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有关Napster公司 (前身为Roxio公司)和Napster付费音乐的资料,请参见Napster(付费服务).

Napster是一种在线音乐服务,最初由Shawn Fanning创建的文件共享服务。Napster是第一个被广泛应用的点对点(Peer-to-Peer,P2P)音乐共享服务,它极大地影响了人们,特别是大学生使用互联网的方式。它的出现,使音乐爱好者间共享MP3音乐变得容易,却也因此招致音像届对其大规模侵权行为的非难。尽管在法庭的责令下该服务已经终止,它却给点对点文件共享程序——如Kazaa,Limewire和BearShare——的拓展铺好了路,对这种方式的文件共享的控制,亦变得愈加困难。如今Napster靠付费服务生存着,免费的Napster的流行和回响使之在电脑界和娱乐业里成为一个传奇的符号。


[编辑] 起源

Shawn Fanning along with volunteer Sean Parker first released the original Napster in June of 1999 while Fanning was attending Northeastern University in Boston. Fanning wanted an easier method of finding music than by searching IRC or Lycos. John Fanning of Hull, Massachusetts, who is Shawn's uncle, struck an agreement which gave Shawn 30% control of the company, with the rest going to his uncle. Napster began to build an office and executive team in San Mateo, California, in September of 1999. Napster was the first of the massively popular peer-to-peer file sharing systems, although it was not fully peer-to-peer since it used central servers to maintain lists of connected systems and the files they provided - directories, effectively - while actual transactions were conducted directly between machines. Although there were already media which facilitated the sharing of files across the Internet, such as IRC, Hotline, and USENET, Napster specialized exclusively in music in the form of MP3 files and presented a user-friendly interface. The result was a system whose popularity generated an enormous selection of music to download.

Although the recording industry denounced music sharing as equivalent to theft, many Napster users felt justified in using the service for a number of reasons. Many believed that the quality of new albums had decreased by the mid-1990s, with the typical bestselling album containing only one or two good songs bundled with many low-quality "filler" songs. Additionally, the price per track had greatly increased as an increase in the overall price of CDs was coupled with a decrease in the number of tracks included with each CD. People praised Napster because it enabled them to obtain hit songs without having to buy an entire album. Napster also made it relatively easy for music enthusiasts to download copies of songs that were otherwise difficult to obtain, like older songs, unreleased recordings, and songs from concert bootleg recordings. Some users felt justified in downloading digital copies of recordings they had already purchased in other formats, like LP and cassette tape, before the compact disc emerged as the dominant format for music recordings.

Irrespective of these justifications, many other users simply enjoyed trading and downloading music for free. With the files obtained through Napster, people frequently made their own compilation albums on recordable CDs, without paying any royalties to the copyright holder (which was usually one of the big record labels). High-speed networks in college dormitories became overloaded, with as much as 80% of external network traffic consisting of MP3 file transfers. Many colleges blocked its use for this reason, even before concerns about liability for facilitating copyright violations on campus. As a partial solution to this issue, Napster was used as a test case for Internet2, the educational Internet backbone.

[编辑] 艺术团体的指控

重金属乐团Metallica发现他们的一首样本曲目 "I Disappear" 早在发布前就流传于Napster网络。 这最终使得该曲目在美国各地的数个电台上被播放.乐队发现他们过去的全部曲目也可在Napster网络上获得. across America. This brought to their attention that their entire back catalogue of studio material was also available. The band responded in 2000年 by filing a 诉讼 against the Napster service. A month later, rapper Dr. Dre, who shared a litigator and legal firm with Metallica, filed a similar lawsuit after Napster wouldn't remove his works from their service after he issued a written request. Separately, both Metallica and Dr. Dre later delivered thousands of usernames to Napster who they believed were pirating their songs. Metallica asked their group of users to be banned from the service, while Dr. Dre again asked for his songs to be removed from the service. All users who were on the list of either artist were banned. Napster complied with Metallica's request, but not Dr. Dre's; both the suits continued. A year after they began, Napster settled both lawsuits, but this came after being shut down by the Ninth Circuit Court in a separate lawsuit from several major record labels (see below).

同年, 麦当娜, who had previously met with Napster executives to discuss a possible partnership, became irate when one of her singles leaked out on to the web and Napster prior to its commercial release, causing widespread media coverage. Verified Napster use peaked with 26.4 million users worldwide in February 2001; however, former employees contend that the service had at least 40 million users in June of 2000.

At the time, the lawsuits were opposed by Napster users and supporters. To them, it seemed that file sharing was inevitable on the Internet , and it was not Napster's fault that people used the service to share copyrighted files. These users viewed Napster as a simple search engine. Many argued that any attempt to shut down Napster would simply lead to people using a different medium to exchange files over the Internet. Similarly, many supporters of Napster were concerned about the media's constant use of the word "site" to describe the service, a word which seems to imply that Napster was distributing files itself rather than facilitating their exchange.

[编辑] 关闭

Napster对非法行为的包庇激起数家主要唱片公司的忿怒,他们联合起来于1999年12月递交了对该共享服务的诉讼。尽管诉讼的目的是要关闭Napster,然而随着审讯的深入,该服务却愈加流行,审讯反而成了对该服务最好的推广和宣传。不久上百万的用户,其中大部分为学生,flocked to it.

After a failed appeal to the Ninth Circuit Court, an injunction was issued on March 5, 2001 ordering Napster to prevent the trading of copyrighted music on its network.[1] In July 2001, Napster shut down its entire network in order to comply with the injunction. On September 24, 2001, the case was partially settled. Napster agreed to pay music creators and copyright owners a $26 million settlement for past, unauthorized uses of music, as well as an advance against future licensing royalties of $10 million. In order to pay those fees, Napster attempted to convert their free service to a subscription system. A prototype solution was tested in the spring of 2002: the Napster 3.0 Alpha, using audio fingerprinting technology licensed from Relatable. Napster 3.0 was, according to many former Napster employees, ready to deploy, but it had significant trouble obtaining licenses to distribute major-label music.

On May 17,2002, Napster announced that its assets would be acquired by German media firm Bertelsmann for $8 million. Pursuant to terms of that agreement, on June 3 Napster filed for Chapter 11 protection under United States bankruptcy laws. On September 3, 2002, an American bankruptcy judge blocked the sale to Bertelsmann and forced Napster to liquidate its assets according to Chapter 7 of the U.S. bankruptcy laws. Most of the Napster staff were laid off, and the website changed to display "Napster was here".

[编辑] Promotional power

With all the accusations that Napster was destroying the record industry there were those who felt just the opposite, that file trading on Napster actually stimulated, rather than hurt, sales. Proof may have come in July 2000 when tracks from Radiohead's album Kid A found their way to Napster three months before the CD's release. Unlike Madonna, Radiohead had never hit the top 20 in the US. Furthermore, it was an experimental album that received little traditional promotion and almost no radio airplay. As MP3 Newswire described, it was a perfect vehicle to test this theory as the effect of Napster was isolated from other elements that could be credited for driving sales.

By the time of the record's release Kid A had been downloaded by millions of people worldwide. The record industry braced for the worst, but then came the big surprise. Kid A not only broke the top 20, it captured the number one spot on the charts in its debut week. The record beat out the CDs of some of the most heavily marketed artists of the time including Madonna and Eminem. In the absence of any other force that could account for this success, Richard Menta of MP3 Newswire declared this was proof that Napster was a promotional power.

[编辑] 现状

After a $2.4 million takeover offer by the Private Media Group, an "adult entertainment company", Napster's brand and logos were acquired at bankruptcy auction by the company Roxio, Inc. which used them to rebrand the pressplay music service as Napster 2.0. As of 2005, this new service has met with moderate success.

Although the central servers used by Napster made it a convenient legal target, the record industry failed to capitalize on the power vacuum left in its wake. The years between Napster's demise and the emergence of the iTunes Music Store as the first popular pay-service were squandered as the five major labels failed to agree on a single service or standard for online distribution, launching several mutually incompatible subscription services such as pressplay and MusicNet.[2]

In the meantime, the peer-to-peer filesharing trend Napster started soon resumed, with new programs and networks picking up the torch. Unofficial Napster servers proliferated, aided by a program known as "Napigator", and a second generation of P2P protocols (including FastTrack and Gnutella) were quickly developed. Designed as decentralized networks, these have been much more challenging for copyright owners to pursue in the courts (see MGM v. Grokster).

The ever-widening availability of broadband has made file sharing even more prevalent, since with increasing download speeds mean the distribution of entire movies and other large files is possible. An emerging and cryptographically strong third generation of P2P protocols will likely be nearly impossible to interdict. In a very real sense, Shawn Fanning can be called the man who opened a Pandora's Box.

[编辑] 流行文化中的影响

2003年 remake of The Italian Job, a flashback depicts Shawn Fanning(他本人饰演)由Seth Green饰演的电脑专家打盹的时候,从他那偷走程序, providing a humorous folk etymology for the name.

“-ster”这个后缀流行于许多英特网产品的商标名字,暗示着点对点模式,如Grokster,Aimster(后来改称Madster)和Blubster。这个效应同样延伸至Friendster, a site which vaguely recalls Napster's community-building features.

电视动画连续剧“Futurama”里有一集 centres on the illegal distribution of robotic celebrity clones over the Internet. The organisation responsible for this was named "kidnappster".

约翰·提托, a purported time traveller from the year 2036年,声称Napster在他的时间里依旧分享着音乐

[编辑] 参见

  • KaZaA
  • LimeWire
  • Morpheus
  • WinMX
  • Napster(付费服务)
  • Napster Bad!
  • Dmusic

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