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Ürümqi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


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Uyghur:ئۈرۈمچى شەھرى
Ürümqi Shehri
Wūlǔmùqí Shì
Abbreviation(s): 乌市 (pinyin: Wū Shì)
Ürümqi is highlighted on this map
Origin of name "Beautiful Pasture" in Dzungar Mongol
Administration type Prefecture-level city
Seat of Government Tianshan District
County-level divisions 8
CPC Ürümqi Committee Secretary Yang Gang
Mayor Shokrat Zakir
Area 10,989 km²
Population (2002)
 - Density
GDP (?)
 - per capita
Area code 991
Postal code 830000
Licence plate prefix 新A
ISO 3166-2 CN-65-01
Official website: (Simplified Chinese)

Urumchi or Ürümqi (English IPA: [uːˈruːmtʃi]; Uyghur: ئۈرۈمچی; Uyghur Latin script: Ürümqi; Simplified Chinese: 乌鲁木齐; Traditional Chinese: 烏魯木齊; pinyin: Wūlǔmùqí), with a population of about 2.1 million, is the capital of the Xinjiang Autonomous Region of the People's Republic of China, in the northwest of the country.


[edit] History of naming

During the Qing Dynasty (A.D.1763) the Qianlong named the expanded town of Luntai "Dihua" (pinyin: Díhuà; Manchu: Wen de dahabure fu), meaning "to enlighten." On February 1, 1954, the city was renamed to Ürümqi, which means "Beautiful Pasture".

[edit] Geography

Located in a green oasis between the lofty ice-capped Bogda Peak, the vast Salt Lake in the east, the rolling pine-covered Southern hill and the alternating fields and sand dunes of Zunggar Basin in the northwest, Ürümqi has an average elevation of 800 meters. The largest city in the western half of China, Ürümqi has won a place in the Guinness Book of Records as the most remote city from any sea in the world at a distance of about 1,400 miles (2500 km) from the nearest coastline (Ürümqi being the city closest to the Eurasian Pole of Inaccessibility). The city has an area of 10,989 km².

[edit] Climate

In Ürümqi a continental steppe climate with hot and dry summers prevails (average temperature July 24°C) as well as damp and cold winters (average temperature January -16°C). The annual average temperature amounts to 5.4°C, the yearly precipitation is about 273 mm.

[edit] Demographics

According to the 2000 census, Ürümqi has 2,081,834 inhabitants with a population density of 174.53 inhabitants/km².

[edit] Administrative divisions

Urumqi currently comprises 8 administrative sub-divisions, county-level units, of these, 7 are districts and 1 is a county.

The areas of the city are divided into 7 districts and 1 county:

A panoramic view of Urumqi's city center taken from Red Mountain (Hong Shan).
A panoramic view of Urumqi's city center taken from Red Mountain (Hong Shan).

[edit] Economy

Urumqi is a major industrial center within Xinjiang. Urumqi, together with Karamay and Bayin'gholin account for 64.5% of the total industrial output of Xinjiang. Urumqi is also the largest consumer center in the region, recording ¥19.1 billion retail sales of consumer goods in 2004, accounting for 33.9% of the region's total retail value. The GDP per capita was ¥22,820 (ca. US$2,850) in 2004 [1]. Urumqi has been a central developmental target for the "Develop the West" project that the Central Government is pursuing.

Location of Ürümqi
Location of Ürümqi

[edit] Media

The Xinjiang Networking Transmission Limited operates the Urumqi People Broadcasting Station and the Xinjiang People Broadcasting Station, broadcasting in the Mandarin, Uygur, Kazakh, Mongolian, and the Tan Oak languages.

[edit] Transportation

Air: Ürümqi is served by the Urumqi Diwopu International Airport.


Road: Ürümqi is located along the China National Highway 312 and China National Highway 314.

[edit] Drugs and HIV/AIDS

With a population of about 20 million and an officially estimated 60,000 infections, Xinjiang has one-tenth of China’s AIDS cases and the highest HIV infection rate in the country. Chinese authorities estimate that Kashgar Prefecture, with a population of about three million, has 780 cases, but public health experts here say the real figure is probably four times that and rising fast.

Until recently, addicts were largely left to the police, who regarded them as simple criminals whose drug use was to be combated mercilessly. Resistance to treating drug addiction as a public health concern has been high, mirroring what some international health experts say was a slow response to the virus generally in China as AIDS first gained a foothold.

[edit] See also

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Administrative Divisions of the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (Provincial Capital:Ürümqi City)
Prefecture-level Cities, Regional District, Autonomous Prefectures Urban Area Districts, County-level Cities, Counties, Autonomous Counties
Ürümqi City Tianshan District | Saybagh District | Xinshi District | Shuimogou District | Toutunhe District | Dabancheng District | Dongshan District | Ürümqi County
Karamay City Karamay District | Dushanzi District | Baijiantan District | Urho District
Turfan Prefecture Turfan City | Toksun County | Piqan County
Hami Prefecture Kumul City | Yiwu County | Barkol Kazakh Autonomous County
Khotan Prefecture Khotan City | Khotan County | Lop County | Minfeng County | Pishan County | Chira County | Keriye County | Karakash County
Aksu Prefecture Aksu City | Wensu County | Shayar County | Baicheng County | Awat County | Kuchar County | Kalpin County | Toksu County | Uqturpan County
Kashgar Prefecture Kashgar City | Maralbexi County | Poskam County | Peyziwat County | Kargilik County | Yopurga County | Shule County | Makit County | Yengisar County | Yarkand County | Shufu County | Taxkorgan Tajik Autonomous County
Kizilsu Kirghiz Autonomous Prefecture Artux City | Akqi County | Ulugqat County | Akto County
Bayin'gholin Mongol Autonomous Prefecture Korla City | Hejing County | Yuli County | Hoxud County | Qiemo County | Bohu County | Luntai County | Ruoqiang County | Yanqi Hui Autonomous County
Changji Hui Autonomous Prefecture Changji City | Fukang City | Miquan City | Qitai County | Manas County | Jimsar County | Hutubi County | Mori Kazakh Autonomous County
Börtala Mongol Autonomous Prefecture Börtala City | Jinghe County | Wenquan County
Autonomous Regional Districts directly under the jurisdiction of the County-level Cities Shihezi City | Aral City | Tumushuke City | Wujiaqu City

Ili Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture

(The Tacheng Prefecture and Altay Prefectures are under the provincial jurisdiction of the Ili Kazak Autonomous Prefecture.)
Autonomous Territories Yining City | Kuitun City | Yining County | Tekes County | Nilka County | Zhaosu County | Xinyuan County | Huocheng County | Gongliu County | Qapqal Xibe Autonomous County
Tacheng Prefecture Tacheng City | Wusu City | Emin County | Yumin County | Shawan County | Toli County | Hoboksar Mongol Autonomous County
Altay Prefecture Altay City | Qinggil County | Jeminay County | Fuyun County | Burqin County | Fuhai County | Habahe County

Prefecture-level divisions of Xinjiang
Prefecture-level cities: Karamay | Ürümqi
Prefectures: Aksu | Hami | Hotan | Kashgar | Turpan | Altay1 | Qoqek1
Autonomous prefectures: Bayin'gholin | Börtala | Changji | Ili | Kizilsu
Sub-prefecture-level cities: Aral | Shihezi | Tumushuke | Wujiaqu
1 Part of Ili Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture

Coordinates: 43°48′N 87°35′E

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