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Isaac - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


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An angel prevents Abraham from sacrificing Isaac in this illumation from a 14th century Icelandic manuscript.
An angel prevents Abraham from sacrificing Isaac in this illumation from a 14th century Icelandic manuscript.

Isaac or Yitzchak (Hebrew: יִצְחָק, Standard Yiẓḥaq Tiberian Yiṣḥāq ; Arabic: إسحٰق, ʾIsḥāq ; "he will laugh") is the son and heir of Abraham and the father of Jacob and Esau as described in the Hebrew Bible. His story is told in the Book of Genesis.


[edit] Name

Three explanations for Isaac's name are given: the first is that his mother Sarai(Sarah) laughed when told by God that he would have a son in his old age (Genesis 17:16-17); in the second, it is Sarah who laughs (Genesis 18:10-12); and in the third, Sarah exclaims following the birth that "God has made laughter for me; every one who hears will laugh over me." (Genesis 21:6-7). The name is also translated as "He will rejoice."

Some commentators believe that in the Book of Amos there is some suggestion that Israel may actually be another name for Isaac (Amos 7:9, 16) despite the Bible stating that Israel is the later name given to Isaac's son Jacob (Genesis 32:22-28, especially 28).

[edit] Isaac in the Hebrew Bible

[edit] Summary

Isaac was born to Abraham by his wife Sarah and was the only child they had together. He was the longest lived of the three patriarchs (Genesis 21:1-3). Isaac was circumcised by his father when he was eight days old (Genesis 4-7); and a great feast was held in connection with his being weaned.

The angel hinders the offering up of Isaac, by Rembrandt
The angel hinders the offering up of Isaac, by Rembrandt

Sarah chose the name Isaac, because an angel promised that she would become a mother. She was beyond the age of having children and privately laughed at the prediction. When the child was born, she said "God had made me to laugh, so that all that hear will laugh with me". She suckled the child herself and would not suffer Ishmael to inherit with him, but prevailed on Abraham to turn him and his mother Hagar out of doors.

When Isaac was about twenty-five years of age, the Lord tried Abraham and commanded him to sacrifice his son. Abraham obeyed and took Isaac, with two of his servants, to the place the Lord should show him. On the third day, discerning the place (supposed to be mount Moriah), he took the wood as for a burn-offering, placed it on his son Isaac, and took fire in his hand and a knife. As they went together toward the mount, Isaac said, "We have the fire and the wood, but where is the sacrifice for the burnt-offering?". Abraham answered. "Dear son, God will provide a lamb for himself."
When they had arrived at the appointed place, Abraham put the wood in order, bound his beloved son Isaac as a sacrifice, and taking the knife, stretched forth his hand to kill him. But an angel of the Lord prevented him doing so and provided another sacrifice (a ram).

When Isaac was forty years of age, Abraham sent Eliezer, his steward, into Mesopotamia to procure a wife for him, from Laban, his brother-in-law's family. Rebekah was sent and became the wife of Isaac. Being barren, Isaac prayed for her and God granted her the favour of conception. She was delivered of twins, named Esau and Jacob. Isaac favoured Esau, and Rebekah Jacob.

Some years afterwards, a famine obliged Isaac to retire to Gerar, where Abimelech was king, and as his father has done previously, he reported that Rebekah was his sister. Abimelech, having discovered that she was his wife reproved him for the deception.
Isaac grew very rich and his flocks multiplying, the Philistines of Gerar were so envious that they filled up all the wells which Isaac's servants had dug. At the desire of Abimelech he departed and pitched his tent in the valley of Gerar where he dug new wells, but was again put to some difficulties. At length, he returned to Beersheba where he fixed his habitation. Here the Lord appeared to him, and renewed the promise of blessing him. Also Abimelech visited him to form an alliance.

Isaac, having grown very old (137 years) and his sight being extremely weakened called Esau, his eldest son, and directed him to procure some venison for him. But while Esau was hunting, Jacob sneakily obtained the blessing, so that Isaac could only give Esau a secondary blessing. Isaac lived some time after this, and sent Jacob into Mesopotamia to take a wife of his own family.

[edit] Genealogy of Isaac

Hebrew Bible/Old Testament's Genealogy from Adam to David
Adam to Shem Adam Seth Enos Kenan Mahalalel Jared Enoch Methuselah Lamech Noah Shem
Arpachshad to Jacob Arpachshad Shelah Eber Peleg Reu Serug Nahor Terah Abraham Isaac Jacob
Judah to David Judah Perez Hezron Aram Amminadab Nahshon Salmon Boaz Obed Jesse David

Sons of Abraham by wife
Hagar Ishmael
Sarah Isaac
Keturah Zimran Jokshan Medan Midian Ishbak Shuah

[edit] Isaac in the New Testament

In the New Testament, reference is made to his having been "offered up" by his father (Heb. 11:17; James 2:21), and to his blessing his sons (Heb. 11:20). As the child of promise, he is contrasted with Ishmael (Rom. 9:7, 10; Gal. 4:28; Heb. 11:18).

Isaac, many Christians have come to believe, is a representation of us, who were condemned to death by our evil deeds. And it was by his faith that Abraham saved his child from death, and God provided a worthy sacrifice for himself, a sheep, symbolising Christ.

[edit] Isaac in Qur'an

Isaac was given to Sarah, when she and Abraham were old. It is recorded that she laughed when God gave her good tidings of Isaac's birth (14:39)(11:71-72)(37:112-113).

According to the Qur'an, the God (Arabic:Allah) whom Abraham, Ishmael and Isaac worshipped was the same God the sons of Jacob worshipped and surrendered to. They were called neither Jewish nor Arabs in that time, but were considered righteous. Isaac and Jacob were made chiefs who guided by the command of God, and God inspired in them to do good deeds and establish worship and the giving of alms. Isaac and Jacob were worshippers of God alone.
Isaac and Jacob are descendants of Abraham, who is called from a place where people were worshipping idols. Isaac and Jacob are both considered prophets and were given the mercy of God. He assigned to them a high and true renown.
God established the prophethood and the Scripture among the seed of Isaac and Jacob, and they were rewarded in the world (19:49-50)(21:72-73)(29:27).

The Qu'ran states that it makes no distinction between which was revealed unto Abraham, and Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, and the tribes, and that which Moses and Jesus received, and that which other prophets received from God (2:133-140)(3:84)

Abraham, Isaac and Jacob are called the forefathers of Joseph, upon whom God had perfected His grace. Joseph followed the same religion as his father (12:6)(12:38).
Abraham, Isaac and Jacob are called bondmen of God and were purified with a pure thought ('remembrance of the Home/Hereafter') and were in the sight of God of the elect and the excellent (38:45-47).

According to Islamic beliefs, it was Ishmael and not Isaac whom Abraham nearly sacrificed in the name of Allah[citation needed]. The Qur'an itself though gives no name of the son that Abraham nearly sacrificed.

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