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User talk:Pibwl

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hi Pibwl - I've noticed that at present, Wikipedia is using a mixture of styles for Polish aircraft designations, sometimes even in the same article! Can you suggest whether PZL.37 is better than PZL-37 or vice versa? I think we should pick just one of these alternatives and stick to it. Cheers --Rlandmann 22:30, 15 Apr 2004 (UTC)

If PZL.37 was more correct at the time the aircraft was built, I agree this would be better, and maybe we can standardise on that? You're probably in a better position than me to investigate this - please let me know what you find out. Cheers --Rlandmann 23:30, 15 Apr 2004 (UTC)
I've also added a few more PZL aircraft in the PZL article - could you please check my work? It's important that we get this list right so that we get the "Designation series" links right in the footers (by convention, three aircraft back and three forward) --Rlandmann 00:06, 16 Apr 2004 (UTC)


[edit] RWD

Hi again Pibwl - could you please check what I wrote at RWD (aircraft manufacturer) and make any corrections that you can see? I thought it was time we disambiguated from rear wheel drive! --Rlandmann 23:39, 13 Sep 2004 (UTC)

[edit] Polishsymbol

Czy mógłbyś rzucić okiem na Template:Polishsymbol? Nie jestem pewien czy dobrze przetłumaczyłem polski odpowiednik. [[User:Halibutt|Halibutt]] 10:55, Oct 13, 2004 (UTC)

Dzięki serdeczne! Ja jestem tym mniej pewien bo na prawie znam się jak kura na pieprzu, ale przypuszczam że tak ten przepis można zinterpretować, w końcu wszelkie decyzje tak rządu rządu jaki i jego delegatur rejonowych podeń podlegają. A skoro tak, to także chyba herby i godła sankcjonowane decyzjami urzędów miejskich i rad miasta. Stąd to "assumed". Dzięki jeszcze raz. [[User:Halibutt|Halibutt]] 11:24, Oct 13, 2004 (UTC)

[edit] Bark

Przy odpowiednim pomniejszeniu wygląda nieźle - jako ikonka. [[User:Halibutt|]] 13:26, Nov 27, 2004 (UTC)

[edit] Article Licensing

Hi, I've started a drive to get users to multi-license all of their contributions that they've made to either (1) all U.S. state, county, and city articles or (2) all articles, using the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike (CC-by-sa) v1.0 and v2.0 Licenses or into the public domain if they prefer. The CC-by-sa license is a true free documentation license that is similar to Wikipedia's license, the GFDL, but it allows other projects, such as WikiTravel, to use our articles. Since you are among the top 1000 Wikipedians by edits, I was wondering if you would be willing to multi-license all of your contributions or at minimum those on the geographic articles. Over 90% of people asked have agreed. For More Information:

To allow us to track those users who muli-license their contributions, many users copy and paste the "{{DualLicenseWithCC-BySA-Dual}}" template into their user page, but there are other options at Template messages/User namespace. The following examples could also copied and pasted into your user page:

Option 1
I agree to [[Wikipedia:Multi-licensing|multi-license]] all my contributions, with the exception of my user pages, as described below:


Option 2
I agree to [[Wikipedia:Multi-licensing|multi-license]] all my contributions to any [[U.S. state]], county, or city article as described below:

Or if you wanted to place your work into the public domain, you could replace "{{DualLicenseWithCC-BySA-Dual}}" with "{{MultiLicensePD}}". If you only prefer using the GFDL, I would like to know that too. Please let me know what you think at my talk page. It's important to know either way so no one keeps asking. -- Ram-Man (comment| talk)

[edit] Helikoptery

Czesc, widzalem ze stworzylec artykul o PZL SW-4. Moze Cie zainteresuje pozwolenie ktore otrzymalem, do uzywania wszelkiego materialu jaki sie znajduje na

Sa tam broszury w jezyku angielskim, np.

W razie potrzeby dalszych informacji lub zdjec, mam sie do nich zglosic.

Pozdrawiam--Emax 12:53, Feb 16, 2005 (UTC)

Otrzymalem taka odpowiedz na prosbe:

Szanowny Panie,

Nie widzę przeszkód w wykorzystaniu materiałów ze strony do wzbogacenia kreowanego przez Pana serwisu. W przypadku gdyby materiały na naszej stronie okazały się niewystarczające proszę o kontakt.


Karol Błaszczyk

Zdjecia najlepiej wladowac jako fairuse.

--Emax 17:52, Feb 16, 2005 (UTC)

Wiesz, to w zasadzie juz ich problem ;) W prosbie napisalem ze to niekomercyjna encyklopedia i ze potrzebne sa w celach edukacyjnych, a przy okazji - by ich zachecic - mieli by darmowa reklame swojego sprzetu - wiec sadzac po pozytywnej odpowiedzi, nie maja nic przeciwko :)

Co do wielkosci zdjec, moglbym je powiekszyc, juz mialem przygotowany folder i powiekszone, ale wywalilem caly - wiec jak cos moge za jakis czas wstawic wieksze, lub napisac prosbe o wieksze zdjecia.--Emax 17:39, Feb 17, 2005 (UTC)

[edit] IFD nomination - Hosho

Hi Pibwl. You nominated Image:Japanese.aircraft.carrier.hosho.jpg for deletion at WP:IFD. When you do that, please put {{ifd}} at the image description page. Also, note that the version you put at the Commons, Commons:Image:716px-Japanese.aircraft.carrier.hosho.jpg, has a different file name. Since the version you nominated isn't an orphan, it can't be deleted. Finally, I'm curious why you thumbnailed the image at the Commons to a width of only 716 pixels. I've uploaded the higher resolution version over top of it. Cheers, dbenbenn | talk 02:22, 11 Apr 2005 (UTC)

Thanks for pointing my attention at it. I was really wondering, from where I took 716px image of Japanese.aircraft.carrier.hosho.jpg - and finally found, that I've downloaded it from English Wikipedia in a thumbnailed version, instead of full size one. I must be aware of it in the future. Well, I guess, the best would be to upload it to commons with correct filename (without 716px) and quickly delete it from commons? (seems, that as for now, only Polish wiki uses it, which I'd change). Pibwl 18:30, 11 Apr 2005 (UTC)
I went ahead and replaced it with Commons:Image:Japanese aircraft carrier Hosho.jpg here and on the Polish Wikipedia. dbenbenn | talk 19:40, 11 Apr 2005 (UTC)

[edit] Tupelov Tu-22


You said:

"Hello. How reliable are numbers of aircraft built, that you've given? I was basing before on Н.В.Якубович - Бомбардировщик Ту-22. And, would it be only 15-20 original Tu-22B to be exported?.. No more?.. Pibwl 22:37, 20 Apr 2005 (UTC)"

The original Tu-22B was discontinued very early, BUT the Tu-22R retained conventional bombing capability (the recce pack could be removed from the weapons bay). The modern (post-Cold War) sources I've seen indicate that the exported Tu-22s were Tu-22Rs without the reconnaissance package (functionally Tu-22Bs, but incorporating the various incremental changes made to later-production aircraft). Given the relatively small numbers that were exported, that makes sense, since the VVS and AVMF were not operating Tu-22Bs and the early production aircraft were apparently bug-ridden (even for a very flawed design) -- they exported versions of the current production aircraft with sensitive systems deleted.

-- ArgentLA 14:47, 26 April 2005

[edit] WikiWings April 2005

Hi again Pibwl. I'd like to give you the WikiWings award for February 2005 for your Lublin R-XIII article. While the award is meant to recognise excellence in a particular aircraft article, I'd also like to express my appreciation for your long-term tireless work on Polish aircraft here. Many thanks! --Rlandmann 02:03, 10 May 2005 (UTC)

A tak z ciekawości: dlaczego ponownie przeniosłeś 300 dywizjon pod adres "300 eskadra"? Ta jednostka miała swoją polską nazwę oraz nazwę w nomenklaturze RAF, która jednak nijak się nie miała do nazwy właściwej i oryginalnej. Zwróć uwagę, że polski dywizjon tłumaczy się na angielski właśnie jako command. Squadron to albo szwadron w kawalerii albo eskadra w lotnictwie. To że RAF używa innej nomenklatury jeszcze nie znaczy że polskie siły zbrojne też się na taką przestawiły... Halibutt 16:31, Jun 2, 2005 (UTC)
Poza tym, ta jednostka była częścią polskich sił zbrojnych a nie armii brytyjskiej, choć podlegała pod nią organizacyjnie. Jeśli iść za Twym przykładem, to artykuł o Polish 1st Armoured Division należałoby przenieść albo do British 1st Armoured Division (Polish), albo nawet Canadian 1st Armoured Division (Polish), co jest oczywistym absurdem. Halibutt 16:35, Jun 2, 2005 (UTC)
Dywizjon można tłumaczyć, w zależności od chęci, jako command, unit albo detachment. A co do nazw - squadron zaiste został przyjęty już w czasie wojny, tyle że nie przez Polaków, a przez Angoli, którzy po prostu znormalizowali nomenklaturę. Ostatecznie można polską jednostkę nazwać błędną, choć przyjętą w literaturze nazwą. Ja osobiście optowałbym za No. 300 "Land of Masovia" Polish Bomber Squadron albo No. 300 Polish Bomber Squadron, jeśli już musi być szwadron. Natomiast nazywanie tego polskim dywizjonem RAF jest jakimś nieporozumieniem - patrz przykład 1 pancernej, albo dowolnej innej jednostki polskiego wojska z tamtych czasów. Podobnie w zasadzie Armię Krajową można by nazwać British Home Army (Polish) albo polską MW nazwać Royal Navy (Polish). Na temat dywizjonu (nie szwadronu!) 303 toczyłem kiedyś ożywioną dyskusję z PBSem i efekt był taki, żeby na razie tego nie ruszać, póki 303 był jedynym dywizjonem opisanym. Jednak teraz już tak nie jest i nie widzę powodu by promować ten błąd. Halibutt 22:07, Jun 2, 2005 (UTC)
No, nie tak do końca. To u nich się toto nazywa nie po bożemu i to nie od Angoliśmy przejęli ten system. Patrz francuska Groupe (odpowiednik dywizjonu) dzieląca się na escadrille (czyli eskadry właśnie). To u Angoli te eskadry się skurczyły do pięciu samolotów (patrz choćby początkowy podział 303 na dwie eskadry po 5 maszyn), a za nimi poszły i dywizjony. Ale to detal.
Co do nazwy No. 300 Polish Bomber Squadron - może być. Może lepiej by było 300th Polish Bomber Squadron? No. jest skrótowcem, który równie dobrze można rozwinąć... Halibutt 23:17, Jun 2, 2005 (UTC)

[edit] Polish Wikipedians' notice board


zapraszam.--Witkacy 13:31, 1 Jun 2005 (UTC)

[edit] Operacja Zima

Battle of Daugavpils -- [1] -- {{Battlebox|... }}

Czy można? :)

Pozdrawiam, Halibutt 14:20, Jun 21, 2005 (UTC)

[edit] Föhn

If you read the Wind article more closely, you will see that your concern is addressed in the Modern wind names section of the article. There is a link to Foehn (an acceptable alternate spelling) there. I hope you will find this suitable. Denni 00:50, 2005 Jun 24 (UTC)

[edit] We need to get our heads together

Re: You changed information from cited references. Please provide your sources and I'll dig out mine and recheck the data I entered. I stand corrected on whether they were repaired for later segments, that was an inference from information that some naval guns were landed and added to the harbor defenses. Other refs made it clear they were later in service, but our lists of ships definitely need reconciled. Also, I didn't yet add a battle source ref. to this article, only Theodore Rex which deals with background. Thanks, User:Fabartus || Talkto_FrankB 23:21, 26 Jun 2005 (UTC)

[edit] Thanks for the Speedy References Response

Re: Reference requests for Battle of Port Arthur

  • Thanks for the quick reply-- I'm chuckling as I'm 3/4 Polish myself genetically with 1/4 Lithuanian as well — though you might not be able to tell after what chauvenistic 'Civil Servants' did to our surname back when grandfather came through Ellis Island (immigrant processing center) at NYC. Your info does match mine, but those two episodes are considered part of the same battle in English and American Histories. I only had one reference when I first visited the battle, and hadn't quite gotten back to visiting it to expand, as I'm planning. Thanks for the on line references as well, I need to learn to search out more of those. The good ones are worth it, but many are so much junk. I still tend to go to printed texts. Let's stay in touch! Gotta get up and go this morning is moving fast, but it's better than yesterday if there's Wiki in it — I was going through some severe withdrawal by last evening (with the software upgrades) to the English Language Wiki).

Best Wishes, FrankB

User:Fabartus || Talkto_FrankB 28 June 2005 11:29 (UTC)

[edit] Piloci

Swietnie ze zakladasz nowe artykuly o polskich lotnikach - podrzucam Ci cos do rozwiniecia Stanisław Wigura ;)--Witkacy 3 July 2005 23:16 (UTC)

Moglbys dac glos na zostawienie - Wikipedia:Votes for deletion/Anti-Polonism dzieki--Witkacy 4 July 2005 22:19 (UTC)

[edit] Polish Army

And again we have a lengthy voting on name issues - this time at Talk:Wojsko Polskie. Please join. Halibutt July 5, 2005 05:58 (UTC)

Zdjecia znalazlem na stronie ktora cala swoja tresc nie podala jako objeta prawami autorskimi - druga sprawa, to zdjecia robione przez wojsko podlegaja public domain - zdjecie ma okolo 80 lat, moim zdaniem mozna uzywac je smialo jako public domain - w 100% niczego nie jestem pewien ;)--Witkacy 7 July 2005 21:23 (UTC)
A tak na marginesie, kojarzy mi sie ze stworzyles kiedys artykul o Stanislawie Skalskim - ktory znikl, chyba ze tylko cos mi sie skojarzylo :)--Witkacy 7 July 2005 21:32 (UTC)
Masz racje, z tymi prawami jest niezly galimatjas - przypuszczam ze nikt juz nawet nie pamieta kto robil te zdjeci Indziaka, i zakladam ze posiada je jakies panstwowe archiwum, rowniez jest w ich posiadaniu. Czesto w ksiazkach sie spotykam z tym samym zdjeciem ktore raz ma podpis "prywatne archiwum XXX" a raz "archiwum muzeum XXX" - niech sie nad tym zastanowi adwokat ktory w razie potrzeby poda do sadu wikipedie, co jest raczej malo realne ;)
Co do Skalskiego - co autor to inna liczba, ale zawsze mozna podac liczbe XXX lub XXX--Witkacy 7 July 2005 21:57 (UTC)

[edit] Ludwik Idzikowski

Hi! I think the recent changes really help out the formatting and readability (the photos and links). I suppose it could use some headings to break up the text into summarized sections. What do you think of section headers like Military Career and Transatlantic Flights? Those may not be right, but I'm thinking it would be helpful to the reader to have it broken into sections.Tobycat 7 July 2005 23:35 (UTC)

[edit] Looking for Some Language Skills like Yours

Still poking around the Russo-Japanese War era...

  • Have you got any sources on
  1. when the Russians moved into Port Arthur and started upgrading it's harbor, port, town, etc. (which seems to have been well before (2-3 years?) the actual lease Kwantung Leased Territory of 1898).
  2. when they actually started building a railway South from Harbin, and North from Port Arthur?
  3. re: "Construction of the CER started in July 1897 along the line Tarskaya - Hilar - Harbin - Nikolsk-Ussuriski. ", Translations or Checks of what those redlinked city names were and are today in China Far East Railway Article, which along with Manchukuo Article seems to need some fact checking. The later at least misstates which country built the branch line south from Harbin to Port Arthur.
  4. Also whether and hence when they 'actually (ever) leased' the region of the mainline 'Manchurian Railroad' (CER) through Harbin (Chita to Vladovostok), and whether that has a treaty specific name such as the Kwangtung...
  • In sum, I'm trying to verify and reconcile dates of treaties and leases, et al between all the 'See Also' links at the bottom of the Manchurian Railway. These of course are also all relevant and important to the whole series of Russo-Japanese War articles, and later Second Sino-Japanese Wars, so I figured I'd take you up on your offer to help of a few weeks back. Pinning this kind of detail down can be important, so I welcome the help of someone with your language skills.
Still User:Fabartus with new Signature: FrankB 9 July 2005 17:37 (UTC)

[edit] Port Arthur etc

  • In the interest of neatness and brevity, See: Talk:Timeline_of_the_Russo-Japanese_War, where I took the former post and the new one! Cheers! FrankB 05:54, 16 July 2005 (UTC)

[edit] Aircraft specifications survey

Hi Pibwl! I would really appreciate your input in a survey currently underway to help develop a revised version of WikiProject Aircraft's standard specifications section. --Rlandmann 00:36, 18 July 2005 (UTC)

Czołem! Zastanawiam się jak dalece można pociągnąć Twój pomysł na tłumaczenie nazw własnych polskiego sprzętu na angielski. Na razie przygotowuję się do przeniesienia wszystkich samolotów RWD do, na przykład, Rogalski Wigura Drzewiecki Mark 14 "Heron" (RWD-14 Czapla) i przeniesienia/zamiany PZL.37 Łoś na albo SAW Mark 37 "Elk", albo po prostu Mark 37 Medium Bomber. Masz jakiś pomysł co jeszcze można zmienić? Halibutt 15:43, July 22, 2005 (UTC)

Jak najbardziej serio. Patrz dyskusja przy okazji wymyślania nazwy na karabin Ur. Halibutt 10:31, July 25, 2005 (UTC)
Talk:Anti-tank rifle wz.35
Primo: w czym oryginalna nazwa jest gorsza od tej, którą raczyłeś wymyślić?
Secundo: dlaczego polski sprzęt wojskowy jako jedyny ma być tłumaczony?
Tertio: Dlaczego przeniosłeś artykuł poza procedurą?
Halibutt 05:22, August 2, 2005 (UTC)

[edit] Aircraft specs policy

Several weeks ago, you voted in the WikiProject Aircraft Specifications Survey. One of the results of the survey was that the specifications for the various aircraft articles will now be displayed using a template. Ericg and I have just finished developing that template; a lengthier bulletin can be found on the WT:Air talkpage. Naturally, we will need to begin a drive to update the aircraft articles. However, several topics in the survey did reach establish consensus, and they need to be resolved before we implement the template. It is crticial that we make some conclusion, so that updating of the specs can resume as soon as possible. You can take part in the discussions here. Thanks, Ingoolemo talk 06:03, 4 October 2005 (UTC)

[edit] Prawo autorskie

Czołem! Kiedyś wgrałeś to zdjęcie na polską wiki, a ja przegrałem je tutaj. Piotrus zwrócił mi uwagę, że sprawa ustawy z 1926 (i jej późniejszego brzmienia z 1935) wymaga nieco bardziej szczegółowego potraktowania, na przykład za pomocą stworzenia szablonu podobnego do {{PD-Poland}}. Czy masz może na podorędziu treść tych ustaw ([2], [3]) lub znasz kogoś, kto ma do nich dostęp? Halibutt 21:40, 18 March 2006 (UTC)

Wybacz, zapomniałem dać Ci znać że Piotrus już znalazł co trzeba. Ciągle nie miałem jeszcze czasu przysiąść nad tym kolosem i opracować co trzeba, ale postaram się w najbliższej przyszłości - chyba że Ty masz chwilę. A co do szablonu - najśmieszniejsze jest w nim to, że (oczywiście) został już raz czy dwa razy skasowany. Jako divisive :) //Halibutt 21:32, 29 March 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Infobox

There is a consensus discussion on Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Aircraft#Infobox Aicraft consensus discussion on adopting a non-specifications summary infobox for aircraft articles. Your comments would be appreciated. Thanks! - Emt147 Burninate! 18:39, 24 April 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Battles of Narvik

Hello Pibwl! I am trying to raise some attention about Battles of Narvik at Wikipedia:WikiProject Military history/Collaboration to see if that might help make it better. Inge 01:54, 29 May 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Giulio Cesare

Thanks for your contribuition to the Giulio Cesare page ! I don't find small your modification, because I find that they clarify much the career in Russian service. I see that you're more active in aviation and Poland military history, and you make a good work (BTW, I find interesting the history of the wars immediately after WWI, especially that against Russia and Ukraine, I like non-trench warfare in WWI and interwar period, esp. when armoured cars are involved) dott.Piergiorgio 22:57, 1 July 2006 (UTC)

Thanks for the reply; I have looked a bit the site you point out; it's excellent, near par to bron pancerna (my benchmark for Polish military history sites in english) and very pleasant as choice of layout & colours, and I have happily added it to my bookmarks. I can point this site to the Italian NG of Military History ? dott.Piergiorgio 14:21, 4 July 2006 (UTC)

[edit] E1 Tracer photo

Yes that was one I took so thanks for the heads up. I've made sure I'm credited and asked the uploader to properly follow the GFDL and credit the author in future. David Newton 21:59, 3 July 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Image:MD450 Ouragon 1.jpg and other

Hi Pibwl, i took the images in the brussel military museum. There may always be restrictions if you took a picture of goods which are not your own and you did not create. Its just a reminder. -- Stahlkocher 16:19, 17 July 2006 (UTC)

I put in the source. It was my mistake. Thank you! -- Stahlkocher 16:27, 17 July 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Thank you for your Poland-related contributions

Hello Pibwl! Thank you for your contributions related to Poland. You may be interested in visiting Portal:Poland/Poland-related Wikipedia notice board, joining our discussions and sharing your creations with us.

-- Piotr Konieczny aka Prokonsul Piotrus | talk  14:03, 1 August 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Alexander Marinesko

Hi, Pibwl. A while back, you have called for a clarification on Marinesko's ethnicity. I have left a comment on Talk:Alexander Marinesko, and I would like to hear your opinion. Dziękuję. Dahn 21:12, 16 September 2006 (UTC)

[edit] DYK

Updated DYK query On 28 September 2006, Did you know? was updated with a fact from the article PWS-33 Wyżeł, which you created. If you know of another interesting fact from a recently created article, then please suggest it on the "Did you know?" talk page.

[edit] DYK

Updated DYK query On 28 September 2006, Did you know? was updated with a fact from the article PWS-10, which you created. If you know of another interesting fact from a recently created article, then please suggest it on the "Did you know?" talk page.
Updated DYK query On 2 October 2006, Did you know? was updated with a fact from the article BŻ-1 GIL, which you created. If you know of another interesting fact from a recently created article, then please suggest it on the "Did you know?" talk page.

Hello Piwl,

In reply to your message about the picture of the HNLMS Jacob van Heemskerk. I do not remember the exact site where I got it, but it was a site of the Royal Netherlands Navy. The pictures can be used provided the source (Koninklijke Marine) is attributed.Paaskynen 17:10, 13 November 2006 (UTC)


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Static Wikipedia 2007:

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Static Wikipedia 2006:

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