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Invisible Woman

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Invisible Woman

Cover for Marvel Knights Four #5.
Art by Steve McNiven

Publisher Marvel Comics
First appearance The Fantastic Four #1 (Nov. 1961)
Created by Stan Lee
Jack Kirby
Alter ego Susan Storm Richards
Affiliations Fantastic Four, Secret Avengers, Avengers
Notable aliases Baroness Von Doom, Malice, Mistress of Hate, Invisible Girl, Captain Universe
Abilities Invisibility, force field generation.

The Invisible Woman (real name Susan Richards, née Susan Storm), formerly the Invisible Girl, is a Marvel Comics superhero, a member of the Fantastic Four. Created by writer Stan Lee and artist/co-writer Jack Kirby, she first appeared in The Fantastic Four #1 (November 1961).

Like the other members of the group, she received her powers on a spacecraft bombarded by cosmic radiation. Sue can turn herself and people and things around her invisible and generate invisible force fields.

An infatuation of adversaries Doctor Doom and the Submariner, she was a frequent damsel in distress in early issues of The Fantastic Four. As the series progressed she became more powerful and assertive, assuming the team’s second-in-command. Still, she is a loving, nurturing figure to her husband Mr. Fantastic, children Franklin and Valeria, younger brother the Human Torch and close friend the Thing.


[edit] Publication history

Invisible Woman has primarily appeared in issues of Fantastic Four since the very beginning. Unfortunately, Susan's powers of invisibility alone proved to be of relatively little use in team's earlier missions, especially compared to the more aggressive abilities of the rest of the group. Eventually, creators Stan Lee and Jack Kirby realized this and gave Susan other powers, such as the ability to project invisible force fields, utilize cosmic energy, and the ability to make other people and objects become invisible.

Despite her abilities, Susan served primarily as an assistant and second-in-command to Reed, and the comics tended to treat her in a condescending stereotypical manner. This changed when John Byrne began his celebrated run on the title. Under his authorship, Susan became much more confident and assertive in her own abilities which themselves became more versatile and impressive. For instance, she found she could use her force fields to carry herself into the air, immobilize enemies, or use them as an offensive ranged attack. This revision, also marked by Susan changing her nom de guerre to the Invisible Woman, has become the standard with Susan being recognized as not only the most powerful member of the team but one of the most powerful characters in the Marvel Universe. She has served stints as the team's leader on occasion.

[edit] Fictional character history

[edit] Origin

This native of Long Island is a daughter of a physician, along with her younger brother, Jonathan. Their mother, Mary, died because of a car crash. Even with his medical expertise, their father was unable to save her life. Life began to spiral downward for her father. After his wife's death, Dr. Storm became a gambler and a drunk, which led him to the accidental killing of a loan shark. With their father in prison, Susan had to become a mother figure for her younger brother.

While living with her aunt, Susan, at the young age of 12, met her future husband, Reed Richards, a house guest who was attending college. When she graduated high school, she moved to California to attend college, where she pursued an acting career and encountered Richards again. The two of them began to become romantically involved with each other.

Reed Richards, working in the field of Aerospace engineering, was designing a spacecraft for interstellar travel. Everything was going well until the government stopped funding of his project. Richards, wanting to see his project through, decided to make an unscheduled test flight. Originally, it was only going to be Reed and his best friend, Ben Grimm, involved, but Susan was instrumental in persuading Reed in letting her brother and herself join them on the dangerous space mission. In space, the quartet was exposed to massive amounts of cosmic radiation. As a result, they had to abort the mission and return to Earth. After the crash landing, they realized that they gained superhuman powers. Hers was the ability to become invisible at will. Realizing the potential use of their abilities, the four of them became the Fantastic Four, for the benefit of mankind.

[edit] Early career as a super hero

 One of the Sub-Mariner's many attempts to win Sue's affections, from Fantastic Four #27, art by Jack Kirby.
One of the Sub-Mariner's many attempts to win Sue's affections, from Fantastic Four #27, art by Jack Kirby.

As the Fantastic Four, the team found themselves setting up their first headquarters in the Baxter Building in Manhattan. The Fantastic Four encountered many villains in the early part of their career, but none of them contended for Susan's affections more than Namor the Sub-Mariner. Sue felt an amount of attraction to Namor, but her heart belonged with Reed. Susan later found herself getting injured in battle with the Mole Man. Her father escaped from prison and operated on her to save her life. Franklin made amends with his children before returning to prison; however, the Super-Skrull found a way to kidnap Dr. Storm, mimic his appearance, and then fight the Fantastic Four as the Invincible Man. In the process of defeating the Super-Skrull, Dr. Storm sacrificed his own life to protect the Fantastic Four from a Skrull booby trap.

[edit] Wife and mother

Reed and Sue's relationship progressed more, with the two of them deciding to get married. The wedding was the event of the century, with several of New York City's preeminent superheroes in attendance. Even several super-villains wanted to attend, even if it was only for the chance to attack the Fantastic Four. Sue later became pregnant with her first child. As a result, she was unable to remain an active member of the team. Johnny's then girlfriend, the Inhuman Crystal, joined the team, taking over Susan's roster spot.

 Sue in trouble on the cover of Fantastic Four #106, art by John Romita, Sr.
Sue in trouble on the cover of Fantastic Four #106, art by John Romita, Sr.

Susan's cosmic irradiated blood cells served as an obstacle for her in carrying the unborn child to term. Knowing this, Reed, Johnny and Ben journeyed into the Negative Zone to acquire the Cosmic Control Rod from Annihilus. Effectively utilising the device, the baby was safely delivered and was named Franklin, in memory of Susan's father. Due to the genetically altered structure of his parents, Franklin was born a mutant, possessing vast powers of the highest possible potential. Seeking to use the boy's talents for his own sadistic purposes, Annihilus returned and successfully triggered a premature full release of Franklin's latent abilities, which were already in the process of gradual emergence. Fearing that his son could very well release enough psionic energy to eliminate all life on Earth, Reed was forced to shut Franklin's mind down, feeling there was no immediate alternative. Angry with Reed for not seeking her input in the matter, Susan left the Fantastic Four and had a marital separation from Reed. Taking her roster spot was Medusa, of the Inhumans. With the help of Namor, Susan reconciled with Reed and returned to the Fantastic Four accompanied by Franklin.

[edit] Malice

Susan eventually became pregnant for a second time. However, if she thought that her pregnancy with Franklin had had its share of trauma, this one was going to be even worse, for several reasons. This second child was birthed stillborn due to Susan having been exposed to radiation inside the Negative Zone on a previous trip. A depressed Susan was later manipulated by events set into motion by Psycho-Man into becoming Malice. Susan, with this new identity and emotions as Malice, attacked her friends and family in the Fantastic Four. Reed was able to save Susan by forcing her to hate him legitimately. Susan then turned the tables on Psycho-Man by making him use his own technology upon himself.

 Sue goes Bad Girl in FF #281, art by John Byrne.
Sue goes Bad Girl in FF #281, art by John Byrne.

Susan found herself a changed person after these events and because of this, changed her codename to the Invisible Woman. Finding a life outside the Fantastic Four, Reed and Sue were invited into the membership of the Avengers. The two of them were Avengers only briefly, only to rejoin the Fantastic Four later on.

During the Infinity War, Susan was forced to absorb an evil doppelganger of herself. After the absorption, Susan's personality was influenced by the doppelganger, causing her to once again become Malice. Franklin, who had become Psi-Lord, was able to free his mother and absorb the influence of Malice into himself. He was able to eventually destroy her from within his own mind.

The Malice storyline was incorporated in the Fantastic Four TV series during the 90's, in an episode called Worlds Within Worlds.

[edit] Effective leader

After the apparent death of Reed, Susan found herself becoming a capable leader. Around this time, Susan, who felt Reed was still alive, kept searching for him and began falling in love with Namor. The Fantastic Four eventually rescued the time-displaced Reed, who found himself temporarily losing confidence in his leadership skills, since Susan was also a capable leader. Not too soon afterwards, the team found themselves on an alternate Earth created by Franklin following the battle with Onslaught.

[edit] Valeria

Following their return to their Earth of origin, The Fantastic Four encounter Valeria Von Doom. This new Marvel Girl came from an alternate future, where she was the child of Susan and Doctor Doom. Susan eventually came to accept the young girl as a friend. During a conflict with Abraxas, Franklin revealed that he used his abilities to save Susan's original stillborn child and placed it in another alternate future. After the ordeal involving Abraxas, Marvel Girl was restored to a baby again inside Susan's womb.

This time around, Susan, yet again, had a difficult birthing. Due to the help of Doctor Doom, Susan was able to give birth to a healthy baby girl, which Doom named Valeria. Doom placed a spell on the baby, which made her his familiar spirit, to be used against the Fantastic Four. The Fantastic Four wrestle Valeria free from Doom's control, defeated him, and sent him to Hell.

Due to their actions involving the country of Latveria, the Fantastic Four separated temporarily. The remaining members banded together to bring Ben back from Heaven.

[edit] Sue, the Human Torch

Zius, leader of group of Galactus refugees, kidnapped Susan to be used as a weapon to hide the presence of planets, from the arrival of Galactus. Reed found a way to make Zius believe that her powers were gone, by swapping powers between Susan and Johnny. After gaining respect for what Johnny goes through in his everyday life with his abilities, Reed reversed the swap.

[edit] Sue and Captain Universe

Cosmic Invisible Woman.
Cosmic Invisible Woman.

Captain Universe, having hit a dead end with Dr. Gilbert Wiles' research, approached Mr. Fantastic to study itself in order to determine the cause of its power and memory loss. However the study is interrupted when Gladiator of the Shi'ar Empire comes to take Captain Universe back to his homeworld for evaluation and depowerment. Under the belief that Captain Universe is going critical, he will not allow any to stand in his way of capturing it. However when he makes his move, Captain Universe takes residence inside Sue's body so that she can protect it from him. A battle ensues between Captain Uni-Sue and Gladiator, which eventually causes a massive tsunami. Briefly empowering Gladiator, Captain Universe brings him to understand that he is not going critical. Gladiator makes Sue and Captain Universe stop the tsunami. At the end of the issue, Captain Universe and Gladiator depart for the Shi'ar Empire with Captain Universe being a guest, not a prisoner.

[edit] Civil War

Main article: Civil War (comics)

Sue's brother Johnny, enjoying a night on the town with a date, is beaten up in front of a nightclub by locals angered because his superhero/celebrity status affords him easy entry into the club while they are forced to wait in line.

Although Sue initially sides with the pro-Registration forces supporting the Superhuman Registration Act, she defects after a Thor clone, created by Reed and Tony Stark, kills Bill Foster. In the midst of the battle, Sue protects Captain America's Secret Avengers from the Thor clone's wrath, allowing them to escape.

Later that night, Sue leaves the Baxter Building and meets Johnny. She has left a note for the sleeping Reed, informing him that the children are entirely in his care, since she intends to go underground and join Captain America's resistance forces. Her final injunction to her husband is a heart-felt request: "Please fix this."

The Storm siblings narrowly escape a team of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents bent on their capture, and subsequently meet with the Secret Avengers. Through Nick Fury's connections, the two are given new identities as husband and wife, which they accept (with understandable reluctance).

[edit] Alternate Versions

[edit] Marvel Mangaverse

In alternate universe of the Marvel Mangaverse the Invisible Girl is Sioux Storm, half-sister of Jonatha Storm. In this reality, Sioux has near psychosis-level emotional detachment and may potentially have Borderline Personality Disorder. In order to get her to fight-or even show any interest at what is going on- Reed has her suit dump near-overdoses of battle stimulants and aggressor hormones into her bloodstream. She is a member of the Megascale Metatalent Response Team Fantastic Four. In this universe the team uses powerpacks to boost their talents to manifest at mecha-sized levels--which is in the case of Sioux is her 200 ft tall "invisible friend" constructed from her invisible force fields. The team fights giant Godzilla-sized monsters from various alien xenocultures that attack Earth for performing experiments which endanger all of reality--such as the Energy Well. In Mangaverse vol 1 the team destroys a mecha-like Annihilus. In New Mangaverse Sioux, along with the rest of the Fantastic Four (with the exception of Jonatha) are murdered by ninja assassins employed by the Hand. It is unclear if the team did not have access to their powerpacks at the time or if their powerlevels have been retconned.

[edit] Ultimate Invisible Woman

Cover art for Ultimate Fantastic Four #9, by Stuart Immnonen.
Cover art for Ultimate Fantastic Four #9, by Stuart Immnonen.

The Ultimate version of Susan Storm is very similar in appearance and ability to the Marvel Universe Sue Richards, but differs somewhat in her history. As the rest of the Ultimate FF, she has only appeared as a teenager and young adult. A biophysics prodigy, she has grown up in the Baxter Building in the gifted program supervised by her father. She remains romantically involved with Reed Richards.

[edit] Marvel 1602

In the miniseries Marvel 1602, Susan Storm is a member of the Four from the Fantastick, in reference to the ship upon which she and three others gained their powers in the Sargasso Sea. Unlike in the Marvel Universe, she is weightless and cannot become visible. She is related to the alchemical element of air.

At the start of 1602: Fantastick Four, Susan is expecting Sir Richard Reed's child (which is visible). He forbids her to join him in his pursuit of Otto von Doom while in this condition, but she goes anyway. Much to Miss Doris Evans' shock, Sir Richard and Susan have not married.

[edit] Powers and abilities

After being exposed to cosmic radiation, Sue developed the ability to generate and control a form of energy from hyperspace. At first, she could only use this form of energy to bend light waves at her command, generating a tightly knit field of energy around herself to render her body and clothing invisible to the naked eye. Sue's vision has also adapted to this ability, extending partially into the cosmic spectrum so she could still see objects cloaked by this energy. After some training, she eventually developed the ability to project this energy outwards to render other objects invisible. As a side effect, Sue also discovered that she could send her invisible energy in waves and sweeps to disrupt other invisibility effects, rendering them visible. Sue's power has been depicted as based on visualization, not vision - by focusing on a building's pipes, she could turn everything in the building invisible other than the pipes, without actually knowing where the pipes were.

When Sue developed her ability to render other objects invisible, she discovered she could shape the same energy into solid forms and use them as offensive weapons. Most commonly, Sue generates near-indestructible, invisible force fields around herself or other targets. The strength and durability of Sue's force fields have not been ascertained; however, she can shape her force fields into anything she can imagine, usually simple shapes such as barriers, columns, cones, cylinders, darts, discs, domes, platforms, rams, ramps, slides and spheres. By generating additional force behind her energy constructs, Sue can turn them into offensive weapons, ranging from massive invisible battering rams to small projectiles such as spheres and darts. She can generate solid force constructs as small as a molecule or as large as 100 feet in diameter, and her hollow projections such as domes can extend up to several miles in area. By forming one of her force fields within an object and expanding the field, Sue can cause her target to explode. She can also travel atop animated constructs such as ramps, stairs, slides, columns and stepping discs, enabling her to simulate a limited approximation of levitation or flight. She has also used her force power to levitate herself without the need to brace the field against solid matter; the levitation is achieved by pulsing her force energy against air molecules. Additionally, she can vary the texture and tensile strength of her field, rendering it highly rigid (stronger than reinforced steel) or as soft and yielding as foam rubber; softer variations on the field enable her to cushion impacts more gently, and are less likely to result in a psionic backlash against Sue herself (in rare cases, sufficiently powerful attacks on her force fields can cause her mental or physical pain). Because her force fields are vibrations from the upper levels of hyperspace, Sue's destructive potential is only limited by her imagination.

Originally, Sue could not use both her powers at once: She could either turn something invisible or generate a force field. Currently, however, she can generate multiple force fields of varying strengths while simultaneously rendering herself and other objects invisible.

Note: Since 1961, Sue has exhibited various applications of her powers, but they have been inconsistently represented. In the 1960s, Sue's power was less logically represented, as she could focus her invisibility on a room and reveal any "unseen" objects, such as a hidden safe or door. In the 1970s, she was shown on a few occasions to have the power to dissolve mentally force fields created by other sources. In the 1990s, Sue could shatter any object by "harmonically tuning" her force field to the item's energy; she used this power to shatter the shell of a Celestial, a feat not even Thor could accomplish.

[edit] Appearances in other media

[edit] Television

Lori Alan plays the voice of Sue Storm in the 1994 animated series based on the Fantastic Four.
Lori Alan plays the voice of Sue Storm in the 1994 animated series based on the Fantastic Four.

[edit] Film

Jessica Alba plays Sue Storm in the 2005 film Fantastic Four.
Jessica Alba plays Sue Storm in the 2005 film Fantastic Four.
  • Susan is played by actress Jessica Alba in the 2005 film version of the Fantastic Four. In the film, she is a brilliant young scientist who leads Victor Von Doom's Department of Genetic Research. (This is much like her Ultimate counterpart who specialized in biotechnology.) She is Reed Richards' ex-girlfriend and dated Von Doom at the beginning of the film. Immediately before the cosmic storm grants her the ability to generate force fields and to become invisible, she is offered a proposal of marriage from Victor, but she later turns him down. Unlike in the comics, Sue's clothes remain visible when Sue becomes invisible. Her powers seem to respond to her emotions such as anger, confusion, and frustration, which she manages to control by the end of the film in the final battle against Von Doom. She accepts Richards' proposal of marriage at the end of the film as well.

[edit] Video games

  • The Invisible Woman has appeared in numerous video games, usually accompanied by her brother and fellow teammates, being one of the most important the 1998 videogame of her team, which was for the PSone.
  • Most recently, The Invisible Woman appears as a playable character in the video game Marvel: Ultimate Alliance, and is voiced by Danica McKellar from the Wonder Years. In Marvel: Ultimate Alliance, The Invisible Woman is unlocked early on in the game, at the point when the player is allowed to create their own custom alliance. The character's back story and personality in the game is very true to her comic counterpart. Sue is a rather versatile character and one of the better, if not the most underrated one in the game. She can be used to serve a variety of ingame roles – be it a booster or buffer, unseen melee attacker or a mid to long range attacker.

Susan is able to turn invisible and take out most enemies without being hit herself, a particularly useful function when fighting bosses or characters with shields – her special throw combines her light bending skills, and allows her to secretly blast a foe into the air with a well aimed punch. Sue can also levitate her foes in cosmic bubbles, place enemies in collapsing force fields, launch force bolts, reflect projectiles with one of the best buffs in the games and even blast forth turreted force walls and beams. The Invisible Woman’s abilities are represented reasonably well, except for the fact that the developers seemed to think that she possesses telekinetic powers and controlled kinetic energy.

Her actual powers are:

Concussion Blast – An extremely powerful force blast.

Telekinesis – Levitates enemies and objects with cosmic force.

Kinetic Bolts – Fires kinetic bolts at enemies.

Kinetic Surge – Release a wave of kinetic energy to cause a lot of damage.

Kinetic Snare – Spin target in a kinetic sphere causing crushing damage.

Invisibility – Become invisible to enemies – also stunning enemies who receive a critical hit.

Fantastic Shield – Creates a large shield that deflects projectile attacks.

Ultimate Overload – Xtreme power. Creates a large arc of energy that damages ALL enemies on the screen and stuns them for 40 seconds. If the enemy is already stunned, then it critically hits them for 50% of their life. Girl power!

The Invisible Woman is key character if players wish to form the following bonus teams: The Fantastic Four (alongside Mr. Fantastic, The Thing and The Human Torch resulting in 20 Health per KO), Femme Fatale (teamed with any of the following: Storm, Spider-Woman, Ms. Marvel or Elektra), Raven Ultimates (combined with Deadpool, The Thing and the unlockable Silver Surfer resulting with a +6 increase to Body, Strike and Focus) and Double Date (with her husband Mr. Fantastic and the Wakandan King and Queen; Storm and Black Panther allowing +5 Health Regeneration).

The Invisible Woman’s ingame costumes include her classic blue and black outfit – which increases her chance to dodge all attacks as well as boost Body, Focus and Strike stats. She also has her Negative Zone era costume, which increases the concussive damage for attacks and even allows Sue to reflect damage back on melee attackers. Her New Marvel suit (a blue and white outfit with a stylized black 4 on her left breast) increases concussive damage and ALL resistances. And last but not least, her Ultimate increases her max energy and critical strike chance (this outfit is useful if the player prefers to use her invisibility boost, simply because a critical strike inflicted upon a foe once invisible instantly stuns an enemy – and if one was to use Sue’s Xtreme move ‘Ultimate Overload’ on a stunned enemy, it results in 50% reduction of their health!).

[edit] References, parodies, spoofs and homages

The Invisible Woman has been parodied many times through the years. One notable homage is in Miss Invisible of the Mega-Hyper Heroes featured in an episode of Rugrats (a spoof of both the Teen Titans and the Fantastic Four). Lil, a fan of Miss Invisible, has a superhero counterpart called Dotted-Line Girl who has similar abilities, but can be seen, as a dotted line (this is a reference to early Marvel comics where invisibility was depicted as any hollow figure shaped by a dotted line). In the Disney/Pixar movie The Incredibles, a Fantastic Four-like family motif is used, with the daughter Violet sharing the powers of the Invisible Woman (while the mother, Elasti-Girl/Mrs. Incredible, shared the stretching powers of Mr. Fantastic and Mr. Incredible had super-strength like the Thing). She was later parodied in Spongebob Squarepants as Miss Appear in the episode Mermaid Man and Barnacleboy V. In the television show "Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius" in the episode N-Men, Jimmy, Cindy, Carl, Libby, and Sheen get super powers when passing through a cloud similar of that of the Fantastic Four. Libby takes the name Invisible Sister because of her powers to turn invisible and generate forcefields.

The Invisible Woman and the rest of the Fantastic Four have been parodied on The Venture Bros., but their powers have been modified to be more of a burden. For the Invisible Woman character, only her skin becomes see-thru which allows people to see her muscles, tendons, arteries, etc.

[edit] Bibliography

[edit] List of titles

[edit] External links


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