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Sēo sǣcū, ēac manatī gehāten, is micel wæterlic dēor þæs hīredes Trichechidae and cynnes Trichechus. Þā Trichechidae geunþwǣriaþ þǣm Dugongidae on þǣm hīwe þæs hēafodbollan and on þǣm hīwe þæs tægles. Tæglas sǣcūna sind ārlice, ac þā Dugonges tæglas sind twislieht. Sēo sǣcu is wyrtetere and oft grasaþ in scealdum wætere.
Þā sǣcȳ wuniaþ in scealdum, fennigum sǣrīman wæterum in Norþum American, Middlum American, Sūþum American, and þǣm Caribiscan Sǣ.
Ān cynn (Trichechus senegalensis) wunaþ in westernum sǽlande þæs African; ōðer cynn (T. inunguis) wunaþ in ēasternum sǽlande þæs Sūþan American, and þridde cynn (T. manatus) wunaþ in þǣm Westindium in þǣm Caribiscan Sǣ. Sum menn gelīefaþ þā Florida sǣcū bēo sweotollic cynd, ac þæt ITIS and mǣst taxonomistas sægaþ þe hēo bēo undercynd þǣm T. manatus. Hire lengþu cann bēon 15 fōta (4.5 metra), and hēo wunaþ in swētewætere and sealtwætere. Man huntode hīe for ele and flǣsce, ac hēo is nū ǣwlisc gewered.
Sēo Weste Indisce Manatī is gefrēcnod cynn. Þēah þe hēo næfþ ænige cynde gehergiend, wanode mennisc sprǣdung hire cyndan ēðel in sǣrīman mersclandum, and fela sǣcūna sind gedered fram þǣm drīfendum ūtbordra āsteriendbāta. Manatees will often ingest fishing gear (hooks, metal weights, etc.) during feeding. These foreign materials do not seem to harm manatees, except for monofilament line or string. This can get clogged in the animal's digestive system, and slowly kill the animal.
Manatees oft mētaþ nēah powerplants, þe þā wæter wearmiaþ. Hīe wurdon behycgende on þissum fruman uncyndes hātes. Hīe geswicon þǣre scrīðunge tō wearmrum wæterum for þȳs singalan fruman wearmes wæteres. Nīwlīce, powerplants have been closing and knowing how reliant manatees are on these powerplants, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is trying to find a way tō hǣtenne þæt wæter for þǣm sǣcūum.
Sēo hēafodwæterclǣnsungbytlung in Guyanan hæfþ þrēo sǣcȳ þe āþierraþ hēddþēotan of wēodum.
Saving manatees was recently a theme of the season premier of The Simpsons, in which Marge Simpson called Manatees "Water Monsters".
[ādihtan] Dihtung
- Gefērscipe Mammalia
- Hād Sirenia
- Hīred Trichechidae: Sǣcȳ
- Cynd Trichechus
- Cynn 1. West Indian Sǣcū, Trichechus manatus
- Undercynn 1. Floridan Sǣcū, Trichechus manatus latirostris
- Undercynn 2. Antillisc Sǣcū, Trichechus manatus manatus
- Cynn 2. West Affricu Sǣcū, Trichechus senegalensis
- Cynn 3. Amazonisc Sǣcū, Trichechus inunguis
- Cynn 1. West Indian Sǣcū, Trichechus manatus
- Cynd Trichechus
- Hīred Trichechidae: Sǣcȳ
- Hād Sirenia
[ādihtan] Sēo ēac
- Affricu Sǣcū
- Dugong
- Stelleres Sǣcū