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Ulster Unionist Party

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Ulster Unionist Party
"UUP" logo
Leader Sir Reg Empey MLA
Founded 1905
Headquarters 429 Holywood Road
Belfast, BT4 2LN
Northern Ireland, United Kingdom
Political Ideology Unionist, Centrist
Political Position Pro-Union, Pro-Devolution, pro-Belfast Agreement
International Affiliation none
European Affiliation none
European Parliament Group ED, within EPP-ED
Colours Red, White and Blue (the colours of the Union Flag)
See also Politics of the UK

Political parties

The Ulster Unionist Party (UUP, sometimes referred to as the Official Unionist Party or OUP or, in a historic sense, simply the Unionist Party ) is a moderate unionist political party in Northern Ireland, which formed its government between 1921 and 1972 and was supported by most unionists throughout the Troubles.

In recent years many analysts claim the UUP may be entering a stage of demise. Northern Ireland's unionist and Protestant community has since changed allegiance to the more 'hardline' unionist party - the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP). The DUP has won much of the UUP's support and has beaten them at all elections since 2003 - both for Westminster and Stormont. Such successes have left the once strong UUP party with one single Member of Parliament.


[edit] Party leaders

note: ** denotes leaders of the UUP who were also leaders of the Irish Unionist Parliamentary Party.

[edit] Foundation

The Ulster Unionist Party traces its formal existence back to the foundation of the Ulster Unionist Council in 1905. Prior to that date, however, there had been a less formally-organised Irish Unionist Party since the late 19th century, sometimes but not always dominated by Unionists from Ulster. Modern organised unionism properly emerged in response to Gladstone's introduction of the First Home Rule Bill in 1886 in response to demands by the Irish Parliamentary Party. The Irish Unionist Party was an alliance of Conservatives and Liberal Unionists who had split from the Liberal Party on the home rule issue.

The party had a strong association with the politico-religious Orange Order, a Protestant institution which is the counterpart of the smaller Roman Catholic Ancient Order of Hibernians. Though most unionist support was based in the geographic area that became Northern Ireland, there were at one time Unionist enclaves throughout southern Ireland. The Unionists in Cork and Dublin were particularly influential. The initial leadership of the Unionist Party all came from outside the six counties, with people like Colonel Saunderson, Viscount (later the Earl of) Midleton and the Dublin-born Sir Edward Carson. However, with the partition of Ireland under the Government of Ireland Act 1920, Irish unionism in effect split. Many southern unionists became reconciled with the new Irish Free State, many sitting in its senate or joining its political parties. Unionism's northern wing evolved into a separate Ulster Unionist Party.

Modern southern unionism has evolved into the Reform Movement in Ireland and the Irish Unionist Alliance. Both organizations are separate from the Ulster Unionist Party.[citation needed]

[edit] Stormont Parliament

Until almost the very end of its period of power in Northern Ireland the Unionist Party was led by a combination of landed gentry (Sir Basil Brooke [later Lord Brookeborough], Terence O'Neill and James Chichester-Clark) and gentrified industrial magnates (Sir James Craig later Lord Craigavon, and John Miller Andrews). Only its last Prime Minister, Brian Faulkner was from a middle-class background.

In 1922, Sir Edward Carson warned the new unionist leadership of Northern Ireland against practising any discrimination towards the Roman Catholic minority in the region. It was advice that went unheeded. As former leader and Nobel Peace Prize co-winner (with the Social Democratic and Labour Party's then leader, John Hume) David Trimble observed, Northern Ireland under the UUP governments was a "cold house for Catholics." In the 1960s, inspired by the civil rights movement of Martin Luther King and by attempts at reform under then Unionist Party leader Terence O'Neill (later Lord O'Neill of the Maine) nationalists in the Northern Civil Rights Movement campaigned for reform. However, violent opposition from extreme loyalists and right-wing campaigners like Ian Paisley, coupled with the heavy-handled behaviour of the police, led to a resurgence in violence by the Provisional Irish Republican Army, a breakaway from the Marxist Official Irish Republican Army. Faced with what seemed like a threat of civil war, the British government ended the Unionist Party's hold on power in Northern Ireland, when it prorogued the Stormont Parliament in March 1972.

Some liberal Unionists, who had advocated the policies of Terence O'Neill left and formed the Alliance Party in 1970, while the emergence of Ian Paisley's Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) drew off some working-class and right-wing support. A more militant wing of the Unionist Party turned to the Vanguard movement to steer unionism back to its "traditional" course. When this failed, they broke away and formed the separate Vanguard Unionist Progressive Party in 1973.

Throughout this period the party was affiliated to the National Union of the Conservative Party and Ulster Unionist MPs at the Westminster Parliament were a part of the conservative block. To all intents and purposes the party functioned as the Northern Ireland branch of the Conservatives. (The names were different, but in the same period the Scottish branch of the party used the term "Unionist" instead of Conservative as well.) In 1974, in protest over the Sunningdale Agreement the Westminster Ulster Unionist MPs ceased to take the Conservative Party whip. The party remained affiliated to the National Union but withdrew in 1985 in protest over the Anglo-Irish Agreement. Subsequently the Conservative Party established a separate branch in Northern Ireland which has had little electoral success. There is frequent speculation that the Ulster Unionists may reunite with the Conservative Party, as the party has continued to support the Conservatives on essential votes. For example, Ulster Unionist support was necessary to sustain the Conservative Government of Prime Minister John Major during the ratification of the Maastricht Treaty in 1993 when many of his own MPs (the Maastricht Rebels) revolted. Many commentators felt this gave the UUP much influence on Major's Northern Ireland policy at the time.

[edit] Structure

The UUP maintained a formal connection with the Orange Order from its foundation until 2005, and with the Apprentice Boys of Derry until 1975. Only three of the party's Westminster MPs (Enoch Powell, Ken Maginnis and Sylvia Hermon) have not been members of the Orange Order. This was a factor in discouraging Catholic membership of the party. While the party was considering structural reforms, including the connection with the Order, it was the Order itself that severed the connection after many of its members transferred their allegiance to the Democratic Unionist Party.

[edit] Youth wing

The UUP's youth wing is the Ulster Young Unionist Council. This group was founded in 1949. Many of its members have stayed with the party, such as the present leader of the UUP. Others have left to start up other unionist parties. Having disbanded twice, 1974 and 2004, the Council was re-constituted by young activists in March 2004. This resulted in the young unionists (YU) becoming a representative body of the UUP and subject to its revamp of their Constitution.[1]

[edit] Sunningdale to present

The Sunningdale Agreement, which led to the formation of a power-sharing Executive under the then Ulster Unionist leader, Brian Faulkner provoked ruptions within the party. In the 1973 elections to the Executive the party was deeply divided, a division that did not formally end until January 1974 when the anti-Sunningdale faction triumphed. Faulkner was overthrown and set up the Unionist Party of Northern Ireland (UPNI). The Ulster Unionists were now led by Harry West from 1974 until 1979. In the February 1974 general election, the party participated in the United Ulster Unionist Coalition (UUUC) with Vanguard and the Democratic Unionists. The result was that the UUUC won 11 out of 12 parliamentary seats in Northern Ireland on a fiercely anti-Sunningdale platform, despite winning barely 50% of the popular vote. This result was a fatal blow for the Executive, which soon collapsed. Under West's leadership the party recruited Enoch Powell, who became Ulster Unionist MP for South Down. Powell advocated a policy of integration, whereby Northern Ireland would be administered as an integral part of the United Kingdom. This policy was to cause ruptions both within the Ulster Unionists and within wider Unionism as Powell's ideas conflicted with those committed to the restoration of devolved government to the province. The party also made gains when the Vanguard Party broke up and the rump merged back into the Ulster Unionists. The United Ulster Unionist Party (UUUP) emerged from the remains of Vanguard but folded in the early 1980s, as did the UPNI. In both cases the main beneficiaries of this were the Ulster Unionists, now under the leadership of James Molyneaux (1979-1995).

In October 1995, Patricia Campbell, a Catholic member of the UUP and personal secretary to Molyneaux, filed an employment discrimination case against the UUP with the Fair Employment Commission which was settled out of court.

[edit] PUP controversy

In May 2006, controversy erupted when the party leader, Reg Empy, allowed the Progressive Unionist Party leader David Ervine to join the UUP assembly group. The PUP is the political wing of the outlawed terrorist group the Ulster Volunteer Force (UVF), a group that carried out many sectarian murders of Catholics at random during the troubles. Many in the UUP, including the last remaining MP, Sylvia Hermon, were opposed to involvement with a party that has links to a terrorist organisation. [1] [2]

[edit] Leadership

The party was led by David Trimble between 1995 and 2005. Although his support (which some nationalists claim to be ambiguous) for the Belfast Agreement caused a rupture within the Party into pro-agreement and anti-Agreement factions, he maintained unity for a while. Trimble served as First Minister of Northern Ireland in the power-sharing administration, created under the Belfast Agreement.

The UUP had a Roman Catholic Member of the Legislative Assembly (MLA) (the Northern Ireland Legislative Assembly), Sir John Gorman until the 2003 election. In March 2005, the Orange Order voted to end its official links with the UUP, while still maintaining the same unofficial links as other interest groups. Mr Trimble faced down Orange Order critics who tried to suspend him for his attendance at a Catholic funeral for a young boy murdered by the Real IRA, in the infamous Omagh bombing. Trimble and Irish president Mary McAleese, in a sign of unity, walked into the church together.

[edit] 2005 General Election

The party fared disastrously in the 2005 general election, losing five of the six Westminster seats it had previously won in the 2001 general election (the MP for one had defected to the DUP). In the 2005 general election, only the Labour Party lost more seats. David Trimble lost his seat in Upper Bann and soon resigned as party leader. The leadership election to succeed him was won by Sir Reg Empey.

[edit] Policy summary

As a party reflecting the centre-ground of Unionist opinion, the broad policy outlook of the Ulster Unionist Party reflects the society in which it works and aims to develop and strengthen Northern Ireland's role as a partner within the United Kingdom. Under Sir Reg Empey's leadership, the party has stressed the need for social cohesion and a "Fair Society". It has stated it will make tackling poverty and homelessness a priority for the party in any future Northern Ireland administration.

[edit] Constitutional affairs

  • Constitutional Monarchist
  • Pro-devolution with a strong attachment to British Parliamentary Traditions
  • Seeks the restoration of the Stormont Assembly
  • Supports in principle power-sharing with democratic nationalist parties in Northern Ireland

[edit] Northern Ireland

  • Seeks to promote and strengthen the constitutional union between Northern Ireland, Scotland, England and Wales within the constitutional framework of the United Kingdom
  • Seeks to develop friendly relations between all the peoples of the British Isles
  • Supportive of a positive, co-operative relationship between Northern Ireland and the Irish Republic

[edit] North/South

  • The party has been supportive of constructive co-operation between Northern Ireland and the Irish Republic, since the latter renounced its territorial claim upon Northern Ireland as part of the 1998 Good Friday Agreement.
  • Participated in North-South Ministerial Council (NSMC)

[edit] Britain/Ireland

  • Established British Isles Council

[edit] Justice and security

  • Opposed Patten Report (1999) and subsequent changes to RUC
  • Against 50:50 recruitment in the Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI)
  • Favours retention of full-time reserve to keep up police numbers
  • Supports strong UK anti-terrorist legislation, identity cards, anti-social behaviour orders and a statutory Victims Charter for victims of crime
  • Demands Assets Recovery Agency actions against loyalist and republican paramilitaries
  • Demands the abolition of Parades Commission, on the grounds that it restricts Freedom of Assembly.

[edit] Social affairs

  • UUP social policy places an emphasis on social cohesion, on the role of the family, and on the eradication of poverty and homelessness from Northern Ireland society. [2]

[edit] Ethnic minorities

  • Under Sir Reg Empey's leadership, the party has stressed the need to help integrate ethnic minorities into Northern Irish life.
  • The UUP supported the allocation of additional resources by the police to tackle Hate Crime against ethnic minorities.
  • The Party Website contains content in most of Northern Ireland's ethnic minority languages, including Arabic, Bengali, Chinese, Hindi, Polish, Portuguese, Punjabi and Urdu.

[edit] Agriculture

  • The party has proposed a series of measures aimed at addressing the economic, social and environmental needs of rural communities. It has called for a Rural White Paper to bring together the various strands of government policy towards rural communities in the Province.

[edit] Culture

[edit] Education

  • The party promotes a series of measures to reduce the "brain drain" of educated young Northern Ireland people to the mainland UK and further afield. [3]

[edit] Environment

  • Proposes independent Environmental Protection Agency and Marine Act for coastal protection
  • Supports reduced fossil fuel dependency and increased renewable energy use
  • Aims to complete all Area of Special Scientific Interest designations by 2010

[edit] Health

  • The party supports free personal care for the elderly [4] and has stated it will make its implementation a priority in any future Northern Ireland administration.

[edit] Economic affairs

  • Regionalist approach seeks maximum investment in Northern Ireland economy

[edit] Development

[edit] Public finance

[edit] Foreign affairs

[edit] Europe

[edit] Wider World

  • Atlanticist
  • Expresses support for involvement of Northern Ireland citizens in UK diplomacy and United Nations
  • Supports North Atlantic Treaty Organization alliance with the United Kingdom's NATO allies
  • General interest in international development issues

[edit] Spokespersons

Under the new leadership of Reg Empey, the system of party spokespersons was re-organised so that there is one chief spokesperson for each major policy issue, usually backed up with a support group of rank and file party members.

Chief spokespersons as of January 2006 were:

Policy Issue Chief Spokesperson
Political Development Alan McFarland MLA (chief negotiator)
Agriculture and Rural Development Tom Elliott MLA
Cross-Border Issues Esmond Birnie MLA
Culture, Arts and Leisure Michael McGimpsey MLA
Disabilities and Older Persons' Issues Billy Bell MLA
Education David McNarry MLA
Employment and Learning Ken Robinson MLA
Enterprise, Trade and Industry Roy Beggs Jnr MLA
Environment, Local Government and Planning Sam Gardiner MLA
Equality Issues Dermot Nesbitt MLA
European Union Norman Hillis MLA
Finance and Personnel Esmond Birnie MLA
Healthcare Rev Dr Robert Coulter MLA
Parading Issues Michael Copeland MLA
Policing Issues Fred Cobain MLA
Regional Development Leslie Cree MLA
Review of Public Administration Jim Wilson MLA
Social Development and Housing Fred Cobain MLA
Tourism and Defence David Burnside MLA
Victims' Issues Derek Hussey MLA

[edit] See also

Ulster Unionist Party leadership elections

1969 | 1979 | 1995 (Mar) | 1995 (Sept) | 2000 | 2004 | 2005

[edit] External links

Political parties in the United Kingdom
Represented in the House of Commons (646) :

Labour (354) | Conservatives (198) | Liberal Democrats (63) | DUP (9) | SNP (6) | Sinn Féin (abstentionist) (5) | Plaid Cymru (3) | SDLP (3) | Ind KHHC (1) | Independent (1) | Independent Labour (1) | Respect (1) | UUP (1)

Represented in the House of Lords (741) :

Labour (213) | Conservatives (210) | Cross-bencher (196) | Liberal Democrats (79) | Greens (E&W) (1) | Bishops (26) | Non affiliated (13) | Conservative Independent (1) | Independent Labour (1) | Independent (1)

Represented in the Scottish Parliament (129):

Labour (50) | SNP (27) | Conservative and Unionists (17) | Liberal Democrats (17) | Scottish Greens (7) | SSP (4) | Solidarity (2) | SSCUP (1) | Independent (5)

Represented in the National Assembly for Wales (60):

Labour (29) | Plaid Cymru (12) | Conservatives (11) | Liberal Democrats (6) | Forward Wales (1) | Independent (1)

Represented in the Northern Ireland Assembly (108) [Suspended]

DUP (32) | UUP (25) | Sinn Féin (24) | SDLP (18) | Alliance (6) | UKUP (1) | Independent (2)

Represented in the London Assembly (25):

Conservatives (9) | Labour (7) | Liberal Democrats (5) | Greens (E&W) (2) | One London (2)

Represented in the European Parliament (72 out of 732):

Conservatives (ED, 26) | Labour (PES, 19) | Liberal Democrats (ELDR, 12) | UKIP (ID, 10) | Greens (E&W) (EGP, 2) | SNP (EFA, 2) | DUP (NA, 1) | Plaid Cymru (EFA, 1) | Sinn Féin (EUL, 1) | UUP (ED, 1) | Independent (NA, 2)

Minor parties:

BNP | Socialist Labour | Liberal | English Democrats


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