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Spis alfabetyczny formatów plików (D-H) - Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia

Spis alfabetyczny formatów plików (D-H)

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Zalążek artykułu To jest tylko zalążek artykułu z dziedziny informatyki. Jeśli możesz, rozbuduj go.

Tabela formatów plików w kolejności alfabetycznej według rozszerzeń plików nie jest pełna, ponieważ ciągle powstają nowe formaty plików. W związku z tym, że język angielski jest szeroko stosowany w informatyce, opisy pozostawiono w wersji oryginalnej.

Tabela jest podzielona na mniejsze części:

0-C D-H I-O P-R S-Z

DAT Data file in special format or ASCII DAT Database file; Clarion
DB  ?onfiguration; dBASE IV - dBFast DB  ?atabase file; Paradox - XTreeGold - dbvista
DB Multi Edit config; ME DB$ Temperature debug info; Clarion Modula-2
DB$ Temporary file; dBASE DB2 Database; dBASE II
DB3 Database; dBASE III DBA Database file; Turbo Prolog - DataEase
DBD Business data; Business Insight DBD Debug info; Clarion Modula-2
DBF Database file; dBASE III/IV - FoxPro - dBFast - DataBoss DBG Debugger script; DOS debug - Watcom debuger
DBG Symbolic debugging information; MS C/C++ DBK Database backup; dBASE IV
DBM Datafile; DataEase DBM Menu template; DataBoss
DBO Compiled program; dBASE IV DBS Data file used by Managing Your Money
DBS Database in SQL Windows format DBS Datafile; PRODAS
DBS Printer description file; MS Word - Works DBT FoxBASE+ style memo; FoxPro
DBT Memo file for database w/same name; dBASE IV - dBFast DBW Windows file; DataBoss
DBX DataBeam; GCGW DCA Document Content Architecture text file; IBM DisplayWrite
DCF Disk image file DCL Delphi Control Library; Borland Delphi
DCM DCM music module; AWAVE DCP OS/2 device code page; OS/2
DCS Bitmap graphics (CYMK format); QuarkXPress DCS Datafile; ACT! Activity Files
DCT Dictionary: used by many programs with program dependent format; Clarion DCT Spell checking dictionary; Harvard Graphics 3.0 - Symphony
DCU Delphi unit (compiled); Borland Delphi DCX Multi-page PCX graphics (common fax format); Intel - SpectraFAX
DD Macintosh file archive; DISKDOUBLER DDB Bitmap graphics
DDI Disk image; DiskDupe DDP Device Driver Profile file; OS/2
DEB DEBUG script; DOS Debug DEF Assembly header file; Geoworks
DEF Defaults - definitions DEF Linker definition file; TLink - WLink...
DEM Demonstration DEM Digital Elevation Model
DEM Graphics file; VistaPro DEM Vista DEM file; Meta.exe VP3
DES ASCII text parameter description; AWAVE DEV Device driver
DFD Data Flow Diagram graphic file; Prosa DFI Outline font description; Digifont
DFL Default program settings; Signature DFM Data Flow Diagram model file; Prosa
DFM Delphi form module; Borland Delphi DFS Delight Sound File
DFV Printing form (Word); MS Word DFX Micrografx Effects DLL
DGN Graphics file; MicroStation DGS Diagnostics
DH Dependency information for .ph; Geoworks DHP Dr. Halo PIC Format graphics file; Dr. Halo II - III
DHT Datafile; Gauss DIA Diagraph graphics file; Computer Support Corporation
DIB "Device Independent Bitmap; rarely used Windows 3.0 bitmap"; Win - OS/2 DIC Dictionary (e.g. from WinWord)
DIF Borland patch data file; Borland patch DIF Data Interchange Format; Visicalc
DIF OS/2 V2.2 Display Information File; OS/2 DIF Output from Diff command - script for Patch command
DIG Digilink; AWAVE DIG Sound Designer 1 audio file; AWAVE
DIP Graphics DIP Watcom debug info processor; WatcomDebugger
DIR Dialing directory file; Procomm Plus DIR Directory file; VAX - CPS Backup
DIR Movie; MacroMind Director 4.x DIS Distribution file; VAX Mail
DIS Thesaurus; CorelDraw DIZ Description file (Description In Zip)
DKB Raytraced graphics; DKBTrace DL Animation format (Italian origin); Display - DL Viewer
DLD -----; Lotus 1-2-3 DLG Dialog resource script file; MS Windows SDK
DLG Dialog resources; DN DLG Digital Line Graph
DLG Windows SDK dialog editor data file DLL Dynamic Link Library; Windows 3.x - OS/2
DLL Export/import filter; CorelDRAW DLS Setup; Norton Disklock
DMF Music format (Delusion Digital Music File); Delusion DMO Demo; Derive
DMP Dump file (eg. screen or memory) DMS Amiga file archive; DISKMASHER
DOC ASCII doc file DOC WinWord native file; MS Word
DOG Screen file; Laughing Dog Screen Maker DOH Dependency information for .poh; Geoworks
DOS External command file; 1st Reader DOS Network driver (eg. pkt_dis.dos)
DOS OS/2 V3 SVGA PMI-File; Svga.exe DOS Something for MS-DOS (e.g. msdos.dos); Win95
DOS Text file containing DOS specific info DOT Line-type definition file; CorelDRAW
DOT MS Word document template; MS Word DOX Text file; MultiMate 4.0
DOZ Description Out of Zip; VENDINFO DP Calendar file; Daily Planner
DP Data file; DataPhile DPR Default project- and state-related information; Borland C++ - Delphi - C
DPX Digital Moving Picture Exchange DRP Web3D File; Web3D
DRS Display Resource; WordPerfect for Win DRV Driver
DRW DRaW file; Windows Draw, Designer - Micrografx (now Corel) DRW DRaW file; iGrafx Business, iGrafx Designer and other iGrafx - iGrafx
DS4 Vector graphics; Micrografx (now Corel) Designer 4.x DSC Discard file; Oracle
DSC Description file DSF Database; DataShaper
DSF DeSigner File; Micrografx, iGrafx, Corel DSF Delusion Digital Sound File; Delusion
DSK Desktop configuration; BP - DN - BC++ - TP DSK Disk Drivers; Novell NetWare
DSM Digital Sound Module; DSI DSN Design; Object System Designer
DSP Display parameters; Signature DSP Dynamic Studio Professional Module; Dynamic Studio
DSP Graphics display driver; Dr.Halo DSP Norton viewer DLL; Win
DSR Driver Resource; WordPerfect for Win DSS Screensaver file; DCC
DSS Sound; Digital Soup DST WAIN (Scanner spec) data source DLL; Win
DSW Borland C++ 4.x desktop layout file; BCW.EXE DT_ Data fork of a Macintosh file; Mac-ette
DTA Data file; Turbo Pascal - PC-File - Stata DTF Database file; PFS - Q& A
DTM DigiTrekker music module; AWAVE DTP Document; Timeworks Publisher3
DTP Page Magic 2.0 publication; Page Magic 2.0 DTP Publication; Publish-It!
DVC Data; Lotus 1-2-3 DVI DeVice Independent document; TeX
DVP DESQView run-file; DESQView DVP Device parameter file; AutoCAD
DW2 Drawing; DesignCAD for windows DWB Coryphaeus Software Designers Workbench; CSD
DWC Archive; DWC DWD DiamondWare Digitized file; AWAVE
DWG Drawing; AutoCAD - Drafix DX Text file; DEC WPS/DX format - DEC WPS Plus
DXF Drawing Interchange File Format vector graphics (AutoCAD); AutoCAD DXN Fax; Fujitsu dexNET
DYN Data; Lotus 1-2-3
EAS Extended file attributes; OS/2 EBJ Error-checking object file; Geoworks
EC Error checking preprosessed Goc source code; Geoworks ED5 EDMICS; GCGW
EDA Ensoniq ASR disk image; AWAVE EDE Ensoniq EPS disk image; AWAVE
EDK Ensoniq KT disk image; AWAVE EDL EDL; Premiere
EDQ Ensoniq sq1,2/ks32 disk image; AWAVE EDS Ensoniq SQ80 disk image; AWAVE
EDT Default settings; VAX Edt editor EDT Ensoniq TS disk image; AWAVE
EDT External editors definitions; DN EDV Ensoniq VFX-SD disk image; AWAVE
EEB Button bar for Equation Editor; WordPerfect for Win EFA Ensoniq ASR file; AWAVE
EFE Ensoniq EPS file; AWAVE EFE Ensoniq EPS instrument file; AWAVE
EFK Ensoniq KT file; AWAVE EFQ Ensoniq SQ1/SQ2/KS32 file; AWAVE
EFS Ensoniq SQ80 file; AWAVE EFT Ensoniq TS file; AWAVE
EFT High resolution screen font; ChiWriter EFV Ensoniq VFX-SD file; AWAVE
EFX Fax; Everex EFax EGA EGA display font; Ventura Publisher
EKA Internal data files; Borland's Eureka EL ELISP source code file; Emacs lisp
ELC Compiled ELISP code; Emacs lisp ELI Archive; ELI
ELT Event list text file; Prosa EMD ABT Extended MoDule; AWAVE
EMD ABT Extended MoDule; AWAVE EMF Microsoft Enhanced Metafile
EMU Terminal emulation data; BITCOM ENC Encoded file - UUENCODEd file; Lotus 1-2-3 - uuexe515.exe
ENC Music; Encore END Arrow-head definition file; CorelDRAW
ENFF Extended Neutral File Format ENG Dictionary engine; Sprint
ENG English documentation ENG Graphics file (charting); EnerGraphics
ENV Envelope or Environments ENV Enveloper macro; WOPR
ENV Environment file; WordPerfect for Win EPD Publication; Express Publisher
EPI Document; Express Publisher EPI Encapsulated PostScript graphic file
EPS Encapsulated PostScript (Graphics format); CorelDraw - PhotoStyler - PMView - Adobe Illustrator - Ventua Publisher EQN Equation filE; WordPerfect for Win
ERD Entity Relationship Diagram graphic file; Prosa ERM Entity Relationship Diagram model file; Prosa
ERR Compiler/linker error report ESH Extended Shell batch file
ETH Document; Ethnograph 3 ETX Structure-enhanced text for some ascii text browsers
EUI Ensoniq EPS family CD image; AWAVE EVT Events descriptions
EVY Document; WordPerfect Envoy EWD Document; Express Publisher for Windows
EX3 Device driveR; Harvard Graphics 3.0 EXC Exclude file for Optimize (do not process) (QEMM); QEMM
EXC REXX source code file; VM/CMS EXE Directly executable program; DOS
EXM MSDOS executable, system-manager compliant (HP calculator); HP calculator EXP Protected mode EXE by PharLap Software; PharLap
EXT Extensions descriptions file EXX Intermediate file by MsgPut; IBM LinkWay
EZF Fax; Calculus EZ-Fax
F Archive; FREEZE F Fortran language source file; NDP Fortran
Fnn DOS screen text font - height nn pixels; fntcol13.zip F01 Fax; perfectfax
F2R Farandole Linear Module; Farandole F3R Farandole Blocked Linear Module; Farandole
F77 FORTRAN 77 source code file F96 Fax; Frecom FAX96
FAC see FACE FACE Usenix FACE graphics file
FAQ Frequently Asked Questions text file FAR Music format (Farandole Composer Module); Farandole
FAS Macsyma compiled program FAX Fax (raster graphics in CCITT format); most Fax programs
FBM Fuzzy Bitmap FC Spell checking dictionary; Harvard Graphics 2.0
FCM Binary file patch file (forward compression); jlpak10.zip FD Declaration file; MS Fortran
FD Field offsets for compiler; DataFlex FD Front Door' resource files; FD
FDW Form; F3 Design and Mapping FEB Button bar for Figure Editor; WordPerfect for Win
FEI Fatal Error Infotable; Geoworks FF Intelligont FIAS format
FF Outline font description; Agfa Compugraphics FFF Fax; defFax
FFI Atech FastFont (AllType) FFIVW File Format for the Interchange of Virtual Worlds
FFT DCA/FFT Final Form Text text file; DisplayWrite FFT Dca/FFT Final Form Text text file (DisplayWrite)
FH3 Vector graphics; Aldus FreeHand 3.x FH4 Vector graphics; Aldus FreeHand 3.x
FI Interface file; MS Fortran FIF Fractal Image Format file
FIL File template; Application Generator FIL Filelist
FIL Files list object file; dBASE Application Generator FIL Mirror.FIL is the name given to the saved FAT by the mirror program included in some versions of DOS and in PCTools; MS-DOS -
FIL Overlay; WordPerfect FIN Print-formatted text file; Perfect Writer - Scribble - MINCE
FIO Aldus PhotoStyler graphics filter FIO Image PALS viewer DLL
FIT File Index Table; WindowsNT FIT see FITS
FITS Flexable Image Transport System FIX Patch file
FKY Macro file; FoxPro FLB Format library; Papyrus
FLC Animation format FLIC > 320x200; AAPlay - Autodesk AniPro FLD Folder; Charisma
FLI Animation format FLIC 320x200; Autodesk Animator FLI TeX font library; EmTeX
FLM Film Roll; AutoCAD/AutoShade FLT Data/file conversion filter (or overlay); Alsud - MS Word
FLT Filter file; Micrografx Picture Publisher FLT MultiGen Flight
FLT Support file - graphics filter; Asymetrix ToolBook FLX Animation format
FLX Compiled binary; DataFlex FM Spreadsheet; FileMaker Pro
FM1 Spreadsheet; Lotus 1-2-3 release 2.x FM3 Device driver; Harvard Graphics 3.0
FM3 Spreadsheet; Lotus 1-2-3 release 3.x FMB File Manager Button bar; WordPerfect for Win
FMF Font or icon file; IBM LinkWay FMK Makefile; Fortran PowerStation
FMO Compiled format file (dBASE IV); dBASE IV FMT Format file; dBASE IV - FoxPro - Clipper 5 - dBFast
FMT Gate3 format file FMT Style sheet; Sprint
FMV Full Motion Video file FN3 Font file; Harvard Graphics 3.0
FND Files searching properties; Win95 FNK FunkTracker music module; AWAVE, FunkTracker
FNT Font file; many FNX Inactive font; Exact
FO1 Font file; Borland Turbo C FO2 Font file; Borland Turbo C
FOG Fontographer Database File; Fontographer3.5 FOL Folder of saved messages; 1st Reader
FON Log of all calls; Procomm Plus FON Terminate phonebook; Terminate - Terminator - Telix
FON Windows bitmapped font file; Win FONT Font data; unix
FOP Freedom of the Press graphic file FOR Form; WindowBase
FOR Fortran language source file; MS Fortran - Watcom Fortran FOT Installed Truetype font; Windows Font Installer
FOX Foxbase executable (precompiled .prg); FoxBase FP Configuration file; FoxPro
FPC Catalog; FoxPro FPD TMT Pascal compiled unit; TMT Pascal
FPT Foxpro memo field tables; FoxPro FPW Floorplan drawing; FloorPLAN plus for Windows
FR? Packed mail; FTN software FR3 Renamed dBASE III+ form file; dBASE IV
FRF FontMonger Database file; FontMonger FRG Uncompiled report file; dBASE IV
FRL GP-Forth library; GP-Forth FRM Registration or other form;
FRM Report file; dBASE IV - Clipper 5 - dBFast FRM Visual Basic Form; Visual Basic
FRO Compiled report file; dBASE IV FRP Form; PerForm PRO Plus - FormFlow
FRS Screen Font Resource; WordPerfect for Win FRT Additional (FPT) report description file; FoxPro
FRT GP-Forth source file; GP-Forth FRX Main (DBF) report description file; FoxPro
FRX Visual Basic binary program file; Visual Basic FSL Form; Paradox for Windows
FSM Farandole Composer WaveSample; Farandole FST Linkable program; dBFast
FSX Data; Lotus 1-2-3 FTM Font file; Micrografx
FTP Configuration; FTP Software PC/TCP FW Database; FrameWork
FW2 Database; Framework II FW3 Database; Framework III
FWEB Fortran WEB FX On-line guide; FastLynx
FXD Phonebook; FAXit FXP Foxpro executable (precompiled .prg); FoxPro
FXS FAX Transmit Format graphics file; WinFax
G Data chart; APPLAUSE G16 GoldED for DOS compiled config; GOLDED.EXE
G8 Raw graphics file (one byte per pixel) plane three; PicLab - Cubicomb Picturemaker GAM Fax; GammaFax
GBL Global definitions; VAXTPU editor GBL Global module in Basic programs
GC1 Lisp source code; Golden Common Lisp 1.1 GC3 Lisp source code; Golden Common Lisp 1.3
GDF Dictionary file; GEOS GDS McDonnell-Douglas Things
GE GEcho config file; GEcho GED EDITOR's native file format; Arts & Letters
GED GoldED for DOS compiled config file; GOLDED.EXE GED Graphics editor file; EnerGraphics
GEM Vector graphics file; GEM - Ventura Publisher GEN Compiled template; dBASE Application Generator
GEN Generated text; Ventura Publisher GEO Geode; Geoworks
GEO GEOS specific file (application); GEOS GEO GoldED for OS/2 compiled config file; GED2.EXE
GEX GEcho config file; GEcho GFB Compressed GIF image created by GIFBLAST; gifblast.exe
GFO SGI Radiosity GFT Font; NeoPaint
GFT GEM-translator font file GFX Instant Artist graphics Files; Instant Artist
GFX PCBoard @X-coded colorful text; GFX2COM - GFX2EXE GIB Chart; Graph-in-the-Box
GID Help index; windows 95 help GIF Compuserves' Graphics Interchange Format (bitmapped graphics); QPeg - Display - CompuShow
GIW Presentation; Graph-in-the-Box for Windows GKH Ensoniq Disk Image (VFX, SD, EPS, ASR, TS); Ensoniq
GKS Graphics Kernel System GL Animation; GRASP GRAphical System for Presentation
GL Animation format; grasprt.exe, PV GLB Global module in Basic programs
GLM Datafile; Glim GLO Global module in Basic programs
GLS Datafile; Across GLY Winword Glossary; MS Word
GMF CGM graphics file; APPLAUSE GMP Geomorph tile map; SPX
GOC Goc source code file; Geoworks GOE GOES graphic file
GOH Goc header file; Geoworks GP Geode parameter file; Geoworks Glue
GPH Graph; Lotus 1-2-3/G GPK Omnigo program package
GR2 Screen driver; Windows 3.x GRA Datafile; SigmaPlot
GrADS Metafile GRASP Graphical System for Presentation
GRB MS-DOS Shell Monitor file; MS-DOS 5 GRD Drivers for GRX (graphics library); GRX (c) Free Soft. Found.
GRF Graph file; Graph Plus - Charisma GRIB Gridded Binary
GRN Drivers for GRX (graphics library); GRX (c) Free Soft. Found. GRP Group file; Windows 3.x - Papyrus
GRP Pictures group; PixBase GRY Graphics format (RAW GREYz)
GS1 Presentation; GraphShow GSD Vector graphics; Professional Draw
GSM Raw GSM 6.10 audio stream; AWAVE GSW Worksheet; GraphShow
GUP -----; PopMail GV GrandView outline file
GXL Graphics library; Genus GZ Archive; GNU zip - WinZipNT
H Header file (usually C language); Watcom C/C++ H-- C-- language header; Sphinx C--
H! On-line help file; Flambeaux Help! Display Engine H! Pertext database; HELP.EXE
H++ Header file; C++ HA Archive; HA
HAL Data file; Hyper Access Lite OS/2 HAM Disk Drivers NPA; Novell NetWare
HAP Archive; HAP3 HBK MathCAD handbook; MathCAD
HC Header file HDF Help file; Help Development Kit
HDF Hierarchical Data File graphics file; SDSC Image Tools HDL Alternate download file listing; Procomm Plus
HDR Datafile; Egret HDR Message header text; Procomm Plus - 1st Reader
HDR PC-File+ Database header HDR SPOT image file
HDS Hierarchical Data System HDW Vector graphics; Harvard Draw
HDX Help index; AutoCAD - Zortech C++ HEP Novell Help Librarian Data File; Novell NetWare
HEX Hex dump HFI HP Font Info file; GEM
HGL Highlight groups definitions; DN HGL HP Graphics Language graphics file
HH C++ header file HHH Precompiled header file; Power C
HHP Help information for remote users; Procomm Plus HI Game high scores table
HIN Molecule; HyperChem HIS History of executing/viewing/editing; DN
HLB Help library; VAX HLP Help file
HLX Multi Edit help file; MultiEdit 5.0 HLZ Multi Edit packed help file; MultiEdit
HMI Music format (MIDI) HMM Alternate Mail Read option menu; Procomm Plus
HMP Music format (MIDI) HNC CNC program files Heidenhain (?) dialog
HOF Hall Of Fame (game scores) HP Printout file for HP printers/plotters (HP/GL)
HP8 ASCII text HP Roman8 character set; NewWave Write HPF HP LaserJet fonts; PageMaker
HPG see HPGL HPGL Plotter file vector graphics (Hewlett-Packard Graphics Language); AutoCad - Harvard Graphics
HPI Font information file; GEM HPJ Help project; MS Help Compiler for Windows - HC. EXE
HPK Archive; HPACK HPM Alternate Main menu for privileged users; Procomm Plus
HPM EMM text; HP NewWave HPM High Performance Map; Quaestor 1.x
HPP C++ header file; Zortech C++ - Watcom C/C++ HPPCL Hewlett-Packard Printer Control Language
HQX Archive (ASCII Mac); BINHEX HRF Graphics file (Hitachi Raster Format)
HRM Alternate Main menu for limited/normal users; Procomm Plus HRZ Graphics format; SSTV
HS2 Monochrome image; Postering HSC 2-op FM music; HSC tracker - hscplay.exe
HSI Handmade Software Inc. graphics file almost JPEG; Image Alchemy HST History file; Procomm Plus
HTM see HTML HTML Hyper Text Macro Language (WWW); NetScape - Mosaic - many
HTX Hypertext file HWD Presentation; Hollywood
HXM Alternate Protocol Selection menu for all users; Procomm Plus HXX C++ header file
HY1 Hyphenation algorithms; Ventura Publisher HY2 Hyphenation algorithms; Ventura Publisher
HYC Data; WordPerfect HYD Hyphenation dictionary; WordPerfect for Win
HYP Archive; HYPER

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Static Wikipedia 2008 (no images)

aa - ab - af - ak - als - am - an - ang - ar - arc - as - ast - av - ay - az - ba - bar - bat_smg - bcl - be - be_x_old - bg - bh - bi - bm - bn - bo - bpy - br - bs - bug - bxr - ca - cbk_zam - cdo - ce - ceb - ch - cho - chr - chy - co - cr - crh - cs - csb - cu - cv - cy - da - de - diq - dsb - dv - dz - ee - el - eml - en - eo - es - et - eu - ext - fa - ff - fi - fiu_vro - fj - fo - fr - frp - fur - fy - ga - gan - gd - gl - glk - gn - got - gu - gv - ha - hak - haw - he - hi - hif - ho - hr - hsb - ht - hu - hy - hz - ia - id - ie - ig - ii - ik - ilo - io - is - it - iu - ja - jbo - jv - ka - kaa - kab - kg - ki - kj - kk - kl - km - kn - ko - kr - ks - ksh - ku - kv - kw - ky - la - lad - lb - lbe - lg - li - lij - lmo - ln - lo - lt - lv - map_bms - mdf - mg - mh - mi - mk - ml - mn - mo - mr - mt - mus - my - myv - mzn - na - nah - nap - nds - nds_nl - ne - new - ng - nl - nn - no - nov - nrm - nv - ny - oc - om - or - os - pa - pag - pam - pap - pdc - pi - pih - pl - pms - ps - pt - qu - quality - rm - rmy - rn - ro - roa_rup - roa_tara - ru - rw - sa - sah - sc - scn - sco - sd - se - sg - sh - si - simple - sk - sl - sm - sn - so - sr - srn - ss - st - stq - su - sv - sw - szl - ta - te - tet - tg - th - ti - tk - tl - tlh - tn - to - tpi - tr - ts - tt - tum - tw - ty - udm - ug - uk - ur - uz - ve - vec - vi - vls - vo - wa - war - wo - wuu - xal - xh - yi - yo - za - zea - zh - zh_classical - zh_min_nan - zh_yue - zu -

Static Wikipedia 2007 (no images)

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Static Wikipedia 2006 (no images)

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