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User talk:Holy Ganga

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[edit] Vandal ip

Hi. Sorry I had to edit your discussion page, but it seems we have a problem from anonymous user, who has been adding biased and terrorist-sympathetic propaganda to wikipedia articles on 2002 Gujarat Violence and RamJanmabhoomi. I'm monitoring these articles, but please add them to your watchlist (if you haven't done so already). How do I report this guy to wikipedia moderators? Thanks -Netaji 14:47, 21 June 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Spirituality page

The links on the spirituality page are intended to give information about what they link to. "Ebooks and Articles on Spirituality." is a misleading title for a site that is devoted exclusively to Swami Krishnananda. Such a title gives the impression that someone is intentionally trying to deceive readers into following a link under false pretenses. Please help ensure that links are accurately and truthfully titled. Hgilbert 00:07, 17 May 2006 (UTC)

I have not reverted anything but only added description of Hindu spiritual sites. As far as Krishnananda site is concerned , plz open that site. That site is basically a site for Ebooks and articles. Some description of site is better than blank. Present description is also fine, I have no problem with that. -Holy Ganga talk 10:28, 18 May 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Images

You will note that in most of the 7-10 pages, I have replaced that image with one of another Hindu temple (Angkor/Tirupati/Srirangam). Please understand that this Aksardham Temple (and associated sect) is very new (even if it is very rich), and has become famous only because a massive new temple has been built. Religion is not about publicity, money or size. This image cannot be allowed to become the face of Hinduism in so many pages -- THAT is a suspicious agenda, not the replacement with images of old and venerable temples hallowed by centuries of pilgrims and saints. One may ask what your problem / agenda is in championing that image rather than allowing the replacement? Why are you going around removing the temple-images I used?? ImpuMozhi 19:39, 19 May 2006 (UTC)

Weather it is new or old, reality is, this denomination of Hinduism have build massive new grand scale temples of Hinduism both in India and abroad as you said. Most of us may not belong to this denomination but that doesn't mean temple of this denomination which has become modern face of Indian architecture should be blocked because personally we don't like it. I have nothing against old temples but how can you adjust those temples in articles like religion (where it talks about new temples of Hinduism and picture of old temple is already present), India (where picture of ancient religious building is already present), Religious beliefs (which talks about modern reasons) etc.
By the way, in most of the Hinduism related aticles, pictures of old temples like Meenaksi in Temple article, Tirupati in Hinduism article, Prambanan in Indonesia and religion article, Pashupatinath in Hinduism article etc. etc. were linked by me and article like List of Hindu temples were started by me. God forbid, i have no personal agenda or problem against ancient temples of Hinduism.- Holy Ganga talk 19:55, 19 May 2006 (UTC)

Let us discuss this without rancour. I have nothing particularly against the image, if it appears on a few relevant pages. As of now, it appears on Wikipedia out of all proportion to what one might expect for its actual importance in Hinduism. It is not Kashi or Rameshwaram, but people may think it is even more important, seeing how it is found on every page. This wrong projection should be avoided. That group has built some temples abroad, but there are other groups with large contributions who are unknown -- look at this list. These temples are also "Modern". There is a lot of good work going on in many places, and we need to take a balanced view on Wikipedia. Let us not have excess links to any single image. Since you say that the image of Meenakshi temple was first placed by you in the Temple page, maybe you could please replace it again. There are many good reasons: the 'Temple' page does not demand a "modern" temple; Madurai temple is an extremely important temple; even in size, it is much larger than Akshardham :).

Look at one funny effect of all the publicity: Akshardham (Gandhinagar) is a 15-year-old temple, but very few Wikipedia pages were linked to that. On Wikipedia, "Akshardham" meant only Akshardham Delhi, and other redirects also linked there. I had to repair all this in the past few hours, linking to Gandhinagar or Delhi as per context and creating a disambiguation page. Regards, ImpuMozhi 21:34, 19 May 2006 (UTC)

Don't worry , people will not think anything wrong about Hinduism because of Akshardhan. Akshardham is not even present in Hinduism article. There are inumerable ancient temple images in different articles allover but i don't know why you have problem with this one Image. In temple article, one ancient temple image is already there, then what's the problem if high quality image of most modern and grand Hindu temple complex is also placed? They represent both ancient and modern faces of Sanatana Dharma and architecture of it's ancient and modern temples. It's possible Akshardham (Delhi) is linked at more places than Gandhinarar because it is suitated in the capital of India, it's is the latest Hindu temple built on a grand scale and it's the biggest ever project of Akshardham denomination. Now we can't link Akshardham Gandinagar in Delhi, Tourist attractions in delhi, Religion (where it talks about newly built temples), etc. Thank you for repairing that link. Regards. - Holy Ganga talk 07:04, 20 May 2006 (UTC)

Hi, I agree with holy ganga about erasure of Akshardham images.. I think akshardham people do not have any personal agenda about populating the wikipedia pages.. I would suggest to add a modern hinduism section in the Hinduism article and put details about newly created temples there.. I have personnaly visited this amazing temple and I bet it deserves its place in modern hinduism section at least.. Uday 07:10, 22 May 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Hinduism in Nepal

shouldn't that be updated now.--Dangerous-Boy 08:56, 20 May 2006 (UTC)

[edit] VandalProof 1.2 Now Available

After a lenghty, but much-needed Wikibreak, I'm happy to announce that version 1.2 of VandalProof is now available for download! Beyond fixing some of the most obnoxious bugs, like the persistent crash on start-up that many have experienced, version 1.2 also offers a wide variety of new features, including a stub-sorter, a global user whitelist and blacklist, navigational controls, and greater customization. You can find a full list of the new features here. While I believe this release to be a significant improvement over the last, it's nonetheless nowhere near the end of the line for VandalProof. Thanks to Rob Church, I now have an account on with SysOp rights and have already been hard at work incorporating administrative tools into VandalProof, which I plan to make available in the near future. An example of one such SysOp tool that I'm working on incorporating is my simple history merge tool, which simplifies the process of performing history merges from one article into another. Anyway, if you haven't already, I'd encourage you to download and install version 1.2 and take it out for a test-drive. As always, your suggestions for improvement are always appreciated, and I hope that you will find this new version useful. Happy editing! --AmiDaniel (talk) 02:31, 21 May 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Original Research

I have tagged the section until proper citation is available. Anwar 19:57, 23 May 2006 (UTC)

Sources of almost all statements have been provided in that section. I have removed your recent addition for citation in that particular section because it's explanation is already present in it's previous section "Conversion to religions of Indic origin". - Holy Ganga talk 20:06, 23 May 2006 (UTC)

[edit] VP Abuse Report

Some concerns have been raised about your use of VandalProof, and I've generated a report of your activity here. I would appreciate if you could comment on some of the concerns that have been raised, and I would also like to clarify that VandalProof should only be used to revert obvious vandalism, not to aid in content disputes or edit wars. Thanks. AmiDaniel (talk) 21:49, 24 May 2006 (UTC)

I have responded on the RfA page to the issue raised by a popular Vandal Anwar , Regards - Holy Ganga talk 19:41, 30 May 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Visit to Somnath Temple

From vkvora2001 to Holy Ganga : This refers to your visit to Somnath Temple on Wikipedia. Many vegetarian consider the Milk as Animal Food. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia say - Vegetarianism is the practice of not eating meat, including beef, poultry, fish, or their by-products, with or without the use of dairy products or eggs. The exclusion may also extend to products derived from animal carcasses, such as lard, tallow, gelatin, rennet and cochineal. Some who follow the diet also choose to refrain from wearing clothing that involves the death of animals, such as leather, silk, fur and many down feathers. While most vegetarians consume dairy products, veganism is a stricter form which excludes dairy, eggs, and any foods that contain these or other animal products. Still stricter is fruitarianism, which excludes all food but the botanic fruits of plants.
For me God and Religion are myth. I support the vegetarian and try myself not to use Milk and articles from animals. vkvora 15:55, 28 May 2006 (UTC)
  Mr. Vkvora 
    Try Buddhism. Its very scientific. see -- 
    The basic text is called Tipitika & Meditation called Vipassana
  --Anirudh777 07:44, 13 June 2006 (UTC)

[edit] INCOTW

You voted for Indian American, this week's Indian Colloboration of the Week. Please come and help it become a featured-standard article. - Ganeshk (talk) 05:38, 30 May 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Blnguyen's RfA

Hello Holy Ganga. Thank you for your strong support and lovely comments at my request for adminship which ended at the overwhelming and flattering result of (160/1/0), and leaves me in a position of having to live up to a high standard of community expectation. You can see me in action and observe what then happened as a result. Naturally, if I make any procedural mistakes, feel free to point them out. I look forward to working with you in the future, and if you are harassed by other users, let me know! Blnguyen | Have your say!!! 05:35, 31 May 2006 (UTC)

[edit] POV reverts

Hi. Only you have called the reverts pov but please read the fourth paragraph

Islamic extremist violence is not synonymous with all terrorist activities committed by Muslims. Nationalist, separatist, and occasionally Marxist-Leninist organizations in the Muslim world often derive inspiration from secular ideologies. These are not well described as either Islamic extremist or Islamist.

So the case of Kashmiri people fighting to separate Indian controlled kashmir from India does not mean it's Islamic extremist terrorism just because they are mostly Muslim. The other attacks are not proven or sourced. --a.n.o.n.y.m t 15:56, 3 June 2006 (UTC)

You haven't responded till now to questions raised on talk page of Islamic extremist terrorism and on your talk page. - Holy Ganga talk 16:14, 3 June 2006 (UTC)

[edit] MY VIEW

HOLY GANGA: I am happy that you have raised a very IMPORTANT and inteligent question before all INDIANS and the Global attention. The problem is not only for Indians but for the Global community. I have similar opinion as you have. I will like to share my experiences with you. I keep HOLY BIBLE, HOLY QURAN, HOLY NITNEM SAHAB and HOLY GEETA in my clinic, and when I have time, I read it and try to understand the contents, whatever is written. I discuss about the minute points of the religion with the concerned people and try to understand their views.

One thing came in my experince that the three religions Christianity, Hinduism, Sikkhism are very constructive, very progressive and these qualities of the religion will be very helpful to the entire world, but comparatively ISLAM is having very destructive ideology in itself and one day this religeon will become headache for entire world due to its teachings. The reason is the destruction of Islam is the teachings. There is no place for the followers of the Islam for discussion on any matters, it is prohibited and orders the followers to not to follow anyone exept the teachings.

Can you say that CHINESE ACUPUNCTURE treatment is UNISLAMIC ? One day I was giving one Muslim lady Acupuncture treatment. I pierced acupuncture needles at the points in the different sectors. At the same time, two other Muslim lady who was present in the clinic, they said to the Muslim patient lady, that ACUPUNCTURE is unislamic and you should avoid to take it. Although she was earlier have few sessions of her ailment's treatment and was getting relief of her problems, but as soon as she got the version of this style, she cried on me and told to put out all the needles immediately. I done. But this action provokes a thought about the Islamic and non-islamic matters differenciation.

I kept all four books in a Green color Cloth alltogether. Oneday a Muslim patient came to me and asked me to keep Holy Quran separately from the three books Nitnem Sahab,Geeta and Bible.I asked the reason. He told me that Our Allah is separate to the Gods of other religion. Understanding his emotions, I separated the book HOLY QURAN from the other books. Another day a muslim lady saw the book and within few days, he brought a cloth-made bag and requested me to keep the book KALAM-E-PAK in this bag. I done.

One Muslim patient told me that you should not read the book, because you are not muslim. The book is only for the muslim. I told him that I read Quran, Bible, Geeta and Nitnem sahab to understand and to grasp the good qualities of the incarnations. If I read Bible, I will not be a Christian. If I read Nitnem Sahab, I will not be a Sikhha, If I read Quran, I will not be a Muslim. I will be there, where I am.

When I asked to Christians, whether I should keep Bible separately as is instructed by the Muslim followers about Quran. All the christians told me "NO, no objection at all" and they agreed and satisfied of my book keeping style. Similar answer I got from the Sikkha.

Now the question is here, when we are not mentally prepared about the studying and keeping of religious books alltogether on this level, how can we think for living together ?

Islamic attacks will go on, because the ideology of the religion is aggressive in nature. The bearing capacity of the followers of the Islam is nil and they dont want to understand others view or arguments or discussions on the teachings of Quran. See the case of Salaman Rushdi. See the case of Taslima Nasareen. See the case of the Cartoonist. Quran teaches the bloodshed ideology against the non-muslim community, because it is teaches that Allah will be pleased on you , if you murder those who are non muslims. What they are doing they are doing for the name of ALLAH, which have separate identity to other supreme power. I am reading the Hindi Translation of Quran, which is done by some muslim fellow, who have very good knowledge of Arabian language. The literal meaning of 'ISLAM' is PEACE. God knows , what type of peace is wanted by the extremist.

In the teaching of Islam it is directed that Muslims should unite and make GIROH [Gang]to attack on the non-muslims. Because ALLAH wants to the followers, they have to bring DARUL ISLAM in the whole world.

Hi What ever your view have so please keep it our self. If you read Holy Quran, Bible etc etc at once cant say you understand his or her religion. Its going to take years to understand a religion, that is not easy too.

Some muslim people have different images about Islam, so you cant blame 1 Billion people that they are wroung doer's. Read many times and understand. Good luck

Dear,Hindus have no religious identy,they are not uintied due to castisum & most of people dont know about their religion,holy Geeta, because all religious activity done only by Bhramin community.There fore in hindus, religion is on one side & comman people are another another side.There fore common people are neautral about religious activity,& due to this, such type of activity (All religions are one) dun by comman hindu people and distroy our self.

[edit] Akshardham Image

Both versions can be found here. Conscious 20:01, 4 June 2006 (UTC)

Thanks for the clarification. - Holy Ganga talk 20:17, 4 June 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Regarding image in your signature

Hi. Could you kindly review WP:SIG and remove the image from your signature? Regards, --Nearly Headless Nick 14:13, 5 June 2006 (UTC)

Thanks for the message. Regards, - Holy Ganga talk 18:18, 5 June 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Invitation and Recommendations for writing articles on Hindi Wikipedia

Hindi wikipedia invites and welcomes Wikipedians to contribute for the cause of spreading knowledge and the Hindi language. This page contains guidelines for writing a wiki-article on any topic at the Hindi Wikipedia, with special recommendations for writing in Hindi (Note: The script/font-family for Hindi is Devanāgari; the script/font-system for English is Roman script, also, the Hindi spelling system is not completely standardized). This article is yet in English language (mostly), in order to encourage even non-native/foreign people who have learnt/are learning Hindi to contribute to the Hindi wikipedia, and native Hindi speakers who normally write in English. The examples given below are only for explanation. Recommendations:

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    • हैरी पॉटर ने Pensieve के अन्दर Little Hangleton गाँव में लॉर्ड वोल्डेमॉर्ट की माँ Merope Gaunt को देखा
    • Resplendent Quetzal पक्षी के ऊपर एक मेक्सिकन पादरी डा० Pablo de la Llave ने काफ़ी शोध किया था
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  12. Use of templates is welcome. See the list of templates here. If creating a template, name it pref. in Hindi.
  13. Use पूर्णविराम ( । ) instead of a period (.) for ending statements. The पूर्णविराम, semicolon, colon and dash (but not comma) must come after one space after the word to prevent ambiguity. Use the international form of the Hindu-Arabic numerals (1,2,3 instead of १,२,३), as used by the Constitution and the Government of India (even for Hindi). There is no need to use the हलन्त at the end of Sanskrit words wherever it occurs. Hence, prefer: संसद over संसद्; अथर्वन over अथर्वन्. Use the proper quotation marks “” from the Insert toolbox, not "". Write dates as 2 मई 2006 (ईसवी or ईसापूर्व). Write time as 3:45 pm. Separate common suffix-words like शास्त्र, विज्ञान, ज्ञान with a hyphen. Thus: रसायन-शास्त्र. For most others, leave both the words of the noun-cluster free. Combine them into one word only if it is very common to do so. Thus: सामवेद.
  14. The use of ज़ for the en:voiced alveolar fricative (/z/, as in zoo, rose) is fundamentally wrong. Its nearest counterpart is the en:voiceless alveolar fricative /s/ (as in sea), and not Hindi ज (en:voiced palatal plosive). Hence, it is suggested and recommended that for the sound /z/, whether it comes in English (etc.) spellings (z) for while pronunciation otherwise, should be transcribed as स़ (स with a dot below, available in the Insert toolbox). Hence: Reason रीस़न, not रीज़न ; Roses रोस़ेस़, not रोज़ेज़. But common Hindi words borrowed from Persian/Arabic (so-called Urdu words) are allowed to continue with ज़ spelling. Thus: ज़रा, नज़र, तर्ज़. The en:voiced postalveolar fricative (/ʒ/ as in treasure), inexistent in Hindi, can similarly be transcribed with श़. Thus: treasure ट्रॅश़र. The nukta (dot) available in the Insert toolbox can be combined with various consonants to suggest a more exact phonetic devanagari rendering of foreign sounds. E.g., since phonetically, English Think and this are not equal to थिंक and दिस, a better transcription could be थ़िंक and द़िस. Please take care of the dot below in so-called Urdu words, otherwise the Hindi spelling is deemed incorrect.
  15. For the following English vowels met, mate, mat, transcribe as मॅट (short vowel), मेट (not मेइट), मैट (not मॅट, as popular in Marathi). However in contemporary Hindi and here, it is acceptable to use ए instead of ऍ. Thus: अमेरिका is more popular than अमॅरिका. For cot, coat, caught, transcribe as कॉट, कोट, कॉट (not कौट). Transcribe English /t/ and /d/ as ट and ड.
  16. Use half-न before त, थ, द, ध, न, instead of anuswaar अं. Use half-म before प, फ, ब, भ, म. Use the anuswaar before all the rest of the consonants (not half-ङ, ञ, ण). If the मात्रा is not above the alphabet, use chandra-bindu, but only for nasalization. Thus: अन्दर, not अंदर ; अन्त, not अंत ; हिन्दी, not हिंदी ; सम्भव, not संभव ; पंचमी, not पञ्चमी ; अंडा, not अण्डा ; कंठ, not कण्ठ ; लैंड, not लैण्ड ; आँख, not आंख. However, both forms are acceptable in contemporary Hindi as well as here; the prec. are just recommendations.
  17. When proceded by another vowel, use the pure vowels instead of य (unless the य is clearly articulated while pronouncing). Thus : जाएँ, not जायें (not जावें) ; आएगा, not आयेगा . However, both forms are acceptable in contemporary Hindi as well as here.
  18. Please pay careful attention to the masculine/feminine gender (and singular/plural) in adjectives and verbs, else the sentence becomes ungrammatical.
For more information/suggestions/criticisms, please contact any one of the administrators of Hindi wiki here, preferably en:User:Magicalsaumy. This page can also be found here.

Thank you,

Cygnus_hansa 02:12, 6 June 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Hindi wiki

Thank you for your offer; we'll be looking forward to it. Cygnus_hansa 21:58, 6 June 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Good News for Hindi Wikipedians

My mother tongue is Hindi but I know several languages, english, german, punjabi [gurumukhi]. It is great pleasure to write in the mother tongue because of the expression of thoughts.I know Hindi [Devanagari] typing and have loaded several Hindi fonts, but due to technicality, I feel difficulty. What I should do to write in Hindi.Technical terminology is difficult to understand. Kidly do some easy way.

[edit] About that fellow

I received your message regarding the problems faced by you on account of that fellow. The matter shall be dealt with suitably. However, I would suggest you to keep your coolness and continue to positively contribute here. Please do not get demotivated. --Bhadani 15:04, 7 June 2006 (UTC)

[edit] This might interest you

See [1]. - Ganeshk (talk) 20:09, 8 June 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Thanks

Hi Holy Ganga! image:wikiThanks.png Thanks for the barnstar. :) Regards, =Nichalp «Talk»= 13:25, 9 June 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Thanks Holy Ganga

Dear Holy Ganga, thanks so much for your support during my recent successful request for adminship. I really appreciate it. Let me know if you need any administrative support (regarding that fellow or otherwise); just leave me a message on my talk page or send me an e-mail if it's urgent. Take care and see you around WP:PIN -- Samir धर्म 05:27, 15 June 2006 (UTC)

[edit] INCOTW - Independence Day (India)

You voted for Independence Day (India), this week's Indian Colloboration of the Week. Please come and help it become a featured-standard article. - Ganeshk (talk) 06:27, 19 June 2006 (UTC)

[edit] CC-BY-NC

Hi! Image:Parliament building New Delhi.jpg is a non-commercial image as per the licence mentioned on (CC-BY-NC-SA). Non-commercial and non-derivative images are unacceptable licences on WP, and are subject to speedy deletion. Also, the Time magazine cover is a copyrighted image, having it on the India page when free images are readily available is out of place I would say. =Nichalp «Talk»= 18:18, 24 June 2006 (UTC)

Hi! :Image is a Time magazine cover with proper licencing. Time magazine covers always carry weight and are considered among very reputed coverage, and issue related with modern face of Indian economy on a cover of Time magazine is like a representation of future of Indian economy. Thanks for bringing licencing issue of parliament image, i will try to replace that space with another one soon. - Holy Ganga talk 18:27, 24 June 2006 (UTC)

[edit] IE studies

Holyganga, I don't know what you were thinking, but I would like to tell you that I consider this edit very close to adding nonsense to articles, which is considered vandalism. Please don't do that. dab () 21:33, 30 June 2006 (UTC)

[edit] RfA thanks

Thank you very much for your support on my recent RfA, which I'm quite happy to announce has passed with a consensus of 67 supporting, 0 opposed and 0 neutral. I'm glad you took the time to consider my candidacy, and I'll be working hard to justify the vote of confidence you've placed in me. Let me know at my talk page if I can help you with any admin-related tasks, or simply if you have any comments on my performance as an admin. Thanks!

[edit] Brahmanism

Hi, I've nominated Brahmanism for deletion as per WP:NPOV. Do give your opinion here. Thanks, --Babub 10:47, 2 July 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Have you seen "UK Hindu Identity" proposed deletion?

Have you seen the article

and discussion about its proposed deletion?

Please take a look. If you have a view about the article, please state that in the discussions.

The article addresses a difficult topic which is very "non-politically correct". The British Hindus feel that they are invisible; they are supposed to be included in the term "Asian", however that is the term that UK Press has used for referring to rioting Pakistani/Bangaldesi youths etc. However I believe that it is a significant issue and the facts about it should be available to Wikipedia readers.

--ISKapoor 03:17, 18 July 2006 (UTC)

[edit] INCOTW - Diwali

You voted for Diwali, this week's Indian Colloboration of the Week. Please come and help it become a featured-standard article. - Ganeshk (talk) 06:49, 18 July 2006 (UTC)

[edit] FAC

Hi, I've nominated Adi Shankara for Featured article. If you feel like it, leave your comments at Wikipedia:Featured article candidates/Adi Shankara. Thanks.--BabubTalk 06:35, 22 July 2006 (UTC)


Looks like he got your attention. Lets keep a watch on his contribs, he's prolly a SIMI sock.Bakaman Bakatalk 16:14, 16 August 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Your presence is essential

Hallo, Holy Ganga, I am not seeing you in the Wikipeadia pages ? What is going wrong with you ? Your absence is not looking good and we want to see your active participation. See, in this world, some people will be constructive, some will be destructive. Destruction is always a continuous process of nature, but construction is the nature of the human being. You are more to us. Come back in positive way. 05:02 PM 21 August 2006

[edit] Swastika on your UP

Hi please, replace (Image:Hindu swastika.svg) with (Image:HinduSwastika.svg) on your use page. This will prevent a red link to the image in the near future. Thank you!

Kindly place the Swastika on my page. I allow you to do this. My computer technology knowledge is weak and I do not know, how to fix Swatika emblame on my page ?. Thanks. 11:09 AM IST 31 August 2006

Done. - Holy Ganga talk 11:48, 31 August 2006 (UTC)

Many thanks 11:14 AM IST 01 Sept 2006

[edit] Please Use the Discussion page at Religion

Please use the discussion page before simply reverting my edits concerning the influence of Hindu concepts at Religion. We went through this once already regarding "yoga". Do you find it necessary to make Hinduism look bigger demographically? Your statement is 100% correct regarding the migration of Hindu concepts from India to the West, BUT it has nothing to do with Trends in Adherence. Likewise the use of yoga as exercize does not (see the previous issue to which you didn't respond on the discussion page either). If you are Hindu then you should understand fully well that someone going to a yoga class hasn't converted to Hinduism. Same goes for someone using concepts that originated with Hinduism. The influence of Hinduism, Buddhism and Taoism on Western cultures is fascinating, but it is also complex and only minimally involves actual conversions or changes in adherence trends. Before you just revert again, please use the discussion page.PelleSmith 19:33, 28 September 2006 (UTC)

Check that. I am already using that page. - Holy Ganga talk 19:35, 28 September 2006 (UTC)

Done. Took your point well and edited the section further. Thanks.PelleSmith 19:59, 28 September 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Raja Yoga controversy

Dear Hinduism Project editors,

There is a controversy on the Hinduism regarding Raja Yoga. Please read the debate on the Hinduism discussion page. Your comments are requested on the Hinduism discussion page to help resolve the controversy. Thank you. HeBhagawan 14:55, 8 October 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Solve and suggest

Holy Ganga, please come and interefere with the problem, which is faced on the Raja Yoga pages. I know that you are not sitting silent and will be watching , what is going on, the entire scenerio? No doubt, there is controversy due to ignorence, egoism, superiority complex and nobody is trying to understand and honour the views of others. Everybody is trying that his philosophy, statements, write-ups are correct and others are contributing invain. The problem is himself Hindus because they understand themselves very superiour to others, due to their mentality. They are quarelling with the words because they like to proove their righteousness, lifting their moustaches because nobody wants to down their moustach hairs. After all they are "Kattar Hindus".

User:Debbe 00:34 AM IST, 16 October 2006

[edit] Image tagging for Image:Classification_Hindu_Scripture.gif

Thanks for uploading Image:Classification_Hindu_Scripture.gif. The image has been identified as not specifying the source and creator of the image, which is required by Wikipedia's policy on images. If you don't indicate the source and creator of the image on the image's description page, it may be deleted some time in the next seven days. If you have uploaded other images, please verify that you have provided source information for them as well.

For more information on using images, see the following pages:

This is an automated notice by OrphanBot. For assistance on the image use policy, see Wikipedia:Media copyright questions. 07:11, 19 October 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Happy Diwali

Happy Diwai

This is just Seadog.M.S wishing you a very happy Diwali. Have a great day.

I wish you All The Best on the ocasion of the Indian festival of light, Diwali. I am sure that the light of hope, confidence, and all positive attributes shall always remain inside you – lighting your path and guiding you to attain higher and higher levels of excellence in all your endevours! All the best! --Bhadani 15:34, 21 October 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Invitation for WikiProject Maharashtra

Hi Holy Ganga,

A new project has been created, to exclusively deal with Maharashtra and Marathi-related articles. You are invited to join the WikiProject Maharashtra. The project aims to develop Marathi and Maharashtra-related articles to Featured Article-status. You can join the WikiProject by adding your username here. However, don't forget to visit the project page. This is of course, a sister project of Portal:Maharashtra. Come, join us in developing Wikipedia. Thanks,


--NRS | T/M\B 15:46, 21 October 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Happy Diwali

Wishing you a shubh Diwali, and a great time ahead on wikipedia! deeptrivia (talk) 17:25, 21 October 2006 (UTC)

I wish you and your family a happy "Festival of Lights"! Nishkid64 17:36, 21 October 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Happy Dewali

  • Aisa Geet, Gao Meet,
  • Rah Kate, Peer Ghate,
  • Jeevan Ka Deep Jale

User:Debbe, 22 October 2006

[edit] Happy diwali

Happy diwali, nirav

Raj2004 17:43, 21 October 2006 (UTC)

Happy Diwali and best wishes for the coming months.Bakaman Bakatalk 18:55, 21 October 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Wikipedia:WikiProject_Hinduism/Shri for WP:HINDU users

I nominated a few users who I feel are deserving of the award.Bakaman Bakatalk 00:17, 31 October 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Copyright problems with Image:Hindu temple in Illinois.jpg

An image that you uploaded, Image:Hindu temple in Illinois.jpg, has been listed at Wikipedia:Copyright problems because it is a suspected copyright violation. Please look there if you know that the image is legally usable on Wikipedia (you may have to search for the title of the image to find its entry), and then provide the necessary information there and on its page, if you are interested in it not being deleted. Thank you.

Indon (reply) — 15:05, 2 November 2006 (UTC)


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