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Eit dokument er eit skriftstykke, eit skriftleg utgreiing og inneheld informasjon. Eit dokument er meint for kommunikasjon eller lagring av data. Ordet kjem frå latin og tyder der (lærerikt) døme. Ordet har samanheng med verbet å dosera, som tyder å undervisa eller å forkynna
Nemninga dokument kan nyttast om mykje, men oftast refererer ho til noko fysisk, som ei eller fleire trykte sider, eller til eit «virtuelt» dokument i elektronisk (digitalt) format.
For ei tverrfagleg drøfting av omgrepet sjå Document: Form, Sign and Medium, As Reformulated for Electronic Documents (På engelsk)
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[endre] Typar dokument
Dokument er stundom klassisfiserte som meir eller mindre løynlege. Ein kallar dei då graderte, og dei kan ha større eller mindre graderte. Begrensa/avgrensa, konfidensielt og strengt hemmeleg er slike graderingar. Eit dokument kan dessutan merkast med privat. Andre måtar å klassifisera dokument på kan vera utkast og korrektur for uferdige dokument. Når ein lagar ein kopi av eit dokument, kallar ein opphavet for originalen.
Denne artikkelen er ikkje (ferdig) omsett frå engelsk enno.
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There are accepted standards for specific applications in various fields, such as:
- Academia: thesis, dissertation, paper, journal
- Business and accounting: invoice, quote, RFP, proposal, contract
- Law and politics: summons, certificate, license, gazette
- Government and industry: white paper
- Media and marketing: brief, mock-up, script
Such standard documents can be created based on a template.
[endre] Visual design
The page layout of a document is the manner in which information is graphically arranged in the document space (e.g., on a page); it is generally the responsibility of a graphic designer. Typography deals with the design of letter and symbol forms, as well as their physical arrangement in the document (see typesetting). Information design focuses on the effective communication of information, especially in industrial documents and public signs.
[endre] History
Traditionally, the medium of a document was paper and the information was applied to it as ink, either by hand (to make a hand-written document) or by a mechanical process (such as a printing press or, more recently, a laser printer).
Through time, documents have also been written with ink on papyrus (starting in ancient Egypt) or parchment; scratched as runes on stone using a sharp apparatus; stamped or cut into clay and then baked to make clay tablets (e.g., in the Sumerian and other Mesopotamian civilisations). The paper, papyrus or parchment might be rolled up as a scroll or cut into sheets and bound into a book. Today short documents might also consist of sheets of paper stapled together.
Modern electronic means of storing and displaying documents include:
- desktop computer and monitor (or laptop, tablet PC, etc.); optionally with a printer to obtain a hard copy
- Personal digital assistant (PDA)
- dedicated e-book device
- electronic paper
Digital documents usually have to adhere to a specific file format in order to be useful.
[endre] In law
Documents in all forms are frequently found to be material evidence in criminal and civil proceedings. The forensic analysis of such a document falls under the scope of questioned document examination.
Author Michael Buckland has discussed the document in terms of Librarianship in depth, here [1].
[endre] See also
- Document file format
- Desktop publishing
- Historical document
- Word processor