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Mega Man Battle Network 6

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MegaMan Battle Network 6: Cybeast Falzar/Cybeast Gregar

Developer(s) Capcom Production Studio 2
Publisher(s) Capcom
Designer(s) Keiji Inafune
Release date(s) November 23, 2005 (JP)
June 13th 2006 (US)
June 16th, 2006 (EU)
Genre(s) Role-playing game
Mode(s) Single player
Rating(s) ESRB: Everyone
Platform(s) Game Boy Advance
Media Cartridge

MegaMan Battle Network 6 is the sixth and final installment of the MegaMan Battle Network series from Capcom. As with the previous three installments of the series, the Japanese edition was released in two separate versions: Dennōjū Falzar and Dennōjū Greiga. The North American releases are titled Cybeast Falzar and Cybeast Gregar. Battle Network 6 marks the end of the Game Boy Advance Battle Network series, as shown in the ending. After the credits, it reads "MegaMan Battle Network END". Keiji Inafune has stated in an interview that EXE6 is indeed the final game in the series. However, another Battle Network game for the Nintendo DS has been revealed, although it does not appear to continue where Battle Network 6 ends. After awhile Japan re-released these games in special combo packs with new Battle Chip Gates called Beast Link Gates, these special combo packs are called Rockman "EXE6 Dennōjō Greiga Beast Link Gate DX Edition" and "Rockman EXE6 Dennōjū Falzer Beast Link Gate DX Edition".


[edit] Story

Lan and his family have moved to Cyber City. At his new school, he makes friends with four individuals, two of whom go by the names Mick (Kojiro) and Iris. To Lan's surprise, one of two teachers is former WWW (World Three) member Mr. Match (Hinoken), or Shuuko, depending on the version. However, WWW has returned and is causing trouble that not even the Official NetBattlers can control, so MegaMan decides to investigate. Here MegaMan discovers that the Cybeasts Falzar and Gregar have something to do with a mysterious conspiracy. It is here that MegaMan meets one of the Cybeasts and gains the "Beast Out" ability. Now armed with Beast Out, Lan and MegaMan must fight WWW and stop whatever they're up to. At first it seems that Baryl (Barrel) and Colonel were the culprits of the conspiracy, but later in the end he admits that he was working for Dr. Wily himself. Dr. Wily raised Baryl when his own father was off fighting in a war, and in his kindness for Baryl, he was distracted from his plans for revenge of the Net society. He also created Colonel, the "perfect navi" who had the ability to feel kindness and had powers of machine manipulation. However, once Baryl's father, his only true friend was killed in battle, Wily began to feel the past thoughts of revenge and modified Colonel to become a military grade Navi. The other programs were modified into a separate Navi named Iris. She was to be a military control Navi, until she met Lan, who showed her that humans were not bloodthirsty killers. As a precaution, Wily planted a program forbidding these Navis to merge by having then explode if they were ever to do so. To hatch his latest scheme to destroy the Net and the world, he built 2 enormous Copybots and installed the Falzer and Gregar Cybeasts in it...until Baryl decided what was truly right and began to battle Falzar/Gregar (depending on which version). MegaMan also began to battle the other Cybeast, until in a twist, the Cybeast took over MegaMan's body once again. Colonel and Iris began the risky merging, and with their heightened powers they ripped the Cybeast from MegaMan's body. However, instead of separating, they planned to sacrifice themselves to destroy the Cybeasts once and for all. With this, Wily regained his repressed kindness, and atoned for his crimes, and became a good person again. Baryl lived on to deliver Lan Iris's copybot at his graduation. After the credits, the game shows us the world after 20 years. Dr. Wily, now a good person, has designed new incarnations of Colonel and Iris. Iris is a program that finds problems in the net and fixes them while Colonel automatically searchs out viruses and criminals and deletes them. Also, Lan Hikari, now a scientist, is revealed to have married Mayl . They have a son named Patch (Raito).

[edit] Gameplay

[edit] Allies

  • Falzar Allies:
    • Shuuko Kido and Aquaman/SpoutMan
    • Dingo and TomahawkMan
    • Fuuten Roshi/Master Feng-Tian and TenguMan
    • Horisugi Dotarou/Moliarty and GroundMan
    • Mr. Press and DustMan

  • Gregar Allies:
    • Ken'ichi Hino/Mr.Match and HeatMan
    • Madam Elec/Mrs. Ann Zap and ElecMan
    • Phakchi/Ms. Fahran and SlashMan
    • Dark Kirisaki/Dark Scythe and Killer/EraseMan
    • Kurogane Kunio/Al Ferry and ChargeMan
  • Both Versions:
    • Enzan/Chaud and Blues/ProtoMan
    • Barrel/Baryl and Colonel

[edit] Cross System

Succeeding the Soul Unison system, the Cross System is introduced in Battle Network 6. Although similar to the preceding system in Battle Network 4 and 5, Crosses can last for the entire duration of a battle without utilizing the three-turn limit and be activated without a sacrificial chip. Upon finishing an ally Navi's mission and battle, MegaMan will gain the Navi Link to that partcular Navi, thus enabling a Cross between MegaMan and the corresponding Navi. There are 5 Crosses per game, and each has an element with attributes to the linking Navi. However, if MegaMan is hit by an element that he is weak against, he will instantly take double damage and revert to his normal state. While in a Cross, Megaman cannot achieve Full Synchro or enter a rage.

[edit] Falzar Crosses

  • Aqua/Spout Cross - Aqua element. Weak against Electricity, strong against Heat. Charge Shot is Bubble Shot with 20 + (Buster damage x 10) damage which also inflicts damage behind the initial impact. Non-time-freezing aqua chips can be charged for double damage and 5% HP recovery. MegaMan will not slip on ice panels. Aqua/Spout Beast's special attack is Aqua Spiral, an aqua-based tornado that inflicts damage up to five times.
  • Tomahawk Cross - Wood element. Weak against Heat, strong against Electricity. Charge Shot is Tomahawk Swing with 40 + (Buster damage x 20) damage, which cuts in a LifeSword range after a slight delay. Non-time-freezing Wood elemental chips can be charged for double damage. MegaMan is unaffected by status ailments (blinding, paralysis, confusion etc.) and has the ability to slowly regenerate HP on grass. Tomahawk Beast's special attack is Wing Boomerang, which launches two wings in a boomerang-like fashion.
  • Tengu Cross - Wind element. Weak against Swords, strong against Cursor-types. Charge Shot is Tengu Racket, with 40 + (Buster dmg x 20) dmg which sweeps in a WideSword range that blows all enemies back. Left + B causes a Fan effect, and all barriers and auras are removed. AirShoes allow MegaMan to walk over broken panels. Wind chips receive 10 damage bonus. Tengu Beast's special attack is Tengu Storm, a T-shaped vortex that reaches three panels and inflicts damage up to three times.
  • Ground Cross - Break element. Weak against Cursor-types, strong against Swords. Charge Shot is Ground Drill, with 10 + (Buster damage x 10) damage, which allows MegaMan to move to nearest enemy in his row and drill them three times. Charged Breaking chips cause rocks to randomly fall onto enemy area for additional damage. SuperArmor is equipped, and Breaking chips gain a 10 damage bonus. Ground Beast's special attack is Drill Drive, a rushing drill attack that hits an enemy twice on one row. MegaMan is placed in an invincible state.
  • Dust Cross - Break element. Weak against Cursor-types, strong against Swords. Charge Shot is Scrap Reborn, with 50 + (Buster damage x 10) damage, which hits the nearest enemy in MegaMan's row and breaks the attacked panel. Dust Shoot in the Custom Window allows a maximum of 5 chips to be recycled from the Window for later use. Left + B allows MegaMan to suck in obstacles and shoot them as a projectile for 200 damage. Dust Beast's special attack is Dust Shooting, which randomly shoots six projectiles on the enemy area.

[edit] Gregar Crosses

  • Heat Cross - Fire element. Weak against Aqua, strong against Wood. Charge Shot is Fire Arm with 30 + (Buster damage x 20) damage which burns 3 panels ahead. Buster damage increases by 1, and Heat chips receive a 50 damage bonus. Heat Beast's special attack is Great Fire, which emits one flame in front of MegaMan and six additional fires on the back rows, similar to Gospel Head.
  • Elec Cross - Elec element. Weak against Wood, strong against Aqua. Charge Shot is Thunder Bolt with 40 + (Buster damage x 20) damage which hits all panels on MegaMan's row in front of him. Electric chips gain a 50 damage bonus. Charged non-elemental chips gain a paralysis effect. Elec Beast's special attack is Big Thunder, which emits electricity in front of MegaMan and six additional sparks on the following rows. The enemy is placed in a temporary paralysis state. This also cracks panels.
  • Slash Cross - Sword element. Weak against Breaking, strong against Wind. Charge Shot is Wide Slash, with 60 + (Buster damage x 20) damage which slashes at a LifeSword range, though each slash affects only one column instead of two. The nearest enemies receive greater damage from Wide Slash. Sword chips gain a 50 damage bonus and can be charged to launch a Sonic Boom. Using Sword chips increases Wide Slash damage by 50 (works only once per battle) and does not apply to Program Advances or time-freezing chips. Slash Beast's special attack is Slash X, an X-shaped sword slash on the nearest enemy. Damage is doubled at the center of the attack.
  • Killer/Erase Cross - Cursor element. Weak against Wind, strong against Breaking. Charge Shot is Killer's Death Beam, with 40 + (Buster damage x 20) damage which pierces all enemies on the panels before MegaMan on his row. This takes a longer time to charge but the attack lasts longer, compared to Elec Cross's attack. Cursor chips gain a 30 damage bonus. Non-elemental chips cause an "instant death" effect to viruses and bugs to Navis with the digit 4 in their HP; the number four is homophonic to "death" in Japanese. Killer Beast's special attack is Killer Tail Arrow, which launches a tail attack from the air. A bug effect ensues on the enemy.
  • Charge Cross - Fire element. Weak against Aqua, strong against Wood. Charge Shot is Charge Dash, with 30 + (Buster damage x 20) damage, which sends MegaMan slamming forward for 3 panels ahead. Heat chips can be charged for up to 100 damage bonus, depending on the charge time. One additional chip is rewarded in the Custom Screen after each turn. Charge Beast's special attack is Charge Bite, which first emits a howl which makes the foe unable to move then sends a copy of Gregar's head forward at the enemy.

[edit] Beast Out

Beast Out is an additional gameplay element after MegaMan encounters one of two Cybeasts. This feature can be activated by pressing the "Beast Button" in the Custom Screen. Like Soul Unison, Beast Out lasts three consecutive turns and "Emotion Points" can be recovered by avoiding usage of the power in later battles. Upon expiration, MegaMan will be in an exhausted state but can still activate Crosses. However, as a consequence, he cannot achieve Full Synchro.

Beast Out also grants all neutral-element chips an additional 30 damage bonus. They can also be charged to launch a special attack against the nearest enemy. This attack is dependent on the form MegaMan has (i.e. the basic Gregar form is a slash where the Heat beast is a flamethrower). Regardless of the cross, non-elemental (including sword, wind, etc.) chips are the only chips which can be charged. All chips, except those with no attack value or chips that cause the screen to dim, gain what has been called "Auto Target" , where MegaMan attacks enemies at a very close range. He will move from his current location to the front of the targeted virus (the closest enemy) regardless of his location, and will initiate his attack. This effect lasts in all Beast Crosses, and will be removed when MegaMan becomes tired. Despite the similarities between the two Beast Outs, the two variations possess unique abilities and different buster attacks:

Falzar Beast Out abilities include:

  • AirShoes and OmniShoes (unaffected by cracked/broken and elemental panels.)
  • Feather Shoot: Shoots feathers rapidly in three different directions.

Gregar Beast Out abilities include:

  • SuperArmor (no recoil)
  • Beast Buster: Fires a rapid and concentrated shot.

In the Japanese version, Beast Out can also be activated by using a Beast Link Gate (Japanese GBA Accessory).

[edit] Cross Beast

Cross Beast occurs when MegaMan activates Beast Out while in a Cross or vice versa. In this state, the Cross will take the appearance and abilities of the corresponding Beast Out, as well as the attributes of the activated Cross.

Cross Beast, much like a standard Beast Out, will deduct emotion points from MegaMan. It will also leave him exhausted, but will still allow him to utilize other Crosses.

[edit] Beast Over

Beast Over is mainly a desperation move when MegaMan's Emotion Points reach zero after Beast Out. In this mode, MegaMan is placed in a berserker state but gains invincibility and uses chips automatically. Once the Custom Gauge fills, Beast Over automatically ends and the custom screen opens automatically. Upon expiration, MegaMan's Buster stats drop to one and his HP rapidly drains. He is also unable to utilize any remaining Crosses nor achieve Full Synchro.

[edit] Chip Limiting System

Unlike previous versions, Mega Man Battle Network 6 now limits chips by their capacity. This has made things more balanced, and has changed many battle chips into Standard Chips, allowing players to be able to keep more Navi Chips in their folder.

[edit] Tag Chip System

Another new introduction is the Tag Chip System, which allows players to "tag" 2 chips together. Those chips will appear side by side in the Custom Screen when either one of them is drawn. This system has allowed players to access low-MB chip combos or Program Advances with ease.

[edit] Link Navis

Link Navis can be controlled by you, and have their own special chip, like MegaMan's allies in BN5. However, these Navis can go about the net freely like MegaMan, although their jack-in point is fixed.

Link Navi Charge Shots and special chip damage can no longer upgrade themselves. Instead, they are buster-dependent, giving buster-improving chips some more use. Link Navis can also get rid of some obstacles that may obstruct MegaMan's path from valuable items, like mystery data.

[edit] Navi Customizer

Parts can be placed off the map, although doing so without the BugStop program on the command line will produce a bug. Also, compression codes now compress parts by more than one square.

[edit] Others

Dark Chips no longer exist, and MegaMan can no longer go dark or become anxious. This means that he can freely use the previously "dark" chips when normal. This also means that MegaMan is no longer in any danger of losing max HP permanently.

[edit] Boktai Removal

Due to previous Boktai titles having low sales in the US, Konami has not planned to release Shintai (Boktai 3) for English localization. Therefore many Boktai references were removed from Battle Network 6, such as all Django and Hakushaku (Count of Groundsoaking Blood) Chips. The battle with Hakushaku and Django's appearance is also cut out, and even entire Areas were cut from the game(Immortal Area and Undernet 3). Some E-Reader features were also cut from the game, but all GunDelSol (except GunDelSol EX) chips were left in. Also, the Django poster above Lan's bed was kept. While it appears that the chips have been removed entirely from the game, using a cheat device reveals that the framework of the chips still exist, and are selectable in battle(Hakushaku is labeled as HackJack). Some of the removed chips could be obtained without cheats using the YMD. However, the chips lack the avatar in the preview window, and it appears that the Boktai sprites have been completely deleted from the game. The chips crash the game upon use (all but the DblBeast chip which, despite lacking an avatar, functions very well). The Crossover Battle was (of course) cut out, but as compensation, the 10 Bonus missions and the Protoman FZ battle were added in without needing any cheats. This also appears to be true for the European version as well.

[edit] Other Cuts

The Area Maps that allowed for less confusing exploration in the Japanese version have been removed from the American and European versions. Also the Falzar/Gregar Giga class chips were removed. However, the mega chip DublBeast is available and has no picture, but the chip still works and will not crash the game. This chip can only be obtained by Gold Mystery Data in Undernet Zero after you have beaten Falzar/Gregar SP. The Area Undernet 3 was removed completely, as well as the first area of a location known as "The Graveyard" which contained headstones that listed every navi. Now Undernet 2 connects directly to Graveyard 2.

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