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In situ - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In situ

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In situ is a Latin phrase meaning in the place. It is used in many different contexts.


[edit] Archaeology

In archaeology, in situ refers to an artifact that has not been moved from its original place of deposition, in other words is stationary meaning "Still". An artifact being in situ is critical to the interpretation of that artifact and, consequently, to the culture which formed it. Once an artifact's provenance has been recorded, the artifact can then be moved for conservation, further interpretation and display. An artifact that is not discovered in situ is considered out of context and will not provide an accurate picture of the associated culture. However, the out of context artifact can provide scientists with an example of types and locations of in situ artifacts yet to be discovered.

[edit] Biology

In biology, in situ means to examine the phenomenon exactly in place where it occurs (i.e. without moving it to some special medium). This usually means something intermediate between in vivo and in vitro. For example, examining a cell within a whole organ intact and under perfusion may be in situ investigation. This would not be in vivo as the donor is sacrificed before experimentation, but it would not be the same as working with the cell alone (a common scenario in in vitro experiments).

In oncology: for a carcinoma, in situ means that malignant cells are present in the epithelium but have not invaded beyond the basal lamina into deeper tissues.

In genetics, in situ can also mean 'in the chromosome.' For example, fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) can be done with chromosomes in cells or in a karyotype, such as with spectral karyotyping. In each case, the target sequence(s) is observed in the chromosome.

In conservation of genetic resources, "in-situ conservation" (also "on-site conservation") is the process of protecting an endangered plant or animal species in its natural habitat, as opposed to ex-situ conservation (also "off-site conservation").

[edit] Chemistry and chemical engineering

In chemistry, in situ typically means "in the reaction mixture" There are numerous unstable molecules which must be synthesized in situ (i.e. in the reaction mixture but cannot be isolated on their own) for use in various processes. Examples include the Corey-Chaykovsky reagent and adrenochrome.

In chemical engineering, in situ often refers to industrial plant "operations or procedures that are performed in place". For example, aged catalysts in industrial reactors may be regenerated in place (in situ) without being removed from the reactors.

[edit] Computer science

In computer science an in situ operation is one that occurs without interrupting the normal state of a system. For example, a file backup may be restored over a running system, without needing to take the system down to perform the restore. In the context of a database, an in situ restore would allow the database system to continue to be available to users while a restore happened. An in situ upgrade would allow an operating system or application to be upgraded while the system was still running, perhaps without the need to reboot it, depending on the sophistication of the system.

In situ algorithm means that it does not require any memory space except the data it is applied on.

[edit] Earth and atmospheric sciences

In physical geography and the Earth sciences, in situ typically describes natural material or processes prior to transport. For example, in situ is used in relation to the distinction between weathering and erosion, the difference being that erosion requires a transport medium (such as wind, ice, or water), whereas weathering occurs in situ. Geochemical processes are also often described as occurring to material in situ.

In the atmospheric sciences, in situ refers to measurements obtained through direct contact with the respective subject, such as a radiosonde measuring a parcel of air or an anemometer measuring wind, as opposed to remote sensing such as weather radar or satellites.

[edit] Environmental engineering

In situ can refer to where a clean up or remediation of a polluted site is performed using and simulating the natural processes in the soil, contrary to ex situ where contaminated soil is excavated and cleaned elsewhere, off site.

[edit] Literature

In literature in situ is used to describe a condition. The Rosetta Stone, for example, was originally erected in a courtyard, for public viewing. Most pictures of the famous stone are not "in-situ" pictures of it erected, as it would have been originally. The stone was uncovered as part of building material, within a wall. Its in situ condition today is that it is erected, vertically, on public display at the British Museum.

[edit] Linguistics

In linguistics, specifically syntax, an element may be said to be in situ if it is pronounced in the position where it is interpreted. For example, questions in languages such as Chinese have in-situ wh-elements, with structures comparable to "John bought what?" while English wh-elements are not in-situ: "What did John buy?"

[edit] Law

In legal context, in situ is often used for its literal meaning. For example, in Hong Kong, in situ land exchange involves the government exchanging the original or expired lease of a piece of land with a new grant or re-grant with the same piece of land or a portion of that.

[edit] RF transmission

In radio frequency (RF) transmission systems, in situ is often used to describe the location of various components while the system is in its standard transmission mode, rather than operation in a test mode. For example, if an in situ wattmeter is used in a commercial broadcast transmission system, the wattmeter can accurately measure power while the station is "on the air".

[edit] See also

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