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奥斯卡最佳导演奖 - Wikipedia




奥斯卡最佳导演奖(Academy Award for Best Directing),由美国电影艺术与科学学院通过业内人士投票,颁给每年得票最高的导演,奥斯卡金像奖之一。





[编辑] 1920年代

1927/28 (1st) DIRECTING (Comedy Picture)

  • Lewis Milestone -- Two Arabian Knights
Ted Wilde -- Speedy  

DIRECTING (Dramatic Picture)

  • Frank Borzage -- 7th Heaven
Herbert Brenon -- Sorrell and Son  
King Vidor -- The Crowd  


  • To Charles Chaplin, for acting, writing, directing and producing 'The Circus.'

[NOTE: The Academy Board of Judges on merit awards for individual achievements in motion picture arts during the year ending August 1, 1928, unanimously decided that your name should be removed from the competitive classes, and that a special first award be conferred upon you for writing, acting, directing and producing 'The Circus.' The collective accomplishments thus displayed place you in a class by yourself. (Letter from the Academy to Mr. Chaplin, dated February 19, 1929.)]

1928/29 (2nd) DIRECTING

Lionel Barrymore -- Madame X 

[NOTE: THIS IS NOT AN OFFICIAL NOMINATION. There were no announcements of nominations, no certificates of nomination or honorable mention, and only the winners (*) were revealed during the awards banquet on April 3, 1930. Though not official nominations, the additional names in each category, according to in-house records, were under consideration by the various boards of judges.]

Harry Beaumont -- The Broadway Melody 

[NOTE: THIS IS NOT AN OFFICIAL NOMINATION. There were no announcements of nominations, no certificates of nomination or honorable mention, and only the winners (*) were revealed during the awards banquet on April 3, 1930. Though not official nominations, the additional names in each category, according to in-house records, were under consideration by the various boards of judges.]

Irving Cummings -- In Old Arizona 

[NOTE: THIS IS NOT AN OFFICIAL NOMINATION. There were no announcements of nominations, no certificates of nomination or honorable mention, and only the winners (*) were revealed during the awards banquet on April 3, 1930. Though not official nominations, the additional names in each category, according to in-house records, were under consideration by the various boards of judges.]

  • Frank Lloyd -- The Divine Lady

[NOTE: THIS IS NOT AN OFFICIAL NOMINATION. There were no announcements of nominations, no certificates of nomination or honorable mention, and only the winners (*) were revealed during the awards banquet on April 3, 1930.]

Frank Lloyd -- Drag; and Weary River 

[NOTE: THIS IS NOT AN OFFICIAL NOMINATION. There were no announcements of nominations, no certificates of nomination or honorable mention, and only the winners (*) were revealed during the awards banquet on April 3, 1930. Though not official nominations, the additional names in each category, according to in-house records, were under consideration by the various boards of judges.]

Ernst Lubitsch -- The Patriot 

[NOTE: THIS IS NOT AN OFFICIAL NOMINATION. There were no announcements of nominations, no certificates of nomination or honorable mention, and only the winners (*) were revealed during the awards banquet on April 3, 1930. Though not official nominations, the additional names in each category, according to in-house records, were under consideration by the various boards of judges.]

[编辑] 1930年代

1929/30 (3rd) DIRECTING

Clarence Brown -- Anna Christie; and Romance  
Robert Leonard -- The Divorcee  
Ernst Lubitsch -- The Love Parade  
  • Lewis Milestone -- All Quiet on the Western Front
King Vidor -- Hallelujah  

1930/31 (4th) DIRECTING

Cimarron -- Wesley Ruggles  
A Free Soul -- Clarence Brown  
The Front Page -- Lewis Milestone  
Morocco -- Josef Von Sternberg  
  • Skippy -- Norman Taurog

1931/32 (5th) DIRECTING

  • Bad Girl -- Frank Borzage
The Champ -- King Vidor  
Shanghai Express -- Josef Von Sternberg  

1932/33 (6th) DIRECTING

  • Cavalcade -- Frank Lloyd
Lady for a Day -- Frank Capra [came in 2nd]  
Little Women -- George Cukor [came in 3rd]  

1934 (7th) DIRECTING

  • It Happened One Night -- Frank Capra
One Night of Love -- Victor Schertzinger [came in 3rd]  
The Thin Man -- W. S. Van Dyke [came in 2nd]  

1935 (8th) DIRECTING

Captain Blood -- Michael Curtiz [came in 2nd] 


  • The Informer -- John Ford
The Lives of a Bengal Lancer -- Henry Hathaway [came in 3rd]  
Mutiny on the Bounty -- Frank Lloyd  

1936 (9th) DIRECTING

Dodsworth -- William Wyler  
The Great Ziegfeld -- Robert Z. Leonard  
  • Mr. Deeds Goes to Town -- Frank Capra
My Man Godfrey -- Gregory La Cava  
San Francisco -- W. S. Van Dyke  

1937 (10th) DIRECTING

  • The Awful Truth -- Leo McCarey
The Good Earth -- Sidney Franklin  
The Life of Emile Zola -- William Dieterle  
Stage Door -- Gregory La Cava  
A Star Is Born -- William Wellman  

1938 (11th) DIRECTING

Angels with Dirty Faces -- Michael Curtiz  
Boys Town -- Norman Taurog  
The Citadel -- King Vidor  
Four Daughters -- Michael Curtiz  
  • You Can't Take It with You -- Frank Capra

1939 (12th) DIRECTING

  • Gone with the Wind -- Victor Fleming
Goodbye, Mr. Chips -- Sam Wood  
Mr. Smith Goes to Washington -- Frank Capra  
Stagecoach -- John Ford  
Wuthering Heights -- William Wyler  

[编辑] 1940年代

1940 (13th) DIRECTING

  • The Grapes of Wrath -- John Ford
Kitty Foyle -- Sam Wood  
The Letter -- William Wyler  
The Philadelphia Story -- George Cukor  
Rebecca -- Alfred Hitchcock  

1941 (14th) DIRECTING

Citizen Kane -- Orson Welles  
Here Comes Mr. Jordan -- Alexander Hall  
  • How Green Was My Valley -- John Ford
The Little Foxes -- William Wyler  
Sergeant York -- Howard Hawks  

1942 (15th) DIRECTING

Kings Row -- Sam Wood  
  • Mrs. Miniver -- William Wyler
Random Harvest -- Mervyn LeRoy  
Wake Island -- John Farrow  
Yankee Doodle Dandy -- Michael Curtiz  

1943 (16th) DIRECTING

  • Casablanca -- Michael Curtiz
Heaven Can Wait -- Ernst Lubitsch  
The Human Comedy -- Clarence Brown  
The More the Merrier -- George Stevens  
The Song of Bernadette -- Henry King  

1944 (17th) DIRECTING

Double Indemnity -- Billy Wilder  
  • Going My Way -- Leo McCarey
Laura -- Otto Preminger  
Lifeboat -- Alfred Hitchcock  
Wilson -- Henry King  

1945 (18th) DIRECTING

The Bells of St. Mary's -- Leo McCarey  
  • The Lost Weekend -- Billy Wilder
National Velvet -- Clarence Brown  
The Southerner -- Jean Renoir  
Spellbound -- Alfred Hitchcock  

1946 (19th) DIRECTING

  • The Best Years of Our Lives -- William Wyler
Brief Encounter -- David Lean  
It's a Wonderful Life -- Frank Capra  
The Killers -- Robert Siodmak  
The Yearling -- Clarence Brown  

1947 (20th) DIRECTING

The Bishop's Wife -- Henry Koster  
Crossfire -- Edward Dmytryk  
A Double Life -- George Cukor  
  • Gentleman's Agreement -- Elia Kazan
Great Expectations -- David Lean  

1948 (21st) DIRECTING

Hamlet -- Laurence Olivier  
Johnny Belinda -- Jean Negulesco  
The Search -- Fred Zinnemann  
The Snake Pit -- Anatole Litvak  
  • The Treasure of the Sierra Madre -- John Huston

1949 (22nd) DIRECTING

All the King's Men -- Robert Rossen  
Battleground -- William A. Wellman  
The Fallen Idol -- Carol Reed  
The Heiress -- William Wyler  
  • A Letter to Three Wives -- Joseph L. Mankiewicz

[编辑] 1950年代

1950 (23rd) DIRECTING

  • All about Eve -- Joseph L. Mankiewicz
The Asphalt Jungle -- John Huston  
Born Yesterday -- George Cukor  
Sunset Blvd. -- Billy Wilder  
The Third Man -- Carol Reed  

1951 (24th) DIRECTING

The African Queen -- John Huston  
An American in Paris -- Vincente Minnelli  
Detective Story -- William Wyler  
  • A Place in the Sun -- George Stevens
A Streetcar Named Desire -- Elia Kazan  

1952 (25th) DIRECTING

Five Fingers -- Joseph L. Mankiewicz  
The Greatest Show on Earth -- Cecil B. DeMille  
High Noon -- Fred Zinnemann  
Moulin Rouge -- John Huston  
  • The Quiet Man -- John Ford

1953 (26th) DIRECTING

  • From Here to Eternity -- Fred Zinnemann
Lili -- Charles Walters  
Roman Holiday -- William Wyler  
Shane -- George Stevens  
Stalag 17 -- Billy Wilder  

1954 (27th) DIRECTING

The Country Girl -- George Seaton  
The High and the Mighty -- William Wellman  
  • On the Waterfront -- Elia Kazan
Rear Window -- Alfred Hitchcock  
Sabrina -- Billy Wilder  

1955 (28th) DIRECTING

Bad Day at Black Rock -- John Sturges  
East of Eden -- Elia Kazan  
  • Marty -- Delbert Mann
Picnic -- Joshua Logan  
Summertime -- David Lean  

1956 (29th) DIRECTING

Around the World in 80 Days -- Michael Anderson  
Friendly Persuasion -- William Wyler  
  • Giant -- George Stevens
The King and I -- Walter Lang  
War and Peace -- King Vidor  

1957 (30th) DIRECTING

  • The Bridge on the River Kwai -- David Lean
Peyton Place -- Mark Robson  
Sayonara -- Joshua Logan  
12 Angry Men -- Sidney Lumet  
Witness for the Prosecution -- Billy Wilder  

1958 (31st) DIRECTING

Cat on a Hot Tin Roof -- Richard Brooks  
The Defiant Ones -- Stanley Kramer  
  • Gigi -- Vincente Minnelli
I Want To Live! -- Robert Wise  
The Inn of the Sixth Happiness -- Mark Robson  

1959 (32nd) DIRECTING

  • Ben-Hur -- William Wyler
The Diary of Anne Frank -- George Stevens  
The Nun's Story -- Fred Zinnemann  
Room at the Top -- Jack Clayton  
Some Like It Hot -- Billy Wilder  

[编辑] 1960年代

1960 (33rd) DIRECTING

  • The Apartment -- Billy Wilder
Never on Sunday -- Jules Dassin  
Psycho -- Alfred Hitchcock  
Sons and Lovers -- Jack Cardiff  
The Sundowners -- Fred Zinnemann  

1961 (34th) DIRECTING

The Guns of Navarone -- J. Lee Thompson  
The Hustler -- Robert Rossen  
Judgment at Nuremberg -- Stanley Kramer  
La Dolce Vita -- Federico Fellini  
  • West Side Story -- Robert Wise, Jerome Robbins

1962 (35th) DIRECTING

David and Lisa -- Frank Perry  
Divorce--Italian Style -- Pietro Germi  
  • Lawrence of Arabia -- David Lean
The Miracle Worker -- Arthur Penn  
To Kill a Mockingbird -- Robert Mulligan  

1963 (36th) DIRECTING

America America -- Elia Kazan  
The Cardinal -- Otto Preminger  
Federico Fellini's 8-1/2 -- Federico Fellini  
Hud -- Martin Ritt  
  • Tom Jones -- Tony Richardson

1964 (37th) DIRECTING

Becket -- Peter Glenville  
Dr. Strangelove Or: How I Learned To Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb -- Stanley Kubrick  
Mary Poppins -- Robert Stevenson  
  • My Fair Lady -- George Cukor
Zorba the Greek -- Michael Cacoyannis  

1965 (38th) DIRECTING

The Collector -- William Wyler  
Darling -- John Schlesinger  
Doctor Zhivago -- David Lean  
  • The Sound of Music -- Robert Wise
Woman in the Dunes -- Hiroshi Teshigahara  

1966 (39th) DIRECTING

Blow-Up -- Michelangelo Antonioni  
A Man and a Woman -- Claude Lelouch  
  • A Man for All Seasons -- Fred Zinnemann
The Professionals -- Richard Brooks  
Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? -- Mike Nichols  

1967 (40th) DIRECTING

Bonnie and Clyde -- Arthur Penn  
  • The Graduate -- Mike Nichols
Guess Who's Coming to Dinner -- Stanley Kramer  
In Cold Blood -- Richard Brooks  
In the Heat of the Night -- Norman Jewison  

1968 (41st) DIRECTING

The Battle of Algiers -- Gillo Pontecorvo  
The Lion in Winter -- Anthony Harvey  
  • Oliver! -- Carol Reed
Romeo and Juliet -- Franco Zeffirelli  
2001: A Space Odyssey -- Stanley Kubrick  

1969 (42nd) DIRECTING

Alice's Restaurant -- Arthur Penn  
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid -- George Roy Hill  
  • Midnight Cowboy -- John Schlesinger
They Shoot Horses, Don't They? -- Sydney Pollack  
Z -- Costa-Gavras  

[编辑] 1970年代

1970 (43rd) DIRECTING

Fellini Satyricon -- Federico Fellini  
Love Story -- Arthur Hiller  
M*A*S*H -- Robert Altman  
  • Patton -- Franklin J. Schaffner
Women in Love -- Ken Russell  

1971 (44th) DIRECTING

A Clockwork Orange -- Stanley Kubrick  
Fiddler on the Roof -- Norman Jewison  
  • The French Connection -- William Friedkin
The Last Picture Show -- Peter Bogdanovich  
Sunday Bloody Sunday -- John Schlesinger  

1972 (45th) DIRECTING

  • Cabaret -- Bob Fosse
Deliverance -- John Boorman  
The Emigrants -- Jan Troell  
The Godfather -- Francis Ford Coppola  
Sleuth -- Joseph L. Mankiewicz  

1973 (46th) DIRECTING

American Graffiti -- George Lucas  
Cries and Whispers -- Ingmar Bergman  
The Exorcist -- William Friedkin  
Last Tango in Paris -- Bernardo Bertolucci  
  • The Sting -- George Roy Hill

1974 (47th) DIRECTING

Chinatown -- Roman Polanski  
Day for Night -- Francois Truffaut  
  • The Godfather Part II -- Francis Ford Coppola
Lenny -- Bob Fosse  
A Woman under the Influence -- John Cassavetes  

1975 (48th) DIRECTING

Amarcord -- Federico Fellini  
Barry Lyndon -- Stanley Kubrick  
Dog Day Afternoon -- Sidney Lumet  
Nashville -- Robert Altman  
  • One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest -- Milos Forman

1976 (49th) DIRECTING

All the President's Men -- Alan J. Pakula  
Face to Face -- Ingmar Bergman  
Network -- Sidney Lumet  
  • Rocky -- John G. Avildsen
Seven Beauties -- Lina Wertmüller  

1977 (50th) DIRECTING

  • Annie Hall -- Woody Allen
Close Encounters of the Third Kind -- Steven Spielberg  
Julia -- Fred Zinnemann  
Star Wars -- George Lucas  
The Turning Point -- Herbert Ross  

1978 (51st) DIRECTING

Coming Home -- Hal Ashby  
  • The Deer Hunter -- Michael Cimino
Heaven Can Wait -- Warren Beatty, Buck Henry  
Interiors -- Woody Allen  
Midnight Express -- Alan Parker  

1979 (52nd) DIRECTING

All That Jazz -- Bob Fosse  
Apocalypse Now -- Francis Coppola  
Breaking Away -- Peter Yates  
  • Kramer vs. Kramer -- Robert Benton
La Cage aux Folles -- Edouard Molinaro  

[编辑] 1980年代

1980 (53rd) DIRECTING

The Elephant Man -- David Lynch  
  • Ordinary People -- Robert Redford
Raging Bull -- Martin Scorsese  
The Stunt Man -- Richard Rush  
Tess -- Roman Polanski  

1981 (54th) DIRECTING

Atlantic City -- Louis Malle  
Chariots of Fire -- Hugh Hudson  
On Golden Pond -- Mark Rydell  
Raiders of the Lost Ark -- Steven Spielberg  
  • Reds -- Warren Beatty

1982 (55th) DIRECTING

Das Boot -- Wolfgang Petersen  
E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial -- Steven Spielberg  
  • Gandhi -- Richard Attenborough
Tootsie -- Sydney Pollack  
The Verdict -- Sidney Lumet  

1983 (56th) DIRECTING

The Dresser -- Peter Yates  
Fanny & Alexander -- Ingmar Bergman  
Silkwood -- Mike Nichols  
Tender Mercies -- Bruce Beresford  
  • Terms of Endearment -- James L. Brooks

1984 (57th) DIRECTING

  • Amadeus -- Milos Forman
Broadway Danny Rose -- Woody Allen  
The Killing Fields -- Roland Joffé  
A Passage to India -- David Lean  
Places in the Heart -- Robert Benton  

1985 (58th) DIRECTING

Kiss of the Spider Woman -- Hector Babenco  
  • Out of Africa -- Sydney Pollack
Prizzi's Honor -- John Huston  
Ran -- Akira Kurosawa  
Witness -- Peter Weir  

1986 (59th) DIRECTING

Blue Velvet -- David Lynch  
Hannah and Her Sisters -- Woody Allen  
The Mission -- Roland Joffé  
  • Platoon -- Oliver Stone
A Room with a View -- James Ivory  

1987 (60th) DIRECTING

Fatal Attraction -- Adrian Lyne  
Hope and Glory -- John Boorman  
  • The Last Emperor -- Bernardo Bertolucci
Moonstruck -- Norman Jewison  
My Life As a Dog -- Lasse Hallström  

1988 (61st) DIRECTING

A Fish Called Wanda -- Charles Crichton  
The Last Temptation of Christ -- Martin Scorsese  
Mississippi Burning -- Alan Parker  
  • Rain Man -- Barry Levinson
Working Girl -- Mike Nichols  

1989 (62nd) DIRECTING

  • Born on the Fourth of July -- Oliver Stone
Crimes and Misdemeanors -- Woody Allen  
Dead Poets Society -- Peter Weir  
Henry V -- Kenneth Branagh  
My Left Foot -- Jim Sheridan  

[编辑] 1990年代

1990 (63rd)
-{zh-cn:凯文·科斯特纳;zh-tw:凱文·科斯特納;zh-hk:奇雲·高士拿}-(Kevin Costner) 與狼共舞》(Dances With Wolves
弗朗西斯·科波拉(Francis Ford Coppola) 教父III》(The Godfather, Part III
馬丁·斯科西斯(Martin Scorsese) 《盜亦有道》(GoodFellas
史提芬·費雅斯(Stephen Frears) 《-{zh-cn:千网危情;zh-tw:致命賭局;zh-hk:致命賭局}-》(The Grifters
-{zh-cn:巴贝特·施罗德;zh-hk:巴比舒路達}-(Barbet Schroeder) 《-{zh-cn:命运的逆转;zh-tw:命轉乾坤}-》(Reversal of Fortune

1991 (64th)
尊尼芬·狄米(Jonathan Demme) 《沉默的羔羊》(The Silence of the Lambs
約翰·辛格頓(John Singleton) 《鄰家少年殺人事件》(Boyz N the Hood
-{zh-cn:巴里·莱文森;zh-tw:巴瑞李文遜}-(Barry Levinson) 《-{zh-cn:巴格西;zh-tw:豪情四海}-》(Bugsy
奧利佛·斯通(Oliver Stone) 《刺殺甘廼迪》(JFK
里德利·斯科特(Ridley Scott) 《末路狂花》(Thelma and Louise

1992 (65th)
奇連·伊士活(Clint Eastwood) 《-{zh-tw:殺無赦;zh-hk:豪情蓋天}-》(Unforgiven
尼爾·喬登(Neil Jordan) 哭泣遊戲》(The Crying Game
占士·艾佛利(James Ivory) 《此情可問天》(Howards End
羅伯特·奧特曼(Robert Altman) 《天生大玩家》(The Player
馬丁·貝斯特(Martin Brest) 闻香识女人》(Scent of a Woman

1993 (66th)
-{zh-cn:斯蒂芬·斯皮尔伯格;zh-tw:史蒂芬·史匹柏;zh-hk:史提芬·史匹堡}-(Steven Spielberg) -{zh-cn:辛德勒的名单;zh-hk:舒特拉的名单;zh-tw:辛德勒名單}-》(Schindler's List
吉姆·謝里登(Jim Sheridan) 《因父之名》(In the Name of the Father
珍·康萍(Jane Campion) 《鋼琴別戀》(The Piano
占士·艾佛利(James Ivory) 《告別有情天》(The Remains of the Day
羅伯特·奧特曼(Robert Altman) 《銀色性男女》(Short Cuts

1994 (67th)
羅拔·湛米基斯(Robert Zemeckis) 阿甘正傳》(Forrest Gump
-{zh-cn:伍迪·艾伦;zh-tw:伍迪·艾倫;zh-hk:活地·亞倫}-(Woody Allen) 《子彈橫飛百老匯》(Bullets over Broadway
昆廷·塔倫蒂諾(Quentin Tarantino) -{zh-cn:低俗小说;zh-tw:黑色追緝令;zh-hk:危險人物}-》(Pulp Fiction
羅伯特·雷德福(Robert Redford) 《幕後謊言》(Quiz Show
剋日什托夫·基斯洛夫斯基(Krzysztof Kieślowski) 三色之紅》(Three Colors: Red

1995 (68th)
梅爾·吉勃遜(Mel Gibson) 勇敢的心》(Braveheart
克里斯·努南(Chris Noonan) 《小豬寶貝》(Babe
蒂姆·羅賓斯(Tim Robbins) 死囚168小時》(Dead Man Walking
邁克·菲吉斯(Mike Figgis) 《遠離賭城》(Leaving Las Vegas
米高·雷德福(Michael Radford) 《事先張揚的求愛事件》(II Postino

1996 (69th)
安東尼·明格拉(Anthony Minghella) 《英國病人》(The English Patient
喬爾·科恩(Joel Coen) 《冰血暴》(Fargo
米洛斯·福曼(Milos Forman) 《情色風暴》(The People vs. Larry Flynt
麥克·李(Mike Leigh) 《秘密與謊言》(Secrets & Lies
斯科特·希克斯(Scott Hicks) 《鋼琴師》(Shine

1997 (70th)
詹姆斯·卡梅隆(James Cameron) -{zh-cn:泰坦尼克号;zh-hk:鐵達尼號}-》(Titanic
彼得·卡坦紐(Peter Cattaneo) 《一脫到底》(The Full Monty
加斯·范·桑特(Gus Van Sant) 《心靈捕手》(Good Will Hunting
柯蒂斯·漢森(Curtis Hanson) 《洛城機密》(L.A. Confidential
艾湯·伊高揚(Atom Egoyan) 《意外的春天》(The Sweet Hereafter

1998 (71st)
-{zh-cn:斯蒂芬·斯皮尔伯格;zh-tw:史蒂芬·史匹柏;zh-hk:史提芬·史匹堡}-(Steven Spielberg) 拯救大兵瑞恩》(Saving Private Ryan
罗伯托·贝尼尼(Roberto Benigni) 美丽人生》(Life Is Beautiful
约翰·麦登(John Madden) 《莎翁情史》(Shakespeare in Love
特伦斯·马里克(Terrence Malick) 《细红线》(The Thin Red Line
彼得·威尔(Peter Weir) 《楚门的世界》(The Truman Show

1999 (72nd)
山姆·门德斯(Sam Mendes) 《美国丽人》(American Beauty
斯派克·琼斯(Spike Jonze) 《成为约翰·马尔科维奇》(Being John Malkovich
拉瑟·哈尔斯特伦(Lasse Hallström) 《苹果酒屋法则》(The Cider House Rules
迈克·尔曼(Michael Mann) 《局内人》(The Insider
M·奈特·夏马兰(M. Night Shyamalan) 《灵异第六感》(The Sixth Sense

[编辑] 2000年代

2000 (73rd)
-{zh-cn:史蒂文·索德伯格;zh-tw:史帝芬·索德柏;zh-hk:史提芬·蘇德堡}- (Steven Soderbergh) 《贩毒网络》 (Traffic
史蒂芬·达德里 (Stephen Daldry) -{zh-cn:跳出我天地;zh-tw:舞動人生;zh-hk:跳出我天地}-》 (Billy Elliot
李安 (Ang Lee) 卧虎藏龙》 (Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
-{zh-cn:史蒂文·索德伯格;zh-tw:史帝芬·索德柏;zh-hk:史提芬·蘇德堡}- (Steven Soderbergh) 《永不妥协》 (Erin Brockovich
里德利·斯科特 (Ridley Scott) -{zh-cn:角斗士;zh-tw:神鬼戰士;zh-hk:帝國驕雄}-》 (Gladiator

2001 (74th)
-{zh-cn:朗·霍华德;zh-hk:朗·侯活;zh-tw:朗·霍華}- (Ron Howard) -{zh-cn:美丽心灵;zh-tw:美麗境界;zh-hk:有你終生美麗}-》 (A Beautiful Mind
里德利·斯科特 (Ridley Scott) 《黑鹰坠落》 (Black Hawk Down
罗伯特·奥尔特曼 (Robert Altman) 《高斯福德庄园》 (Gosford Park
彼得·杰克逊 (Peter Jackson) 指环王:护戒使者
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
大卫·林奇 (David Lynch) 穆赫兰道》 (Mulholland Drive

2002 (75th)
罗曼·波兰斯基 (Roman Polanski) -{zh-cn:钢琴师;zh-tw:戰地琴人;zh-hk:鋼琴戰曲}-》 (The Pianist
罗布·马歇尔 (Rob Marshall) 《芝加哥》 (Chicago
馬丁·斯科西斯 (Martin Scorsese) 《纽约黑帮》 (Gangs of New York
史蒂芬·达德里 (Stephen Daldry) 时时刻刻》 (The Hours
佩德罗·阿莫多瓦 (Pedro Almodóvar) 《对她说》 (Talk to Her

2003 (76th)
彼得·杰克逊 (Peter Jackson) 指环王:王者归来
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
费尔南多·梅勒列斯 (Fernando Meirelles) 上帝之城》 (City of God
索菲娅·科波拉 (Sofia Coppola) 迷失东京》 (Lost in Translation
彼得·威尔 (Peter Weir) 《怒海争锋:世界的另一端》
Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World
科林特·伊斯特伍德 (Clint Eastwood) 神秘河》 (Mystic River

2004 (77th)
奇連·伊士活 (Clint Eastwood) 《-{zh-cn:百万宝贝;zh-tw:登峰造擊;zh-hk:擊情}-》 (Million Dollar Baby
馬丁·斯科西斯 (Martin Scorsese) -{zh-cn:飞行者;zh-tw:神鬼玩家;zh-hk:娛樂大亨}-》 (The Aviator
泰萊·赫福特 (Taylor Hackford) 《Ray》 (Ray
亞歷山大·拜尼 (Alexander Payne) 《酒佬日記》 (Sideways
麥克·李 (Mike Leigh) 《天使薇拉卓克》 (Vera Drake

2005 (78th)
李安 (Ang Lee) 断背山》 (Brokeback Mountain
-{zh-cn:乔治·克鲁尼;zh-tw:喬治·克隆尼;zh-hk:佐治·古尼}- (George Timothy Clooney) 晚安,好运》 (Good Night, and Good Luck
保罗希·杰斯 (Paul Haggis) -{zh-cn:撞车;zh-tw:衝擊效應;zh-hk:撞車}-》 (Crash
宾纳·米勒 (Bennett Miller) 《-{zh-cn:卡波特;zh-tw:冷血告白;zh-hk:冷血字傳}-》 (Capote
-{zh-cn:斯蒂芬·斯皮尔伯格;zh-tw:史蒂芬·史匹柏;zh-hk:史提芬·史匹堡}- (Steven Spielberg) 慕尼黑》 (Munich

另見:最佳影片 - 最佳導演



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