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List of Dragonlance characters

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A list of the most important Dragonlance characters and their early life in the series.


[edit] Heroes

[edit] Alhana Starbreeze

Main article: Alhana Starbreeze

First introduced in the early chapters of Dragons of Winter Night (1985), Alhana Starbreeze is the princess of Silvaensti, daughter of Lorac Caladon, the Speaker of the Stars. Alhana joins the companions while trying to recruit mercenaries in the city of Tarsis. Travelling clandestinely, she reveals herself to Sturm Brightblade, who becomes the first human to look at her face,[1] establishing a bond between both characters that would last until the end of the novel.

After the War of the Lance she married Porthios Kanan in an attempt to reunite the elven lands of Qualinesti and Silvanesti. However, a plot hatched by an elven senator resulted in the casting out of her and her husband, Porthios, and labeled as dark elves.

During her exile, she gave birth to Silvanoshei Caladon, rightful heir of the combined Elven Nations, but as she was termed a dark elf, he could not rule the two kingdoms.

According to Tracy Hickman, the introduction of this character helped him and Margaret Weis to split the group of heroes (at that point in the storyline consisting of 14 members) in two smaller and more manageable groups.[2] It also marked the definitely split between the novels and the game modules. From this point on, the Dragonlance series began following the storyline set by the novels instead of the one stated in the game modules.[2]

There is a Hungarian symphonic metal band called Alhana, with their first album called Starbreeze (Csillagszellő, in Hungarian)

[edit] Astinus

Main article: Astinus

Astinus is rumored to be the mortal avatar of Gilean, because he sees and records all that happens on Krynn. However, he leaves Krynn after the Chaos War, taking away the books that he has penned, but leaving those of his aides.

Astinus himself is near immortal. It is said that he was there when the world began and he will still be there when the world ends.

[edit] Bupu

A gully dwarf who lived with the Bulp clan in the ruins of Xak Tsaroth. Bupu was intelligent among her people, well known for being able to count past two, a feat few gully dwarves accomplish. In addition, she was a mage among her people, using a dead rat and a dead lizard to perform very minor magic, sometimes she did not even perform the magic, instead someone else did and it looked like she did (an example is in Time of the Twins, wherein Bupu placed a dead lizard on the chest of Lady Crysania, a Revered Daughter of Paladine, who appeared dead at the time, and suddenly Crysania had signs of life. However, in truth, Raistlin Majere had done this magic from afar in Palanthas).

Bupu dresses in rags that humans had thrown away. She has black eyes, a large nose, and her hair is in a bun. Bupu coined the term "a whole bunch" among gully dwarves.

While Bupu was traveling amongst the ruins of Xak Tsaroth, she encountered Raistlin, who cast a charm spell on her. She promptly became infatuated with him, and would follow his every command. She helped the Companions reach Khisanth and, when Xak Tsaroth fell further into the water, she traveled with the Companions back to Solace. When Raistlin said farewell to Bupu, she gave him a parting gift, the spellbook of Fistandantilus.

Bupu married the Highbulp after the War ended. She was found by Tasslehoff Burrfoot, a kender, to testify to the Wizard's Conclave about Raistlin's kindness to her. Bupu later went with Crysania to bring Raistlin back to goodness, however she saw Lord Soth and ran away, terrified. Nothing more of Bupu is known.

[edit] Caramon Majere

Main article: Caramon Majere

The elder twin of Raistlin Majere. He is an attractive and physically strong man. Having worked on farms since his youth, he favors physical activities. After training with Sturm Brightblade under Flint Fireforge's tutelage, he joined a mercenary army and began traveling with his brother. After the War of the Lance, he married Tika Waylan.

[edit] Crysania

A cleric of the newly formed church of Paladine after the events of the Dragons of Spring Dawning, she was convinced that she could turn Raistlin from evil and fell in love with him. Raistlin used her to enter the domain of the evil goddess Takhisis in order to kill her. Crysania survived, but was blinded. After this, she was made head of the church of Paladine.

[edit] Dhamon Grimwulf

Dhamon Grimwulf
Dhamon Grimwulf

Dhamon is a hero, who killed Goldmoon on Malystryx's orders, because he has one of her scales embedded in his leg. Luckily, a silver and a shadow dragon helps free him by breaking the spell on the scale. Thus plagued by the scale he proceeds to engage in thievery and other such activities. His mission in life is that of personal gain and to relieve himself of the scale on his leg, rapidly spreading, enforced by the magic of the Shadow Dragon who's blood was used to undo the control that Malystryx had over Dhamon. Through deception Dhamon is tricked into working for the Shadow Dragon to destroy the Black overlord, Sable. Dhamon struggles with his conscience to undermine the Shadow Dragon and become once again a free soul. Later, when a dragon attempts to use Dhamon to help the shadow dragon rebirth, the process goes awry and Dhamon becomes a shadow dragon. Year later, he yearn for manhood again, and attempts to do so, however it stopped by Sable, and manages to kill her, but also dies.

[edit] Dezra Majere

Dezra Majere is the youngest child of Caramon Majere and Tika Waylan. Her looks and behavior are reminiscent of Caramon's half sister, Kitiara Uth Matar. She is reckless, and has a taste of adventure, but is very close to her family too. She is named after Terry Phillip's wife,[3] In Dezra's Quest, it details how she helped the Forestmaster from evil that was corrupting the forest. Note: In the book context, Dezra was named after Tika's good friend, and long barmaid at the Inn of the Last Home, Dezra Sepadin.

[edit] Elistan

Main article: Elistan

Elistan is a Seeker, a follower of a religion supposed to search for the old gods but that developed into a political movement, who converted to the ancient gods faith once Goldmoon gave him the Disks of Mishakal. He became the first Paladine priest after the Cataclysm, obtaining the title of First Son.

[edit] Fizban

Fizban is the avatar of the god Paladine. He meets up with the Companions when they are traveling to Pax Tharkas in a slave caravan. He appears to them as a muddled old wizard, when he is in fact wise and powerful, secretly aiding them. He is also fond of a fireball spell he can rarely remember the words to. He and Tasslehoff Burrfoot become "close, personal friends" (as Tas is wont to say) along the journey. He "died" in Pax Tharkas, turning into a pile of chicken feathers. He later comes back in the Silver Dragon Mountain to aid in the forging of dragonlances. He claims Flint Fireforge's body in Godshome, taking him to the afterlife. After the defeat of Takhisis, he is revealed for who he truly is and departs.

[edit] Flint Fireforge

Main article: Flint Fireforge

A Neidar (hill dwarf) who exiled himself from his village due to familial conflicts. Spending his life in Solace with eventual travels to Qualinesti to sell his craftsmanship, he befriends Tasslehoff Burrfoot and is the second(?) oldest of the Heroes of the Lance.

[edit] Gilthanas

Son of the Speaker of the Suns, king of the Qualinesti elves, he is the older brother to Laurana and younger brother to Porthios. He dabbles in magic, but did not take the Test[4] and has traditionally been resentful of Laurana's relationship with Tanis Half-Elven. He is purportedly ill-fated, as is mentioned in the sequel, Dragons of Summer Flame.

[edit] Gilthas Pathfinder

Main article: Gilthas

Gilthas Pathfinder was Tanis Half-Elven's (a half-elf) and Laurana Kanan's (a full elf) only child in the fictional series of novels, Dragonlance. His parents named him after his uncle, Gilthanas Kanan. Gilthas was more elven than he was human, making him not quite an elf, but not quite a half-elf either. Gilthas was married in secret to Kerianseray when he was around 55 years old, a young adult by elven standards.

Gilthas was sickly in his young years, and quite frail too, akin to Raistlin Majere in this matter. His hair was light and he had blue eyes, and his human blood made him a bit impatient. He could speak the elven language, as well as Common, like nearly everyone else in the world. He was enthralled by poetry in his young days, sometimes reading, sometimes writing.

As he grew into an adult, he became almost exactly opposite of his younger self. Now his skin was darker, he was less frail and now lean, and his demeanor was serious beyond his age. His face was lined and his hair showing grayness, all while he was still considered young. Gilthas would eventually become Speaker of the Suns, and later fuse that title with Speaker of the Stars when he became king of the Silvanesti, making himself Speaker of the Sun and Stars.

[edit] Goldmoon

Main article: Goldmoon

A barbarian princess, daughter of the chieftain of the Que Shu. She arrived to Solace carrying a blue crystal staff with strange powers, and seeking clerics who could explain her about the lost gods.

[edit] Gunthar uth Wistan

Gunthar on his dragon, with Fizban
Gunthar on his dragon, with Fizban

A Knight of the Rose who became the Grand Master of the Knights of Solamnia during the War of the Lance. Gunthar was married to Lady Belle Uth Wistan, and had two sons, both knights. His eldest son died during the Blue Dragonarmy invasion of Palanthas during the Blue Lady's War, while his youngest son died during the Chaos War.

As an innovator, many of his ideas raised eyebrows in the Knighthood to the point of dividing them when the previous Grand Master died. At one side some supported Derek Crownguard, Knight of the Rose, a traditional knight who wanted to enforce the strictures of the Oath and the Measure. Others, however, argued that the Knighthood needed restructuring to fit the new era and pointed to Gunthar Uth Wistan, Knight of the Sword back then, as the better choice for the task. After Derek's death in the Battle of the High Clerist's Tower during the War of the Lance, nobody was able to oppose Gunthar, who was named Grand Master shortly thereafter.

Gunthar dedicated most of his time to rewriting the Measure, the code by which the Knighthood ruled the behavior of the Knights at all situations. However, the death of his sons and wife heavily depressed him, slowing his progress. As age gripped him, he became to slowly lose his wits, making his new modifications questionable.

The coming of the Dragon Overlords during the Fifth Age, and the apparition of Pyrothraxus near the Isle of Sancrist, prompted Gunthar Uth Wistan to send an invitation to Lady Mirielle Abrena to merge the Knights of Solamnia and the Knights of Takhisis into a single force, the Knights of Sancrist Isle, in order to stand a chance against them. Two years after the suggestion, a force of twelve Knights of Takhisis arrived in representation of the full force to discuss the merging. However, during one of the prepared events to celebrate the meeting of the parties, Gunthar Uth Wistan was tricked into separating from the main group and was ambushed by the mythical boar Mannjaeger, who fatally wounded him.

The Uth Wistan line came to an end with his death on the year 392 AC (9 SC), at the age of 78. Sir Liam Ehrling, Knight of the Rose and High Justice of the Knights of Solamnia, was named his successor.

[edit] Gwyneth

The woman Huma fell in love with, who was really a silver dragon. They rode into battle together during the Third Dragon War, and died together while fighting Takhisis. She was one of the keepers of the Silver Dragon Mountain where Huma obtained the dragonlance.

[edit] Huma Dragonbane

Main article: Huma Dragonbane

Considered the most important hero of the Knights of Solamnia, Huma was a Knight of the Crown during the Third Dragon Wars. Magius was searching for something to end the war on top of the mountains, and believed that Huma could help them, so they search. Eventually, they find the mountain, and there Huma faces three tests/challenges, of which he succeeds. He manages to obtain the dragonlance, and so, becomes a hero when he introduces the dragonlance. Later, he becomes a legend when he rides on a silver dragon, known as Heart, or Gwyneth, and forces Takhsis's armies to disband, as well as Takhsis herself to retreat from Krynn. However, both he and Gwyneth dies.

[edit] Jasper Fireforge

Jasper Fireforge is the nephew of Flint Fireforge. Jasper met up with Dhamon Grimwulf, Blister, Raph, Rig Mer-Kel, and Shaon in New Ports just as they were about to take off for the Citadel of Life. Japser was a mystic under Goldmoon's tutelege. Jasper traveled with Dhamon's adventuring group that had formed, and became good friends with Groller, a deaf half-ogre. He healed Groller, as well as some of the others, on numerous occasions. Jasper goes with Palin, Usha, and Feril to retrieve the Fist of Eli, a magical mace-like weapon, from Beryl's forest. When Dhamon loses himself to Malys's power, Jasper risks his life to save Goldmoon, however he fails and she dies, and he is left with a blow that made his breathing labored and himself physically weak until is was healed at a later date. In the battle to stop Malys from ascending to godhood, Jasper was killed protecting Goldmoon, who had been resurrected during the fight.

[edit] Kang

Kang is the governor of the draconians who live at Teyr. He discovered and recovered the first draconian females, allowing their race to reproduce and to find their destiny.

[edit] Kaz the Minotaur

Main article: Kaz (Dragonlance)

Kaz was a minotaur rescued by Huma Dragonbane from goblins during the Third Dragon War. As an honor debt, Kaz decided to travel with and to protect Huma. He became a good friend and the only witness to Huma's deeds.

[edit] Laurana Kanan

Main article: Laurana Kanan

The daughter of the Speaker of the Suns, king of the Qualinesti elves, Lauralanthalasa Kanan (her full name) is a young, by elven standards, princess who fell in love with her adopted brother, Tanis Half-Elven.

[edit] Linsha Majere

Main article: Linsha Majere

Daughter of Palin and Usha Majere, Linsha joined the Knights of Solamnia in honor of her father's brothers. Linsha specializes in missions where stealth is an important factor, usually collecting information for the Knighthood. She became the first woman to ever join the Order of the Rose, the highest Order in the Solamnic Knighthood.

[edit] Lorac Caladon

Lorac with the Dragon Orb.
Lorac with the Dragon Orb.

An elven king who turned Silvanesti into a tortured land, but also brought hope back to it with his death. He took the Test in the Towers of High Sorcery, allowing him to steal the Dragon Orb. Later, when the Dark Queen attacked, he attempted to control the dragon orb, but failed, so Cyan Bloodane managed to enter his mind, turning Silvanesti into a tortured land. The companions managed to penetrate Silvanesti, and Alhana saved him, however he choose to die for his mistake. When he was buried in Silvanesti by Alhana, his daughter, a healthy tree grew above grave, a vision of hope.

[edit] Palin Majere

Main article: Palin Majere

The youngest son of Caramon and Tika Waylan Majere, Palin studied magic and wore the white robes of good. He traveled very often with his brothers, Sturm and Tanin Majere, while they were trying to finish their quests to become Knights of Solamnia. He was with Tanin and Sturm when they were killed by enemies. However, the enemies decided to hold Palin for ransom. He later plays a large role in the Chaos War and casts an incredibly powerful war spell, written in a spell book of Magius on Chaos.

[edit] Porthios Kanan

He is the eldest son of Solostaran Kanan, who hated Tanis Half-Elven for taking Laurana away. He becomes the Speaker of the Sun when his father dies, and marries Alhana Starbreeze in an attempt to unify their land. However, an elven senator manages to have them declared dark elves, replacing him with Gilthas as the new Speaker.

[edit] Raistlin Majere

Main article: Raistlin Majere

Twin brother of Caramon Majere, Raistlin was a frail and sickly boy. Due to his half-sister Kitiara's intervention, he was sponsored and accepted into the Academy of Magic, becoming an adept student. His passion for the magic arts fueled his will, driving him to sacrifice even his health in order to become a wizard. As an adult, to further show us his ambitions, he strove for godhood as he went on a quest through the past. He would have defeated Takhisis and all of the gods except he saw that this would create a horrible future for himself. Due to a lonely childhood, Raistlin developed a cold personality for all but the lowliest creatures of Krynn. This aspect of his personality leads to him befriending the gully dwarf Bupu. Raistlin Majere is also known as Fistandantilus, the archmage who originally tried to become a god himself.

[edit] Riverwind

Main article: Riverwind

Grandson of Wanderer of the Que Shu, Riverwind was a sheepherder who fell in love with Goldmoon, the chieftain's daughter. After fulfilling a quest to discover proof of the true gods in order to prove his worth, he was sentenced to death for blasphemy. Goldmoon managed to rescue him, and they both escaped, becoming exiles from their tribe.

[edit] Sara Dunstan

Sara tended to Kitiara during her pregnancy, and later adopted Kitiara's unwanted son, Steel Brightblade. When he joined the Knights of Takhsis, she joined it too to watch over him. As he became evil, just like Kitiara, she pleaded with Tanis Half-Elven and Caramon Majere to show him his father's grave, Sturm Brightblade. It was partially successful, and nothing was heard from Sara for a while. Steel was later killed when fighting Chaos. With the dawning of the Fifth Age, Sara created another knighthood, the Legion of Steel, in honor of Steel Brightblade. She died after the Chaos War.

[edit] Silvara

Gilthanas and Silvara
Gilthanas and Silvara

Silvara first appears as a Kagonesti elf in Dragons of Winter Night. She travels with some of the Heroes of the Lance for a time, during which she and Gilthanas fall in love. Secretly, she is a Silver Dragon in disguise, the sister of Heart(Gwyneth), Huma Dragonbane's legendary companion. She reintroduces the knowledge on how to forge the Dragonlances to a human named Theros Ironfeld.

[edit] Sir Pirvan The Wayward

Sir Pirvan The Wayward started as a thief. One day, he stole jewels and gold at the house of Encuintras, and went into a tavern afterwards to celebrate. A man named Silgor and his friends took him underground where he found his friend, Grimsoar One Eye, trapped, so he went to rescue him. He saved Grimsoar and was a hero with the thieves. He ended up returning the jewels to Eskaia and Haimya of House Encuintras. They needed the jewels to ransom back Haimya's husband because he had been captured by pirates. They took Pirvan to help them, since he returned the jewels and gold, so the quest made him a hero.

[edit] Steel Brightblade

Main article: Steel Brightblade

The son of Sturm Brightblade and Kitiara Uth Matar, Steel was tormented by the internal conflict between his good and evil side. Joining the Knights of Takhisis after an invitation by Ariakan, he became a Knight of the Lily. He learned the identity of his father after a meeting with Caramon Majere and Tanis Half-Elven, after which his internal struggle became more evident.

[edit] Sturm Brightblade

Main article: Sturm Brightblade

The son of a Knight of Solamnia, Sturm and his mother were forced to escape from their castle in Solamnia following a uprising. Despite having lost contact with his father, Sturm continued to follow the rules set by the Oath and the Measure, focusing on becoming a Knight of Solamnia. He is murdered by Kitiara, his ex-lover.

[edit] Sturm Majere

The second son of Caramon and Tika Majere, Sturm was named after Sturm Brightblade. Like his older brother Tanin, he had wanted to become a knight since his youth, and joined Tanin in applying to the Knighthood. Sturm was squired and knighted almost at the same time as Tanin, and the siblings traveled together with their youngest brother, Palin Majere.

Sturm died just before the outbreak of the Chaos War, when the Dark Knights of Takhisis assaulted Kalaman. His body rests in Solace.

[edit] Tanin Majere

Main article: Tanin Majere

Tanin was the eldest son of Caramon and Tika Majere. Named after Tanis Half-Elven, he had red curly hair and green eyes, like his mother. During his youth, he adventured with Sturm and Palin Majere, searching for adventures to prove their worth to the Knights of Solamnia. He was eventually knighted, becoming the first Majere to join the Order of the Crown.

While on patrol duty, the Majere siblings discovered a fleet of boats approaching the coast. Instead of running away, their group stayed on the beach, awaiting the enemy. Although vastly outnumbered, they fought bravely. Ultimately, the patrol party was defeated, leading to the death of Tanin and Sturm Majere.

[edit] Tanis Half-Elven

Main article: Tanis Half-Elven

Considered the leader of the Heroes of the Lance, Tanis was a half-elven ranger, son of a Qualinesti elven maid and a human mercenary. His status as a half-breed made him uncomfortable in elven society. After meeting Flint Fireforge during one of the dwarf's visits to Qualinost, Tanis decided to go live with the dwarf in Solace.

[edit] Tasslehoff Burrfoot

Main article: Tasslehoff Burrfoot

A kender who arrived in Solace during his wanderlust and promptly settled himself in Flint Fireforge's house, Tasslehoff became a good friend of both Flint and Tanis Half-Elven.

[edit] Theros Ironfeld

Theros at his forge
Theros at his forge

A smith working in Solace, who also helps exile elves during the early days of the War of the Lance. He obtained the Magical Arm of Ergoth,[5] which allowed him to forge dragonlances.

[edit] Tika Waylan

Tika was the adopted daughter of Otik Sandath, owner of the Inn of the Last Home before the War of the Lance. Her true father, the conman Alleran Waylan, disappeared shortly after her tenth birthday. Despite being a simple inn-keeper, Tika is also brave and spunky. Whacking Draconians in the face with her frying pan, and coming with Caramon on adventures on occasion. She married Caramon Majere during the War of the Lance. Otik retired and left his Inn in charge of the couple.

Tracy Hickman explained that the Dragonlance design group wanted to have a balanced and typical group in terms of role-playing games, and thought Tika as the female warrior of the party.[6] Margaret Weis attributed her appearance because the artists wanted to have a "babe" to paint.[7]

They had five children: Tanin, Sturm, Palin, Laura and Dezra Majere. Sturm and Tanin are deceased.

[edit] Ulin Majere

Son of Palin and Usha Majere, Ulin became a white-robed wizard. He also became good friends with a gold dragon, Sunrise.

[edit] Usha Majere

Main article: Usha Majere

Usha is the daughter of two human slaves who worked in a minotaur ship. Raised by the Irda, the last original ogres after her parents died, Usha sailed to Palanthas to learn about the world. After a meeting with Tasslehoff Burrfoot, in which he points out her eyes are golden like those of Raistlin Majere, Usha names herself as Raistlin's daughter in order to survive her first contact with civilization.

[edit] Villains

[edit] Fistandantilus

Main article: Fistandantilus

Fistandantilus was a black-robed wizard, considered by the other mages as one of the greatest in the history of Krynn. Although human, he used sorcery in order to extend his life. He saved Raistlin Majere's life during his Test, a fact that changed the young mage's life forever.

In Legends, Raistlin goes back in time to a period just before the Cataclysm to learn from Fistandantilus. His true intention was to learn the archmage's power, kill him, and use his new knowledge to open a portal to the Abyss, where he attempted to defeat the dark goddess, Takhisis.

[edit] Ariakan Ariakas

Main article: Ariakan

Ariakan was the leader of the Knights of Takhisis during the Chaos War. He is the son of Zeboim and Lord Duulket Ariakas. He personally recruited Steel Brightblade to the cause. He was killed at the High Clerist's Tower, but he was returned to life following the War of Souls.

[edit] Duulket Ariakas

The High Commander of the Dragonarmies, Duulket Ariakas was first contacted by Takhisis' servants while he was a renowned mercenary. They eventually led him to Sanction, where he received the blessing of Takhisis to form and command an army to invade Ansalon. In the city he was taught strategy and tactics, and received both magical and physical training.

Ariakas died in the Temple of Neraka, betrayed by Raistlin Majere and stabbed by Tanis Half-Elven. He was survived by his only son, Ariakan, born from Zeboim, goddess of the sea.

[edit] Feal-thas

Commander of the White Dragonarmy, Feal-thas was tasked with the construction of the Icewall Castle from which the Dragonarmies were going to control the minotaurs, ogres and barbarians living in the area. A dark elf, exiled from Silvanesti for practicing the dark arts and betraying his own race,[8] Feal-thas kept guard over a dragon orb. Feal-thas died at the hands of Laurana when she travelled to the area to retrieve the fabled object.

[edit] Fewmaster Toede

After the defeat of Feal-thas, Fewmaster Toede, a hobgoblin who used to patrol the Solace area, became the commander of the Green Dragonarmy. He was tasked with the conquest of Kendermore, where he was killed by Kronin Thistleknot after his failed attempt. Toede actually died at least three more times due to a demon's intervention. When he was killed for the last time, he was given a cushy job by the Dragon Queen herself.

[edit] Phair Caron

Commander of the Red Dragonarmy of Ansalon, she was tasked with the conquering of Silvanesti. Assisted by a black-robed dwarven wizard, she managed to invade the area. However, Lorac Caladon, Speaker of the Stars and king of the Silvanesti elves, unleashed the power of a dragon orb, which led to the twisting of his nation into a nightmare. Phair Caron could not survive the mental attacks of the twisted area, dying in madness.

[edit] Verminaard of Nidus

Verminaard stands over Toede.
Verminaard stands over Toede.

Commander of the Red Dragonarmy of Ansalon, he gained his position after Phair Caron's death at the hands of the Silvanesti elves.

Wielding a powerful magical mace, Nightbringer, he established himself in Pax Tharkas, from where he planned the invasion of Abanasinia. Protected by Ember, a red dragon, he was in charge of Pax Tharkas's mines, supplying ore for weapons and armour to the Dragonarmies.

Verminaard became one of the first true clerics since the Cataclysm, gaining holy powers which he used against the Heroes of the Lance during his final battle. However, ultimately Takhisis abandoned him, leading to his death at the heroes' hands.

[edit] Kitiara Uth Matar

Main article: Kitiara Uth Matar

Half-sister of Caramon and Raistlin Majere, Kitiara became a mercenary at a very early age. Wanting to learn more about her Solamnic father, she left Solace searching for him. She was Tanis's lover for a time, but eventually grew tired of him. During her travels she joined the newly formed Dragonarmies of Ansalon, and quickly rose in the ranks to become the commander of the Blue Dragonarmy. She became an ally of Lord Soth, managed to survive the War of the Lance, and continued to pursue her own ambitions for some time thereafter.

[edit] Renowned groups

There are some renowned groups of people who are considered heroes for their acts in times of war, including the Heroes of the Lance, the Last Heroes and the Heroes of the Heart.

[edit] Heroes of the Lance

Main article: Heroes of the Lance

The heroes of the original Dragonlance trilogy, the Heroes of the Lance set the stage for the heroes of later books. The Heroes of the Lance took part in the War of the Lance, and were instrumental in helping to end that conflict.

[edit] Last Heroes

Those who went to the Abyss to fight Chaos during the Chaos War are considered Lost Heroes. Although most of them perished, Palin Majere and Usha managed to escape alive. Another survivor was a blue dragon infected by Chaos. Included in the ranks of these heroes are Steel Brightblade, Tasslehoff Burrfoot and several other unnamed Knights of Solamnia and Knights of Takhisis. These heroes have been entombed in Solace, at the Last Heroes' Tomb. Although he perished before the battle, Tanis Half-Elven's body was laid to rest beside Steel's.

[edit] Heroes of the Heart

The Heroes of the Heart are those who engaged the Dragon Overlord Malystryx during her attempt to become a god of Krynn. Included among these heroes are Jasper Fireforge, Dhamon and several others.

[edit] Dragonarmies of Ansalon

The villains of the Chronicles. Certain members of the Dragonarmies have a connection with the Heroes of the Lance. The Army is structured into Highlords of each color of dragon: red, blue, green, black and white.

[edit] Knights of Takhisis

Main article: Knights of Takhisis

As a foil to the Knights of Solamnia, the Knights of Takhisis are organized, honorable and evil - a deadly combination. After the Chaos War, the name of the order was changed to the Knights of Neraka.

[edit] Legion of Steel

Main article: Legion of Steel

Founded by Sara Dunstan in the name of Steel Brightblade.

[edit] Dragon Overlords

[edit] Others

[edit] Alleran Waylan

Alleran Waylan, also known as Wonderful Waylan is the biological father of Tika Waylan in the fictional Dragonlance world. He had Tika with one of the barmaids at the Inn of the Last Home. Alleran was a minor mage who often entertained crowds, stealing from them in the process. He was, however, rather charming, a good distraction when he was pilfering his customers money. Alleran started off as a trickster skilled at sleight of hand and picked up some small magic from a wandering mage. Alleran eventually abandoned Tika and Otik became her adopted father.

[edit] Arkuden

Arkuden is the name given to Amero, son of Oto and Kinar by the plainsmen of dragonlance. He is the brother of Nianki (Karada, the scarred one) and Menni (Zannian). He becomes Arkuden after he is saved and befriended by the Bronze dragon, Duranix. Becoming both pet and friend of the dragon, Arkuden creates the first plainsman city to ever exist on Krynn, Yala-tene. A thoughtful and wise leader, he leads his people, whom are composed of wandering nomads, in peaceful and thoughtful ways. More than a few times will he consult his draconic friend, Duranix, for help, whether it be from attacking raiders or from simple everyday troubles. Appears in the all three books of The Barbarians Saga written by Paul B. Thompson and Tonya C. Cook.

[edit] Berem/The Everman

The Foundation Stone was discovered by Jasla and her brother Berem, who decided to take one of the emeralds decorating it, accidentally killing his sister when she tried to stop him. The emerald fuses in Berem's chest, granting him immortality. Without the emerald, the Foundation Stone is useless, and Takhisis is prevented from entering Krynn. She commands her forces to search for Berem, who is known to them as the Everman.

[edit] Laura Majere

Laura Majere (373 AC -) is a fictional character from the Dragonlance series of books. She had red hair once, though it has now turned white.

Laura is the daughter of Caramon and Tika Waylan Majere. Unlike her siblings or parents, Laura did not follow the life of an adventurer, instead she took over running the Inn of the Last Home from her parents.

[edit] Pheragas

Pheragas was an Ergothian and a sailor who was captured and forced to fight in the games of Istar, where he, along with the Sirene Kiiri, became favorites. In one timeline, he went with Fistandantilus and Denubis to be General of Fistandantilus's army. When Raistlin, Caramon, and Cysania came back, they altered this, with Caramon replacing Pheragas as General and Pheragas dying in the last battle at the games of Istar.

[edit] Solostaran Kanan

The Speaker of the Suns during the War of the Lance.

[edit] Wanderer the Elder

Wanderer was Riverwind's grandfather, notable for being one of the only Que-Shu to still believe in the ancient gods, perhaps instilling those beliefs in Riverwind.

[edit] Wanderer (Riverwind's Son)

Wanderer, son of Riverwind and Goldmoon, was born 352 AC and named in honor of Riverwind's father, Wanderer the Elder. He later had a son of his own, but during the Chaos War, when shadow wights attacked the tribe, his child's mother was essentially wiped from existence, with not even Wanderer able to remember her.

[edit] References

  1. ^ Margaret Weis, Tracy Hickman [November 1999]. “Book 2, volume 1, chapter 5, The riot. Tas disappears. Alhana Starbreeze.”, The Annotated Chronicles, 1st edition, Wizards of the Coast, 538. ISBN 0-7869-1870-5. Retrieved on 2006-07-01.
  2. ^ a b Margaret Weis, Tracy Hickman [November 1999]. “Book 2, volume 1, chapter 8, Escape from Tarsis. The story of the Dragon Orbs.”, The Annotated Chronicles, 1st edition, Wizards of the Coast, 574. ISBN 0-7869-1870-5. Retrieved on 2006-07-01.
  3. ^ Margaret Weis, Tracy Hickman [November 1999]. “Book 2, chapter 2, The stranger. Captured!”, The Annotated Chronicles, 1st edition, Wizards of the Coast, 298. ISBN 0-7869-1870-5. Retrieved on 2006-07-01.
  4. ^ Margaret Weis, Tracy Hickman [November 1999]. “Book 2, chapter 7, Dark journey.”, The Annotated Chronicles, 1st edition, Wizards of the Coast, 710. ISBN 0-7869-1870-5. Retrieved on 2006-07-01.
  5. ^ Margaret Weis, Tracy Hickman [November 1999]. “Book 2, chapter 3, The Speaker of the Suns. Laurana's decision.”, The Annotated Chronicles, 1st edition, Wizards of the Coast, 679. ISBN 0-7869-1870-5. Retrieved on 2006-07-01.
  6. ^ Margaret Weis, Tracy Hickman [November 1999]. “Book 1, volume 1, chapter 2, Return to the Inn. A shock. The oath is broken.”, The Annotated Chronicles, 1st edition, Wizards of the Coast, 36. ISBN 0-7869-1870-5. Retrieved on 2006-07-01.
  7. ^ Margaret Weis, Tracy Hickman [November 1999]. “Book 2, volume 1, chapter 5, The riot. Tas disappears. Alhana Starbreeze.”, The Annotated Chronicles, 1st edition, Wizards of the Coast, 528. ISBN 0-7869-1870-5. Retrieved on 2006-07-01.
  8. ^ Margaret Weis, Tracy Hickman [November 1999]. “Book 2, chapter 2, The White Dragon. Captured!”, The Annotated Chronicles, 1st edition, Wizards of the Coast, 646. ISBN 0-7869-1870-5. Retrieved on 2006-07-22.

[edit] Other books

  • Margaret Weis; Tracy Hickman (2000). Dragons of Autumn Twilight: Chronicles vol. I. Wizards of the Coast. ISBN 0-7869-1574-9.
  • Margaret Weis; Tracy Hickman (2000). Dragons of Winter Night: Chronicles vol. II. Wizards of the Coast. ISBN 0-7869-1609-5.
  • Margaret Weis; Tracy Hickman (2000). Dragons of Spring Dawning: Chronicles vol. III. Wizards of the Coast. ISBN 0-7869-1589-7.
  • Margaret Weis; Tracy Hickman (2000). Time of the Twins: Legends vol. I. Wizards of the Coast. ISBN 0-7869-1804-7.
  • Margaret Weis; Tracy Hickman (2000). War of the Twins: Legends vol. II. Wizards of the Coast. ISBN 0-7869-1805-5.
  • Margaret Weis; Tracy Hickman (2000). Test of the Twins: Legends vol. III. Wizards of the Coast. ISBN 0-7869-1806-3.
  • Margaret Weis; Tracy Hickman (2002). The Second Generation. Wizards of the Coast. ISBN 0-7869-2694-5.
  • Margaret Weis; Tracy Hickman (2002). Dragons of Summer Flame. Wizards of the Coast. ISBN 0-7869-2708-9.
  • Weis, Margaret (2003). The Soulforge: Raistlin Chronicles vol. I. Wizards of the Coast. ISBN 0-7869-1314-2.
  • Margaret Weis; Don Perrin (2000). Brothers in Arms: Raistlin Chronicles vol. II. Wizards of the Coast. ISBN 0-7869-1429-7.
  • Margaret Weis; Tracy Hickman (2003). Dragons of a Fallen Sun: The War of Souls vol. I. Wizards of the Coast. ISBN 0-7869-1807-1.
  • Margaret Weis; Tracy Hickman (2002). Dragons of a Lost Star: The War of Souls vol. II. Wizards of the Coast. ISBN 0-7869-2706-2.
  • Margaret Weis; Tracy Hickman (2003). Dragons of a Vanished Moon: The War of Souls vol. III. Wizards of the Coast. ISBN 0-7869-2950-2.
  • Stein, Kevin (2000). Brothers Majere: Preludes vol. III. Wizards of the Coast. ISBN 0-7869-2971-5.
  • Sullivan, Stephen (2002). The Dragon Isles. Wizards of the Coast. ISBN 0-7869-2827-1.
  • Paul Thompson; Tonya Cook (2004). Firstborn: The Elven Nations trilogy vol. I. Wizards of the Coast. ISBN 0-7869-3367-4.
  • Niles, Douglas (2004). The Kinslayer Wars: The Elven Nations trilogy vol. II. Wizards of the Coast. ISBN 0-7869-3370-4.
  • Paul Thompson; Tonya Cook (2004). The Qualinesti: The Elven Nations trilogy vol. III. Wizards of the Coast. ISBN 0-7869-3373-9.
  • Mary Kirchoff; Steve Winter (1991). Wanderlust: The Meetings Sextet vol. II. TSR. ISBN 1-56076-115-6.
  • Niles, Douglas (1993). Emperor of Ansalon: Villains Series vol. III. TSR. ISBN 1-56076-680-8.
  • Pierson, Chris (1999). Dezra's Quest: Bridges of Time Series. Wizards of the Coast. ISBN 0-7869-1368-1.

[edit] External links

 Books  Dragons of Autumn Twilight | Dragons of Winter Night | Dragons of Spring Dawning more...
 Characters Tasslehoff Burrfoot | Dalamar | Flint Fireforge | Tanis Half-Elven | Steel Brightblade | Sturm Brightblade | Goldmoon | Riverwind | Caramon Majere | Raistlin Majere | Kitiara Uth Matar | more...
 Deities Paladine | Gilean | Takhisis | Mishakal | Sargonnas | Reorx | Solinari | Lunitari | Nuitari | more...
 Authors Margaret Weis | Tracy Hickman | Stan! | Don Perrin | Jean Rabe | more...
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