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Traian Băsescu

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Traian Băsescu
Traian Băsescu

In office since
December 20, 2004
Preceded by Ion Iliescu
Succeeded by Incumbent

Born Sunday, November 4, 1951
Basarabi, Constanţa
Political party Democrat (before being elected)

Currently: none (according to the Romanian Constitution)

Spouse Maria Băsescu
Profession Merchant navy

Traian Băsescu (born November 4, 1951) is a Romanian politician. He is the current President of Romania, inaugurated on December 20, 2004. He won the office in the 2004 presidential election.

Prior to becoming President, he was the Mayor of Bucharest from June 2000 until December 2004.


[edit] Family background

Băsescu was born in Basarabi, a village (later a small town) near Constanţa, the largest port on the Black Sea. His father's family originated from Băseşti, a village in Maramureş. One of his former high school teachers remembered him claiming to be a member of the same family as Gheorghe Pop de Băseşti (1835–1919), a Romanian politician who fought for the unification of Transylvania with the Kingdom of Romania and was the president of the Alba-Iulia assembly of 1918, where the union was proclaimed.

Băsescu's father was an army officer named Dumitru (d. 2002); his mother is Elena (b. 1928). He has a brother, Mircea (b. 1953). He and his wife Maria have two daughters, Ioana and Elena.

[edit] Career

[edit] Commercial ship captain

Băsescu graduated from the Navy Institute of Constanţa in 1976 and became a Merchant Marine Officer at Navrom, the Romanian state-owned shipping company. Between 1981 and 1987 he worked as Captain on Romanian commercial ships, and in 1984 he was promoted as Captain for oil tanker Biruinţa, the largest ship of the Romanian fleet. In 1989, he moved to Belgium to head the Navrom Agency in Antwerp.


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[edit] Political career

In order to promote his navy career, Băsescu joined the Communist Party (PCR). After the downfall of Communism, he entered politics as a member of the large National Salvation Front (FSN) party. In 1992, after the FSN split in two factions—the Social Democratic Party of Romania (PDSR, later PSD), led by Ion Iliescu, and the Democratic Party (PD), led by Petre Roman, Băsescu joined the PD faction, and in 1992, he was elected to the lower house of the Romanian Parliament — the Chamber of Deputies and was again elected during the 1996-to-2000 term.

Concurrent with his service in Parliament, Băsescu served several times as Minister of Transportation — from 1991 to 1992 in Petre Roman's Cabinet and in Theodor Stolojan's technocratic Cabinet, and then again from November 1996 to June 2000 in the governments of Victor Ciorbea, Radu Vasile, and Mugur Isărescu.

In December 1997, he gave an interview to the newspaper Adevărul in which he accused Victor Ciorbea (prime minister at that time) of not implementing enough reforms, although Ciorbea was accused by the opposition of being excessively reformist. It would be the first episode in an open dispute within the ruling coalition, a dispute that eventually led to Democratic Party ministers, including Băsescu, resigning from the cabinet, which, in turn, led to Ciorbea's resignation. Subsequently, Băsescu resumed his previous ministerial position in the new cabinet presided by Radu Vasile.

In 2001, he was elected president of the PD, defeating Petre Roman, who had led the party for nine years. In 2003, Băsescu negotiated an electoral alliance for the PD with the National Liberal Party (PNL) in order to create a cohesive mainstream center-right political opposition against the then-ruling PSD. The new pact, named the Justice and Truth alliance (Alianţa DA), ran common candidates in local and national elections and agreed to vote as a bloc in the Parliament. As president of PD, he became co-president of the DA alliance with then PNL president Theodor Stolojan. Stolojan was later replaced as PNL president and DA co-president by Călin Popescu Tăriceanu.

[edit] Mayor of Bucharest

In 2000, Băsescu was elected Mayor of Bucharest, winning the run-off against PDSR candidate Sorin Oprescu by a very slim margin (50.69% to 49.31%), despite trailing 24% behind him in the first round. As Mayor, he was credited for the reduction (albeit trying to use very drastic measures such as large scale euthanasia) in numbers of stray dogs (euphemistically known as câini comunitari, "community" dogs) roaming freely among the streets of the city from approximately 200,000–300,000 in 2000 to 25,000 in 2004, and thus in the number of dog bite injuries from 1500/month to under 200/month; (source : The Administration for Animal Control (ASA) of the Mayor's Office of Bucharest, 2003).

This campaign was controversial, as many animal lovers opposed dog euthanasia.[1]Băsescu answered "We will not take any dog's life!"[2] There have also been uncountable cases of people asking the authorities to take the stray dogs away, and, in the next day, their neighbors, which were feeding the dogs, presented at the shelter to take them back.[3] Băsescu was also accused of just moving the dogs from the center to the outskirts.[4] In 2006 the stray dog number exceeded 200,000[5] and on 29 January 2006 a Japanese was killed by a stray dog[6].

But, in 2004, Băsescu presented the situation as a success. He also regarded as successes the improvements to the water and lighting systems (which were in a very bad state) (source: Bucharest's Mayor's Office [1]); and the modernisation of public transportation in the city. His tenure was marked by constant conflicts with PSD-controlled institutions. Citing the need for descentralisation, the national government led by Adrian Nastase passed several ordinances transferring powers from Mayor to city sectors and to city council. Băsescu accused council members of corruption and obstruction; he also challenged successfully several council resolutions in Administrative Courts. As of consequence, on 10th of January 2002 the Government decided to dissolve the council, but it annulled that decision later on. These conflicts led to several infrastructure loans, financed by BEI, for municipal heating and road networks, being blocked or delayed. In 2004, Băsescu was elected for a second term in office, winning 54.9% of the votes in the first round; the runner-up Mircea Geoană of PSD, at that time the Foreign Minister of Romania, received 29.7%. However, Băsescu resigned as Mayor later that year, after winning presidential elections.

Traian Băsescu with George W. Bush. (9 March 2005)
Traian Băsescu with George W. Bush. (9 March 2005)

[edit] President of Romania

Following Theodor Stolojan's surprise withdrawal from the 2004 presidential elections, Băsescu entered the presidential race on behalf of the Justice and Truth Alliance (Alianţa DA). His main opponent was then Prime Minister and PSD president Adrian Năstase. Like Băsescu, Năstase was a former Communist Party member. Although Năstase was ahead in the first round by 7%, Băsescu achieved a surprise comeback and won the December 12 run-off election by a 2.46% margin, receiving 51.23% of the vote.

Currently Băsescu is very popular, due to his open style, hands on approach, and quick decision-making. In his electoral campaign, Băsescu promised to be a "player President" (in Romanian, "preşedinte jucător"), in contrast to a more withdrawn Romanian president who would be just a mediator among political forces. After he became president, as legally required, he resigned from the Democratic Party. However, he remained very involved in day-to-day politics, often being accused by the opposition of partisanship and overstepping constitutional boundaries on the role of the President. According to media reports, relations between Băsescu and Prime Minister Călin Popescu-Tăriceanu declined after the latter decided in July 2005 to reconsider his planned resignation in order to provoke early elections, which Băsescu sought in order to increase the parliamentary majority of the DA Alliance.

Traian Băsescu with George W. Bush. (27 July 2006)
Traian Băsescu with George W. Bush. (27 July 2006)

As President, Băsescu focused on a strong strategic partnership with the United States, a relationship which during the 2004 presidential campaign he characterized as the "Bucharest-London-Washington axis." In real terms, this meant a continued Romanian commitment to maintain Romanian troops in Afghanistan and Iraq; and an agreement signed in December 2005 between Romania and the U.S. to allow U.S. troops to use Romanian military facitilies. Băsescu was vocal in calling for a regional approach to security in the Black Sea basin, which he noted remained susceptible to transborder security threats such as drugs- and human trafficking. Băsescu and the government of Prime Minister Popescu-Tariceanu also focused on Romania's planned accession to the EU, which remained a central component in Romania's foreign policy.

In domestic politics, Băsescu concentrated on the fight against high-level corruption, although critics pointed out that there were no prosecutions in major corruption cases in Romania during his first year in office. In spring 2005, he successfully resolved a hostage crisis in Iraq involving three Romanian journalists and their guide, who were held by terrorists. In 2005, he also focused on pressing the government to provide relief to thousands of Romanians left homeless by widespread flooding throughout the spring and summer.

He made strong ties with the President of United States who called him a friend of him "The President and I are friends. Romania and the United States are friends, and we're allies".

[edit] Controversies

Over the years, Băsescu was repeatedly accused of involvement in the Communist regime's infamous Securitate, although no concrete evidence ever surfaced. These allegations were reiterated publicly by former President Emil Constantinescu in late 2005 and summer of 2006. Nonetheless, Băsescu repeatedly cast himself as an anti-communist, despite any affiliations in his past. In the live TV debate with Adrian Năstase before the 2004 run-off presidential election, Băsescu caught his opponent off-guard with a rhetorical remark:

Traian Băsescu
You know what Romania's greatest curse is right now? It's that Romanians have to choose between two former Communist Party members.
Traian Băsescu

During his tenure as Minister of Transportation, Băsescu oversaw privatization of Romania's merchant fleet. While some argued that the aging ships at the time were of minimal value, many Romanians believed the compensation received for the ships was extremely, if not artificially, low. The "scandal" of the fleet sale became what is widely known in Romania as The Fleet File (Dosarul Flota) Affair. Prosecutors brought charges against Băsescu, but his involvement in malfeasance was not proven. In 1996, Băsescu was the first Romanian parliamentarian to renounce his parliamentary immunity, in order to allow judicial procedures related to the Fleet File Affair to continue against him (Romanian MP's were, by default, granted immunity from prosecution). Although the case against him was closed at the time for lack of evidence, it was reopened in early 2004, in what many consider was political maneuver against him sponsored by the then PSD government. The case was brought before the High Court of Cassation and Justice, however the judges decided to send it back to the Prosecutor's Office citing procedural errors. The Constitution states that the President has immunity, however, due to conflicting interpretations of phrasing of the Constitution, the High Court of Cassation and Justice may at some point have to decide whether Băsescu's immunity as President covers only actions during his term as president or extends to prior activities.

Băsescu bought a 369 m² apartment in down-town Bucharest for the equivalent of US$19,301, while its current market value is around 300,000 euros. Băsescu the mayor approved the sale of the apartment to Băsescu the citizen claiming that in 1999 he was evacuated from a nationalized house administered by the Executive Administrative Division in Charge with Protocol, which he was occupying as minister in the then center-right Government, and had no home. The Protocol Division moved Băsescu from Aviatorilor Boulevard into another home on Prezan Street that it also administered. But Băsescu already had a house: a villa in Bǎneasa on the northern outskirts of Bucharest. The Law 112/1995 specifically prevented the sale from occurring, with the provisions of Art. 9, which states that tenants may buy the houses they live in provided they did not own a house or sold one after 1 January 1990. When the scandal broke at the beginning of the year Băsescu stated that he would give up that apartment, since he would have the right anyway to a home paid from public funds, as a former president. Later on he changed his mind. The prosecutors investigating the matter concluded that Băsescu did not breach the law when he bought the apartment according to the provisions of Law 10/2001.

[edit] Băsescu hesitated to condemn communism

Asked to condemn the communist regime, Băsescu answered:

"Such a condemnation is made based on a scientific document, that can't be but the report of a commission. And from that I don't want you to understand that I boycott such a political act, but it must be sustained scientifically, to resist any critics"

He also said that, if such a commission says: "Mr. President, this is our conclusion: that happened, you have all the justification to condemn 45 years of Romanian people existence"(Băsescu's words) then the condemnation of communism will be successful. [7][8][9]

In other interview:

"If scientists will consider that all 50 years of communism shall be condemned, I will do so. But I will not do it based on pressures that are not scientifically grounded by a commission which assumes the responsibility of such an act."[10]

"I confess it is not clear to me, in this moment, whether it is necessary the condemnation of the entire communist period, without discrimination, or the communist crimes."[11][12]

In response, over thirty groups representing civil society stated that communism was condemned as a criminal regime by Romanian people during the anti-communist revolution.[13][14][15][16][17] The Presidential Commission for analysing the communist dictatorship in Romania was founded, with Vladimir Tismăneanu as coordinator, named by President Băsescu.[18] Vladimir Tismaneanu, before being named to this commission said in an interview:

"I am surprised that, after 15 years since the fall of a dictatorship of an irrationality and savagery which do not need any more prove, we stumble over something that seems absolutely clear to me. Especially because, the communist regime, even in his relatively mild periods, was anti-patriotic, against moral values, marked by hostility towards the concept of difference and otherness. It was destroyed any meritocracy or, better said, the selection was mainly a negative one. If we haven't expected from Ion Iliescu to proceed in the direction of a cathegorical and radical breaking with communism, including by an unambiguous condemnation, in Traian Băsescu's case it is a real surprise. I don't see why Băsescu needs to stumble in purely administrative reasons, linked to the founding of a commission, as long as there is a colossal documentary ground, there are internationally validated scientific works that clarify this problem."

"I can not end this conversation without reminding the heartrending reflection of Vasili Grossman: “Who invented these word kulak? Was it really Lenin? What horrible tortures were they subjected to! To massacre them , it was necessary to proclaim that kulak-s are not human beings. The same way as Germans proclaimed that Jews are not human beings. But that is a lie. They are human beings! They are humans! That is my final conclusion. They are all human beings!" A conclusion for which you didn't and don't need the report of any commission."[19]

[edit] References

  1. ^ Bucharest's Mayor's Office - Improvement of water and light

[edit] External links

Preceded by:
Ion Iliescu
President of Romania
December 20, 2004 – present
Presidents of Romania
 Romanian People's Republic (as Presidents of the State Council and heads of state) (1947 - 1965)  Parhon | Groza | Maurer | Dej
 Socialist Republic of Romania (General Secretary of the Communist Party and President of the State Council; President of the Socialist Republic of Romania after 1974) (1965 - 1989)  Ceauşescu
 Romania since 1989  Iliescu | Constantinescu | Iliescu | Băsescu

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