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List of character classes

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A character class represents a character's archetype and career in some role-playing games. Class is different from both occupation and race. For example, in Dungeons & Dragons, a character's class might be Rogue or Thief, but his occupation could be a burglar, scout, treasure hunter, pirate, adventurer, or any number of other livelihoods based on the class's specific skills and abilities. In many games by Palladium Books, characters have an Occupational Character Class (O.C.C.) and a Racial Character Class (R.C.C.), and may even have a Psychic Character Class (P.C.C.) Thus, class is a character attribute that decides their general abilities and capabilities. Japanese console role-playing games take a simpler approach and often translate "class" as shokugyou (職業), i.e. occupation/job; this is likely due to a mistranslation of "class," but some games instead use a transliteration of "class" instead (クラス).

Some races may have a preferred class; for example, gnomes in Dungeons & Dragons will often end up as an illusionist. In the original (pre-Advanced) Dungeons & Dragons, non-human characters' race was their class; in later versions of the game, demi-humans and other non-human characters were treated just like humans in that their race and their class were separate.


[edit] Dungeons & Dragons/Fantasy d20

This section covers all versions of Dungeons & Dragons, which includes Advanced Dungeons & Dragons; it also includes fantasy-genre d20 System-based games.

[edit] Chainmail and Original D&D

Taken from Men & Magic Volume I, Monsters & Treasure Volume II, and The Underworld & Wilderness Adventures Volume III.

[edit] Classes

[edit] Supplemental Additions

Taken from Supplement I - Greyhawk, Supplement II - Blackmoor, Suplement III - Eldritch Wizardry and The Strategic Review.

[edit] Classic Dungeons & Dragons

Taken from The Basic, Expert, Companion, Master and Immortals Dungeons & Dragons Rules, and The Rules Cyclopedia (a compilation of the Basic through Immortals Rulebooks).

[edit] Basic (human) Classes

[edit] Demi-Human character classes

[edit] Fighter character classes

[edit] Magic-User character classes

[edit] Optional character classes

[edit] First Edition Advanced Dungeons & Dragons

[edit] Player's Handbook

[edit] Unearthed Arcana

  • Cavalier
  • Barbarian
  • Thief-Acrobat

[edit] Oriental Adventures

[edit] Dragonlance Campaign Setting

[edit] Dragon Magazine

[edit] Second Edition Advanced Dungeons & Dragons

[edit] Player's Handbook

[edit] Classes from supplements

[edit] Legends and Lore

[edit] Tome of Magic

[edit] Vikings Campaign Sourcebook

[edit] Complete Psionics Handbook

[edit] Complete Gladiator’s Handbook

[edit] Complete Ninja's Handbook

[edit] Complete Barbarian's Handbook

[edit] Player's Option: Skills and Powers

[edit] Player's Option: Spells and Magic

[edit] Chronomancer

[edit] Shaman

[edit] Campaign Settings

[edit] Arcane Age

[edit] Birthright

[edit] Dark Sun

[edit] Dragonlance

[edit] Forgotten Realms
  • Dukar (2 types of 4 different orders)
  • Incantatrix
  • Harper
  • Holy Crusader
  • Mystic
  • Runecaster
  • Spellfire Wielder
  • Spellsinger
  • Shadow Walker
  • Specialty Priest (122 kinds, excluding druid/shaman/ranger subtypes)

[edit] Iron Kingdoms
  • Arcane Mechanik
  • Bodger
  • Fell Caller
  • Gun Mage
  • Battle Chaplain (Prestige Class)
  • Blackclad (Prestige Class)
  • Field Mechanic (Prestige Class)
  • Ironhead (Prestige Class)
  • Mage Hunter (Prestige Class)
  • Mechanist (Prestige Class)
  • Pistoleer (Prestige Class)
  • Preceptor of Cyriss (Prestige Class)
  • Rifleman (Prestige Class)
  • Second-Story Man (Prestige Class)
  • Warcaster (Prestige Class)

[edit] Masque of the Red Death

[edit] Third Edition Dungeons & Dragons (including 3.5 Edition)

[edit] Core classes from the Player's Handbook

[edit] Psionic classes

[edit] Classes from the Dungeon Master's Guide

[edit] Prestige character classes
  • Arcane Archer An Elven archer who can magically empower arrows.
  • Arcane Trickster Combines magic, sneakiness and a tendency for mischief.
  • Archmage Those who can bend magic in even stranger and more powerful ways than most.
  • Assassin A master of killing and concealment.
  • Blackguard The true champion of evil, a nemesis for all those who are good.
  • Dragon Disciple They begin to realise their draconic background and change to meet it.
  • Duelist A dashing warrior who is nimble and precise.
  • Dwarven Defender An Iron wall with legs and a beard.
  • Eldritch Knight Combining martial weapons with arcane lore and spellcasting to make a balance between fighting and casting
  • Hierophant A god's champion on earth; only the highest priests can become these.
  • Horizon Walker The ultimate traveller - and not just on the earth.
  • Loremaster Book smarts are what these people excel at.
  • Mystic Theurge Combining Arcane power with Divine Magic, a Theurge explores magic in all forms
  • Red Wizard A wizard who becomes even more focused on a particular area of magic; from the evil land of Thay
  • Shadowdancer Uses the shadows to move from place to place, very tricky.
  • Thaumaturgist A master at summoning aid from outside this world.

[edit] Non-player character classes
  • Adept
  • Aristocrat
  • Commoner
  • Expert
  • Warrior

[edit] Basic classes from supplements

[edit] Complete Adventurer

[edit] Complete Arcane

[edit] Complete Divine
  • Favored Soul
  • Shugenja
  • Spirit Shaman

[edit] Complete Warrior

[edit] Dragon Compendium I
  • Battle dancer
  • Death master
  • Jester
  • Mountebank
  • Savant
  • Sha'ir
  • Urban druid

[edit] Eberron Campaign Setting

[edit] Ghostwalk
  • Eidolon
  • Eidoloncer

[edit] Heroes of Horror

[edit] Magic of Incarnum

[edit] Miniatures Handbook

[edit] Oriental Adventures

[edit] Tome of Magic

[edit] Unearthed Arcana

[edit] Variant classes
  • Battle sorcerer
  • Paladin of justice (Basic paladin renamed)
  • Paladin of tyranny (LE Paladin variant)
  • Paladin of freedom (CG Paladin variant)
  • Paladin of slaughter (CE Paladin variant)
  • Savage bard
  • Urban ranger

[edit] Generic classes

These classes were detailed in a section of variant rules covering a more generic approach to character class creation.

  • Expert (not to be confused with the NPC class of the same name)
  • Spellcaster
  • Warrior (not to be confused with the NPC class of the same name)

[edit] Arcana Unearthed/Evolved

  • Akashic
  • Champion
  • Greenbond
  • Mage Blade
  • Magister
  • Oathsworn
  • Ritual Warrior
  • Runethane
  • Totem Warrior
  • Unfettered
  • Warmain
  • Witch

[edit] Iron Heroes

[edit] Alternity

[edit] Player's Handbook Professions

[edit] Lejendary Adventure

[edit] The Legendary Rules for All Players

[edit] Ultima

[edit] Ultima I & II

[edit] Ultima III

[edit] Ultima IV, V, VI and IX

The player character did not have a character class in Ultima VII, VII Part II, or VIII, and class choice has far less significance in games beyond Ultima IV. Included in the list are the corresponding Virtue and the starting town in Ultima IV.

[edit] Wizardry

[edit] I through V

[edit] VI, VII

These two games had all the classes above, and in addition:

[edit] VIII

The final game in the series added the Gadgeteer class.

[edit] Dragon Quest

The original game did not have anything resembling a class system; however, in many later games, the characters are assigned to classes, even if it is not possible to create new characters.

[edit] Dragon Quest II

  • Fighter: The first hero.
  • Paladin: The second hero.
  • Mage: The third heroine.

[edit] Dragon Quest III

  • Hero (勇者) (the game's main protagonist)
  • Fighter (戦士) (Heavy weapons and Armour user)
  • Mage (魔法使い) (a purely offensive magic-user)
  • Cleric (僧侶) (a healer)
  • Thief (盗賊) (only available in the remade versions for SNES and Game Boy Color)
  • Fighter (武闘家) (a speedy attacker who could use only light armour and one type of weapon, the claw-type)
  • Jester or Goof-Off (遊び人) (considered by most to be a useless class, but they have some surprising abilities, not the least of which being able to become a sage without any special items)
  • Sage (賢者) (Not available as an initial class, you needed a special item which could only be found twice in the game in order to become a sage)

[edit] Dragon Quest VI

Basic Classes:

Advanced Classes:

  • Battlemaster (バトルマスター) (Fighter+Warrior)
  • Mahousenshi (魔法戦士) (Mage+Warrior)
  • Paladin (パラディン) (Fighter+Priest)
  • Kenja (賢者) (Sage; Mage+Priest)
  • Ranger (レンジャー) (Thief, Monster Tamer, Merchant)
  • Super Star (スーパースター) (Dancer, Goof-Off)

Special Classes:

  • Yuusha (勇者) (Hero; Battlemaster, Ranger, Sage, Superstar)
  • Dragon (ドラゴン) (must find special book)
  • Hagure Metal (はぐれメタル) (Metal Babble, must find special book)

[edit] Dragon Quest VII

Basic Classes:

Advanced Classes:

  • Battle Master (バトルマスター) (Warrior + Grappler)
  • Magic Warrior (魔法戦士) (Warrior+Mage)
  • Sage (賢者) (Mage+Priest)
  • Super Star (スーパースター) (Minstrel+Jester)
  • Monster Hunter (魔物ハンター) (Thief+Shepherd)
  • Pirate (海賊) (Thief+Sailor)
  • Paladin (パラディン) (Grappler+Priest)
  • God Hand (ゴッドハンド) (Battle Master+Paladin)
  • Tenchiraimeishi (天地雷鳴師) (Sage+SuperStar)

Final Class (for the hero):

  • Hero (勇者) (Master 3+ advanced classes)

[edit] Final Fantasy

For more details on this topic, see Final Fantasy character classes.

[edit] Final Fantasy I

[edit] Final Fantasy III

  • Onion Knight
  • Freelancer (Nintendo DS remake only)
  • Fighter
  • Monk
  • Hunter
  • Knight
  • Thief
  • Dragoon
  • Viking
  • Karateka
  • Mystic Knight
  • Ninja
  • White Wizard
  • Black Wizard
  • Red Wizard
  • Scholar
  • Geomancer
  • Conjurer
  • Bard
  • Shaman
  • Warlock
  • Summoner
  • Sage

[edit] Final Fantasy IV

[edit] Final Fantasy V

[edit] Final Fantasy VI

(The classes only existed in the Japanese version of the game)

  • Mage Warrior (Terra)
  • Adventurer (Locke)
  • Engineer (Edgar)
  • Monk (Sabin)
  • Rune Knight (Celes)
  • Assasin (Shadow)
  • Samurai (Cyan)
  • Wild Boy (Gau)
  • Gambler (Setzer)
  • Dancer/Moogle (Mog)
  • Blue Mage (Strago)
  • Pictomancer (Relm)
  • Yeti (Umaro)
  • Mime (Gogo)
  • Imperial Soldier (Biggs, Wedge)
  • Priest (Bannon)
  • Moogle (The ten moogles that help Locke to rescue Terra)
  • High General (Leo)
  • Spectre (The ghosts you can recruit on the Phantom Train)

[edit] Final Fantasy Tactics

  • Squire - The basic warrior-type class.
  • Chemist - The basic mage-type class.
  • Knight - A stronger form of the Squire. Can equip heavy armor.
  • Archer - A bowman, uses Charge to deal more damage.
  • Priest - A class that uses white magic to aid allies.
  • Wizard - A class that uses black magic to defeat foes.
  • Monk - This class uses his/her fists, yet has variable abilities.
  • Thief - A rogue-type class that can steal from enemies.
  • Time Mage - A mage that messes with time to aid allies or disable foes.
  • Oracle - Uses various status-dealing abilities to render foes useless.
  • Geomancer - Uses the ground they stand on to deal damage.
  • Lancer - uses spears to attack enemies from distances.
  • Beast Master - Persuades the foes you are fighting to join you.
  • Summoner - Summons powerful beings to aid your team.
  • Samurai - Uses his/her powerful weapons to harm foes.
  • Ninja - Throws various weapons to deal damage.
  • Calculator - Calculates abilities and such to aid your party or deal damage to enemies.
  • Dancer - Does dances to deal status ailments to enemies.
  • Bard - Sings to aid allies.
  • Mime - Prestigous class. Can mimic abilities on the field.

[edit] Special Classes

  • Holy Knight (Agrias & Delita)
  • Engineer (Mustadio, Fusion & Balk)
  • Heaven Knight (Rafa)
  • Hell Knight (Malak)
  • Divine Knight (Meliadoul)
  • Holy Swordsman (Orlandu)
  • Temple Knight (Beowulf)
  • Holy Dragon (Reis)
  • Dragoner (Reis)

[edit] NPC/Enemy Classes

  • Cleric (Alma)
  • Dark Knight (Gafgarion)
  • Astronomer (Olan)
  • Princess (Ovelia)
  • Arc Knight (Zalbag & Elmdor)
  • Holy Priest (Zalmo)
  • Knight Blade (Izlude)
  • Rune Knight (Dycedarg) (incorrectly translated as "Lune Knight")
  • Sorcerer (Kletian)
  • White Knight (Wiegraf)
  • Assassin (Celia & Lede)

[edit] Other

[edit] Fire Emblem

  • Base Class → Promoted Class

All of these classes can be acquired in the player's party unless stated otherwise.

  • Social Knight → Paladin
  • Armor Knight → General
  • Pegasus Knight → Dragon Knight
  • Thief
  • Fighter → Warrior
  • Pirate
  • Mercenary → Hero
  • Mage → Sage
  • Monk/Cleric → Bishop
  • Lord
  • Archer → Sniper
  • Hunter → Horseman (Promotable on Super Famicom only)
  • Soldier (Super Famicom only, enemy only)
  • Dancer (Super Famicom only)

[edit] Genealogy of the Holy War (Seisen no Keifu) (4) (Super Famicom) / Thracia 776 (5) (Jugdral) (Super Famicom)

Technically, Jugdral classes do not have set promotions; rather, each character has a set class they can upgrade to. But they generally follow these lines. The weapon type name (Sword, Axe, Lance, or Arch) in a class name means that the unit is restricted to that type of weapon. "Armor" units are restricted to one type of weapon until promotion.

  • Junior Lord → Lord Knight
  • Free Knight → Forest Knight
  • Axe Knight → Great Knight
  • Lance Knight → Duke Knight
  • Social Knight → Paladin
  • Trobadour → Paladin
  • Dancer
  • Bard → Sage
  • Shaman → Sage
  • Mage → Mage Knight
  • Swordfighter → Forrest (Seisen No Keifu only)
  • Swordfighter → Sword Master
  • Swordfighter → Mercenary (Thracia 776 only)
  • Arch Knight → Bow Knight
  • Bowfighter → Sniper
  • Fire Mage → Mage Fighter
  • Wind Mage → Mage Fighter
  • Thunder Mage → Mage Fighter
  • Dark Mage (enemy only)
  • Thief → Thief Fighter
  • Axefighter → Warrior
  • Barbarian (enemy only)
  • Hunter (enemy only)
  • Mountain Thief (enemy only)
  • Pirate (enemy only)
  • Pegasus Rider → Pegasus Knight (Thracia 776 only)
  • Pegasus Knight → Falcon Knight (Seisen no Keifu only)
  • Dragon Rider → Dragon Knight (Thracia 776 only)
  • Dragon Knight → Dragon Master (Seisen no Keifu only)
  • Sword Armour → General
  • Axe Armour → General
  • Lance Armour → General
  • Bow Armour → General
  • Baron (enemy only)
  • Emperor (enemy only)
  • Prince → Master Knight
  • Princess → Master Knight
  • Queen (enemy only)
  • Priest → High Priest
  • Bishop (enemy only)
  • Dark Bishop (enemy only)
  • Civilian (NPC only)
  • Child (NPC only)
  • Long Arch (enemy only)
  • Iron Arch (enemy only)
  • Killer Arch (enemy only)
  • Soldier, Archer (Thracia 776 only)
  • Dark Prince (enemy only)
  • Lopt Mage → Dark Mage (Thracia 776 only)

[edit] Sword of Seals (6) / Blazing Sword (7) (Elibe) (Gameboy Advance)

  • Lord (Roy -- Sword of Seals) (Swords) → Master Lord (Restricted to Swords)
  • Lord (Hector -- Blazing Sword) (Axes) → Great Lord (Axes, Swords)
  • Lord (Lyn -- Blazing Sword) (Swords) → Blade Lord (Swords, Bows)
  • Lord (Eliwood -- Blazing Sword) (Swords) → Knight Lord (Swords, Lances)
  • Cavalier (Swords, Lances) → Paladin (Swords, Lances, Axes)
  • Knight (Lances) → General (Lances, Axes)
  • Nomad (Bows) → Nomad Trooper (Bows, Swords)
  • Bandit (Axes) → Berserker (Axes) (Bandit available only in Sword of Seals)
  • Pirate (Axes) → Berserker (Axes)
  • Shaman (Dark Magic) → Druid (Dark Magic, Staves)
  • Monk (Light Magic) (Male Only) → Bishop (Light Magic, Staves) (Male) (Monk class exists only in Blazing Sword and Sacred Stones)
  • Cleric (Staves) (Female Only) → Bishop (Staves, Light Magic) (Female)
  • Mage (Anima Magic) → Sage (Anima Magic, Staves)
  • Fighter (Axes) → Warrior (Axes, Bows)
  • Mercenary (Swords) → Hero (Swords, Axes)
  • Myrmidon (Swords) → Swordmaster (Swords)
  • Troubadour (Staves) → Valkyrie (Staves, Anima Magic)
  • Thief (Swords) (Both Games) → Assassin (Swords) (Blazing Sword only)
  • Wyvern Rider (Lances) → Wyvern Lord (Lances, Swords)
  • Pegasus Knight (Lances) → Falcoknight (Lances, Swords)
  • Dark Druid (Blazing Sword only -- Enemy, Nergal only) (All Magic, All Staves)
  • Archsage (Blazing Sword only -- Ally, Athos only) (All Magic, All Staves)
  • Soldier (Enemy or NPC only) (Lances)
  • Archer (Bows) → Sniper (Bows)
  • Bard (Nils, in Blazing Sword; Elphin, in Sword of Seals)
  • Dancer (Ninian, in Blazing Sword; Lalam, in Sword of Seals)
  • Magic Seal (Blazing Sword only -- Enemy, Kishuna only)
  • Mamkute (Sword of Seals only -- Fae only)
  • Prince (Blazing Sword only -- NPC, Zephiel only)
  • Emperor (Sword of Seals only -- Enemy, Zephiel only)

[edit] Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones (8) (Magvel) (Gameboy Advance)

  • Lord (Eirika) → Great Lord (Restricted to Swords)
  • Lord (Ephraim) → Great Lord (Restricted to Lances)
  • Manakete (Myrrh only)
  • Journeyman (Ross only) (Axes) → Pirate (Axes) OR Fighter (Axes) OR Journeyman level 2 (Axes)
  • Recruit (Amelia only) (Lances) → Cavalier (Lances, Swords) OR Knight (Lances) OR Recruit level 2 (Lances)
  • Pupil (Ewan only) (Anima Magic) → Mage (Anima Magic) OR Shaman (Dark Magic) OR Pupil level 2 (Anima)
  • Journeyman level 2 (Ross only) → Hero (Swords, Axes) OR Journeyman level 3 (Axes) (15% Critical Hit bonus)
  • Recruit level 2 (Amelia only) → Paladin (Swords, Lances) OR Recruit level 3 (Lances) (15% Critical Hit bonus)
  • Pupil level 2 (Ewan only) → Sage (Anima, Light, Staves) OR Pupil level 3 (Anima, Light, Dark, notable because it is the only class that can use all three without use of cheats)
  • Thief (Swords) (Can Steal, Can use Lockpicks) → Rogue (Swords) (Can use Lockpicks) (Pick skill - Can open chests and doors without Keys or Lockpicks) OR Assassin (Swords) (Can use Lockpicks) (Silencer skill - Can insantly kill the opponent)
  • Myrmidon (Swords) → Swordmaster (Swords) (15% Critical Hit bonus) OR Assassin (Swords) (Can use Lockpicks) (Silencer skill - Can instantly kill the opponent)
  • Pirate (Axes) (Can walk on water) → Berserker (Axes) (15% Critical Hit bonus, Can walk on water and peaks) OR Warrior (Axes, Bows)
  • Fighter (Axes) → Warrior (Axes, Bows) OR Hero (Swords, Axes)
  • Mercenary (Swords) → Hero (Swords, Axes) OR Ranger (Swords, Bows)
  • Archer (Bows) → Ranger (Bows, Swords) OR Sniper (Bows) (Sure Strike skill)
  • Cavalier (Swords, Lances) → Paladin (Swords, Lances) OR Great Knight (Swords, Lances, Axes)
  • Knight (Lances) → Great Knight (Lances, Axes, Swords) OR General (Lances, Axes, Swords) (Great Shield skill - Can negate incoming damage)
  • Mage (Anima Magic) → Sage (Anima Magic, Staves, Light Magic) OR Mage Knight (Anima Magic, Staves)
  • Troubadour (Female only) (Staves) → Mage Knight (Anima Magic, Staves) OR Valkyrie (Light Magic, Staves)
  • Cleric (Female only) (Staves) → Bishop (Staves, Light Magic) (Slayer skill - inflicts additional damage to monsters) OR Valkyrie (Staves, Light Magic)
  • Monk (Male only) → Bishop (Light Magic, Staves) (Slayer skill - inflicts additional damage to monsters) OR Sage (Light Magic, Anima Magic, Staves)
  • Priest (Male only) → Bishop (Staves, Light Magic) (Slayer skill - inflicts additional damage to monsters) OR Sage (Staves, Anima Magic, Light Magic)
  • Shaman (Dark Magic) → Druid (Dark Magic, Anima Magic, Staves) OR Summoner (Dark Magic, Staves) (Summon skill - can conjure Axe-wielding Phantoms on the battlefield)
  • Wyvern Rider (Lances) → Wyvern Lord (Lances, Swords) or Wyvern Knight (Lances) (Pierce skill - can ignore opponent's Defense)
  • Pegasus Knight (Lances) → Falcoknight (Lances, Swords) or Wyvern Knight Wyvern Knight (Lances) (Pierce skill - can ignore opponent's Defense)
  • Necromancer (Dark Magic, Staves) (Enemy only during the main game, however a player-controlled Necromancer named Lyon can join you in Map mode)(Summon skill-can conjure Axe-wielding Phantoms on the Battlefield)
  • Soldier (Lances) (Enemy only)
  • Brigand (Axes) (Enemy only)
  • Pontifex (NPC character who cannot equip weapons)
  • Queen (NPC character who cannot equip weapons
  • Revenant → Entombed (Monster class, uses no weapons, and is enemy only)
  • Mauthe Doog → Gwyllgi (Monster class, uses no weapons, and is enemy only)
  • Tarvos → Maleduin (Monster class, uses axes and bows, and is enemy only)
  • Bonewalker → Wight (Monster class, uses bows, lances, and swords, and is enemy only)
  • Gorgon Egg → Gorgon (Monster class, gains HP on each turn until it maxes out HP and hatches into a Gorgon, which can use Dark magic)
  • Cyclops (Monster class, uses Axes)
  • Dracozombie (Monster class, cannot use weapons)

[edit] Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance (Souen no Kiseki) (Telius) (9) (Gamecube)

  • Ranger → Lord (Swords) (Ike Only)
  • Myrmidon → Swordmaster (Swords)
  • Archer → Sniper (Bows)
  • Fighter → Warrior (Axes; Axes, Bows)
  • Knight → General (Lances; Lances, Swords)
  • Sword Knight → Paladin (Swords) (Choose from Lances, Axes, or Bows as an additional weapon upon promotion)
  • Lance Knight → Paladin (Lances) (Choose from Swords, Axes, or Bows as an additional weapon upon promotion)
  • Axe Knight → Paladin (Axes) (Choose from Swords, Lances, or Bows as an additional weapon upon promotion)
  • Bow Knight → Paladin (Bows) (Choose from Swords, Lances, or Axes as an additional weapon upon promotion)
  • Pegasus Knight → Falcon Knight (Lances; Lances, Swords)
  • Wyvern Rider → Wyvern Lord (Lances; Lances, Axes)
  • Mage → Sage (Fire, Wind, Thunder Magic) (Choose from Staves or Knives as an additional weapon upon promotion)
  • Priest → Bishop (Staves; Staves, Light Magic)
  • Cleric → Valkyrie (Staves; Staves, Swords)
  • Thief → Assassin (Knives) (Only Volke can promote into an Assassin)
  • Soldier → Halberdier (Lances)
  • Berserker (Axes)
  • Bird Tribe (Crow/Raven, Hawk, or Heron) (Beaks) (Heron cannot attack)
  • Beast Tribe (Cat, Tiger, or Lion) (Claws)
  • Dragon Tribe (Red or White) (Breath)
  • Princess Crimea (Elincia Only)
  • Bandit (Enemy Only)
  • Daein King (Ashnard Only)
  • Hero (Greil only)

[edit] Rifts

Character classes in Rifts, and other games by Palladium Books, are often split between two types: Racial Character Classes (R.C.C.), which is the character's species, and Occupational Character Class (O.C.C.), which is the traditional character class or occupation. Some R.C.C.s are a character class in and of themselves, while others can have a separate O.C.C. as well. Human characters usually only need to choose an O.C.C. Some Palladium games have a third Psychic Character Class (P.C.C.), denoting otherwise human characters with psychic powers. In Rifts, these are considered an R.C.C., signifying that the character has spent their life training in the use of their abilities, rather than learning another more specialized trade, such as soldier or robot pilot.

  • Anti-Monster - Colombian soldier turned into a massive supernatural warrior
  • Battle Magus - Warriors of the city of Dweomer who combine physical combat with magical prowess.
  • Bio-Borg - Victims (or on occasion volunteers) of Splugorth bio-wizardry that modifies their bodies with symbiotes, parasites and biological implants.
  • Borg - a Cyborg warrior/soldier. Numerous models of these on several continents exist, including the various clan 'Borgs in Russia and the Dragon Borgs of Japan.
  • Burster - A Psychic human whose powers focus on Pyrokinesis
  • City Rat - Common (or not) street thug
  • Coalition Dog Pack/Dog Boy - A humaniod, intelligent mutant dog used by the Coalition to literally sniff out magic-users and supernatural beings
  • Coalition RPA Pilot - A soldier of the Coalition States, trained in the use of Giant Robots and the SAMAS power armor.
  • Conjurer - Magicians who can conjure animals and inanimate objects out of thin air.
  • Controller Magus - A magically adept soldier who pilots the Automatons of Dweomer.
  • Cosmo-Knight - Powerful enforcers of interstellar justice in the Three Galaxies and beyond, Cosmo-Knights are imbued by the godlike Cosmic Forge to acquire abilities such as the conjuration of signature weapons and armor, energy blasts, a fabled immunity to energy attacks, and so on. They are vulnerable to magic.
  • Crazy - A person who has been altered by M.O.M. enhancements. They are stronger, faster, and don't require more than four hours of rest. Much like the Juicer they don't survive long (though this is more because of lifestyle and less because of the direct effects of the Mind Over Matter implants) and in the process they gain phobias, insanities, and the like. Essentially they become "crazy". Mostly only soldiers are altered but the alterations can be done via the black market.
  • Cyber-Knight - A monastic order of heroes known for their ability to create a blade of pure psychic energy. (As of Coalition Wars 4: Cyber-Knights, they have been retconned with the power to create two blades, conjure a psychic shield, and with a special style of combat called Cyber-Knight Zen Combat that gives them unique mobility and precognitive skills against technological foes.)
  • Cyborg Shocktrooper A Russian cyborg warrior gifted with a specialized and powerful body by their warlord.
  • Dragon 'Borg - a Japanese cyborg with a bionic body styled to resemble a Dragon.
  • Dragon Hatchling - a (relatively) young dragon, usually less than five centuries old
  • Elemental Shamans - Native American magician class that uses elemental spirits to learn Warlock-like magic.
  • Headhunter - A cybernetic mercenary. (Note: As of Rifts Canada, the Headhunter has been split into a number of subgroups. The
  • Glitter Boy(pilot) - A warrior who specializes in piloting and fighting with the powerful Glitter Boy power armor.
  • Grey Seer - Mystics of a largely pacifist order with precognitive psychic abilities as well as magical knowledge.
  • Healing Shaman - Psychic healers of the Native American tribes of Rifts Earth's North America.
  • Juicer - A soldier who's body is augmented with chemical enhancements that give him superhuman strength, speed, and durability, but burn out his body in around five years. Juicers have recently seen a number of sub-types emerge, such as the Hyperion, Phaeton, Titan, Mega, Delphi, Dragon, Ninja, and Splugorth Juicers as well as the undead abominations Murder-Wraiths.
  • Ley Line Walker - A spellcaster who has learned to harness the power of the Ley Lines crossing the earth.
  • Living Fire Sorcerer - Russian magicians who use spells having to do with fire and smoke.
  • Medicine Man - African magicians with powers varying from immunity to possession, creates a magic stick, and creating magical artifacts.
  • Mystic - Combination psychics and magicians who learn psychic and mystic abilities through intuitive introspection. They also function as mediums for spirits and other forces.
  • Mystic Knight - Viciously powerful magical mercenaries and assassins.
  • Necromancer - Magicians of death. Like necromancers in other continuities, they are distinguished by magical manipulation of death, animating corpses, and other such spells, but they acquire some unique abilities having to do with decay, insects, and
  • Ocean Wizard - Spellcasters who know spells having to do with ocean
  • Old Believer - Folk magicians in Russia who are distinguished by their special staffs and magic having to do with nature.
  • Operator - An adventuring mechanic
  • Paradox Shaman - Shamans of the Native American tribes who use temporal, spatial and other powerful spiritual magic.
  • Psi-Stalker - A psychic human mutant who feeds off the energy of magic-users and Supernatural creatures.
  • Psycho-Stalker - A Psi-Stalker who has gone through a rare Juicer augmentation.
  • Rain Maker - African tribal magicians who manipulate rain, lightning and the weather.
  • Rogue Scholar - A wandering historian, teacher, or scholar, often hunted by the Coalition for crimes such as teaching others to read, or helping D-Bees.
  • Samurai - A conversion of the classic Japanese feudal warrior with special mystic abilities.
  • Sea Druid - More druidic versions of the Ocean Wizard.
  • Sea Inquisitor - Former victims of the Lord of the Deep, Sea Inquisitors use sheer willpower to battle the supernatural and have a variety of abilities to suppress enemy magic or psychic attacks.
  • Spirit Warrior - Native American tribal fighters who combine numerous spiritual forces into their body to grant them elemental, animalistic or plant-like powers.
  • Techno-Wizard - A combination of spellcaster and mechanic, who creates vehicles and weapons that are powered by magic.
  • Temporal Raider - A D-Bee who controls time-manipulating magic
  • True Atlanteans - The long-lived Human descendants of the original civilization of Atlantis.
  • Warlock - A sorcerer who gains his powers from an alliance with elementals.
  • Whale Singer - People of various races who use spellsongs created by the pneuma-biforms (whale, dolphin, porpoise or orca who have been mystically spliced with humans).
  • Zapper - A psychic human (or other race) who uses electrokinesis.

[edit] Deadlands

Deadlands is something of a hybrid system. The basic character generation process is a classless, skills-based system. Whether a character is a gunfighter or a thief depends on which skills the player picks and emphasizes. However, characters can also pick Arcane Backgrounds for their character, which introduces a class-like concept into the game, and generally provides the character powers and abilities not available to non-arcane characters.

[edit] Deadlands: The Weird West

  • Black Magician: An NPC-only Arcane Background, Black Magicians willingly and deliberately make deals with the Reckoners and their Manitou minions for potent spells.
  • Blessed: The Blessed are religious beings whose sheer faith allows them to draw pure spiritual energy from the Hunting Grounds to create miraculous effects. Blessed cast their spells using the Faith Aptitude, which several other Arcane Backgrounds (such as Black Magic, Voodoo and Doomsayers) also do. Blessed are detailed in the Fire and Brimstone Sourcebook, while their close relatives, the Voodooists, are introduced in The River o' Blood and expanded in Hexarcana.
  • Blood Magician: Blood Magicians carry the blood of the Whateley family in thier viens; an ancient line of corrupted and evil practicioners of sorcery. These characters are usually considered "grey hats" at best, and are the darkest character choice currently available in the game. Blood magic used by characters with this arcane background resemble black magic in theme and in mechanics, although blood magic is less powerful. Rules can be found in the supplement Black Circle: Unholy Alliance.
  • Harrowed: A Harrowed character has risen from the grave due to their body being possessed by a Manitou. As an undead, a Harrowed has a variety of special powers, but these are balanced by supernatural drawbacks, such as the fact the Harrowed constantly needs to battle their Manitou 'inmate' for control of their body. Because of the presence of the Manitou within their bodies, Harrowed can absorb the life energies of certain abominations to gain mystical powers, such as Soul Eater and Sicken. The process of absorbing this energy is called "Counting Coup". Harrowed are detailed in The Book o' the Dead Sourcebook. Their Hell on Earth counterparts, the Cyborgs, are detailed in the Cyborgs Sourcebook.
  • Hexslinger: A more militant version of the Huckster, a Hexslinger uses his or her magic to improve his gunslinging abilities, hence the name. First introduced in the Law Dogs sourcebook and finalised in the Lone Stars: The Texas Rangers Sourcebook, by which stage they have been renamed Shootists.
  • Huckster: Roughly equivalent to the common Mage or Wizard. Due to the nature of their world, Hucksters pretend to be cardsharks, professional gamblers or any other type of person for whom constantly carrying around a deck of playing cards is not abnormal. When a Huckster casts a spell, a hand of playing cards manifests itself in his hand and vanishes after the spell is finished.
  • Martial Artist: Martial Artists are introduced in The Great Maze, and refined in the Hexarcana Sourcebook.
  • Mad Scientist: Unlike the other Arcanes in the Weird West, the Mad Scientist Edge is passive in nature. A Mad Scientist has the dubious honor of having attracted the not-so malevolent attention of one or more Manitou, who whisper dark secrets into the mind of their witless ally and provide inspiration for all manner of mystical machinery. Most of the steampunk technology in Deadlands has its origin in the fevered mind of a Mad Scientist, but the magical energies channeled by the creator during the building of the invention generally make mass production impossible. A variety of Mad Scientists, such as Dr. Hellstromme, have achieved this, which has lead to the wide-spread of Ghost Rock Boilers, Steam Tarantulas, Clockwork Automatons and several of the more exotic (read dangerous) weapons floating around the Weird West. In Deadlands: HoE, it was Mad Scientist Dr. Hellstromme who created the Ghost Rock Bomb which led to earth's current apocalyptic state.
  • Shaman: Shamans are detailed in the Ghost Warriors Sourcebook.

[edit] Deadlands: Hell on Earth

  • Anti-Templar: Anti-Templars have defected from the Templars due to clashing views. Anti-Templars refuse to test worth, and instead help whoever they choose. Anti-Templars have some of the powers that Templars do, but they have a few tricks of their own. Anti-Templars are detailed in the Last Crusaders Sourcebook
  • Cyborgs: It just wouldn't be Deadlands without something really strange. Scientists couldn't get Human Cyborgs to take, so they began making Cyborgs from Harrowed. While most Cyborgs do not have the same kinds of powers as Harrowed, some (usually those who were Harrowed before the Cyborg conversion) do have access to those powers. Cyborgs are detailed in the Cyborgs Sourcebook
  • Doomsayers are an evolution of Blessed, being magically gifted people who draw their power by worshipping radiation. With some very devastating powers, Doomsayers are one of the more potent, and disliked, arcane backgrounds. Doomsayers are divided into two groups: the Cult of Doom (who wear green robes and preach that mutants are the next step in evolution, and that all humans need to be killed) and the Schismatics (who wear purple robes, and while having the views on mutation as the Cult, choose not to speed up evolution). Doomsayers are detailed in the Children o' the Atom Sourcebook.
  • Junker: The Hell on Earth evolution of the original Mad Scientists (or, to be more accurate Metal Mages- characters with both the Mad Scientist and the Huckster Arcane Backgrounds), Junkers scavenge for debris, and use shamanistic rituals to construct amazing devices. These devices are held together and powered by "Tech Spirits" (spirits that once inhabited normal objects). Junkers are detailed in The Junkman Cometh Sourcebook
  • Martial Artist: Martial Artists are very similar to those from the Weird West. Martial Artists are detailed in the Waste Warriors Sourcebook
  • Syker: A Syker (almost always) was trained by military training facilities, and has developed powerful psychic abilities. Most Sykers saw action on Banshee (the location for Deadlands: Lost Colony)during the Last War. However, many were stationed on Earth, and developed differently than the Sykers on Banshee. Since the Last War, a small number of people have developed "wild" power, and are very similar to Sykers, only weaker. Sykers are detailed in the Brainburners Sourcebook.
  • Templar: The Templars were formed to help those in need. However, because the founder of the Templars felt that people still needed to be able to help themselves, he decreed that each Templar must only help those that (s)he deems worthy. The Templars get magical powers from "Saints", great people from the past who lend the Templars their strength. Templars are detailed in the Last Crusaders Sourcbook.
  • Toxic Shaman: When the Ghost Rock Bombs were dropped, and the world transformed into a toxic wasteland, many of the nature spirits were affected by the mystical corruption. As a result, spirits of pollution and insects suited for this toxic world gained greater power and the spirits of pure nature were severely weakened. Toxic Shamans channel the mystical energies of these "Toxic Spirits" in the same way their predecessors -the Shamans- channeled the power of the nature spirits. Toxic Shamans are detailed in the Spirit Warriors Sourcebook.
  • Witch: Witches are similar to Hucksters in practice. Witches use an old cookbook (titles "How to Serve your Man") with encrypted spells in it. Witches don't learn their spells, and are a minor arcane character in Deadlands. Witches are detailed in the Wasted West: The Hell on Earth Sourcebook.

Some arcanes from the Weird West still exist in Hell on Earth, and include: Indian Shamans, Hucksters, VooDooists, and sometimes Blesseds, and are detailed in their respective Weird West Sourcebooks.

[edit] Quest for Glory

  • Fighter: This class starts with the stats Strength, Vitality, Weapon Use and Parry boosted up, he's the only one to start the games already with a broadsword and a shield. (The other classes except Paladin could only get swords and shields on the fifth game in the series)
  • Magic User: This class starts with the stats Intelligence and Magic boosted up, he's the only one to start the games already with the spell Zap. (The other classes except Wizard only could get the spell when they exported their character)
  • Thief: This class starts with almost all stats except Magic and Parry. He's the only one to start with a lockpick, this is the best class to make a jack of all trades.
  • Paladin: The hero on Quest for Glory can upgrade to Paladin if he does a lot of good deeds and no bad deeds on the second and third game. (The Thief can convert to Paladin too, but it's extremely hard) This class can use Paladin magic.
  • Wizard: If a character does the W.I.T test correctly on the second game of the series, he can become a Wizard. This basically gets you a lot more Mana Points (MP) than any other class on the game. Besides that, it's not much different than a Magic User.

[edit] Ragnarok Online

  • Novice - the basic class every new character starts as.

Possible job advancement paths:

  • Novice → Super Novice

  • Novice → Swordman → Knight → Novice High → Swordman High → Lord Knight
  • Novice → Swordman → Crusader → Novice High → Swordman High → Paladin
  • Novice → Mage → Wizard → Novice High → Mage High → High Wizard
  • Novice → Mage → Sage → Novice High → Mage High → Professor (a.k.a. Scholar)
  • Novice → Archer → Hunter → Novice High → Archer High → Sniper
  • Novice → Archer → Dancer → Novice High → Archer High → Gypsy (path available to female characters only)
  • Novice → Archer → Bard → Novice High → Archer High → Clown (a.k.a. Minstrel; path available to male characters only)
  • Novice → Merchant → Blacksmith → Novice High → Merchant High → Whitesmith (a.k.a. MasterSmith)
  • Novice → Merchant → Alchemist → Novice High → Merchant High → Creator (a.k.a. Biochemist)
  • Novice → Thief → Assassin → Novice High → Thief High → Assassin Cross
  • Novice → Thief → Rogue → Novice High → Thief High → Stalker
  • Novice → Acolyte → Priest → Novice High → Acolyte High → High Priest
  • Novice → Acolyte → Monk → Novice High → Acolyte High → Champion

  • Novice → TaeKwon → Star Gladiator
  • Novice → TaeKwon → Soul Linker

Gravity has also announced plans to include two new character classes, Gunslinger and Ninja; the details of the job advancement of these classes are uncertain at the moment.

[edit] Other games

There are many games with character classes (the articles on these games include information about the classes they use):

[edit] See also


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Static Wikipedia 2008 (no images)

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Static Wikipedia 2007:

aa - ab - af - ak - als - am - an - ang - ar - arc - as - ast - av - ay - az - ba - bar - bat_smg - be - bg - bh - bi - bm - bn - bo - bpy - br - bs - bug - bxr - ca - cbk_zam - cdo - ce - ceb - ch - cho - chr - chy - closed_zh_tw - co - cr - cs - csb - cu - cv - cy - da - de - diq - dv - dz - ee - el - eml - en - eo - es - et - eu - fa - ff - fi - fiu_vro - fj - fo - fr - frp - fur - fy - ga - gd - gl - glk - gn - got - gu - gv - ha - haw - he - hi - ho - hr - hsb - ht - hu - hy - hz - ia - id - ie - ig - ii - ik - ilo - io - is - it - iu - ja - jbo - jv - ka - kg - ki - kj - kk - kl - km - kn - ko - kr - ks - ksh - ku - kv - kw - ky - la - lad - lb - lbe - lg - li - lij - lmo - ln - lo - lt - lv - map_bms - mg - mh - mi - mk - ml - mn - mo - mr - ms - mt - mus - my - mzn - na - nah - nap - nds - nds_nl - ne - new - ng - nl - nn - no - nov - nrm - nv - ny - oc - om - or - os - pa - pag - pam - pap - pdc - pi - pih - pl - pms - ps - pt - qu - rm - rmy - rn - ro - roa_rup - roa_tara - ru - ru_sib - rw - sa - sc - scn - sco - sd - se - searchcom - sg - sh - si - simple - sk - sl - sm - sn - so - sq - sr - ss - st - su - sv - sw - ta - te - test - tet - tg - th - ti - tk - tl - tlh - tn - to - tokipona - tpi - tr - ts - tt - tum - tw - ty - udm - ug - uk - ur - uz - ve - vec - vi - vls - vo - wa - war - wo - wuu - xal - xh - yi - yo - za - zea - zh - zh_classical - zh_min_nan - zh_yue - zu

Static Wikipedia 2006:

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