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This article is about the city. For the football club, see Persepolis FC. For the comic, see Persepolis (graphic novel).
Persepolis aerial view.
Persepolis aerial view.
Scene from Persian mythology in Apadana Hall: Angra Mainyu kills the primeval bull, whose seed is rescued by Mah, the moon, as the source for all other animals.
Scene from Persian mythology in Apadana Hall: Angra Mainyu kills the primeval bull, whose seed is rescued by Mah, the moon, as the source for all other animals.

Persepolis (Old Persian: 'Pars', New Persian: تخت جمشید, 'Takht-e Jamshid') was an ancient ceremonial capital of the second Iranian dynasty, the Achaemenid Empire, situated some 70 km northeast of modern city of Shiraz, not far from where the small river Pulwar flows into the Kur (Kyrus). To the ancient Persians, the city was known as Parsa, meaning the city of Persians, Persepolis being the Greek interpretation of the name (Περσες (meaning Persian)+ πόλις (meaning city). In contemporary Iran the site is known as Takht-e Jamshid (Throne of Jamshid).

The largest and most complex building in Persepolis was the audience hall or Apadana with 36 columns, accessible by two monumental stairs.


[edit] Construction

Location of Persepolis
Location of Persepolis

The initial works were started in 518 BC. Andre Godard the French archaeologist who excavated Persepolis in early 1930s, believed that it was Cyrus the Great who chose the site of Persepolis, but Darius the Great built the terrace and the great palaces at Persepolis and the construction of the buildings at the terrace was continued until downfall of the Achaemenid dynasty. Darius ordered the construction of Apadana Palace and the Debating hall (Tripylon or the three-gated hall), the main imperial treasury and its surroundings, which were completed at the time of the reign of his son King Xerxes I.

[edit] Archaeological Research

The first scientific excavation at Persepolis carried out by Ernest Herzfeld in 1931, who was commissioned by Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago. He believes the reason behind the construction of Persepolis was the need for a majestic atmosphere, a symbol for their empire and to celebrate special events, especially the “Nowruz”, (the Iranian New Year held on 21st of March). Due to historical reasons and deep rooted interests it was built on the birthplace of the Achaemenid dynasty, which was not the centre of their Empire.

The main characteristic of Persepolitan architecture is its columns. They were of wood; only when even the largest cedars of the Lebanon or the teak trees of India did not fulfil the required sizes did the architects resort to stone. The bases and the capitals were always of stones, even on wooden shafts, but the existence of wooden capitals is probable.

The remains including the bas-reliefs and sculptures provide an insight into hearts and beliefs of the ancient Iranians. It can be seen that the buildings at Persepolis are divided into three areas, military quarters, the treasury and the reception and occasional houses for King of Kings. These included the Great Stairway, the Gate of Nations (Xerxes), Apadana palace of Darius, the Hall of a Hundred Columns, the Tripylon Hall and Tachara palace of Darius, the Hadish palace of Xerxes, palace of Artaxerxes III, the Imperial Treasury, the Royal Stables and the Chariot house.

[edit] Site

Ancient texts found in Persepolis (Photographer: Ramin Dehdashti of
Ancient texts found in Persepolis (Photographer: Ramin Dehdashti of

The site is marked by a large terrace by the size of 125,000 square metre partly artificial and partly cut out of mountain, with its east side leaning on Kuh-e Rahmet ("the Mountian of Mercy"). The other three sides are formed by a retaining wall, varying in height with the slope of the ground from 5 to 13 meters on the west side a magnificent double stair, of very easy steps, which leads to the top. To create the level terrace any depressions that were present were then filled up with soil and heavy rocks and then they joined the rocks together using metal clips.

Gray limestone is mainly used in the buildings at Persepolis. To reach the top of the terrace the construction of the broad Stairway, which is 20m above the ground and planned to be the only main entrance, was begun around 518BC. This dual stairway known as Persepolitan stairway, was built in a symmetrical manner on the western side of the Great Wall. The 111 steps were 6.9m wide with treads of 31cm and rises 10 cm, so a horseman could ride up them without difficulty. The top of the stairways led to a small yard in the northeastern side of the terrace, opposite the Gate of Nations. After the natural rock had been leveled and the depressions filled in, the terrace was prepared, then they dug major tunnels for sewage, underground in the rock. A large water storage tank was built inside the rock, at the eastern foot of the mountain. Professor Olmstead believed that at the same time the construction of the towers began.

The uneven plan of part of the foundation of the terrace acted like a kind of castle whose angled walls enabled its defenders to target any section of the external front. Theodorus writes that Persepolis had three walls with ramparts, which all had towers to provide protection space for the defence personnel. The first wall was 7m tall and the second 14m and the third wall, which covered all the four sides, was 27m in height, and today there is no sign of the walls present.

[edit] Ruins

 Persepolis located in Fars/Iran.
Persepolis located in Fars/Iran.

On this terrace are the ruins of a number of colossal buildings, all constructed of dark-grey marble from the adjacent mountain. Especially striking are the huge pillars, of which a number still stand erect. Several of the buildings were never finished. F. Stolze has shown that in some cases even the mason's rubbish has not been removed. These ruins, for which the name Chehel minar ("the forty columns or minarets"), can be traced back to the 13th century, are now known as Takht-e Jamshid - تخت جمشید ("the throne of Jamshid"). That they represent the Persepolis captured and partly destroyed by Alexander of Macedon has been beyond dispute at least since the time of Pietro della Valle.

Behind Takht-e Jamshid are three sepulchres hewn out of the rock in the hillside. The facades, one of which is incomplete, being richly ornamented with reliefs. About 13 km NNE, on the opposite side of the Pulwar, rises a perpendicular wall of rock, in which four similar tombs are cut, at a considerable height from the bottom of the valley. The modern Persians call this place Naqsh-e Rustam - نقش رستام ("the picture of Rustam"), from the Sassanian reliefs beneath the opening, which they take to be a representation of the mythical hero Rustam. That the occupants of these seven tombs were kings might be inferred from the sculptures, and one of those at Nakshi Rustam is expressly declared in its inscription to be the tomb of Darius Hystaspis, concerning whom Ctesias relates that his grave was in the face of a rock, and could only be reached by means of an apparatus of ropes. Ctesias mentions further, with regard to a number of Persian kings, either that their remains were brought "to the Persians," or that they died there.

[edit] The Gate of All Nations

The Gate of all Nations referring to subjects of empire, consisted of a grand hall that was 24.74 square metre, which had four columns and its entrance on the Western Wall. There were two more doors, one to the south which opened to the Apadana yard and the other one opened onto a long road to the east. Pivoting devices found on the inner corners of all the doors indicate that they must have had two-leafed doors, which were probably made of wood and covered with sheets of ornamented metal.

A pair of Persianized Assyrian man-bulls on the western threshold and another pair with wings and a Persian head (Gopät-Shäh), on the eastern entrance to reflect the Empire’s power was built.

Xerxes' name was written in three languages and was carved on the entrances informing everyone that it was built by him.

[edit] Apadana Palace

Ruins of Apadana Palace
Ruins of Apadana Palace

Darius the Great built the greatest and most glorious palace at Persepolis in the western side. This palace was named Apadana and was used for the King of Kings' official audiences. The work began in 515 BC and was completed 30 years later, by his son Xerxes I. The palace had a grand hall in shape of square, each side 60.5m long with seventy-two columns, thirteen of them still stand on the enormous platform. Each column is 19m high with a square Taurus and plinth. The columns carried the weight of the vast and heavy ceiling. The tops of the columns were made of animal sculptures such as two headed bulls, lions and eagles. The columns were joined to each other with the help of oak and cedar beams, which were brought from Lebanon. The walls were covered with a layer of mud and stucco, to a depth of 5cm, which was used for bonding and then covered with the greenish stucco which is found throughout the palaces.

The Apadana Palace, northern stairway (detail)
The Apadana Palace, northern stairway (detail)

At the western, northern and eastern sides of the palace there was a rectangular veranda which had twelve columns in two rows of six. At the south of the grand hall a series of rooms were built for storage. Two grand Persepolitan stairways were built, symmetrical to each other and connected to the stone foundations. To avoid the roof being affected by rain they provided vertical drains through the brick walls. In the Four Corners of Apadana, facing outwards, four towers were built.

The Walls were tiled, and decorated with pictures of lions, bulls and flowers. Darius ordered his name and his empire details to be written in gold and silver on plates, placing those in covered stone boxes, in the foundations, under the Four Corners of the palace. Two Persepolitan style symmetrical stairways were built on the northern and eastern sides of Apadana, to compensate for a difference in level. There were also two other stairways in the middle of the building. The external front views of the palace were embossed with pictures of the The Immortals, the Kings' elite guards. The northern stairway was completed in the time of the Darius, but the other stairway was completed much later.

[edit] The Throne Hall

Ruins of Throne Hall
Ruins of Throne Hall

Next to the Apadana, second largest building of the Terrace and the final edifices is the Throne Hall or the Imperial Army's hall of honour (also called the "Hundred-Columns Palace). This 70x70 square meter hall was started by Xerxes and completed by his son Artaxerxes I, by the end of the fifth century BC. Its eight stone doorways are decorated on the south and north with reliefs of throne scenes and on the east and west with scenes depicting the king in combat with monsters. In addition, the northern portico of the building is flanked by two colossal stone bulls.

In the beginning of Xerxes' reign the Throne Hall was used mainly for receptions for military commanders and representatives of all the subject nations of the empire, but later the Throne Hall served to be as an imperial museum.

[edit] Other Palaces & Structures

There were other palaces built, these included the Tachara palace which was built under Darius I, the Imperial treasury which was started by Darius in 510 BC and finished by Xerxes in 480BC. The Hadish palace by Xerexes I, which occupies the highest level of terrace and stand on the living rock. The Council Hall, the Tryplion Hall, The Palaces of D, G, H, Storerooms, Stables and quarters, Unfinished Gateway and a few Miscellaneous Structures at Persepolis near the south-east corner of the Terrace, at the foot of the mountain.

[edit] Tombs of King of Kings

Now we know that Cyrus the Great was buried at Pasargadae and if there is any truth in the statement that the body of Cambyses II was brought home "to the Persians" his burying-place must be sought somewhere beside that of his father. Ctesias assumes that it was the custom for a king to prepare his own tomb during his lifetime. Hence the kings buried at Naghsh-e Rustam are probably, besides Darius the Great, Xerxes I, Artaxerxes I and Darius II. Xerxes II, who reigned for a very short time, could scarcely have obtained so splendid a monument, and still less could the usurper Sogdianus (Secydianus). The two completed graves behind Takhti Jamshid would then belong to Artaxerxes II and Artaxerxes III. The unfinished one is perhaps that of Arses of Persia, who reigned at the longest two years, or, if not his, then that of Darius III (Codomannus), who is one of those whose bodies are said to have been brought "to the Persians."

Another small group of ruins in the same style is found at the village of Hajjiäbäd, on the Pulwar, a good hour's walk above Takhti Jamshid. These formed a single building, which was still intact 900 years ago, and was used as the mosque of the then existing city of Istakhr.

Since Cyrus the great was buried in Pasargadae, which is mentioned by Ctesias as his own city, and since, to judge from the inscriptions, the buildings of Persepolis commenced with Darius I, it was probably under this king, with whom the sceptre passed to a new branch of the royal house, that Persepolis became the capital of Persia proper. As a residence, however, for the rulers of the empire, a remote place in a difficult alpine region was far from convenient, and the real capitals were Susa, Babylon and Ecbatana. This accounts for the fact that the Greeks were not acquainted with the city until it was taken and plundered by Alexander the Great.

It has been universally admitted that "the palaces" or "the palace" burned down by Alexander are those now in ruins at Takhti Jamshid. From Stolze's investigations it appears that at least one of these, the castle built by Xerxes, bears evident traces of having been destroyed by fire. The locality described by Diodorus after Cleitarchus corresponds in important particulars with Takhti Jamshid, for example, in being supported by the mountain on the east.

[edit] Ancient texts

The relevant passages from ancient scholars on the subject are set out below:

(Diod. 17.70.1-73.2) 17.70 (1) Persepolis was the capital of the Persian kingdom. Alexander described it to the Macedonians as the most hateful of the cities of Asia, and gave it over to his soldiers to plunder, all but the palaces. (2) +It was the richest city under the sun and the private houses had been furnished with every sort of wealth over the years. The Macedonians raced into it slaughtering all the men whom they met and plundering the residences; many of the houses belonged to the common people and were abundantly supplied with furniture and wearing apparel of every kind….
72 (1) Alexander held games in honour of his victories. He performed costly sacrifices to the gods and entertained his friends bountifully. While they were feasting and the drinking was far advanced, as they began to be drunken a madness took possession of the minds of the intoxicated guests. (2) At this point one of the women present, Thais by name and Attic by origin, said that for Alexander it would be the finest of all his feats in Asia if he joined them in a triumphal procession, set fire to the palaces, and permitted women's hands in a minute to extinguish the famed accomplishments of the Persians. (3) This was said to men who were still young and giddy with wine, and so, as would be expected, someone shouted out to form up and to light torches, and urged all to take vengeance for the destruction of the Greek temples. (4) Others took up the cry and said that this was a deed worthy of Alexander alone. When the king had caught fire at their words, all leaped up from their couches and passed the word along to form a victory procession [epinikion komon] in honour of Dionysius.
Persepolis (R)
Persepolis (R)
(5) Promptly many torches were gathered. Female musicians were present at the banquet, so the king led them all out for the komos to the sound of voices and flutes and pipes, Thais the courtesan leading the whole performance. (6) She was the first, after the king, to hurl her blazing torch into the palace. As the others all did the same, immediately the entire palace area was consumed, so great was the conflagration. It was most remarkable that the impious act of Xerxes, king of the Persians, against the acropolis at Athens should have been repaid in kind after many years by one woman, a citizen of the land which had suffered it, and in sport.
(Curt. 5.6.1-7.12) 5.6 (1) On the following day the king called together the leaders of his forces and informed them that "no city was more mischievous to the Greeks than the seat of the ancient kings of Persia . . . by its destruction they ought to offer sacrifice to the spirits of their forefathers."…
7 (1) But Alexander's great mental endowments, that noble disposition, in which he surpassed all kings, that intrepidity in encountering dangers, his promptness in forming and carrying out plans, his good faith towards those who submitted to him, merciful treatment of his prisoners, temperance even in lawful and usual pleasures, were sullied by an excessive love of wine. (2) At the very time when his enemy and his rival for a throne was preparing to renew the war, when those whom he had conquered were but lately subdued and were hostile to the new rule, he took part in prolonged banquets at which women were present, not indeed those whom it would be a crime to violate, but, to be sure, harlots who were accustomed to live with armed men with more licence than was fitting.
Persepolis, April 2005.
Persepolis, April 2005.
(3) One of these, Thais by name, herself also drunken, declared that the king would win most favour among all the Greeks, if he should order the palace of the Persians to be set on fire; that this was expected by those whose cities the barbarians had destroyed. (4) When a drunken strumpet had given her opinion on a matter of such moment, one or two, themselves also loaded with wine, agreed. The king, too, more greedy for wine than able to carry it, cried: "Why do we not, then, avenge Greece and apply torches to the city?" 5) All had become heated with wine, and so thy arose when drunk to fire the city which they had spared when armed. The king was the first to throw a firebrand upon the palace, then the guests and the servants and courtesans. The palace had been built largely of cedar, which quickly took fire and spread the conflagration widely. (6) When the army, which was encamped not far from the city, saw the fire, thinking it accidental, they rushed to bear aid. (7) But when they came to the vestibule of the palace, they saw the king himself piling on firebrands. Therefore, they left the water which they had brought, and they too began to throw dry wood upon the burning building.
(8) Such was the end of the capital of the entire Orient. . . .
(10) The Macedonians were ashamed that so renowned a city had been destroyed by their king in a drunken revel; therefore the act was taken as earnest, and they forced themselves to believe that it was right that it should be wiped out in exactly that manner.
(Cleitarchus, FGrHist. 137, F. 11 (= Athenaeus 13. 576d-e))
And did not Alexander the Great have with him Thais, the Athenian hetaira? Cleitarchus speaks of her as having been the cause for the burning of the palace at Persepolis. After Alexander's death, this same Thais was married to Ptolemy, the first king of Egypt.

There is, however, one formidable difficulty. Diodorus says that the rock at the back of the palace containing the royal sepulchres is so steep that the bodies could be raised to their last resting-place only by mechanical appliances. This is not true of the graves behind Takhti Jamshid, to which, as F. Stolze expressly observes, one can easily ride up; on the other hand, it is strictly true of the graves at Nakshi Rustam. Stolze accordingly started the theory that the royal castle of Persepolis stood close by Nakshi Rustam, and has sunk in course of time to shapeless heaps of earth, under which the remains may be concealed. The vast ruins, however, of Takhti Jamshid, and the terrace constructed with so much labour, can hardly be anything else than the ruins of palaces; as for temples, the Persians had no such thing, at least in the time of Darius and Xerxes. Moreover, Persian tradition at a very remote period knew of only three architectural wonders in that region, which it attributed to the fabulous queen Humgi (Khumái)--the. grave of Cyrus at Pasargadae, the building at HäjjIãbãd, and those on the great terrace.

It is safest therefore to identify these last with the royal palaces destroyed by Alexander. Cleitarchus, who can scarcely have visited the place himself, with his usual recklessness of statement, confounded the tombs behind the palaces with those of Nakshi Rustam; indeed he appears to imagine that all the royal sepulchres were at the same place.

[edit] After the fall of Ancient Persia

Persepolis, 1878 engraving by Frederick Stacpoole ARA (1813–1907).
Persepolis, 1878 engraving by Frederick Stacpoole ARA (1813–1907).

In 316 BC Persepolis was still the capital of Persia as a province of the great Macedonian Empire (see Diod. xix, 21 seq., 46 ; probably after Hieronymus of Cardia, who was living about 316). The city must have gradually declined in the course of time; but the ruins of the Achaemenidae remained as a witness to its ancient glory. It is probable that the principal town of the country, or at least of the district, was always in this neighborhood. About AD 200 we find there the city Istakhr (properly Stakhr) as the seat of the local governors. There the foundations of the second great Persian Empire were laid, and Istakhr acquired special importance as the center of priestly wisdom and orthodoxy. The Sassanian kings have covered the face of the rocks in this neighborhood, and in part even the Achaemenian ruins, with their sculptures and inscriptions, and must themselves have built largely here, although never on the same scale of magnificence as their ancient predecessors. The Romans knew as little about Istakhr as the Greeks had done about Persepolis--and this in spite of the fact that for four hundred years the Sassanians maintained relations, friendly or hostile, with the empire.

Persepolis ruins after 2500 years
Persepolis ruins after 2500 years

At the time of the Arabian conquest Istakhr offered a desperate resistance, but the city was still a place of considerable importance in the first century of Islam, although its greatness was speedily eclipsed by the new metropolis Shiraz. In the 10th century Istakhr had become an utterly insignificant place, as may be seen from the descriptions of Istakhr, a native (c. 950), and of Mukaddasi (c. 985). During the following centuries Istakhr gradually declines, until, as a city, it ceased to exist. This fruitful region, however, was covered with villages till the frightful devastations of the 18th century; and even now it is, comparatively speaking, well cultivated. The "castle of Istakhr" played a conspicuous part several times during the Muslim period as a strong fortress. It was the middlemost and the highest of the three steep crags which rise from the valley of the Kur, at some distance to the west or north-west of Nakshi Rustam.

We learn from Asian writers that one of the Buyid (Buwaihid) sultans in the 10th century of the Flight constructed the great cisterns, which may yet be seen, and have been visited, amongst others, by James Morier and E. Flandin. W. Ouseley points out that this castle was still used in the 16th century, at least as a state prison. But when Pietro della Valle was there in 1621 it was already in ruins.

The UNESCO declared the citadel of Persepolis a World Heritage Site in 1979.

Persipolis is also one of the 80 treasures featured on Around the World in 80 Treasures presented by Dan Cruickshank.

In 1971, Persepolis was the main staging ground for the 2,500 year celebration of Iran's monarchy.

[edit] See also

[edit] Gallery

[edit] External links

This article incorporates text from the Encyclopædia Britannica Eleventh Edition, a publication now in the public domain.


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