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Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol

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This article is about the networking protocol. For other uses, see DHCP (disambiguation).

The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) is a set of rules used by a communications device (such as a computer, router or networking adapter) to allow the device to request and obtain an Internet address from a server which has a list of addresses available for assignment.


[edit] Introduction

DHCP is a protocol used by networked computers (clients) to obtain unique IP addresses, and other parameters such as default router, subnet mask, and IP addresses for DNS servers from a DHCP server. This protocol is used when computers are added to a network because these settings are necessary for the host to participate in the network. This setting is periodically refreshed (it expires, meaning the client must obtain another assignment) with typical intervals ranging from one hour to several months, and can, if desired, be set to infinite (never expire). The length of time the address is available to the device it was assigned to is called a lease, and is determined by the server.

The DHCP server ensures that all IP addresses are unique, that is, no IP address is assigned to a second client while the first client's assignment is valid (its lease has not expired). Thus IP address pool management is done by the server and not by a human network administrator.

DHCP emerged as a standard protocol in October 1993. As of 2006, RFC 2131 provides the latest ([dated March 1997]) DHCP definition. DHCP functionally became a successor to the older BOOTP protocol, whose leases were given for infinite time and did not support options. Due to the backward-compatibility of DHCP, very few networks continue to use pure BOOTP.

The latest non-standard of the protocol, describing DHCPv6 (DHCP in an IPv6 environment), appeared in July 2003 as RFC 3315.

[edit] Overview

The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) automates the assignment of IP addresses, subnet masks, default routers, and other IP parameters. The assignment usually occurs when the DHCP configured machine boots up or regains connectivity to the network. The DHCP client sends out a query requesting a response from a DHCP server on the locally attached network. The query is typically initiated immediately after booting up and before the client initiates any IP based communication with other hosts. The DHCP server then replies to the client with its assigned IP address, subnet mask, DNS server and default gateway information.

The assignment of the IP address usually expires after a predetermined period of time, at which point the DHCP client and server renegotiate a new IP address from the server's predefined pool of addresses. Configuring firewall rules to accommodate access from machines who receive their IP addresses via DHCP is therefore more difficult because the remote IP address will vary from time to time. Administrators must usually allow access to the entire remote DHCP subnet for a particular TCP/UDP port.

Most home routers and firewalls are configured in the factory to be DHCP servers for a home network. An alternative to a home router is to use a computer as a DHCP server. ISPs generally use DHCP to assign clients individual IP addresses.

DHCP is a broadcast-based protocol. As with other types of broadcast traffic, it does not cross a router unless specifically configured to do so. Users who desire this capability must configure their routers to pass DHCP traffic across UDP ports 67 and 68.

[edit] Implementations

Microsoft introduced DHCP on their NT server with Windows NT version 3.5 in late 1994. Windows 2000 and Windows 2003 included DHCP as a product feature.

Infoblox has been shipping a DHCP server appliance since 1999. The Infoblox appliances also include DNS, IP Address Management, RADIUS, TFTP, HTTP, NTP and Syslog.

The ISC DHCP server is an open source DHCP server that is used in many Linux distributions and many commercial implementations of DHCP.

KAME Project released a DHCPv6 implementation, now separately maintained. It uses the new home page

Novell has included a DHCP server in their NetWare operating system since version 5, released in 1998. It integrates with Novell's directory service - Novell eDirectory. For Novell Netware 4, it is an add-on services configured for dynamic allocation of IP, but Netware 4 still natively using IPX/SPX, so it is not widely used on Netware 4.

Weird Solutions has produced a variety of multi-platform DHCP implementations since 1997, targeted at both the Internet service provider and consumer markets.

Other major implementations include:

  • Cisco, with a DHCP server made available in Cisco IOS 12.0 in February 1999
  • Sun, who added DHCP support in the July 2001 release of Solaris 8.

Cisco Systems offers DHCP servers in routers and switches with their IOS software. Moreover, they offer Cisco Network Registrar (CNR) - a highly scalable and flexible DNS, DHCP and TFTP server.

[edit] Extent of DHCP usage

Most cable internet providers use DHCP to allocate IP addresses.

In the UK many broad-band ISP networks use DHCP, but XDSL providers make extensive use of "infinite lease", which amounts to assigning semi-static IPs.

In addition, many routers and other gateway devices provide DHCP support for networks running many computers being assigned private IP addresses.

Office networks also use DHCP, in particular when workers make extensive use of laptops which link directly to the in-house network only occasionally .

Network routers and often multilayer switches employ a DHCP relay agent, which relays DHCP "Discover" broadcasts from a LAN which does not include a DHCP server to a network which does have one. These devices may be sometimes configured to append information about port from which DHCP request originates (also known as option 82).

[edit] IP address allocation

Depending on implementation, the DHCP server has three methods of allocating IP-addresses:

  • manual allocation, where the DHCP server performs the allocation based on a table with MAC address - IP address pairs manually filled by the server administrator. Only requesting clients with a MAC address listed in this table get the IP address according to the table.
  • automatic allocation, where the DHCP server permanently assigns to a requesting client a free IP-address from a range given by the administrator.
  • dynamic allocation, the only method which provides dynamic re-use of IP addresses. A network administrator assigns a range of IP addresses to DHCP, and each client computer on the LAN has its TCP/IP software configured to request an IP address from the DHCP server when that client computer's network interface card starts up. The request-and-grant process uses a lease concept with a controllable time period. This eases the network installation procedure on the client computer side considerably.

This decision remains transparent to clients.

Some DHCP server implementations can update the DNS name associated with the client hosts to reflect the new IP address. They make use of the DNS update protocol established with RFC 2136.

[edit] DHCP and firewalls

Firewalls usually have to permit DHCP traffic explicitly. Specification of the DHCP client-server protocol describes several cases when packets must have the source address of 0x00000000 or the destination address of 0xffffffff. Anti-spoofing policy rules and tight inclusive firewalls often stop such packets. Multi-homed DHCP servers require special consideration and further complicate configuration.

To allow DHCP, network administrators need to allow several types of packets through the server-side firewall. All DHCP packets travel as UDP datagrams; all client-sent packets have source port 68 and destination port 67; all server-sent packets have source port 67 and destination port 68. For example, a server-side firewall should allow the following types of packets:

  • Incoming packets from or dhcp-pool to dhcp-ip
  • Incoming packets from any address to
  • Outgoing packets from dhcp-ip to dhcp-pool or

where dhcp-ip represents any address configured on a DHCP server host and dhcp-pool stands for the pool from which a DHCP server assigns addresses to clients

[edit] Example in ipfw firewall

To give an idea of how a configuration would look in production, the following rules for a server-side ipfirewall to allow DHCP traffic through. Dhcpd operates on interface rl0 and assigns addresses from :

pass udp from, 68 to me 67 in recv rl0
pass udp from any 68 to 67 in recv rl0
pass udp from me 67 to, 68 out xmit rl0

[edit] Example in Cisco IOS Extended ACL

The following entries are valid on a Cisco 3560 switch with enabled DHCP service. The ACL is applied to a routed interface,, on input. The subnet is

10 permit udp host eq bootpc host eq bootps
20 permit udp eq bootpc host eq bootps
30 permit udp any eq bootpc host eq bootps

[edit] Technical details

DHCP uses the same two IANA assigned ports as BOOTP: 67/udp for the server side, and 68/udp for the client side.

DHCP operations fall into four basic phases. These phases are IP lease request, IP lease offer, IP lease selection, and IP lease acknowledgement.

[edit] DHCP discovery

The client broadcasts on the local physical subnet to find available servers. Network administrators can configure a local router to forward DHCP packets to a DHCP server on a different subnet. This client-implementation creates a UDP packet with the broadcast destination of or subnet broadcast address and also requests its last-known IP address (in the example below, although the server may ignore this optional parameter....

[edit] DHCP offers

When a DHCP server receives an IP lease request from a client, it extends an IP lease offer. This is done by reserving an IP address for the client and broadcasting a DHCPOFFER message across the network. This message contains the client's MAC address, followed by the IP address that the server is offering, the subnet mask, the lease duration, and the IP address of the DHCP server making the offer.

The server determines the configuration, based on the client's hardware address as specified in the CHADDR field. Here the server,, specifies the IP address in the YIADDR field.

[edit] DHCP requests

Whenever a computer comes on line, it checks to see if it currently has an IP address leased. If it does not, it requests a lease from a DHCP server. Because the client computer does not know the address of a DHCP server, it uses as its own IP address and as the destination address. Doing so allows the client to broadcast a DHCPDISCOVER message across the network. Such a message consists of the client computer's Media Access Control (MAC) address (the hardware address built into the network card) and its NetBIOS name.

The client selects a configuration out of the DHCP "Offer" packets it has received and broadcasts it on the local subnet. Again, this client requests the address that the server specified. In case the client has received multiple offers it specifies the server from which it has accepted the offer.

[edit] DHCP acknowledgement

When the DHCP server receives the DHCPREQUEST message from the client, it initiates the final phase of the configuration process. This acknowledgement phase involves sending a DHCPACK packet to the client. This packet includes the lease duration and any other configuration information that the client might have requested. At this point, the TCP/IP configuration process is complete.

The server acknowledges the request and sends the acknowledgement to the client. The system as a whole expects the client to configure its network interface with the supplied options.

UDP Src= sPort=68 Dest= dPort=67
0x01 0x01 0x06 0x00
0x0000 0x0000
192 octets of 0's. BOOTP legacy
DHCP option 53: DHCP Discover
DHCP option 50: requested
UDP Src= sPort=67 Dest= dPort=68
0x02 0x01 0x06 0x00
0x0000 0x0000
192 octets of 0's. BOOTP legacy
DHCP option 53: DHCP Offer
DHCP option 1: subnet mask
DHCP option 3: router
DHCP option 51: 1 day IP lease time
DHCP option 54: DHCP server
UDP Src= sPort=68 Dest= dPort=67
0x01 0x01 0x06 0x00
0x0000 0x0000
192 octets of 0's. BOOTP legacy
DHCP option 53: DHCP Request
DHCP option 50: requested
DHCP option 54: DHCP server
UDP Src= sPort=67 Dest= dPort=68
0x02 0x01 0x06 0x00
0x0000 0x0000
192 octets of 0's. BOOTP legacy
DHCP option 53: DHCP ACK
DHCP option 1: subnet mask
DHCP option 3: router
DHCP option 51: 1 day IP lease time
DHCP option 54: DHCP server

[edit] DHCP selection

When the client PC receives an IP lease offer, it must tell all the other DHCP servers that it has accepted an offer. To do this, the client broadcasts a DHCPREQUEST message containing the IP address of the server that made the offer. When the other DHCP servers receive this message, they withdraw any offers that they might have made to the client. They then return the address that they had reserved for the client back to the pool of valid addresses that they can offer to another computer. Any number of DHCP servers can respond to an IP lease request, but the client can only accept one offer per network interface card.

[edit] DHCP information

The client sends a request to the DHCP server: either to request more information than the server sent with the original DHCPACK; or to repeat data for a particular application - for example, browsers use DHCP Inform to obtain web proxy settings via WPAD. Such queries do not cause the DHCP server to refresh the IP expiry time in its database.

[edit] DHCP releasing

The client sends a request to the DHCP server to release the DHCP and the client unconfigures its IP address. As clients usually do not know when users may unplug them from the network, the protocol does not define the sending of DHCP Release as mandatory.

[edit] Client configuration parameters

A DHCP server can provide optional configuration parameters to the client. RFC 2132 defines the available DHCP options, which are summarized here.

RFC 1497 Vendor Extensions:

  Tag     Name                  Length  Meaning                              
  ---     ----                  ------  -------                              
   0      Pad Option               0    None                                 
  255     End Option               0    None
   1      Subnet Mask              4    Subnet Mask Value                    
   2      Time Offset              4    Time Offset in                       
                                        Seconds from UTC 
   3      Router                  N×4   Router addresses                 
   4      Time Server             N×4   Timeserver addresses             
   5      Name Server             N×4   IEN-116 Server addresses         
   6      Domain Server           N×4   DNS Server addresses             
   7      Log Server              N×4   Logging Server addresses         
   8      Quotes Server           N×4   Quotes Server addresses          
   9      LPR Server              N×4   Printer Server addresses         
  10      Impress Server          N×4   Impress Server addresses         
  11      RLP Server              N×4   N RLP Server addresses             
  12      Hostname                 N    Hostname string                      
  13      Boot File Size           2    Size of boot file in 512-octet        
  14      Merit Dump File          N    Client to dump and name              
                                        the file to dump it to 
  15      Domain Name              N    The DNS domain name of the           
  16      Swap Server              4    Swap Server address                  
  17      Root Path                N    Path name for root disk              
  18      Extensions File          N    Path name for more BOOTP info        

IP Layer Parameters per Host:

  19      Forward On/Off           1    Enable/Disable IP Forwarding         
  20      SrcRte On/Off            1    Enable/Disable Non-Local Source Routing        
  21      Policy Filter           N×8   Non-Local Source Routing Policy Filters             
  22      Max DG Assembly          2    Max Datagram Reassembly Size         
  23      Default IP TTL           1    Default IP Time to Live              
  24      MTU Timeout              4    Path MTU Aging Timeout               
  25      MTU Plateau             N×2   Path MTU Plateau Table              

IP Layer Parameters per Interface:

  26      MTU Interface            2    Interface MTU Size                   
  27      MTU Subnet               1    All Subnets are Local                
  28      Broadcast Address        4    Broadcast Address                    
  29      Mask Discovery           1    Perform Mask Discovery               
  30      Mask Supplier            1    Provide Mask to Others               
  31      Router Discovery         1    Perform Router Discovery             
  32      Router Request           4    Router Solicitation Address          
  33      Static Route            N×8   Static Routing Table                 

Link Layer Parameters per Interface:

  34      Trailers                 1    Trailer Encapsulation                
  35      ARP Timeout              4    ARP Cache Timeout                    
  36      Ethernet                 1    Ethernet Encapsulation               

TCP Parameters:

  37      Default TCP TTL          1    Default TCP Time to Live             
  38      Keepalive Time           4    TCP Keepalive Interval               
  39      Keepalive Data           1    TCP Keepalive Garbage                

Application and Service Parameters:

  40      NIS Domain               N    NIS Domain Name                      
  41      NIS Servers             N×4   NIS Server Addresses                 
  42      NTP Servers             N×4   NTP Server Addresses                 
  43      Vendor Specific          N    Vendor Specific Information          
  44      NETBIOS Name Srv        N×4   NETBIOS Name Servers                 
  45      NETBIOS Dist Srv        N×4   NETBIOS Datagram Distribution        
  46      NETBIOS Node Type        1    NETBIOS Node Type                    
  47      NETBIOS Scope            N    NETBIOS Scope                        
  48      X Window Font           N×4   X Window Font Server                 
  49      X Window Manager        N×4   X Window Display Manager             
  64      NIS-Domain-Name          N    NIS+ v3 Client Domain Name           
  65      NIS-Server-Addr         N×4   NIS+ v3 Server Addresses             
  68      Home-Agent-Addrs        N×4   Mobile IP Home Agent Addresses                 
  69      SMTP-Server             N×4   Simple Mail Server Addresses         
  70      POP3-Server             N×4   Post Office Server Addresses         
  71      NNTP-Server             N×4   Network News Server Addresses        
  72      WWW-Server              N×4   WWW Server Addresses                 
  73      Finger-Server           N×4   Finger Server Addresses              
  74      IRC-Server              N×4   Chat Server Addresses                
  75      StreetTalk-Server       N×4   StreetTalk Server Addresses          
  76      STDA-Server             N×4   ST Directory Assist. Addresses       

DHCP Extensions:

  50      Address Request          4    Requested IP Address                 
  51      Address Time             4    IP Address Lease Time                
  52      Option Overload          1    Overload "sname" or "file"           
  53      DHCP Msg Type            1    DHCP Message Type                    
  54      DHCP Server Id           4    DHCP Server Identification           
  55      Parameter List           N    Parameter Request List               
  56      DHCP Message             N    DHCP Error Message                   
  57      DHCP Max Msg Size        2    DHCP Maximum Message Size            
  58      Renewal Time             4    DHCP Renewal (T1) Time               
  59      Rebinding Time           4    DHCP Rebinding (T2) Time             
  60      Class Id                 N    Vendor Class Identifier                     
  61      Client Id                N    Client Identifier                    
  66      Server-Name              N    TFTP Server Name                     
  67      Bootfile-Name            N    Boot File Name                       

Newer extensions:

  62      Netware/IP Domain        N    Netware/IP Domain Name               
  63      Netware/IP Option        N    Netware/IP sub Options               
  77      User-Class               N    User Class Information               
  78      Directory Agent          N    directory agent information          
  79      Service Scope            N    service location agent scope         
  80      Rapid Commit             0    Rapid Commit                         
  81      Client FQDN              N    Fully Qualified Domain Name          
  82      Relay Agent Information  N    Relay Agent Information, RFC 3046    
  83      iSNS                     N    Internet Storage Name Service        
  84      REMOVED/Unassigned                                                 
  85      NDS Servers              N    Novell Directory Services            
  86      NDS Tree Name            N    Novell Directory Services            
  87      NDS Context              N    Novell Directory Services            
  88      BCMCS Controller Domain Name list                                  
  89      BCMCS Controller IPv4 address option                               
  90      Authentication           N    Authentication                       
  91-92   REMOVED/Unassigned                                            
  93      Client System            N    Client System Architecture           
  94      Client NDI               N    Client Network Device Interface      
  95      LDAP                     N    Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
  96      REMOVED/Unassigned                                                 
  97      UUID/GUID                N    UUID/GUID-based Client Identifier    
  98      User-Auth                N    Open Group's User Authentication     
  99-111  REMOVED/Unassigned
  112     Netinfo Address          N    NetInfo Parent Server Address        
  113     Netinfo Tag              N    NetInfo Parent Server Tag            
  114     URL                      N    URL                                  
  115     REMOVED/Unassigned                                                 
  116     Auto-Config              N    DHCP Auto-Configuration              
  117     Name Service Search      N    Name Service Search                  
  118     Subnet Selection Option  4    Subnet Selection Option              
  119     Domain Search            N    DNS domain search list               
  120     SIP Servers DHCP Option  N    SIP Servers DHCP Option              
  121     Classless Static Route   N    Classless Static Route Option        
  122     CCC                      N    CableLabs Client Configuration       
  123     GeoConf Option          16    GeoConf Option                       
  124     V-I Vendor Class              Vendor-Identifying Vendor Class      
  125     V-I Vendor-Specific           Vendor-Identifying Vendor-Specific   
          Information                   Information
  126-127 Removed/Unassigned                                                 
  128     PXE - undefined (vendor specific) (Tentatively Assigned - 23 June 2005) 
  128     Etherboot signature. 6 bytes: E4:45:74:68:00:00       
  128     DOCSIS "full security" server IP address      
  128     TFTP Server IP address (for IP Phone software load)   
  129     PXE - undefined (vendor specific) (Tentatively Assigned - 23 June 2005)
  129     Kernel options. Variable length string        
  129     Call Server IP address        
  130     PXE - undefined (vendor specific) (Tentatively Assigned - 23 June 2005)
  130     Ethernet interface. Variable length string.   
  130     Discrimination string (to identify vendor)    
  131     PXE - undefined (vendor specific) (Tentatively Assigned - 23 June 2005)
  131     Remote statistics server IP address   
  132     PXE - undefined (vendor specific) (Tentatively Assigned - 23 June 2005)
  132     802.1P VLAN ID        
  133     PXE - undefined (vendor specific) (Tentatively Assigned - 23 June 2005)
  133     802.1Q L2 Priority    
  134     PXE - undefined (vendor specific) (Tentatively Assigned - 23 June 2005)
  134     Diffserv Code Point   
  135     PXE - undefined (vendor specific) (Tentatively Assigned - 23 June 2005)
  135     HTTP Proxy for phone-specific applications    
  136-149 Unassigned                                                         
  150     TFTP server address (Tentatively Assigned - 23 June 2005)
  150     Etherboot     
  150     GRUB configuration path name  
  151-174 Unassigned                                                         
  175     Etherboot (Tentatively Assigned - 23 June 2005)
  176     IP Telephone (Tentatively Assigned - 23 June 2005)
  177     Etherboot (Tentatively Assigned - 23 June 2005)
  177     PacketCable and CableHome (replaced by 122)   
  178-207 Unassigned                                                         
  208     pxelinux.magic (string) = F1:00:74:7E ( (Tentatively
            Assigned - 23 June 2005)
  209     pxelinux.configfile (text) (Tentatively Assigned - 23 June 2005)
  210     pxelinux.pathprefix (text) (Tentatively Assigned - 23 June 2005)
  211     pxelinux.reboottime (unsigned integer 32 bits) (Tentatively Assigned
            - 23 June 2005)
  212-219 Unassigned
  220     Subnet Allocation Option (Tentatively Assigned - 23 June 2005)
  221     Virtual Subnet Selection Option       (Tentatively Assigned - 23 June 2005)
  222-223 Unassigned                                                         
  224-254 Private Use

[edit] See also

[edit] External links


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