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This article deals with the Guangdong Province in southern China, and should not be confused with the former Kwantung Leased Territory in north-eastern China.
Guǎngdōng Shěng
Abbreviation(s): 粤 (pinyin: Yuè)
Guangdong is highlighted on this map
Origin of name 广 guǎng - region name
东 dōng- "East"
"eastern Guang"
Administration type Province
Capital and
Largest City
CPC Guangdong Committee Secretary Zhang Dejiang
Governor Huang Huahua
Area 177,900 km² (15th)
Population (2005)
 - Density
83,040,000 (4th)
618/km² (7th)
GDP (2004)
 - per capita
CNY 1.60 trillion (1st)
CNY 19,300 (6th)
HDI (2005) 0.807 (6th) — high
Major nationalities (2000) Han - 99%
Zhuang - 0.7%
Yao - 0.2%
Prefecture-level divisions 21
County-level divisions 121
Township-level divisions
(December 31, 2004)
ISO 3166-2 CN-44
Official website:
(Simplified Chinese)
Source for population and GDP data:
《中国统计年鉴—2005》/ China Statistical Yearbook 2005 ISBN 7503747382

Source for nationalities data:
《2000年人口普查中国民族人口资料》/ Tabulation on nationalities of 2000 population census of China ISBN 7105054255
Traditional Chinese: 廣東
Simplified Chinese: 广东
Hanyu Pinyin: Guǎngdōng
Wade-Giles: Kuang-tung
Jyutping: gwong2 dung1
Min Nan Pe̍h-ōe-jī: Kńg-tang
Hakka romanization: [gong31 dung24]
Postal map spelling: Canton, Kwangtung

Guangdong, often spelt as Kwangtung, is a province on the south coast of the People's Republic of China. Sometimes, "Canton Province" (based on a French-derived transliteration of "Guangdong") is used to mean Guangdong. This is as opposed to "Canton (City)", which refers to the city of Guangzhou, the provincial capital.

The province is now one of the richest in the nation, with the highest total GDP among all provinces, and has managed to attract 30 million migrants. Its nominal GDP for 2003 was $165 billion, increased to $265 billion in 2005 (about the same size as Denmark) and it contributes approximately 12% of national economic output. Guangzhou and Shenzhen are among the four most important cities in China.

"Guang" itself means "expanse" or "vast", and has been associating with the region from the Western Jin Dynasty onwards. "Guangdong" and neighbouring Guangxi literally mean "expanse east" and "expanse west". Together, Guangdong and Guangxi are called the "Dual-Guangs" (兩廣 liăng guăng).

The modern abbreviation 粵/粤 (Yue) is related to the Hundred Yue (百越), a collective name for various peoples that lived in Guangdong and other areas in ancient times.


[edit] History

Guangdong was far away from the centre of ancient Chinese civilization in the north China plain. It was populated by peoples collectively known as the Hundred Yue (百越), who may have been Tai-Kadai and related to the Zhuang people in modern Guangxi.

Chinese administration in the region began with the Qin Dynasty, which, after establishing the first unified Chinese empire, expanded southwards and set up Nanhai Commandery (南海郡) at Panyu (番禺), near what is now part of Guangzhou. It used to be independent as Nanyue between the fall of Qin and the reign of Emperor Wu of Han. The Han Dynasty administered Guangdong, Guangxi, and northern Vietnam as Jiao Province (交州). Under the Wu Kingdom of the Three Kingdoms, Guangdong was made its own province, the Guang Province (廣州), in 226.

As time passed, the demographics of what is now Guangdong slowly shifted to Han Chinese-dominance, especially during several periods of massive migration from the north during periods of political turmoil and/or nomadic incursions from the fall of the Han Dynasty onwards. For example, internal strife in northern China following the rebellion of An Lushan resulted in a 75% increase in the population of Guangzhou prefecture between 740s-750s and 800s-810s[1]. As more migrants arrived, the local population was gradually assimilated to Han Chinese culture [2], or displaced.

Together with Guangxi, Guangdong was made part of Lingnan Circuit (嶺南道), or Mountain-South Circuit, in 627 during the Tang Dynasty. The Guangdong part of Lingnan Circuit was renamed Guangnan East Circuit(廣南東路 guǎng nán dōng lù) in 971 during the Song Dynasty. "Guangnan East" is the source of "Guangdong".

As Mongols from the north engaged in their conquest of China in the 13th century, the Southern Song Dynasty retreated southwards, eventually ending up in today's Guangdong. The Battle of Yamen (1279) in Guangdong marked the end of the Southern Song Dynasty.

During the Mongol Yuan Dynasty, Guangdong was a part of Jiangxi. Its present name, "Guangdong Province" was given in early Ming Dynasty.

Since the 16th century, Guangdong has had extensive trade links with the rest of the world. European merchants coming northwards via the Straits of Malacca and the South China Sea, particularly the British, traded extensively through Guangzhou. Macau, on the southern coast of Guangdong, was the first European settlement in China (since 1557). It was the opium trade through Guangzhou that triggered the Opium Wars, opening an era of foreign incursion and intervention in China. In addition to Macau, Hong Kong was ceded to the British, and Kwang-Chou-Wan to the French. In the 19th century, Guangdong was also the major port of exit for laborers in southeast Asia and the Western United States and Canada.

Historically, many overseas Chinese communities have their origins in Guangdong and specifically Taishan, and together with more recent emmigrants from Hong Kong, Cantonese and Taishanese (the local dialect of Taishan), spoken by less than 10% of Chinese people in China, continues to have more speakers among the overseas Chinese out of proportion to its number of speakers in China.

During the 1850s, the first revolt of the Taiping Rebellion took place in Guangdong. Because of direct contact with the West, Guangdong was the center of anti-Manchu and anti-imperialist activity. The generally acknowledged founder of modern China, Sun Yat-Sen, was from Guangdong.

During the early 1920s of the Republic of China, Guangdong was the staging area for KMT to prepare for the Northern Expedition, an effort to bring the various warlords of China back under the central government. Whampoa Military Academy was built near Guangzhou to train military commanders.

In recent years, the province has seen extremely rapid economic growth, aided in part by its close trading links with Hong Kong, which borders it. It is now the province with the highest gross domestic product in China.

Hainan island was originally part of Guangdong but it was separated as its own province in 1988.

Guangdong is believed to be the source of influenza strain known as SARS in 2003.

[edit] Geography

Guangdong faces the South China Sea to the south and has a total of 4,300 km of coastline. Leizhou Peninsula is on the southwestern end of the province. There are a few inactive volcanoes on Leizhou Peninsula. The Pearl River Delta is the convergent point of three upstream rivers: the East River, North River, and West River. The river delta is filled with hundreds of small islands. The province is geographically separated from the north by a few mountain ranges collectively called the Southern Mountain Range (南岭). The highest point in the province is about 1,600 meters above sea level.

Guangdong borders Fujian province to the northeast, Jiangxi and Hunan provinces to the north, Guangxi autonomous region to the west, and Hong Kong and Macau Special Administrative Regions to the south. Hainan province is offshore across from the Leizhou Peninsula.

Cities around the Pearl River Delta include Dongguan, Foshan, Guangzhou, Huizhou, Jiangmen, Shenzhen, Shunde, Taishan, Zhongshan and Zhuhai. Other cities in the province include Chaozhou, Chenghai, Kaiping, Nanhai, Shantou, Shaoguan, Xinhui, Zhanjiang and Zhaoqing.

Guangdong has a humid subtropical climate (tropical in the far south), with short, mild, dry, winters and long, hot, wet summers. Average daily highs in Guangzhou in January and July are 18C (64F) and 33C (91F) respectively, although the humidity makes it feel much hotter in summer. Frost is rare on the coast but may happen a few days each winter well inland.

[edit] Economy

This is a trend of official estimates of the gross domestic product of the Province of Guangdong with figures in millions of Chinese Yuan.

Year Gross Domestic Product
1980 24,571
1985 55,305
1990 147,184
1995 538,172
2000 966,223
2005 2,170,128

After the communist takeover and until the start of the Deng Xiaoping reforms in 1978, Guangdong was an economic backwater, although a large underground, service-based economy has always existed. Economic development policies encouraged industrial development in the interior provinces which were weakly linked to Guangdong via transportation links. The government policy of economic autarchy made Guangdong's access to the ocean irrelevant.

Deng Xiaoping's open door policy radically changed the economy of the province as it was able to take advantage of its access to the ocean, its closeness to Hong Kong, and historical links to overseas Chinese. In addition, until the 1990s when the Chinese taxation system was reformed, the province benefited from the relatively low rate of taxation placed on it by the central government due to its historical status of being economically backward.

Although Shanghai is often cited as evidence of China's success, Guangdong's economic boom exemplifies the reality of the vast labor intensive manufacturing powerhouse China has become, and all the rewards and shortcomings that come with it. Guangdong's economic boom began with the early 1990's and has since spread to neighboring provinces, and also pulled their populations inward. The economy is based on manufacturing and export.

The province is now one of the richest in the nation, with the highest GDP among all the provinces, although wage growth has only recently begun to rise due to a large influx of migrant workers from neighboring provinces. Its nominal GDP for 2005 was 2.17 trillion yuan (US$267.6 billion), a rise of 12.5% on a year-on-year basis. Guangdong's primary, secondary, and tertiary industries were worth 137.46 billion yuan, 1.08 trillion yuan, and 957.94 billion yuan respectively [3]. Its per capita GDP reached 23,616 yuan (US$2,912), a rise of 84.7% from 2000 [4]. Guangdong contributes approximately 12% of the total national economic output [5]. Now, it has four of the six Special Economic Zones: Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Shantou and Zhuhai. The affluence of Guangdong, however, remains very much concentrated near the Pearl River Delta.

[edit] Demographics

Even though official statistics traditionally placed Guangdong as the 4th most populous province of China with about 80 million people, recently released information [6] suggests that there are an additional 30 million immigrants who reside in Guangdong for at least six months every year, making it the most populous province with a population of more than 110 million. The massive influx of migrants from other provinces, dubbed the "floating population", is due to Guangdong's booming economy and high demand for labour. Guangdong officially became the most populous province in January 2005. [7] [8]

Owing to the closeness of Guangdong to the Pacific Ocean, Guangdong is also the ancestral home of large numbers of overseas Chinese. Most of the railroad labourers in Canada and the Western United States in the 19th century came from the Guangdong. Emigration in recent years has slowed with economic prosperity, but this province is still a major source of immigrants to the North America.

The majority of the province's population is Han Chinese. There is a small Yao population in the north. Other smaller minority groups include Miao, Li, and Zhuang.

Because of the high population density and the close proximity in which humans and animals live, Guangdong has often been the source of respiratory diseases such as influenza. In late 2002, Guangdong was suspected as the initial source of SARS.

[edit] Politics

During the 1980s, the Guangdong provincial government had a reputation of resisting central government directives, especially those regarding the economy. At the same time, the good economic situation of Guangdong has made it relatively quiet in the area of political and economic activism. Although some in the West assume that Guangdong's economic growth and distinctive language would give rise to separatism, this is not the case, and there has never been any significant support for separatism.

[edit] Relations with Hong Kong and Macao

Although both Hong Kong and Macau have historically been part of Guangdong before becoming colonies of the United Kingdom and Portugal, they became special administrative regions, a first-order administrative division, when their sovereignty was transferred to the People's Republic of China.

[edit] Media

Guangdong and the greater Guangzhou Province is served by several Guangdong Radio stations and Guangdong TV. There is an international station Radio Guangdong which broadcasts information about this region to the entire world through the World Radio Network.

[edit] Culture

See also: Music of Guangdong and Hakka architecture

Guangdong is a multicultural province. The central region, which is also the political and economic center, is populated predominantly by Cantonese-speakers. Cantonese is used as the regional lingua franca, along with Standard Mandarin as the national lingua franca for the 60,000,000 or so people of Guangdong who speak various local languages as their native language. This region is also associated with Cantonese cuisine (Simplified Chinese: 粤菜; Traditional Chinese: 粵菜), which is very well known in China, not just as one of the richest and most prestigious cuisines, but also as a cuisine specializing in exotic tastes. Cantonese opera (Simplified Chinese: 粤剧; Traditional Chinese: 粵劇) is a form of Chinese opera popular in Cantonese speaking areas.

The area around the cities of Chaozhou and Shantou in eastern Guangdong, forms its own cultural sphere. Here, the people speak the Teochew, and their cuisine is Chiuchow cuisine. The northeastern hilly area of Meixian is populated by the Hakka people, who speak Hakka. Their cuisine is Hakka cuisine.

[edit] Education

[edit] Colleges and universities

[edit] Sports

Professional sports teams based in Guangdong include:

[edit] Tourism

There are abundant man-made scenes and natural beauties and scenic spots.

[edit] Administrative divisions

The current immediate administrative divisions of Guangdong consist of 21 prefecture-level cities:

The above division govern, in total, 49 districts, 30 county-level cities, 42 counties, and 3 autonomous counties. See the list of administrative divisions of Guangdong for county-level divisions.

[edit] Miscellaneous topics

[edit] External links

Wikimedia Commons has media related to:
Province-level divisions administered by the People's Republic of China Flag of the People's Republic of China
Provinces: Anhui | Fujian | Gansu | Guangdong | Guizhou | Hainan | Hebei | Heilongjiang | Henan | Hubei | Hunan | Jiangsu | Jiangxi | Jilin | Liaoning | Qinghai | Shaanxi | Shandong | Shanxi | Sichuan | Taiwan (claimed) | Yunnan | Zhejiang
Autonomous Regions: Guangxi | Inner Mongolia | Ningxia | Tibet | Xinjiang
Municipalities: Beijing | Chongqing | Shanghai | Tianjin
Special administrative regions: Hong Kong | Macau
See also: Political status of Taiwan and Taiwan Province (People's Republic of China)

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