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Æ - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


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For Æ, the Irish writer, see George William Russell.
Æ æ

Æ is a grapheme formed from the letters a and e. Originally a ligature representing a Latin diphthong, it has been promoted to the full status of a letter in the alphabets of many languages. As a letter of the Old English alphabet it was called æscash tree’ after the Anglo-Saxon Futhorc rune which it transliterated; its traditional name in English is still ash (pronounced [æʃ]).

In English, usage of the ligature varies in different places. In modern typography, and where technological limitations prevent (such as in use of computers and typewriters), æ is often eschewed for the digraph ae. This is often considered incorrect, especially when rendering foreign words where æ is properly a letter (e.g. Æsir, Ærø) or brand names which make use of the ligature (e.g. Æon Flux, Encyclopædia Britannica). In the United States, the problem of the ligature is sidestepped in many cases by use of a simplified spelling with "e"; compare the common modern usage, medieval, with the traditional or obsolescent, mediæval. However, given the long history of such spellings, they are sometimes used to invoke archaism or in literal quotations of historic sources, for words such as encyclopædia or dæmon.

In Old English, the ligature was used to denote a sound intermediate between those of a and e (IPA [æ]), very much like the short a of cat in many dialects of modern English.

In Classical Latin, the combination AE denotes a diphthong (IPA [ai̯]) that had a value similar to the long i in most dialects of modern English. It was used both in native words (spelled with ai before the 2nd century BC) and in borrowings from Greek words having the diphthong αι (alpha iota). Both classical and present practice is to write the letters separately, but the ligature was used in medieval and early modern writings, in part because æ was reduced to a simple long vowel (IPA [eː]) in late Latin. In some medieval scripts, the ligature was simplified to ȩ, the letter e with a tail hanging to the left, e-caudata. This form further simplified into a plain e, which may have influenced or been influenced by the pronunciation change.

In the modern French alphabet, it is used to spell Latin borrowings like et cætera, tænia, ex æquo.

Ossetic Latin script. Part of a page from a book published in 1935
Ossetic Latin script. Part of a page from a book published in 1935

In Faroese it represents the ligature of the so-called long æ (IPA [ɛa]), whereas the short æ is a simple [a]. Its etymological origin is Old Norse é, and this is particularly evident in the dialects of Suðuroy, where Æ is [e:] long and [ɛ] short:

  • æða (eider): Suð. [eːa], Northern Faroese [ɛaːva]
  • ætt (family, direction): Suð. [ɛtː], Northern Faroese [atː]

In Icelandic, the aesc signifies a diphthong (IPA [ai]). In Danish and Norwegian, æ represents a simple vowel, namely IPA [ɛ] and [æ], respectively. In the South Danish dialect, as well as in several Norwegian dialects, the phoneme Æ has a significant meaning, "I", and is thus a normal spoken word. In some Southern-Jutish dialects Æ is also the definite article: 'Æ hus' (The house). These dialects are rarely committed to writing. The same phoneme is represented in Finnish and Swedish by the letter ä, and in German by a-umlaut (ä).

The Ossetic language used the letter æ when it was written using the Latin script (192338). Since then, Ossetian has used a Cyrillic alphabet with an identical-looking letter (Ӕ and ӕ).


[edit] International Phonetic Alphabet

The symbol [æ] is also used in the International Phonetic Alphabet to denote a near-open front unrounded vowel, as in the word cat in many dialects of modern English: this is the sound most likely represented by the Old English letter. In this context, it is always in lowercase.

[edit] Computer use

Danish keyboard with keys for Æ, Ø and Å.
Danish keyboard with keys for Æ, Ø and Å.

For computers, when using the Latin-1 or Unicode character sets, the code points for Æ and æ are U+00C6 and U+00E6, respectively, or 198 and 230 in decimal. The characters can be entered by holding the Alt key while typing in 0198 or 0230 on the number pad on Windows systems (the Alt key and 145 for æ or 146 for Æ may also work if the system is in the IBM437 or IBM850 codepages), or by holding down the option key while typing an apostrophe ( ' ) on a Macintosh system under various keyboard layouts, including the U.S. layout. In X, AltGr+A is often mapped to æ/Æ, or a Compose key sequence Compose + a + e can be used. For more information, see Unicode input methods.

There is also Cyrillic Ӕ and ӕ in Unicode (U+04D4, U+04D5), though in practice the Latin letters Æ and æ (U+00C6, U+00E6) are used in Cyrillic texts (such as on Ossetian sites on the Internet).

In HTML, the HTML character entity references Æ and æ have been assigned to Æ and æ, respectively, where “lig” stands for ligature.

[edit] Æ in art

George William Russell, the fin de siècle Irish poet, signed himself Æ, for Æon.

The progressive metal band Tool used an Æ for the title of their third album, Ænima, and the song "Ænema" from that album. This is similar to the usage of the heavy metal umlaut, but is meant as a combination of anima and enema.

Æ was also used in the name of the animated TV series and movie Æon Flux.

The card game Magic: The Gathering uses Æ regularly in Æther, a form of energy between planes from which creatures are summoned.

Philip Pullman, in his young adult series His Dark Materials, uses æ frequently, most often seen in the word "dæmon", which refers to a person's soul in visible animal form, possibly taken from the Old English spelling of the word "demon".

The ligature Æ is in the title of John Crowley's four-volume novel Ægypt and is used extensively throughout the first three volumes in words which employed both the upper case and lower case forms in Renaissance Latin and in English; Crowley uses the ligature to distinguish an imagined past of wonders and magic from the ascertainable historical past. In the final volume, as the magic past dissolves, the use of the ligature ceases.

[edit] Æ as abbreviation

Æ and æ were quite commonly used as abbreviations for Latin aetate or aetate sua meaning, roughly, "at the age of" N years (the implied construction being an ablative absolute); also the genitive aetatis suae, Nth year "of his/her age". In inscriptions and records, the most common use is for the age at death.

[edit] See also

[edit] Reference

The Latin alphabet
Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz
historypalaeographyderivationsdiacriticspunctuationnumeralsUnicodeISO 646list of letters
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