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Portal:Indonesia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


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Flag of the Republic Of Indonesia Coat of arms of the Republic of Indonesia
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Indonesia, officially the Republic of Indonesia (Indonesian: Republik Indonesia), is a nation of islands consisting of almost 18,000 islands located in the South East Asian Archipelago. From the city of Sabang to Merauke to east about 5000 km and from the Island of Miangas to the Islands of Rote to south about 1000 km, Indonesia respects its diversity with the motto Bhineka Tunggal Ika or "Unity in Diversity". Jakarta, the nation's capital city is located on island of Java, which is one of the five most populated Indonesian islands, along with Sumatra, Kalimantan (Borneo), Sulawesi and New Guinea.

Since the seventeenth century, the archipelago has been inhabited by the Portuguese, Dutch and British, mainly for exploration and trading. Later, these countries demanded more than just spices and started colonising Indonesia. The Dutch ruled Indonesia for more than 300 years and in 1942, the Japanese arrived in Indonesia and ruled for three years.

Indonesia declared its independence from the Japanese on August 17, 1945. The country has more than 200 million citizens and is the most populous Muslim-majority nation. Currently, Indonesia is trying to recover after a series of disasters such as the 2004 Tsunami and 2006 Java earthquake.


Selected article

Indonesian (Bahasa Indonesia) is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a standardized dialect of the Malay language that was officially defined with the declaration of Indonesian independence in 1945, and the two languages remain quite similar.

The language is spoken fluently as either a first or second language by most Indonesians, who generally also use a regional language (examples are Minangkabau and Javanese) at home and in their local community. Most formal education, as well as nearly all national media and other communication, are in Indonesian. In East Timor, Indonesian is recognized by the constitution as one of the two working languages (the other is English).

The Indonesian name for the language is Bahasa Indonesia (literally language of Indonesia); this name is sometimes used in English as well. The language is sometimes called "Bahasa" by English-speakers, though this simply means "language" in Indonesian.

Indonesian is a normative form of the Malay language, an Austronesian (or Malayo-Polynesian) language which had been used as a lingua franca in the Indonesian archipelago for centuries, and was elevated to the status of official language with the Indonesian declaration of independence in 1945, drawing inspiration from the Sumpah Pemuda (Youth's Oath) event in 1928. It is very similar to the official Malaysian form of the language. However it does differ from the Malaysian form in some ways, with differences in pronunciation and also in vocabulary, due in large part to the many Dutch and Javanese words in the Indonesian vocabulary.(Read more...)


Selected picture

Jamu is a traditional drink of Javanese people. Fluids from a certain herbs are extracted to create the drink. Javanese beliefs that drinking certain jamu can restore their energy, vitality or sometimes sexuality.

Photo credit: avantsteve


Did you know

  • ... that the westernmost island of Indonesia, Weh Island, is the only known habitat of the threatened toad species, Bufo valhallae, according to IUCN list? The island is also known for its coral reef and the 21st finding of the rare and unusual megamouth shark (picture) in 2004.
  • ... that one possible origin of the name of Krakatau is based on a linguistic misinterpretation of kaga' tau; meaning I don't know in Betawi language. Once, a captain ship asked a local inhabitant the island's name, and he replied "kaga' tau!".
  • ... that there is a lake called Kelimutu Lake or Danau Tiga Warna (three colors lake) in East Nusa Tenggara? It has three colors and changes periodically every year.
  • ... that Abangan literally means red in English, a term coined by Clifford Geertz to refer to Javanese Muslims who practice syncretism as a result of mixture between Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism and Animism traditions.
  • ... that the Bugis, a sea-faring people of Southern Sulawesi, were trading with Aboriginal people of Northern Australia long before European colonists arrived in the area. The products of the forest and sea that they brought back were avidly sought after in the markets of Asia, where they were bartered for opium, silk, cotton, firearms and gunpowder.

Selected biography

Mohammad Hatta (August 12, 1902 - March 14, 1980) was born in Bukittinggi, West Sumatra, Indonesia. He was Indonesia's first vice president, after being the country's Prime Minister. Known as "The Proclamator", he and a number of Indonesians, including the first president of Indonesia, Sukarno, fought for the independence of Indonesia from the Dutch East Indies. He studied in the Netherlands since 1921 until 1932. In fact, since his early education, he studied in Netherlands-based school in Indonesia.

Mohammad Hatta was born in Bukittinggi on 12 August 1902 into a prominent and devout Muslim family. He is often remembered as Bung Hatta ('Bung' being an affectionate title used to address colleagues, popular in early 1900s) and is still used by Indonesians.(Read more...)


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Provinces of IndonesiaNanggroe Aceh DarussalamNorth SumatraWest SumatraRiauRiau IslandsJambiBengkuluSouth SumatraBangka-BelitungLampungJakartaBantenWest JavaCentral JavaYogyakarta Special RegionEast JavaNusa TenggaraWest Nusa TenggaraBaliEast Nusa TenggaraWest KalimantanCentral KalimantanSouth KalimantanEast KalimantanNorth SulawesiGorontaloCentral SulawesiSouth East SulawesiSouth SulawesiWest SulawesiMalukuNorth MalukuJayapuraWest Irian Jaya

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Indonesia Topics

History Sailendra | Srivijaya | Kingdom of Mataram | Kediri | Singhasari | Majapahit | Sultanate of Mataram | Dutch East Indies
|Anglo-Dutch Java War | Padri War | Java War | Aceh War | National Revival | Declaration of Independence |National Revolution
| Asian-African Conference | Indonesia-Malaysia Confrontation | New Order | Overthrow of Sukarno | Act of Free Choice | Dili massacre
| Reformation | Revolution of 1998 | 2004 Indian Ocean Earthquake
Geography &
Cities | Islands | Lakes | Mountains | National Parks | Rivers | Fauna | Flora | Volcanoes
Government Provinces | Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam | North Sumatra | West Sumatra | Riau | Riau Islands | Jambi | Bengkulu | South Sumatra
| Bangka-Belitung | Lampung | Jakarta | Banten | West Java | Central Java | Yogyakarta Special Region | East Java | Nusa Tenggara
| West Nusa Tenggara | Bali | East Nusa Tenggara | West Kalimantan | Central Kalimantan | South Kalimantan | East Kalimantan
| North Sulawesi | Gorontalo | Central Sulawesi | South East Sulawesi | South Sulawesi | West Sulawesi | Maluku | North Maluku | Jayapura
| West Irian Jaya | Subdivisions | Foreign relations | Military | Law | Law enforcement | Electoral system
Politics Political parties | Golkar | Indonesian Democratic Party-Struggle | National Awakening Party | United Development Party | Democratic Party | Prosperous Justice Party | National Mandate Party | Crescent Star Party | Reform Star Party | Prosperous Peace Party | Concern for the Nation Functional Party | Justice and Unity Party | Freedom Bull National Party | United Democratic Nationhood Party |
Indonesian National Party Marhaenism | Indonesian Democratic Vanguard Party | Vanguard Party | Elections
Economy Companies | Communications | Tourism | Transport | Stock Exchange
Demographics Ethnic groups | Languages | Religion
Culture Art | Architecture | Cinema | Cuisine | Dance | Education | Literature | Music | Public holidays | Media | Sport
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