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Ro (Edward Powell Foster) 1908
Abze radap av el in suda, ace rokab eco sugem, ace rajda ec kep, ace va eco, uz in suda asi in buba.
Ro es le nomine de un del linguas auxiliar nominate apriori, illo esseva un del linguas philosophic, il le qual le prime litteras de un parola indica a qual categoria de signification illo pertene. E.g. "bofoc" significa rubie, "bofod" significa orange, e "bofof" significa jalne. Ro moriva tosto depois le morte de su inventor.
[modificar] Bibliographia
- Foster, Edward Powell (1853-1937). Ro. Cincinnati: 1908 (8 p.)
- Foster, Edward P. Ro, an international language based on the classification of ideas. Cincinnati: The Ro Company, 1910 (39 p.)
- Foster, Edward P. Ru ro, outline of the universal language. Marietta, Ohio: World-Speech Press, 1913 (96 p.)
- Foster, Edward P. Dictionary of Ro the world language. Marietta, Ohio: World-Speech Press, 1919 (72 p.)
- Foster, Edward P. Roap, English key to Ro Waverly, West Virginia: Ro Language Society, 1921 (32 p.)
- Foster, Edward P. Alphabet of ideas, or dictionary of Ro the world language. Waverly, West Virginia: Roia, 1928 (160 p.) PM 8751.F5
- Foster, Edward P. Ro-Latin-English vocabularium dictionary. Waverly, West Virginia: Roia, 1931 PM 8751.F31
- Foster, Edward P. English-Ro dictionary. Waverly: Ro Language Society, 1932 (64 p.)