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Icelandic króna - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Icelandic króna

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Icelandic króna
íslensk króna (Icelandic)
100 krónur (1981) 1, 10, 50 and 100 krónur
100 krónur (1981) 1, 10, 50 and 100 krónur
ISO 4217 Code ISK
User(s) Iceland
Inflation 7.6%
Source Central Bank of Iceland, September 2006
1/100 eyrir
Symbol kr
Plural krónur
eyrir aurar
Coins 1, 5, 10, 50, 100 krónur
Freq. used 500, 1000, 5000 krónur
Rarely used 2000 krónur
Central bank Central Bank of Iceland

The króna (plural krónur) is the name of the currency used in Iceland. The name, meaning "crown", is related to that of other Nordic currencies (such as the Swedish krona and Norwegian krone). The ISO currency code is ISK.

The Icelandic króna separated from the Danish krone after the dissolution of the Scandinavian Monetary Union at the start of World War I and Icelandic autonomy from Denmark in 1918,with full independence in 1944. Since 1961, circulation of the Icelandic króna has been controlled by Seðlabanki Íslands, the Central Bank of Iceland. In 1981, the Icelandic króna was revalued, with 100 old krónur being worth 1 new króna.


[edit] Today's (i.e., new) króna

Technically, the króna is still composed of 100 aurar (singular eyrir), although in practice coins of value less than one króna have not circulated for many years. In September 2002, Davíð Oddsson, the Icelandic Prime Minister at the time, signed two regulations decreeing that all monetary amounts on invoices and financial claims should be stated and paid in whole krónur only, and that coins with a value of less than one króna should be recalled from circulation.

As of 2005, the following notes and coins (issued since the 1981 revaluation) are legal tender:

  • Notes: 5000, 2000, 1000, 500, (100, 50, 10 krónur)
  • Coins: 100, 50, 10, 5, 1 krónur

As of October 1, 2003, Icelandic banks no longer accept the 5, 10 and 50 aurar coins. Notes of 100 krónur or less no longer circulate, as they have been withdrawn by the central bank. As of 2006, the vast majority of banknotes in circulation are of the 500, 1000, and 5000 denominations (these generally being the only notes dispensed in ATMs, for example). 2000 krónur notes still exist, but these are unusual, and are at times referred to as "tourist money" by the local population.

The overall level of technological sophistication is noteworthy in Iceland. Iceland has, for example, among the highest per capita computer usage in the world (far higher than the UK or USA). The saturation of technology in Iceland has had ramifications in their monetary system; a very large percentage of all transactions in Iceland take place through electronic forms of payment, such as debit and credit cards. It is also worth noting that the largest denomination banknote, the 5000 krónur note, represents a value somewhat less than $100 US. This, coupled with the generally extremely high prices in Iceland (a mid-range dinner for two in Iceland, without drinks or desert, can easily exceed 5000 krónur), means that banknotes are not issued in sizes conducive for larger transactions. This effect may synergize the Icelandic move towards a semi-cashless economy.

[edit] Currency Issues

Iceland is a fully European nation in culture and government (it has the typical socialism-flavoured capitalist government of the Nordic area), and is a signatory to many pan-European agreements, including the Schengen Treaty providing for free travel amongst most of the western European countries. However, Iceland is not a member of the European Union and does not use the Euro.

As it stands, the Icelandic currency is a fully convertible but low-volume world currency, strongly managed by its central bank, with a high degree of volatility not only against the US and Canadian dollars, but also against the currencies of the other Nordic countries (Swedish krona, Norwegian krone, Danish krone and the Euro). For example, during the first half of 2006, the Icelandic króna has ranged from just about fifty (50) per US$ to just about eighty (80) per US$.

Tourists to Iceland will generally find little need or desire for Icelandic currency, as even taxis are prepared for electronic payment. Other world currencies are not accepted in Iceland (with the exception of the international airport at Reykjavík/Keflavík, where the US dollar and other currencies are accepted by all merchants).

Icelandic Króna Banknotes
Value Portrait
10 Arngrímur Jónsson the Learned
50 Guðbrandur Þorláksson
100 Árni Magnússon
500 Jón Sigurðsson
1000 Brynjólfur Sveinsson
2000 Jóhannes Kjarval
5000 Ragnheiður Jónsdóttir

[edit] Old króna

Coins consisted of 1, 2, 5, 10, 25, 50 aurar, 1, 2, 5, 10, and 50 krónur. Old banknotes' denominations consist of 1, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 500, 1,000 and 5,000 krónur.

Current ISK exchange rates

[edit] Trivia

ISK (Inter Stellar Kredits) is used as the currency in the MMORPG EVE Online, developed by Icelandic company CCP Games. A screenshot is available here.

[edit] See also

[edit] References

[edit] External links

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