - mh - mi - mk - ml - mn - mo - mr - ms - mt - mus - my - mzn - na - nah - nap - nds - nds_nl - ne - new - ng - nl - nn - no - nov - nrm - nv - ny - oc - om - or - os - pa - pag - pam - pap - pdc - pi - pih - pl - pms - ps - pt - qu - rm - rmy - rn - ro - roa_rup - roa_tara - ru - ru_sib - rw - sa - sc - scn - sco - sd - se - searchcom - sg - sh - si - simple - sk - sl - sm - sn - so - sq - sr - ss - st - su - sv - sw - ta - te - test - tet - tg - th - ti - tk - tl - tlh - tn - to - tokipona - tpi - tr - ts - tt - tum - tw - ty - udm - ug - uk - ur - uz - ve - vec - vi - vls - vo - wa - war - wo - wuu - xal - xh - yi - yo - za - zea - zh - zh_classical - zh_min_nan - zh_yue - zu

Static Wikipedia 2006:

aa - ab - af - ak - als - am - an - ang - ar - arc - as - ast - av - ay - az - ba - bar - bat_smg - be - bg - bh - bi - bm - bn - bo - bpy - br - bs - bug - bxr - ca - cbk_zam - cdo - ce - ceb - ch - cho - chr - chy - closed_zh_tw - co - cr - cs - csb - cu - cv - cy - da - de - diq - dv - dz - ee - el - eml - en - eo - es - et - eu - fa - ff - fi - fiu_vro - fj - fo - fr - frp - fur - fy - ga - gd - gl - glk - gn - got - gu - gv - ha - haw - he - hi - ho - hr - hsb - ht - hu - hy - hz - ia - id - ie - ig - ii - ik - ilo - io - is - it - iu - ja - jbo - jv - ka - kg - ki - kj - kk - kl - km - kn - ko - kr - ks - ksh - ku - kv - kw - ky - la - lad - lb - lbe - lg - li - lij - lmo - ln - lo - lt - lv - map_bms - mg - mh - mi - mk - ml - mn - mo - mr - ms - mt - mus - my - mzn - na - nah - nap - nds - nds_nl - ne - new - ng - nl - nn - no - nov - nrm - nv - ny - oc - om - or - os - pa - pag - pam - pap - pdc - pi - pih - pl - pms - ps - pt - qu - rm - rmy - rn - ro - roa_rup - roa_tara - ru - ru_sib - rw - sa - sc - scn - sco - sd - se - searchcom - sg - sh - si - simple - sk - sl - sm - sn - so - sq - sr - ss - st - su - sv - sw - ta - te - test - tet - tg - th - ti - tk - tl - tlh - tn - to - tokipona - tpi - tr - ts - tt - tum - tw - ty - udm - ug - uk - ur - uz - ve - vec - vi - vls - vo - wa - war - wo - wuu - xal - xh - yi - yo - za - zea - zh - zh_classical - zh_min_nan - zh_yue - zu