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Wikipédia:Veľvyslanectvo - Wikipédia


Z Wikipédie

Veľvyslanectvo slovenskej Wikipédie existuje ako miesto spolupráce medzi rôznojazyčnými Wikipédiami. Zoznam všetkých veľvyslanectiev nájdete na meta:Wikimedia Embassy.

Vitajte na veľvyslanectve slovenskej Wikipédie. Ak máte nejaké oznámenie či otázku týkajúcu sa medzinárodnej spolupráce alebo slovenskej Wikipédie ako takej, môžete ho umiestniť na túto stránku alebo jej diskusiu.
Správa pre veľvyslanectvo
Willkommen auf der Botschaft der slowakischsprachigen Wikipedia. Fragen und Vorschläge zu slowakischen oder internationalen Themen können hier oder auf der Diskussionsseite zur Botschaft gepostet werden.
Mitteilung an die Botschaft
Welcome to the embassy of the Slovak-speaking Wikipedia! If you have any announcements or questions regarding international issues or the Slovak Wikipedia, you are invited to post them here or to the Talk: page for this article.
Message to the embassy
Bienvenue sur l'ambassade du Wikipédia slovaque! Si vous avez n'importe quelle annonce ou demande concernant les questions internationales ou le wikipédia slovaque vous êtes invité à les signaler ici ou sur la page de discussion de cet article.
Consulter des ambassadeurs


[úprava] Help! Hilfe! Aidez-moi! Apua! AIIIEE! ਮਦਦ! На помощь! Помоћ! 幫助!帮助!Tolong! 도와주세요!

Visitors of the Slovak-speaking Wikipedia can ask one of the listed users for help directly in the languages:

(for skill definition see: meta:Meta:Babel_templates )

For complete list of user's language skills see Redaktori podľa jazykov.ps

Language Native speaker Advanced level Intermediate level Basic level
en Majki helix84, Maros, Bronto, Atomique, Robo, Botev Liso, Clovek55, Adrian, mt7, Wizzard Jozo
hu Jozo mt7 Liso Bronto
cs Adrian, Maros, Bronto, Clovek55,Atomique, Wizzard Jozo
de Maros, Bronto, mt7, Robo, Botev,Clovek55 Jozo
ru Bronto Adrian, Jozo
fr Bronto Wizzard
pl Botev Kelovy

[úprava] Veľvyslanci

Veľvyslancom môže byť ľubovoľný wikipedián, ktorý je ochotný riešiť prípadné problémy medzinárodnej spolupráce a komunikovať s uživateľmi cudzojazyčných Wikipédií.

Veľvyslancom slovenskej Wikipédie je Palica (diskusia).

[úprava] Interwiki guidelines

These are the guidelines used for interwiki links at the German Wikipedia. If you run a robot regularly, please consider using a bot-flagged account.

  • Interwiki links should reside at the very bottom of each page (after category tags).
  • An empty line should prefix the interwiki section. No comment is needed.
  • Each interwiki link should reside on its own line.
  • Interwiki links are sorted by their ISO 639 language code

[úprava] Wikizine

Hi, I am w:nl:gebruiker:Walter of the dutch Wikipedia. I am writing you because your are listed as ambassador of your wiki. I have something to say that I think you will find useful and possibly others of your wiki also.

You know it is not easy for the members of a local wiki to be informed about what is going on in the higher levels of the Wikimedia family. This because of the language problem and the high level of fragmentation of places where you can find information.

I am now making a weekly news letter (Wikizine) that attempts to provide the news of the Wikimedia projects. The concept is to list only a very short description of the news an give the relevant url to the subject. I want it to be short, only give the news that is important for all projects. The target audience include the ambassadors. It is for people who are interested in what it going on outside there own wiki. I emphasize on the news that is practical-technical. The information comes form several "news"-pages on several wikis, the mailinglists and IRC. There will be news I can not discover. If you have news found somewhere or from you own wiki please let my know. wikizine AT wikipedia.be

I can only create one version in something that supposed to be English. I count on the readers to inform there local wiki about the news in there own language.

Wikizine is send by use of the mailinglist Announce-l. It is only used for this. So people can subscribe without being swamped by emails like the lists.


I hope that you and others of your wiki will subscribe to Wikizine and give feedback. So that Wikizine can become really a source where Wikimedians can find out what is going on. Greetings, w:nl:gebruiker:Walter PS: do not repond here. I will not see it.

Our "Network":

Project Gutenberg

Encyclopaedia Britannica 1911

Librivox Audiobooks

Linux Distributions

Magnatune (MP3 Music)

Static Wikipedia (June 2008)

Static Wikipedia (March 2008)

Static Wikipedia (2007)

Static Wikipedia (2006)

Liber Liber

ZIM Files for Kiwix

Other Websites:

Bach - Goldberg Variations

Lazarillo de Tormes

Madame Bovary

Il Fu Mattia Pascal

The Voice in the Desert

Confessione d'un amore fascista


Debito formativo

Adina Spire