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List of philosophical topics (R-Z)

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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  4. Finally, one may use this as a reference list. Any topic that is likely to be of interest should be found on this page. If one is aiming for a comprehensive knowledge of philosophy, each of the following topics may be of interest.

Note: If you see an article that should be here but isn't (or one that shouldn't be here but is), please do update the page accordingly. (At times, a disambiguation page is intentionally linked because there is more than one philosophical use for a term. If there is a disambiguation page linked for which there is only one use for the term, you are encouraged to fix the appropriate link.)

List of philosophical topics: (A-C) -- (D-H) -- (I-Q) -- (R-Z)


[edit] R

[edit] Ra

Rabad - Rabbinic law - Rabbinic theology - Francois Rabelais - François Rabelais - race - racetrack paradox - racism - Gustav Radbruch - Janet Radcliffe Richards - Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan - radical Aristotelianism - radical behaviourism - radical feminism - radical interpretation - radical philosophy - radical translation - radical translation and radical interpretation - Qutb al-Din Ahmad al-Rahim - Karl Rahner - Ramakrishna movement - Ramanuja - Rāmānuja - Pierre de la Ramee - Pierre de la Ramée - ramified type theory - Ramist movement - Allan Ramsay - Frank P. Ramsey - Frank Plumpton Ramsey - Ian Thomas Ramsey - Ramsey-eliminability - Ramsey-Lewis method - Ramsey sentence - Ramsey test - Petrus Ramus - randomness - range - Hastings Rashdall - ratio recta - ratio scale - ratiocination - rational beliefs - rational choice theory - rational number - rational psychology - rational reconstruction - rationalism - rationality - rationality and cultural relativism - rationality of belief - rationalization - Felix Ravaisson - Félix Ravaisson - Jean-Gaspard Felix Lacher Ravaisson-Mollien - Jean-Gaspard Félix Lacher Ravaisson-Mollien - ravens paradox - raw feels - John Rawls - John Ray - al-Rāzī - al-Razi - Abu Bakr Muhammad Ibn Zakariyya' al-Razi - Fakhr al-Din al-Razi

[edit] Re

[edit] Rea-Rei

reactive attitude - reaction - real - real assent - real definition - real distinction - real essence - real mathematics - real number - real proposition - realism - realism and antirealism - realism and anti-realism - realism ante rem - realism in rebus - realism in the philosophy of mathematics - reality - reality enforcement - reality principle - realizability - realization - reason - reason as slave of the passions - reasoning - reasons - reasons and causes - Reasons and Persons - reasons externalism - reasons for action - reasons for belief - reasons internalism - rebirth - Rechtsstaat - reciprocal altruism - reciprocity - recognition - recollection - reconstruction - rectification and remainders - Rectification of Names - recurrence - recursion - recursion-theoretic hierarchies - recursive function - recursive function theory - redintegration - redistribution - reducibility - reducibility of consciousness - reduct - reductio ad absurdum - reductio ad impossibile - reduction - reduction base - reduction sentence - reductionism - reductionism in the philosophy of mind - reductive naturalism - redundancy - redundancy theory of truth - redundant - Paul Ree - Paul Rée - reference - reference class - referential - referential occurrence - referential opacity - referential quantification - referential theory of meaning - referentially transparent - referring - reflection - reflection principles - reflective equilibrium - reflexive - reflexivity - reform - reformed epistemology - regional supervenience - Pierre-Sylvain Regis - Pierre-Sylvain Régis - regress - regress argument - regress argument in epistemology - regression analysis - regressor variable - regularity theory of causation - regulative principle - regulative principles - August Wilhelm Rehberg - Wilhelm Reich - Hans Reichenbach - Thomas Reid - reify - Hermann Samuel Reimarus - Adolf Reinach - reincarnation - Karl Leonhard Reinhold - reism

[edit] Rel-Rev

relation - relational - relational logic - relational quantum mechanics - relational semantics - relational value - relationalism - relationism - relations - relative identity - relative threshold - relative time - relative value - relativism - relativity - relativity of knowledge - relativity theory - relevance logic - relevance logic and entailment - relevance of logic - relevant alternative - reliabilism - religion - religion and epistemology - religion and morality - religion and political philosophy - religion and science - religion, art, and science - religious belief - religious belief and cosmology - religious experience - religious language - religious pluralism - Religiousness A and B - remembering - reminiscence - Renaissance philosophy - Karl Renner - Charles Renouvier - Charles Bernard Renouvier - representation - representation theorem - representational - representational scheme - representational theory of art - representational theory of memory - representationalism - representative realism - repression - reprobation - reproduction and ethics - republicanism - rerum natura - respect - respect for persons - responsibilities of scientists and intellectuals - representation - representation in art - representative theory of perception - res cogitans - res extensa - Nicholas Rescher - resentment - respondent conditioning - response variable - responsibility - restricted quantification - restrictio - resultance - resultant attribute - resurrection - retributive justice - retributive justice - retributivism - retrocausation - revaluation of values - revealed truth - revelation - revenge - revisionary metaphysics - revolution

[edit] Rh

Rhazes - rhetoric - rhetoric of science

[edit] Ri

Ricardus Sophista - Richard Kilvington - Richard of Cornwall - Richard of Middleton - Richard of St Victor - Richard Rufus - Richard Rufus of Cornwall - Richard the Sophister - Richard's paradox - Heinrich Rickert - Paul Ricoeur - Paul Ricœur - G. F. B. Riemann - right - the right - right action - right and good - right of nature - rightness - rights - rigid designator - rigorism - rigorous duty - ring of Gyges - risk - risk assessment - risus sophisticus - ritual

[edit] Ro

robot - Jacques Rohault - role obligations - role of decoherence in quantum mechanics - role responsibility - Roman law - Roman philosophy - Judah Romano - romantic irony - romanticism - Romanticism and conservatism - Francisco Romero (philosopher) - Richard Rorty - Richard McKay Rorty - Roscelin de Compiègne - Roscelin de Compiegne - Roscelin of Compiègne - Roscelin of Compiegne - Franz Rosenzweig - Antonio Rosmini - Antonio Rosmini-Serbati - Alf Ross - W. D. Ross - W.D. Ross - William David Ross - Jean-Jacques Rousseau - Josiah Royce - Vasilii Rozanov - Vasilii Vasil'evich Rozanov

[edit] Ru

Musonius Rufus - Richard Rufus - Arnold Ruge - rule - rule consequentialism - rule of addition - rule of conjunction - rule of detachment - rule of double negation - rule of inference - rule of law - rule of recognition - rule of simplification - rule of total evidence - rule utilitarianism - rules - Ruling Argument - Ibn Rushd - Bertrand Russell - Bertrand Arthur William Russell - Russell's moral philosophy - Russell's paradox - Russian empiriocriticism - Russian literary Formalism - Russian materialism - Russian nihilism - Russian philosophy - Russian Religious-Philosophical Renaissance

[edit] Ry

Gilbert Ryle - Ryle's regress

[edit] S

S4 - S5

[edit] Sa

Sa skya Pandita - Saadiah Gaon - Saadiah Gaon al-Fayyumi - al-Sabzawari - al-Hajj Mulla Hadi al-Sabzawari - Ammonius Saccas - sacraments - sacred - sage - Sagya Pandita - Sagypandita - Mark Sainsbury - Saint Petersburg paradox - Saint-Simon - Claude-Henri de Rouvroy, comte de Saint-Simon - Sakti - Saktism - Nathan Salmon - Wesley Salmon - salva veritate - salvation - samadhi - sāmādhi - samanantara-pratyaya - samatha - Samhita - Samkara - Śamkara - Samkhya - Sāmkhya - samples - samsara - samsāra - Francisco Sanches - sactification - sanction - Michael Sandel - Sankara - Śankara - Sankhya - Sānkhya - Sankhya-Yoga - George Santayana - Edward Sapir - Sapir-Whorf hypothesis - Jean-Paul Sartre - sat, chit, ānanda - satisfaction - satisfaction conditions - satisfiable - satisfice - satisficing - saturated - saturated expression - Ferdinand de Saussure - Friedrich Karl von Savigny - saying and showing

[edit] Sc

scalar implicature - Scandinavian philosophy - scepticism - scepticism about law - scepticism about religion - Sceptics - Richard Schacht - Schadenfreude - Max Scheler - Max Ferdinand Scheler - Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling - Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von Schelling - Schellingianism - schema - schemata - schematic form - scheme - scheme of abbreviation - Ferdinand Canning Scott Schiller - Johann Christoph Friedrich Schiller - Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller - Friedrich Schlegel - Friedrich von Schlegel - Friedrich Schleiermacher - Friedrich Daniel Schleiermacher - Friedrich Daniel Ernst Schleiermacher - Friedrich Albert Moritz Schlick - Moritz Schlick - Kaspar Schmidt - Carl Schmitt - Scholastic method - Scholasticism - School of Laws - School of Names - Arthur Schopenhauer - Schröder-Bernstein theorem - Erwin Schrödinger - Schrödinger cat paradox - Schrödinger equation - Gottlob Ernst Schulze - Joseph Alois Schumpeter - Anna Maria van Schurman - Alfred Schutz - Alfred Schütz - science - science and gender - science and knowledge - science and life - science and philosophy - science and religion - science, art, and religion - science in Islamic philosophy - scientia media - scientia universalis - scientific antirealism - scientific behaviorism - scientific determinism - scientific explanation - scientific instruments - scientific knowledge - scientific method - scientific progress - scientific realism - scientific realism and antirealism - scientific realism and social science - scientific relativism - scientific theories - scientific theory - scientific unity - scientism - scientists' belief in God - scope - scope ambiguity - scope fallacies - scope of operators - Scotistic realism - Scottigena - Scottish common sense philosophy - Scottish philosophy - John Duns Scotus - Johannes Scotus Erigena - Johannes Scotus Eriugena - script - Roger Scruton

[edit] Se

sea battle - John Searle - John R. Searle - second actualization - second- and higher-order logics - second imposition - second intention - second law of thermodynamics - second-order - second-order logic - second potentiality - second Thomism - secondarily evaluative word - secondary process - secondary qualities - secondary rule - secondary substance - secondness - secundum quid - security strategy - seeing - seeing as - John Selden - selection - self - self-consciousness - self-control - self-cultivation in Chinese philosophy - self-deception - self-determination - self-evidence - self-interest - self-interest theory - self-justification - self-love - self-organizing system - self-presenting - self-realization - self-reference - self-referential incoherence - self-regarding and other-regarding actions - self-reproducing automaton - self-respect - Roy Wood Sellars - Wilfrid Sellars - Wilfrid Stalker Sellars - semantic ascent - semantic atomism - semantic challenges to realism - semantic completeness - semantic compositionaliry - semantic conceptions of information - semantic consequence - semantic consistency - semantic holism - semantic molecularism - semantic nihilism - semantic paradoxes - semantic paradoxes and theories of truth - semantic solipsism - semantic tableaux - semantic theory of truth - semantic truth - semantics - semi-order - semiosis - semiotic - semiotics - Amartya K. Sen - Lucius Annaeus Seneca - Seneca the Younger - Seng-chao - Sengzhao - sensa - sensation - sensationalism - sense - sense and reference - sense awareness - sense-data - sense-datum theory - sense perception - sense qualia - sensibility - sensible intuition - sensibles - sensorium - sensum - sensus communis - sentence - sentences - sentential calculus - sentential connective - sentential function - sentential operator - sentiment - sentimentalism - sentiments - separation - separation of law and morals - sequent calculus - Serbian philosophy - John Sergeant - set - set-theoretic paradoxes - set-theoretic reflection principles - set theory - Heinrich Seuse - seven emotions - Seven Sages of Greece - Seven Worthies of the Bamboo Grove - sex - sexism - Sextus Empiricus - sexual morality - sexuality

[edit] Sh

Lord Shaftesbury - Anthony Ashley Cooper, third Earl of Shaftesbury - Shah Wali Allah - shamanism - shame - shan - shang ti - Lord Shang - Shang Yang - Shankara - Shao Yong - Shao Yung - Johannes Sharpe - Sheffer stroke - Shem Tov family - shen - Shen Pu-hai - Shen Tao - Shen Tzu - sheng - Mary Shepherd - William Sherwood - Lev Shestov - shih - Shinran - Shinto - Shintō - ship of Theseus - al-Shirazi - Sadr al-Din Muhammad al-Shirazi - Sydney Shoemaker - Shotoku Constitution - Shōtoku Constitution - Gustav Gustavovich Shpet - shriek - shriek operator - shu - Yehuda Leib Shvartsman - William Shyreswood

[edit] Si

Siddhartha Gautama - Siddhārtha Gautama - side constraints - Henry Sidgwick - Siger of Brabant - Sign (semiotics) - sign and symbol - signified - signifier - Signposts movement - signs - al-Sijistani - Abu Sulayman Muhammad al-Sijistani - silhak - Francesco Silvestri - Silvestris Berardus - similarity - Georg Simmel - Simon of Faversham - simple ordering - simple supposition - simple theory of types - simplicity - Simplicius - simplification - Simpson's paradox - simulation theory - simulator - simultaneity - sin - Ibn Sina - sincerity - sine qua non - Peter Singer - Peter A. Singer - single case - singleton set - singular causal relation - singular causal statement - singular term - Sinn - sinsign - Sirhak - Sittlichkeit - situation ethics - situation semantics - situation theory - situational semantics - Siva - six emotions

[edit] Sk

skeptic - skepticism - Skeptics - B. F. Skinner - Burrhus Frederick Skinner - Thoralf Skolem - Skolem-Löwenheim theorem - Skolem normal form - Skolem paradox - Skolem's paradox - Hryhorii Savych Skovoroda

[edit] Sl

slave morality - slave of the passions - slavery - Slavophilism - slime - slippery slope - slippery slope argument - Slovene philosophy

[edit] Sm

J. J. C. Smart - J.J.C. Smart - Jack Smart - John Jamieson Carswell Smart - Adam Smith

[edit] Sn

snow is white

[edit] So

social action - social biology - social choice - social constructionism - social contract - Social Darwinism - social democracy - social dimensions of knowledge - social engineering - social epistemology - social ethics - social facts - social justice - social laws - social norms - social philosophy - social philosophy of science - social relativism - social science - social theory and law - socialism - society - Society of Mind theory - Socinianism - Faustus Socinus - Laelus Socinus - sociobiology - socio-biology - sociolect - sociological jurisprudence - sociology - sociology of knowledge - Socrates - Socrates Scholasticus - Socratic dialogues - Socratic intellectualism - Socratic irony - Socratic method - Socratic paradox - Socratic paradoxes - Socratic schools - soft determinism - software - Shihab al-Din Yahya Sohravardi - Shihāb al-Dīn Yahyā Sohravardī - Sokal Affair - solidarity - solipsism - Solomon Ibn Gabirol - Joseph B. Soloveitchik - Vladimir Solov'ëv - Vladimir Sergeevich Solov'ëv - Vladimir Solovyov - Vladimir Sergeevich Solovyov - Son Buddhism - Song of God - sophia - sophism - sophismata - sophist - Sophists - Sophocles - Richard Sorabji - Richard Ruston Kharsedji Sorabji - Georges Sorel - sorites - sorites paradox - sortal - sortal predicate - Ernest Sosa - Sosan Hyujong - Sôsan Hyujông - Domingo de Soto - soul - soul in Islamic philosophy - soundness - South American philosophy - South Slavic philosophy - sovereignty - Soviet philosophy

[edit] Sp

space - space and time - space-time - spacetime - Spanish philosophy - spatiotemporal continuity - speaker's meaning - special relativity - special senses - special sensibles - species - species problem - speciesism - specious present - speckled hen - spectrum inversion - speculative philosophy - speculative reason - speech act theory - speech acts - speech-acts - Herbert Spencer - Speusippus - Baruch Spinoza - Benedict de Spinoza - Benedictus Spinoza - Afrikan Spir - spirit - spissitude - split brain effects - split brains - spontaneity - spontaneity and indifference - sport - sport and ethics - spread law - T. L. S. Sprigge - T.L.S. Sprigge - Timothy L. S. Sprigge

[edit] Sq

square of opposition

[edit] Sr

Sri Aurobindo

[edit] St

St. Petersburg paradox - stadium paradox - Germaine, madame de Staël - Anne-Louise-Germaine, madame de Staël-Holstein - Stagirite - James Dalrymple, Viscount Stair - Robert Stalnaker - Robert C. Stalnaker - standard analysis - standard interpretation - standard model - standard semantics - state - state description - state function - state of affairs - state of nature - state space - state table - state variable - state verb - statement - statement form - statements - statements and sentences - statistical explanation - statistical independence - statistical law - statistical physics - statistical probability - statistics - statistics and social science - Rudolf Steiner - Leslie Stephen - Sir Leslie Stephen - Charles L. Stevenson - Charles Leslie Stevenson - Dugald Stewart - Stephen Stich - Edward Stillingfeet - stipulative definition - Max Stirner - stochastic process - Stoicism - stone paradox - stories and explanation - George Frederick Stout - Strabo - strategy - Strato - Strato of Lampascus - Straton - David Friedrich Strauss - Leo Strauss - straw man fallacy - P. F. Strawson - P.F. Strawson - Peter Strawson - Peter F. Strawson - Peter Frederick Strawson - stream of consciousness - strict conditional - strict duty - strict identity - strict implication - strict partial order - stroke notation - strong semantic completeness - strong soundness - strong supervenience - Barry Stroud - structural ambiguity - structural violence - structuralism - structuralism in linguistics - structuralism in literary theory - structuralism in social science - structure - structure description - stuff - Sturm und Drang

[edit] Su

Francisco Suárez - Francisco Suarez - sub specie aeternitatis - subaltern - subconscious mind - subcontraries - subcontrary - subdoxastic - subject (philosophy) - subject and predicate - subject-object dichotomy - subjective probability - subjective reason - subjective rightness - subjective truth - subjectivism (see also metaphysical subjectivism) - subjectivity - subjunctive conditional - sublation - sublime - subset - subsidiarity - subsistence - substance - substance and attribute - substance causation - substance-function - substance theory - substantial form - substantialism - substantival causation - substantivalism - substantive pluralism - substitutability salva veritate - substitutional quantification - substitutivity salva veritate - substrate - substratum - substructural logic - subsumption theory of explanation - Gabrielle Suchon - suffering - sufficient condition - sufficient reason - Sufism - Shihab al-Din Yahya al-Suhrawardi - sui generis - suicide - summum bonum - summum genus - Sun Bin - Sun Pin - Sun Tzu - Sun Wu - Sun Yat-sen - Sung Hsing - Sung Tzu - sunyata - śūnyatā - Sunzi - superaltern - superego - supererogation - superman (disambiguation) - supernatural - supernatural theology - supernaturalism - superseding cause - superset - superstructure - supertasks - supervaluation - supervaluation semantics - supervenience - supervenience of the mental - supervenient behaviorism - suppositio - supposition theory - sure-thing principle - surface grammar - surface structure - surplus value - survival - Henry Suso - sustaining cause - sutra

[edit] Sw

Swami Vivekananda - Emanuel Swedenborg - Swedenborgianism - Swedish philosophy - Richard Swinburne

[edit] Sy

syllogism - Francis Sylvester of Ferrara - symbol - symbolic interactionism - symbolic logic - symbols - symmetric relation - symmetrical - symmetry - symmetry thesis - sympathy - symptom - synesthesia - syncategoremata - syncategorematic - synderesis - syndicalism - synechism - synergism - synergy - synonymous definition - synonymy - syntactic ambiguity - syntactic consistency - syntactic term - syntactics - syntax - synthesis - synthetic - synthetic a priori - synthetic a priori judgements - synthetic knowledge - synthetic proposition - synthetic statements - Syrian school - Syrianus - system - systems analysis - systems theory - systems theory in social science

[edit] Sz


[edit] T

T schema - T sentence

[edit] Ta

Ta-hsueh - Ta-hsüeh - Ta Hsüeh - table of categories - table of judgments - tabula rasa - tacit consent - tacit knowledge - Rabindranath Tagore - Tai Chen - t'ai-chi - Hippolyte-Adolphe Taine - Hippolyte Taine - taking children seriously - T'an Ssu-t'ung - Tanabe Hajime - T'ang Chun-i - T'ang Chün-i - Tantra - tao - tao-hsin - tao-hsin and jen-hsin - Tao Te Ching - tao-t'ung - Taoism - Taoist philosophy - tar-water - Tarot - Alfred Tarski - Tarskian biconditional - Tarskian satisfaction - Tarskian semantics - Tarski's definition of truth - Tarski's theorem - Tarski's schema - Tarski's T-schema - Tasan - task verb - taste - John Tauler - tautology - Abu Hayyan al-Tawhidi - taxonomy - Charles Taylor - Harriet Taylor - Richard Taylor

[edit] Te

te - teaching and indoctrinating - teaching philosophy - techne - technology - technology and ethics - Gustav Teichmuller - Gustav Teichmüller - Pierre Teilhard de Chardin - Tel Quel School - telekinesis - teleofunctionalism - teleological argument - teleological argument for the existence of God - teleological ethics - teleological explanation - teleological law - teleological suspension of the ethical - teleological theories of mental content - teleology - telepathy - Bernardino Telesio - telishment - telos - temperance - template - William Temple - temporal becoming - temporal logic - temporal properties - temporal relations - tender-minded - tender-minded and tough-minded - Frederick Robert Tennant - tense and temporal logic - tense logic - tensed identity - Teresa of Ávila - Teresa of Avila - Saint Teresa of Ávila - Saint Teresa of Avila - term - terminist logic - terminus a quo - terminus ad quem - terrorism - tertiary qualities - tertium non datur - Tertullian - Quintus Septimus Florens Tertullian - test of time - testability - testimony - testimony in Indian philosophy - Johann Nicolas Tetens - Johann Nicolaus Tetens - Tetractys

[edit] Th

Thales - Thales of Miletus - Theatetus - theism - thema - Themistius - theodicy - Theodorus of Cyrene - theologica naturalis - theological creationism - theological naturalism - theological virtues - theological voluntarism - theology - theology and philosophy - theology of liberation - Theophrastus - theorem - theoretical concept - theoretical construct - theoretical entity - theoretical identity - theoretical judgment - theoretical rationality - theoretical reason - theoretical reasoning - theoretical term - theoretical underdeterimination - theoretical virtues - theoria - theories - theory - theory and observation in the social sciences - theory and practice - theory-laden - theory of appearing - theory of conduct - theory of descriptions - theory of effluxes - theory of everything (philosophy) - Theory of Forms - theory of frequency - theory of ideas and vision in God - theory of justification - The Theory of Moral Sentiments - theory of relativity - theory of signs - theory of types - theory theory - theosophy - Theravada Buddhism - thermodynamics - thesis - theurgy - Helmut Thielicke - Thierry of Chartres - thing - thing-in-itself - thing in itself - things - thinking - thinking causes - third man argument - Third Man argument - thirdness - thisness - Thomas À Kempis - Thomas Aquinas - Christian Thomas - Thomas of York - Christian Thomasius - Thomism - Judith Jarvis Thomson - Henry David Thoreau - thought - thought experiment - thought experiments - Thrasymachus - Three Profound Treatises - three-valued logic - Three Ways - threshold - Thucydides

[edit] Ti

t'i - ti and yong - t'i and yung - Tibetan Buddhism - Tibetan philosophy - tian - t'ien - t'ien-jen ho-i - t'ien-li - t'ien li and jen-yü - t'ien ming - Tillers - Paul Tillich - time - time lag argument - time preference - time slice - time travel - time-travel - Timon - Timon of Philius - Matthew Tindal - William Tisberi

[edit] To

to be - Alexis de Tocqueville - Tzvetan Todorov - T'oegye - Toegye - token - token epiphenomenalism - token physicalism - token-reflexive - token reflexive - token-token identity - token-type distinction - John Toland - Francisco Toledo - tolerance - toleration - Francisco Toletus - Franciscus Toletus - Count Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoi - Tominaga Nakamoto - tone - Tonghak - tonk - top-down - top down - topic-neutral - topic neutral - topics - total - total evidence - total ordering - totalitarianism - tough-minded - toxin puzzle - Arnold Toynbee

[edit] Tr

tracking - Tractarian - Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus - tradition - traditionalism - traducianism - tragedy - tragedy of the commons - transcendence - transcendental - transcendental analytic - transcendental argument - transcendental arguments - transcendental deduction - transcendental dialectic - transcendental ego - transcendental idealism - transcendental number - transcendental subjectivity - transcendental term - transcendental terms - transcendental unity of apperception - transcendentalia - transcendentalism - transcendentals - transeunt causation - transferable utility - transfinite induction - transfinite number - transformation rule - transformational grammar - transitive - transitive closure - transitive relation - transitivity - translation - translators - transparency - transparent - transparent context - transposition - transubstantiation - transvaluation of values - transversality - traversal of the infinite - tree of Porphyry - Trial of Socrates - trichotomous - trichotomy - Trinitarianism - Trinity - Tripitaka - Ernst Troeltsch - Ernst Peter Wilhelm Troeltsch - trolley problem - trope - Leon Trotsky - Catherine Trotter - true for me - trust - truth - truth and meaning - truth-conditional semantics - truth-conditional theory of meaning - truth conditions - truth-conditions - truth definition - truth-function - truth-functions - truth predicate - truth table - truth-table method - truth theory - truth-value - truth-value gaps - truth-value semantics - truthfulness - truthlikeness - truthmaker principle - trying

[edit] Ts

Ehrenfried Walther von Tschirnhaus - Tsong kha pa Blo bzang grags pa - Tsung-Mi

[edit] Tu

tu quoque - Abraham Tucker - Ernst Tugendhat - Tung Chung-shu - Alan Turing - Alan Mathison Turing - Turing degree - Turing degrees - Turing machine - Turing machine functionalism - Turing machines - Turing reducibility - Turing test - George Turnbull - Khwajah Nasir al-Tusi

[edit] Tw

Twardowski - Kazimierz Twardowski - twin earth - Twin-Earth - Twin Earth thought experiment - Two Dogmas of Empiricism

[edit] Ty

tychism - type - type epiphenomenalism - type materialism - type physicalism - type identity - type-identity theory - type theory - type-token distinction - type-type identity - types

[edit] Tz

tzu jan

[edit] U

Pietro Ubaldi - Ubermensch - Übermensch - Udana - Udayana - Uddyotakara - ugliness - Uisang - Ûisang - Ulrich of Strasbourg - Hermann Ulrici - Miguel de Unamuno - Miguel de Unamuno y Jugo - unary quantifier - uncertainty - uncertainty principle - unconscious - unconscious and subconscious mind - unconscious mental states - unconscious mind - unconsciousness - uncountable - undecidability - undecidable - undefeated - undemonstrable argument - underdetermination - underdetermination thesis - understanding - underworld of philosophy - undistributed middle - unexpected examination paradox - Peter Unger - unhappy consciousness - unified science - uniformity of nature - union - union theory - unisyncretism - unitarianism - unity - unity in diversity - unity of science - unity of the proposition - universal (metaphysics) - universality (philosophy) - universal characteristic - universal constructor - universal disposition - universal generalization - universal grammar - universal instantiation - universal language - universal proposition - universal quantification - universal quantifier - universal relation - universal simulator - universalism - universalism in ethics - universality - universalizability - universals - universe - universe of discourse - unknowable - unlikely philosophical propositions - unmoved mover - unsaturated - unsaturated expression - unsolvability - Upanishads - use-mention distinction - use mention distinction - use theory of meaning - utilitarianism - utility - utility function - utopia - utopianism - Uttara Mimamsa - Uttara Mīmamsā - utterance - utterer - utterer's meaning - Dimitri Uznadze

[edit] V

vacuous - vacuous truth - vague objects - vagueness - Hans Vaihinger - Guillaume du Vair - Vaisesika - Vaiśesika - Valentinianism - Valentinius - Valentinus - valid - validity - Lorenzo Valla - Vallabhacharya - value - value judgments - value judgments in social science - value of a variable - value theory - values - values and facts - Bas C. van Fraassen - Franciscus Mercurius van Helmont - Peter van Inwagen - Giulio Cesare Vanini - Vardhamana Jnatrputra - Vardhamāna Jnātrputra - Francisco Varela - variable - variable realization - variable sum game - vasana - vāsanā - Vasubandhu - Vatsyayana - Vātsyāyana - Emerich de Vattel - Gianni Vattimo - Thomas Vaughan - Luc de Clapiers de Vauvenargues - Vauvenargues - Gabriel Vazquez - Gabriel Vázquez - Veda - Vedanta - Vedānta - Vedas - Vedic religion - vegetarianism - veil of ignorance - veil of perception - velleity - vengeance - John Venn - Venn diagram - verifiability - verifiability theory of meaning - verification - verification principle - verificationism - verisimilitude - Veritatis Splendor - Nicoletto Vernia - Verstehen - verum - vibratinuncle - vice - vices - vicious circle - vicious circle principle - vicious-circle principle - vicious regress - Giambattista Vico - Milan Vidmar - Vienna Circle - Vijnanavada - Vijñānavāda - vijnapti - vijñapti - Michel Villey - Tommaso de Vio - violence - vipassana - vipassanā - virtù - virtu - virtue - virtue epistemology - virtue ethics - virtue theory - virtues - virtues and vices - virtuous circle - Vishnu - vision - Visistadvaita Vedanta - Viśistadvaita Vedanta - visual arts and design - Vital du Four - vital lie - vitalism - Francisco de Vitoria - Juan Luís Vives - Gregory Vlastos - Eric Voegelin - void - Voidism - volition - Voltaire - voluntariness - voluntarism - voluntary act - voluntary euthanasia - August von Ciezkowski - Edouard von Hartmann - Hermann von Helmholtz - Wilhelm von Humboldt - Rudolf von Jhering - John von Neumann - G.H. von Wright - G. H. von Wright - Georg Henrik von Wright - Vorstellung - vortex theory - voting paradox - vulnerability - vulnerability and finitude - Lev Vygotskii - Lev Semenovich Vygotskii - Lev Semënovich Vygotskii - Lev Vygotsky - Lev Semenovich Vygotsky - Boris Vysheslavtsev - Boris Petrovich Vysheslavtsev

[edit] W

- Friedrich Waissman - Alfred Russel Wallace - Michael Walzer - wang - wang and pa - Wang Chong - Wang Chuanshan - Wang Ch'ung - Wang Fu-chih - Wang Fuzhi - Hao Wang - Wang Pi - Wang Yang-ming - Wang Yangming - want-belief model - war and peace - war and philosophy - war of all against all - James Ward - Geoffrey J. Warnock - Mary Warnock - warranted assertability - Warsaw School - John Broadus Watson - Tetsuro Watsuji - Watsuji Tetsurō - wave mechanics - wayward causal chain - weak law of large numbers - weak semantic completeness - weak soundness - weak supervenience - weakness of will - Max Weber - Karl Emil Maximilian Weber - Weber-Fechner law - wedge argument - Simone Weil - Ota Weinberger - Welfare - welfare economics - welfare liberalism - welfarism - well-being - well-formed formula - well-ordered set - well ordered set - well ordering - Weltanschauung - Wertrationalitat - Wertrationalität - Edward Westermarck - Western philosophy - Hermann Weyl - Weyl's paradox - Frantisek Weyr - František Weyr - Franz Weyr - wff - Wheel of life - William Whewell - Benjamin Whichcote - Thomas White - white horse paradox - Alfred North Whitehead - why - why be moral - wide content - wide reflective equilibrium - David Wiggins - Ken Wilber - will - Wille - William Ockham - William of Alnwick - William of Auvergne, Bishop of Paris - William of Auxerre - William of Champeau - William of Conches - William of Heytesbury - William of Moerbeke - William of Ockham - William of Sherwood - Bernard Williams - Bernard A. O. Williams - Bernard Arthur Owen Williams - will to believe - will to live - will to power - Willkur - Willkür - John Cook Wilson - Wilt Chamberlain argument - Wilhelm Windelband - P. G. Winch - wisdom - John Wisdom - Wissenschaftslehre - John Witherspoon - Ludwig Wittgenstein - Ludwig Josef Johann Wittgenstein - Wittgensteinian ethics - Wittgensteinians - Adam Wodeham - Adam de Wodeham - Christian Wolff - William Wollaston - Richard Wollheim - Mary Wollstonecraft - Nicholas Wolterstorff - women in philosophy - Wonchuk - Wonch'uk - Wônch'ūk - Wonhyo - Wōnhyo - woof - work - worker control - works - world-soul - worldline - worldview - Chauncey Wright - Crispin Wright - G. H. von Wright - Georg Henrik von Wright - Jerzy Wroblewski - Jerzy Wróblewski - wu - wu-hsing - wu wei - Wilhelm Wundt - Wilhelm Maximilien Wundt - John Wyclif

[edit] X

Xenocrates - Xenophanes - Xenophon - xin - xing - Xun Zi

[edit] Y

Yajnavalkya - yang - Yang Chu - Yang Hsiung - Yang Xiong - Yangzhu - Yen Yuan - yi - Yi Ching - Yi Hwang - Yi I - Yi Kan - Yi Yulgok - Yijing - yin - yin and yang - Francis Parker Yockey - Yoga - Yogācāra Buddhism - yong - Yoruba epistemology - Young Hegelians - You are what you think - Arthur M. Young - you-wu distinction - - yu - Yugoslav philosophy - yung

[edit] Z

Z - Jacopo Zabarella - Peter Wessel Zapffe - Zarathustra (fictional philosopher) - ZC - Zeami Motokiyo - Zeigarnik effect - Zeitgeist - Eduard Zeller - zen - Zeno of Citium - Zeno of Elea - Zeno of Sidon - Zeno of Tarsus - Zeno's paradoxes - Ernst Zermelo - Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory - zero-sum - ZF - ZFC - Philip Zhai - Zhang Zai - Zheng Xuan - zhi - Zhi Dun - Zhiyi - Zhongyong - Zhou Dunyi - Zhou Guoping - Zhu Xi - Zhuangzi - Zimboe - Zionism - Slavoj Žižek - Florian Znaniecki - Zohar - Zombie - Zongmi - Zorn's lemma - Zoroaster - Zoroastrianism - Zou Yan - Xavier Zubiri - Zweckrationalität

List of philosophical topics (A-C) -- (D-H) -- (I-Q) -- (R-Z)

[edit] See also

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